w$S?l -WTf ' fttf; it 1 y - vVlr" V V IoPPICIAL NEWSPAPER jf-" w" 7"" v WARSHIPS . ,riw.i.aljaiJ.3WS53aMgaSgaK Wqz Sunning Iterate S3L 1 J-a.ar-jai3!m!i'..pf .wiyiTt . . , - l n.-r.. : . ' f KLAMATH COUNTY,; OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER i it KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1915 Price, VtTOMli IS, M ORDERED TO ijO TO VERA CRUZ Man Who Is Pressing the Russians, and His Kaiser H iL ... uimiii'Vi.V KNIM4 IIIHI lH,,r'" " VACATION 'K To llsWrlilp Itorelw em le Lreve T,,u n0" ,Mr Ordered to lie la KmII '"mm far IHTXirlMi at MobmwPn ) laat 'Press flervlca NKWPORT. AK. lU.--The United Bale battleships Now Hampshire u bouiatna received their "willing orlm" tot Vera- Crua today. They r loading provisions and preparing in ult tkU afternoon. The loulalAtia li u sassBlp of the North Atlantic feet. Rtf Admiral Mcl-ano com- MBoiaf. I'tUtf I'rct Service C0RNI8H, Aug. 10. President Wikea has decided to nd hi vara itaa Immediately and return to Wash Isftoa, presumably on account of the Kttfeu trll. It la reported that Adalrtl McNaraeo at Vera Crux r quest that be dispatch warshlpa la protest the forelgn-rs In Mexico, and It U uaatrttood that l vessels will bt ordered south by night If not nl may done. i388l.;irOMgMg .bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbRiB it gng7BeW,dBgIar HSpM BMBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBfBBBBaBBBny)Tjrl; 15? 41 LBBv'BAjiaiBBBiBiaiBiBiBiBiBmV-i i' 1 aBBBBBBBr..y,,.l"vBB.'"VV, gSgSSeBBBBBBBBBjaBBBBjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmj',; ;tl SnaaaWY Wlw aa'vtBTaTaaBTBBTBTamnaBBTeanaBBBBBBBBn'-t vUnwiri wSmh WaiaiaHLiaiaKI ' 1 Wl V I iffi M BiakakaHHIHKi 'i Ylid 'lftl'ABkakakakakakaH fl .V ?"'.?'" T;i'''-'HiBiBKs iBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBiBBiBiBiBB f ! J J';-.-:i'v' S 1" r IJBmBHlyaLmBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBH J J v 9m yBfrit i aBBBBBflaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBflnBBnBI 11 k E: VliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiHnV fl i HK'laiaiaiaHiaialaHKV I iiaiHHQiBiBiBBriBiBiBR9limr.V Kf !iiHCa0HNBH hi BOYS GUILTY OF ROBBERY ,i i i 1 1 . .MiCAUTKU lAKI-X gUICK CAP- TTIUV-tiOOfM (MClir.l) UM)Kf. Hi;ilAM OKKICI'-4JTUKK IMJYH THt;HT IMI'UCATi:i) I'oilnjiiuiu McCartor wiiu lu iiokhcu tiloa of one of tlio bo Implicated In itho Hugar Uowlj rolibt-r , which took iAmas Sunday nlgut, wltliln twenty in I nine after he was put to work on 'tho catte by Chief naldln, and today anotlior boy waa tnken In tliurge and !'ffcd up. Th'fact of the caao were known estorday, but kopt quiet, a ,11 wiih thought other boy were lm- . nlliAtvd In tlio lob. Toil Montgomery and Hoy Beach 'nru tlio boya Inipllcated. fly rutting a ncrceu. rouchlng In itial turning a key, the boys made their entranco Into tho batwment of thu Sugar Bowj, nd took eoveral dollnra worth ofatuff, Including two bottlcH of grape Juice, two enrtona of cigarettes, one of gum, two or creca er, one of Horahoy bnra. The stuff waa placel under the Herald office by 'tho boya. Tho Montgomery boy aa flrat ap- pronched, and while talking to him Chief Baldwin aptod a package of clg .arcttea of the brand stolen, the eup lily In tho Sugar Bowl basement being tho only place In town where they arc aold. After a bard aweatlng he llnnlly broke down and told of the robbery. Their case Is under consideration. Plot to Kidnap Church Head H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsP H H H BBBSBffirw fgKlBBBBBaViiHBgal m.i-.'rxm fell 'II T I '" "l ifiaJai BULLETINS United Press Senrlce Salonika, Aug. 10. Austro-Ger-m una" tin. concentrating 100.000 men on the Serbian 'fronllor, planning to mcrrun Serb a and frighten otner Bnlknnx to remain neutral. .- York Auk. 10.