mf ;S , JsvS,W ' KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST to, 1915 f 'y .. jtQm f '' .. at asm B. at d. II ' ' '-"MMiWHilHHHMnBMIHHMaMmMHl ORGIEWSK I0V0GE CAPTURED BY THE 6ERMANS, STATED UJIKII MAID TO UK GOING TO GREET GENERAL fiMM Ifcw - 9,1100 14 TA,M IMimUM lft Tliere FuWNHI aw V v " : m Warsaw HI RhmIm ailMM True Oaartaran hi Um Ifrtta Itoort. I'lknJ Pre Service jltJU.lN. Aug. 80.-.U wm aa aesaced from tho war cea today UstNovo Oeorglewek hae beea cap ture by tba German forces, aad that t kaiser li going there to coagratu ItU General von Hoscler. Tk fortress ban been battered for a fortnight, before the fall. from 60,000 to 76,000 Itumlan vara lft there after the fall of War-mi. ('sited Pr Service BERI4N. Aug. SO. The Germans captured lx Itusslaa generate and 15,000 troop at Noro Oeorglewak. Otacral ton MacktMM la, galatag vtrywhtre, and la advancing around Inst Lltovik. Called Pre Service PARIS, Aug. .0.--Dlspatehee re . rItiHl hero any tkat Uulgarla may k ladered to join the allle If Italy will eeaatat to dlvldo Albania Greece. Is Berrl Italy U relalalag the port of Anion. , i'nltad Press Service UWDON, Aug. 10. Tho following wira submarined today, auppoaadly steamer Rettormel, flpaalih steamer Peaa Coattllo, Glasgow steamer Baron Kreklne. The crewa of tha Breklno and Rettormel war mtM1, wklla only tare or tht Castillo's eraw wra wd, 5 Later rsporta war tka Witt aXar ittanur Bovle, tka Lyland Mnar Nlao ilao, British itaanmr Naw Tork City bid dmh mnk. Tka Borta and Naw York City aank Wklto tho Nlaoklan wu damaged, but waa akte to NMk port. Tba erawa wan anvadl TELEPHONE LINES ARE COMPLETED VOftKHT FIKK FMMTWM ARK NOW MUCH DKTTRR QUITTICD TO KKKP HHARP UXKOVT FOR WRB1NTHB WOOM, "The tolotihone llnea, to tba top of Bld Butte and Ana.Lak maun waa hivo been complatad, and ika nra flghteri In tho eonnty r aiueh Uttar equipped a a raault for koap- inarp lookout or flwa. Tho to tba top of BnM nwnnUln wchot an altitude of,7M foat and ' L' Vu'a Quick ceajMuaiMUcjav wlU , wquartera from ,om rt U ktt .0Utt,n;thaHHittyt ' Kfamnth', fire, are attll at a aft v.i - , '' . wv la CUM ;" ' V 'Towage.' T, dH Where theMexican Brigands Made an Invasion of Texas in X, MjjsL I x O A U ie a ..:; Jkv !-. an WeAjS m Bv aV an iaj i i ul l MATAMOfiOS WOHTEKtr , - ytCVM .LMKKVV rjmmttmJiS VPandPrS ar dbW fw a lafTfW TEXAS . Cl '4 0fN94 VI KTVV mwiV BROWN TAMAULIPA I'art of Tntaa Tnrorlsftt by ttaadlta i novernor Jamea K. Purguson of Txaa baa called on I'reeldent WINon for more federal troopa to drive off the Mexican brigand who bavo croM-j d tha border between Brownavllio and l-aredo and attacked American; rancher. Oeneral runaton, who la In charge of American troop, haa acted aulckly, and aent tbam in varloua dl-( roftloM where attacka hava been re- sorted. Oh kfettcan brigand wan killed tha other night nt Morcedea.' Hande of Mexican had attacked the rancher near Edinburgh, and troopa war aent there from Browsarllle. ' There aro uBclent regular troopa on, the border under the command of, Oeneral funaton to drive Oeaeral Carraaaa'a army back were It to In? I vade the United State. The Mexican territory from which theee raid bare, bees mado la in nominal poaaeaalon of Carrania. It la upected by omo(i.::UAa fKKUKUICK KUX8TON that ho haa caused brigand to croaa VmHM Stato CoaamaaMler tho border In order to caue trouble. 