4. v -V' Wi . WMfl ,,',; . rjfwgsgs t-'- n.'rt3'T a;,- r nfm T ifjj. Iff lUl'TII rAllMTV.'tri; iiunmri a a a - a v. a. a bb tt -:.. ,-' .,"'"'. ,s. ft, A?i .$ UPPIWtAU NftWtl'ArCK m. 'aU'i,' aBaaaaaaaaaaaaaar 4BbbY HbbVbIbbV tWT .aaBamar tdan.-l - .-aamV rATHHALLt I f fYV t-f Ur Vtf?' -T Mltlttlfl KLAMA If! COUNTY'S PJTES!m" KLAMATH PALU, OKBOON, MONDAY, AUGUST 16, 1915 ' ' JC . f ' .i- i,i AAA' A'A JbwbVA A A A A A A 'A A MiwMwMBBBiBaaiBBaBi mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmifM -WW . - I r II H am. M m imum URMAN OFFICIALS SWAY AMERICAN 'SENTIMENT, SAID I,lCrK RIPMIMAT -jUir"r w,,,,, rtmt wrort Wm Iff.yiierman Diplomats C I'arthlral wirt Unaimirnl Acts Js - I ftl 1 -Tf&Ar jl,f V 4 'jfmn t.i W.Sei.i. Hereif Trw ninf Ak f- to I SftftlrMI. & y V,i 1 Ai 16.- I'lM Hress Service tfiMIKflTON. I. C, Aug. jllVta.T.ed hrn I tint a widespread fart has been made by German offi- ''thh'tt Dr American aentlment In kwrot (lermsny during the present h It tlo tlcd that the govern ' . i. to mike an Investigation. II xjt taeoiht that such action would be 'aetUcal and unneutral acta, and It -. i: .Jrti tiM will be taken to ftiekt lh action taken by (lerman Uliail' l( mUconduct I found k lav orcurredf their recall mar be mmmI4 FWRDEERARE mmnm a LOCAL W'NTKRM UAXTH lA'CK. ' FOClf AXIMALK HAVINO VAU K.V RRVORK THK QU.VH K IVXTKRH mON HRBK FoMr deer fell before the guaa of 1 .kaatera ynterday and today It the 'Matty of Ihli clly, according to re-i Pru, It being probable that several ere were ilaln, but hare not been roaibt back yet. y- Tb Drat one reuorted waa that of I Robinaon and Kvaratt Harden k, who got theirs about 10 o'clock iTSKtraay morning on Aspen lake (aMaatola. Robinson shot the der, a (Mw-Nater. John Stewart and John wyof Martin Hrothera nllt each i one yesterday during the for- " Jenny Creek. 'M Low. H. J. KkMi. a ,"fer and k; d; North returned this fwraoon from .HupV tk wiik ,(Iolnter, Rheeta being the lucky Mk The deer was shot this morn- tfh Stewart's deer waa a threw IfuUer. i, . A German Hero of Wanaw BmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmCfBBmm BmWaSTgf'pMr "gssi KBmVVBmTa'! VBffaTaTammETaTaTar Jn""M M NATIONAL DEFENSE IS NOW TAKEN UP BY PRES. WILSON- KlrMT t9W;H victim NKAIIIjV 1UU Hl'IIMAIUXKM TO IIK AHKKI Vim ' I , 1 t I'rrolik-nt In ArlWHy Mapping Out ' New IVtllry lo Ik Followed fur Xa- i IIoimI Itefmse N'avMi lrrpred w""w imviani mi lirw 'timy i to Kevnity Hubmarlnea to Re Asked of t'OHgiewi. United Press fenrlco e ALBANY. Or! Aug. 16. -The fllrat victim of tho 191S deer season waa'Preil Layton of this city, aged IsVj.who accidentally shot hlnwelt While hunting to- day. :f I . :m - e)4, ! Preacher Acquitted of Murder ' Committed Forty-he Years Ago I 1.V1 M bt-Jk.. " f . .W3l a ' , ,-..'? .-, 5 .'