-2-1100.000.' tiOb In gold arritcd here today from Knslaml, the first payment on war munitions. BULGARIA WILL, ATTACK TURKEY FOR TERRITORY IK WIIilil.VG TO FIGHT AT COST, IH 8TATBMEVT ANY 'KaWr Wllhrlm (ieurrut iu Slrtckinaeo rj " Diltet Pnst Bert Ice WA8H1N0TON. I). C.( Aug. JO. It U teuetred here tbat toe Bary ao rarUntnt has ordered the New llaaap ihlra and lxulslanH ship to Vera Cru and the rest of the Atlantic 8at to be prepared. The trouble over Carrania U deem el Imminent. Offlclata admit that the aatl.ABMrtesn fMlliie la arrowing In r Crut. Carrnnta la hastening his rparatloaa to go to Mexico City. It U tnnt IhM when he la them and U declared provisional president, a dflaBM will tin ImihmI in Amerlra which will be a signal for a demon grttlea against all Americans there. Commander MeNamee of the gun kettkacramento haa reported that the CamuUtas are holding maaa meet tufa la the streeta atVera Crui, and in denouncing all Americana and loNlners. Cnrronia's attllade fore ihadovs a desperate realatanee. 'The expulsion of Guatemalan Mln Wr Oretga resulted from a quarrel tta the Iirwlllnn minister. It la be owed that tho holding of Henry ''wela, American correspondent, to -albly Intended to nrecdpltato a oW It Is reported authentically that th ....... . . ..j - .ran unimriuioni mianmi jffpratldent to aond more war ahlpa ,, but he did not want to act with- it, j v waeri whllo the Pan American i raartrence waa In Mission. "U'lilti Press Service Ji ?ABHIN0T0N, D. C. Aug. 10. t .It Is' r1l.i. uii.j i... il.i ii f. ' --. nmtvu ufirw mm mi f "Udera of the Atlantic aauadroa :, been ordered to hold their ehlpa "mJT B6M for Inimedttte aervlc In T"- waters. Mahv lnlJ u. VkW fciMPrM. Service ' "ACRAMBNTO, Aug, 10. Thrt "t Plutua will tall today. More aiate purchaalng agent and by til IavI.Va... mk. k,A , - "'""Mrw. inn I Will PIWuw . 1 . a A AAA . "" Miiarjr oi f,uuv rear and h .. i aj. "- "-""mui. f (ivtm LPPcanU will seek the Job -7-"w ui puoiic worlta, poatj T.r . Moru Is the man who did tho most and Clinlm, both far oat of Warsaw.. neru is trying to cut off tho retreat of' toward taking Wnraaw and .urround.'omg' lug tho gn-tit Husslan army now In r-(W,llcU (onora) X0 Hlndenburg Is now tieat. Ucneral von Mnckenaen la preHs-illrU1R thom rial photograph waa J into 1 . .. 1 . a sa. & 1. .. Ing hard on tho left Hank or tn iiua- taken recently wniio ne ior w( elMta, and haa already taken Lublin (visiting on tho eastern front. . CITY DADS START CLEAR OF DEBT (Copyright. Harris and Swing.) BILLS, PERMITS, 'LAWRENCE SUES , ETC.! ON PROPERTY SIXTH STREET, PAVING IM PROVEMENT ON REOOMMENDA- TION OK CITY ENGINEER AND DEHIRE TO KEEP OUT OP DEBT ORDINANCES iciTV IWCXCII. IHKIHWW OF HOST PRINCIPAL IN I,AVI.BNCE-TODD OK HMALI. IMJHWWW ANI UIS-j CVNHKM IMI-ORTANTgUESTIONHj AT I.AHT NIUHT'H MEETING i CASK NO8WNG IXR I-OS8ES- HION OP PROPERTY IN DODD HOIiliOW .4 Tho bill presented at thu last meet lug of the council by tho Baldwin Hardware company for two prlsou look, and keyn for 85 was allowed ufter n commlttoo nnu invo5.iv tho amount and found It to be correct. A building permit was uu Chaa. I. lloborta to erect a sleeping porch on his house on lots anu v, block 9, Palno alley. , iii in ai,.i.lmnii tnnderod Ills rOBIg- natlon na street commissioner to thel A suit In equity has been tiled by a K Ijiwronco agalnat Airaa rvueuoe for possession of a piece of property fin Dodd Hollow, which the piainun alleges they have occupied jointly tor sovornl ycats. The plaintiff claims that they had entered in partneranip on tho property which waa ana u in her namo, but that abe naa ieit n January 1. 