1 Bnagam'99?laaa8av BaaBBBB'-?'laaBBBm aBBBBaBEl3'-Vi''jSk aaaaaaaaaaaaatamr 1 1 nafll .BaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrgaaClSri 1 aBBaBBBBBBBBBaaPaaVy'.BaBBBKl naaaBBdM t'Rl I taaaaSeaaamratfir inBBBBgaBBBBBBamalK'fW 1 XBLfdaaaaaBB rBBBBBalxaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm rgaBBBBBBBBBBBaSaBBBnBBBBBi b. gW TYPHOID REPORT DECLARED WRONG TIIK CITY HKAIjTH OFFICER DB- CliARKM PRAOTIOALLY NO TV I'HOID OAHB. AND REPORT IS KnRONEOt'B ' A report recently publlahed In the Sacramento Boo; to the effect that thero waa "aboitten cae of typhoid fever In the eatft and It was thought that the water' aupply waa contami nated," brought, Into thl offlce by a vliltor from California, baa bean branded a fale by City Health On cer Dr. i. h. Tru&x. "Thnre have been no report of ty phoid existing o the city," aald Dr Truax, "and tije report I wrong. Somebody 4 doing thl city an In justice by cauafug uch report to be publlahed, and they ahould not be. "The clcan-up methods being fol lowed have beew taken aa a precau tionary method' rather than ono of safety, and not for the purpose of (topping an epidemic. We want to prevent such occurrence." Diplomatic Break Over die Arabic Sinking Feared; No Warning Given im The Leader in "Silence" Protest PROSPERITY IS PRESENT NOW HAYS XORTHKRX PACIFIC PRE8 1DENT WHILE IN PORTLAND ON I TRIP OF INSPECTION OF RAH Vi'S ROADS l- HOOPER HEADEO MAN IS RELEASED FOR KLAMATH HO SAYS MESSAGE FROM SBER IFF SMITH AT GRANTS PASS LOCAL OFFICERS ON LOOKOUT FOR JAIL WtEAKER FROM SUSPICION HELD FOR SUSPICIOUS CIRCUM STANCES OONNBCTED WIT DISAPPEARANCE OF T PARKER, MN IS RELEASED a- .T-i aaa anntaa a i .! , t ..'--' -"r-r". t-. A long' dlttanco moasage received thla morning by 8berlK Low from Sheriff Smith of Qranta Paaa aUted that John Austin Hooper, who es caped from tho Jail thero laat Sun day, la headed tor Klamath county. Ho requested that he koap a carer- ful lookout for tho man. Ho ia described aa SO year old, Ave: faat nine Inches In height, 115 weight, of medium complexion, brown eyaa, brown, curiy nair ana rouna shouldered. Ho also weara glaaaaa. Hooper's escape waa sensational. m ha and an accomplice later captur ed pounced on the sheriff, took hla key and gun and left him In tho Jail, where he remained; moat of the night, Hooper than, held up n buggy and was taken to. the edge of town, where he later aeeured aa automo bile and waa baulded ft number of mllea south. Since, then little, word of hla whereajbouta, except tkat he la baHered to be headed in a southerly of jaouthaastarly direction, haa been heard.' He la. wanted, for a ftumber of chargea; of theft extendlag from Hornbrook to The Dallef where ne waa eantured, and to generally be- lleyed to be