a f S! ,"I . . "SJf' &? V. ' 6. Yi. . Jit I?,- iras i i-e me ti' fct- n i - - ; 'r - 9 ! 'T-AftT ilH 1 -., l fck ", ' ':V Bt""r" - . . at . ACtjfW t KLAMATH KAUK WlClAL NEWSPAPM JWH KLAMATH COUNTY'S OPFICIAL NEWSPAPER 1" ! a s XI KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1915 4 4 Ituntmn toaUT i55S ;"- WEST NAVAL Famous Men Learning to Be Soldiers , fttHE F0U6HT ?- ' r- RWICIfD M & m .: A saaaaaaaW .kmmmmr ,lirlrolHWI.l'lCTI,,KIANI ) P .- ........ .Yii,rrri.:i ' - W"' "" j- iv; J . - - l- Lj-. ftilhill Mm cattjr.1 lf?Xt ' ? ...'. ..ii .. ! til'lM IIIM1 Mriy ri '" l&.'JH r.MNrir.1 hr War CrHlm. &7. " -i In lianw wvrr niwi j ' iTr L-. . v..u..v uil ItaJr ln (. Htpi" - . - 1 fraire Service ' TMmoti, Aug. Jl.Tae sreateat awe) tettl ever (ought U esneeted 'vHtotcooo, or may aow be la MMt la th Oulf of Riga. No de- tali bm beta glvea out, but Copea ' tana aa wired that th German I iMbi have ordered l ho Destroyer Aua- tnsaa to tlit Baltic Boa. rHei Prow Service n.. ' FETnUUHAV, UI, 31. ll haa km aaaoaacfg from tbo war oHeee km tkat tbo dermaa (loot haspene mAti th Oulf of Hlga, and too ashi ng tHk the Ruailan thine eoa- aail-alreraft guaa attack 1iaartmtto4ar ladea with beenbs rette far Vtlna, and brought It to Mrtk. Tko trow waa raptured. - I'leai hem Service rnUIK, Ag, Jl.r-lt has Jom lettuces'' ntrtn"al Oeaeral th oiKwMi ka4 eaptarod Rlolak, aid tkat tko aarly (all of Rroot LHoTak It mortal r tko war crltlea. Vixol Pram aonrloa OMR, Ag. II. Ricltomoat la mat ktrt, tad It U goaorallr ko llmd tbit war with Tarkor la la latat at a mult of Turkey'a rooly (a tbt Itallta ultimatum rogardlag tkMmlawat accorded to (Ullaa ro "rlala, which U cxpoctod todar. UattfdProMStrtko PARia, Aug. II. A Noploa papor Um tkat Bulgaria hat coaoMtratod JWo troopt aloug the THrklak . Tko itatcmcDt ka aet'twi Mmol aa yet. So. I It. II. I'ont, Uirmer ffovrtwr .V. if I'ntlo Itin 'J lUdxft llMu, funiH-r uiiiImm. kiulor In Fmnrv The vuiiili of profoMloual ami hutlnvoa men Inaugurated at I'latu liurg, N. V under the direction of Ucueral UoimrU Wood of tlio United Hlalea urtny, linn nttracted many iwomlnent nun, who think (hey ought to lenrit nomilhlng about (ho rutll inontM of mllltiirr affalra agalnat the tlmv they mar ho called to war. No more euthualaatlc member of Ike camp have boon found than It. II. I'oat, former governor of Porto Rice; Robert Baron, once partner In the banking houae of J. P. Morgan A Co. it lid after that ombamador to Franco; Nelaon O'Hhnughncmiy, who a chargo d'affalra of Mexico Cly carried the United Btutea through trying times In Mexico, and Ttieodore Rooaerclt Jr. TIh'ho men havo beeu required by Cnptnln llalatead Dorey. United State- nrmy ofllcer In command ut tlio camp, to perform the taaka of ordinary private Id tho army. Of courae they havo not been driven like prlvatea, becauae they have gone about their work with more Intolll gence and enthutlaam. Oil PROSPECTS ALGOMA RUNS LOOKING 6000 LUMBER RECORD TWO IIAKI PASH HAVK HBKNJiM.000 KKKT OP MIMBKB PASS- BOHKI) THROUGH AM MA CHINK PltKPAHKD TO OO l, IMM TO 1,400 KKKT Kl OVKR XKW SHOOT ,tWO KKKT IX LKXGTH AXD 800 KKKT HIGH 0. S. OFFICERS 0RINKT06ERMANY "(JKItMA.W OVKR AM' AM) "flKIIMA.W K4IIIKVKII" TOAKT AT AHTOIUA I.IAIII.i: Iti (JKT ARM' OFKII.'KRH IX TltOtlll,K rilled 1'ii'iis Service I'OHTI.AND, Aug. 