r . 7, -. t n rr -v v, . '"? Site KLAMATH FALLS' KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER HtthYr-Wa.,WT KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON, THURSDAY, A1 PGUST 12, 1915 Frle, Free umuuj Wilson Is Back and Mexico Is Considered PRESIDENT AND HEADS 10 CONFER OVER MEXICANS iatIK ATLANTIC) FLEET TO MAIL ,UI!HT 'M ITM Ub Newport Cor HtmiMrM w ! UII Going for Target mrltw.KrliUr, Cabinet Meeting tk lU-VIImmi Will fonfor Willi ltrMr1iitol IImmIs to Foroiu-j Uteris. I nliHi ltrvrlr WAHIIINOION, D. C, AUK. 12. It U admitted at llio imvy department tbtttts entire Atlantic fleet ha hern udtrtd to lre Newport for aouth ere waters August 39th. II U de nied that the vongo I connected with the Mtxk-an altualirn. Thirty vee mVi will go, aud It It Instated that tby art going to bold Uriel practice. t'nlttd Ym 8ervle WASHINGTON, I) 0., Aug. 11. -Prenatal Wilton arrived her at 9:40 tils awrnlng. Ho expect to confer Inaedkvtely with Secretary of State lasting, Secretary of War Onrrltnn tad Secretary of Navy Danlela. Lan lag to expected to discuss Carranra's taming not to meddle of yesterday. Friday' cabinet mooting haa been abandoned, the president dealrlng to confer with the 'department headi, In crdrr to fully formulato their plana A rumor haa reached Waahlngton tut the ZapatlHtna have dynamited a train at Jalapa, killing fifty paseen tri and murdering the military es tert I'alted Press Service NRWPORT, Aug. 12 The armored ftnlttr Montana I gathering up her wtnN from battleahlM. it la uaoffl- rtally aUted, and haa rooelved order joenll for Mexican water. The col jkr Cyrlopa haa departed, preauma- BiyioryeraOrut. lrltd Press Service WABHIN'mviKr n n W.. to JJ etate department haa received a "Htch from General flmll ilttln W : General Villa haa agreed to u- w hostilities Indefinitely, trading negotiations, it la announced " government will not anawor r"' "meddling" note, and It la, (r"" a moro tangible raply than n rU document will bo made. it t alto bolioved that the presence ui be Uanllc wt In souther wa m. . Vo n nulettns effect on "ICO, Annlhm. .-..-.-.. il .- - . "v uMiwroiretrwini me M? ff"' un Unslng It poatl ""!i uetalta of nnother Mexican state. Jjw eomlng win require further con. May Pacify the Mexicans .1 aW ' $ ' -i 'WffflDtR J. if :'M21Lbb1 I 1 gaW'flgaiiLVi P- i eraJlSMBBa b as nmrffr'!!?' fr f LIB44BBilBHI r bb ansm ; .-nBBnBnBnl kS 1 1 n pjJ V& (iewerHl nagh I-. Hcott Cvncrat Hugh I.. Scott, chief of Hltiff of the United State army, may lie Mint In Mexico to try to paalfy the wnrrlng faction there. Ilia name waa brought before tho conference of Sec retary tanalng and the mlnlttora and nmbneaadni-a from South and Central America, nttd tho aubject waa conald crcil. Ocncrol Scott haa tome fame n n diplomat, and the admlnlatratlon bellevea he might accompllah much by pemunalon thnt would fall If troopa worn tent Into Mexico. CLUB SEEKS THE EDITORSJEETING COMMKIlCIAli CI.VU TAKING UI MKI-rriNO OV HTATK KDITOIUAL AKHOC'IATIOX IN 'KKI-WtT TO IIIUNU IT HKKK IN 8KITKMIIEU KLAMATH WATER SUPPLY ALL RIGHT MAYOIl ANI PHVHICIANH INVK8 TIMATM WITHOUT WAItNINO, ANI TIIKIIt ItKrOItT IH MOST KAVOKAIIlii: CLUB DIRECTORS ARE CHOSEN AND NAMES GIVEN OUT Statement Constituting Defiance to United States Issued by Carranza MAi HUT O.VF. NOTIFIEO ACCKITKIt HAVE AGlimp se of Storm's Effect on Erie It't-illftiViiiir pfllloltiffi nnit mlvttPtfA ra K.rta of th., city water aupply. n't the,80" "T" Vna'e """' rM)iuitt of Mayor Maaon, Dr, Cleo A.I Ituhcy nnil Dr. K. D. Johnson, local pliyHlrliina, In company with u re pre-1 ni-ifi.tlvo of the water company, p.ild i thin I'lasj Will llaiwlld Work of t III