'" ' sisrr If t m$ I'vrr w, riii , OFi-iv.r.- i r r" RHfy m hhjk fjV ?aV4a fgVaam'm MB'tr' av'aefdV " ' Vfr in ,nK .vKn ' -v rfT" ansnnBvavamni f f. -w -w mnw r r r en" P H" "a" . i?K f5T.XftgtTe KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1915 . vb:cmik , fovno Reported as Fallen Before the Germans; Advance Continues East ( IATE BULLETINa e ..: Duis me Ml MIEKMl 0 MANY GODS it s ?i I w Mf-I I t V OP WARSAW few'. FAI lltmsid He IWrmkr4 KM ' Vuulu Mi '- IV '. '' ester Keveo aad uw Brest- l.ll raV Uee-Ar Ik Wrikto W Mit Xmro Georgia About lo Ml MittfnCro Bug. I'lllta I'm Service IBRUK, Aug. -M. fl kin Mm an iMwwd from the wr office hero that Krrao ku been captured, together till all surrounding forta and war asterisks which have sot yet bean casatei. The fort baa km la the UMtt of the QermaDa since taat atfht. Ottr 4 to eaasoa were captured. The fort wat stormed and taken, 4H seteralaed realataace. It la naslesred the moat Important vie torr state the fall of Warn and forewata the Russian iVawwat Kortosnd the Brest Lltovsk line; The Qtrmaaare bow within strtknVg dto 'tiace of the outer defeases of Brest UUnk., Otoeral von llladeaburg's irtllUry has commenced shelling, aad aw dsaollthed a number of, tke forta. railed Press Service BERLIN, Auk. IS, Novo aeorg Knk hi reported aa about lo fall. Two more northwestern forta have beta taken. Von Mackeaeea haa tfoeied the Bug River aouthweet of Bmt Lltovsk, and la attacking the (Kress. PROMINENT MAN ITS KLAMATH 1 WATW ll,RAHRI WITH OOVN- TRr.AXO HURIRIHBD AT WHAT K HAN BKKM HO PAR TO IKK CRATKR LAKH A. $iJ?5T "orejr OwwBor; editor of ?2 Jr1?"1 "rwwlilw bmuIm kifrM" of the National Oaora. tfft"", Bocletv. uttA h. .-. v-'j. JHSUI '" ""WMV 1 PJ John. ',';.'-r Jd acoomnaBijMi k. ff n. Vd acoompantod hr Mra. Qroe- Ib,; aaei -rwrrtor and utu ijh.. v.. in'S " have ti. . .-k 'iSSM' ""ta-ltemt, Ikave Sgl "V y tlMM, bat thU ia wr iw inn wui - . .. sik.11 . ' "' "" at reejaM iiff.i it, :j n -.v r- aaemaw wet a ' a :c'"i : ' UV KTValE HI 14 taama mnil - -, -w tvvaviTW V kin - . iw FlfflR 0,,i, o' roar titr. .ten u , " , " Klamath lake by Johnaun, and will Knd the night at llarrlman Lodge, tomorrow thy will go to Crater Lake and from there Mr. Oroaveior will proceed on to Mount llanler aad Itanler National Park. He prataed the Lava Modi, and the foraatlona there, and waa greatly pleated with the appoearance of the farm landa In the1 valley. A committee from the Commercial Club vUlted the hotel last night to talk with Mr. droavenor. He waa bora at Coaataatlnople, Turkey, and spent the nrat fifteen yetra of hla life by the doldcn Horn, nnd to him the Dardanelles aad Bos phorua are familiar scenes. Blnoe hlu connection with the geographic eocl oty. ia HOI, It haa grown from a membership of 00 to 400,000. Itai purpoao Is aa Increase aad dlfualoni of geographic knowledge. In nddlilon to hla work aa a direct o oi iiit society ana editor of Its, magailne, Mr. (Irosvehor Is also the author of '"Hcciifs Prom Kvery ltad," "Young Itussln," numerous articles' appearing In the Century, Popular Science Monthly, the Brnlthsonlan Re ports anil the National Ocoaraphlcal Magailne. Sir, (Iroswnor Is the