maW r, "S-tN ''' "" ;, 5 &; :-f . :j' v. a aaraF'i'v.t ' r"-' ,ij , ? -if-- -a Vf-r-rr ' nama v , ; t- b p, . $T f ? jetb Year q' CARRANZA WARNS iPETROGRAO SAYS AMERICA NOT TO RUSSIANS RETIRE INTERFERE THERE:- IN 6000 ORDER KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1915 . tV - "H ' HKNT TO LANSING ANIHIIKTRKAT CONTINUE, ACCORD. "' AS.AMKIUCANH , I NO TO REPORTS Ajrket leading Cmw Mltlag laJAnnuiinwnrt'nU From PHrogra! sad yggja Affaire Also NetfaeFaai Ik-rllM IfcMli Tell of RetreatEx pert KvMreatla of Kovae .Tale Week 4iotiMM UMkU to Cress Hag Illver at Om VolmlGttmmm Reinforcing. Xiurt-- Omfwrw to Kes Cea. ' V jsjsj Out or CaafnMctwlMt ;., . . . IMII Oik or oumt is tti. 'Miphrr' ""-' Olivette. n'thei ' Hervtc WAIIUNaTON, II. C, Aug. 11. Mml ctrranta has Beat aote to lemtsry of 8Uti Unslng, advising Mb to mm adding lo the Mexican trosMw, and also notified the dslo HlM Iron South America to the Pin 'AMritM conference that they had better keep their countries out of the oMfffesat. At a doting remark bo said: "Wo will continue oa this course until one ftttita or the other It triumphant." Maltttr Ollverla of Braall, who nemteU Americans la Mexico City, wMlriaed as one of the peraoaa who IrtNftt greatest evil on Mexico, aad tie h a certain war li responsible tt ike present state of our relatloas wttaAatrlet. lie slated that the ronatltutloaal lett are alarmed at the tog of the ABMrfesa press and UbsIbr's own utMraaets. C OISPOSAL OF BE MADE? DOfiS CITY ATTORNEY HAYH KLAMATH HAH NO ORDINANCE TO THAT WKCT IIIOII COURT IOUM MUCH ORDINANCE ILLEGAL KUaalh falls does aot have an or- providing for the kllllag of lpounded, aeoordlag to City AHeraey Oroetbeck. A geaeral Int. .gggffcg ordlnanoe provides for loose , but doga are got Mentioned, tJlr or generally, TU supreme court recently held " nupotwdtd dogn could not be on account of being nenoaal Asvi . eM0 C0Wln ttom Wn. result flaiem haa a new ordl. "jet Providing for the notlleatlM of areesbecit I. working over the ordl JJt, tnd win revlw the old on or Hdu7 ordln" ProrMIng for tdlipos,ofthedonJtiUeJtr P PICNIC : FORKIDOIES" "''HWATRWCTKmi'IC. WR MIWION SUNDAY XWOOl, CHlLDRKNtOlX, K IK JWHWBaiCg w.i. s?!a wa jw H fir' nil w, ' w M tWAiiaH M v25.' "miter tomiiT.rK'l? , , we. f. -"7" -.-. (Iitf Pha for ts.. WT-.- .--. s "-' .t n"w ua aeen i -y r aeaa aaak m& a . . 3' i' talslggsaal I ' : ' - w sbmb , tjgaslaaaaal IsTgUI rfvvi r. Mmsikiav.T ..- v--T'"1rr T ; Untied Frets Service I'KTHOOItAD. Aug. 11. Military- dom hre admits that the Russians will probably ovacuate Kovno this week. The dormant are shelling the forts guarding it on tho west, de stroying portions of the fortifications. Vlolpntinfantry clashes arc occur ring north or Warsaw, near Vyskof, where tho dormant were unable to cross the llug River, and also north of Ottrow. The Germans are reinforcing. The Itimslans nro retreating in order. United Press Bervlce PKTROQRAD, Aug. 11. The gov ernment haa determined to move headquarters at Kovno to Bobrlnak. Will Settle the Fate of Mexico HOWARD HAURRK, Mlnistor from Chill -iBBaBBBBBaR TbbbbbbWN. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbv t Mltfv' naaaaaaaaaaaaaN. MaaaaaaaaasaRnl aaanaaaaaai ' f dKX mLLmW I I anaaBBBBBaHnaaBVaaln IsfctL naaBBBBBBBBBBBBBal I BBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaV!0ganYW WgiaBgfS JmWtLmmmi mmmmmWMfttVlS! VnaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVaW "WlOBaB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBniTM 'rlM Vnai.l.l.lHn..3BLi& W aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW ' V 1 aUiai BBaaBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBflaBBaBBBBBBaV aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBByW BjyfcAX gsaaBBBBanaaBBBBBBBBBBBa'K-'l PA i vK0glV ELmM&1 nP CtaaaBBBBBVWetWMBnfeBPyHaM nnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnBnBBsUnunV JgaBBaBgBaalttr A