11B, and had refused to llvo thoro and to contribute to Ita upkeep. Rovornl weeks ago a suit waa Oled i The matter of Improving Sixth street waa dropped without action by the city council last night, following .discussion and Inspection tor several I weeks, on the report of City Engineer Zumwnlt that tho street would not deteriorate more than 10 per cent la the next winter. It waa found that thero la no fund for keeptng of these streeta In re pair, and rather than draw warrants uavablo next year on a fund to be cre ated In tho next budget, which seemed to bo tho only way of paying for such work, tho city council concluded to dron tho matter until next year. It Is also desired to test out these streets, oil macadam being an experi ment here. iiaaamu. nf the ronort. of a plot to kidnap Joseph P. Smith, the Tenerable bead of tholr church, Bait iae tiw Mormon teaders arranged to guard him. "Thi news Is the most startling and unexpected thing I have heard In man voars." said Blsnop Hmun. eon of the president of the church. I had ii nrnvioua intimation that such at ..int ATUtAd. i am not prepared to aay that there Is no basia of troth to the plot, but I am positive mat u was unknown to me nnUl this Iante.M According to reports In Federal clr clea, three or more outlaws had plan ned a campalgnof crime, rrom now Ing up Yellowstone Park stages and HinAirmatiin nromlnent men, to kid naping wealthy ranch men, and finally Smith. The same bandits were sup posed to have held E. A. Emery in tne wild country along the Wyoming Idaho line, demanding $6,000 In gold from his relatives. Empey disap peared from his ranch near Idano Palls. Tho recent holdup of New York tnuriBtn in Yellowstone Park, wnen several bandits obtained loot eetlmat ed at 14,000 from passengers In a Btage coach. Is attributed to the same gang. l'otrograd,' Aug. 10. The Russians arc.prep&Tjng to evacuate Vilaa. Li braries and museums are being re moved, say dispatches. Berlin. Aug. 10. Germans stormed thn Fortress Lomca. General von Mackensen entered 'today, and has given von Hlndenburg possession of four or five forts guarding' Petrograa railway between Novo Oeorglews and Grodno, Only Ossowetz Is delay ing the advance. Amsterdam-, Aug. 10. Plve Zep- Dellns have been slgnted at .the en trance of the Zuyder Zee, cralslag northwesterly. Their course woald take them to Scotland. if Mpdford. Auk. 10. Announced here that Western Sugar company of Salt Lake la soon to construct 1600. 000 beet sugar refinery here. El Paso. Ang. 10. Villa haa re scinded order for war levy on foreign ers, and returning property take from foreign and American mer chants of Chihuahua. He met Gen eral Scott and conferred for four hours on the American aide. Bulgaria Will Attack if KerMa WIM Cede flmtlaat ilonia to Her, Is Maaesaeae c Bat sjHraak) Mlaleter ia Catted Prasa law tervlew Pealed Taat,Walsaifia Is OesaaaMliag Cu fcsallaopls aa Prlea (SUff t By HENRY WOOav ' Correapoadaat United" 'i Berlin. Aug. 10. A Turkish avi ator sank a British snaaurlne la taa Marmora Sea. says a Coastaatlaople wire. Crew lost. British aaxJUlary ciulser India waa torpedoed enteriag Ftcstfjord. Sweden; 80 ot crew sayed CoqulBe. Aur.lOPIra tMaTaaatB- Ing threatened business district. H was extinguished after 912.000 loss. In'don. Aug. 10. A Zeppelin raid . -. Pa B was made last nignt, lasung in Si 30 unUI midnight, the location not being announced. One man, eignt women and fonr children were kUlea. nnn nursulna airman was killed oat over the North Sea.. One Zeppelin descended In the channel and waa be- !r, tn-maA hr the Germans until tne British demolished It English avt; ntora attacked the Zeppelins conunu ously during the heavy fog, which hid them. t, f ' !Y 'ji - Sri i Press) (Copyright IMS) SOFIA, via Berlin, Aug. ie. Bul garia will attack Coastaatlaople t( Serbia w ill' cede ?8ers4aaMaeadaa to her, is the stateaaeat aaaaa today ay V. Radoslavoa. Balartoa presalir. to ' the United Press. He'deaied taat'taey i are desaaadias Coaataattaof as aa f -- their price, adding: "'Their feara are y: k aroundless. There are -.awaay; later ' A national commercial caad noHtteal "re- S.'Z sponalbllltlea attacaed to a aay eaeav ' j pying Coastantiaople'a .sjeesyaasaeM i - - Doattlon. Ther are too great, a We - ,, r . - . ... v .