ff'H ;f m , ;yv. ? v. ..st - I Is. "a ijttur st .JbT1 ,M i I if J ' i '- 'frtW'i.irt 5SS5S SntfVi IJMClTTOWBOUt (.'Mil! ..wi.Jj .,...., a--' . rr'-'gi-Li'A -' mspwoMn iei. -- : r ;-.vi ' i mi ;- jw pSsfii .gal"-'g T.f;.w laiW"' .T. T"' -TB.-.T-i.-n.U,' " '! '- Mf J V-W t .' 3 VW're V J.u vBWuVWittN&Sr fcfrw A- ft. ". 'V1' 1ieit3f!i"i'fe i' N SS1 Vt P!!!"8 : . -.?. ':a.iM S'Srt TTvUV -' -t.virTfr- ' efi, 'raa rjSkTatfAJWjAS ll! v,5V&Me -' illV ft-t'M1' 0& t'j uwjtiift&sw TmA m&m?Mm& W UTK1M VMfc T"rfK(' " . --" .-- .'hj. ": TWu. . VWTiJTy."', "Jta-V" i.al. iic w.' t,t.';t,iv?.'fi'T.i'''"ii'?v.tff.yJ.'-t-i,-.?);'.j HennB9BBeessK assiX 'PyjWI fllrw Waatl ;' iwMHMiMRli The RmunMMm omuw et ' ;, ' ,; WlOT:tV '- ad .tltoHMft. at Atom- ,. jqqiWIiiit iMWiMiMt throng the nsatle u una! itm .'" oismsaBSttsaoap. 'i'""'";"! , V"" v ' MH -j . , . j vM'toMaMr.'kMt.Mr no - ',. , aaa X&v-s iwv,.. - , TpBBMT. AUTOS M, MIS ' ':lM.rk:H.'T41 Waiaat.tt .sfaKoTTeaanV PBOtetIONAL CAEDt r . .V.v-.v- ifir?-'r .. -y- - . -. KliMMl MIA i ,;MfSfe5S555Sf XtMAlkm WAS VMN&AU 'ipHiBtetoiiwuw.jf, 'r - 'ltHMM 0MjMiAiMilMMMi ' ' m Falk toi kMBtakiM ur tka -N A1I'"II-) 1' l'UlWw-fei-". iifvlfciiir .MiMM.'. ttw mimHmwi. oleVBHaVf l'A fTTTrTT-" ' . - ,. . .. ".."''" ct:--i .Maaa-eriBl2aiftiKjaev..fe 4ik - ..J..-. 1--' -J..tr'.i-....t, ':; ;jk-Wiii(i;irijarrM :-,'l -"'BWii Immmmm inajnnMuii ii n ii ;'.,.. ' VtlL av....SJraMBVej '.' i. m ' ' ' .' i S''jf, - (xEatm aataaMlfl ?' : -.'ttWi'. . mmm' Aa'AaMHi rwf.TMs-..Ulk;Bf! J T"ffAP- J " t. Ert . rtiHtwrni itrt'fi-.?ii fe. 2iS3SS,V'i.:i?.: A.l J hi in i ii i iii (ii . hi i.i.i 1M , && 3T Mi":AMtHKlt&M mmmt AU. LM'& SK .WtaUm'-VA 7". J, maNrTV5Ii sW.,"' ' jv 'Kl'Tr,-j . i. -" j j'tl-Jliy (lr1 til . I..I it ittj "" p iiJ"i WiWArsffiasral i-r:i, .1-Y.av '&; S'',J WSWevso' :; 'ij, 7, ,;- ;:)-" ... s Aar. i ? marmx m ."B " "-g- --- - -- . . I WZvn.'y- """T""1 '-""isK , 1 i ". a OaeTaaw lumg. V aT i - Traaa eppeaaaeapa mMfl,' iPor'-ooaicMMi ' ffj-1"'1 I". U" . I"'H"J 'J.,11,'.1). ,, '-.J... '''.'WH i'i wi-a4;v-tf ri '-, "ak f-;aaaMoWi' fa? JW TVlKaVO WHaWlT.'l'lT )tj"i U'O t II' " ; aWVaV3BVBAnaBWBaf alJtaBaJafeaWaV Mai'J tebaaaa.'- aBWaBin'P'WfMaa!'nHICB ZV"" (P t BV :' JpPS3iaal ajbarT, ajaaaaaaaMwPWMiJ H' "mw "Ml' i ii .'i.i - aMA. aajHajHl 't V BkJPwRa)aaaaj,,waai v Wik i "i fef'ffr " -.;'VA' TUEvening Herald by aaaUJe aay '-" - tb Ballad Mtm: 5iT? v ' ..'a. ; tfe a 0 VVeVtl OaM MIsmI , f 'la o( tha tna aettet that wr T-i eertatoUTacyataklaa.' rarte. Uaiula, Al tkat tha owaera or toete Meata are llahie to toiilaaaA befare the aallaa JvAoa la the aear fatora. aalaai aoaio aotSoa hi takaa by thaat to abate the Tkelty oaMaii are to be attttoae as alcht to o away with theee, aafaaaoaa. The oaly aaattoa ik 'whether tthey wUl be Mlewii a wlth;aaeh feroa that It wOl aMke an jra Caaaenaajia,. Dety k laat alcht, ,iy..caaaet Ufa to rUk'Vaator.toe S, la the paafctw. Oily Health leer Dr. Traax CFattaa lieMwIaheYe tr.' elaaM- -.r, W--il ereTleet;alga4atthe aad aaaaeral aJaaaaaleB C waya aai'aMeaa.to abato theai waa heM. wtth the re that the .A A' ewa . inwj'iM wiiaw ,19 mmm the a ' t aK d ' 1 . . imwti&im m-.mm - !' .. .-C" - . - .. ' . .T.-i7 '71.