vr, Tfi ' ..SI'SWi'W ? . ,:.I,& fig V V a n fti-IM, Shr '-' V.WLSS3S,??I - -" sLlVfrwA? X. Tli. IP'MfUfc -iiLj Zj-J" . fitLAMATH FALL!' KLAMATH OONTY'I, & NJ OVWCIAL NIWSPAFE1 "!Tr :,,.- . r .J . ?? yM&v It si KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1915 : jjr? rf?M . hK, I ''J it''! -jVxf I I iEumtmn iHrratfi tn I. j ij leu ft A 'vt V r. v & . ' t vs. flO ML I M:a ?.rjit'A mm $u fw t ite Star liner Arabic Torpedoed; lWMWXMWMWWW WWWMMWMWMWMWWNWWWM wWWWWWWWWVWWWVW4w)WMMMMMMMMWi k. 'ana' ' v, m m- am j?k;bh Sunk ST9RM REPORTS Ml GUI F CITIES IK DELAYED Hk W THRKK TO TEEN MILLION . taw III Ii. " ' tBg Miwra Meetly Front ilsas'rr'-g of tfmfttl Craft Entire yif-g- on 0H Dyatioyed i Ia guilty that the,! Ust WW pjael, ,N.UUr Reports Batter (15,000 REALTY DEAL ANNOUNCED LOCAL HOTEL PROPERTY TRAD ED FOR RANCH IN LAKE OOUN. TV J. A. HOVHTON, PIONEER, MARES DEAL Allies Pratt Service DALLAS, Auk. 10The total torm cMMlllft or Oalveiton HBd elsewhere ileal the cottt urn undeterminable. It k bow known that lib are dead. its the llt U Increasing with reports from the walla r cities, Moat of them irttst ratulta of tha sinking of small waft anr Oalveiton and vicinity. It li now believed that forty doatha Mcuiredoa a large dredger and on amlng craft, probably 300 bf crewa lex. Uncoaflrmed reperta aUte that wkole village along the coaat were dtttreytd. Sob tay that the Indication are that 1,000 or more have loot; their IIth, but many wore aaved, auditor rtportt are letter thai the first parti. ' The damage In the vicinity of Qal- nttoa It ettlmated at front fl.OOO, 000 to 115,000,000. Fourteen dead are reported at Pat tin, and damage at 160,000. it will iake two weeka to reatore busman to normal eondlUona. The tea wall at Oalvettoa prevent that city from betas engulfed. Ttua City, thirty at Virginia Point. liven at Iforgan'a point, seven nt BjrlYlt, teven at U Porte, four at Port Arthur, three at Lynchbarg. three at BHbrook, two at Houttoa and on at maporl. Tbt total damage covering nil polata It ettlmated at MO.OOO.OOO. Waited Preu Service WABHINOTON, D. C, Aug. !. The war department has ordered food, tenia and bedding naked to Oalreetea end New Oridaae from rorii mi and Leavenworth to aid the bowlest. The amy will co-operate with the Red Croea Seciety: Early dltpatchea any tha atom baa ntalded, and that tha number of tat It uncertain. Oenaral Bell re- jwu mat the government lone at ""a City la heavy. Calvary mounts M equipment were sweat aaaward. The latett report from then Jn twen- -ii dead. I'slted Praia Berrien WAI.LAB, Aug. to, Fatality raw Wit hero ahow 100 and la grewlag. ay placet have aot reported their A, real mate deal amounting to l MOO waa announced today by J. A. Ifoaaton, owaer of the Houttoa bo tel block of tela city. Tha deal wae a trade of the hotel building and block for m 110,000 ranch of 360 acret, owned by Z, A, Harrla, at Bummer Lake, and 111,000 In' caah. Mr. HarrlH will move to tbta city, and especta to Improve the hotel and make n flrat data place out of It. W. If. Dnggott, father of C. II. Dag gett of thla rlty, will manage the place, and will take charge Jfoptm ber let. Mr. HoiiMton doea not expect to move to th ranch, practically all of which la under cultivation. It la now uaed for farming and rattle raiting, haa a large orchard and a large honte. He will tend hla, two eon, Vernle and Lao, to the ranch, and they will tak charge. The Houatori block la one of