' ji ffj-Jiiji V" ,' i. ij," r a . .. . ,-.. 1 V - ''..jitoff Sty EtftttaYtg IftaraUi n v KLAMATH FALLS' .iy "T KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY. AUGUST 24, 1915 Price, r?a 1- Tint VMr-No. 8,717 GERMANY-U. S. RELATIONS BRIGHTER Russian-German Officials Take Opposite Stands; More War Montanan Purchases Huge Klamath Ranch Through Local Man tp'''t RUSSIANS AND SUB'ATTACKED fiFRMANS HOLD OPPOSITE VIEWS ARABIC UNSEEN Is Mentioned in German Plot RUSIA TO TAKE OFFENSIVE 600N, IT 18 SAID 1 Von Hollwcg Say Struggle It Not Ovr, But Will When "Whan What Dot. Not land Will Brsak." High Ruulan Official Admlte Mora Vlctarlta by Germans In Futura, But fttrograd Not in Danger. I HID BEHIND SUNKEN STEAMER DUNSLEY AND LAUNCHED THE TORPCOO FROM HIDINO PLACE, I'nltid ITau Service I'ETnOUItAI), Auk. 21. A high war offlcltl today admitted Hint tlio Mer man will noon Inko Vllnii and Vlcl itok. nprrltiR (he Pctrogrnd-Poland railway, In n Km eminent approval In terview, Ho miI.I in part: "Wo will rlnln two trunk linen and various brunch lines. I (to not believe Petrograd will be endangered. I rIvo full credit to the auperlor AuHtro-aerrunn strategy, but the Idea of our armies being crush & l ridiculous. The day la near when wo will tnko tlio offenalve." IC STATEMENT I.IVKItl'OOI., Auk 21. According lit Mirvhor of the slimmer Hundley, I lie steamer torpedoed by a Gorman HUbmnrlno Just bofoie tlio Whlto Star llnei Arnblo win sunk, tlio underwater ernfl hid bohlnd tlio Dunsloy's sunken bulk to lie In wall for tlio larger ves sel. Tho sun Ivors declare thoy hnd been ordered off their ship and wcro In lifeboats when tlio submarine con cealed herxelf from the approaching' Amble. ' It 1st stated that when I ho liner nine clone enough to miiko nn atlnck .possi ble the hUbmnilno submerged, wont1 tnoumt iho Dunxloy'M atom, and from' thorn launched Iho fatal torpedo. Sup vlvor say t li t the Gorman bout which came up alongside the Dunsloy bore no number. No previous ilellnlte statement nx to the fate of the Dunsloy had como from London. It was nunnunced that she hnd boon torpedoed, but It hnd not boon known whether hup tuicceeded In H-nrhlng pmt with her pnssenRcrs. jaBBBBBBi gaPPgfPPJBBHL PHllHflPJE'SainPHIaV W BBBmiBBBBBBMlBlBVaV"jBBBBB tf . tmMammmri l?t ?. - ?v r - vca v rt . &- I'mteil I'reaa flervlfu BKItUN, Auk. 2t. Chancellor von llollweif, in addressing n rrowd In front of hl residence after tho relch l panned $2,000,000,000 loan, said: "Tho atrURRlo Ih not yet ended, but N U la dod's will It may arrive when what does not bend will break." The SIuhhIhcIi Zoltung atatOH that the ItUMlnnn nro facing bankruptcy. I'nllad I'reia Hervlce LONDON, Aug. 24. Tho Chronicle, I" n Amsterdam dispatch, says that a nw "peace acherne" la developing In "rlln, and will be dlacloaed In a fort "lht, if their pinna dn not mlacarry. Waited Prcaa Service PAIII8, Aur. 21 a a announced wre that the German Infantry haa at "ked tho French Voaava helghta for i!fcPMt lwo d,iy,, nnd lMt nv"y with no Raln made. Heavy artillery "rea nro cnntlnulnj near Arraa. olt Strlkea Man'a Head nfr'nk Howard, employed by the tel 'Pnone company, waa atruck on the ep of tho head thla mornlns by a bolt "opped by a workman above him on n. . Wh,,e not oualy Injured, irttk I? arr,vod at tne dootor'a JBoe wiut Wood atreamlng down the aide face. The akin on the top of hla "W cut opea. . GOLD MINES TO BE OPERATED 1 WORD RECEIVED BY LOCAL MAN INTERESTED IN MJNE8 NEAR CRATER SHOWS SYNDICATE HAS OPTION AND WORK STARTS Captain Frani von Papen Captain Fran. on Papon, military nttncho of tho Gorman embassy In .WiiHhliiKtoii, has boon prominently mentioned