smjnP iT :rw:? -S .-. ii -N.S ' -',f.tJjs . ?.'l .5-, ',,2r '$t ' . . .' r ' , vf u ' ,r v ,, , v ' '-jts KLAMATH HALLS' KLAMATH COUNTY'S . OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER i OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER jaaigivi Jiiatr :rw-rjtsa3aisasa -.U, Year-No. .W KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 1915 SV iEuriinn laraus r.i PETR06RAD N07 THOUGHT TO BE THE NEXT GOAL prt'Mii ii:mani in iikhli.v 0l OTIIKH FRONT rtD,lf wmit OftVnalre m Anolliw 11 .y,iit Announced Hlsxtrii itogMor""1 Foriilietl Fortress He Hf Kotn ViplHrMl 1,000 See PhMe f Kerteni (Jantpalg I .tearing Close Von Mnckrwem in bswry Advancing. PLOT TO FORCE UNITED STATES INTO WAR FOOND hu:kiih:nt hhixgh out faith OS HIM IIKTI'lt.V i Armenians Trenches Against Turks i I'tKM I'rwa tfervlce IISRUN, Auit. H.-Tho popular caiBd of the florman nmtple I nut tail Petroirsd should be the next a), but that tint n?enttve on another front ibtll be mmle. Tho second pht of the ration campaign In now time. It U annoum. that General vim Klndtaburi ban formed the fortlflf.l lnK at DnmlniKttnn heron rvenn, tad added, "North .Novo Ocorglcwsk mtonaed itronr; oiilpoats, rapturing IVB." The atrond pha o (ho enatcrn ca) alia la near Its clow Von '- nln la alowly adi'smlriK on Rrettl Mti'voak. Military nutliorltfi do not .H( say Mtoi;n in reach. Pctro Eft I, t'altad I'rwa 8rvli i , U-NDON, Au, .11- A London Tlmtj ilipatch Main that i Herman vctRltr wu eunk and tuvnil woru iUmar4 by tho ntiulan flw art njp li'ntd laat Thuriilnr. An nttnuit m wuk to bottle up id ltiiM(f,n I'nlitd PrM Service PARIS, Auk. 14. It U announced kr that tho Brltlah In to Darda itUt havo captured tho troachoa on . tba alopca ot Sarlbar and nave landed at Sutra war, taking atrong foothold ob the ellfTa In the Arlburnu reclon, A llerce battto continue. The nrltUh are ihclllna tho Turklah front, and are ualng their bayoneta In aomo ptecea. It l alao tated that a French tralaer baa deatroyed the Wagner worka at Jaffa, Paleatlne, where the Oarmana were manufacturing muni- , tteaa for Turkey, Ualtad Preu 8er? loe ATHKNH, Aug. H.Deaplle optl. latlc ilatemenu from Conatantlno . P, tho Turk' anmunltlon la nearly awted aa a reault of the repeated ki of il,o allies In the Darda Ballet. AMBTEIUMM, Aug. H.The Ber "a Voaalecho Zoltung clalma that 0- !!n. Jkf" h" Wton- T"0 Ruaalana till hold Oaaowlee. Tlin-o Hour .lu-r IIU llfliim INclifw , iiifrii SiiImIiI lnvcNtlMliiii t Made I'Htt ler' mn" ,(i An nounntl WHmiii lo-nrna tVHnln Inter! IWtii KontratlnK Tmublt for Vwir Kkr Invaalim Itnnnnl. I Man lkMlM ot I'rutnlMHl ft. '( IRS T VETCH IS BROUGHT TO CLUB S '. - M""Wrdt, local pro, mU ' cMm ' the ni Vech Ji2iS the county brought to - ea!.InrCl0, 0,i,,, t M larte bunch ot It wu aaat by ec- ijyjjjjp for the K,"'B,ti 'b,t 'taiJViL?'?1 "U,M tnat h fK tour- CTJS? ' "ttmmeron two acrea of ) -mil - new Por" utr.ot '$&&' c"tU"i u '" " ( 'ff.7:: ":MRs ir Mvoakt 1L":"T. RW ww "At-. -." taiaiHK MMMW It la Wa,WBty. aa It .i'"-:iii rrdjrpu. T' lffl . !