". ff VJ" ft t r J ' , .0&y ' 73 V ). 5.4 .. W 7Arifp -.' ' I- . . t -mi "'i.-jm?; 1, .4 f- . iuw .. ' ' $fe? . v. 'if ""fc iff itn.r.m in-., it.fj '.iATlfc0iM0i KLAMATH FALL!' OFFICIAL NKW1PAPM J? OFFICIAL NEWSFAPER 8tf! , -svl tov .rl KLAMATH FALL!, OKBOON. TUESDAY. AUGUST 17, 1915 - ?? , 4A r"y 1 ' ' " 4 .tamaa . - : ; . . y .'- ' , iiLitP fctt.nmtii iiaMi . b. . "bv - h bt . . bmbl "iNa. W ; . i 1 6ALVEST0N IS SAFE FROM FLOOD Iters REGEDIN6 s 'MattUK AMOUNT TO Mil FROM HTOItM JON A ' E N Hm people IvrMiwITwo Urajo a'N'W'M Attention) Flr . pMiHMttli i.l City Haer 'llf of Mevln. nwi Thrtro al. - " (nn dorr-ram)! TrMMirt bmmkmI During Wwem Islitd I'ih Service ','SBW ORLKANB, AUg. 17. 0l tntfoa U now wf from threatened tenructlon, una the water is reced Ul, following guir storm ymrAy tat the night bcfitrr. Hcfugt from tM cllr ttnte that ywtcrl)? tlio twrt wrrt covered with wter. A wlrtlM niMag from tli cliy. ill otter communication boltig rut oB, ititfd Itint the damage would Ik otr 11,000,000. Five Uvea wer lout la the flood. Two huge firm orn mo Dofellilng the Attention of nil tli lr dptrtnnta or the city. Th tovcrnnenl trnntimrt McClvl tea btcaae lornwd from U mooring ud drifted a mile out In th gulf, MWtalklag ronilderable damag. Ntawrou umall craft war de trertt la tba gal. The Prince, Hit Bride and 28 Cents l BHiBgagEwJr gai T. agagagaigagagagagagaW " Hb JLgalgaHBgagaggagagagaffWMtaaMggagagagagagagaBlga t S BENSfl DAY IS iSCEWitEDTTj P.P.I.EXP0SITI0N OltKGON OITIZK.V IK HOXOHKI) BV CKOtVDH Fight for Free Speech Prtac l.wdortco llgmaU-lll d'Aragon IMF BY LOCAL DEALfRS CHARGED The IHmW In Hatlila When Mlaa lluth Watsra Morgan left nt all exevpt a daddy who hat of la!m Ueach. Naw Vork an'd New- moro nioney thwi any Bpanlnh prince port announced at May the would : 0,u",do n,,; dr?IB wed I'rlnco l.udovlco I'lgnatelll d'Ara After threo montha of rnarrlago to an Amcr- .... --.-JM.lKlMJMIRJ,..Werr". IKJCT gon. her father .promptly itaued a; .,- , bankruDtw. aUtlnc he has Parwriyla Cllrea Pbltanilimplrt. and Wricemr Katradted by I'nwldrat Moor of .KKltloB toveraor WHhyromho lroi-Ht mt Vrtfie ClllxrnKeaume of Hemum's Uge Hi rum!'. I'nlUMri'reaflervIre ' BAN PIlANOIBCb. Aug. 17 Today wim rinfcon Day tt the Pnnaran Pa cific oiposltlon.-. M , Tliotitmudu of OregonlanH and for mer rcvldcnta of life Beaver itatc, and from every olhcr atat in the Union, Joined with expoxlilon offtclala In pay ing tribute to8. jlenMn. millionaire phllaMbroplRt of jrlland. .. Tin. Hnv'ii elett-ation oncned with a parade tinder tii Joint auaplcea of the expoaltlon vil the Automobile Axuoclatlort of Ciliforala. The pro- ceialon ended at , y Court. of; Abund ance, wh'cro.BeaaaU'WM formallyj wel comed to the xpMltlon by Prealdeut Moore and preaMied with a broaae plaque, Denaen reaponded with a abort addreaa. 1b whiah he expreaaed apprecladoa for. the.ROBor and, klad- r ,'3rJi BawWaW"Wngggl 'irpyBBgggggl i , JWanggggBl niyggggggi i ggggggggmHw' ' i ggggggggf2 ' rC' MISSIN& MAN IS SOUUHT BY LOW A. HTAHIt, PBOM WKLCK WMj, IH C'KltTAI.V HOMETHINO HAPPEN- Kl TO MAS' HE CAME TO TOWN. I WITH.HATURIAY 41 aW ana aW af taw mm i BV m al m) a mt immmim x '. f I tVWte- FROM FARM AND .HUN6MREE 4 - '1 rv MOH CLTH BOWX HTAMPB PACK vtj - wr AJrt ? The wbereabouta, of Chaa: Parker,:.- j.-. . . .! x .. &.