'J 1. Senator (k'orgn Chnmholain, chulrman of tlii' acnntorlal committee, lias rccolv "d a letter baaertlog.' that two Amer Iran offlcor. not In uniform, lata night drnnk n tount to "(Icrmnny over all" anil "Germany forever" at Axtorla. Chamberlain Hold that H mucIi an nctlon hna been committed, It, la a direct violation of the army regula tions and n defiance to the admlnla tratlon'a policy of neutrality," It, will probobljr bo taken up by tho war de partment. ' RITCHIE GETS ANOTHER DRAW . ' Italian War Minister j 1 ' LHLHHBflgk BBBPBBETaBBBwQaV I aV9 TubbbSI MM'' ' lit Ittammmmmmmmmm THIS LIVEST TOWN SAYS GRAIN BUYER KliAMATH HAH 'KM AM, IIKATK.V. KAVK W. H.CAl.y OK WOOD. I.AXD 4iRAIX i'HOSPKCT OOX- ,sii;i:i'i ;oou. OFFICIALS HOPE NO BREAK WILL FOLLOW fNCIOENT HL'T TWO AMKRICAXM KttTABLfflHKB town Falln i tho lives! bit yet," slated W, H.' Woodland, California, grain KXOCKK OPIONKXT DOWN IN KHWT ROtlXD, BCT KAIiED TO PUT HIM TO SLEEP CLAIM OF KOUL DISALLOWED Oeneml Zvpelll i (loueral Zupellii who has control of the war department of tho Italian i government during the war with Austria and Germany. The king has taken an active part In the manage ment, and It is not known how much authority he And Premier Salaadra have left to the head of the department 'Klamath llmt I bnve Cain of buyer for Thomas, Stenhen ft Mat tel, 'heavy dealers and exporter 'Of grain. "There aeemii to be' more buslneas here than any' other toway of its site, and more' than manyof the larger towna, that I1 have keen In. California and Oregon," he aald. Mr. Cain has been' here'sereral day a and has nude several trips ofer the county looking over the grain crop for this fall. He came with the Intention of buying, but tads that it Is too eaTly to secure the grain; i He states that the grain tinder lrrlga tloh is particularly good 1n the Tal- ley and expect to return here later in the season for the purpose of buy ing grain for exporting. I. Lotnv 1H , Do AoT ItHieve ..- . A - . i .' & uiariBM.w jmNa.f4 " - sOMe B WaH XM TeevMe.g..i': 4 ut Faee .Was OawaMer jaMtBMaafrn' '-4 .. 6 . 'i,wW. S!t!1 PASTOR SLEEPS THE FLOOR irJJP CAHPIXO OUT ALONO TIOD w?r nmH TO "?? ISv " 1 1 .--7 m thin c It v iat ih iN Jftaub't-. ' --. .. -.., Oil proectM In the llonoma conn-. trv are still looking good, according A rocord lumber was run of 165,000 feet of made Wednesday over camo In to work drilling. I .... . . to J.MI. Robert and J. O. llamakertho Aigoma roiira new auooi, snue or who wcro In tho city yesterday. They I lift, according to Manager ur.ni, to aecure an engine to put who waa in ino city yeaieroay. Ay, 'way It I A aouoio iracaea arop mmu .1- UAA . In IahvIIi .4 tfl ftml