In bad, airalta ow He le a aaroU pfawser. from) tho man prtaon at relaoai,' CallfornlK, and la siiypoaed to be a coUefe gradaaW. " -f " f i i . w? ' ' t.'v :w i ajk ': ltmm,m ,A U to iorecloae'aehauel mort gjel aai been lied by ' .Mimw aanatrforthitNawaanetai. ,p,w Elliott I the attorney for tka nlal; .gaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm dmgaflaagaaaaaaaaaam aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BBBBBBBBBgaBBBBBBBBBBBr . Hi gaaaafeWt ' I gSBBBBBBKiSiOliB ' ' BBBBBBBBBaHgaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTVFSR arBgaaaaffrVliBBl I 'dmBBBBaMI'H I AgaBBBBBafM-&M:-"IBal I BBBBBBBBBBBFJlaWSjgK I gaBBBBBBBBaKJHHK''K I aaaaaaaaaaWJ-jJaMaaaaaaaaatsMs I gaByiBBBBBK 4K . gggggtfmmmtifmmmiaHmmm0t (and some are competent. ,' Per contra, meny ooara meraoer are ueompecemi and some to ayperaenal kaowleldge lia-vo been dUhonest. "School board memberakip are, of ten stepping, stones, for, young- meet to j so-called higher political oflee. Some- jurae iney are Derma or rewarato oia polltlclan thereby shelved. The beet 'hnflril mmhra an malihr MU' 4a oldandthey areVwIthoat peUUeal ambition or memerfea. We'eaaiet fsuch men only hy aa enlightened iyklN llc opinion end a stronger social science."1 7 r-i ;!. a ' COMPANY fiat mmmun THE cmr HEALTH OFFICER ANB CHIEF INVBSTiOATE WA' r - ' COMPAV17S STATION, AND, OR- NOT BELIEVED MS ' ft" WARrYILLRESULT -"; & t-h:t?n i fi iWl &M II H U'rBMIV ' -it - " ,.r.-l.-..JJ-W: THiiUWal , j;rfWffi?:K'jf,'saBs;'flf;i r?di -j n ar- mm bbibbi ai amMgeai'c-''j . f r"yt- .a'vaiaai..nBi mBmBamBMBmmammiJiii.-t t lalJUen xeaaTaWalBW. f.1! ",j -r'w wrww www aw cr . m mxi$$mm .'aMMM " ".i 3"..i.KI'fft Xtm . W' vsani? smi II ti. . j..Tj-S.-V "iPh-. ?Ai v fc tr : , i t- V, s .. " i.L ilr wxsiuNOTON tKMmn9"mx::- Oatleek DeeaaeaV Sseteae ia-ilaW'"SH xjifleieejee i jseeaaBBajt , asssa vmAiSf DER REMOVAL' OF RRFUSK J K t: Accompanied Baldwin, Dr. L. After being held on a vagrancy charge for two days on suspicion' that ho know something of the where' abouta of Chaa. Parker, who haa been missing since laat Saturday, night, John McCarthy waa released from cuatody laat' night. McCarthy arrived in town Friday from tho south after claiming to have worked at the mill at Bray, and Sat urday night,, while In an Intoxicated condition, according to hla state ments, he waa bagging money oa the street and nt one of the houaea oa Oak street. He waa' identified by the man who came in with Parker aa the man that had atruck them (or money several time and as the maa that Parker had shoved off the sidewalk and told to keep. away from them, It waa also established that Mc Carthy had broken v 1 10 bill at a saloon either Friday or Saturday night. He aald he had bought aereral driaka at the time, but the bartender aald tbat he came in and got It chaaged. A coat he had when ar rested ha aald, had beeaVpurohaeed for him by hla partner xtaaday front iv second hand store and tbat'he elao got him a bottle of whlakay Sunday. Maay of hla' UtameeUVcoatra dieted former atatementa aad