--. -""'- t araraaaai . bm-b bp raaaai aaBBBaaaiBBHa av fnMAltf atMittAWAA Afiaw WaIaB aah ff. -J ... .J. ' iui uici 1 vfgawi aaa, i,mv wiv bw-jj j-f , " . "t1 "f 4 Li 1Ty I 4; .4a , - 1U. Atw. u t 1 .. . J a!!1S if- mill near fairy, wbb iue pniBicm ik (j uerenwr rar pawar; Ota, before Sheriff Low today by A. Bttir.fj. -i-,' .. ..., .-;.f;-!.J'..i')ii IIH B MflMVBM LMSIK H..'. -rv" --; 7-- " ?ri .'.-,' r"! Harrlaon Motrin Harrison Morris, son-in-law of the; founder pt the Wharton School of Finance In the Pennsylvania Univer sity, from which, Professor Scott Near Ing. was dismissed by the .trustees, of the unlverilty,, strongly? oppoted .the action. He is one or the executors of the will or Joseph Wharton, aad, la therefore believed to know the Inten tlonsof the rounder of , the school. "We charge that the- real reason for Professor NenrlngV dismissal," said Mr. Morris, "la a,raeaace to edu cational progress, and, we have every nesa shown hlm aad, praised the loyal expectation that all 'liberty loving ed- spirit of' the people pt Orafos denial. Ho was absolutely sure there ; would Ih no wedding. Yet thrcNra ,ono, and Miss Waters, who la fair, plump nnd twenty, oa may be seen fn the photograph, became n princess, a 'ROVIIMNO FOII LOCALJ-A,! na.lHn hrnn.l nf flrmnlah nrln. INHI'KCTIO.V OP WKIOHTH ANI lh nr,n" ld' And "'. she would bo k sort or relative to tho MPNDRm CIHAW IH t HAIMJKI) kln) lf 8,n, because the prince Is n , relative tilmnolf, ho said. Now'a aho'a i IX PRNMK.TATION' OP AN ORIH " XkSCK p got n prince, anu me prince nas oniy In tba presenting to the council 20 cents. Purtbcrmone, an unfeeling Watght an ordinance providing for Now York lawyer has threatened id tha appointing of a local official. put the prince and the S8 cents In 1887.88 aasets, but that only 28 centa le In cash. Ills liabilities amount to $36.r.tr..SI. Among his creditors is Mrs. Alice P. O'Connell, who holds Judgment lor the 'death or her hus band In an automobile accident for which r.- New York court held the prlncn responsible. When her coun sel, Harry A. Redmond of New York, wns asked about the situation he grow an angry he could hardly speak, hut he did manage to say "I'll get a writ or body execution against the prince for the O'Connell Judgment, If 1 possible can. That will Wthti, and measures aealer, there Jail. Wa" uncovered charge that wood ""ST? Mm la this city are making dls-j ,irla)Uutlon In the also of; their Then aha won't have anything put the prince in Jail." KNIGHTS GATHER FOR BIG D0IN6S I.KAVK FOIt CKATKII CARM FHOM OTHKB PAHB Tins WAY LAKE. POINTS f W. B. Reehorn, local dealer, elated 'tart the, Business Mea'a Aaaoclatlon1 r ud tavMtlgated to soma exteat, and ' ta tae belief that dtocrimlMtloii la1 , both by wood dealer and I m ,B 0lh'r comn,0t "i iL'w.,,"?W,'heaPP0,mtW,tOfiWH.,AI. KNIOHTH OV PYTHIAS Wl Inspector who muM rmuml.t tytevestltate would be advaatagsous. ' Councilman Matthewa stated that, ,Mud lovMtlgated the, wood bual-rt'- time, and had feuad dlf-' ii i" 7"tt' ne site of loada of wood I4Jlorted to be theaame. Couacll ! V-atsa win., .,.,. ... a. .. -. ' 'iS-T?"1 to tnjipector'of aealer of ' CT 7. nd beo, r ltmelat, and ;dhjcrimlBatlon amad to have A'M the arreef of. certata aT!i city whoa acalea war otbera whose acalea were as h ir not worse were not armtad. rf't&Lr feo w" Protlaed In the )2w,,a ,,orMd ordinance for f "n'ii0 whlch onixtloa was mad. 1WTWA mrat' f'$ FOR AMERICA If i itK8H,N0T0N' D '. A- "- 4'il?ounce-d that the new Armour, iiTJ'flc? st r Plti Ariontlaa. 