- . .." ESPEE MONEY Ins TAX INTO TILL at , -. AND VILLA ARMISTICE vs. tf .f :.5I IN PROSPECT NOW CAKRANBA NOT TO -WITH AMERICAN NOTR " ; ; -aW rfWwas, : 4'I rjiisfi KliAMATH MUM OP OOl'XTV t I I'nlteil I'ress Service I WAfllllNOTON. D. C. Aug. 16. i President Wilson began today to act lively map out the new national de I fonse program and policy for the fu ture. . ' I He discussed the naval prcpnred ' ties with ttecretnry of tho Navy Dan iels this morning, who prevented n i summary of conditions. I It Is understood that their recom-, I mentations to .congress will ask for 'the usual two battleships, also pne, ! i possibly two, battleship cruisers, and I between sixty and seventy subma rines. They considered masses of In formation regarding the efficiency of various types of ships. t At noon today the president held a conference with Beoretary'of War Garrison. m,ito.tt TA.XKH MANHATK OOOH AXI KAa DAY KKCKIVKH von HACK OX 1STH, 1 13th Friday, tho 13tb was a tood day, for Klamalh county, for on that day ilhc Houthern I'acind company through I Its lornl counsel," tone & dale, de-( cldred lis Intentions of paying the sum of $23,193.24WltH back taxes, Into the county treasury; The draft was not received Sntll Saturday. , 'About half the,Riounl, $11,231.67, fleaoml vos Una4aea (leueral von Llnslngen was com- mander of the left lank of the Oer man army In Oatlcla, and had mneh to do wHh driving the Russians on the south ao they would he forced out of Warsaw. Ho la one of the gen erals receiving credit for the capture of the city, along with von Hlnden burg, Mackensen and Prince Leopole of Ravarla. 0PENIN6 OF ROAD TAKEN UP BY CLOD HKOHKTAKY FI.KKT IX KAVOn OF IIOMMXO FORMAI ROAD DAY OKRKMOMFH OX NKW COUNTY ROADWAY AM)'fl I.AKK i VM SUDAN GRASS IS PROVING SUCCESS 'H MS , I 'ism. .... 7- rmn I'liANTICD BY R. H. KAH18 H KIX FKBT HIGH AND I'fJVOiHeKH TRN TON TO THK HlL Wif ,npcrlmt, B. K Raamaa LurL thl" cUy th y' " l2aV;?,,r?M' wh'ch In.now tSS. l Whe. ptaated In a .T"WWMMi II k.l. it'!. ' PSfe 0B,-t0 tmi'MiVV' nriii-i-T -l """ww'w.fWHi sor rl ai -r-r "; anaUHBTBI - - -1 - " I lim la-ih imJ ir7?1Ti ? IWamraSff- li?ifitt that m iw,t ii ! iii .. . .---v. . .r t si.ii -r t? eci to let m araa a 'ZLre:;t' year.AhuaJitJtaV.kia. ssa kiiw a. . -T- ,?' "- . V7,TTIilllH,nifi .1 -l In fBK V 'H -- WW., I 14 .:. '..11 j!!, UUU..I... -V-. ' "!" If "- SKS,, ,K4lMti(lM W Secretary Pred Fleet of the Com mercial Club la In favor of holding a road day during tho latter part of this week for tho purpose of dedicat ing the new county roadway wwen will bo completed within the next few days along the eastern shore of Upper Klamath , Lake. Tho distance Is not far from the itv otirt an effort will oe mnae n "1 - ... A. et city and county omeiais to paruci pate In an auto parade from this city over the new road, Inspecting In par ticular the portion of three miles just completed around Rattlesnake roint Thia'ta considered one of the heavi est bits of work In tho state, and win be one of the most acenlo driven In the. county; This road will nanaie practically all the .tourist travel through the county from north to south. It Is also commercially one of the moat Important roads In the coun ty, putting this cltya number of mllea nearer to .the Wood River Vyilejr Fort Klamath) Spring Creek, Crater rk,an other points, , ? Imm Oooa Stock Yard ' -Chief of. Police Baldwin, also pound master,'' Impounded a epw and throo 3IVM over Uuaday, and Is thinking of artlng a meat anop or av shipping center, for the, city mrketav MOVIE BENEFIT GETS SUPPORT l.M?AL THKATRR MAN OFFKR8 UKK OF OFKKA HOV8K FOR MOYIXO FICTURK BF.NKFIT TO AHHINT KLAMATH FHiM j l&'fmjf '"'amL . jjk'a.TIBPI S 4? 