re gard to the coat aad whtoker It waa round out that aueh m aoat waa not old at aaeeoad hand atefeja the city, Tha purahaae of thax'whtoker on Sunday yraa aiao aouaea. '( ti rrenda of IVtfkerMe.baeA'la tab city) still 'searchlag. leoklag tkreeah the taUswamp sOakaPHti- but ao 'far aoHraee of frber hae aeea rouae. - . United Press Service PORTLAND, Aug. SO. Prosperity I "more than "on the way" It la here. This was the declaration today of President J. M: Haanaford of the Northern Pacific, who, with n number of other officials, Is on a tour of In- specttoa. i y "We We prosperous. ,We have ev ery essence of business lire plenty of' money In the bank aubject toMoan at low interest on reasonable secur ity. Above all, there is the crops." Northern PaclSc crop expert for montba nave been estimating and compiling. They had It figured out that the tout crop of all aorts In all tho territory tributary to the North ern Pacific will average more than IS per cent above, that of last year- "It la eaay to estimate crop,'' Haa naford remarked, "but the encourag ing thing ia that the actual thresher measurement of grain being harvest ed bear out thla estimate. The meaning of thla ahould. be plain to everyone big crops, more money, more prosperity." ' In furtherance ot the cause of auf- frase, a group of attractive looting college women went to the Federal building la New York and gave the Honorable United States District Court, a "silence" protest aa tte court makea citlsena. The young women represented the College tiaual Fran chise League, which decided Hpom the novel- expedient of a '.speechless-campaign against thedlacrlmlnatloa which would give citlsenahip to for eign born men and withhold, it .from American women. .. The delegation, headed by Mrs. Charles L., Tiffany, president of the Colleae Eaual Franchise League, aW tended the naturalisation proceed ings. Not a word did they any. Tney sat in silent protest. Their atutuae said: "Compare these foreign-bora specimens with us; honest to good ness, how can you do it?" y -I iiSM by Chief 'of L. Truax, eky health oBeerv made an 'lavestlemtSoa "thla week of the site of taa( water; :eem-: pny',,pmplag plaai aid 'aearpe'af water supply.-and oder;eemai cttmA em' iblwMmrtwi?' " K '! r ,r -ttz '. .i. i. ..-,,,.-. The atable. waa toeated aot tar from the pumping atatloa,; aid therefaae from the aUble bad aot bean away for, aBeathi'Aa open te(let,waa also situated on.tbe ntnperty, aneotn lag to" Dr. -Truax, and ..waa erenid icieanea up. AKbougb aot.ra : .. . -. .. - -rj. .- ."'-i' - i i. i aiate aanger. jet: the' eoaaiuen ,.M CLUB MEMBERS TO HOLD MEET CITY HALL WILL RE PROCURED IF POSSIDLR FOR GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD ON LAST DAY OF AUGUST v' ' L0N6 TERMS FOR SCHOOL BOARDS ADVOCATED HY PROMINENT ED- UCATOR AT N. E. A. CONVEN TIOX IN 'OAKLAND PUBLIC OPINION, ENLIGHTENED ' - "S PeUerl Tbeidaalal r . i st'Ti7T i :iftrsjj!jx. rnfad' :r'eajardiate.: ""YS!Ti:V.,"',.l jet. not aultable tnmga waa. not auiubie ror.anea;a locaUon. and danger," to'1 "tk,rejjtjj