- V'"T I .'TT. "' T?" "? aj,iwa w OwBaaVVtBabaBMBUwe . n Vial V aaWVAaT at ;ito letoaear the aeatle toak. whieh lai atbriaHajt, pleee.oC.Uea aa4 a eeaa, avJUlMtafcea teeoe,! thla to atoeeily aa raaalarly attiai ei to, M aU reraea ylaae there areaiaUy feeyeracwtth, .earth. i Doty areattoe to aet am tha. aKy. aa4 eorcr hla two lata tto wktobobjeettoa e eeatlehit haw hM,rj"v i-There-areear otplaeaahi the cHy that hate ;epHiiaee 'm tm. th e,;rrto eat that they are aroeerty ! raeaKar aaatia.aiew. f.i la tha reeort airea br Dr. Traax Chief BajawtBiHtimlafal that woaU hare to rkaoaoto thenealtoAealraL OaelHerr aar..wai atatei. wooM bare to be I'Uairo .. -.' I zrTTf 'th rrs vrr? tmammm l4 H OwjWwffV'iBal iaaw, Thr lUaotl iVvvlfr na roraaa lato Aaothor etaMe haa aat Ha roraaa tote '.-" v, " ' ,, f r- . - .... i f."T. cae yara ia the rear far the w&ms&.mm Mahal IO aaalwVHBHB BHanlBwmaV 4r aMHet throw It. atoa ftJ'J t jZi&H', aiawaei aVHaaaa knt'at or. If oo. ao The refaoeio partoalaaliy; aaaMtlaaai, AM "thto.lo aa aakaaaabto, oaef TTT?'. "W ,f aai aaoaia; aot.bo totoyatoor aaothor week. Maay of ?TfSW;WS aao.aoioi, aa4 i&taottaaft'.waalt. aeau4eforoeavlyawtththe tava.oc tbto Utar.j, MM be bale late the peUao eeart aaA fooaoataa to aA4 to the tm heeeer.' 'There woI4 be toaa troabio la m. 'A.. ' UtoaaatoKaeoathat ww- )'-;aaaa)t,'who . i - --. !!. ,T.i". ..i . r - TV7"V UB BL raM.wiM;ejr.;aMaiMr( Miwn..ha ataeAtatt ahe-e VMiMJaMwaiahwiaaUaat,hr.M 1laaalhal4boraa)rto.,aa4 ftoajt'i ' WfVi ifto !St5'wW An.aaniaar of raaHea. ox aaaaajar'atainaBB hajva baaa aaoh aotMaatlMM la the J.Vrttt MM. Sd It k o- BUM naateetttetUMMMffttKlMi U Wla an tao to ataa kaktet tlialr attr aalwala to Uta taat ltak U Uia etaaaJat i tkla altr. Av rao wko tiaata aar of tkaaa llaeaa nattaaa tw coHIm tkla. aaA wWla a aajaritjr K ta sanjila. paraapa. kava kat lKUa aaabnaa.ttat Ukaa tkaai to aaan.ot tka slacaa, yat a raaort ot Um etty kMltk eSaer wiU kow tha ooa.ltloaa, tkat aariat Ply ktaa4lac aaA dlaaaaa ktaa4ta atecaa aiaat.ka akallaka4. XkuaaU rm eoMiar haraair fortaaate that kar paoato kT aajbyad tka health tky kava ta tka paat It ta to ba bo0M that ao wet to take, by tha city aatil tkeee aaJaaaeea araahatot. SctMtfm Shits e e MAN WHO e aboat the ttreeta teokiag far troabio leta.K. IT WOULD BR WALL U KtoJaalh, hat a aaaitary ataaA alaUlar to other dttoa'aaaalnaata. CLEAN UP THA WSKD8 aaA aaaka year part of.the towa look kke a real UreoKy. , THIS IS NOT a aoaartot TiUage aa yet, aaAlkere.le aooataaa tor etwee of tka uaatojkUy alaeaa to be aaea. , CHARITY IB SAID to otart at bobm aaA there are a lot otother thlaaja that follow aatt. FOR IN8TANCB. THRIFT. AN OPEN DOOR, with aothlas kat a aereea to protest a piaoa or aaat- w' froai latraeera, to laTlUas to tkloTea. Sawll bora oaaaot raatot the teaiptatloa. ooaMtlaMa. WHKN A' MAN atraek aaothor Ant attar harlac Mat roatoi tor aaaaalt. ha earn, barely look for a ooahaom la hla favor. SOhtS SIDKWALXS la thto city, la- claoiac reeaatly baOC oroaalasa, eouM ataaA- ooaaHorable attoatloa. A MORK FRSQUKNT taahias. of Mala atreet wdaM keep a lot of aan laaoa aaat, doaaa froai poraMatiag oar. eterea, laelaaiac raalaaiaata, teat aurketa aaA other place. MAYOR MASON ald auke a kit ad do a world of ajoodjt. later oa a koUday oeaM be declared for. a gear oral oloam ap of Ktoaath FaDa' aadaOeya. "TIZ" FOR SORE, TIRED FEET--AH! "Marie HwfWMy Aa! what ralletl No atora tired toot; ao aaore baratag feet; ao swoUea, bad aaialHag, sweaty No atora soroaoas la eoras, eslloase. baaloa. No awtter what alia ypar feet or what, aader the aaa yoa're tried with oat ettlag relief, jaat aaa "TIB." "TIS" to the oalr roatedy that draws oatall the potooaoits asudatioaa wawa pus up the feat "T" cares yoar foot trouble ao you'll aeyar llap or. .draw ap yoar faoa la pala. Yoar shoe woa't soeai tight sad your foot will aorer, aoTerkanor sat, an aad swoUea. Thiak of Itl No foot aitoery, ao aaore agoay froi eoras. oalloaaos or,baaloaa, Get a . aat.rbw M aay drag stors;br. depsilBjeat store sad got lastohtreUef. Wear sauller shoos. set oae, try "Ttt." Oat a whole year's foot. ooaifeit for, as eoata. Thiak.ofW ..