5rA "1. I MPm, ym ' 'T mtfM'llSt. ' 4-WITH AMERICAN1 NOTR n -,& 3.yiiaamfe?efefeaw ' y . vbk lawBmmmmmmmmBnw . m&hTaVammmmmmmmmmmmmmV General OAaaates WIN Onka "TaTBIfanTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTa .dfaTsTA I BRBBammmmmmmmmmvmsa Aammmsa t . ueaanrt. so WMssaarmjuasija BsBBBBBaBaBaBamammmi BBBamma .c ' r . BlBaffanlTanlTanlTamTanm' amTamTamm ,'' . ., s 1M:&WW;, mpBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaffal ' smTsTsTsTsTsTsI r T .DocaHBesJt t Zewiu assd PesWurbOi ,aBntttttttttttttf -aatttttml - J ': 'TTiKlWWim 'sffX. BBBBB'-BTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTafi fsffsVamfsffsffsffsmV ..X trs-iiVlllsj'a FavaaslesTBF;e1al'i,l atammmmmmmWBnmmmmmmmV BmmmmamaaV A L ' -'-')rs:U C VBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk'rfaBBBBB" BnmTaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBt ' - " - ". . . . SSI - '"m . - -. - i ff KJV-.J JaalBal.BalBalBBBnlllllllllllllllll ..BalBalBalBaH pOft OW tM H MWlfmam' tfcffi V,- $?! 1 'aBffBnTBnTBnTBnTBnmllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllr BnTBnTBnTBnTBnTBnTBnTBnTBnTBnTA ' V . 'f vff' &Jx gHHEDJpIosaatlAfeertPw ffH CerraiU baa made mo tiH Wf0'.r, :.:vc.tth.-'ItrtfiaJmVii P' , lfleldrr-Oea'eral OatMlrttVavaistM ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsr -...,vir7'.-.-..:it...i'5 r' fBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBm Safe .conduct .tOjlw:miaiMafafnA,H r . rylnthe,'awlho-peaJfcat! ftpBBssV ' feW Villa:; rHy..faJd -ie ..he . ig iaialllllllllllllllllllllllllllH I '- fl mTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBT "I uldaTIt fl la" issinrlStailataa 4 'f f1 4lBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm ' ' BF "f.;:-tv.,v'X?TA!AinWjj T ssaaBBBBBBBLBPiBnHsnHsssmamaffA " a J.eo.fe of Ms;sssmindsrs - :. y; 'ManmTaBBBafJBHsTslKSiaBBasBapBSBB I . j g ";,. . ; .';-- -v. -::- : :: 'rf'i H yiBmmami A r (tv . 4 i'js4to,saBaaiss - I4TsMMy-B-WmBB--tv2. . ". ivsisasasa-sssssB Hssja'iwBe-?v.'U(i-.3i"ffr.7Tf; .f HV.m ".t. lJM?,i REV. W.H . MeCART , A ....' I have made all other arrange- litar tfAnitiiia goat,r8ed. th. thing, and I want to get thlseUled ,or -tBt .ieriTyaaira a atlaisUr before I die." 0t 'the gospel; engaged' la mjWoar Mc- wnrv i. the Hawallam K4aSd:f I With these words Rev.. W. H. Cart allowed himself tb''be .arrested MiAtilha easjnra W"""", mrJtJ!M? r Vi HawallamH44r4 ineretrirnedto' Oeacgmi The use of the Houston opera house free of charge has been offered by 3. V: Houston, Klamath Falls' pioneer show house man, to the Commercial Club for the ataglng of a moving pic ture beneltt to be given to help de fray, the expense of securing a reel of Klamath pictures for the Panama Pa cific exposition, ' With practically no effort except through tho columns of the Herald one-fourth of tho money baa bean offered by voluntary donation from Fort Klamath and Bonansa. Through a benent to be given here and per haps one at Merrill, where a show house exists, a considerable portion of tho balance of ho 1160 could be