' ''. Taf ' '& . H . ytL-tfwft -V ., r' J-l ,fciiS1& :Wl . $ tf-T . E TiTaVft 1 ?z$m i . ... -Wf? . ..A ? iT r w-fur'.-jif,. A 4&J -.'' J tsi aaaat-i-i v-sif aji-v- rvLnnnin -wswrv 1,'iw VilW' LTa ' . . . Vi.. J A4 - d OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER v V MONDAY. AUGUST 23, 1915 ' Ft' -Wl'" Itealii A I -vJt.Wt.f-. ECl'SftS?', f .U I .k(tC'Fli '$m v t m X Vr ." S ' "--' l-JlMa3X2ZX2S2ZJ.i2--i IMjIlI.', 1. i .... ,, ,. .,,. ,, . . I " ' ' ' u. vear-No. . v KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, MM. rt Ohm ' j.jA ' i t Berlin Government IAS THE ARABIC TORPEDOED OR SUNK BY MINES? quhtion now before offl cial8, says berlin Giman Officials in Berlin Express OwM Whtthsr German Submarine Iwk Llntr Arabic From tlfht to Pwrtttn Days Will Elapse Mart lefarmatlon Can ba Received Mlnea laid ta St Floating Near England CARL W. ACKERMAN (Staff Correspondent United PraniO (Copyright. 191 f. by United Press) BERLIN, Aug. 23. German omclal here hare expressed a doubt whether a Qrmn nubmarlne nanW the Whit Star liner Arabic last weak, off the ofiih coast of Ireland. I save talked Willi a captain who la close to the Aroorlcan eituatioa, aid ha aald: "It requires from eight to fMrtaea dan Mora Rubmarlnea which art mjr now can report. It la not cer Ula that Hermann aaak the Arabic, and It In poMlblo that tha ahlp atruck a mine. A Copeabajea paper aar that mlnw aro floatlnc off the eaat and west coaata of Knglaad. "It In hoped that America will not Jump at ronclualona until a lnreatl aatlon lo) determine tha facta an ENGLAND PUR BAN ON COTTON FRANCE 18 TO FOLLOW SUIT, AC CORDING TO ANNOUNCIMINT FROM FORIIQN OFFICt QNOW. ' BR8 TO IK FROTIOTID M)NDON, Auij. 2a.Cotton haa bam glared abnolutacontrabajid by Orwit "rlUIn, uccordlng to aUtaanMt la i by tho foreign oeo. - Tha atatement declarea that tha fOf. ernment propoaea to InlUata maaaurei l'e"fv lPreaalon whioh aUght ta wy dlaturb the cotton market be ' of thn contrtbajUl order. The Prencj, goyernniwit will laaua a wltar. notice aoon The annm.nce- nt follewa: . " "Hla majetya government; haa de wared cotton abaaluta coatrabaad. Al- w.?Jh0 c,rowtHea might hare WMifled auch acUon at n tnrlWr, ftfH ' "d.J" m,Jet',, iTrnment la Had to Sift h,t ,oc MMMau ot Amart- 2L . U ?" to,he,actM nra "Bra favorahl. 4UL. .-lw .-, .a .. iz" ?" yw ago, and monom, T. ty' jwanuMni oontM- Initiation of maaaarM to nUot 'JwrkatewaRtoiiT' ,- . .SSiu'J rj.LwA'Tv SlF W'A-.mn "";r' !FIMlliir lr ..V .,!'-- X MR 'aaakika 'lav km)tiSrr nmMtim -'fliWiJjjr'ma. fm '" T-'" Says . (W(WMMMWSM 000.0msm0m0r.0V00VV WnwWWWWWWWWWWWWWVWWMw CHAMPIONSHIP IS CLAIMED OR WHY? VRKKA tUSMARINK OOK TO BXT. TOM WHEN FLIIT OF CWAU. NAS 0R0F8 UNKXPKCTKOLV. 14 HOLES IN OLD FRAME, yter ' aam Up unlit ilifhdmaa.nl, ,nnK u VMI u beautiful Knii?flh plicliorn nllowln but on lilt iiplocf. one wnlk nplice, no frort'ti nil kohI support. A delight to r. it n I fun, Hut rljcht then nml thore. In ttld fourth frnnin, cnu one "llomn Hun" PrtltiKT, lie of Yrekn fame bi'fon?, with two down awl thrr onbaupa, and rrnrkiHl nald pellet over tlio rlglt ciinlon wnll, Ntnrtlng thro Yrekn pill rhanera to the bottom yea. rm the l.uimanla, the Arabic and other nuf fored. No more to rite. The