?SE t V7 Sn&Trtir. & -" "-C -- i M-. '.DAY.AUOUWIHU, THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON 4't- PAUKTMRfte TflSv' v "SB t tha Public i. Aucutt 31 all business at tha 52 will - '" rHh Ml KLAMATH PACKING CO, OKO. WATT Manager. u Two Carloads of 1916 puruo COMIM' THIS HOVTH. Tim nr,t ,,,r,,,n,, ''"" ",re,dr -., In nrtvanro. U you watt "cr pl" ,,"r or,,or now ,or Kfood carload. (EORGE BIEHN, Age How's Your Roof? M IT WIIII.K TBK Hli.V NIII.VKH W. D. MILLER Pph kinds f rooSag aad) ma rtvtn Murk Wilsut ami fllli. Phone KVKNTM IN THB YYAH OXH YHAHAOO TODAY , four French army corps ropulso (loruian force at Oulsn In North e Arras, France. Ocririnn troops nro reported pnwi. ln through Ilnlslum, going cant to reinforce rpnliitnncn to Ilus- slim advanco. Klvo Itininlnti army corps reported repulsed by acrmnns south of Allonsicln. Austrian reported driving; Run- itlHiix out of aullcla. e Husslan reports contradict ir. and Austrian announcements of succt's. fall of Allonstoln to the ItUHHliifiH beltiK reported, on the contrary, and repulse of Auh. ' trlun advance, a , Two hundred Unriuiin prisoners taken In imal bnltlu In Ulght of ! Holland, reach london. Popu- laco rejoice. Plrnl naval fight ' of tho war, e v uernmn umcerx ImrrylriK to Tur- key, and declaration of wnr by Turkey In expected. MINER'S STORY RIVALS OLD MYTH Clillcofe wrltea hay nod grata fn stirance. 089 Mala afreet. tl LEGAL NOTICES 8UMMONH. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Klamath county. ONCK RICH AND AND HAPPY, IS M,tr' McBeth, Plaintiff, . . .. . , vs. "IMU V PARALYSIS, DE-" wholo of the real property of laid as lata be aold. It la theroforo ordered that all per son Interested In the estate of aald Charity E. Moyer, deceaaed, and In the hereinafter deacrlbed real prop erty, appear at tho county court room, In tho Klamath county court house, Iff's complaint tiled la this rait, to- wlt: 1. That tho marriage coatract now existing between the Plaintiff and Defendant, be dissolved. 2. That the Plaintiff hare aucb other and1 further relief a to equity may appertain and to the Honorable AND THBN DICLAftlD INSANE UiSlageBdweeiAsyuMl ud Klamalb FilU THHKK TIMKH I'KH WKKK Uare KUnuih KaHa Tuesday, ThurMlAy and Saturday Klamslh Fall hMulqearters' IflRD Al'TO .UIKNOY or HOTKL HOUSTON LEWIS TAKES A QOIM ACTION THOUQH CONTRARY TO AQREE. MKNT TO INSTIGATE A FRIEND LY SUIT, CHIEF DEPUTY CAN. TINE IS DISMISSED OUR HIGH STANDARD (if quality does not atttuarllr mean that our price arc equally blah. Junt Ibf contrnr). tkkWoffl Static Load $2.00 Double Load $3.00 Price toFarmr $1.00 j HALK.M, Auk. 2. Coinplutoly violat ing nn agreement entered Into with tho state highway commission for the In stitution of n friendly ault to determine whet her he or Ida chief deputy, B. I. Gnntlne, should bo stale hlKhway ngl neer, Hlute Unglnevr IxiwIm m din- niliiHiil Cantluo from hla poaltlon. The trtanon aUeii for tho dlamJaaal wmt that C'nntlne, at a recent meeting of tho couuniMion. nad elected to follow Ita Canadians Providing Hospital United Presa Service NBW WE8TMINI8TKH, II. C. Auk 28. A tag day to ralan funds with which to equip a horpltal at the, fight Iiik front In Kuropo was being held In Drltlsh Columbia today. Ileforc night It was believed that more than 2fi,00n would be raised. Instructions Inatcad of those of Lewis, Th hwPl "l bo ottlclally known United Press Service HAN KItANCIBCO. Aug. 2. Hlval Ing nn Intrigue from tho old "Family Mngnlno" story, is tho experience of D. M. Walter, former wealthy mining mnn, whoso ntteinpt to recover his lost foitune camn up In Judge Van Nos trand'a court today Mode Hpeerhlexx from a Htroko of pnralysls, which nlxo robboil blm of the nun of his hands, for Ovc