""linlWW)! 'jfr'4 a. r ffatnfgfri '. Ir-St!. I.!.' IP1 ',1 Ht ' . n . ' . f . , ' . . " VI .' ! ' - ' J. 54 KLAMATH FLL KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 'sassetxstst. afTvwu No. , KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY.AUOUST 13, 1915 IrfAi -" ir - . vT vt,.. , I . v I .a sal i,"vr i.uujf tcurtmm ?T!rr m&. -: !? i,vl GUTTING OFF ALL HUES' SUPPLIES. It; J It'" IS ukt AROUND UNNEUTRAL ACT IIV RKOWHITION V ijtoHln'" '"" ",l T,M,t N"1"' "f 1,' ea Would IU m Unneutral AH, vivmlil HwiwWUon Munition Mm l A'" ror AwtHm TliM" ai h Supplies Would Ikt Cut Off Whh m (InniMl lor Omnteliit.' foiled l'rM Hr!w WAflHINHTON, l. 0., Aug. 13. 1 TtioHlb Iho Jmlnliimlon hold tlmt Ibe cuttlnx off of Iho tilpplnn or wr lupfllni and munition to Mio W ' oulil be n unnoutrM ad. yet onV cltlt ire (onfldont that the Rovtrn wot could rc'iuUllloD them for lwlf It U iuitcifil that If the Ilrlllnb prtlttlB Interfering with Amorlrtn tomnrrte, Iho government could !) ri4 tbit thli eotintrr needi the muni llMuind th" rut off the supplies go-1 tog to the allle. It U agred tlmt thin I ronld be accomplished without fur-' nlthlng Rnglani) ground for complaint j nl reprlMl. CONSIDERED rnlted'Pms 8orle Clmiuellor von Hcthmann-Hollwog,, daughter on their way to the church JSfL nit; rSi rKS '' 'o''- '- ot ,hro,,K." :v TUK Lveov fi'i'S between the nug and Narew river,, .(near their home. Tho count la Juat hu bern reinforced by the RnMlana.iPer," the other day Jed hla daughter bohnd The dau,hter ta very nearly and l being stoutly defended, Ajlim to the altar to give her away to!U)l ,u th chuuci-Uor, ns shown by hyy counter attack Is being m;ciiiiiitMli HurUersrodu. This photo M thai point. lotted I'ress Bervlce ROMK, Aug. 13. It has been nn nouncfd here that an Italian warship tusk the Austrian submarine U-3 In tbt Lower Adriatic. Hhe carried a crew of seventeen. CHANGE OF VENUE DENIED ILAWRENGE UTTOIIXKVH Vim UKKKNHK I.N liAHUKXCK MWOS OAfUC 'ABK HHt C'HAXCIK, HUT JUHTICR PB. ' Nlt-MTIIKIIKQUKHT A move for a change of venue In the Johnaon-Uwronce arson case, brought Urore Justice of the Peace uoweo this morning before the open log of the cmo this afternoon at' 1 o'clock, was denied by the, Justice flle and llonner nppesrod for the dc feadsnt, 'udge Halo contended th,st In the Mtent I.awrencoTodd caee either Wjudloo was shown against Law fce. tho defendant n this caee, or J2!-,ho u,llt!o considered Lawrence, j fhrplslntlff in tho former case, out- Me the protection ot the law, by , ,u,iUd Todd loose on the charge of 'WMUU nnd ihoot,nB WH lntnt to DUtrlct Attorney Irwin stated that Ss th" CM Wr "M and that the Justice was upheld tn,mu,ing the. case, bellsvlag that " '"y In the circuit court would not J"1 lvn n conviction on the evl- ftce produced. JkS",le' noW8n t-Mhat UwrMoe Mfl not been on trial In the former 4oi!!' ,Mi but wttien almllar to & wtnoii, snd (hat there was tlud,oe ,0 ' . realni to srilm?' . . , ior.k po Ttvu.. - t..ii i jl-li' -7i :. i' !...'. : " uwts oreerea ime A';'""-r,B to. proesM'Wt 1 Vk j.. i"iTB,?TJffBWM control' of Caae Havtlatk. "Iwrenaeig'thfiii,. .ft'a.7".waiate w. t ! ,i-' 1 : - - "fMes.' .-.' '.'. ' v'iy JH,. V- ,. i German Chancellor Leading 01 His Daughter to the Altar t V graph shows the chancellor and bis iPYIHIANS PLAN FOR CEREMONIES 1 MK7AI. M)IK)I. AM OltANTH 1A8H ! MIIMJK JOIN' WITH MKUrX)RD MUMJK IN U.NIQUK CKRKMONV 1 AT CltATKIl I.AKK Arraugimtents for tho holding of the 'Knights of Pythias ceremony to tnko place nt Crater l.nko next Tues day, Wednesday and Thursday aro be ing completed by the local members of the order, This ceremony will be one, It not the nioRt, unlquo ceremo nies ever singed In tho stnto. Sev ern) degrees of the rltuul work will bo given, and