final checkmntn wax 14 to 0. It wit bin league atuir, and only RoeN to prove that? the Kwauna Dox Factor) team In the bent all-'round ag gregatlon of ball playera that hare In habited Southern Oregon or Northern California for thin many moona. Pal mer ataried It and Motalo followed ault declining to paaa auch nn opportunity to make hlmoelf famoua. What could ploaite the inont rnbld fan any more than to have two ball lifted over tho fence In one Inning, with three and two on thn baga, after three Innlnga of nlr-tlRht ball, and what promlaed to bo four. And It wax, what la com monly reputed to be the weak end of the batting Hat. If Yreka, or any other of the burga In the "nig Duah" atate nave any clalma agalnat any, ao-called champion ahlp honora, let them 'now, In the word of Michigan Sam. either put up or hut up. The lraunaa claim the title, and future data gathered by aald aport doplat will be placed In black and white for peruaal of all. Perhapa Yreka would llko another game to act tie the title. If ho. lot'a hear from them, and quick, for the aeaaon la cloalng rapidly. In the alxth Inning two more runa wero garnered on three hlta, and In the aevonth-lot ua "awear" It waa awful. Anthony amlllngly realgned after watching three go over the fence, and Drooka went In. He waa bat ahy, and refuaed to work after Nelaon hit tho flrat hall pitched for two. Palmer walked and Motale amaahed one, acor Ina a run. Nothing doing with Mr. Brooka he thought too much of hla fp. Houghton waa then Induced to enter the box, and after having dim culty getting T.utge to atand behind (he threahold to atop hla balla, the acmnv waa finally ended. Yea, re- van m la awaet. Dlgbee waa never In better form, and waa putting them wnere mey couldn't aee 'em. Incldenwiiy 11 waa hi'a twnntv-aecond birthday, and he had reaolved to ahut out the team that had won by one run-on questionable declalona a few weak btlort. Ho truck ont fifteen, andliallowea nut aix hlta, two of them In the eighth and ninth, when hlta meant pie, But one hit an Inning waa allowed the vlaatora, and In only ,lx Innlnga did theyregto' ter. Captain Hoag drnwa trat and oaiv hoBora'for a home run, the flrat In wafka, and amply covered hlnwelf wlth'aiofy after muaalng a couple of early ehaneea. .Otitalde, of 'that, Mdrf little alowaeaa wt tha part or jmwm and Bowdem Inehaalag fwula In tho Irat two frarnia: tho wm f tW Joes! tam,WM poraaet. , i'ifoUlo Workad agala aad although not working for aeveral waoka.plsyfd Doubt Making Investigations; $ays Tongue Was PRIVATE MARKUCH, Till nhoioarnph. which cornea from T.innnurtiortB to ahow Private Mar-. kUCh Of tho RUMlan army, wno oe-im ,---- .. . ammmmmmmmmmmmmW? '"mmmmmmmmT V ammmmmmmmmmmmmRmmmmmmmmmmf'l aVmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmUJBmmmi l-1 - fammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlmi damfWimW fVmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm9PLmmmmmmmmmmmmmBmV - .ammrmmmmmVBK ammmmmmmmm9mmmmmmwlammBmmmmmmmaaa7iw mmmmmmmmflPBmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmHMBl fammmmmmmmmaaSammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmVS mmmmmmHffmmRSammmmmmmmHmmmwi I 'Yammmmmmmra, '-"!