gsBBBBaaalnaaBBBBBBBBaBaBBBBWgsf T fagHHk Sbp''Ve gSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVBBaaV Im aBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW'A Si J-B BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaVVP iSSV I I nannnnnnnnnaaaannnnRvr J f aLnaaaanB-dfcf4laannnnV'''il " ' "- 1 1 naannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnP' X" gsWlf E zbbbbbbI V naaasaaawiBBMw 1 k KIbKS''"'' X HnaaaaaaaaannnnaainnaB ( ttna'r -aaaaaiflaf I'lggsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWasBannn United l'reas Service nRRLIN, Aug. 1 1 It la announced here that the online Russian line from l.ona on the south to Novo Qeorgl- wsk Is In lull retreat. The Qermaaa have otptured tho Renjamlaow fort- rcss cant of Novo Oeorgwwsk. United Press riervlr AMSTBRDAU, Aug. 11. It haa been learned that the kaiser had plan ned to nnter Warsaw with his troops, but decided not to when It waa learn ed that the Russisn had mined the publlo places. United Pro Service PARIfl, Aug. 11. The crown prlncn's army haa fired f.00,000 shots In tho effort to capture Verdun, which has failed. MOVIE FILM GETS MORE SUPPORT VOUT KLAMATH PKOM1HKH COM- MKKCIAI C1,UI S8B FOR MAK ING OF MOVINOPICTURR FILM IXH KXPOMTION Word haa been received from Fort Klamath by the Commaclal Club that 13R will be donated towards the pro curing of moving pictures of this sec tion of the country for display at the Panama-Pacific Ksposltion at San rraneiscoy The donation comes free ly, aiid it Is belleved'tbat mora money ran be procured by soliciting. Uonansa offered f!6 recently for the.fllm. gecreUry Fleet of. the club Is taking the matter up, and within a short time a definite report can be made'on the proposition. The film la to be used In a specially prepared place at the fair (or thta nurnoso . and afterwards will he sent over the entire1 country for display. .It is understood that the water users are to take the proposition up, and It la believed that the money necessary for the procuring of the Aim will be obtainable In a hert time, f ISO being the amoutU neeet- nrt A telegram from Phil Sinndtt, Klamath's hepretenUtive at the mlr, yettord.ny tuted, that he, would he willing to give up hla last menth'a atlary and return blom a month earlier, In order to make tare of the llaV of Klamath county being nut dlaplay at the eigealtw. DON DOMICO DK OAMA. Ambassador From Brasll DON RRBUl) DR NAON Minister from Argentina' Robert iJintlug. secretary ot sUtt, railed a meeting ot the three minis ters to the United States from the principal South American countries, and the three ranking ministers from Central and South America to a con ference for Thursday, August 6th, on the Mexican situation. It waa freely predicted that tho administration, having abandoned its policy of watch- RORKRT LANSING Secretary of State ful waiting. Intends to compel peace In Mexico. The purpose of the meet ing was said .to' Jie to convince the South Americana that the United States did not Intend conquest of Mexico in whatever forcible measures it took. The ordering of the" United States battleships New Hampshire nml Louisiana to Vera Crusts consid ered significant. ORDINANCE WILL KLAMATH INVITED WORK PRISONERS! TO THE COLUMB United States Troops Are Expected to Leave for the Mexican Border . " Sj, Sf ' i vsf; preme at the exposition today. This waa their day. Thousands ot met bera of tho order poured into the grounds to celebrate the twenty fifth anniversary of the founding of the order. The medical examiners of the order are holding a special convention here, and physicians from nine states coi prising the Pacific Northwest, have been assigned to discuss the topic of "unprofitable risks." KLAMATH ASKED, TO SEND THEIR PRODUCTSTOFAIR THOSE SENT ATTRACT ATTEN- 1 TION AND ARE GUARDED Few Pentose ta Coenty Are Heedtag Products for Klamath Fthatlt at Fair, aad These Are Attracting At- teatiea