source of 'water aupply' might' laear from the condition; accordiag to Dr. ' The clean-up campaign la ;, being continued, and notice ae being J; sued to all people whoowa or are harboring unsanitary condition their property la the city. j ,! It, waa decided, at the flrat meeting ot the new directors of the Commer cial Club, held Wadaaaday algkt, to bold in the nawtuturf a. aeaeral meeting for alCtbeimembera of the hew club.' TueaiayiAuguat Slat, waa, the date chosen.'.Md aa attempt win be. mane to ecurptae cy nan w thstpurpo.. Vj , ' l' At that tlra:a:aumb ot Import ant tktiua will be bfonght before the eJuba5whIe,,'rae vartoaa head or t ne '.nepajf manMi:, acaanwea aaa. ae able 'rr'a;:,woi already done aaA ae;weck to be'aene In' the faturt- Already ee of the - , Mrtmeata aaa,, een.,.e)rgaaja,-,ana (Herald Special Service) OAKLAND, Aug. 20. "In halt of tho several state there are more school board members than there are school' teachers, and they control ev erywhere the selection ot teachers," said William E. Chancellor, pfoteaaor of Political Science, CollegetWoos- ter, Wooster, Ohio, in addressing tne N, E. A. convention today. "Wo bear much of the choice of teacher, and, almoat nothing ot tho choice' of board member. For any teacher, especially any school auper Intendent, to criticise the character and Intelligence ot board members, Is officially too dangerous a proceeding Induigedln; and noone regaraa tho liralse of board membera by teach. era seriously, because it may be silm-j Ply tlme-serylng Battery. So long aa we have public schools, we are likely to have school boars memaera o rep resent; the people la'thelr coatrol. "What, appeara jo be. tae, train about the board membereT '; Am, they competent aad honeat? I, who hava served a city achoolauparlnteadent in tear, cltle. ineludlu the aattoaal w'IJ.lU'.t la every atate or taa uatea, aa enw lasta,cMo,, .TlM.bit boards ate elscUd at large, and have long terms. ' n;wm boardsare aa.' natad,ii;hava;ahiart,toraM,Vi noara memaera are easunty " ClUB WO W ; ON MOVIF PLAN jr- k" .' t IMMEDIATE RESULTS ARE DBSfR ED. AND REPORT WILL IBS -, MADEr-PLAN FEASIBLE.. A&, CORDING TO TREASURER . " L 'ffSJV If. .)lr i.i,r.rM. .W.M.f, -- '', x ii j.,.' "i jaj7- -. M-i-?5T.V-'j .fihfSj - v&rms9mmztezm rwmk'mmm nmn'nBfe fnunannBBnnBan r1,--j. ,rfl bTK3K?A TW&l (8taff-Cor.seDadtor-;Uaev'rreesyV; . , v t'''i.w;Mt;:.v3tsi ,"WAmoTOxT,TCiji.yi . , .--" t, j.. .'.jr'-wrtj.v 'jl-o m i"f7 MT'.ars :;vi.i?-H3ai r SaaT Kana 'JJX V iZZ&zfSF&qMi :mMimammm i-''iTTT -r.ijT-?kfTy rti ijr-t.-; t.- -'- - - - --- . wnitiwu.f..jTa ,v' "es?rS.3&KaAMP tra-'iwiMOTXs tm.vwju:.- sny-z-rrjrrri:; i , v . w r.""""," ii 55i4 .vrjrTi40'i? is&mmmm anek;: taseeaaihi m:?ii4i ir.Ii-2ZZrZE Irk-adlT'X cateawrv e-nota.:ni nlai.ffM tha laat i warning , 4ayirtn?aalg.iaf;M ""r -. r'i'i.-iii"- ' i i'i.--''ii.i fCeL-Mvnatlitttna Hi m-mmnnmmi tn wm&Vlk!" e-tvatftsnawBaBT ensnjBwasreaai nsawnavn;'ijJ3l,'K T i'Ml'.l-vJ- - " lT .f'V ,' JT -I .f t ' -T.J.AJ uMmittMtant; iojuatlc jretotiena i off. but It to aot heUeved:warwflt fWio " iW5fT7:T!r .. i '31 M-. ,V-? '.? ". Ualted'.Preaa Servlee,' f NEW YORK, xsm&mE W.ti .