Mr. Robert stated (bat lav had - -- - - none through two nam iirmu mu ai far when they made but 13 to 16 1 Inchea per day while now they make) that many feet per day, Thoy ure prepared, ho tata, .to, go down 1,300 to 1,400 feet, It nocei aary, and am not going to atop un til they find oil for they feel aure It la there. (Special to The HeraM) SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 31, Af ter flooring Hendricks la Ike first round. Earl Ritchie,. Klamati Falls? contender for heavyweight' honors, was unable to maintain his lead over hit opponent In the principal bout at Dreamland rink laat night. The ref eree declared tho fight a draw. t .Tho decision waa not questioned by the crowd, although Hendricks at no time showeil any real ashea of class. In the closing round Ritchie claimed be was fouled, an he did In, his Drat go with Hendricks, but his' claim waa not allowed. ' Ritchie's ahowlng waa k disappoint ment to his backera this time, aa he ha)l one decision over Hendricks, and the fans expected him to win eaally by the knockout ronto, aa he haa tn most of hla fight. IOWA MAN IS PLEASED HERE . A. KEXXEDY MEMBER OF BAR' DOR AXD RIVER COMMISSION, IS PLEASED WITH KLAMATH OOUXTRV TAKIXO REST . VlZi'Vwk " oa fMa 'BsswVi! y ,ul0IB0D"i aslll i3V?f0,l and sImdIbk out an. irffiWf Mt. Ray. Luther . ?m, Portland w. ..t,i. ' aiHJieoIOfor,b,e lat kliht. V'iatfaiitt ' ' nii tata oa th iJfiWf' the noor.V " RWvhg the car for the mnrt. "Pned akoat r the bed ? f? ,Mt whim Wm- tl nn h. ... ii . x wmitwr7Zi "nun 'tujomm &K.aiT.r? '"MUon ttraata; 1. Pert. 'st-aaai .., z.. :. .' , '7"" fivoiitiaHE ir nf IVk. VC m laaaaaU AK."nrTT k.s"W i ...IB IV f i K r '.... iVi Utamaratag a.'.ir.1- 1 7 "TTCTiJ,"" m lwAfilErWWRlW 7f IM ta fair, fll.' mmiiA a.;..?::--7- mr, Qaftn Btt Z:l"Wr ,at taa Pnlait 'TW W'f' 'IU' WOMAN IS LOST IN THE WOODS THE TWENT-THRKK VKAH uuu DAVGHTKR OF DECARLOB, BE HIDIXO AT STATION KNOWN AS SHAKE, WANDERS OFF In the air, On this drop aro two traoka. The loaded cuts como out of the timber to this drop, and by balancing, the lioiwy car goes down pulling the empty car to the top, thus avoiding unloading and reloading the car should they bo rolled. Tho drop It located north of the mill. Tho mill la cutting threo million and a half feet of lumber per month, and la employing nearly 300 men at thla time. 'Tho Aigoma people have their own box factory where the box lumber la shipped bjid the upper grades-going to eaatern point She Wanted to Re a Sailor "Show MeV Hare Meet United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 21.- than 500 old "grads" of the Univer sity of Missouri will gather at the Missouri building on the exposition grounds for the annual alumni re- the Unlversltv. will make the nrlncl-ltnU pal address. C. A. Kennedy, member of COn giesa from Iowa and member of the River and Harbor committee, which journeyed through Oregon thla week, tort this morning after , spending a day here with H. C. Chapman, of the Chauman Construction Co. He let! Uhe party at Grants Pass and came here to rest up aa he has been on . the go for ,a number of weeks, los- ilug tlftten pounds since he started More - ... ... 