(TT 1 "- i. ,SlJ. win ImiIIh! lraa Hervlvo WAHIIIN(JTON, I). U Aug. H. Tho rerent Mexican (lurry I twl loved here to hnvo been the reault of a plot to alnmpt'tto the United Htntea Into a war with Mexico. Prraldent Wllaon uncovered the plot, nnd threo hourn nftor hla nrrlvnl In WnHhlrmtoti tho rxclmmeiit had eubalded. An Inveatlsntlnn la boliiR nuttlo of what waa Iwhlnd the plot, the Identity of tho plotter not being Announced yet. When Hecrclnry tanalng met with the I'an Americana In New York the plottcra felt that the time had nr rlved. The border trouble, It hna been learned, wan part of the acheme. The prealdent learned that rertnln Intereata have for yearn tried lo fo-i ment trouble by eaualng Mexlcana to kill Americana alone the border and, by Mlempted Invnalon of America.) YYIlMtn know Hut name of nt lenat one weaterner who haa boaated tor yearn that he had a atandlng offer of money from certain American inter eata to rauan a war. It la posalblc that foreign Intereata may have back ed and organlted ft- fake Invaalon from Mexico. The administration la deter mined to expoae tho plot If the proof la -ecu red. I.ATK RULM9TINH United I'reaa Service Altoona, la Aug. H.A Hennayl Vttiiln paaacngor train ran dowti and killed aeven train laborers In the fog near here today. 1 Now York. Aug. 14. A Now York Tribune alary today uccuaea General Villa of murdering Mickey Magulre, an American aviator. Chicago, Aug. 14.Charlea Bull- man, Cincinnati oroaor, naa buhuuiut ed that negotlattona uro under way to buy the Cincinnati Beds. Warren Car ter of Paandona haa a ten-day option, on tho club. It la reported that Car ter la acting for tho ledoraU. Iondon. .Aug. H. The 8wedlah atoemer Kirvua, bound rrom rnna detphla to Stockholm, It ashore In North Scotland. The crew has been saved, but the boat will be a total wreck. Copenhagen, Aug. H. The Nor wegian steamer Aura has been sub marined. Father Got to Merrill Father W, McMillan, 8. J., of the Sacred Heart church, will leave or Merrill following the first mass at the church tomorrow nt 6 o'clock, to hold service there. Mere From Michigan Mrs. AHco B. Ford of Big Rapids. Mich., arrived here last evening for a visit at the home ot Mrs. Z, C. Kim ball. Mrs. Ford Is at the head ot the commercial department ot the Ferris Institute In the Michigan city, and is snendlng her. vacation on a mp through the West, PorOandPastor to Preach , nv a. J. Moattomery of Portland win ore a('fe Preskytsrkin ctfurcb tomorrow; at;the Jorlg WToe ai U o'clock and at night t I O'doolt. At the evanlag asnlee the dueatloa of oasWered." ItU, therefore, talrabU tkat:H masabers of the enures ua eongi bepreeeat. RVKlRRRRRRRRRRHRWBWiBk 1 fgTR4BR4BR4BBR4R4BR4BR4BR4ahR4B9BS!Bwv HlLiHLBlLHHBaiLBLK& jHRHSKKBaVfl LMBfflH9iiBBHHBHaHBaBHFt wEKBmwffmKSimSl'Tr mKKSESKm5mSSSuit?m aflBBansakif .BBanBBnnnnnBBaw -faBaevBBwaBBBannnsBBKKLJiiii 94 B m LBaalkLLVlaVSBLBvBr? II aBKWrigsikKBr'''I LaLLLLJLLVjtaLLLLLLLH ESPEE CANNOT RAISE MONEY TO FINISH RAILROAD A? irtjWj 2 MONEYNOTGOIHG MEXICAN APPEAL FOR FRIVOLITIES BE ANN0UNCE1T . - , . r :l TOMORROW, SAID (UI'nciHl ,N1) ATTACKK O.N THK H(AIS HHVH IXVKSTORH i lUKiOIXH MAYK FAIIt VfHITORH 1 AUK HKKI.VO FAIIl BUT FIGHT IXG SHY OF CAFKfl AND ZO.VE ATTBACTIOXH . , 'H HITIATIOX REHTM OX'CARRAXZA I 1 One of Hit' bloodlcat buttlija of tho Imttlu t)io lowca of tlio Turks were so wiir was fought In trio far-off cliy of iKrvnt-llmi they -rtmJ'-'fd'ilve un'the Van In Aala between the Armenians loge of the city.' This photograph and the Turka. Tho