-. . .-'...--., . v.-'.- i.jft-jjat ai wn anaa .Btvaa.aijiaBviamBn''annvnnnnmnjnamn -mnamn nsaKJ: crm -., !" -1' -r'iJrVlffTni;t .4 . .. aeTea poiana.aa-nreaaanes .inn .awnjcyy. IAniOK.'Aur.iaU.Tnal'Hmi:-M American, aertahed-en. tk'JUeela, ;;;.:;. I Mi ma? SBoev?feS I T.-v-"" ..riv, . . n &mmi$m -r m, -"js .1. ' - v i i ilf.,!'.r" Braa4eM.ealea?,aTraa4CH(l T?.rioxi Steps are being taken by the Com mercial Club this afternoon to decide on the securing of the moving picture reel of Klamath country for' the ex. position, and a definite decision will be reached thla afternoon whether , or not the reclamation offer will be ac cepted. Treasurer Dunbar, ot the Commer cial Club, who, la attending the fair at San Francisco, haa reported that'the plan would be practical aad, highly beneficial to the .Klamath country. Voluntary contributions have practically haarbeen abandoned Mrs luw.r niCn,' !Ji''fWlU ! JanmUle, fatB 'SfFb I- I A .rcVM.'Qu.e-wa.wkere-V tha 1 1 fin iit' if, nnrfr li rlta ' ,; to, revcatany trace ot:'theav;ind:R',la',i believed- thear were drewned.v: Asaar-te'! jean Ccnrnl Freit atfQaaanMown'aaa reported that 'DrJ 'Waakjf'nnBtra!'; SS nruiivni.,,.piM lc,S misaSmt. tromth'e nWaafatJlniBa'l that. 't;hrtywo,pjrn including lx M'naaaral.;t..' lM 'm mously-deeded that: th,Ak:.T. r i'- torpedoed inthoulrwnraA;BujfaIVs, ... -A--J.'.t. h!-f a.-. ,'-l :v.rJ a,wwijo-tot; .tae -epyn.;.e,y m a promised from Boaanaa aad Fert Klamatbi and it la thought, by, mere co-operation that little dicuU will be had In securing thelm. r "' Miwmm AmoHdanBl ailVViVOVna ktnaa ' alananttti' fll " J"fiV'r'";,l- .T, i'TTT ."' L' V -",r- - v .i "tu ' Including six SSSCI ;w;mi Lll esawSf al-J-h'I".i't.'":r..-i '.., 7 ' lffl"fTwrB?jMa ;nm -nnKvxawy;. lnveeticaUac?atv J H- w WJ'' ru,'ki2af 11' ecqnwwtyTyw d.d-(B':tHe;seBt;m'wr'v'.;. pedoed'heVstoamer.'. aeri $l 'i.j i,. wu iMl 'rtKBeKSB Ppaa.,: Three beetawetghtag' SS ;peua'da Vj-re shipped ,out. yeatartlay'hyj the Commercial Club for the Klaaiath'ex- hlblt at the fair." and they ate expect' ed 'to open the eyee of , ttevlannra";a e eoota. w tae great garaea posat- hllttlttu of the' Klamaiafeamatrr i .-.r-.-fli '-rTTr.T-vr-r-T'.-' . iy. ,. .'Mr 'i - y.v ; " Sb V .'It' c th. Arabk a saek:',ThrOK ;"i Iag;torle are 'told. Ba;aayrnt'that-'''' i the. liner, la turaUgeafto.. aka? ;.; we rtruck. hit the Wheat launeued . Ai TmmWm UrVMMMll i& m d .rfsr-i it..i.'j n -'t- " - -"" .;!i, j.-.r ; Sa: rCMaaAaavMaStiaai 'a t"aii;:',f;ij . 1 in , ...Pr a Q ! a.'" f. t.K ..H, , 3 liCWWV. '":Deer.i'';i'.(K r-n ( . . . to , i a " .'li,. i- irr-f hh'H W. A. Beyd :iooai denUetwetL toSimiiiUi SkM VtfmmmlMWm iaUltManMOI i...i.i ' : tkV a-iVil' -, Za ' ia. . Xaal. JL'- it .;.- ,'.' wkanJ.aM atev ' e sket' deer' la tka aalsaWbAA et '.':'' ,.';'' .TT. TTTw..T'T'-"..'"rT'.T ."T " ' "- J'X 1" V; - i,v', -vi, i -MwV'.',. '..-t :f !mfe!?5l ztmtSteJt eaf.:waTsfn, aaBamagaswrn jap.-yi'; .. fj f-W 'I uWi r .'. " A.afi J!,Jj,