In connection with tho story or tho Gonnnu plot now being pub lished. A New York paper has present ed what It cnllH n report mndc by him ,lo his superiors on tho question of i buying tho products of factories which manufacture chloilno Ran, such ns is ' .. ,.. ,,. Ia..k.n. !. ,t.A lMin.i1.Aa lleil Uy IHO lrillllll lit uv HUllviivo about Ypres. In fact hla nnmo runs alt thrniiRh the romarkablo story about tho operations of Dr. Helnrlch F. Al bert to help tho German cause in the United States. It is broadly hinted In Washington that nn Investigation, which may result in a request on the Gorman government for the recall of sovornl of those In the embassy, may bo made. Wind storm Data Little Damage . 1. .l!,.lnll H,onu 8mbV " Monday , jj valley. Whlla in aet place were uprooted and bulldlngn JJa, no aerlwia daaaaa la -"WJ4 Moat of Ue hay la, aad the t- aaunn au,ikiH i .... .,. - -ng-iVlf, IK QH- H Is stated in u letter received by Cnptnln O. C. Applcgate from Central I'olnt, Jackson county, that the Buz yard group of mines on the Umpqua divide, about twenty-four miles west of Crater take, havo Just been bond-j cd to h wealthy syndicate for 150,000. A new 1.C00 foot tunnel will be driven j COO feel below tho present workings, which It Ih expected will penetrate the gold benrltiK rock nnd Ralenn at that depth, thus greatly enhancing tho nlno of tho mine. Hon. W. C. I,oover, J. W. Merritt of Central Point, Captain O. C. Applegate of Klamath Falls, John I Orubb of Aahlnnd, and other well known men own nnd are developing this mine, which Is one of tho most extensive ore bodies in a well known mineral belt. The proposed tunnel la expected to cost $ 8.000, and will probably bo exca vated without delay by tho syndicate holding tho option, Will Go to tan Franclaoo 1 Mr. and Mrs. B. B, Magee of tola elty leave aoon for a visit at the 01008111011 at las Francisco. Mr. Mageo to Inter Mttd In the Underwood drag atere. MANY VISITING AT CRATER LAKE THE TOTAL ATTENDANCE FOR THIS YEAR IB FIFTY FIR CENT LARGER THAT THAT OF LAST YEAR 7.2S8 PEOPLE There woio moro poople and more nutos registered at Crater Lake Wed nesday, August 18th. than for any one day In tho hlatory of the lake, there being 484 people and 108 nutos. This dnns not Includo several autoa and a number of people who rnme through I tho Pinnaela etUiae, Tho total attendance ao rar wis year has boon 60 per cont larger than laat year, and the number of autoa haa la- creased neatly 70 per cent, n will be seen by the follewing: Total attendance to August 19, 1915, waa 7,285; same date 1914, 4,818; autoa to August 19, 1916,1498; aame date tost year, 898. The total attendance for 1914 waa 7,549, and the total number of autos 1,441. BIG REALTY DEAL IS CLOSEO HERE , CASH DEAL AMOUNTING TO $31,-' 000 ON SPRAQUE RIVER RANCH CONSUMMATED SUNDAY GOES TO L. A. BRITTON The well known "Dill Smith" ranch, located on the north nnd south forks of Sprngue River, consisting of 720 ncres, has been purchased by I.. A. Drltton, u well known rancher of Uoscman, Montau, for the cash sunt of $31,000. Mr, Brltton Is already on tho place, nnd-exaleefft to spend $1,000 In Improvements Immediately. The deal was made directly through the efforts of Cnptnln J. W. Siemens, piesldent of tho Klamath Commercial Club. About nine years ago Captain Siemens mot Mr. Brltton whllo on his ' way to Portlnnd, and they became trnllng frinds. Captain Siemens talk ed Klamath to Mr. Brltton, and ever since then has been In communication with him In regard to this country, they becoming warm friends. Tho captain neer failed to mention Klamath In eery connection he could with Mr. Brltton, and boosted this county In such a manner that when Mi. Brltton decided last year to sell out his holdings tn Montana he favor ably considered Klamath. He made his first trip hero last spring, though ' one of his sons, Earl, was employed In this city sovernl years ago. Another of hla sons bad visited here, and had Germans Build Great Triplane PMhri1!.? - ' a ,"'Sf3 rVsfanp- L LBBaV. -ti: r4$!KBte sikBit ',& BaalagBHHB &&!