1$W7S'?'P ' "f i- v' L'-V(" r -fjr-r-sa r- dt.. 7-rf x 4 5lf lEutfttmg Herald 'Sri ! 'ij&$I KLAMATH FALLS' KLAMATH COUNTY'S -OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER X OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER . w KLAMATH FALLS. OR10ON. MONDAY, AUGUST 9, 1915 ? wsmmmmmwwmm. W "'WW'-' , I'm- . . ! If IVRtli Vcwr- No, tt'iTB MEXICAN AFFAIRS MUDDLED A6AIN BYCARRANZISTAS ,WPll.HU,V OP MINISTER TURNS htatk or aitaiiih jape!)) " 1VI "l,w N',"H ,'HI, 'tj'lfca .tiiHTliHH Conrmi MfH 'jrjlil Admitted ln American , XfgeltatlotM 4eomrdlcV-UnltJ Male Inclined In lut Thrangh llil- try WHIhiuI HanrlloN If .Vwwurjf ai.UII.IM l. STEWART (luff Correspondent United Pri) WASHINGTON. II. C Aug. 9.- Tb art i( the CnrraniUtes In expell l0B die (latitfiimlnn minister Ortcgo bit again muddled Mexican affairs II la lKpoillit) to tell how serious un ill new Pan America congress U held In Now York Wednesday. K Csrrnnin U proves to nave re pasted the charge or (ho South Amr Iran countries anil Ceatral America representative In trylag to re-eatab-Itah Cleat Mens In Maileo, It la admit ttd that tin Tan America, aegotm tloa ara Jcopsrdlted. The Brat Ulan jalaUUr Oilvolra leave Mexico City Tuesday for the United States, prob ably to attend (be conference In New York. It U admitted hero that tie admin latratton l In ell owl to put through the Mtilran policy, tentatively decld M upon, with or without the co-opera tlon of the Ulln American rpublle Thlr Indorsement la desired, but It la Intended Ihiit the United State should have the deciding voice. It la known that tho conferera are badly divided. Toe government haa been advlted that Villa U mailing hla forcea at Torreon for n declalv battle. MANY ATTEND ROAD 0PEHIN6 WTUIATKIl TWENTY MACfUNRS , ("mwu this city, whilb at ? PROXIMATELY 1M FNOPMC AKK PRESENT AT OAVK Tho formal opening of the Lavn 1M tourln road wna a gnat susses TMterday, tlilrty-ota numo'lna In all Journeying to Dear Feet Cave for the BooBday picnlo luncheon, whloh Mark ed the formal opening of the road through tho Uva Beda to Lookout, CeSf. following the luBcheoa'ai Bear Foot Cave, and a trip through the lea we, piloted by W. A. DatoaVl, naet atter of thl city, who wa a mm xr or the party a number of raara o o dlicover thla cava, meat of ta wljiatlon proceeded through taa to the Mammoth Oar aad Look out, returning to thla city on tbaaaat n aldo of Tula Lake. tfcmuMta wo gnu to MtnA tfom tofrtut. nnei undorgrounl. aad baa aaver wen fully eiplored, Tlie rood la reported In good con ""ion, conaldering thaaatura of the "&try, and with retauehlag In a w ipota will ba a matt ajoyaale 7 ,,or ou'UU. Tha road from thli Z to b li tte bait eoadl "on. The total mileage eerered by n &$&'- -,h- "' "wi paaieana a. ine cave, imubi,.. m .k. .... or th occaatoa mi the lateraaUag --- wonei apata la tbe Bed. nuaeroua !. u.w. ... wT .... figJvOS ,- 'V terajng far - Trmliia r till .-.' Professor in Fight ofPenn University I'riifikMte l lt I'rofrKHor l.io Rnwt, licid pf the polltlral irli'iiro department or tho Unlverally or I'euitnylvonln, linn coino out atrongl)7 agalnit the dlxroliaal or ProfeMior Bcott Xenrlng of tho Whar ton School or Flnnnre or tho unlvnr- alty. wIiom leaehlngx on political economy got him Into trouble. Tho dUmlital of I'rofcMor N'earlng haa arouaed many teachera In the unlver alty, and aoine of them have vigor ously denounced the action. "I can Imagine no greater harm to the unlvenlty than the creation of an Impreaalon throughout the country that there la any restraint on the freodom or teaching," declared Dr. Row. "It 1 dlaheartenlag to And thoae entruited with the admlalatra tlon of the unlveralty'a affair taking action which reflect upon the repu tation of tho InMltutlon. Inquiries received from Ihe different aectlona or, the country Indicate that national opinion la nrouaed by thla action. Within the Inatltutlon widespread dla nturactlon eilita, partly by reaeon or the Injuitlre dono to Profeeaor Nnarlng, but mainly becauae of the Injury dono to the