son-in-law of Dr. Alexander Graham Rell, the In-' ventor of the telephone, having been married to hla daughter, Blsle May, Hell, In London, In 1900, They have six children. APPIAN WAY TO BE OPEN SUNDAY pou.vrv niuttx TO i.nhpkct sat- VRDA' HUNOAY MORNING AT 10 O'CI-OCK It WILL UK OPKN, HTATM CHAPMAN A Mayor a a Rookie HJBKSa vvssaaEJK7 MijfEslJgaaaaaaV aVgaaVaaaaJaa',y', gRjgaaaaaaaa,M IVttsBvm aaaaaaaaaamaf. ""TiMrHaaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHtHi aVaaaSIiaBaCrTLaWVaVHBl JaaaaaffflaffM BAaHg' Zl w-gaffalgaffM VsffsffsffsffsffM i UaaHH " ;CWga!gagaHegaP?l r m s 4HBlaBVHaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaV.gM WMM '? 3gagaiagagaBfiHaBl SgaB jSSk5 j'lalgaHgaH laaaaWgal 4- L jUKffftHggggpjH saaKl3laaaaaHjH 9'BVHWa' vmM i HmHmHmHmHmHmr ; ijXaVHaVHaW V'HaV aaaaal aaaaaff' BBOail 1 BBPVS23lrlTWiHl r aaVaaaW i'vv?:r$izvmm United f'rrns Service I ixinaon, Aug. is. u is announces here mat Zeppelins raided tne "cast ; count le" last night, killing 10 and l wounding 36. The airships escaped.' It Is presumed that Kent and Eases j wore attacked. Tho victims were civil ians. It la believed that aircraft) guns damaged one Zeppelin. new xorK, Aug. is. Funeral ar rangementa for the burial of Leo Prank are not completed. The body4 Is en routo here, after being' hidden 'by the undertaker from the mob yes- .terday. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 18; Governor! ' Harris Is personally supervising the Investigation of I ho Prank lynching, f He Is dissatisfied with the farm guards to resist and that they were" unprepared. It la predicted that the lynchers will escape., . i London, Aug. 18. The 'Brl steamer Bonny and tho Spanish steamer Isidore have been subma rlned. The crews were saved. London, Aug.. 18.- General Hamil ton has reported that the British have, gained S00 yards in the Dardanelle trenches. Washington,' Aug.- IS. Believed here that Carrnnsa plans to crush Villa before answering Pan Amer ican appeal. No replies have been re ceived from Mexico. SnnfAntonlo, Tex., Aug. 18. Oyer ; 200 feet of the causeway waa destroy ed In the storm on the coast, extend ing from Loulelana almost to the mouth of the Rio Grande. Suffering 'here Is great for lack of drinking wa ter. Dallas, Aug. 18. Scores are be lieved to have been tost, according to the latest estimates. Only single Huge Storm Does Millions ot Damage to Cities Along Gulf - a jv ? i p ?; American Novelist Now British Subject Bvaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw i t HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHI i Lwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaana t BaaSHHCESaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHPaav i' gwwSPigwwwwgwwW' "' BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHeaw H aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV' BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB' . eaaaaaasaaaaBBBRaaaaaaaai I Hearr Jaaaea s " take up the preliminafry work; of the reorganization, and Will work on a plan of organisation and work for the future. The directors hare all been chosen to Oil out this year with the exception of one, a prominent leader