yearn Walters lind to watch, helpless and unresisting, tho desertion of his wife, tho alienation of his son's affections and tho loss of iriO.OOO worth of mining property. Ported by his Infirmity Into Inaction. Walter has had to sit through Invsll gallons Into his snnlty, committments to nsylumns, nnd listen to what' ho de clares to bo tho perjured evidence of private, doctors, unnblo to remonstrate or protest. Walters Is a practical mining man. In tho Nome gold rush ho made for tunes nn tho beach and lost them. Walters recovered the use of his voice sufficiently In 1914 to tell his dlfflcul- William A, McBeth, Defendant. ERTID BY WIFE AND FAMILY, To William A. McBeth, the above- named defendant: In the name of tho State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer tho complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before Saturday, the 4 th day of September, 1916, that being the last day of the time prescribed In the order for publication of this sum mons, and If you fall to eo acooar. and answer', for want thereof, plaint-' Iff will apply to tho Court for tho rollof demanded In her complaint, lo-r.lt: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing bo-j tween plaintiff and defendant; that plaintiff bo awarded the custody of' Etbelyn McDeth, minor Issue of soldi In the city of Klamath Palls, Oregon, I court may seem meet." oeioro mis couri, on aionaay, too 4in . This Summons Is nnbllshed nnr. ,day of. October, 1915, at the hour of gHnnt to an order of the HonnoraMo 10 o ciock in tno rorcnoon of said day, Marlon Hanks, Judge of tho County nnd then and there show cause. If any' court of Klamath Conntr. ontos. exist, why an ordor of sale should not.mado Bnd entered on the Mrd day of oo mnoo ay mis couri as Dravea ror id't..i- mr . -.-.. vti.i.. i - - - - .tfu,, i.iv, nuu uiubu yuvuvuva in said petition. ltho Evenlnr Herald ntthlle nam. The real property belonging to the'paper of gcnera, circulation, printed estato of said Charity E. Meyer, and'and published In the city of Kla- which la petitioned to be sold, is de-(at, Falls, Klamath county, Oregon, scribed as follows, to wit: !W(1 that tno nrgt publication Uere- Lots 7, 8 nnd 9. of Block 21, of 0,( be made , gad paper on tU Second Addition to tho city of 24th day of July, 1915, and coattanu Klamath Kails, Oregon; also tho for glx guCcesslvo weeka, and tho last east ono-half of tho Northwest publication shall be made on the 4th rpinrtcr, the Southwest quarter of day of September, 191C. Uio Northucst quarter, and the W H A rbnnitr Northeast quarter of the Southwest Plaintiff's Attorney iiunrtcr of Section three, In Town- 24-3l-7-l4.2l.2i-4 ship thirty-eight south, Range nine east of tho Willamette Meridian. In' Xotlre of AtsetsmeatCaUforala- Klamath county, Oregon. It Is further ordered that a copy of mnrrlivs anil for nrh nthor ami I further relief as the Court may deem,,,,, rder PMhed for not less equitable. This summons Is served' ,an.our eek" ,n the .d.f"y enlng nn Ihn linfnnrlanf hrIn hv nnMlra.t SAiintu 1laMAll. .t.l. . f Hon thereof in the Evening Herald, K """ "?"' Z "' T ... iAnrriM Uivirn Pnntiiv Tnva ft flnllv nvinnnkt rtt vmiumi tfptt.i ....-v.. ...-. ., wwmu. muwbv latlon printed and published at Klam-i ath Palis, Klamath County, Oregon, onco a week for six consecutive, weeks ' by order of Honorable Marlon Hanks, Judgo of tbo County Court of Klam ath county, Oregon,- dated, and filed In said suit on July 23rd, 1915, the date of tho first publication of this Oregon Power Company Location of Principal Place of Busi ness: San Francisco, California. Notice is hereby given that at a Herald, a newspaper published In said meeting of the directors held on tbe H, CATtNAHAN, Attorney. 