&&&&& 3uBawiaSB-lJaaaa -Ail -SwrnKfo &ri&rJk gffBajBBBaBBaBaBflgBKtsaBBalhi "t . - -::,SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflBHBaiBaBBBBr,M-'t KBBaaSalaBakate 'slaaaHHSl ' H&aflaHaWBBaBBESBBBE (,4iIsbsjbjbbbBBSk&2 -gaEBSKjj;y '-PPHpVlfBpJEJjiE-I' HBrnHalBEPBIi &&tzvzmm&i?iiSjriirpmm:,.& i EaaaMaWMlaaaaa V. . ? STtm t."- v45lfr'. " KiBBBBBBBBBBMBBB . !rf3KW kJi W t .'WBBBBaaaaaa CiW K iLuaaaHBaaaSaaVi!ca jii'Tam'-lvvvw?'..; iSawSilMaiiv!? EilBBBaBiW BBaaaaHaaala BBaaaaaaaaaaL EiMaHsBaaaa GERMANY-U. S. SITUATION IS CLEARED SOME BERNSTORFF ASKS GOVERNMENT ' TO WAIT SUtea He Will Announce Rapert ef Circumatancea Around Arable M Soon at It Arrives Situation Bright ened In Washington State Depart ment Did Not Definitely Require Re port, But Admit It Would Help United Preaa Service. ' - WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. j 24. ; ' . (3 p. m.) Germany practically disavows submarining the Arabic in statement over Bernstorffa name. Forecasts peaceful settle- ! ment, and urges America to hold on on judgment. Declared that If ' Americans perished on the Arabic ; k was unintentional and regret- - -vWo. - r ' jatasaMjBsasg!. United Frees Service NEW' YORK. Aug. 24. Count Bern- 'stortf is here, and practically haa ad are now being trained to use it mltted that he had asked the state de- It is under- Tim Hermans liavo recently built men v ..u -.-.-, tills remarkable trlulane. which they The Geimans hope, with such an aero- imrtmnnt not to net vet. reported favorably. Since his trip here declaio is capable of carrying twenty 'plane to put a forco in the air which Btood ho leax announce tj,e repoit last spring, Mr. Brltton bos been flgur- men just as easily as me uriusu in- win touib in sumuer arouuag um . Berii .. .no,, u jo received ing on buying, nnd had several places plnno or the French monoplane will chines of the allies. Twenty armed lTom In mind. carry two. This enormous machine ' men ould have tho advantage over a CniiiKi,,.. .. 1. 1.. u.u n.n.i.. .1.-. lias 1101. SO inr US 13 Know 11, ueeu uuvu , BiuKit- uviaiur auu uw uu aiur ui iuo vnnnkto i-. Brnni .... .,..,. .. ..., ..... .v HW ..... ..I . . ..... Smith place, and It was but a short -n tlie wnr" tlmo until tho deal was completed. Mr. ' Brltton has n family of twelve chil dren, seven bojs and five girls. Six of his sons will take active charge of tho ranch, while several of his daugh ter,) will also lnest their savings in, the place. One of the daughters has been a teacher, receiving $1,200 per year, and several of the others havoi held responsible positions. Three of i but it Is understood thnC machine, gun with him. CAMP GROUND READY TOMORROW (Staff Correspondent. United Press) - WASHINGTON. D. C. Aug. 24. The' mittee from the Commercial Club, German-American situation saddenly composed of W. A. Delzell and Judge brightened when Bernstorff asked the Geo. T. Baldwin, went over the sites 'united States not to act regardiag the suggested, finally settling on the site Arable until an official report haa boas on Pine street. Owing to the courtesy leeclved from Berlin. He atated that of c. B. Crlsler, sanitary conditions Berlin had advised him that tka ad ha o been easily provided, and at a mlralty