former aro here shown In tbc "Uurdcua,',' Just without the city. Theso Armenians sidod with the allies In the war asalnst tholr old persecutors, and havo been valiant fighters In .tho effort to help the allies driro tho Turks from Kurope. In this hIiowh the Armenians fighting In the some way tho war is conducted In Franco nnd Belgium between the allies and the Hermans. They ad vanced beyond the city and threw up trenches to await the charge ot the Turks. KLAMATH APPIAN WAY OPEN SOON 1IXK NKW nOADWAV WITH KX- t:i:iTIOXAI, 8CEXI0 ROUTK WII.I, BK ItKADY FOK TRAVEL MST OF XKXT WKKK Ihc now road which Is lo conuoct Klamath Falls with tho Fort Floraath country by a tine highway laid out nlong tho Uppur Klamath Lake, giv ing bit exceptionally fine view over a lake rrom thirty to forty miles In length, at the same time cutting down the mileage considerably and cuitlug out heavy grades, will no reaay.ror truffle by tho latter part of nextweek, nccordlng to B. B. Henry, county sur veyor. This road Is one otmio most diffi cult and heaviest pieces of road con struction that has been under way. In tho state for the past several years. nnd was done by the Chapman con struction company of this city. The road has been hewed, from tho sldo of n mountain in wnicn me steam auoyei Iibb been working alKsuramer. ana hnR necessitated the moving of many tons of rock. For threo miles the road has been practically hewn out of solid rock. But fifteen feet rohialns to complete the excavation. . Borne talk Iiob boon heard ot hold ing a general road opening day next weok to celebrate the completion of this work, which means the saying of many dollars commercially, and an other added attraction to the already numerous acenlo, apotu of tn county. Roy Arrives at For., ' A boy was bora" to Mr, and Mra." Robert 8, Short at Fort JChwMtn en Tuesday night, reports, Dr; HantlUtrnV V'-'ll',.'1- f AJ .-i -L. V '..i-a.--t J aa7WiaisjB aajs T" ,B.,HT""W,,P aoorge H)l of Xltainon was'pper ated on by Dr; Hamlltonrawently, and Is reported doing faTombty. 'V v- PIGEON HAWKS'P 1 KILL PHEASANTS I.AUflF. (J HAY HAWK. COMMONLY KNOWN AS PIGCON HAWK 18 DESTROYING PHKASAKTS, SAYS LOCAL POSTUHTER A now danger and menace to the pheasants that aro being liberated In this county from the state game farm, through the agency 'of the Klamath Sport men's Association of this city, has boen found In the pigeon hawk, as it Is commonly known. Theso blrda nro destroying many of the pheasants, states W, A., Delsell, president of the local assoclatlonand unless n war Is waged against them will do much to frustrate the good work of- the asspclatlon In obtaining hundreds of tho pheasants for this county. One hawk will kill many of the birds In a short time, it Is said. A stuffed' hawk Is being exhibited In the poBtofllco with a notice attached explaining the antics of the bird, so tho people will recognise it,ana taxe alt pains to rid the county of them' In defense ot the pheasants. Runs Needle Through Finger Miss Graco Rlllott,,m&il daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 3. Bi Elliott ot this city, ran a crochet noodle through one of her fingers yesterday. Dr. Hunt dressed tho wound,- which was very painful. Has Gone to'Lake of M Woods , Henry Voos of WhlteLske haa l,ett for the Lnke