7-14-21-28-4 SUMMONS. (No. 702 Eqnlty) County of Klamath, Oregon. State 29th day of June, 1916, an ment (No. 1 ) of thirty cents per share was levied upon the capital stock of ttie corporation, payable Immediately to the secretary at tbe office of the corporation. No. 131 Leldetdorff street, San Francisco, California. Any In the Circuit Court In and for the (stock upon which this assessment find tr tttai Vivtlnna. aistil mm hIIawah t ' ... .w ..... M......H ...m .... ..HU...UJ. ,u. ..... ..... r ........... w. ,,,,, ttomm.n. TtolIIT tho meantime his wife had obtained a. summons being Saturday, the 24th decree of divorce nnd married J. E. ouJuly. 1915. Neumon, n taxlcab ownor. Walters. ' HOLLO c'. OnOKSBECK, charges his former wlfo and Neumnn , Attorney for Plaintiff with collusion to "railroad" him to the! 24-31-7-14-11-28. asylum. Seeiorn GETZ Wftjod Mala Ktrwi . BkL m and the object apparently was to put tho blame and burden on tho commis sion In Institute the suit to determine this controversy i Both (lovmor Wlthycombe and 8tate Treasurer Kay expressed astonishment ni .miwis' breach or ins agreement, and declared that they would sustain Can' tine, and that it would now devolvo Uwn Iiwln to execute his order dis missing him. Although tho administration of It B. Clanton, as superintendent of hatcher Its was severely assailed by Commis sioner Warren at a meeting of tho fish nnd gamo commissioner hero recently, ho emerged from It triumphant, and will contlnuo In office. Governor Withy combo and Commissioners Stono and Jacks arc said to have favored his re tention, and Commissioners Warren and Flclachner his removal. ' PhoaeTS MK.1 J Rubecrlbe for the Rsrafd. 10 raau a aineta THE "GREATER OREGON" lVtlh ham IkMllrflulrM. bclljlr nllluMlrlll. taraad araaaita. m1 wmi liiuri. u lu hMalir.lka Dl-r.llurOrMiM liriifn h rertiatM v-ar, xunwa v. -wt - - avartal Umlalna In (luaiuirirr. JuurnjIUiii. Ar-MItar,l.Mw1lria.Tachl, libra ry Warb. Maul. I'brMval Tralnlu auil Fine ArU. lnr anil ntwnK tlriiart HirnU f I.IUnr- Llbrarr f mat Ihau n.l.OOtl vulurnn. tblr- Maa kalMlacs runr iiuini'i. i" f"i Tallin rraa. I)nnltirl for mon anil fur WaaMM. RHMM USHI. Write far rrctolas-..aldrM.luK KrsLtrar UNIVERSITY OF OREGON ' KWUCNK. ORKOON Saturday Special Pure Aluminum Coffee Percolator Mar ". Regahr &25 JH $2.25 $1.25 Q0 $1.25 sa-ltiVS' H,"vy Wra-fllt Pure Aluminum Cetfee Psrcslatfrs, ntw clituL ,h' Tnl " very any ntetsslty, and one that la aar untlty that we twrahaeee flivti yeu this ramirkaaly lev arise. ROBERTS A HANKS meat n , t MAm 1Ti as the Canadian General Hospital Overseas Number C, and nil doctor and nurses who will form tbe staff of tho Institution are from British Columbia. i . v (Beatrice E. Hammans, Defendant. In tho name of the State of Ore gon, to Beatrice E. Hammans, De fendant herein, you are hereby sum moned to be and appear and demur, plead and answer or otherwise more to the Complaint filed In the above Citation 'In tho County Court of tho State of Oregon for the County of Klamath entitled suit within six weeks after In tho Matter of the Estnto of Charity j the first publication of this summons, K. Meyer, Deceased. the Evening Herald, a public newa- To Delia Lcardahl, Heir or Charity E. Meyer, deceased, and to All Others Unknown, if Such thero be: It appearing to tho satisfaction of this court from the verified petition paper of general circulation, printed and published In the city of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, State of Ore gon. And you will take notice that If you fail to appear and demur. of Charles N. Meyer, administrator of i plead, answer or otherwise more, of i shall remain unpaid on Saturday, the '7th day of August, 1910, will he de linquent and