secured. The Commercial Club haa taken tho matter up, and Secretary Fleet la working on the proposition, and.lt Is hoped that' definite announcement' can bo maao soon. , Klamath haa a choice of, two waya of obtaining such a reel, of pictures. Through the reclamation service, which makes a specialty pf aucn work, the" pictures will be taken, or, W n. Miller of this city, make a specialty of moving pictures, having bis own camera; He, has done con siderable work In this line for the McCloud Lumber company, and a re cent film displayed In thla city taken by him shows that his work la up. to tho standard. Borne advantage, might be gained by having a local man do the work. comes In the form of county warrants and the remainder, tll.96f.57, in cnh. The mandate was received frotnf the supreme court ordering the ac ceptance of the warrants and the pnyment of the taxes on Friday. Friday proved lucky and unlucky for an unusually; Jarge number of Klamath people. Virgil Da, Lap of the county clerk !s oMeeywaa paid 1 by a friend who owed him. Don New berry lost awatca.'i He bad predicted thu 1r before thai. ha exaactod to lose aemetbiaa: oa 4: morrow.- Any J in, Covti number af birthdays occurred on that i ftre J nltL . 4 i.rlZi:ir'itrWndln,rd.r: He vle.V'h k. w. To.er.B.j. aaeei. ana eo, "!: ""-,- undo . ,eir.home lti , the r western part .c"NataM Bamner. Dr. catney oecame a prona""- VH-"- "jr: -" " .-..a .., A.r hi. return, aaaklnar a father. The county clerk's office n-m- ,. "' " """ rr:Cl"7 J JL Tm nrfai.k . .- . . . - - i.. ibtii UM'nrr nfld' nran h winucivi dcviq a aa w-- '' " - c-.'SfSLss ?r"D;h:v.c;otnh; giobe. :- vi.9 uwrungnu lur Hum nu, i.tmj ... . -."' r l..u.i.lk..TWiiilRiiilNtilr' being placed on the books. ,waa in tne western part o .n,.!... w, ,y,., ...-,-.. Paul Johnson and Geo. Watte have the hardest luf.k story. They were) lourneylna out In the country in Paul's big car, when an axle broke. i-TT . r-.V.l- n l". "i f''tii'jiJ. SaW.iOWniaWI ago:."ls neighbor. uock eiciea aim u uw , ..": 'o, Q.oVvn.o .n'r't wMout' aaalaattm charging " They descended, looked lt over, and commenced to measure the distance back to town. George looked up: I "Well, no wender: There Is the l"th mile post." That settled It. BASEBALL BENEFIT WEDNESDAY NIGHT APPLE PICKERS . FALLJFF HARD MKDKORD tJETK HUT OXK RUN, AND THAT OX AX ERROR RW I1KK STRIKES OUT taBBANDT A FOOZLE niO DANCE TO IIK STAGED FOR MEMBERS OF KLAMATH'S FROCRRDH TO PLAYKtW 8am!rt''W.ttT i! iV-mi. "?, "IKMravMvwBmlBasanai 'V't amraBBi ' AaVA j 777.L w:.i.mmmmmm ssai, w-"p-t. -T"'t7". - jrjggiSiK a WillfPffA.1 WW, Hater Company. Ian thaOtUi.iMoAl- ti,i i 'ii( - . ' ' ' im n, or a 'Camaahy. laraa 77- jjr.TT...vAJ' .. "".' ..' i -m lata rrilicolajtourwf .jm fan aariaifwfwaw pnm Vn t " lilMlHpewi. Ioave for Hagene by Machine Frank Sargent and M. J. MeDoa ough lof ;tha Palm Cigar, Stora, aft tala mornlag la the JatterVi automo bile for Kugene, Sargent will go on from there to Seattle, where ha wll takethe boa! on his return to, Alaska. hA ha la laaated. .. '"' ""r - "- i, . . FollcV Jade Is BuUJji Judge A U lIvRt, WW by his two aaatafnVhava from thelWka; Cratar Uke tM return. Tk4Jttlrl;tarfW and I. 