'WSSr ,ar,Mt ,B 8o,,tu America, flislsP-T" PeUy tor tha dally Will n. 8teel, superintendent or Cra ter Lake National Park. Tho beautirul atory of Damon and Pythias will be given with Crater l-ako an a setting. The third degree will be administered In the crater of Wlrnrd Island. The main body or the conclave loft Med ford this morning. Three auto trucka were engaged to haul (he paraphernalia and food to the Inke. Tho lodge will maintain It own commlssary'department, and ctr i y Its cwn cdok. The ladles Will oc cupy nuarters In the hotel. The men will nil-op out In, the open, using tents I I jW-iir tha edfeet of the free Jm Wvtoloa' in u. UMwwood, tar- 'rthti-V- ""raaaBaHijr em M9 f$itoar , j HOUSTON IlKOOMES Members of the local lodge or! SEAPORT TOMORROW Knlahta or Pythias loft this morning ) for Crater Lake ror the big time that Th Arinour,aoaMMwy em- vaaisflsv, Igiganp - - bm.b & nmVMlmmm7Sl imimmmmmm ZwmWMIiiim wMmWfL&eesmBm &&i& .& Vf i . ;u..i sy?r!R , ., TT,'Bj-.-l t$ti:t m tkaraTM i!k ia to be held there ror the next three days. Can from other points also passed through the city on the way to tha lake. Those who wont from the local lodge were It. R. urewbaker, Glenn Johnson. M. R. Doty.Henry Voorheia, M. J. B. Mitchell, J. A. Parry, Jasper Dennett and I). K. Alexander. A ear load from Condon paaaed through the city, aud was accompanied by Dr, Geo A. Cathey of this city. The visiting members In tha party wera Dr. 0, T. Catheyf C. M. Unghrlghar, H, A. Hartshorn nnd Dr, R. H. Hanaemaa. Aaotlier car from Hornbrook also ar rived here this morning with a load of delecatea. K KnlghU of Pythias of Oregon, Cal ifornia and Washington to the num ber of 100 will attend the aUge lodge conclave to b held at Crater Lake Wfdneaday, Thursday 'and Friday. Dr. WrliMmnBVor Portland, grand ehanoeller, and h. R.- Btlmsoa, graad heeper of;taa aeahjaad raearda, aaa the entire grand lodM or ortp wju be la atteadanee. Amoagtke well known Orexali"who will aeUItlat- ed are Joha M. Beott, garal pasm- gen ageat ef the loutaara Paellc, aad Unlled Press Service HOUSTON, Tex., Aug: 17. Forty Texas beeves, the fattest that could be found, killed, quartered and dreea- ed today for the big barbecue tomor row, when Houston becomes the new est or the world's seaporta. The first steamship to carry a cargo from New York to Houston will arrivo ia Houa- ton harbor at noon. She la the Batlllo of tho Atlantic. Gulf and West Indies Bteeamshln company. The new waterwny reachea froia Qalveaton Day, fifty miles Inland, to Houston, bringing tide water tnew much nearer the heart of the Lone Star state. The channel is from ib to 28 feet In depth, and wide onough. at Ita narrowest point for two ocean going vessels to pus. Ita construc tion cost approximately $S,eo,OQo, shared about equally by the United States and a local navigation dtatrlct. RoturM WKfe Rlark flr R. J. Bnarn. A. f. oeUitr and A. D. Miller-retiiraed, yesterday from a hunting trla. i tha ! Rlvar ! trlct.