the pioneer blocka of 'the city, and la lo cated acroaa tha atreet from llouaton'a opera houte. Part of Je building waa built thirty yean aaa, bat waa remodeled lato a hotel eight yeara ago. Mr. Harrit la a man er weaun, and daalrea to move to thla place for the purpoae of tending hla children to achool. . The ranch la about 140 mllea from here, between Silver Lake and Pala-ley. Hauling Fifty Million Through Streets Dollars of New York IflSBlMHitmpBjama am mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmBfmmMwmmmmmsmmmmmmmmmmmm tt IgBgelgBgBgaHffJlJgBgBgBgBgBgBgBB BBjgaBBBBBBBBBBBBmmmjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm flMaBmgegegegeHlSBaBBBBBiB 'vgaHM3m!gngagaBagagagBB ' 7)gWggaglHgSglglM i'jt ' - lk;ISgBgBgiit'igBgBlMPSl!aBBBBSmiB : ilt -:'laL7 geKSgeBakegegeHB I S&'ffinE8mb'tiin ''. B''t& i ''' "'"V gmgmggmgmgmwPglBmgmgmgmKgmgmgmgmgmVgvfiH : fHlt TlawmmJrfJw3S'P!'i v 'JvBBBBBBagmnM arBwRTawawf"SaFaaBaBaBWaBaBB gmw 4 MWM-vWMVMVrWMMArWMrMMmMMMe KLAMATH COUNTY HAS -RECORD AT THE EXPOSITION i MORE PEOPLE THERE THAN ANT , OTHER OOCNTT Plant Are Retag Made for gftedai KUmtsi Cetnty Day Lwter KUav Ui Prodacta SUM Wefceaae at the 'i "Booth, Theagfi Namber Hare Received oeal Mm Speak at Coaveatloa of Teachcra at Oahhiad U MAY BE SERIOUS FOR AMERICA IE NOT WARNED a Mtf .w .;-,, REPORTS ON XtnaaMBR UW-M A' ?i J n .. "WiVA.r.v.r.r'S ,;.3i'-?: '( -f: jj w j .,. u wrf;vs OONTLICTDW W ? ? B 1 , Stmk Tkie . i Frve par i ad porta Sag Craw ef Sfl -irr'niiiiniiiiiiP""'-' Kter:j 'UaaiaaBaaWeB v- iJte -1 r weama aarvna X'.P'f- A A,H 1L. " iv 5ft' r -i- '"!'- J'- . :u- i K LOW MAKES A RECORD CATCH Tb. I. f Knglandaont'lntotheKraph ahowa the arrival ot ' ..vera? "Hcira , j'rtg lriiekn ni ine suo-ireatury. wutjrw iid, ".- -.w-. -. -..- , tpto wan deposited. The greats aum, mounted policemen guarded the auto- i omitting of about. 130,000,000, m tho beat tocurltletand the remainder In gold, waa loaded, on automobile trucka at Thirty-third atreet and Elev enth avenue, in the dlttrlct known aa United 8tatea tecretly CO,OOo,000 for J. P. Morgan Co. with which to pay for munition! of waroMered here for the Orltlth government. Thlt vaat tuui arrived In aeven oiprctti cara from Hallfaa, to which point It had linen carried by ateamer. The photo- mobllea, . On .the front aeat of each jirere.'twfcgnafda caring. rltea. In fact, so much waa made over "the ahlpV ment that half ofNew York was ex cited by It ( Hf nilil ,Herlal Hervtce) , OKKOON BUILDINO, Expoattlon Grounds. San Francisco, Aug. 19, Although Klamath county took very little 'part In the All-Oregon Week activities at the Oregon" building last week, and there waa no apeclal In ducement aside from1 eeelag the, fair offered at the time, the attendance .from Klamath -couaty taat week waa 'the largest of any coaaty la the.eUte. It la much to be regretted that Klam- atb, county bad, aot arranged for ,a Klamath uday during the week, for there waa large enough and Uve enough a delegation preeamt; tt pat thecoanty., before tha . .thoaaaade 'of Jewel "City vteltoii la a way t they; would long remember, KLAMATH MAN TO DE OPERATED OH B1LAH OBE.NCHA1N OOB8 TO HOS PITAL TOMORROW FOR AP PENDICITIS OPERATION AT TEN MINltTES AFTER MAN RUVB WHISKEY HE IS CAPTURED RY i SHERIFF iS ACT OF GIVING IT TO INDIAN IN STABLE ..Tfi lWI M yet CASUALTIES 1 ' " , " REPORTED HERE " ' KHJOH WOOD. rtLLOF HUNT- CASCALTtM HAVE ,YBLiONI mt- mt K9 $&. Hhorlff C. U. low