had not been able to epauaaal sllght expense Klamath will have a cate with the aubmarlnea yet' place that will provide for about fifteen' The state department did aot daft- them are now at Pelican Bay, spend- EVERYTHING WILL BE COMPLETE1 machines. Water will be placed on the mtely announce the receipt of a ra in if A few wpaVr. i Mr. Brltton will stock the ranch with J fifty dairy cows and 1,000 sheep, which will bring him in Immediate revenue.) The Smith ranch Is Ideally located, with both forks of the Sprague i er ' coursing through its boundaries, and is considered an excellent site for dairy ing put poses. Captain Siemens stntes that whllo they were at the place Sun day they ran across a garden that hnd been badly neglected, but found Home bushes loaded with big red currants, FOR MUNICIPAL CAMP PARK BY a TOMORROW NIGHT, SAYS W. L. LEE, PROMOTER lot, and Klamath's municipal park will be a reality, and will handle the travel for the balance of thts season, at least. Mr. Leo stated last night to the council that considerable revenue will undoubtedly result, and while the gar- , .. .. , , , , ..tim. iKo man will get his anyway, for oil l)uoo the activities orgey of "BlllM,, ftro neceMttI yety'lf thege ,.ee. w Ith he cooperation of the Com- bo ."iieloSlU-J - iter purchases. It P"i lu,u-' "" ,7. u . "7. --" Zl -norns the advertising of Klamath far una coumr, ... ..- " .and wlde, 8tnted Lee, machines tomorrow night. After go-. Councilman Struble spoke highly of Iho perfectly free from worms, that were i,.. er threo proposed sites today, location. In the rear of Under- mo proposed action, as aid oiner coun- were also round in aaunasneo on wood's druc store, facing on Pine ;cumen, ana me necessity or auca con- bushes In the gardes. street, has been selected,' according fvenlences for the traveling public for Mr. Smith Is expected to retire from to Lee. Isuen a Place, with as many attractive quest for the particulars from oar-, many, but added that such aattaa would be "extremely reaaaurtag" as to Germany's attitude. The ree,ast to la terpreted to mean that Gerauay will either "deny the attack or axplaw'tt tm" such a way as to leave the way a for discussion. The administration will break if possible, without the nation's dignity and rights. avoid a r f Thera' X is no disposition to ha captious with L the .kaiser. Ambassador Pag .haa'':! fM camea tor a summary or w ariwi , evldeace. , active ranching, though he haa a large ranch In ArUona that wilt occupy part of his attention. Carter Qoss Hunting O. L. Carter left today for the wilds north of this city ta spaad aoata Ubm hunting, Ha waa takaa up by Ralph, bis son, by Btaohlaa, aad will raatala ta tha wlkto alaaa. i" Lee appeared before tho city council ( places as last night tor the socond time, and brought up. forcibly presented tho importance of the city taking a hand In the choosing of the park and Rotting action. on the work, with the result that a motion waa made empowering the mayor to Investigate and report at the next meetlag oa the sites, This morning "BUI" Lea and a com- Klamath county waa Man Brought (" W.1 peH wBwaa "?l 4. J'Ill ri 1 E. B. Clements waa brought, to tha i V' tcltv this morning, aad ihad haaa.-ra--'..S'' ported aa Insane, or aaar aaatt.Jatojir'S tii , Under tho Knife Hymuu Weschler, who Is employed as a clerk In the store of K. Sugaraan, today weat to Blaakbara hospital ta uaaargo aa oaeratlea oa tha aaaa aad throat k H. leal examination tovadtta4.i'' to epileptk ita.vJHa haa auhtoat jBVIbT BBBBBa wasa fjsajw BBbbbbbbbb aaBaBBpaaaaae m BBBB .-' BL lSs2 jy wl tl sv 1 M tl K !, I'S.IilV: " " j. ". 'S - nBfSLaB " r IBaV i.