'lookl UHM Uf r buraedthaa --' t '" The Ewaunas bad uo trouble In dis posing of the, Medford ball team yes torday, the Bnal score standing 15 to i Mpdforrt rot'one run in the first Inning on. atf error,,' and It iooked as CHAMPION UASEBAUi TEAM. i,f u mi-ut be Interesting for a while, as tho Ewaunas wero shut out in their half of the unit.. But In the. sec ond inning', after shutting out the vis itors In J heir half, the .locals scorea ii,r.n runs, and after that It was a regular meriy-go-'rpujsd' r ' I r-.t.- ;.. .,! .. Tlra.iHt wll It foozle, and wassone of the worst ex hibitions of, pitching ever seen on the I A big dance benefit will be given Wednesday night In, the Pvlllon for tne' nenent or me memaers wmo Kwaunn Box Factory" baseball team, the best baseball team Klamath has KLAMATH NOT WEAKUNGS10ME '' ' '- ' EIGHTi'-THRRE BDtTHS; 56 BOyW And a girls, since January 1ST. 'SHOWS THU IS HOME OF STURDY RACE V Vlty, rt: i "V. Hua'dr.have afsa'ilaai i.1 . it..' -('- - A.'i:r-.,' Hayx.''.' AMmayba aaaec Tl. h...,lra nf'nmintv Health OMJcer CfOBS - . a ii ...v r v. -., ..... , V,"'--tSBt in r. I. TrnitT hnw that aiace Jaa- , l S . .'.'"' iMSfiW uuiy 1. 1915, there, have been. 3t United Preaa Servlea! births In this county; Thirty-four WASHINGTON, of the now-born were girls and 55 The 'Janta. a CarraJnsnkjMeTsiri mmm.mlmtwm:WE .a -". -, Tv-; -' j.-..i. ''.,. anras swm lac'wHiatUekedt Mmm&rjamii$ KdsMsiBmg''aMls- s$s &&' w-fiH-snrs' i-i-2.. '.i -R.-Arf''-IT i'..'i dltrtift... :t upenu "ymiisavrM isaamiiaaMaaamax.wsgg3 governor--of. Someira.;;raaaaastBar U-k wM 'the!lAasarkBaaraBsiLiw4MFtls J,ata.hrethatlHwel,lvae 4i lib. .'7 ,iZLj;".,Vi'krtiirtirt-Tl, 5s "Si inina in unrtswi aaaa.fjir- ii , kkAm United Preaa Service ' Washington;! rirkaMJ4vs - - ...-.' '-.'?: -'-;.-t. Z . :? :Z', " -f-"" ;:-m"."'f:iT -4,i Bantesaipe wismaai aaa jawaaaaatv- .S ?-. .. ry. ywv;-r ; IK'" Cj. AnaiU.itV:A's. s'VS.S.t. - cr . - .'. '- y-i.rm '." ' r - .-fi.j' aaire-'tp proeaeavw;yT iwntsafc & W4aeaaar. Rear Admiral Mataavisg iaarwa commaaaiagv The onaoatlMartarlavt.fl Rear, Admiral PanaHaa aaaisss t.a s-.A-f'i'J Keen Admiral Caasrtasi haa saw art. ?-fr:t' skt1h$M!B)BaMa sV'e:fselagdeeWuoaaa4'sUwallsa.;'' "tfia' m m iiaifi Ht ' fc- 'I J.f?jPV -jT Miik'.r1 ,p.CilA.'vltll, , .-i J boyJt;, which shows,, according to Eng lish scientists, that fhls la not s coun try of weaklings. It is predicted, for European countries, owing to the', war and the killing of the sturdlermsles,. that girls will predominate among the births there for years afterwarde, it being believed that "weaklings" re produce, girls. Three of the births were twin girls He did' not seem to'?nd three twin boys. Since, January aeen for years, .T-- ---.-, v ! . '.. Am ... . .., k.. ...... ...n'. ..ra... ii.ih. Since the merger ot ul "'.",, ana- tried legs. Thoheavyjlst there have been S3 deaths; rtaw- Bt.iiai.n .my A h Wnv 'Sinrv, taam .rare miicu, nuu mvw w .