will take placo In tho Cra ter or Vitnrd Island in Orator I-ake. The occasion has been widely herald ed, and a large attendance Is assured from many sections of the stato. The high officials of the Indgo In tho stato will b present, and a number ot chap ters uro' sending special ueieganons. A restaurant tent Is to bo put up n(. the lake.'nnd meata will bo fur-;nftor tho smoko wna called to his t nlshodtoall member of the lodge at-, tPntlon, In company with another tending nt a Ipw cost, this being In party, whero they found a roasted charge of the Medford Lodge. .calf In the ruins and a cow In the Held The trip la to bo made by automo biles', from this city and from Medford, and reports from that place show they are planning for an Immense crowd. fliierlff Frustrate Robbery United Press Service RRNO, Aug. 13.A plan to rob a local saloon was frustrated last night when Sheriff Farrell laid In wait and captured John Orady and Clarence Ohurchwell, after they had robbed the place, They wero former San Quentln Inmates. Senator ftaaton Here Senator S. 0. Huston and family ot, Portland are In the cty today on an automobile trip through Eastern Oregon. They came In from Lakavlew last night .and thM. aitornoon toog a rde down the valley. Tomorrow they will go to Crater Lake, and from there to Medordv returning home oyer the PaolflahlgMrar,,? r y,,.,. ' V'a&to;aWa N'' !( R, A. Johnson ot the Klamath Mau- ufaeturlng company left yMterday niornlng on a business trip to San rranelseo, 111,1. nhotogranh. nnd he Is six feet four Inches. LAWRENCE CASE IS COMMENCED IIIWT W1TXICHH TK8TIKIKH LAW ' ItKXCK I'ASHKD UV IURN 1 MIXt'TKS UKH)HK 8NOKU WAS XOTICKO The preliminary hearing of A. Ksr nest Lawrence of Dodd Hollow, charg ed with arson In the burning ot a bam In that section owned by Dorsey B. Johnson, started this afternoon at 1:30, II, II. Iloyt being tho flrat wit ness. Mr. Host (estllled that he saw Law rence pass by his place driving a hoavy team and light wagon about twenty minutes before the smoke was noticed Issuing from the barn near his place. Hoyt Uvea between the bam nnd Merrill, while Lawrence ! tlvnn tvnvond thn barn, and would havo to pass It on his way home from Mer rill. Ho stated that he went to the barn ncarny wnn ner nair singea on. ana part ot the flash peeling off. On Investigation he noticed that a wngon going along the road had turn ed out ot the beaten track slightly, m that the horses would be entirely out ot tho road. That somebody had nllghtod from tho wagon and hsxl tak en four or flvo steps to and from the wagon. On cross examination It was shown that tho barn, stood partly la the road and partly out, and that from, the barn nearly to tho wagon traoica was a manure pile. After turning out the wagon that had evidently stopped there Had driven back Into the beat track of the road, and tone pn toward the Lawrence place. ' s bwrnlter llht jHveettgaied. United Prew Service PORTLAND., Aug. 13,Tlie Fed- oral Trade Commission hearing hero today. Varying rases wer given for. the stagnation, of the lurneV Industry m the Northwest. I'restaent Wheolwrlght of the Pacific Coast If. port lumber company 'deelarffl thaf overrapltaHsatlon ana over proouc (nn are the prlnelnal ills. MAYOR MASON 6IVES STATEMENT ON CITY HEALTH , rlMKM KOB OCMH'KltATIO.V IX t'lJCA.V.UI' OK AM, Hewmn of Veer Nemuiliutrw Csre aed -.......