of Visitors Crowds Axe Greatest Xow aad Seaseat a Fever able for. More Prodeete. If PROVIDKH FOR KMPLOYMKNT OF CTTV PRISONERS ON STREETS TO HK GUARDED OR SHACKLED AND WORK OUT FINES An ordinance' brought in by Coun-: oilman Miller Monday night at coun cil meeting provides for the working of the city's prisoners on the streets the street commissioner ahall di rect. An accurate record of work and time put in Is provided. The ordi nance passed the eouacH on Its flrtt nnd second readings. The ordinance states that a guard may he provided for the prisoners or that they may be shackled or provid ed with a ball and chain to prevent their escape. The street commissioner may direct the fjork, No person shall be 'compelled to work on Sunday, and no woman shall be compelled to do such work. Prisoners arretted for .violation of city ordinances or In pay ment of a fine may be compelled' to work. (Seectal to The Herald) SAN, FRANCISCO, Aug. 11 Klamath county does not get Its share of realiadvertlslng out of the Paaiaau- Paclfic Exposition it will be no fault of Percy Evans of the Sunset Grocery. He has taken upon himself the Job ot keeping the Klamath booth In the Oregon building well supplied with vegetables, and .so well is be succeed ing that the displays be sends down are attracting widespread attention and admiration, not only from East erners, but from Callrornlans and Or- .cgonlans as well. The first addition to the Klamath display In the. way ot fruit was sent by Mrs. Delia F. Arnold In the shape of a quantity of Sir Francis cherries. These cherries proved so tempting that It was necessary to put them out of the reach of admirers to look at, but' not to eat. The keeping quality of tho cherries was somewhat of a surprise. The fruit was in the' finest kind of condition after being display ed for three weeks. Within the past few days the Fort country haa sent two, cheeses from Tho oimnlna of the Columbia River itho Loosley factory to the Klamath OPENING OF COLUMBIA RIVER V' HIGHWAY FROM PORTLAND TO ASTORIA, FORMING THE OCEAN LINK,, ON AUGUST 19 nuti-liem' AssseUttoe, Convenes United Press Service f ' BAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 11. Sev eral thousand delegates attended the opening of the United Sta'tea Master Dutchers' Association of AmeHea, con vention here today. The live stock conditions of the country le the aula subject lit discussion during fne Ivt days' convention. . Learea oat Ketarn Miss Flora Hayman of Saglaaw, Mich;, left thla morning on her; return home, after spending several days vw ltlng here with Mrs. J, S. Kant Mtw Herman Is making a trip ay' way of the fair at San Fmummkjo, aad left going north en her retrsraj. highway from Portland to Astoria will be the occasion ot at, great cele bration. This Ocean Link, as It la called, is recognised aa the greatest highway, next to the one front Port land to Lewlston. rThe official party will leave Portland on' the morning of August 12th, and the Klamath Commercial Club haa been Informed that all autolsts from this section will be welcomed to make the trip aad at tend the celebration. The auto trip will be token property owners, city, county and state officials, good, roads enthusiasts and ait others who can attend are In vited. Secretary Fleet haa answered the letter from O, W. Taylor, stating that bo would give1 It publicity, so that it any persona or this section de sires or will be able, to attend the opening they will knew of the invitation. booth, and Martin Bros, ot Klamath Falls nnd Merrill have further helped by a shipment of the various brands of flour they manufacture; Monday rooming convincing addition to the collection waa received, the silver lov ing cup won tor"-forage crops at the Sacramento Irrigation Congress, But even with these additions, the display .Klamath county haa assem bled to'attract the" attention, ot home- seekers and Investors