IIUNiWMllkf ' CoininrrrUI .C'luli mill Economic AfiinrMf Fieri ('Imhwii iin MeciMary Mrinlirl-H tcrtnlnril tu Work Willi Vim MEDFORD HERE HEXT SUNDAY CKAOK CI.UII FHOM IUX1UK RIVKR CITV WIM JOURNRV HKRK. WF.LGII, PITCHKR HKItK IiAST i VKAR WII.Ii OPIHJHK LOOAIJ Jty Sheriff Coafoad it fcT? Low h ,omPorarlly conflnod tta h, me w,lh nn m o' tonalll. JJHt npeeli to bo out In a few ' -. i BaaJrOfllcialVWtalW. ejai!? n' Llnd,ojr "n1 Robert 3JP2LMtr were In the city l.at JiyZ " '. v,c Preaidrat of the Tll'f- Wr . v.:""""."1 '" '. r ,' U1M THPaitlAak T""TMtlt n 4, a- - ... .'' it, f'V-T"- imnle atanfcui ui IQffiiL ,ft m Mta" .Hartnif Yghr aaail' r? eo,,P'e 'knTcifitCfflvS'ae hfta l arRW BW17 Thu Commurclul Club la tnklug up tho yearly meeting of tho Oregon State Editorial Aaaoclatlon, and will irrnVfo a atrong endeavor to bring tho convention here thle year, following pravtouB urrangemcntM made, but which woro hnltod. "The holding of thin mooting hore will mean a world or navertiaing tor Klnmalh Fnlla aud Klamath county," aald'Socrotary Fleet thin morning. "It will be up to ua to oe that the sixty to neventy-nvo editor who will at tend from many narta of tho atato are entertained properly and given an op portunity to aoe Klamath county in ua entirety." Tho meeting Ja to bo held In Sep tember, and tho only expenao that will bo' connected with the aaaociation'a meeting will be tho tripe that will be given to aovornl aectlona of the ooun- ty to ahow the condition of the county and tho progreaa that la holng made her. . An effort will be mado to have the editor of the atate vtalt Harrlman todae. and perhapa will hold their eeealona there, if arrangement can be bade with the Klamath Develop- meat company, Tho Mcdford ball club will bo in thl city next Sunday to tanglo with the Rwauna for tho second game of tho Beaton between theae two teama, Tho first gamo, played at Medford, won taken by the Klamathllee, 4 to 0. It Is undoratood that Johnny Welch will be In tho box for Med ford, and will oppoao I.ylo Dlgbeo hero. Both aro university pitcher, and noted for their ability; Welch pitched here lut year, winning two games from Weed on two succeasive day. Laat Sunday ho defeated Weed, pitching for Med ford, nttor they had secured Ave rum off him In the first Inning) But one hit waa aecured during the reat.'of the game. It I rumored that the Medford club will be strengthened up In aever&l places for this game, a the Rogue nivcrltea aro hot on the trail of the" Kwnuna. Tim seven directors for lh Klnm alh CominorclahCliil) wore itcfiulmlr, , decided u io n last nlKht, nnd with buc - nil those clionrn' -positions. Tli, men chosen aro ft. K. Mnrlln. niorrait-.' tllo; I.. Jacobs, Industrial C. C. IIokui'. transportation; J. E. Swanncit. civic; Oxcnr Fcyton. nodal, It. K, Tlxlix to tlm city water supply and In- f',C(;ted tlio reservoirs. A favorable ropul Is made. Following Is their Ti'f'rl : "To whom it may convern At the rciiiiiHi of Muyor Mason, and accom punleil by him and Division Superin tendent Walton of tho water company, we 7mvo today visited the city water ti;ly wells, nnd all throe of tho rev ono or two exceptions ervolrs used In the storage and dlMrl.mw flCJ M Icr liutlon of the rlty water. , i 1 t,trtt .ilinn naan.O I-' "Cniislderable ndvcre rrltlclsm In Veen heard recently on tho condition of Hiffc- reforvolm nnd supply, nnd It wiim for the purpose of nsrertnlnlni; the tfflR first hand that tho mayor nleil us to accompany him on this liiM'erJIon. there being no ndrnn-c :iillri given tho representatives of tint vMer company. "Wo were agreeably surprised at tlii- highly sanitary conditions wo found at theso