-. -,. (A4rarttosaaa4) Oroaoa prodiuod U,Mf wart. please am kept ap they coaUaee ta, a tukirwmlM 'ew'(Mt Jt. SSaBaBBKy J JWteaiSBalaaBBBBaBBf !.4aaflalaBBBBRanwlBawBBiH' aams-9 LHMvT Till EVENING HMALD KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Predicts Great Slaughter If Kaiser Turns on France Br WM. PMsXIF SIMMS (United Press 8tit Correspondent) (CoDrrtaht. 1915.1 by United Press, Copyright la Stoat Britain) WITH THE FRENCH ARMY AT THE FRONT. Attfe. . (Via Paris Aug. 7.) If the Qbmans mike good their threita and eiteasDt to smash throagk the lino ot tha allies to the channel or upon Paris alter taking Warsaw, tha great est slaughter erer by man occur. The will meet his Waterloo. ffit im ti& tnl&- nui 0 eapn.tjc. ally expressed, by arery oScer of the Freach army, froas. generals dowa, with whoa I talked oa a tour ot the battle froat oa the aaalTerssry of the first year ot tha war. They declare they only fear tho Germans will aot try, kaowiag such aa attempt woald play into the hands ot the antes. For the Germans, they say. It would be the beginning of tho end. "Such a drlro would be pro-doomed to failure," one oMcor said. "Then, woakeaed by frightful losses, tho kaiser's legions would be at the mercy of the allies, who, with time working to their adraatage, hare from the Srst coaeenred their troops to this end, and largely the thanks is due to General JoSre." . Not only was this assertion made repeatedly, but with frankness which startled oao who waa accustomed to the old-time secrecy of tho early days ot tho, war. Tha Freach oflcers, with GeaersS Jotre's permtoaloa. threw their cards faoa ap oa tha table, pror lag at least to the layman that tho only rtlsaatar which awaits a bow drlro oa Paris or Calais is to the Gorraaaa. Oa this trip orer the battle froat I waa ahowa sights whteh few, It aay, clTtliaas have heretofore seen, or It they, did see theai aad were caught, they paid the penalty ot standing blindfolded before a firing sound. Secrets of tho great citadel ot Ver dun were made an open book by .the Freach oflcers. I was conducted through subterranean passes nearly 100 feet below the surface of the forts, where Siege preparattoaa com prised oTerythlag front foods aad shells to grist mills, waterworks, hos pitals, c wireless plant, aad sleeping quarters for tho entire drll as well aa military population of Verdun. The military gorernor aad his stag were working 100 feet underground in an oflee of considerable also, di rectly beaeath tho citadel. The gor ernor ezplaiaed that these precautions were being taken, not beoaaso Verdun was actuallyTn danger,, bat besaase oa June 4, twenty-six 110 millmeter shells were hurled into the towa by the Germans, who used the same loag range guns that sheUedDuaklrk from a distance of about tweaty miles. la thto subterranean ofloa tha staff la able to work without regard to possi ble dangers, and it to also possible tor tho drll population to tad refuge un derground it the bombardment should be repeated. Subsequently I waa shown through the outlying forts aad tha mualtloa factories. The oflcers allowed ate to handle grenades, to laspeet aereral aew motors aad, etraage shells, aad examine miles of the froat line do teases. I was