-.. ... ..: ' I'oresigiit to rivvciit UBAeaJiny KUmnlli l-'slU Cliy Covering .Nuisances People Will Take Action In Hlntit MrIiI. and Assist. ' , - J At 1 TO TIIK PKOfLK OF KLAMATH l VAUA Fellow Cltitens As wo are nW In ttut season of the year wbent'ccrtaln diseases, not-' ably dysentery,. summer complaints In children and fevers are most likely to mako their .appearance, I desire to call your attention to certain condi tions which ought to be remedied. I believe that Klsmath Falls Is as healthful a place, all things consider ed, as any city, of its slse that I have ever known, but we do have some ot the before mentioned diseases, and it therefore behoves us to, take every precaution possible for their preven tion. , Your attention Is tailed to the won derful success which attended tho ef forts or the authorities In the Panama Canal cone whero, under what seemed to be the most adverse circumstances, by iterststcnt and thorough work along santtary lines these diseases were nrncllctiUsr. stamped ot. The same may be said with equal etc. phaals with reference, to conditions In our armies. If such bcneflclent results can be obtained under the most adverse con ditions, what may we not do under such favorable conditions aa we pos sess, provided we work together. I know that there Is something In tho human heart which rises In re- sontmont when an officer comes and mils our attention to dn objectionable condition, which we aro allowing to exist, and which we know ought not to be. And it may also be urged that to correct it will work a hardship on the Individual. This may bo true, but notwithstanding that, which one of us would not gladly incur that hardship and expense, If we. know that by its remaining it would cause the serious Illness and death of our little child?, If It is allowed to remain, It may cause Just that thing and more. Now friends, thero Is no time to lose. Remember, when the proper officer cals on you concerning these delinquencies, that he is not to blame for tho law. He did not make It. He Is not to blame for your being the one on whom no must can in regara 10 It. He Is only trying to perform a duty which Is unpleasant at best. Ordinance No. 396, s a very sweep ing one. Tho following named sec tions of it read as follows, vis: Section 4 It shall be unlawful and Is hereby declared to be a nuis ance for anyono to keep or main tain either as owner or tennnt. keeper or employee, or agent ot such persons, any public or private Mnble or Inclosure for horse. or cattle In such a negligent manner that the samo becomes filthy, nauseous or offensive to the senses, nr detrimental to.thn public heilth, either from the accumulation ot .offal or manure, the waste ot drain- ago or from any other cause. Section 8 Evory owner, lessee, ten ant and occupant ot any stablo or placo where any horses, cattle or other animal shall be kept, or any place wherotn manure or'any liquid discharge of auy such animals shall , collect' or accumulate, shall cause i such liquid or. manure to be re moved to soraeN proper, place,- and shall at,, all times keep or cause to be, kept such, stable , and place 1 nnd. the drainage and yard aad the ,HipurteBsncs hereot in a. cleanly , .nnd wholesome fondltioa. fscwttoavir-All NlUtags la wat ten ' or. more horsee, M)svof eetle are t, kept.aU jh3grrl&3)r tight manure rooms or noies. m i sde. or adjacent to such buildings, ventilated by an air shaft or, fine CtwdltioM hi Hm OrdlMMft Mexican Situation Is Looking More Hopeful But Not Geared Up Yet with uu area of at least 120 square. Inches. Said shaft or flue shall xtend through the roof or tho building nt least 12 feet distant, from and two feet above the ncar-j est windows, or openings of other i buildings. ttrcllon 10 It ghall bo unlawful to Imvc, kiep .or maintain any open privy or cesspool within 200 feet of the tine of any sewer; . Kertlon II It shall be unlawful to keep any meat, vegetables, fruit or other prepared, roodsturrs In an open receptacle, less, thnn two feet above tho floor. It shall also be un lawful to keep smoked fish, cheese, cooked meats, flgs, dates, dried