reservoir, they being in whnt we would consider a perfect condition and better protected against contamination than the reservoirs of any other city In Oregon that we know or. We Dnd that the water is all pumped from three drilled wells casod with wrought Iron, screwed Joint cas ing, raid to be 76, ST. and 140 feet deep respectively. "The water .company haa apparent ly spared no pains or expense In pro tecting the water supply from possible contamination." (Signed) DrVOEO. A. CATHEY, DR. B. D. JOHNSON. Doted, Klamath Falls, Oregon, Aug' ust 10, 191 G. I ,K.- Soiling Close to the Rdsje United Press 8ervloe FORT WORTH, Tex., Aug. U.By the narrow margin of halt an hour, Wm( Myors, convicted of murder,, was Kuvort from tho gallows ty reprieve. Ills exeoutlon has been postponed Indefinitely. '. rnws WMI VWt at Redding Mrs. O, H, Carter and Mr. Arthur Llyefmore and, iwo children, left this aa4)rnlng for Redding, whr Uw w ylait, ;; If r.Xlvermora U r9 In Jted dlag,' wktrehe I Interested In a ho- all. l fit r Smith, tourist' nnd publicity. Tho, mnii choMtn for the agricultural de partment has not been notified as yet nnd no word has boon received from him. Tlieu men will linve charge of tho various departments, nnd any matters coming before the Commercial Club will be taken up by them and given their personal attention. In the mercantile department un der S. E. Martin will be handled such matters as credit rating, fake adver tising, unworthy soliciting, buyers' week and generatitrade extension. nder the Industrial department in charge of U. Jacobs will be handled Industrial protection problems, exist ing Industries, the securing of new In dustries, lumbering, labor, arbitra tion and the policy of Oregon made good. C. C. Hoguo will have charge of the transportation problems, which will dcl with traffic and transportation, better transportation facilities, freight ratoo, passenger rates and good roads In tho county. Under the soclnl department, con ducted by Oscar Peyton, will be di rected the social work of the club, the looking after of social rooms, holding of meetings, public entertainment and tho entertainment of visitors to the city. R. E. Smith will be In control of caring for tourist travel, public con ventions, advertising of the county nnd city and the securing or conven tions for the city. Tho civic department will be in chargo of J. R. Swansen, and bis de partment will work on city beautlQca tlon, clean up campaigns, narks and playgrounds, health and sanitation, traffic regulation, schools and educa tion, water, sewer, drainage and street lighting. Tho mnn that will be placed In charge of the agricultural section will look after tho gonoral conditions of the farmers' In regard to land, com plaints nd the other Interests of the rural districts. As soon aa he haa been communicated with and accepts the position, his name will he an nounced. Fred Fleet was chosen to continue In tho office of secretary by the di rectors last night, and. will, act la that capacity., The exocutlve committee, conalstlng of President J. W. Siemens, Vice President Leslie Rogera and treasurer R. H. Dunbar, has charge of the administration department,, the auditing of accounts and other mat ters. All told there are' ten members of the hoard of director.' and, through, thlstbody the' plan Is so arranged aa to take charge of all the work' of tho Commercial Club. Meetings of the board wlM be held for th purpose of organising and starting the work that will bring to Klamath, county jrkat I wanted' and needed by her residents for n greater Klamath. .Kjtr - - mmmsxmi Mnro ihnn forty nersons were Wiled and many more Injured In the Ufctorm and