- A Wg black bear, wetghtag la tho nalghbarhoodof pouads, was shot by Millar oa tha trip. At noon' Benson was the' guest of PMaUeakMooaewWaeaeoa. Jmr Ihg'the arternoonn Informal recep tion waa tendered him' at the Oregon building. A formal reception and ball at the Oregon building tonight closed the celebration. Benson was cboaen aa one of Ore gon a foremost cuisens, ana one o whom such a signal honor aa having a special day at the exposition set aside on which to pay him homage waa Justin duo. by a committee appointed by Governor Wlthycombe. Governor Wlthycombe aided In the celebration of Benson, day as a private citizen. He refused to be the recipient of any honors, claiming that ther should all be bestowed on the man or whom Oregon, was so proud Tho chief executive, even refused to come to San Francisco unless he wan promised that ho would not have to don a silk hat, attend any event that called for white gloves, or par ticipate officially la any parade. He waa clad In a quiet business ault, and could not be distinguished by strang ers from tho thousands or other men who attended the celebration. Benson waa born. In Norway about sixty years ago, 'His parents were none too prosperous, and at an early age he waa compelled to shift ror himself. At 'the age of 16. through his own efforts, "he had acquired suffi cient money to bring him to the Unit ed.States, From RlUa Island he went to Wisconsin, reaching there practic ally penniless, but tiled with bound less energy and ambition. Unable to speak very good English, Benson, was under a aevere handicap, But soon round employment with farmers from the land of hla birth. Hla drat Job paid hlm 915 a month and board, He married nt an early age, and In 1897, accompanied, by hla wife and small aon, be started for Oregon. He first went to Columbia county, where he found employment la a logging camp, For ten years no laoorea who varvlna- results, and then, about 1891 he began to prosper. Buying out the man who in the .meantime had been interested with him j$ logging oper ations, Benson laoreaaed tho output of feet moat iiedmaklna;Bnpneytaraiidrate,re Inveatlng.ltln tlmaornd. - In i08e owneel 8.fl69 awea, of ucatora to the country will rally to our support In this case. The great queaUani:lBV0lve4jtoi,WLhed,UaK tton aball be directed by expert, em- clent educators or whether the faculty should be under slavish domination of private Interests.'. PRISONER WORK PLAN IS REJECTED COUNCIL OBJECTS TO USE OF SHACKLES AND BALL AND CHAIN, BUT FAVORS WORKING OP PRISONERS also employed at (Be mm. Burr. states that he came' to town Satur day with Parker, they separated for a few minutes, and since then ae trace can; be round of him. " Starr returned to the milt Sunday', and accompanied by another employe there rode the seventeen miles on hi; cycles into the city again today,' as nothing has Jieen heard of Parker, to put hli case In the sheriff's hands. Starr states that Parker was work ing at-the mlirto make a grab stake for' himself and ,two partner pros pectors, who were through here about a' month ago. They got' aa far astha mlll.'and Parker gave 'the other two IT, which waa'alfhe had left, told them die would wortfat the mill for a, grub stakeand they-should Igo on to Josephine county on the prospect ing tour where they 'were' headed; which- they' did: ' " x '4J. Starr states that he'had beeh:there about a month, aad'hada mohth'a wages comlar to him.' k Saturday' taey. came to town1 for 'supplies, Parker drawing $10 "of hla pay.' TbeyMiad not been hero. 4at a short ttpayfaBdl had spent bat IRtll money' when Starr Went, IntoMbe Sur drag atere. Parker told him be would see'hlm la a rew: mtautes.' Since then Parker ht:i.JnAt tMMUl Mll AH f AP. Att IbA llM'i taVeaU.haows.-r-A 5kite.