-" mmmmmEv.')TmmmalmmmmmmmmaCfB mmmmmmmmmmV'TiammmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmwWPmffl' ' ammmmVafdV - iS! 'IWAmmmr HatmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfH t HmmlW t luX:-j'jmmmmmmV?i Jalmmwmmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmanMammmV-er3mmHadEmwwrd3aamBmmmmmmwmmljp? mmmmmmmmmmraiilirl'i mmmnimmmait Ti ' i'9i.BjmV-i''.'vv4lgvmmmwHmmman ammmmmmmmmmmllli;--frrVr:KimV':iiV-. iSammmmmVil! ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmML dF--. T 1 mw (-!mmmwT M f r a iSrVmmmmmmmmmmmmTuLwMlr v mmmmmmmmmmmmWtSv.tmv s'-;l .'AvWffmSfM'if ammmmmmmmuAiw Kv1 'amrmvJA'jeammmmmwiMWv mmmmmmmmmmmmT'il 1V .mvfli W:IIP'PHXi,!r?T mmmmmmmmmwaaiMati1, - imi', AmMTL-K-uavaaRw-'IfiiSA ammmWT- SamiT3ai- 'rlfammVT-5?wl'mlmKLii? ?aiVl awrnmf '-iaWrWt--'ValmM.'' mmmmmOTKv-'-Sr W &figV!-& laK-immmF y & '"I'WW claro that hla tongue waa apltl wnen remea, ana inter n eocapea oaca w . .. .ninui hv the Huna In UieUho lluaalan linea. Tho Russian au- fill Vfa vaaaa'- 1 .....,i.n . He aald they tnalBtea , nu-." " . - . . ... hla givingiup Information about tne huanlan raovemenU and locaUon, but copper aim iron roeaaja or vanoua or thnt he refuaed. Then, he declared, dera In reward for hla loyalty. kihniih In the flrat two inninga oinrapre; ucii)- ui. rn "". t ..nn0 .arond bv Btopplng two. Johnson and Wllaon atarreo tor me visitors on pulling down long drives In center and left field, but they were looking for them. Gutato naq an on day evidently. FlratMnnlnt ' Yreka Johnson fana; Wilson walka, caught stealing; Mclntyre fane. fewauna Meaalck alnglea to right; Uowden sacrifice bunt; Herblg out on questionable decision, catcher to flrat; Meaalck goea to third on overthrow to second; by Anthony; Hoag fana. One hit Second Inning Yreka Oulsto fanijr Derpreat Uvea on Hoag'a error, out trying to ateal second; Calkin fana. Kwauna NelsoR fllea out to left; Blgbeo grounds out, aecond to Brat; Palmer fana. -. Third Jnnlne .YreVa Lutae out. Blgbee to neiaon; Maher fana; Anthony Uvea on Hoag'a error; Johnson hlttf to right Held, ad vancing Anthony to aecond; Wllaon fana. "One bit. . - , Hwauna MoUIe fllea out to center; Betty fana; Meaalck walks. :,eaught stealing aecond, . B-aurtk. InnlNB r ' t Yrelca Molntyro outM Hoaga good atop and threW to Njkm0fct alnalea to left field: DePwrtht MM Wit ---" i ' j tn Betty Calkins fana. One ML Bwauna-Bowden fllea out to akortJ Herblg driyea one through to left flaU; Hoag Htm ofl cTBlrtv! ; wra;; Nelaon fana: Wtbee walk., fllUag.he, baaea; palmar amaakoa two bawar ovaf right flaM fm'gfr'jfMtts .rft Arabic Was Torpedoed y - ' .-."." ",,,', ... '"'' Split byAustrians RUS8IAN SOLDIER according to tho Information from the nrltlah nourcea, that he waa tortured nun way iu vuiupoi uiiu u . o 1,. , . w. . -il- -a-- ' , (. . . mom ie eviueniiy oeueveu aw mw7, i. . . . .. i,i, .. tor nn was uecornit-u wuo bio, mr ,hU, four runs. RJfth Innlnp-r Yreka Lutee sin ales to center field ,tnrough second; Maher fana; Anthony files out to Herblg: Johnson fana. One hit. Bwauna Messig fllea out tosecond ,i Bowden bunts, out, pitcher to flrat; Herblg fana. Sixth Inning Yreka Wilson Fana; Hoag catches Mclntyre fly in fleld:,,GuUto alnglea; DeForest fans. One'hli 'J..AMm lTnn hlia n