flood which swept through Erie. Pa.. August 3. Thl photograph P . .u- .1.,0 ,inna in nun httlldinff. Many more were left in the KIIUWH mo UOU.UBK .,. ... SJB BBaaaWttWgsTJtBaBaaWa j W El SBBBflKl!ralaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB i SI HgBLlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH I BBBI BBBBB BBBBBBBBBBMBBBBBKBVflSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH BSB BBS BBBH f('1(HfSBK7'" JlaSngBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl I l BaBlaBBBBBIf!slBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB! I gsBMBSEsfliHHl''' irBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSi BBBI BBBBBBI SBBBBBBgaSBBMaBJ- . " rA-?iSreiSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BM Sal BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHyBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 3B KBBjBJBBBBBBBBBBBBV!KjBB,7"'.BHBBBBBBBaBBBBB toB glaBBBBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBR SkfltalBBBBBBBBBBBMMEBBBff'aB rMb raJSmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB&aS57Mg&"Vlv9'' ' HSBBBBBBBBJBBBBBBBBB lV l7BBBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBr!IKBl'4-r-ji'aBB if1 &laBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBMHPl4HaV! ' ki alBBBBBBBB9aiBM2$ ' W. 'WJIMftXTaBBBBBBBBBWT tMXPr' C -?J.... & 'JCDOBSP-- bUJBB: at Jf asMBttfflt. DENOUNCES THE PAN AMERICANS INVIOLENT ' ' , r. ' lUiitDEIt HITUATKIX CONMDKRKD MOST.DANGEROi'M Otrj-ttaisa AHtbettees PfcbHaaUow, of ' Kiathlig ArraigaaaeM efFaa Aaser. s 1 ' -,"; v 'icaii Coaference. the White uod FIswBicul Iatemtts fatretred. riedgeii Sapsmrt of MA ConipU'rates Mexicaa tWfaUesi., snnio tronditlon. VESUVIUS, ETNA DRY FARMERS SUDDENLY ACTIVE M(H!XT.niV BKliCHES 8TEAH AND SMOKK, ANI POURS IiAVA DOWN ITS EASTERN SLOPE- TWO NIBW CRATERS THREATEN) GREAT SUCCESS TWO FARMERS LOCATED ON IIRYANT MOUNTAIN, AND, ARE RAISING EVERVTHINGr-CROPS IN GREAT SHAPE, IS REPORT United PrW Service T-wo dry farmers. James and Will NAPLES, Aug. U.-MU Vewivtou.-. PhUPOtt, who have a ranch on the M. fifna aid ML Stromboll have Jffi denly, become active again, nnd are " Kttl""r " ?-" ...?:..". .v! ,, i v according to Fred Peterson, county ue.cu... .. -""-"--"- - -'-jschool superintendent, who recently down their eastern slopes. Tw,o newi ' , ' cratern aro threatening the St. Clllan villages with destruction. returned from a trip there. ( "They are raising everything they , want." stated Peterson todar. "Their Naples and Messina are terror gra!nt ,8 ,n flne Bnap( and u Blm08t stricken, The inhabitants are nock-ia() K0Qi a8 gome that la unjer, water. ing to tho churches. Tarante and.Tney iocated on land several year Brlndisl have been shaken by oartbN ag0 comjng fron, Seattle, and al quakos and fears are Increasing over though I cannot see' where It comes more quakes! .from, they have fine gardens. They A United Press staff correspondent are raising seed turnips three times en routo from Athens to Naples wit-j as large its some I have in my garden nossed the reawakening of the vo)caithat I have watered and taken a great noes while. on n Greek steamer, deal of care with. "Beans, carrots, peas and all kinds , of garden truck is to be found in their Elks. Meet Tonight. t Baraen. that is nice, large and of good Tho regular session of Klamath1 Quality. They are having great roe- Falls Lodge No, 1247, B. P. O. Elk8,1cess with their grain, also, and it is will be held tonight. In addition to In flno sha-pe," j Initiation work, reports are to be I Visiter From Talent ' Mr,. and Mra. L. F.iwlilit are en tertalnlsg Mrs Wllllu' 'sister, Mrs. 0. ,"'Wltr, and . Cheeter. 