can he flattered! by oxceedngly by, being described with tne term -mediocre. ueiore it. aoea tho county Justice many additions must be made to It and the time ot closing me lair is rapiaiy urawina near. With the harvest season at its height. Klamath farmers should have no trouble. In getting some excellent samples of grains and grasses to" send to tho fair, nor should It be hard to ' T-f ! "nd vegetables Jn Klamath now which Roaiioniio Entomologists Open will compare favorably wlthanythlng Aug.'ll. 1-A'Bpeclarcwlvoa ,or vompeunon mwf BERKELEY, meeting of the Ameriean Association of KcQaomlo Entomologists opened here today, A Joint aeastoa waa held with the Pacific SlopeAasoclatlon ot Economic Entomologists at which the problem of exterminating, the bugs and' Insects which. arevtrcbUag the California .'fruit growers, was eon Wered, ;' "ac t ,"..', " ' . J '" --1'-.' i. js vfMHwr , :."tra;siiraBTSyf)- j United Presa Serviee YM& AN FRANOISOO, Aug. 11. Weedmenof tht'WerM'ieigmed m iaition Ths KUmth Coramercial Club "M-1H -f"T, -- ---- - ,. --, will be glad, to forward any produta that may be brought J. t v Klasnatc. Felka at , Fair Among tne Khimath county people, or forme residents who, hiave visited the 'Klamath booth' recently are Mr. and' Mrs. Charles J, Martin, 'Rev.,B. a Rlcharda, and wife,' Mr.Vand,.Mra. J. O. Camp, Mrs. R. R; Hamilton and daughter; Mr? Olwenee weed;tMM ChaHet F. Stone, Mr. and v-j. ..) '- iaj '. j u, a n. j.-u. wmwr. asr. mmm am ,. y. HawleVVMra. Fred J,WUliaa'i. Miss Katharine wnilaaaa, J. T. Per kins, W. H. McMillan, W. F. Nlemaa, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Corbln Mr. ai Mrs. Percy Evans, Mr. and Mrs. Caas. C Low, Miss Josle Lew, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Low, all of Klamath Falls; Lewis W. Clark, Sam FraneJseo; How ard Shepard, Los Angeles; Mr. aad Mrs. E. 8. Terwlltlger and family, Merrill; Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Wsemo aad-soa, Mlsa Evelyn Merrill, Fort Klamath. SIX ARE INDICTED IN EASTLAND CASE STATE GRAND JURY BRINGS IN TRUE BILLS AGAINST CAPTAIN, ENGINERS AND SHTJ OF EASTLAND TRAGEDY United Press Serviee CHICAGO, Aug. 11.-40 grand Jury brought six Indictments today against Captain Pedersoe, gineer jkrlckaen and the' four owners ot Ue'steamer Eastland, which ee alxed la the CaJcago River last month with a loss of nearly 1,610 lives. Several counts were hroeght, varyi lag from majwiangfcter to erlmansj careleesneas. The blame for the turn ing over of the heat was laid to over loading, faulty ballast tanks and the Eastland's construction? , The grand Jury jecommeads the re- organlxation of the gevernmeaM in spection serviee. CRATER TRAVEL BREAKS RECORDS t REPORT SHOWS JULY SB HEAVI EST DAY, S72 RBGnSTERING AND 05 AUTOS NEARLY 1, MORE FOR JULY THIS YEAR f. - r A report ot the Crater Lake tour ist travel for thla year received from H. E. tMomyer at headquarters shews that this year U breaking' all records for tourists and sight-seeing travel to Crater Lake. The total travel to July SI for 114 waa 3,018, for 1815; 1,175. Total number of autoa for Jnly, 114, was 540, for 1915, 850. Total number of persons for Jujy, 1914, was 1,549; for JI6, ?.78. Up to August 8th ot this year the total tourist tramc la 5.176, the number of automobiles. 1,088. Last Sunday up -until 1:30 o'clock there were 37 autoes and 164 tourists vis ited the ake. More Riots Feared ha ELDORA. Colo., Aug. 11; "No men wanted," ts a sign that might adorn a certain beauty spot en the hills hereabouts today. All men want to see. It very much. Minus stockings and garbed la scant Greek costume, beautiful young women dance on the green award. ' Ot course, there's nothing to apeak of when, the girls go swimming on Lake Eldora, screened from men's vulgar-eyes. , v They are worshipping the. goddess of, beauty-la the human form divine up here. .In a eamp esteMtsaed by Miss PortW Swett of Chteago and the Misses MarJorle and Chartotte Ferry o( Denver, disciples ot the. Daaeans, acureor seeiety eaes nvai all sections of .the country .are getting "cieee to, .nature.'