ot the; Woods to" spend onto time cgmplng and picking buck y 'I ' -777 mm v V ov Cbas. Mk,p ,,wno '.HsideS'on i1 term south of the ettr. left today forOrnUr i?J:tf" ,So Hny I'lTfcfnVnt HpnmM of Southern j I'urlllr Compdnyy In Utter to Port , IjiimI CluinilMT of Commerce tn- ,telrN Will Not Take Rallroail Htovktt I'ortlaml OrganlzatloB Will Keop at Problem. PORTLAND, Aug. 14. "Construc tion of the projected railway line con necting Klamath Falls with Natron Iiiir been discontinued because we cunnot ralae the money to finish It." Thnt is tho statement made by Wil liam Sproule, prealdent of the South ern Pacific company, in a letter to the ortland Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Bproulo said the reason they .could not raise the needed money was because of tho agitation against railroad cor porations and tbc consequent hostile public sentiment toward them. For some time the Portland Cham ber of Commerce has been actively en deavoring to bring about railroad de velopment In Southern and Central Oregon Portland has a vital inter est In obtaining rail connection with tho Klamath country, but In present ing Its appeal the chamber also points out that the railroads doubtless will lie largely benefited If the connection la provided. v "The'ch'ambor" took'upvatbriPreal dent Sproule of the' Southern Pacific the matter of completing the Klamath Falls-Natron line, and wrote to James J. Hill and his associates, appealing to them to extend the Oregon Trunk rail road from Bend to Klamath Falls. Whllo tho reply from President Sproule is disappointing, the Chamber of Commerce will continue its efforts In behalf of the much needed railroad dovelopment. President Sproule said he would like to complete the line in question, so the company could realise on the Investment already made, but saw no prospects of It until there was a change In public sentiment so Invest ors would bo willing to put their money In railroad stocks. His letter Is as follews: "Construction on the projected rail way line connecting Klamath Falls with Natron has been discontinue! be cause we cannot raise the money to finish It. Under existing conditions we cannot make a showing of earn ings that would Justify the millions necessary to complete the line. "When anyone and everyone can at tack railroad rates, state and inter state, with public approval of the scal ing down of railroad rates and disap proval of the maintenance of railroad revenues, the railroads have little foundation left upon which to borrow money, because'the rates ot the pres ont give no promise for the revenues of the future. ','UntJl Investments In railroads, which' hrn.jraade from the savings of the people nt large,, become secure and inviting.-It Is not likely that rail road construction in this country can bo resumed, and least ot all on the Pacific Coast, where such construction Is needed most. "People will, not place their money in these distant fields of operation un less the disposition of the people and the government gives those people reasonable assurance that their money Is Becure and the return on It attract ive enough to 'warrant .Its Investment for away from their homo. Pacific Coast states are distant from the cen ters of .population, where the atoney accumulates. "These states