advertised for sale at 1 public auction, and, unless payment Is made before, will be sold on Satur day, the 2Sth da) of August, 1915, at the hour of 12 m.. to pay the de linquent assessment, together with co3ts of a-dvertlslng and expense of sale. Dated June 29th, 1915. ALEX. J. ROSBOROUGH, Secretary California-Oregon J Power Company. Office: 131 Leldesdorff street, San Francisco, California. Notice of Extension and Post ponement Notice is hereby given that the date tho estnto of Charity E. Meyer, de ccaBed, on file herein, that it would bo for tho advantage, benefit and best IhI Alfcft4 h4f nnld Aiit alA ! 4kAnA fa .miuiuai u cam I'BIKIV uuu iuubq iu- ' forested therein that a portion or tho within tho said time, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to tbe above entitled court for an order of default against you and for a decree for tbe relief prayed for in Plaint- upon which stock win be delinquent for non-payment of the above ment has been extended and post poned from Saturday, August 7, 1916, to and including Monday. August St, 1915, and the date of sale of delln- Get this for ' 'V-3i. what ails you! mmmmKL WVtf7j?SKS-x7 sSM tuFs,. 'TawtffMfaWr"" - ?rnVff luIlTMBfaaaawla1 aMeawWBewMsWaWgiwBaMaWaWaWaBaMats JUST about u fJ vS wKXff jaBBHf soon is you f JmBSmtHtKSaSHiw m get next and ) lmuWfSmSSBMM H try Princ Albert at-gftw WHSm BBs .BBagSlm g4jcyOprpMpp ?j aa '' ; Jl-'fgQgry50iSzlsr3eiMgBglMI tobacco you'll gHH ym-'SKm n wise- right up that 8R3k MaMwMBSSB II for your taate! ? &ffSmSKSSSSBr II And tfiatj no gglB SuSmmSKSBSIH. II idle draml ar HHraBBI II UaM f la dM row with other meat red tin of P. A. that'll prove in Jig time , . H Ikm you'll aurei eaoufk wake up to that you never did get such flavor and 9 B some pipe and. .cigaietfe'aoakla'a facta! fragrance, whether you hit a Jimmy pipe S Jt'sthtstvey: Costa you a dime for a tidy or roll up a delightful maldn'a cigarette. L 1R1 NEE ALBERT .B I th national joy mbJf gHPf?Hsi Fttte the hsJi-Nelson on sil pipe and &t mt y wt m) her gigTgL'gH dgarette grouches because It can't bite "J l'ri" bt mm - ? ,h! saWitBm saaf H isiisiiii and can't pareh 'throats. And' ? efcat Mt. Foe you aevw wim get m'-:m:B Sal awsarnflLsJaMP iCla maHa rW d " aatlalactie HU yea H BB.aBM iim the perch This patented procois Is ""T - aaaBaaVtaBaBBaaaaBi II y?P-&2X f thM tM T " iWlMJtfwaaaYeMit, BnanffiSslsSH lirH IQW IP farrMHl efMstlMMlBB MsMMsaMVe annnnnannflaaalnannnnaanKVn RXfUsYNOUMvTMACCOCCW nH'il-H IffatagejaagagnnjISJBJSJS ',K ' BJBJBBBBBaaBnnnnBBBBBBBBBBSBSBBBBB BslHsnBaBaansssa 5TITTiJ!-S'7isM''r'' fcs v ."i auant ataek nadar ' has been postpones from Sataraar. August 28. 1915, ta Taoeaay, Seeteat- x ber 14, 1915, at 12 o'ekMk aaea.; Dated August 6, 1911. ' , L ALEX, J. ROSBORO0OH. Secretary of California-Oregon Power , -Company. Offlco 1S1 Leideeaort i Street, San Francisco, California. .Notice of Extension aad ( roetpoaeutent Notice Is hereby given that the data upon which stock wilt be deUaqaeat for non-payment of the above aseeao ment has been extended aad aeet poned from Monday, Aagast. SS, 1915, to and Including Friday, Sep tember 3, 1915, sad the data of sale of delinquent stock under aald as- t sessment baa been extended aad poet-, ooned from Tuesday, September 14. t 1915, to Monday, September 27,1916, at 12 o'clock noon. Dated August 20. 