-. "' -. j,. .f;i will flcht for a ataaje : u mxumm"'J fmu &i tXtti 5 our froatlera aatlLtaey easkraea ail people of oar own sssi;msmhm f id. must -be 'graatod, wn murwrnm-'mtPi doaat. If we are asked to ajataieaa.. p v .. ' "v! u.j. . k. " j. -. . t we are ready.. It asked to gdt n.L..g.,U..iu BAnataaJa. oat taa.-.-. i" !!-" .- -rr r tt .; j1 i t-f ih tho alttaa a artaajaaSaiaa van !. ' , Si,iiWvl '. t .", I IJ- -Hl if T jr&i'0 o HIHSilPi IHIB UlUfllaUL '' fsllir IS DECLARED 't $ . f : -, CITY OOUNCnV STATES DawHBBB AND1 INTENTIONS TO CLEAN OT cIty OV RBOOMMENDATION 'MADE BY ors hv I i w& I &X .. .,. i iiv Alma Kuohne against Lawrence council, wnicii av-. - nmMrt. to . , n,.nn,. un. aranted to U. tor uie !.,. w. --.- U Coiad proprietor of "The Smoke , which she claim, title. , U. C0ad, PrP"0",r..., , ,,, lnnr -,., ,., ...i, ciim. that they had until' ITtiwa''!" ft partnw,WP ?V until J"u'r ' Bnd , th0 dofondants name, and had goes dry. jj mmun thereon, each Day- The ordluuneo providing ' ','un 'juoVy 1, U1B. When under tho ago of 18 shall not be, "K . he . erty, ivnd has refusod to live there or contribute to Its cultivation and up keep since. The ntninttff asks for a Hen against tho property, which he ndmlta to now bo In his possession, until such settle ment of the partnership Jaraade by i,n rnurt as It deems proper, claiming to have expended several gums or money In Improvement, erection of a house, barn, fence and other Improve meats. salary mi of 15.000 v f w iVf . To Haa L.lJ- . J svf SraamBaaajBaBMBBaaBa ) "- Bd Ulas Griaai. a..tkv. ViLu. T r""T"f .aeaaiawarBf WW a gSWfW'iW Paika. . wr aatS7aeiBaf, Wlrlttae'fi;irfwrWr. i.ah in nool or bllllnrd rooms IV4UI.W . . . wi..t !,. alinll DO CIOSUU liuui ' o'clock midnight until 6 n. m., passed Its final reng. The ordinance pmoe the guilt on both the proprietor nud the hoy, ..nn.iri.npa to tho nasslng ot ait A IBWWII.M..." -- - ordinance regulating ana iioeosiua automobiles for hire In the, city was The matter o5promlscuouly cut ting the pavemalt camo up for dU cusslon aad was referred for Investl- Iim i. remrd to the aecessary bond heretofore required, anu Pro.um notification of the olty eai ineer, who wh thea properly gupervlae the work. ;av j,6lene paveatearlm. fron of .?. '....i--it '...1.1. ..aCnna an fllxth tae Riawatn - -- Water running m " -- LAMONT VISITS SCENIC POINTS PAUL JOHNSON RETURNS SUNDAY PROM TRIP OVER NORTHERN KI.AMATH WITH T. H. LAMONT OP HARRIMAN LODGJB LONGEST SHEEP TRAIN LEAVES s TRAIN OF FIFTY-THREE CARS, CARRYING NEARLY EIGHTY FIVE HUNDRED SHEEP, LEFT LAST NIGHT ATHLETIC CLUB FOR KLAMATH HEALTH OFFICER V-. if 1A ..ranolIrA -tnr tKA -I Ia UB Sit . 1 objectionable and uaaeallaJia. IU UUI v,Vt """ft-"1";-". -T 3 r council last aigat'om reeesa- PAVILION 18 HEING REMODELED AND RECONSTRUCTED FOR USE AS FIRST CLASS GYMNASHJM FOR KLAMATH'YOUTHB - 'saaces (tkl. iltv ft" . .. ... , -..i.i. j. nw menaation ass atr-ovmmuumtw w, HflAiiu offlcerJDr.,Truaxlaad.Calef,of PoUlce Baldwla. . f -c f? i; The aulsaace ordlaaaee waa looked iqto and found, to adequately eover h situation in regard to aalsaaees, sewer connectloas, garbage, eaas aad , general conaiuoas oi uie vw U was the sense of , the cooacu taax tn owners oi suvu ii w. j M 'I (Costlausd on Pale 4) Sherira CTerk at Port Oeorge 'ihrelcb, oraployed In the sheriff's office made u trip to btoti KlamMh today to look oyer some land In that dUtrlet. i nnntraet haa beta let for the Coast Fork bridge across the Wlpa ette Hirer. Paul Johnson of the' Klamath De velopment company aad the Klamath