la the ' rural districts. The constitution will be worked over, and It, la probable that a date will be set for a geaeral meeting ofall the members of tke club. The present plan Js to arrange for the future regular meetlagdatee for the club. . Other Important baslaeas that will come up will be the. work-aad duties of the various departments of the Commercial Club. ,' rS ,. , ''We are going, to expect each de partment to handle the work com ing under Its jurisdiction;"! stated Secretary Fleet today. "There are any number of things that ahould be taken up, 'and worked oat; aad It. Is the duty of each department to has Mia ttoin m.w ..uh. shaky wire connects the outside world 37 dead. Houston with S. P. Klamath's now Applan Way on the ctfstorn shore of Upper Klamath Lake will open to tho publlo for travel at ,10, o'clock Sunday morning, accord ing to II. C. Chapman of the Chap man conatructloa company, which haa been doing the work. In making this road through al most solid rock, 80,000 yarda of rock and dirt have been moved. Ia blast ing the road through, sixteen toaa of dyaaalte have been uaed coating VR.SSO, for the work. A aide of a mountain haa practically been re moved to make the road, which la twenty feet wide at all points, and wider at others, ' Arrangements will be made for aa opening day, though plaaa had been laid for an earlier day, Mr. Chapman stated that there la some work to do yet In dressing up The last blast waa Bred yesterday, aad the road is expected to be complete, subject to the' county court's laapectloa trip on Saturday, The ateam shovel and camp which haa been, taking car of forty to fifty pen, will be moved Sunday morning, aad the read will be opea Sunday morning at 10 o'clock for traSkh l;sr" "o largest and nruauaii IFWJ!1" ' toft ' fe ,Z.tr,?, omnaale4 to hlafam. y;J)auZ, 11 '"mil rS'1' wiiafi, Him !StSL?Lfflrw.? aaaaraia7rV"'f "Wr ,v 1 HAD Of ValMimaa' Ra'kheitaiMlM'aa7aZl. ' ..; 'Jaat &m law rfAr ? m m JtMirair 2Lrr-!!SiHj .lWM :WAiiauS;''.'TTT''r?r.iTWS lav- v L7Z'k& mn - r- j ,,.- v w.wl. 1 ' k" : mim'. , yi 'fi -f M was Uk. . U :Lii Imaaeaae Sirlas Reaae A large buncfi of enormous string beans raised by Prank L. .Armstrong ou the West Bide, were brought in yesterday and turned over to the Commercial Club to be aent to the fair. "Pride of the West" la the brand, aad they averaged 8H Inches la length. They are a special bread ad a croaa, being one-half Pale Lima, one-fourth Kentucky woaaer aal oae-fourth Tenaeseee Cora Hill. wj;.4itt?WBfri Unyor Mltchet of New York j l Just as soon aa Mayor John Purroy J Mltchcl, the youthful head of the New York city government; reached the( military training camp oi ousineiw and professional men at Plattsburg.' N. Y.. the other day, he waa oraerea mn n wnrV erectlnx hla tent. He w nH ,v , ha camned In the Adtronaaca moon tains, so he knew how to do that. ,But being out of practice he, soon' got up such an appetite that he waa very glad when the Job waa done After living In England for nearly Hdrtv veara: Henry James novelist. Hitchcock reports Drother otib9 late professor William James, orofessor of psychology at Harvard, baa beconje a British 'sub; Ject. Naturalisation papers have been issued to him. Most Amerieaaa Im agined Mr.