1915. Alex. J. Rosborough, Secretary of . California-Oregon Power (eompaar. t unice i3i Leidesaorn street, m Francisco, California. I1-22-2 t, I -rv A ,?! Notice fer Publlcatlen (Not coal lands) Department of the Interior, Uatted ? States Land Office at Lakerfew; Oregon, AHgnst 20, 1915. '' Notice is hereby given that C. Bert Stiles, whose postofflce address Is ' Klamath Falls, Oregon, did, on the 26lh day of October; 1914, ale la tale s offlco sworn statement and application f No. 0S204, to pureaase the NIK ' ;. NW,SccUon 15. Township 37 soath, ' Range 9 east, Willamette jMerldJaa. aud the timber thereon, under the pro visions of the act of June , 1173, aaJ, ' ,icts amendator. Lnown aa the Tim ber and Stone Law," at aaea valae aa i.ilabt be fixed by appraisement, aad that, pursuant to cucb aanlicaUoa, the ' land and timber thereon have been r.ppralsed 17l. tbe timber eatiasatfd ' ai. fO.000 board fret at L59 per it'.. siM tbe land at $50, that aald appli cant will offot final proof In snpport of his application and sworn BtateeibM ( on tbe 4th da of November, 1115, be fore C.R.De I ay. clerk of the coaaty . court, at Klamath Falls, Oregon. Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry, oa Initiate a contest at any time before pateat Issues, by flliag a corroborated aSmV vit in this office, alleging faets which would defeat the entry; i. t.j - " JAS. F. BTJBCTE8S. Roflatar.,1 . 8-27 10-29 . t!:.s i ? it -r l! Sfe sl .1 u An Ordinance Providing for the Ci&0.;: structlen of Sldewalka en a Pertlea " s' t u .1 of Esplanade Street, In aeeead Hot Springs AddlUen. THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1 That It la expedient aad- y- necesaary that sidewalks be coaatraat- r ed on the northerly aide of Bsplaaade street and fronting the following de scribed preperty: Lot 18 of block tl; right of way of Southern Paelfto com- pany; right of way of United States of America (used for .irrigation, canal), 4 and the piece or parcel described by nletes and bounds aa: beglaaiag at a point on the northwesterly aide of Esplanade street, where the same la- , tersecta the right of way of the TJaMaS I States government canal on soatheriy 4' side; thence in a southerly direetlea following the northwesterly Una of 5 Esplanade street 169.3 feet to right of i way of Southern Paclac coapaay; f thence in a northwesterly dlreettoa along said right of way. of Beathetav4 Pacific company 480.4 feet to the later- "" section of the rights of way of aald Southern Pacific company and United States government canal; theaee ta a southeasterly direction to place of jbe- ginning, the said parcel being deaig- ., nated aa lot D; all of aald property above described being situate in Sec ond Hot Springs Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon. Section 2 That the Common Conn- ' ell hereby declares ita iateatlea to construct said sidewalks, aad direets the Police Judge to give aotlee thereof, 4 and that the City Engineer poat'ao- I tices, as by Charter provided; that the plans, specificationa of the City; Bte- gineer on file, with the Poliee Jadge are hereby approved aad adopted. That the estimated coat of the con struction of aald sldewalka aa given by the City Engineer is the eum of 180.00. Section 3 That September II, 1915,, is hereby Sxed aa the data for hearing objections or remonatranoea against said proposed Improvement Section 4 That the property aetata before described; be asasiasS'for the coat of aald sldewalka. Section 5 That the City of Klamath Falls hereby electa to eeaatraet aald sidewalks, ta employ the labor aad to purchase aad furnish the material necessary therefor. ' ' " State of Oreaon. if 'V& r.,.i.vuU..' ', ",.r H f pity of namath ralte. - m J- , 1S I. A. L. Leavltt, Pottee Jaage of aeii Y iMC-j ciy, aehr certify mMff" la a trae eeay of the nramsesi mta JVy j: by UMfamaoa Cee.sU a. AammTZTi. J ? A?llLHAVlTV.iyamlianMAi' -- "-iM Pmeated to jtm hjapar ! aad .hg;' eWemJ BPar"rtPsl igmBM apWpt "dUmpT MMmMwR, & l .ft m "1 i m I Ml f I kMm r-m.M txvir, "i, r-i; w" -r- Tl lw A -v-'vi' -" r i V. .. MT .H.t. I..' Ja 5 4 . ..J, - .lrs.. . L1