made a record catch early thla afteraoon In landing bootlegger, who gave hla, name aa Archie Maehr. Maehr and the Indian came down Mala atreet and aat aown on the court house bench. Low was Informed of the Incident, and went oat and alaed tbaa up. Kiitor Maehr want Into Taber'e saloon and purchaaed tha whiskey, comlag out he nodded to tha Indian, and they started down fourth street, keeping separated. J r At Fifth atreet they met, and were inclined to pant tha whltkey there, but Low was la tight, and they want oa down to the Belmont stables, lyl sprinting acroaa lots and down alleys the sbariR ran behind tha baraaaa wnttched them pass tha whiskey. The radian was caught5 with It la pocket A diary la Maahr'a pocket shows that ha quit working oa tha Uakey raack'Augutt Uth, and stated that la oase et iweldent aotlfy W. N. Maehr of Caraoa CHv. Ha oame hera'from Ukevlew, to there from AUarw, ar eordiag 'to tha diary. raaerd belag kept of his travels araee thea. ( SAN FRANCISCO (Special to The HeraM) BAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 10. Sllaa Obenchaln of Klamath Falla goes to u. Luke's hoapltai tomorrow ior,, nnnrntlnn for SDDendlCltlt. HO HBt been oxamlned by several pnyticians, and each diagnosis haa been the aame, Mrs. Obenchaln la with her huaband.4 which will be suitable for the various departments. It Is desired to secure a place that will be convenient to reach, and at tho aame time will per mit of tho proper housing of the de partments, so that the committees of the club can hold their meetings sep arately and transact their bualness. It Is also desired to provide a place rnr imth men and women, where they can have their depaTtWenta, and later hold social gatherlaga. The. fur nishings for the quarters are being workod on, and the meeting times and future work of tha committee waa discussed. The members of this committee are O: Peyton (chairman) , Miss Lcmlse Sargent (secretary), Dr. R. R. Ham ilton. W. C Hum, Mra. Paul John aon, George Watt. E. P. Bltlnger, Mra, L. J, Moore, Earl Whltlock, Mra. Cora R. Sanderaon. KNIGHTS RETURN FROM CEREMONY 4r" -' ii.' , 'V ill United Preat Service LONDON; Aug. 1- && H -H ThWhlte ' .H. jf M Star liner ,Arab4c wsitorpedeed and sunk thla sternlag by, a 'Oaraaaa.aah-f - k it'-Tl marine about Ave ssUea o Faetaet.; . . . 1 , '" a t. , - few miles, from where , the: I.asHaata - , ... AntA-" :i.r5!sfl?; mmm n ""i Mi tt.i2'J K- Til' . -i k;. tsmk The ratdtoaaelramMfaria tafed that; 175 patsiaaars.-aad ,the:; m mm stated' that, 175 :paasiagew.aad"thetWr entire :crewvf mgfffi . i. j j..' ''" ." t,'a.s'-i. .ir55ia,''- i; 'S;',j:. WFipaMMi&xm&iif&WM aera oi tae, ?ss - (t-iwri'LiK.rJt' -t-ivvk tew wF vW4stwiaw.'iikiMia.4;f t; Wftvarpooi-yaerdayA'-i', i. li "" H . Klamath coaaty waa glvea a plaee ,on tbe Eastern Oregon day program Saturday, afternoon, wham Ctty fleaoot Superintendent R. H. Daabar of Klamath Falla made some very Inter esting, and Instructive remarks' ameat the Klamath country and Crater Lake. Professor Dunbar did aot know he waa to apeak until It time to get on the rostrum, bat Klam- ItKPORTS SAY 108 AUTOMOBILK8 ,ath ty received foil Jaatlea in hie AXD 400 PYTHIAN8 ATTENDED, j u WM (h. .ctlvWe. of , PLAN TO MAKE IT AN ANNVAXi organising the Commercial Club that .Klamath county decided not to par- EVENT tldpate in the Oregon Weak wtth.; j, j special day. Later on It la the Intea- ,-tlon to have a special Klamath coaaty TbevKnlghU