r" v , . ft?. iM ?, . s k Sip lu?nmr Herald "P;S 4 KLAMATH FALLS' KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER K OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25, 1915 'vi ! Vwr-Wo. .7M GERMAN-AMERICAN CRISIS Dardanelles Activities Believed jJ)ij)ixAfiiuui-Aivvvvvvvi',iiP""" ---"-""-" '-r-rivnnrnrmnnrinrinrL-, IS AWAITING FUTURE ARABIC REPORTS TEXT OF COTTON ORDER CABLED BY PAGE Olficlilt Wilting en Oirmany and Otr many Waiting on Rtpori of Subma rlnt Commtndf r Wtk Expected te flap Si for Dsvtlopmtnts Take Plact Lansing Net Prepared te An. iwtr Bermterff, I CHARLES P. STEWART ISiaff Carri'iK)ndint United Pre) WABIIINOTON. U. C, Aug. 26. "Ve are walling," l nil tho govern went olnclal will my regarding thr A'nklnR of tin' Arabic. They are wait injt on Germany, uutt Oerniany in wait ing on I lio rommnndor of tlu HUbma r,no supposed to lime Hunk the Arabic t tend In bin report. It In likely that acek will clapKft before anything ilranlto Ik Khrn out on the Mtnmllng of I bo case. Si-minr) l.itimliiK state Hint bn In uiiptepaiml In answer Count Hern Morfl'it request, but In Inking n opll mlillo viewpoint. When lIvrnMnrff came to Washing "'! Il night with tbo request It wn warded n eliminating the danger of a break between th United State and Uermany. If Oenunny did not Intend 10 follow out America' statement nd rule, It 1 belleed that uch n re quest would not have been mndo of the administration. H ha been learned from confidon il clrik-H that Germany recently or dered tbo communder of ubmadlnH to obaervo tbo rule laid down and In fwled upon by Amorlcn. I'nlted I'rew Kervlco WASIIINOTON, D. C, Ambaador rBo ha cabled to (ho government tho of England's cotton order, placing c-Uton on tbo contraband lint. It Indl mim that tho Intention Is to Torco tho "nipper to provo that tbo conlgn enta aro bound for neutral countries, d i not Intendod ultimately for "nnany. United I'ro Servlcs WASIIINOTON. D. C, Aug. U. Teildent Wilson has proclaimed tho Mutrallty of tho United States In tho M "tween Italy and Turkey, GOVERNOR FOR PREPAREDNESS HAKS TO 1,000 EMPLOYES OW WUTHERN PACIFIC AT SALEM AT "SAFETY PIRiT' PICNIC ON '"IPARIDNMB. S-aEM, Aug. 25.-aovornor Withy ?' ,n ""Wreaslng local employes .. .Southern po S . fltfoty nni" e. "Wd Uon.l itf,ty trit itatement Is Interpreted to r nttionsi prtfarednsts fer ds-""Cwmr, WASHINGTON Neu) Photo of Premier of Austria-Hungary Premier Burlan Thl In tbo newest protoKnipli of Premier llurlnn of Austrla-Ilungury, who recently mine Into control of tho got eminent, tin hits ierhnpH tbo hard et political task of tiny premier In Kin ope. IllllRurlii I belleed to be the key to the Hltuntlon nt preKcnt CRISIS UNNOTICED IN GERMAN PAPERS COLUMNS DEVOTED TO RUSSIAN DEFEATS, THE BALKANS AND REICHSTAG, BUT BRIEF RE QAROINQ ARABIC CARL W. ACKERMAN .Stnff Correpondcnt United l're) IIKIU.IN, Aug. 25. Tho newspaper hero aro devoting column to ItUNilnn defeats, tho nctlvltle In tho Balkan mid tho MPHHlon of tho Reichstag, but thero aro no indication or prospect leKiirding tho Oerman-Amerlcnn crll. The roforenco to tho sinking of tho Arabic aro brief, including Bryan's statement of tho Incident that it should not rnuHO war. GERMAN MINISTER IS MURDERED BODY FOUND IN BUSHES AND BE LIEVED TO BE RESULT OF UT TIRANCES OF THE PREACHER. FEELING RUNS HIOH OAUY. Ind.. Aug. 26. Bloodhound were this morning put on the trail of the men who murdered Rev. Edmund Kalaer. Lutheran minister, last night. It is believed the crime was the re- fciilt of his Drcrderman utterances. Tho body