stso shown the organi sation system behind tha llae. Ap parently nothing waa aeoret. "We are ready for aay more," said oao ot the oflcer escorts, "bat wa are In no hurry, Time to worklag for us. Wo can break the Parana liao aay minute we want tobatjlha,operattoa would be costly. We prater to wait and let the Germans try to break out llae. They certainly win. attempt It shortly, and whoa they do,tlet theai look oat" One la vividly impressed with the spirit of determination everywhere prevalent la the Freaoh raaks after a year of war. Mea aad oftoers alike agree that aaothor yoar Is a praettoal osrtaaaty. Both dtoplayfd the atatoet caoartaiaess as. to-tho Fraash poets. They are ao aaaaatomsd to campalgalag bow that they fear they arm sad aessefal puraaHe taate whoa tha war eads. All along tbe;!Uietfreat troaehes sad villages back of ttut llaes have reaorated to add to the aoMlers' oomforts, gtvlag further orMeaaa that tbotroopseaeettobaiaaailoafora toag time. la' mhbs of the rlthwaa aborate power ptosNa' aad water aaBaaBaKi3 TeeaeaeafKi works have boeu established and churches and theaters built. Quiet croeg roads towns havo been equipped with electric light. Photograph gal leries and postcard stores have put In their appearance. American barbod wire strung be tweon tho opposing trenches haa es tablished a deadlock from tho sea to the Swiss frontier, and war Is reduced to a routine business. French officers, however, expect a chsnge shortly, though few think peace Is at alt near. On Wednesday, the anniversary of tho formal declaration of war between France and Germany, I asked one of Jolfre's ablest generals how long the war would last. "Until we are in Germany," he answered, quietly. "We will light un til thto to accomplished, bo It two years or ten." Dog Caatarra Bargtar United Press Samoa SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 10. Pos, the collie dog who captured a burglar on Sutter street several moatha ago. Is guarding a 115,600 rug out at the Persian exhibit in the Manufacturer's building at the exposition, supplant ing tho guard who used to patrol that section ot the exhibit Tho dog is owned by H. Kullujias of this city and la left all day aad part of the night with the precious ex Mbit. AGIO IN STOMACH SOURS THE FOOD SAYH EXCESS OF HYDROCHLORIC ACID IS CAUSE OF INDIGESTION r A well known authority states that stomach trouble aad Indigestion to nearly always due to acidity add stomach tnd not, as most folks be lieve, from a lack of digestive juicer He ststes that aa excess of hydro chloric acid in the stomach retards digestion and starts food ferments Uob, then our meals sour like gar bage la a can; forming acrid fluids and gases which Innate tho stomach like a toy balloon. We then gat that heavy, lumpy fesllag In the chest, we eructate sour food, belch gss, or have heartburn, flatulence, water-brash or nausea. He tells us to lay aside all digestive aids and Instead, get from aay pharm acy four ounces ot Jad Salts and take a tablespooaful la a glass of water before breakfast while it is efferves cing; and furthermore, to continue thto for one weak. While relief fol lows the lint dose. It M Important to, neutralise the acidity, remove the gas-making mass, start tha liver, stimulate the kidneys and thus pro mote a free flow of puro digestive Julcss. Jad Salts i Inexpensive and to made from the acid of grapes aad lemon Juice, combined with Uthia and sodium phosphate. This harm less salts is used by thousands of people for stomsch trouble with ex cellent results. (Paid Advertisement) Subscribe for ths Rsrsld, 10 esat moats X"tttooa4eoaao : open nostrils; end. l rni n dp mtsbdu n vwm wu vnmnnn 1 Hew Te flat Bailor avu n i 1 . "3 ,T -T.