-James hadKmg atu be icome a subject of the" Wag, batHae bhd not thought this '.necessary uaui be felt be should show hla allegiance to the allies in the war. He took this course because he, wanted to show In n conspicuous' way hla feelings. in the LECTURER - HERE FOR DATA l. CLUM, MAN WHO PELI'ER8 K1GHT LECTURES DAILY' IN HUNSET THEATER, JQATHERS DATA ON KLAMATH .1 Jolm Prelum, who haa been de livering elkht lectures daily at the Sunset theater at the Paaama-Pactflc- exposltion, left this morning tor IrVnlar liVn nffnr urtondlBr a dl-v He waisea ju ioa."u" " """""" " -T-- - - - for hla photograph at the teat door or twoherefor the purpose of gather- before he rushed to Captain Halateadl n data on thla ceuatry. He atated Doroy of the United Ssatea array, wno tirat ne waa mucn surprwea wuo is commander at the camp. , country ana tne proaucta aere. I'm so hunarr I can't work any, - had no idea you had 'each a: more," he aald. , country here," stated Plum yester- "Sorrr." said .the, capwin, "mesaidty. "ThU country aaa aurprisea war. KLAMATH TRAIN SERVICE BETTERED ' V : $ STORM CONTINUEO $ & mmut t !i- rJ'. tv. ff,I AIU f 41 t s i "i i'U' &b4& 4. maom iSBSiiKS'S. WATER' IN THREB MILW PAR. v i-THBK' THAN &'Jf?! ,ir Ki.kjiiA. 'Jli&SV.VMZv&,"1 , . r". - T . Kallioad -Traeka- Ti" mfcm T DAILY SLEEPER ON TONIGHT BaV TWEEN TH CITY AND OAK' . ... ..i a . s WAsf aaiKeaw ,t . . - iXr-ivvy.yt. TeiM CMr.'.aasl" l Mew .; . (rf i- A, AiA ,Sfe& ' laoweriaee XeWawairteaa veatm,aSMeisVcelrAcl4Mini1st.i . - . T- V-' j H.ISB IB .1 'ti .?' ,Ui" - 11 ' V ' . t.".! Vji !."ftlil', " fiUM.BTU -'-i- - . -T!M. :-a '. : v?i- -n , i ph i mmKmmm r . t .i TiV'5Stf4W?a '":. . 8kW: . jr h &j i.-'t , - tytiAi- "-.v:"!"-. "-M ty t rAz, . Jl f - -1 -.. ,-.' titl. i. .. J' J'.s-iln ti. i'. ----ot, f-rpapi-iS-KfX .y,Z'& :iiii, Krm iarwiB -xt . irvs. a. T 8MITHY1 mftwtt v.lBi nrnr ! r MMdiMM m M -,. t i v '.rr,iN",rw & , XexasCtty1irBofd;aa)e&i hkvebeeaVdeale1lrifaarKMaeMJ.r:m a'geaenl aterm aioa:tae a:eaxm,a VwT . ffs jr vK.t i i ?. : 'Qft'ii i LAND DAILY PRHiOHT ' '. ' TAINED MAW- WORK BUREAU, WANTS LABORERS won't he ready1 for an hour," Then the mayor" waa givea formal permission to take hla motor aad drive, over to a summer hotel. When he returned at noon he ate another) meal, and It ia reported he la regular-J ly eating four or Bve meaia a ear. n weighed 185 pounds when he entered camp, so his friends were made happy by the reports of hla appetite. Kaaaaa nattda Reada United Pressjervlce ' TOPKKA, Kans., Aug. .18.--Wlth tho corn "laid by" aad the threshing partly flnlahedKanaaa'today, dropped their regular work nl turned to repair tho roads badly daasaged by a long continued rainy naMon? Hua droda turned out' In every aectkm of tho atate at the call of Governor Cap per, A million dojlnra worth of work will nrobably bo donated by cltlaens today and tomorrow In their eforta to gel. thp.hlghwaya'in'ahape tw moving Vhe bumper cr)pe, to,;martet when prices arerlgat.. mo grcai)yAnd the stu that U h rain ed here baa been a great astonish ment to, mo, You have a comlag country here' and It needs