6t talent, Or. made by J. J. Parker, representative" ! Representative to Fair to tho Grand Lodge, and the building I Mr. and Mrs. R, H. Dunbar and committee on' the progress of the daughters Edna and Marguerite, left work of the new home. Regular .this morning for Ban Francisco and woekly meetings, following the sura-., (ho fair, where they will remain two mer vacation, will bogln in Septem-'wooks. Miss Marguerite Is the repre- ber. and plans are to' bo made for the r.ontatlve of the Klamath Commercial fall work, ,CIub, having, won a contest held fast winter tunaer the auspices of the com V To See ExKitOM merctal Club tw, 'h; trip to the fair, Miss HaateliGoeller left thto, mora-. v : ; p-r--Ing tor the Panama-Pactfle:,ax'posltlon tit' ?? for'Falr ( at 'Ban Franciaco, 8ho will Join her Mr, and, Mr. Oeo. J Walton left brother Harry and sister Barbara this 'morning with their family for there. . 3a Francisco and the, fair; ' r I CHARLES J: STEWART W . ' ISIbIT nnrMiwilln!l,lt.'Jln 4 . , ,-..v:wav V'Htriwj , 3VASHINGTpN;m0C.VAW:il4 jThrough his ageacylOrieral Carraaaa ,"", suuwraea uesmMMBUOa oc a- scathing arraignment 'r the Paa nmniuw (nucrim, ia wautai he claims are laterMted; e ItoU aMea f of theibwiadary betwe-Meaeoamdi the United States: TmaoiAe.t? Vvi . -wrttbyGrJferlSK Jare, a eoswUtaUeisaltBi.-' ri- K"t ''k j t J ,ffnlihigloii "gnveinmesit " coaMthWghwrebWby.Bvn. dltirln onr streets' atm'irokhjr of pro-,. tecuoa tnaxt it esteem tki atoeeay . .., of Mexico,. I. enerietleallr 'oratastt " against such an oatraro aaeh J character: It cannot be jastMedia tie,, name of dviHsatioaor oa the. principle of, humanity.?'- u 4 Carranaa has pledged the', support of, his soldiers. The iesuanee.ot the statemenr comrticateaumreatlr the Mexican sttuaUon, and praetkaUy constitutes a.defiance to Aaaertea, It is known that the admlaiatratioa in-' . tends to answer Uetafemeit s. n iiie carranaa agency aas MbMshed telegrams received .from .alhtsst his - generals, tacladlsig OkrjbI..qn-- ' aaiea and Trevinohihleli UwjrfcaTe I pledged, their loyalty to Carraima,'. The message from Jwraibireihrd- ed here as insulting,. and many think that it to designed to compel hostile action on America's part aa a means for consolidating .the Mexiean fac tion. "' t ' The Pan Americans refaae to" ta-, . dorse intervention, and If the United f States Intervenes they will have to op pose them. The border situation is - considered, .temporarily iB(Ore''?alarm4 -l Ing than conditions In Mexico City or VeraCrn. The'MexIeaas are organ- Ixing a revolt against the American power along the border. 3 , ine guanost Baerameato left Vera Crut last night with the Braafl ind Guatemalan minMern and their :tam-t , Former Local CUrls, to Taach Miss' Madge' .cWptbn: formarly of this city, novf, n Berkeley, 'lla, been VK appointed music, teacher In tie grade schools of Palo Alto, at , salary of ri.IOO per year. Miss Evelyn Apple gate of this city, also has secured a similar position in the school at Tur- lock, Calif. They are graduate of Mr. 'Sweesy's school, of music of. Berkeley., v fv . ,,Prvisuw,to Mm Mrs. Geo.,.C, TJlrlch and two houh have left for Medford. -where they will, make varra'ngem'entjito move their. houteheXd goods to thl rvto;v. , Mr.UlrlchlsempfeyedlaWehertg'a .F "' mq fcf, mwtfimm tnraSif r WPKV Medford hge.of telephee,-eymHiy;'to?Snff; , ' '."! J 'mi !. ., ..MP. S, tl.' ,i.L.i .Lit ilt!i-L, "mm . nft w ara. nmt , in waw I, a,SiCT'JV. iS'f ea ,,iffi.h' . i ..'.i'4 UEiiA.'-rsJi'i- " . JKfel .wnr'v T,!"?.je;,!WP4f(wi tuis morning ra,! vm.wmwimM-y? occupied, by,thlrst MMlomtt iftmaV it,' j . -t. S&? r'M j?ii ... -q ,f "V '; tms-sm' -r " pii. - j 1 !'