Ia Anl4 fn two baaea, goes to third on wild pitch; Nelaon alnglea to left, acortng Heag: r"u "", 1m il mTL ? Blgheefiunta, forcing Nelson out ttnv Vf 2ll f second,; Palmer alnglea to right field, advancing Blgbee to aecond; Anthony, fearing Motsle. walka him, filling the bares; Betty flies out to right field, Blgbee holds his baae and scores on thro win; Palmer caught lit plate after I throw to aecond, trylng'tq'cnteli Mot-1 ale. Three hlta, two runs: Seventh, Inning Yreka Calklna fana; Lutge fllea out to Blgbee; Maher hit: by pitched all; jAnthony flies out ( " Bwauna Meaalck walka; Bowden fans; 'Metislck out, trying tOBteHhaec oaidt Herblg hit by pKehed balli Hong drlvea homar over-center field .fence, avorlng 'Herblg; Brooka replaoea An thony; Nelson hlta for' two baaea Into (ft. field: Blgbee amaahea between 'VjGulato and flrat baae, aeorlngNeteon: Palmer walks, Brooka afraid' to ; put U liV ,..!,. Xtntml kli." lki Valjl fanre. coring nlgwirBtyVhtW to UNi a.U'annHa3llaaa!aai,.Maaala BCnualilaa i inlisii awash- "" ' raplaaa mamai awi c itaiV -3"I, 'J'a-'. ,' V' 'ft). TO'- i -rr " (J (1h.., lo :'. I, V.- ., - (CotUna4 a. Paa S) Reports jvvuTjvAjTjruajuTJxrvTjMTjnxuaruvirLin mm in riga GULF IN FAVOR OF THE RUSSIANS "GREAT GERMAN ROUT" TERMED BY NEWSPAPERS Official Statement Today Conflict the Earlier Unofficial Raports. Regarding Battle In Riga One of the Beat.'Ger-' man. Dreadnoughta Sunk by British Submarine Two Crulacra and Eight Torpedo Boat Sunk.' United Hresa Service PETrtDGRAD, Aug. 23. Au official atatement laaued thla afternoon con- HIctB somewhat earlier unofficial atate-1 To-f day'n atatement aaya: "One of Germany's beat noughta waalaunk by a Blrtlsh aubma-J rin, and at leaat two German crelaera and eight torpedo boata In the battle in the Guir or Riga." jjngof the Lualtanla. It baa been a ae- The cathedrals are crowded today! vere critic. of President Wlteon'a Ger- wltft people offering thanksalvlna overt the result of the battle. 'in an effort to show that thla pubUca- The newspapers term the Riga naval) "on M rly PPorted from Oer. batfle "great German rouf !" offlc,al fttnil' ? "w,,le It is unofflcfally estimated that 2,500. 000 Austro-Germans are. oposlng the Russian linen from Riga to Gallcla. RAILROAD CIRCLES STIRRING, RELIEF SOUTHERN PACIFIC OFFICIALS ACCOMPANY INTERIOR DEPART. MENT OFFICIALS TO THIS CITY, TO 8EE CRATER A special train carrying Stephen Aiau.er BBPitHaiik vvviviai ui iuo sv .-.. . .. .H. .M.i.-M a n&. paruuem oi iub tuienur, uiu secre tary AlbriRht, also of that department. B. U McCormlck, third vice president of the Southern Pacific, J. W. Metcalf. ."TL0'' "i d.!,iUe,J ,re "' rived In the city Sunday morning. Mr, Mather and, Mr. Albright continued on to Crater Lake, while the railroad oft clals made an Inspection trip of tie road from thla city to Kirk. The government officials aro mak ing an Inspection trip to the lake, and will leave by way of Medfard. They were met at, Hantaan Lodge landing! oy h, i. jonnson ana -Ken on io,ar- nman .i-oaRe. rrom were, tney ,were accompanied by Paul Johnaon and Dr,- OmtltA-i a tHIm jitltv va sftv-w-Taavi TVa wvat.vavjT vi vaaasa via- w Vwv( -mvi Tho latter gentlemen, rerurne' today. Railroad eirelea were; set