advertis ing." . ' . i Mr. PJum haa secured a great num ber of photographa of KlamathTioeaea which will bo used aa, slides la the Sunset theater, and'wlll fatoo efce Crater lake, obUinlag vlewa of It for the, same purpose.. i 2 " UeM BeaeMToalght The big ball benefit will be held to night in the-Pavlllon'tor the mebfra of the Ewauni, baaehau, team. The recelnta ao to the memners oi w FOR OVER A WEEK SCARCITY OP XABORERS has made it im- POSSIBLE TO FILL MANY JOBS, AVS CHAMBERS, 4 1 ' ' "For. oyer a week, we have been suffering from a scarcity of laborers of all kinds," atated J. B. Chambers of the. Gun Store today, who runs a free employment bureau at hla place. "So many men are going Into the woods, 'hunting, Ashing,- berry pick ing and .other purposes, .that have not beeV able to flit a number o Jobs that .have come la." aald Cnaaiberi.. "Tho" county wanted five men to work on the' road, and but a partlot them .were secured. A number of farm hands are wanted., and I ha-ae been able to get but two, or three; M a but . i, The train service Utweea Uto eJty and the south will be hetter nW , tonight with aTBr placed on betweea this etty aa:MaK; land., The Commercial Club aaa working, .on thla feature alace early last spring, 'and; it b. believed-that their efforts and the railroad ngtta tlon recently atarted caa had some thing to,do with the better service. Ninety people have left' the city for San Francisco and the fair eo far this month, being an average of five dally, wnlcn le. believed are more or aa many as. any other city inthe state outside of Portland haa aent 'thla month. j ,,'. Dally freight service between thla city and Weed has been, maintained for the past month, and an lnereaae la hualneea, both coming,, la and, going out, is reported. TheTEwawaa Boa factory will, put on a,nlght,shlftte night to be maJnUtaed, Inerderita get. out their ordera for boxaaook. The mill, will be raa" Uryagathto winter, according 4oa?eeeBtiHaaaaa their contracts tamjjly require "the shook. - 1 '-- m--;- r-j; v ..w, fartlUr-UW.th.rte'.g tyrrrsr-srrsa' rJWtedreaaACTiea-fBLMWlW reier.--'imrllelelviS Garfeatm "have Vat imtmtrmm':ui ?r& " -- ! ..if v, ?Z.S.I.' J ilAM armwaHVfM i 'it BRITISH VESSEL SINKS j MANY DIE FORMER CANAIHAN LINER TOR PEDOED RY GERMANS IN AH GEAN SEA AND BELTEVEB I, team.. pr, and Mra. Depuy toft today i their return te,Oaktaad, their home, aftiri vlalUpg here .for aeveral days. Dr,:Defluy bwsd here wMai'Hiall eaairJPtrM TMr tto, Had Dr. and Mrs. m: WhHe, amoiag ether" aedaalataaeai, dariag taelr K " . ' , ' Party Sees Crater Dr,.aad Mrs. George A. Oathey ac- comaaatedv by Mlaa -Cathty M Mlaa Pearl Bolvla of, this clty,r?tiir, i..v .ik YrAin & trln vaterdar:to Crater (Uke. -They state ;WaV th! park warf falls ol aaumetoa, aad that the Ktol V jPythUajrf Ptaanlng for great tWags. taer.Srat eeat to'bestafed thU aeratogr f day aad board la paid tor haying,; it I cannot get theimenv. "- OOO LIVES ARK LOST , .IsktMz -r-. rr-s-rr" ;; m&hfrtt: , " iy. nTea-atA S3 ? " 8 aad: that :ffLmMHMM msim Wlb'W4t.'a,-: 1 V''...,ttH''v'F7t'. -L.'. ".v.i.au,. tea. - Ctartem sa beard a mm SiSra tered freei HHebeeek-te ??SA' iL fVWI'V-H'-!2:mtf&i? .. raa are aaagYyjaag-s3 mmmm i'ri. . -t I --- - t; -vvr ?? a &ZFn?