$& SUrf stayed here-Saturday; aUgftit: and with the'polke;searched for Par-, Ker, out ne coma not oe loans, imim morning he became so aaxtoua that he rode, a bicycle the seventeen miles to put the case up to the sheriff. '. He can give bo reason -for hla dis appearance, staling mat ne waa weu educated, and fairly young' man. He had Intended to work aa long as be could at the mill, and then Join his fellow prospectors In Josephine county. Thereat of hU monthl wages are jitlll due him at the mill, Starr states. They had. Intended to retire early Saturday night to get an early start back' to the mill. Deputies Lloyd Low and Holmaa are working on 'the case, hut so far lhave no clewa. T ' -tt'tt "Ne ' jijty -. ' 'lP.U"-is mAi m "WPsBrB l van, W "Hwa viiaaesFai lemwi AMiwaWVmad -sejfW isji y te'k.-Xl WSpJ,l-, 3'K sr r u& i, 'A rl !iffii S.h-'.'A WW mm MARIETTA, Oaf. ,,Aaair 17.-r mnk'. body was VMdUl.;aUral-, & T banging from a tree seveaity-ive feet , A '. - " S','V.V'i -c v -" f from the road between Prey Ola aad -.?' Ar ' . , Of "4 V t.B Rbeweir. two mttea ea efhr .Hla wrists were haadcufed te front of hla I .& ta'.fc- r 'hTkl.tfgSiim-.& ii 'which 'had ,oBWed"tanewiwaBVf J J made, by the foiWr;attsmpt to 1iklH ,;k hlmbr.an aisllt at ta nri-a :!Jt ---i- ; iiSiiJU.V.rj--ii,iK,s:v ',il ... - ,,. tfl;n.fl,JM . M a.VAAM. .Amm. ..k. H.kunA-.U,M., i'W. SF- streamed'dowa bver',A elethaaraad i --.fc ioj 1 V ue wma wmrciootm attuaf' aflaaaVsaaaCsuk. f a ia H " "v smami aw i. ll 4 mmmmm umawj " - -.-..,.- ..... ". ; Z1. . i.S-j s Mary ' Phaaaa. tae : re girl -. .waa .a' avftt.f ,ai- ..-,r ,,7. Mft'W.vl wttk .; m waose aeau ..-. i3'vJ "'M' I,-?- faiiii iAV3!"wmjtojm;i?jmtfm$. waaj 9rutms-ty9im3A mS.. ieW & BTBaaWaWSCOy Ml si tire Urt night. mm Twe.MiiT.MMd me aad altwed-JiaaaaawjMy Zm. Foir'iTmai''WVl-.f -;-.';. '. ft.i?y' .f' -? " jVw.'j- ''"'k..i The ordinance providing for thej working of city prisoners by the city ; under the direction of the chief of police, where the street superintend ent desired, tailed to' pass- the third reading, and the city attorney was ordered to draw up another. The main objections brought were to the use or shackles where neces sary, as stated,. and the use or a ball and chain on prisoners that refused to work. Mayor Mason pointed out that the ball and chain were to be used only where a prisoner refused to work .ab solutely. Objections, were made to such an ordinance for drunka when saloons lb the city seemed to be' vio lating the lawa by selling liquor to drunk, men, by Councilman; Struble. The city attorney waa Inatructed to draw up another ordinance, without tho "shackles" and "ball and chain" clauses, , , MAN IS KILLED IN THE WOODS opened, threateaUactohall ;,MaArt:' :ara Hester: ; TBty them walked m: a J'i tain. rtifc-l-'Wi-vrw.ii.r 'i-' .S.-! I" v ..... '", '1 "i ?m?7 -TJ'ZZ V - i'J legs ana nair, ana anajawd him awma- v ing down tte stalra. Howaa. thaw thrown' Into' :aa aaoaioWle:: whlei disappeared down the. road.' vil . , . Prank, waa brought here, over i0e- rallea from the farm, ay; tho mardort erswhoSredaBmerowlfMinieao( shots ea rote.nk'a-'laodrwaB-notsnot. Net uarased'asard'atthe'. farmyralaed"a aaad to pWteet Prank durlnr the kldMalav' '-it if I B fAd DMM HuM.., ..: WH.isa a 1 , Dn.iiVB7v. ai-ii -,... J-.. . ..-..