fruits, olives, sauerkraut, mince' meat, lard, butter, butterlne, candy, crackers, rake, bread, or other pre pared food, exposed' for sate, un covered. Such covering to be of such character ns will exclude dust ' and files. All fruits, vegetables, meats and other foods kept or sold or offered for sale, shall be kept in receptacles, free from decayed mat ter of all kinds. Since tho fly has been convicted of being an Inveterate enemy of the hu man family, It Is Incumbent upon us to attack him In his most vulnerable point, which is his breeding ground the stablo refuse. Allow me, there fore to urge upon yo'u the absolute necessity for the people ot Klamath Falls to unite in this crusade against conditions which are a menace' to the health of the people of our fair city. J. B. MASON. $ Mayor. BEST UNIVERSITY 4t- t SUPPORTER DEAD SAM FRIENDLY, HEGKXT OF TIIK STATK UNIVERSITY, AND WKLL KNOWN MERCHANT, DIES OF HKART FAILURE IN EUGENE United Press Service KlIOKNE, Aug. 13. Sam Friendly dl'td here today at the age of 73 years from heart failure. ' He w&b an mil lionaire nnd a philanthropist. Sam Friendly was known as- the best supporter and the one man to whom the university owes mora than any single man In the state of Oregou. He t-amo to Eugene as a pioneer, aud bus maintained a clothing store there over since, Whenever a subscription list was) out for any cause whatsoever,, wheth er It was for the university, the issu ance ot some publication or other' cauRe, Sam Friendly was appealed to; first. And his subscription was al ways large. He has been the hardest worker the university has had through Its many years of trials and tribulations. He was Iti the thickest of tho Bgbt a few years ago when the university was threatened with closed doors, and was one of the most active In seeing that the state, university was. taken out of politics and placed on a firm, financial footing, so that it could exist without its supporters having to go Into the state, legislature, log rolling and using any means possible to gain the neces sary appropriations to pay off Its Jan itors, professors, 'officers, etc. Mr, Friendly4 continued In avtlve business until a short time ago still maintaining his offlco In the store, but leaving the management of hsi busi ness to his son-in-law, a graduate of the university. One of .his daughters married a resident, of New York, Mtv? iknil hnth iLrmt" nnvatmri In aa.ttlft.'r muiffi.V Oiaiw flnfr AiiAi1i W ba ihw, nwi.wviv. mi, , ,mvuw, " ""-.) Friendly home was.huUt for Mr.; and Mrs. Friendly, whloh ,was completed), this summer. y ,'fa the Ctty tt MMHiai, .Tnajr-aoasi taavtaey are going to.'gei kr Tji.-f'V. nnB11v"alTn4:ia th'liit Anit rUp thta vaar: kilrl hj.ra I htss ., -j.':' - - i . . . '.uv -i- city today from the Donnelly ptaoe In; back In Jown before" noon of Augiat Langell 'Valley, and will remln:pey.;i5; vsThey tavpurcnaned provlelena eral days doing some shopping. Villas Busy Agent 3 tmyJ3ea'ffamjgMmmmV PlmmmffR4fPH igglR ammmmwffiiBLm& mmV Bmmmmmffw4llM gegejP 'M mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt eVeKJammmmml- mmmmmmmmmVSrmeB' Lmmml?k mmmmmmmmmWtM .Jlml gagegegegagf s E. fH gegegegegegelEt -gf ' sngegegegegv iwa Bl gemmmmmmmm mTJbiJfr, 1 mmjmm gagegagageV ''-' Kgen ' BBaBaVilYJml' gg ;1 "iHiifjHlgf Mienel Diax Lombardo . , Miguel Dlas Lombardo, minister of foreign affairs in the cabinet, of. Gen eral P&ncho Villa, Is one of the busiest diplomats Washington has ever seen. The conference of Secretary of State Lansing with, the six ministers of South and Central American nations tn connection with the peace plan .In Mexico has, excited his interest. He .Is watching the negotiations and will en deavor to protect Villa's Interests. It wa's said he had' a plant for peac which he would