-. . . .,.. '.j; - :,:':j:rh: wn ;?.;:; ;aio.7 hatting 9f the ioCi boy ... wj?sm wTtbVtotal score o? ti potnU the ?n tohlsVsmlle.'UT and H be, (wns S)TOIM aourp ,w HJ i" . j T)1,11ilv nueeaaarv.ln renlaca Ewaunas against 10 tor opposing v.v ------ -,- - felL Tho'tot.1 for tka.Box FaryN SVSJSS team, against all ouialdoa.; two' g-t-o ft-" ....., SO nnlnl. nail SR" 1 luaiua - .., pntnva .www, ww ,.w....w OT ...w. -t I., ,. aa. v.ll ..mm a h.n wAlnv . .t ii inj.cracB m- u m , --. - uue 10 W-77,'?,"lwTe. the fence lu the second Inning -! V JWv.fc-l uklti.iL4l , u A4.lK4MM.4aBBiMe1baHb-aKarW4BB-.'PJf'I- .-4 L. I -.Vi raaW's4afstiomliB" thair v or ihelr- support; ia terventtoa.. It .flri 3Jr aMoaMMa e , ,fe Vllllstaa In DrangtiMvarasvttaalA presumably to 'Canvsmt-aVraa v '' reported'.'that. taaMaaa'iafoe;; , . , cupled.tbe Waadtof Ca " ' h;i Vdt a. eiv1in'inlMp ,J t ' . ' :,, ..' TOriC.,Ai-?lw;lt1t hj, lVhaMUhatMarimaa--'Rav. W: Blgbee. and Betty for Ewauna proved a good combination, and Blg ber had, theni iuadejrjbln ,thumiu for the nlnosfranea.)f wojkitn ware;.r, j .at kli ll..ta& Am4a(t onrl ftaHaaP that, .therVwjuone, moroj "rlkjng lH-i; -ir?tl- in roa-iua i"a -"f-t. and Yreka, and the bringing of these teams to this city for' return games. hut illttla more thanaapanaea kavei been, made, so for ta aaneatipiiaa. baU; players themsav,i, vrlip hv given the baaeball faim of thU city thavaaat exhlMtlona p',Jn, baaeball seen here far many moaaa, the dance la tMta stard Wedaeaday. night of this yjmluiHt&W tqv Jke e4ty.'aMwal4'wlirsaatalakgaae playatl hsra'tlile 'Wl far'aa.. -' -... , a i rr.-zm. . . , V iyt . put. .airiest., M'V.'S,: ":vm Ing' none,, hal.was In hia prime.;.Btop nlna one of Caster's hotteat. apolllng death rate. No contagious .dlsMaea were reported during the month jot July. Also during July there were six births, three girls and three' boys, and six deaths, .' " ... ' i v ". " .. 51 Hay Fevtr Pay in MiHartelplUa United Press Service !( - .PHILApiCLPIA! Au,I,PIb; delphia. which' caas .the-1 hay-, fever easonne. day i;ilf rsviua 'eJ4firjij-J law uur.n, - m- ywtwBiii.iitB vjijim. Fever.day, not watiiag for the" official The day A UnltedPreaa WAsWINGTON, la aaaoHBe4ltere; that laUkriaas' Ray arid JRobraaoawaW 'awa aira , rrcthetrbttleahlaaJflaaMB Ohloa Gulf of Mexleaatcm.' Their aoaiea nave .noti aeen reopveraa. r ., v, h- .v. 'r ' - M, " t' , '. .' frfr! ?.' 1-r rf. United Press Servlea &' - v, .... ! . r.vl .':,- rBi..uj 'i ll . J.-NKW OKUEANB. AUg: IS.- The' ' ? 4,?t '.. ...--;' -' '.," , :.-v -.i'j'.. irf' ! vera Ctus. aaiswwd: aaialthts.: ,; 7i-ai M . (,! Sifl BinwK a ha ta daaer- .. anothenuWhlcii a.efsick stoaped. hut icjo.'n'aotto catchk the' ntaaa Srat nermg 1warrfenfr1i yw fA( faur hiuout of.tve timea up. two 01 h',rwhaig4ri;(aa'icw: " ,;fdiatta-u, opW;) . "M date.Awhlchi'la tomorrow, opened with Ckautauquw salutes, and WlilOlOHVltlb the atr ah ymubm w .oueawiia tne ...i. .-. . -Jl ii 'a,' ''" N lrrili m ? -WJteWw t WFWI leMBlllgWie , ,'-. . . . " t .."'!: ''' a " waraaawtaa(o. tha;tia,tltue4?ai not!rtlaa"aTr leasedilHlf-swt'wB. lfialar glaa .tfgy sa' VJyii's(' AawJi'tjjyii'5 TOiw.iQ" iA,1iwi.J'K' formaf ly LydU tKhMmS 8.-y;istoraer;f;tlwals;' yeyoaarftan altar r it'; -,t Vi, .WHBiaii k'r v." ;-', .,.i- janaVaBBanl v 'i I Fto 1, hlr.'ShlAAilL K. v, .. - ,.,,, , . . ' kmpM i ir--:o:' ', '- -'m ' ' '-iTHi .JMaMTslTrTf r"l i IBBl