$?' r'i ,' K' II aooa today. The loss wilt reach late the aiiniaaa.'y . -. i ;"". .'..'-, cv ubb own npenw innnHt asm aeorea injured.. - , ,i,j.,."rivt0f" ''u , .- 3 The UrtiniirrA been ont'of commleakm 'ataee,Meadar' meniag. wn the Jwlad reached a ' veloc;ty.6felht.ltoi;a,r.-!Ts -- sampaifaiiai !'! " -' - 'f ' v : T";" ;v ,-r5'-".?f'"ft'-" kai -- . . - mua&iBKdK - - uWiT.'vt iiu' the mercantile heeW'are.es-e' . WW w v . f T51 1 . m- .oww i:"-.. ryaerlalirnlRiP the gulf shore 'aaiaraUMf M fatallesliulfjei&l.f United 'PiwerNrvtoe ,'tVMi 'WiW 'WAINGTWb.tc)iMaaUtl ii i iiiiv it - L'i.inr.n .1,. -tu j nv Tha wthAr hurn tiw'kl'iuuUi to communicate with OeJveatsa: Hrea; . - C commualeatloa bywaamtojatoa severed. ' Houston ImatnaMWfW'X? -. 'i lowtat'awenlitavrriMiA ; With the ixce;ci:the't:ii'; th)aa 8I)Wiva ByWtwaMafrfMl wmn .'.ii iriA-sv..- r , j.. -.. ft i ii-iitjrF- 5wfi'ia r Ew-rtfWwAssa Bor trt '''tat''l'iiaS'ii -' - No Clue on Nothing now has,Ave)oped today.! i. - T. i ""' w on to whereabouts of onanea rar-kor,- who came upelnc Saturday nfght,, and whlchleaae waa placed the jherl:a omce yeotorf ay, fpl IID AIDEPTHDC tV""" llli v l w.li V In HH4' TLTlnL-iaVfl4t-' '"rA 's kVLraWllBK laHaaaHHeMnABaaMtaWUlanMaaalsBBi' !aBsQHVb4MsnWiC33 'Mstiy'jwiifanvtfi MEET I0NIGHI I WORK AfcD' PRO t f ' " ' a FUTURE , WILL , BE PRKLD4IXARY GRAM FOR , . J I" ( . ) bUTUNED TONIGHT-, AT' I .(PORTANT MEBTINQ'i t. T'aeV hoarii of .dlrfetera-'efStna KkaaLCmerc4.l C4aTlU et kTTTT.'lili-wfv.VJ'.vv i'i.'Jw''ilii.'iij Will f"'P' United Press Service LONDON. Aug: 18. It has dunouriced here that 'the British eanMaa' tnWMAHh, 1. aa weaal tanW f-' ainuetwjit aws rtoyal Edward German Saturday, known believed The, (jesaeirfoerrWi. llleeMders, s as pmeeraSBa'a'.erew, oc;se.j'.,Tae boatwaata.vejaaaf'-Ml' f ifiyJTxf '''." 'v i... ... '. . ..' L.. f .ILT,'JM' . ' .lJft,, ,, ., "t toBr;:atto'-al.rKrted:tasM Parte. T. "f."T!T,,'i.!,w. W ", 5"Mi. . ys ll i 2Pi $ ; .'.! :!!fl'iJ a-MeriajifoUirare) .yafartaslagaVxCtM J , ma. fc-v J.'.e '- lau-tf.: i .V - i"" T.'i BTiTHia' neaon oeaaroeae-are e'yt th t llav '.J i X.i iU. .V. ' iN'U.C.T.Si4Sl'.V'Wi(3"ii' "waja -f-ri"" ;r'"." ."f'w.T'v- 'Hi ... ,i ''j?? X'. , , pe; l tMOr, Texa;'OitorwtW aubraarlneUf the Aefean aea Sevenjiaches offrainTallrHikaalml-V '? , Mt.to sUtd Uat re yesterday KZwliWrSZi ' lrm& to haveheeifaaved : ' w-? rf; yj'T''" """T rMf 'that .T.tM vferet drewaed. . ,.gw'vB,w; ,, jm . mmt.. is..'"w i "j" ';&!-. weii U-Vvi . .w. -l.'i.-t,.a--wi Ur c Mr, ajU Mrs. Wm, O. Hura. I reeer;a'aa44l:o:aaaaeas ijia,iampiwamejsnasai.a'efiaeaaaaii,1 aa BHewiea .aaasri aer ; eaaa,,'.awe.' ?e lartm?WXli"t . ..--5 -vstf ,-.' ,)aaBsaavaaiea...t:.-vr; ai w. rvi wseatatlvefBaMa'iaal Mpp. Sam a; aaesaber, aff - as-'-..' .i i -i i' . ' -' .r SP1 .esuryaanaaaui a 5' T? IS: "jTj .aaf. - w ww 1W7. ',! " sto ' i i'.n.. &i- ijr -".r.l:. u,'.'.'ii' oaaOhtaaiaBaUir ttolfvaeaaad J-! .ISA telanWBV BVaL vkaaaMBV , , VatSaUsWlw f ! j.i 'c a . aMe ,,v v " Bl r' - - t. Mil ', t-aaaasBmsamBji a'4SJSBf , , a, -A m 'sr -m ? rTSF-urm "ifif ..? J v " t Mi 4! lw, LT." . T- ,TV.t k ..V