suggest to President Wilson and Mr. Lansing. ' BAVARIANS TAKE RAILROAD CENTER -V i U- ANNOUNCEMENT OF CAPTURE OF IMPORTANT CENTER COMES AS SURPRISE PURSUERS GAIN ,19 MILES DAILY " , Cnited' Press Service " , BERLIN, Aug, 13. The Bavarians havo captured Sledlce, an important railroad center midway between War saw and Brest-Lltvosck, Is line an nouncement' from the war office hire, anil mlilAt, abimia , , vi4 ani.niM.iA The Qermans In Warsawaye treed a nuinbor of political offenders, In- Including Meden. the labor .leader. The; Russians are retreating rapjdiy. their pursueW advancing over twelve m vi ,xow "r,imllB .,, ,.- Wanrnw w. tticam. ,ir ,' ' ' - m r t- l . 1 Leave lor the Monatal K. p. North, R, J, BheeU aid F. '-j Bremer leave tomorrow for a.-, few vidsyat' huntUn.th'e mountains fcr dear." &m ii "..' .-r.. ..-. ' - ' l.i .. j.4--" : 'iwwtw or, ave ay m, ; "- i !, vt. VILLA WILLING TO ELIMINATE ELFEROMIACE '" " SITUATION REMAINS tiVKCLAJU- FIKD A8 YBT, r Throagk Foreign vnu s. ftv.-;. Jt, - ? . :t.. ww. t lat" for PresMeasey C Meadee est tlen That Tlrase ks Chart Watt He - v "V ijtfiijtf " . A. , Ai,f.. t? b n CHARLES ;F..8TKWAB (Staff CorrespoadeBt United Frees) WASHINOTON.'DC.Amt. 13.4- Through.., Mexico's fareic ffWt' imm LrfHHDsrao, ueaeraj vtna aas an- ., nnnnrii hi. .lllli ,i . . t-mllmlmi,-!L: '. w--t '.."." k-T.f , fe, uiaiaeii in.wt; war jar inw gcvmtmmmej -1 i" .til' .Sv ., - . ,LL1j.'..y.ii,ii2 tw "f mmtir, n. . aiMinB mains vuu 7 -rr tT , i.-.--.-:r,! 7777, -f 3, ,Mmmmmm mwuLtimiik " I--g-iB!A 1 jJZ ,t iae men maeea'as u ise or.sate sums-. : tkB shaHVeofcfliTalitelew'rf conditions to the eonetlutleMil ariar.. A- asd -tk;akyAsbV,retiedfiw4a '- rromeUherta4eeseaAeJetelM--., ' JtincoOT.reartloBary;ar..:iTT- t i: ;;j The Paa Ameriesa issilsrsnss has a - Tf, 1 i . tl 1 ' i - -1 . - . -. .. . 5 peace :sppeal readyto traasattt totne 4te kftlMu. 'tin,- Itfim 'J .''&M.f ,IVV V wtu be sent... It wtlifwrohaMyriM aa- J:LQ nonneed.Snnlr' a!' 'it HSTT 1 Hope ta lBcresatectbatvCarraaaa TTI. ,. -' . ?'.. 'V will comply with the plan. CendttJons on the border ere reported e be bet ter; also elsewhere In'Mexlco a - ,;r Uplted Press Service Vjf WASHINQTpN.- D)C., Ar. 13.4- The Junta has aaaouBceftIutjCar ranxa's .commander at'MatameiW'BSJB notified General Fuaston r'taat thjyf can'account for every soldier; and hia '. whereabouts sIbc the. border trenble' began.. OanBsa'hssord Ujsaa'to. co-operate, with FnnatOBteNlwreM the raiders.- " ", fi J'5"" :?' v " -t;.' i P United Press Service ,- - ' ' - . . t- f'tl WASHINOTOV S.D; n.5 lar IS.. Secretary Lansing has announced that intervention in MexJeq was i .otki tloned at the Pan American confer ence. He Intimated, that) the v appeal will, be sent to the tactloM ;there to night. ' General Funstonhasjo'rdered Troop K of the Tenth cavsirytrpm . r ort nuacnuca 10 ixiam. .Anmi,! - .i ' x' - : v k .$'$ -I I- v - t- A OPENS NOHOAY HUNTINrJ mm f.V'-rft Ait- MANY PARTIES PLANNING OX QO V r ING TO THE WOODS, SOME FOR '' A FEW DAYS, OTHERS ON LONG- V ' T i- " fJV EH TRIPS A Thu u many reports;of the 'BleaUriil of game, es'peclaHy Jdeer; !ln,.ihe ness mountain dUtrineartWaelty, are causing ...";y"vaT '" plsBDed AWiimL-- season oneu.Monday.Anfftiet lltb.t . Many parties ara plaanlag eaiaav- ?. i& vi"i 'j.v. .''.-'.' f .j. -.. 'L .; s lairthe, crty wmorrowtotlrfjftnared J 7r;x&2ziittjzym iv- V r" "-':"' ilTTT-'? Pit mnq fustway ih iewete, wvsp jkjwi , ' ywera ' are1 jiwsimg -.' ro 'jeaw.fvj, ,ib longer miatyS&ktoUbH;;.Miim$P, the eouatry, sn4:rneidsrstne rtvnery is being manlfselBi van: ta m . wflt tua. tha.1 M haar.the'firatvoM t.j;-- ',zr.ri.:. .. r '?: .-$sg&& f - -Jl 'ii8 :fe'it, j.-! i. nl yl "n vi) it A J1 n-i K .Q'l ;r !Am s. -'"?.',' tiH. fev-?K";; ,. .