agog over the visit of the railroad oaewlo ht here at this time, and the trip, they rpado over the road to Kirk and re- lurn, 'lTe special ratarnea.ai'i oeieea: arid left Hnniedlately for Weed. The agttatlon In railroad clrctee eon tlnne, "CltW Bnglnaof; Hoey and Ool- onet Holablrd, formerly with .the. Southern, Pacific eompany, are Mw'ltt the wllda north a Orater Like. ai N ' " "s -k. X' "'"l ThT". "Fh'J In Pay of Germans? ataatatsaaBB-Bataa aa-ajaaaaaaaaaaaaag-P- aaataajaaaaiflfahjTiaBaaaaaaaaaaaaa----Bj i IBimmmHammmmmm 'I ; ErnVBrnmrnmngmMsmmmmmmj, m , I VjiiiiiBammmmmmmT' m 1 1 IBiBl m VaF&immmmBa&iaiammmTF,l: I hi lammmmmmMmmmV' I &. Bgjmmmgimmmmmr t? tl"' 1 BlPlmlimmmmmV''. I tammmVliw '3$Fj' ' Easlmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi KmmmmmmC r ''JemmmmmmmMiammmmBrammmmmBmB mW'Vv''VA' '' amvTaKamVammw-Bmmmmml V;'l:V' dmmmmmVHamW' almmamamffBmmmml' Tmiy. aa9!mmmT-l9Bmmmmli mWi I'ateammmr-mmmmM ' T LmmV ammmmnmmmmai mmmmmmmT'' mmmmW dammmmmmmmmmal mmmmmmmv : ImmmmmmHT Bmmmmmmmmmmml : ammmmmmmVu.t. . '.f 7. mmmmmTl '74 ammmmmmmmmml ammmmmmilammmmmmiSBmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml BiBmmKBmml" . mr 'JammmmmmmBmml ' 1 PigL.HHBmmmml' ammmflmrmmmmmmmmmmmH ' , gffgffgVmmmmmmmmmml ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVammmmmmVPmiLV HaHm7i93i&mmmmmmmM ' ' ' " r ,, 'A' GEORGE SYLVESTER VIERECK EdHer of the Fatherland , t "'f. t.-M( I Georae Svlveater Vlereck U the ItounderriJr the-Fathrlihmlrr ttnMlnllnn In H Vnrk Cltr. It waa gUrted 8heh after 7thow.Vg4a; and it haa been a rabid defender of German policy even excualag thoalak' man policy. A, New York newspaper, It declarea to be letters from Viereek I to Dr. Helnrich P. Albert, German I financial representative; presenting I hla account for June, 1915; and asking $1,500, and Br. Albert's reply, under date of July 1; 1915, that he hope "in ,the course of the week to be able to (make payment" The . doctor alao makes what la, equal to a demand, for control over the poller of the paper. DOES GERMANY WANT PEACE? INDICATIONS FROM SPEECHES AND CONFERENCE BY GERMAN OFFICIALS THAT PaTACE MAX BE DESIRED V AMSTERDAM. Aug. 25.-The Tehv -mmy, aaya Secretary Helf erich, flM' clal secretary. Chanceuorr von iHollweg called .a secret conference -of .'the leaders 1 Ifore the opening of the Reichstag. umI adVlsed them to suppress all talk of annexation, and to rapport a dlaee- sion of , peace. - . . He .quoted Hlfferich, and aaW that ka new loan would exBAWt.'Qei-meA'a.re- ., . a that aa-4-; naaaa' U m , , patheitan; 'ft i .. Malu a SMrt VWt . Mr. and' Mrs. Percy; Wella' of Jack. aonville, spent' yeaterday and today'ln thla cltyjaa s-aeata of Mr. and Mrs. Harr-Ooelier. Theyj eame fitpm Crater Lake;, and', loft'(tW';iaftirB)e,or ' their homo- in , jaea-aeaiTnie. -r v fti I b, ! It J.'.jw . !.! ..,. 1 h. ...4 M fc"T jjwr.-aaw, riw-w.j 1Z. iVi.il. . CTJ ,'.-.;., ti' m.-.- w.Vvi'iA-ii' v"i a-' ,,! ei t '"' '7. . W V'h HA..t K..'