? .,t -' The'eamp will break up this weak to reopen nest July. The weather herelu.'lsugetta'ttaer ifjsyoai tor iGreak 'epkume an4, steestegesa wtijtf- PTC . "' K' " ''ehave ao, ase, for. stenea: this ekpedlti said Miss MarJerte Perry hdafiaPdk fhss nmsEiaislBml asaMea Mtt mlBsTsnl . , " 'isirrifT - -tt? j! "T?'" 6 ALL AVAILABLE DlDIII ADO'ilmf iii niii Hiiii iiiimi . T m '.' y w, w ORDERS .fee Jii - 3 tlr.4 -f SOUTH FOUR 1 - -M.. 2 . v.' SAIL; MRZfCO H & ' 7m: !- iJtD'ii '&! ,SVA m "&i ',i ''SrSfe.' ""' flMamimm 'g -aaaWkaV 'stsaaal iJul " '" WaWsTeWeVB tmWt Wanfafft fefeXatflsfaffgt HB9 Weald Order Trssps vto, iRifinr. ,f.', j - "-rtm. drTant.Rjm III, "Mini i ,-A-.-''ft' A'f-t . ,(Ji. 'seal BTPBSB Vesej Craw Mr raegsaahaa , . PreaaBarnke f ' " -t .'. ' r-t. United WASHMQTON DJC, .' f .-' xyt ",.io '"K, 1 Orders 't ii . innisatrsllte "ijf - sj ? the arallaWe rgwler;;seltfen te' tae;, United "---- rrinlma-mmnT. ... is expected some tanw.assH?2$'aaanMW'' f J.WI.W.'.-T-...-..-.. t. , igl zt. "-r Tn.rT-" w j"?.r.. jj sae srtasoea, mk m,smm a'stav'v ' wmm nw,:- smMBausktafeauna z -i whfefc nekVtt irwiMM - Ti f, ' "'"TA-.-rss-w, i? areready at Jsmsetssj mad aastter at '" He admitted .tatttaris' ;ready at Jsmsetse.'amd New York, ready toeail em a notiee. presumay getag to wWcbls rssardtdaWaHseae ''JiEV.t .k kU.V, maaunV 'J -..?!. ""i. t fmaiav nliiiirW., .i-B -t a,. ,. J, -h iX CX Geaeral Fastoa4Mawtgvtaai';tae;; SUMMkaii lu'aki tyl m Itt1 rslls am iiwf sesaar w ii k i if I T" SI frdsi" Bnwuw'imfmriSakzipr Seeeiai Agent that the train canylagxtae Minister Oilverta was delayed when : Zapatistas. Vera' Crux todays .It is he brings a stroarappeal freaa leans la Mexieo City far lief from their present -ir CRT. brctaei - He i. du, to arrlT. at- Usited Press Serviee" BROWNSVILLE,, sitaatton here. looks. becomiag arC-re tease' moras says that the will attack If the Aiaerisaas;- VeraCnia. ,., ,j, i "- .V" -aj '? T " The alarm is Increasing.1 eadtwMe-l snrsad nUi sia !! the line. CtMseas are arming fhaaiJ selves, aad mere 'raagMeataava'seea.' sent to the' sceneT, Two Msalsaa raU'r ers were killed at Saeesttea t it i- reported that dsalnMaN K aaaedr-aev posltsea..r . ,3 Aug.' -li; The .2 avaaw.'.a4,iat' .. heaetyT'S'.Matallv .; Mialtaa anay! r-v ,assaay,ptil . a m T ! i . - y, -Mf morning. K- f f United Presa Serviee CORNISH. Ausr." 11 Wilson Is spending aaaay aaaia ea the - atatemeata received freaBlasaaeav It , " ' -. , ; i v Is belleved.that. anultlmatam la the , subject Indorsed by the FaaAatorieaa conference. The nrssldsat .wtal re-' 1 J turn to Waehlagtoa this attsiaeea.-... , 1,'nlted Prtes Service . , " LAREDO. Aug. U General Faa- aton ordered aaother:hataWlea ef the vt ; 'TZjhi v.. l 1 '1 Ninth Infantry to preesed to vtlle by special trala this 'afreraeea, - '1 .- - t " nlted Press Service l "V WASHWOTON, D,lC.,Aag.; Secretary Daglels has aaaeaaeed that the battleealpa Leaaitaka aadr,'Mew Hampshire will Jeia the frnni ran fVAViua 4 1 . . r - ? - - .tittt r f l. tton Is net aaaouaead.' - ' V-" K sured trooH hy.DanieU'W he asks flair fl Vr " th.m, IlUTedCrnumrwUleeeee .. .;? ellaUiuktW.;:-TroeWrarefer:v,lMe " ?"?'& fir!SBaeej1.issf j; siawe. abw avevseaega m SBWtBR'' .v, '.'- - i - - waar .". j ' fc ',ii:xm iwwi- a? r ivrl.jft 'l.'.j'JLVJ lata iltmtmnasisi nC a inaWi n a i I B wsweanrew-iwei www a m aawarsav.- Otsiin ' WVi MV ' MMkUAsaaaMalM '' ifi i :J KW TOaMC. Aac ll-Aatlvats" iiWxW?mimmst Vera Crag M aaMsaaW te AaManahM -r .'J .".'. vt - "r-2!M -.- !-'. t-'A.ltt taere.,1- attaaaysseimaM asexmaj;ex-: is .aaeeratoee vast xaanr. i PfaJwkBB WIMESRai "ejf n' ? i ' t. - Vs. m-Jii .3-. O" " r.-iiv- " fii ' .,. m! f.ll l1 , . i ) .4t)' j t k , W i- ..HSilii ' ' j j--.