was found last night In some bushes near his house, with cords about the neck. He had been shot twloe. Feeling hore Is high. Rev. Kaiser recently received a threat which said: "Move, or dynamite will more you," and "Before 'the leaves Urn you will be stretched under ground." OVER FOURTEEN MILLION ON ROILS! TOTALS OF KLAMATH COUNTY'S ASSESSMENT ROLL SHOW OVER 14,000,000 MORTQAQES NOT AS8ES8ED Tim totnlH on Klamnth county' as sessment roll n mndo up In County Assessor' J. I. Lee's office, mIiow the total aemcnt um of $14,475,250, vhlch I Mlghtly les than Inst ear, flue to the fact that mortgage have t.ot been aeed thl year. Tho total U expected to run over $15. 000,000. The book bow that personal prop erty to the um of 1610,720 ha been IISSesNed, 1,245.22 of which ha been collected by tho local officer whoio duty it I to collect thl lax. Including all aesment, tl4.47f. 150. ot which 1237,215 I on lm IPivement; book one and two, Including ncreago In county. .how the xum of 110,111.750, I777.W5 of which "Is Improvement; bookR threo nnd four with Klamath Palls lotB '--" I .... ... ., - foro It I posBlblo to inaugurate It. nnd all city Improvement. I2.452.706; sM XMf p,ans aro t0 nclp he Look 0o and alx. for ,iH,iuei nd moU oilottalln of tte , town lot nnd Improvement. 1299.374. country by profcagIonal revolution- I Flro patrol aasessmenta are to bo 3,B i added by tato tax commission a yet. LIGHTNING STARTS SOMESMALLFIRES FIRE' FIGHTERS KEPT BUSY MON-, DAY AND YESTERDAY EXTINj QUI8HING SMALL BLAZE8 THAtJ STARTED FROM STORM Tho ilro fighters in thi county un - dor C. C. Chllwood, state nro warden, and Jack Kimball, In charge of tho timber for tho Weyerhaeuser, Oakoah, Ilopkin and Western Pacific holdings In this dUtrlct, have been kept busy for the past two days extinguishing small blaxo started by lightning Sun day and Monday. Four fire, three of them lightning fires, could be seen from the new road along the Upper Lake yesterday. One was on the northern slope ot tho mountain In the federal forest re serve toward Mt. McLoughlln; anoth er near tho lake shore aero from Baro Inland; another on the eastern shore on the ridge, while the other Is a lad fire raging In the Worden district, which ha been giving them some little troublo for several days. Evi dence of smoke yesterday, however, Indicated that the fighters had the Ire cut In two, and under control. Slight showers In various section yesterday aided the fighters to sobm extent In holding them back at least until they could get time to reach them. Chas. Ogle left yesterday by motorcycle for the upper part of Lan Mil valley, where a more serious blase Is reported. The fire on the northern slope could be seen to be but a single tree bias tag, and la thought to hare caught front lightning. nV wwWMWWWWMWWWWlW'vyvwwivvvVWMWWWWWMWMWW GOVERNMENT FOR HAYTI PROPOSED j f U.y, UrrlulALu SECRETARY1 CONFIRMS REPORT i OF PROTECTORATE America Ha Propoied Protectorate for Haiti, Where Recent Revolution and Trouble Occurred The Senate Mutt FlrsfAppreve Before It Can Be Put IntoEffect Move to Protect From Profoulonal Revolutionist. i t'nlteil lrc Service WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug. 25. I I, . . ... t . ... I """ u "" mumhis .. firmed tho report that America ha proposed a protectorate form of gov-' eniment for tbo Haltlen. Culled l're Servlr i WASIIINOTON, D. C. Aug. 25. ( Iinlng has explained that the United' Slates senate mut first npprote the' 1 AninklloliMiinl t (Ka nrAlaolnrnlA hrt. ELECTION LAWS i TEN PRECINCT8 WITHIN CITY