.. Wj'.aBa aaaBPj a,ea-, .w-fwa.1 leave ,tkfVmiitar)ato(fi JL MM af aaTT,f -.Cv't eflVFNMTIIS I iwrafn in ARABIC CASf YFT M'MwWMW . - . . a .;.i...1?;kf,5i;rB MAY BE WEEKS BEFORE THB BVI- 'X T 4 wKrvw is) mninsnitV' ' ir J<fc'j. Ill -iL. t W'&fiii !? At fir ",1' Nationality rf Mrs. M Iv ji'a i. "L fv -. y trllad--Tw Chanitete N jUkjEjt iilH,ww-n;'' anttBaMeatiaram,ttf WeadQweatitnx -weed, Waa, H.MyQ , eani wTrTfn mww- 'apawaiisti Jjemjat to Eaaae;er, f f4nm lawiwy 'kit$3 i-cMAiiLti:BTiwAirr?. s5Mmi 'am mini ttaiaiiair nT unili i 3L-ilai A.'i?l;rVj . WW BW.WJ Wa, BV MB 'T. 'f - " tB AWW )1 BUM BW - K V 'VufJ J- r - "'' '"''- f-Vtni..t'JVi.(.4 w IT ttnm--mi:i- basaador'Page m',aaatmow.fceaaw:aij f t STT3t-'t' t Al." AVftTC .RV a-VA-flm MAWLfeWiPJi, rnWlna4naata4,0wial, If thGmaR. admiralty L'aijnatSro-t&a eelreda --r-- ---rf- '"I'nif ri.l'rFBfl TVS'1 vP:ii.i""'".HPTmifim -mfvw-.-n-vt.f..uJj;T 13 of the aahmartoe whleh to awaawawl aaHs '' a- y- - i- .. ",t. . ....... v-wvt .: ! 3 a fc Zwi.U akiZv (W .. " .if W 8f- aav iff jtu . jj.ii . ii . a. .. . -ksifi Oif' ''" Bi',s , ,,., v-if ' a t- vr, " ; Bf'iT'1 .' '3! f Vj 1 ' ' w ijis. -a , , .. r.j tTnltedrPreaa Serrlee f , t jXtASHrNGTON, D. a. Anaa-9VJhV AmericM attitay tmlUrt At-A4 m- has not1, t r' vm i ,- il tuk.a aha' -JTCn'1 II armw - maw amar trr t .y i t- wwi !. I iaa m laaaaV faiwaaa aitaflmawj ! :. a aA w. W7BB a B SB h gJB JF -TW BmTBRrYrV y flf; - i"fV."': atftV4 will take several i.-.f :...". n- weakat., Bb-lfar,..aad'to' iadieatiowa are tkt ItfISi wJl-aSliS Plete data, aeeordi.x hlgki Hfeif3'1 . 'liAS&WiSs meBt omclala. . ?i.'wy3 J . ' Hi! I TL.J a. t. j. ij - i3-,-i v i A-HMtLaVVt kaU. --J -- taVak Bamu' '?&' OonoTMrBgag cisco.. reponMA-iiYieamvwsmM drewned: -and Dr. Wood, akw leat br 4' . - . 4 k " l,V. j'- li -V ,", j -Vt7 ' . tne . atate eieeanment It hnoxi " .- --1i- r-l. - - " .." '.M?B sVaWa. eaaw.' - .R beenlearned why their, natieoAHtr haa been doubted. ii- :, j 'f- 'f . "v .:. . . ,. Two.'graeaaea regarding the peaalbea. j-J action of. 'the' a-taaUwtntlow , eaut ho a, made, strata First' '---'"'fBllliisi" ai'if'"- "1 - -.7, Tvr "-T a powi; 10 America In war: facimd.'tkw dent, mty ,Mver1i;dlplnmale" jroMlg wltk .oormmvmawmaegi! trees, and take aUpa laalrmg to ieaW-fM hla fu(nra-aate'a-laalaaa'ai4'' mm..i-A'Ji'l T:w2mmM'mAm dlataly., 'tTk-ara laVno-'wny'-ot:' -v fij .l.tt"fl"? wnirn a-m ntBPrmBT:v& -'- i. A ! i r United Press I JANhvnj; ,Wk.V Awj.,: woeaa,iWB;iBi;; naivrauaea' .... n..i'.'n -:,. u', tai- ,i- ---Jia--'-ri-tw--'j. --- '-wi "the cabinet' wall ': taM'eaiM.irJtliK- - -- , s- ... .IaJ-'U'-! foMlam Aiwbte-iraa'1 PWltfmmWWjmf, itr,ar to W oarrjrflbf "JaPwmFeVVy mw v i -r,'. --.7i -it r. .'".a'ltjn,. t. in. '-ia in . Jl.'-r, B . ,.ji-i 1J v J .j ,. .-VMwyis, rjeWMffl1- 4.1. lf 'j. j ""'-l TTl If. . ' i.. TffltJi: .- .a.tiw ??? S'iftKf. mmM0mM m&zmm Benmm.'-ssfiA. .,t yv.ww. .. " vi. w ii-'ft v'js-M-jtt. ' ."is'jswa lln tedPreaaBerrlea .?& WvtV e'SM WASHlNGTO;j:A2!lS.2AiSe ueriaay,:-,B wpia-w UIUaBjrfrb f4mtea aaa limiiil ttwl 1 UUUM BJJBfte fib ' -akmAaBdkm . 5,'r!'fcKlri'pT PpSPajpTO? ' w.J -BUBBjBMBVnaBwawmSl dfea -KSA-au." "BwT!tt'w"w"l a"B'Fw .!WP Jwaw"tTv J- bsCaajfi BB 4aA'aaaami jir",fr' "tffi 1 -m m m " V1"1 'i 1.ffl -f ll Stfl w ' .v"T '!bS!ll " aww-sc f-4f If. Si, ?r'' TWMM M lafcv '(M kit boat game of the aae, puttlag s BMT iwavw, awnii ww s. !nM on Pate 4) , ' ' '.''"H: r i : trrriv v i .- .. t " ' SgMuJjawmawl - 'V Li. 5 1 As?-. t ... l W -T,t SlV t Ij f- .