'n " " , Yesterday he waa taken over the valley by Mr. Chapman and 'south or 'Merrill. He stated on hla return that he waa as well pleased with country aa any he has seen ao far on hla trip. . Search, had been made from 3 o'clock Tburaday afternoon until late yetterday afternoon for Mlaa DaCarlo, II year old daughter of the uecanos, residing at th station formerly known a Shake, at tho ale of the oia Hart ttatloa, between thla city and Ashland, without finding her, accord ing to Thad McHattan and Chief of Patioa R. T. Daldwla. who returaed frost a kuatlng trip tkere yeattrday vlt aeeata that the woman had been sink for. aom UaWaad Waa believed ta be VfaUrMatw l)ieidwra oft Tliursday afteraoea,;. abot',l o'clock wandering o wtrtai'kedra alip. iian'aalUr feet and WMllfktlyrtad, .YtVwa 'tracked 'for aeate dleUaee, but owing to the dryaeea ef the ground ber traeka wart lott. Walker Returns to Itaach Luke Walker waa In, the city today from Eastern Oregon, where he la en gaged In ranching and the cattle bualneas. He came la on business, and returned this afternoon. He ex pect to be In the country until Sop it ember lat ' YREKA COMING HERE SONDAY A' fWOBOQTLEGGERSi THE SAME TRIP ONE CAUGHT ?' V i -tte .V . !.., AND ONE AH. - , ,' ItESTED AT FORT KLAMATH TO BE TAKEN TO IVKlXAND. ML OFFICER JAOKSON , rt! tv Vjvr sierei'Ia vAwaMant Stofiew o W. of - AiV, ? Tiu w ..(ui &k -' I! ' K 'V's ' .. ,vt; 1 Tie V Msfatit'S . n " - x . ft ' w , it " h ..; "11 .' ' ..'. Jb " , WASHINOTOW--- &tLmF&W? OoTernmeat oSMaJs mtmdM'hamttmlri.:' '& nj rw . -J r vr t that result &(J" Uull. M ,& A A.I.I. ut uw !. ; Jt.ipf 'rim I'i . i jT eanMaaatloae-are ,-,-?.?, '3 a'break wltk7aeraMr WW i4 t as at ooasequene of the atntt; ie Arable.. ajriearteMtloas-are eapect?froaa;'dra.,fr; W-. Si.i.1. ii.wwi SJi.iA.J'.T.i. iW. Uj . mlatatntlna ioaaaat '-" '-- t&.4.fm .. Trt -" - i'-- .V.wr- .- J(Tt'. k i -? diarereaeea are ihat,t4y .wtttkr wsp in ue.nwe.ci Ml:i4i' iRkl&l &?& J!. ?.- I at. j ij .-, eTw 1; ? j?Ja:eaaiaf . rf? toar retrlBW:'Jt.V''-Moa k'JaiTVi; a? oaMatH & ( i HM' uifft Vi United States Marshal Jackson air-' rived in the city ,laat nJgktfor Ue purpose of taking two "aUcd boot leggers to Portland with' aim. One. Archie Maehr, waa arrested rhereJly Sheriff O. C. Low, and the other Was' taken at Fort Klamath. Jackson arrived last night and left' this morning for Fort Klamath, ex pecting to return thla afternoon. It is expected they will be given Bearing here today before United Btatea Coat. mlssloner Hamaker, and, win then be taken to Portland, leaving in the morning.. .-1 XV It understood that Maehr, 'the man arrested, here, has wealthy rela tives In Carson City. Nev;, from which Place he came to Klamath Falto They -waived tkelr hearings; and will be Uken out In the moraJM. Jim Oraham was arrested by Deputy Tose at the Fort. " t 2ar wmmmm .ana'.. uetvaar,- w xxvswgs coenei;taa"tBAiAaidcl"aai:gaSa .i.Ji;.