WHERE SEVEN WARDS BEFORE. NAME 18 CHANGED - OTHER CHANGE8 Tho receipt of the new election laws for tbo state nt the county clerk's omc0 naa caURPi nevcral changes in tho election precincts in tho county and state. Deputy Chas. De Lap has just completed tho boundary limits on the wards. The term ward Is changed to precinct, and whore there were 15 before there are now 29, three more within the city Itself. Precinct 1. West Klamath Falls, ex tend from the Howard Van Valkln burg ranch to Center street; 2, Center to Third; 3, Third to Fifth; 4, Fifth to Seventh; 5, Seventh to Ninth; 6, Ninth to Eleventh; 7, same as East Klamath Falls, with Prclnct 8 cut out In the locality of tho Falrmount grocery ;n9, Shlpplngton; 10, Mills Addition. Tule Lake Precinct has been cut in two, and are now called Tule Lake and Merrill precincts. The rest of the pre cincts are the same, with the excep tion of three sections on the south side of Poe Valley, which have been added to the Merrill precinct Vfart 'atAma Trip wth&xukt ' orythmg or Everybody. aritionr-Homos- Ibnantf coror- Bcrrtinr - Lorroriy-.'U-Jnvtfitmnts s CHANGE WARDS Important on Situation Where Business Men Prepare for War JiBbbBbbW BlBHPjiBBL-nBm3BVBVPyBBwBKBlBflB BBkBBBKBKbBHkwi'IbBBBBBBBBBBK llMBBfBtjHBBBBBBBBBBBT,'''''l' K BBtrJtTai-ML-L-i-- -'aBMBBBBBf , I E &.Br k -B'1BBBBBHBKJliSBVMRBH at ws zar-,aK.iiBiiivBaapaHiiBiHlHiii Se tbBbbbbbbbb3b9eF-w -bbLBbSbSk $ fe"cIB-5 HbbHbbbWJbbB DT C!m k-y-.wVBg8BJt ' y -f'ffc aiVBHBmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT m fe'ilt JiJaffiwi?4C' : hBbHbbbb7-BbH 1 k'-t-IVmHbbbbbV-bbbS I Hn5&&n, ?-i$PIIiWBMBlBBlBWE. COMMANDER HAL8TEAD DOREY Instructing two professional men In se tting up a cot Th., hiiHlnefc men's canm at Piatt-! "'' country be HUddenly called into burg. N. V., under the general com mand of General Leonard Wood of the United State army, who Mood spon sor for It, nnd Cnplnln Hnlstead Dorey of tbo Unted State army, who 1 In command on tho ground, has proved to be very successful, according to the promoters. Business and professional men, preferably those over 30 years of age, have been Invited from all parts of the nation to spend a month or less in learning tho elements of warfare. nminrnl Wnntl hellAvea fhnt ft larflro ! number of men of tho first Intelligent , should bo so (rained that they could, be quickly turned Into officer should BROTHER FOR DEER! KILLS BROTHER W. G. HOOVER 8I8KIYOU COUNTY JAMES IN WHILE HUNTING THE BULLET GOES THROUGH MAN'8 BODY 1 YRBKA. Aug. 25. While huntlugt deer Sunday In the vicinity of Beawlck W. C. Hoover accidentally Bhot and K1IIU on oroinei, jmurn rwiur-r, u' jury In the Inquest held by Coroner Turner returned a verdict of accl- dental death. The funeral was held) today. I The two brothers, who are well-to-do fnrmera in tho Boswlck section, ac companied by James Warde of the same neighborhood, wero following deer along Fall Creek James Hoover took one sldo ot the creek and W. O. Hoover and Warde took the opposite side as they followed the stream. W. O. Hoover saw the head of a BROTHER SHOOS SUBSIDING a war. Many well known men are an tho camp for instruction. Mayor John l'urroy Mitchell of New York city was among the first. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was another. Dr. Richard Derby, son-in-law- of former President Roose velt, was a third. A J. Drezel Blddle of Philadelphia was another, while William J. Clothier, the former cham pion tennis player, hurried to the camp. Cities farther west than Chi cago have furnished recruit. The cost for the thirty days ia about $60, not taking into consideration transporta tion and personal expenses. The camp requires a deposit of $60 for expenses c-a etc., ana tne equipment oi clothing cost nbout the same sum. neei on the side of the creek taken by his brother. As he looked he saw a movement In the brush, and shot, wounding Jame Hoover. It ia thought I luith mpn aftvr IliA RAniA riMr and tliAt J.imes Hoover was beyond tho antmal trying to get a shot at It W. O. Hooer, when he saw he had .aliot hi brother, ton to tho nearest bouxA for help and to aummon a phy sician. On his return he found his broth0 hRd dledi xhe bullet entered J""18 Hoover's back, going through his body and coming out at the right 'breast Speedsr Fined for Speeding -, rt who- nj .. t ,i.i ,-. lng'by' Police Judge Leavltt for speed- ,g on hta motorcyCie on the city pjrce9 JJe jyn. was arrested by Chief Visits Here From Oklahoma City Mis Callle Blair of Oklahoma City 1 hero visiting with her sister, Miss Estella Blair, employed in the oUce of Stone & Gale. Saturday she will ac- lCompany Mrs. Rose Terry and Miss j Ada Soule to the Torrey homestead, , where they will spend an outing. She expects to visit tho fairs on her return home later. ACTIVITIES IN DARDANELLES ARE i BELIEVED VITAL i j REPORT OF BIG FLEET IN BOS' PHORU8 SCARES TURKS Key to Situation Lies In OarAmetlM if They Can Be Forced Before Ger man Complete Operations In East Russian Fleet In Black Sea FrlfM. ens ConsUntinople British Rscslvs Reinforcement. I EDWARD L. KEIN t (Staff Correspondent United Press) LONDON, Aug.- 25. The iacreased activitles In 'the Dardanelles within the past few days Is regarded here-U Important The Dardanelles la re carded as the key to the slt-aUon If they can be forced, and It la evident that a renewal of the attempt ia being made. Unofficial report of the Russian Black Sea fleet off the Bosphorus Is Increasing the unrest In Constantino ple. Tho arrival of British reinforce ments at Sinlva Bay has been followed by infantry attacks and a renewal of the bombardment of the forts on both sides ot the straights In the effort to force a way through. United Press 8errlce "LONDON. Aug. 24 Au Athens, sews agency reports that a. Russian aero plane bombarded Constantinople Mob i!ay, killing or wounding 41. including eight Greeks. United Press Service ATHENS, Aug. 25. Two cruisers of the allied fleet entered the Dardanelles jesterday and bombarded Kastauea batteries with considerable effect Dispatches report that a British sub marine sank four small Turkish troop dhlps. Heavy fighting is occurring nt Krithla and In the region about Art- burnu. United Press Service PARIS, Aug. 25. It U sjutouaeeil at the war office here that n rrenebavt- ' ator sank a Turkish transport' while at anchor In the Dardanelles, north of'Nagara Roads. One of the most important gains has been the capture by the British 'of S00 yards ot trenches at Northern, Stone "bn the Gallipoll peninsula. Miss Rambe Is Improving ,. Miss Marie Rambo ia rspertssr.in Hue condition, and rapMUy from the operation for nnrfnrmAit vaatfinlftV fcv TJp. OaSL AT -J -i- . . ,.-, . -, --,. ;ti-.'V Cathey and Dr. B. D. Rambo was taken slek.whltenn, n out!-- at the flies-em's resaV dence at Pelican Bay. and was hfasjuJM tothnelty. ' &M; .( i . ............... -., 'f-iCS.nrt.V t BMter am wire ism. wsssseajyi-- -.i ' nr --.-J- ,:. a VT. KUU -M. M. u --Hk mmt for n.lwo weeks outing ta,tfc; rt- a-k T, 7 j KenoM one.c are of the -.- v 1 v.? V a i'&V r? f,ii X-pryP ilj i V W n mSS - HA-?