need development; yet theVhave for some years been the most radical In their attitude toward the railroads,, which the people from whom we might expect "to 'borrow money cannot understand and sincere ly mletnutv , ;. if ,-, "With respect to the whole' subject, raw .Terr' sorry, anat' towno? regret to ihe directors ant eeers et spending their money on the unneces-' s.iry attractions at the fair, states' Aj - ivisRiuu ui ivensro nie, wso re-; turned lat night from a two dsys' visit in San Francisco. "I noticed along the Zone that while the people wero passing along r nd seeing what they coaM from the beaten; path, few of them are. spend ing their money to enterjhe Inner cir cles'. The Panama canal attraction fo getting a good sited attendance, 'but that1 is the biggest attraction on the Zone. I stopped In one of the cafes during the evening while there, and I saw also that they were not rushed, al though the. crowds at the .'exposition are now at their greatest perhaps. The people are seeing the fair, but are careful with their money." ' Wiggins says the trip Is worth while; and that while he had buttwo days to spend, there, he was amply repaid. byjhWfmfWy; frf, The visitors, to the Panama-Pacific and his Arrmmts tw- 1 l"W. exposition at Bat. Prnflm nni'""1"' "" "-, "H'V".-iiii r ... .,v ... -., V.W.. , ..,, -. ARTESIAN ILLS ARE 4- ivn niam rr -;ri ' T " - v r'.rry HOVR8 OX XBAIi IS 8TRCCK 'I.V THRKB PL.CE AT MARSH FIVE WELLS ARE NOW DOWN '4 Such success was obtained ' by, B. 'S.- Origsby of this city a few weeks ago In obtaining' artesian water on bis place at the Klamath Marsh that since that time Ave wells' have been put down, and mora will follow before the summer Is over. A new load of sup plies was taken up yesterday; by" the drilling company, and two or three more wells are expected within the next few weeks. The record for getting water took pi.-ire on ''the Grover Neal place when ,vator was secured and the well cased In three hours time from the starting ot the boring work J Two wells on the firigsby place were secured at a depth' of S3 and 85 foot. On thVvDevoi pltvcc water waa. reached at ieS;teetJ and on the Neal place at about ,83 and ?r, feet for the two wells. The flows are all good, states Mr. Grlgsby, who was .In the city today, One well Is flowing a two-inch pipe full, whllo the others are giving sev eral gallons a minute without any trouble, He states that the finding of this water la a: great boon to 'the peo ple In that district. Return From Newport Miss Greta McMillan, employed la tie local postofflce, returned last night from a. two weeks' trip to Newport on the coast. Alaska Man Here.. Frank Sargent, formerly of this city but now connected with the city government ot Juneau, Alaska, ts here visiting for a few. days with' hla mother, Mrs. M. L. Sargent, and. sister Miss Louise Sargent. ' L -. dL fracttoas saa ne-1 Const KM leswl i y Report He Is '.' ' 4iTA ;'j, r&ttt& TAHt'f, x?h. , mm, fr &- -it .i'V om netwra wasnes , . .TVV, fTT 5t jAIOBU Cn9 tWffvCsTV s4v 'v : Jt.J&i U, j ' s - Si' I h ' A rj ( tBlted , PrMv84aff Censewemdent) v& v -4 V7A1INGT0N DAigjfe . m- . - . f.i .T-.I- ,??. il it.eas v ...... fK""aii --:..., - i . ' of. the- Mexican anneal wlK?hw,nMSle5' Dnblfc tomorrowi tlnna rkiriigiH.i'' largely' depends &e' aJmuOstratlM's ; w.uun ui, ncjucti, mmrn- im Of : "w, the v j? ... constltetloMsjor- ;m' &r,x-JijfiiJl .? ft . ,iv 5j-..X.1 f 7f'9. -". --"-1; VJ '- T--J'I - '" .