of Pythtaa oaremonlea day, andtn eoajnnctlom with thln held this week at Crater base are re? have a. apeclal, excursion front' Klam- ported to have been a great auccess, jath county points, reduced fares be according to returning Knights, who jingproHjlsed alreadr by the Somthera . The aalp Tha Arable jm-mmjmmm nniHW : . .! . .' r -i4SISj Cnnt,PraaB:smrisK , waimmoTrmVo. c rAaaLlO:- 'efMi'wAjSAL ';M? slaktBK.oftheArabte.: gardlng the reported iafaaaaaMlasd ' The' state depejtateat tooklmatadlale ttepa to ascertain wher4'tlwt)ra any Amerleaae aboard. ""Lj The situation may be aertoat, If aha,. a - '-- '..--.- - iVy ' W in ", -mmwrnm-t l--'"j , 'w-vJ ,iy, his Mr. and Mrs. Obenchaln have-been In San Francisco attending the fair, and Mr. Obenchaln aunerea tne at tack after reaching the city. He Is a faambcr of tha Arm of Ward ft Oben chaln, grpcera, located In the Wllllta block of thla city, sociaTcommittee CONSIDERS HOME y. BOCIAL DKPARTMHNT OFi COM. MERCIAL CMJR OROANIWCS AND TAKES UP PROBLEMS UN DBR THIS HEAD ' i, t BsaVOBMi -w--.-., Ui 1' Zr " !" amaasssssssusss,ssssrssHrBi i .',n'nes' -if " - . . ww., ; 4 . i (MHOUg t i k fzmmmM- mp- ..,. .:t ..M& wmmwm . W ?S.t ;H, i?i ? 'Ktaastt V 'i'j'" ' (Gtmahil"s7irTlrrr V?TT Ctab A sseeUag of the dlmfort of tha oommtjaiex.oitm waa,-astw, sMt.fuaaw tad Mui:(MMawli aOMjaM thalr atteatlea. . .1, asMk m rf aned'tBABoaltkMi M'saAirauM of the fourlet departmeat; amd';W, Ai Delsell haa asaaated. r ,' arrived home today. Many Kalghta from all parte of the state are return ing home via this city, and all report a good time, The ceremonlea ware attended by too Knighta from all' over the state, 108 automobiea being at the lake yes terday, whtch arrived carrying the members of the, order. Twenty-flve candidates were initiated on Wlsard Island In Crater Lake. Wednesday the Medtord Ljge put on the work, The knights camped on tho rim, and the Medford band waa present to far nlth music. ,r The "Lesson of Friendship" waa FIGHT MOST WPORTANT BAT.,,,llt on tn aramt fom on the' rim on m nniiin.ivn mw .Tueaday night. The plana are, to TLR AT .DREAMLAND RINK LOCAL WHITE HOPE EIGHTS ON FRIDAY KLAMATH'S ASPIRANT FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP HONORS WILL Paclie. With cheese from the creamery, vegetables from I ' k- The social department af; the Cam. mtrolal Club held IU gratmsaiw .. Miht. bii la the Irat ta'arsjaalie; euct ppc4,aniltakaapjl'a;;irirh. lthH afta .GaaMsiB;msi v, Ptyton It ehalrmaa of tha ommHua. tad Mlta Lue Sargent was ehoeea liuWlgh'tfgif saoraUry. i:jU ; .One at the rat arwhUsMiSM by tha aasiHtee la U'lysMlimtsf suartars far rtha Ommtm, . ! , (Special to Tbe HeraW) SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 19. The moat Important battle in the young caTeer of Karl Ritchie, Klamath's White Hope Is scheduled for tomor row at Dreamland rink, when ha meets for the seoind time Henry Hen dricks; one at tha West's most prom-I'alngsheavywelgnta, . .A fortnight ago they fought the full nnmber of rennda, Rjtchle get ting tha deoUlon.,(The'bttla waa aa close (hat many of the' spectators pro tested the decmleal "Hath fighters showedW ap watt that the winner of this will M" taxMae for : beltar flghU.- and a W;booat'toward tha climb tatha taaB.'havy.iiwInai haril, aW:n:'lwy; M' ' .Rltckia's 'aawararHr'MWIli KiaJiHllaad a wat U tehee lake. Salt on Forechwara. of Mortgage Suit to foreclose a mortgage has been Sled by Margaret 3. Irwin, Mrs. May Luther, and C. S. Luther against Frank L. Applegate and Elisabeth. F, Applegate. v jf ' -a- lT1 ?, Kftfj ( ' ,4,-MtM' M caavaltlea or not. 