- .T- .,' WZIW.lX'H la MARIETTA. Oa.r A'att.Vtl a JMn l r- .rj2&xv-'-f,m: bm naiiawaia sana mw ' -j mm. w"avBi-pm- 'iiajgfa-fw aav wt. lr" mr" 'IT "V 1.W A -A , KC1 V & Marietta restdenUjaaduesed TPraak and hung him to, the trvf Bkerlat Picks'of thla cAuniycaa:! tbo coroner waa unantaeriead to re- V. A. WOOD WAH KILLED YESTER DAY MORNING VAT It O'CLOCK AT CAMP NO. a OF PKUCAN . " " " i -' J V t j? ' HAY LUMBER COMPANY ' ' move the body; .and lUawearto the iroa. unuimoosuv rs i'i ' -.;";, The news apread;1 aad-B,aa peopW- , autoed tto thel sceae; , Moaktaw ' 'theT.1 roadsvabout; tha bodVXIBig tha' grim Bpectaclee, ' t'feW " , The hodyvwaalitaallKWtTdowBi'af-. ter a number ot mea haartutftaat. Vnutll.t.A '. .11. -.... .. i jibi:hwpbi ." S'M t- uw lbl KM Ions, Benson inoroaaea tne oatpui the pitmt from t.oeo; to SOO.ooa t or, lumber a iay. Worklwt' ! Mt dayTand nlht.;BeBaon contln- Violinist TxKta Here Miss ChaTlotte K. Sattelree of Loa Angeles," well known violinist, has been In the city for some 'time, and has decided tdMocate here, Laat year she made a tour of the world putting on conrerU, playlBg In Hoaolulu.Bah Francisco, New York and a amker, df dther cities. . C. A. Wood, a "timber faiier. ;was struck by a falling tree yesternay morning at iioxiocK..er vijnw. 2' of the. Pelican Bay Lumber compa ny, in the timber eat dr Harriman Lodge, and killed. The body waa brought to the city laat night, and la being prepared at the wbiuock, ua derUklng parlors 'for ahlpmeat to Medford. where a brother of the de ceased Uyes, J jr. Hi It bmutlleted. Marietta .la the auto, of JadfaMorrle i "ter. several. aaMaaAateaBpedtha -' aaivz vini, mwwmMuxrmMWAJmmmmTwm . machtae. chataa M-eia-aato on o ItB .way.aaro, ; jagatMM ,;; .ii2La,'ii Aii.&z: 'cit S."Mrxi j? -, f ' "'( 'Wii UK: wviaesH, ,'itU , aud(,Frk'.;.h4tt.nlea.:are L' rA-i'u-mt" :jiw now. weini IT the':lyaekra'''. uii'wM)L.ii tkdivmmommlkt iot ri' fWfc.JtfV$$U' ankMreaiadkkB4lou MA: maRiaaat the BwAa,':w.''; ri .VlI ' '. v -t. j I . r .Ti rTT3T"'fw.Ti toko.,., ;Ba:.mattejB4aJtepaTal. etaaaad .fBwraa.Ai:aM IIledgevllM aad Hal Hals ts timber IBM. tn Columhla fAeaty aloae. Wx yeara ,a. Wiovinr he waa pomisssd .of mWtmlii Uto world's foods, he sold out his eatlre RelatiTO Dies, in Ohio J H.. F, aalartjeaug, otfacramoato, formerly ..of this cKy, who ia hero ae companled by Mra. Qalaraeaux, re ceived word thla moralag of the death ,s (OMttaaOtl (MiINuif i of his fsUer's brother la Lima. Okie. atVaia'dti;ywf.ifo;w imj tlvof'Caiiata(raav;a,vlar..ot!ll ooilW wkora ha lived, havlagbeea a tola to, follow. I ., , J.Vvt V ' iTf' 'M fora'rWdmaBter'or.tha L. -l& railroad thore Wood was assisting in talUag .a tree at the time. In tailing It tttuek another tree which JwMijTtlaMy. burned on one aide; breaking ; itof.' When the fallea tree struck the other oqe Wood, and two ethers started to run,- two golag eae way aad Wood'an other. Heaadevldeatlyedmoe fused, aa ha.waa Mtke daraot aaU of the'jreewkleh''vrM'atraekky tao fall- oa. tree. and;.WM,eawgfNaaor yu - -'Tyu wu1 alMiiai' wibmujUiiiIT The7daadhMuVjBaB a'hrathar. J. I, iad.rdWiW at Medford. .Vi i.Hi iv;.L. ivia7 .'Tia.tLS ''Oraaa for saa m i..K v.rn v.K - . - i. i. .S ".V. ' ' - '.. - :mtmB t mmmummmmm iBmab. ?J2ffiiy!ffiaWW iPW&ZTrmTl 1 -it 'TfeJ ... T .! ' Jt: .' V ?.TJ!., i'T.t. "SA.'rtvvjCf.V - Wl. ,,.'Wf-J .'' jvftt ?,.A'i.'ii, -..w?a3iv5ii .f? vi :Mi,cimmmf,mWm vw&mmmmmm tmmmmmMm&ffl!& cmnmwjrm'im.mzmi.I ia1II'ieJ,.TVLi;A. . t ..ll,'. ' t ." rf' , r .-' "wlPa,, arTWamammaajaj M(iin "TH'.Wr?. iff l,W,WBIB.-jripB'fSf -' Jl'-i. Mrw :' Bwmkow.aajV.--.,: aaSrFarm.'' Xm : man ahttt: ha nasamat' i , ,. ... .i n 'wmv&r 6V V &?$$ ' y:n.