-, ir Wn,TT4J.WV At last reports he waeiatIM ieSnnt rq-- General resitcreWt- tk-t rt-fc; H. H Hshntent ernment.- 4 w-. fewer. '. KI i !... w -r-: axe iS.- J" '' between fetloW 'in -i m;ms$&i?: . vs Si:''- J ''?-. r t, :ijviM2.'.f,,;. .j. i$f M mmMWMfi "J!W" V"'. S'-'VjL"..t7M.rrtiv I'M Govenunent oaVUls niieatlM,tvtMtksw-.m Sr.-l i." "'' - -'yJ-Uv..-.n. v. 'te-rl!M ur, sot BrimMSKiwiu yisSH en' of the Pan' Asertemi his -coamsiiders., 'CaWe nMenngw'Mi asaASilsasneMSLSBteiiss WsiSsii'- -"- - pwew exe emsBSMB. an - surwsxnsnsnnnnianannn ssisnnnwn', a A 1 "a V """'- l-k I " lV ""," wiu uwaence aim 10 yiete.vr rr ne eeeir v. ,, t stop .the appeal othernieank'erMlT-f l' er"nr, ImpratlreV 'IT4r.4erylIn--: ' sini will net nnnennee tannest & l-J I 1 . w fl- f ttkA '.? 'f' United Frees Service , "' ' -. WASHINGTON? D: 'C.tAng. 'ltt. " The. .navy denertntent. has ndvieeaU ferene date. I 1 resaeve ..the ' General Carraasa to mayor of Vera; Cms tor pereaHtlns 4 anti-foreign dessonetratlesa ,ta taey abreeu of the..ei&H.v lfRtti(PrMi.(lMiMA"w '.! . ft' t ,. " T- s -e--1 EL PASO, Tex'.. Aug.;i4. Govern- A - ! in ors of. Dnrengo, Cealnlie.''aerro, ) Teptc. Slnnlo and ChleeaMve- an-.;J '5,,-. nounced that 'ther wBUstity t ? 1 1 n that UnaingWtlwIW A W Americans propose. Andttat'ta tbei 4 fa furtherance of peace they WeilAielel . ' ,' ' an Invasion' made by Vlllirand Car-,' , i':2 ransa. ' ' rt, -' t . ?k; ME0F0R0 BALL CLUB TOMORROW WUl Hani CMldrem ' Tho election nejd yesterday to de-' clde whether children living outside the two-mile limit wan unanimously carried, sixteen votes being oast-' i With, bad blood 'exlsUjagbetweeni them In a sporting' way1. botlledterd1 ' and the'Ewaunw areemiiahe' Wg meat tomorrow. -It Is the eeemlng day tor deer, and brtbVsre. iiiw-the1 hide and horns ot a lg'.buW.'tbMlnia been-! lingering weeks. Thu Knmia hno thriu. nllrJiora nf . their, disposal, and all''a.retteod'.'n.J baa not 'been decided .nrbevfUJ nefaa the offlctai battery for, the', leeals, at' least; It haa not' been announce,; ' ' i The time aet for the opening gun -V u 8:30. ' ; .'. T i k.-W'" ,j i l fv. ring on the'ontsklrta; tor' several ti " 1 . m t, FontPnrtr toLnva A'Ferd;nto.iMtrfr?'wtli4s5;tl .W Lava HUat Wedneseey. those , . '( nnkUlt liAlai It; .J.U.. (Uil BUk.. " ,'. r,-P. wwi - m,.w. rwwT . 7- Three Cera ef t Bsvreea Hones Ont Three carloads,'of Wells Fargo Ex press company's horses left today tor San Francisco; They were purchased by B. 8tewtn'ef,rtne:,B:Cltr, v '' x vf.'' i this,eoBpay that we have .been un able ath to complete the project b,e pe6plef have at heartbnt not control the condltlonsi they eenr trot us. We have,nuney iklredr,n;' Ueflhw!a quioe; and naturally would 4eetre te oomi we eenll, eo'as to projeetif' pltah the purpeeee of the Investment foenlt; .Theg espeefto fthvn iitrMri'r TS and'Wigher,,Mr;an:is.vHim?i- -S 'jiZ' 'l.'i'-l' i'- !-m-t.2--M '',i. '. ,J.i ..! W'nwi Of Aswnwne," r. (sssinnl'.Hr l "t, Tatrow.;ss.M!:snd'Mr.,!GUaua'Johnif'.-1 ,,': i iTi Fei'Tr. 'Jl.'-T-'V !iTw.7L"i7j..H. M:.fM i'Wt'mmK-f&tmssif :'mi BB'.lni) Mre.'.p.'C, MfBJnpr'-i weto v VI "X