-..-ra.- ,r.---raiiKit i..'rr i V.v. . ,k mm' r??itaj UOMrthaarit sHnntlesi -.1. .--- vJ,,i! ;ss Bt3er,wiaMaaer at aavl eelveda eaWe tkat the kwdaai wuwpatBB afuwi; Mil wm kWM 'kitrMM Zszimm; .ft ia6-4 r. 3 j M'nnM.i.h' i-"1 ? '.JVi,,.H Tj&MJWVC i t .- 'j. 'SWypniBBKj.' '37''4, have' been meed ; ,, .UMWdW ft United A , ! iro . n 1'1' i. 'C rnae awiiee' . . e v i LONDON. Aug. Jj The etaOeof !j, ,,i&,;'K-,, ,f, ,1,1 j ."si" the sinking of the Arable hewe boon promised aa soon as the.govraaatat receives bHelal reports. TkeoHelais say positively tkat tt w W aeoae aary' toikhM?w$fuiAp&' teaporarilyJto.prereteemta'BnflBr. matlon reaching The consal finally eonSrmed the report thai are- only twoAaMrieaaa aawaaanaaienwaAanakn Ba4Bt.siBLadInan pevtaat' a? ana vara. aaasy mmvwmtaj j that no warkiB were Arable. f $.' y H .atg QuMaetewn--,hM '.;, y-; 'l! aaj;wA'i.i- i1 & 'ra',1 . taa? tf .? at Ue tlta aha waa aaak; k .,s.''". The Iiailaat Man t United Press Service " ' SEATTLE, Aug. 31. Founds The' laziest man in Seattle, If not in the' wnrM nii wlfa ttaISail that ha tat tho champion. Justice Brinker agreed w.uk k. ut. ... t. ah,' !.. V.,,U IICI., D ttBUW W OOWI lBM ' V f. ,4! a negro, who weight 350 pounda.tp-VKF.n(E jitmps'iip.-anb When hla wife asked him to bring tip J . . .. "f ' , , , "i 'M a acuttle. of coal the other day. Shot" FAWN GETS IN WAY " - ' . , aaked:! tj i TOO MANY DEER 1;. -, , -r -.-,, FOR POLICE CHIEF i. ' t.: in '4 Si if 'Al r . "What're you tryln' to dp. woman? Make a slave of me? ; United Press Service OCEAN PARK, Calif., Aug. 31. Determined to board the battleship Wisconsin, Miss Anita Holing of this city swam n mile through a choppy Hen to the tldo of the, wardog today, only to have an obdurate oBoer de claro that under no olrcumataace would a mormaid be allowed oa one of Uncle Sam's fighting craft. Mlaa nollng also swam out toithe battle ship yetterday, but that time a atony faced midshipman stood guard at the gangplank and refused her admit tance. " Return From Spring Creek , ; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. De Lap and family returned last night from a week'a camping trip to Spring Creek. 1 He reports a flno vacation; but waa badly scared on the return, when the machine they were riding In nearly went down a 100-foot embankment, i LOCAL STICKERS AXD .FOOT RACERS OILING UP JOIN1TS FOR RIG GAME NOT "SHEER ER" OF RUCK AGUE Justice Brinker ordered htm to par Mrs, Brinker $7 a week or go to the f 4 . CHIEF BALDWIN OP BJG WJOKx " r--r j .. .5. j;t a, h nxi -J.v, ll v .. r 1 - ' . '?