'i' ... J'JiCSfe "tja' ?j"f n.S&LZ? ? . . ? . i ....-J Ih-.a...!.. ..'IV ..i.-' "J: ) . ,JF"V uiuiwi,, icw, "hm-'j-i ,,- ,; r wi"7' rmtar., vrhBIT' iiurJlI..JBMU'E. 4' t !, nun -v v, iv--:;--r-r &r.:.jn'n - 1.2 .uttkk'"!- ".j .aroae ,, . "T -.-5-r - a -, slBklag. hat H w'aathsllatyaaBiej f ff wni: raaR 4&mkMMm . .-iX Lw2'rT. resewara paay teen town, itiee.! It ijf?V,t"i Retara Frosn CaUfarsOa Mr. and Mrs. R S. TarwllUgar qtiBellaa. Merrill hay e returned fromlan Fraa- -soo, wnere tney atienuea io iir. Their, two dAughtera aeeempaaiat them,, but have remained lntba aonth to attend boarding, it u t Dr. 0, . rf-i Wheeler of thla oHy, a companitd. by Mrs. Whaelar.hae ra turnai';trom,aaitafdadVaato ,tl through, the Nerthweet Mrs. WheeUr waslvlerUag at ayekaae, aM harlfasbaBd thara, 5 '"i Holllday the Nlt- schelm and Newnham gardeaa and vetch from the coaaty. Indrsaary ar riving this week, the Klamath coaaty booth la again in batter, position to. ahow! the world tha agricultural poetl bllltles of the section It repreaaata.. v Klamath Foam at the Fair Amoag the Klamath eonnty people at tbe fair since the laet wrlUng are Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Dtaoa aad famHy. iMiss Nina. Noel. Mr. and Mra. Ham Crandall aad son, Miss Janata Metcalf, Miss Anna Metcatf, Miss MrytleGrlfla, Mr. aad Mrs Peray Evans. Mra, Bert E. Wlthrow, Mr. and Mra. 0. W. Robertaoa. Mr. aad Mra. G. B. Coaad. Tarda Coaai.Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Wlgglaa, Aadraw M. Collier, Henry f. Hoag,.Mr. and, Mra." Jl L: Beckley, Mrs. C; Bi Cleadeanlag, Mrs. Ora FlUpatrick, Mr. aad-Mra.R. 1, Roberta, Miss Audrey Roberta. Mias Clara Calkins, Mr. and Mrs, Harry GoeHer, Miss as' Barbara aadtHaaal Goaller. Mr. and Mrs. Loala' O. Tan Mrs. Leaeh. Mlaa UHUn Stllta. Mies HtlUe hleAaarewt, Mia Lanra Blee, J. I. Johaatasw. air. aaf Mrs. J, ..Lofgrtti. Mrs. H. F. Mar- and Mrs. 1f. H. buabar. Mlaa.MWtMrtU aadjaMa .triMVAAaCaViamt:, J: ' A, Mai-' , . w . r . . - -Twr;rJTr'?rw ' trs.i dost. 'MisaMMV.Baak'.aU.lmyajerMr;! ' m w. V-'-.ia1- -a, .rlttemalk' MM rw.i.y.y)j,wpw;r.tpf . TT- tc Ualted Prase ,Snrlofj ,,-,''? .&$ 'i2dNDONr:;AVTita?ira aunkVvWa;alh;wt hr tti tbrnedo. Tlaaaata' wajaxMjaA, by the torpedo. ThCbaata; :?.tM;tlrBa' t ' i-K ered, Una: to QueeasiowWj" Ta Wjattir. opsm v..!wimk a-, siatamaat thai ataw ar" " 7T.,T' TT ,:... .w.' S1" . - . H W$!!WS& atgaaaa IBsmsfl asaflH gssSw BmWa"'S wmwmKAft v-i- -(.rfl v,"'M v4 ' ,"Hi'l fj s :ftz . r ft' n-'Ti" - J .i-.iT5KIf'..i.Aki.H, W.v. .(? fW .A.I United Freaa BWWww.W'Ki i4 i.mrmiv i.-ta-i.,Wfc imitai'ff'' ..;. , "m rrrs'iKSSSLdif gtarjataaasjorat esiss';;1! ,"T-, .'r-r-T--,v x,ji board whaa aaIt;ii:klrtfJ tUaXatjatwiafwrMiaf:tU,ssihsB 1 '.'a, "-,, 'i4 ' f2MEKie' f, ' ' w '" r.A..'c".&- ' -.'f, llnUal vm-ww t--"r or i, .y',.. . ., p- ft l!ram!!!KfcSt8'HSfeM 38ai5ft7K a. s;tBw:.,wfl-Jr-l.S3 dock and daughter, .Mr. aad Mrs. W llam P.,swsa,'':Mr,:a,iMrB.',R.-: Md ,laHAT'$PMla;aMBn rarMruaaUsifaWtilira5 Mn Oeorga-Pry aad daatfsV MMaaatw uataaaaiu.-r.ff f. I'tsaaii'11' 'J yt . wi sSas&aWaas:." ' TasasatV Mr. aaJ M itnJs. , laiiiCi iprnva- .?, sbmi P'iMEiWPW;Wfc-,.-J npJPK,14 r. .-i&I 54 $i ft Mi :m. ,?. m i-a ,I mi Ml M VM k,' v,w -wdjr ?trt0? Mv iitf sq$ j r y ' v V-i, BgaT r - " Li-''-: JL1 . ,