-. !"? . aw nose sre.Niiaea Up. taaaaaaaaaaooaMxaaasW Instant relief no waiting. Your dogged nostrils open right upj the air passages of your hsad clear aad, you can breathe freely. No more hawk ing, snuffling, blowing, headache, dry ness. No struggling for, breath at night; your cold or catarrh disap pears. Get a snrall bottle of Ely's Cream naim iromyour druggiat.aow. Apply a iiwie 91. mis rragraat, antiseptic, neaiisg cream la. your nostrils It penetrates through every air psasagg of the head, tooths the iatamsd or swoUea mucous atembrsae aad relief corns lastaatly. It's just fine, Don't stay stuffsd up with a cold or nasty catarrh. (Paid AdTerttosaaeat) aewa aeaeaia flrei in The. Herald, Ms a meath ' afaAAJAAluItoBl!eBw? H3EuekjJaTE5arsssa2sw' in.' ii ' i nwiy;pfaT"eMaaTM Mf- I' AkS fjyjry stT -al rAvflv I Ta. wrHaWwaLaaBUBBa. Ik jBmJKri?wvSCaaBmaM MdavBSKTjcfomaBBpasw Yes, Madame, we sell nothing but the Highest Grade of Pure Food Grocer ies, at very reasonable prices, too. Let us make an everlasting customer of you by pleasing you with BETTER Groceries for LESS money with an un excelled delivery service. Let us convince you by giving us a trial order. a Trade at the Pure Food Grocery that satisfies. Phone orders receive the same careful attention. VAN RIPER BROS, "GET f HE HABIT" Phone 85 6th and Main Freight&Baggage Hauled Prompt Mtteatloa lo 1'lioeo Orders. 87 OSIce oa Ristli O. K.Trantfer.Co. TOUCH UP Wm. C. Hum BT-.TT1-1WII n. TiiO LI V asss(sssmm!HL lsT I Tlili smuiiiaccment carries the message to yea tkat Western Transfer Co. I Hauling Passengers, Baggage aad Freight to KU Beats for Calkins & Hamilton riioe 1B7, or leave orders at BUS Mala street. IT'S A WISE WOMAN mST SJAJS & """"" fftt'i. UKgQON , ' "' - "HBBBBsmmmmBmBaajaBBBBaBBBaBaaBBBBBBBaaasssmeBB- i I n'-Ffl Odor-o-Nol saWw. an rw A .-Fri; I B A. ll '. vV-v Prevents mmmIm.Hiim luuler ife I iVLAjJf JP' i :. T .' " mm J MMJ I ffia,y' "" "ajiaoMM.aaa tee, xry . w4 I V-, IKLAiunrH.niOjn S TUMSPAY, AUQUBT la, l laearaara that aaya. arjkaaM. IF YOU REQUIRE Glasses Vom Moral tSfsa aow. To post. poa Hie weariag of glasses he. raase of araaadlnes arejudles is ia take rlaka with your eyas. Yoa ceaaet hi toe careful In preserving the quality of yoar vision, It a give yoa accurst knowledge of (ho coadltlon of yoar eyes. " H. J. Winters tlradaato OpMcUa LAUNCHES For Rent Willi or wIOmnk drivers, for trips on either Iower or Upper lake, Telford & Son Corner Conger aad Mala BLOCK WOOD Will never be clsoaacr tha aow. You itlioulil proSt by the low price, Singlt load $2.50 Double load $3.75 io stock aa fa w later KLAMATH FUEL CO. O. PKYTOK, aaaaager 5! 5 Main Street YOUR ROOMS With a gallon' or two of our paints nnd rnrnlsh, Make them mors cheerful and sanllsry. This should be dono frwe,uent!y. especially when paint nosta so llttlo. If you don't wish to do the pstaUag yourself we can supply competent painters at abort notice. Hardware Co. Who luys aside a llttlo money reg ularly In this savings bank, sad thus provides agalast the "rainy 'Iny" that almost lavarlably comes to all. in times of adversity you will find an account at this bank your best friend. Commenco sav ing todsy; SAVINGS BANK i I i ., a x M ? rl i 4 m m J'tJSt m sau ,r v ' v -a&" t . i': TUi yv ,'i?Jf''--i. ,. V1. J 1 . W K.,'1 aaibiu 4.' : ', aWatlaiw.. ..,-.