-, w!y A stockade under the laxy husband law', Too many 4eer''ia'the . byXhietpf PoUee l4ldwlB for Wa i' .Teaching TextUea Jaecurtag a;e4Kkya;WWle;kuar J; uu.., . ... . .v-IUB 81. The ing of textiles In the public schools, ana" Q, as tho means or effecting economies 'tween, thla1 urna iirffail hAfnrA ihm anniinl mn.r ',!.. J. V ' t Vfe r rfT "'Ls 1,.: . r H , i-1- A Needed "Ambulance" United Preaa Service, VENICE, Call., Aug. 81.rOn the theory that a person under the IbBu onco of liquor It III, the police antral here today made Its rounds disguised at an ambulance. That It, the. word, vambulance" wat painted In .fat gilt letWa'oa Ita tide. The city trutteet eiplaln that "nellee patroV It tatfgly phrase, while, "aatkuHaae" 1 tooth- Jaf. , With the advent of the Yreka ball i-inh here Sunday, baseball rana , . ! t are promised a game of more than Hand t tha fane ' UttUBUa interest., The. vlaltors and the , All membera of the Klaaath Fnllawaunas will baUle for the cham- Military band., are requested to meet nitonshln of Southern Oregon and at 3 o'clook tomorrow,, to play at the-Norlhern'Callfornla,, The, IdcaU-ajo I fajB-a.wauua uan aaawa, "0 Jw,Tf u4 W, """m"'" wwy belt and, will hive It no other w,ay I than a piece of the "Big Bear" atae. too, , AH week, the sticker and footf (Acerg have, been oiling, up their Jolnta, taking '(he 'klnka out; of their bntllngeyea and working w theane 'nblnt'aV tha.gaate. Ai!L'rt6anr'' la r .'. " ' r - t i. ""'"Tjiiglfrt ' ' gsaSEam . , asai.Sansw , aaaaaaavaA aa x a. jgJpjfjdJMaajlaahaj SSkmamnSkmmmkmmmSSt vcntlon of the American Economise association here teday: Mlaa Nellie Crooks; of the Mllwaukee-Dowatr college detailed the alms of textile teaching and the good comnllah, Home economica and eHcleneyVaa fthaaeJiattiAle r Lthm!.eity;and:'Aah1art.:; ; v J i .' r " T. . W r 1 - -JTC . . T -1MB Gaiei waa uu u umwitiy band ;of Sve whlch he. kadaeam' la, thedistance, and unexpectedly, dropr pe down axaong them In tki; daaae '' , hr.i.h' Ha.naA hla 0Va oa a. BNMBt'lSi; Jil ., it w6m im &m$i&l ' , 1-,'i.'r JaneakltocaUh hint aa.ira;whasi,ay ' t : I ii.-L)'t.i.l?M2tzU"mri: . . -h .. i' j mt i 3Vfr fat ta- njaBBjajtajtsjeB bl Wtarev bbbbbb. sjtjs-ai: r ; --" --" ". 7..V5.v..er BaIBFe'S,al ernment expert UM tne onty cry, orpine ae;iaai,wa allKevv- ' WH:& .Mna?H (a win It HsTMobnWe that thlrdme will be etaged at Weed io tethe taa eUmploaaalp. t.iL."r'.'r w.immM.,K'wum m-.Q,: ,?.xrtt "far Brltlah WM M&tttij" mXM rr rrrv- .. J TMi.iakiaa'W.lairecei'hla-ttia Fmum aTaaitaBrir . .:-.-rJr-j.i..-ii,iLiixw. .",tt. ' 1 : 'T l- iaaa tegaaa-a. ..atsjaj aaniasvaas-aHenaBu l atjga- VialUHere Mlaa' Lena- Montague t Kaa.tueky: U lfiWi rlaht la front la hara vlaUlav a taa Kna nl Ur. ! .1 ' :': . :,ar:l 'lj' and' '.Mrt.t, Was. thaaH!' 'iti:iva2 isjffiAw;.: I aaw. aaa,urt "r,... r? -.k i .. .1.. 'i.--. .. 7. -'rtT 77 i,..iv. '.w1:? wc. vi.m fw-wi o, uMj-srajaagtatgjam ' '. ?" SSltB?aam1 j. .k i ' .n j v" . . ,-iijti.i . .r.jr'.irK ii"r'iTi: mi e. ajtr.m.'i i r- r ." 1 '-- ij ."RLiifjr ,.rjrv-t-H ?. tJT:: 'ts'fli e ; tole,ea. ,adgV;J STgiiffiii Ml'P'glaaahaxn . ;t .. Mr.' toalgktfrom San Fraaelttt a4 tk!--'Mr.:aad.Mr;,Ha Hlr,v,wkeee''eh,Ua';beeav ler..1toaaelM.iat'Blgkt"fB tlaaAv V, . '' "J Vs V,- ' V ' ., lft''r'!'fii'ia. fiv ' j 1 .! I rl i ,4.1 i AT Wi,,i - -"r ' tka.'1 ? ,x.