Meat company, returned Sunday from ah extended trip over the northern nart ot the county with T, H. bamont, flrat partner of J. P. Morgan. Their trip lucmnea a nuwuer ui nnintM and was for the purpose of en- Joying some of the fishing ot that dis trict, aa well as looking the country over generally. Mr. Laasont Is well pleased witn this country, acoordlag to Jehasoa, and expreased himself as enjoying tne scenery aad fiahlag hafaiy. - , iRetaras Prasairair ninrenea Motkchsaaache'r of the Klamath ralta steaat lauadry haa re turned Iron a tea days' visit at the fair at Baa Praaslne, The longest freight train to leave Klamath Palls for a number of years went out last night at 6:30. carrying nearly 8,500 sheep, which arrived hero Sunday and Monday, following a tone drive from Grant and Crook Munties. one ot the longest drives In the history ot Southern Oregon since (he railroad. The sheep are going below, where they have been sold. Three cars re mained to go out this morning. The forlght bill on the shipment on tho rate allowed for cars, would amount to $4,000, Thev win be distributed at Sacra mento, Stockton and other poUta. Klaiuuth Falls Is to bwve a regular ntMeti. club, its headQuarters to be at the pavilion at the corner of Fourth and Klamath avenue. August ow Is the opening date, and a grand open ing Is announced. Already a handball court and mat have been placed In the building, and preparations are being made for the . .. .a a! ii i UnM.MII. cnmuieuon oi B7- ,.- other paraphanella will be Installed, nnd the manager promises that the best club In Southern Oregon, will be located here. written (notice where a aalaaaee ex ist in the onlnioa oMh avaattk. de partment composed of the city health officer, chief ot police ana tae saayor, and that lftlt waa aot'wafedle to their complete, satlsfacuoa' specified, time, they, are to arrastod and penalised aV'the ordaaaswe-aro-vldes, with not leas than tSior aaore than f loo, or noi lese uw www nor more inaa.nny nys m ja,., ' The.se of sawdust Is highly com- inenaea oy ur, iru w - . . erl'ng places where refuse haa heen dumped. The sew.er ordlaansi eov- Lxuii ,n he -made 'within certain limits. . WU1 SeAlaeka After tho close of the regular meet . ... . . . ..j. .. .... i.k. ing oi tue woyai uraer wi mwv tomorrow, the members will be treat ed Ito & lecture' on Alaska, Illustrated by' storeopt loon views of many points ot interest ta taai ottnuivuuuHji The entertalimeat will be free. Visits Here Front Miaaeaota Miss Maty Brett and Miss Ellis Remtrey ot Duluth, Ulna., are vU Ing at toe noma ot air. n . nt in thta pitv. Thev have been lylsltfag the fair, and are oa their re turn home by toe nortnern route, utaa Brett, slater of Joe. has bee here tor several days, Ulas Remtrey, arriving last' aignt, reatate a week. Retaista to Pertlaad. t. B. Wtniaauu a- BromlsJag young attorWof Portland, haa.retumed to , aM 4 lea ao ea Bad Meyer lajed , "Wild Bill" Messlck. .the wairlwlad i bases,, la nursing badly hraUed . ,.a anil' nthap aoara folloddac the falling vera his ot a pUepjAaok , la oneof'taa ears atfiae-aiwawaa-m t factory yeatorday, tJto .wartoadkag the cy waea aaotaer. psaeeav f traek ks'af.Wiaaa.-adira tUck inik nroneHea' ac iBBev WNM. a the ear'tla;lcK UmTW UA.b.ji. nf aaaalr;aer oa hisa. ' ' IX. ,Z:" Cli'--ita .kaelAeVVn ktsa; (, l'''t hATBnsritv.er.aneadlramonthkM.kMiMkdBaaear ' ,. aewHUW. brother. R O, wpUl-WlgT ",. TZZjMfo? S . s- -. "Mvtf qua aestoiaasasaallf - aC." ..leg, i.rj. ' " " WW Visit Ibi Baa Francisco ( ti T'iil Tnli'iiina' left this mora- i, alias namiimjA ' --.-- . . - - They exaeet to lug for Iw Praaelseotor a taw days, .j..-. j waere sa wui " - - i ; . - tfy 'iJLic,J. ;The seven aew-fMfsieis aHttaseroWJ,GWajptaliaawaaBan--? night, and wtU besajiieised fs-x ; Sfcte ' lift SsM 'a i L tvt a I V.