University of Penn sylvania. It la now the duty of every loyal eon of the university to do hla share In repairing the Injury." GRANTS PASS LOSES TO EWAUNA UK3MM WIN IIV 8CORK OF FIVE TO ONK IV CLOHK CONTEST. KRKORM PftOVK COSTIA' TO THK VI8ITORM In a close game with the score nothing to nothing until tha seventh Inning, the Ewavnas won yesterday on the local diamond 6 to 1, A hit, a wild pitch hitting the batter and a wild throw at an Important point gave the locals three runs. A ball dropped by the first baseman la the eighth al lowed two mora rang. Cook pitched a good game, striking out ulna man, to hla opponents four. being In danger In one inning only, when a base on balls and two hits gave (1 rants Pass one run. tug aad Pernoli featured In the outteia, Pernoll getting one off the feaeo aad B4gbe taking them as they came, aad (Ceiitlausd oa Page ,4) tre)tJMlai7 Hearlag 1 Held The preliminary hearlag in aba case of Lawrence against Todd commenced thla morning at 11 o'clock, and waa eonUaued over thl afternoon In Jus tins of the Paaea Oowea'a courts Todd U accused by Lawrence wjth Intent t BUI. v J BBgBJBJgJ BBBBajm aBBajsBaBB fBBBn, , -Th ' gitaar. ' Bewl ha meat ' waa broken lata laat nigni r tbliria, ami gHallty"l.t4rtaao geoda wr tak en. Maat of tb stolen goeaa aewngea to H, M. PU, Ueal ismmiaata man, mnnnBmnnnKBmnnnnBmnl nBmannnnBnanl mmmmjnmmmmmMari t-.BBl K7nBf7"''VnTBf npA:'iimB( lidaJ4it7'ntml ldSBmnTamiM lnf.jTavM I aammmmmjagggi?jnmmB nnnnnnnwiaLk jSbwWmKV aHHBBB7 jaBwaaBaBnaafea nnnnnnnr .BmVnnnWnu nvnvnvnvnvnvB mnvn!nnvnvaBB nmmmmmmaf jXrBBBBB-vmanM BULLETINS United Press Bervlee Uorlln, Aug. 0.- The British sub imirliK! Inn sunk Ihe Turkish battle hlilp Koyer-ed-dlu-Darbarrossa, one of th InrgoHi in tho nvry, In the Mar monn Ken. Pnrt of Jha crow or 579 wim onveil. IUtIIii, Auk. . Kelsmographs here 'ndlcnlo n nnero earthquake early DiIh morning, prolmbly In the regions or Cr.tnlirln nnd Albania, I.AUKhO, Tex., Aug. 8 Pour com imiiIoh of regulnrs are undergoing xicHn training nt Raymondavltl to Join In the hunt for Maclean bandit who nre midline tho countryside, London, Aug, 0, Tho Post'a Barn iorremmlrnt wire that the Oarmaa losier, up In thin time total 1,178,081 men, Keattle, Aug. 9 The Federal Trad 'omralMnii began Inquiry bar today Into Nortliweitorn Industrie, wlitat Tlimimt Rurko or the Chamber of Commerce waa the tret witness. ( Washington, I). c Aug. 9. Lan 'ting nnnornced lato thla afternoon thgt the Pan American coherence bad roichsd a de,".nlte program, which baa xn approved by President Wilson. Ho did not state the plan. It wa learned today that Henry Francis, an American newspaper man, la confined u Vera Crut, aontencod to death. Lugato, Aug. 9. Germans are pamphletlng Kovno, promising a new kingdom to bo rorced In the Polish territory, with Warsaw a the capital. Prince Poachlm, the kaiser's sixth Hon, will probably be king. Copenhagen, Aug. 9. The Danish steamer Mais has been submarinad. Captain and eight of craw ar miss ing. ITALIANS SCALE MOUNTAIN PEAKS roltCK AUHTKIANB TO RRTIRK AT Al'.TITl'DK OF TWO MILKS, CAP TL'ltl.NU GUNS AFTRIt SKN8A TIONAL CH.HGB ON FKAK. United Presa Service QKNEVA, Aug. 9 Plunging under a terrlflo battery Ore from an altitude of tfco miles, ltallana rorced the Aus- trlana to evacuate In the region around Montosia, northwest of Trent. The Italian Alplners, noted for their mountain climbing and ability to take almoat unbelievable polnta atter scaling precipitous height, stormed Montouo peak, forcing the Auatrlaaa to flee, and capturing their guna after a moat sensational charge. They then need the Austrian artil lery In ahelllng the Auatrlaaa on sur rounding peaks. RAIOERS CAUSE A BORDER WAR THHKK SOLIHKR8 AND TWO amgmoans WOUNDBD in BKUU MISH RKTWEKN TJOUNTRlaW, ' AMERICANS UARRICADH KOTOM - lnanK Life here la not United Pre Service BROWNSVILLE, Aug. 9. Three soldiers and over fifteen Mexican ar reported wounded In a battl at she Morlau ranch last night. Fire-Mag. loan war killed, and twe civilian American war alao wannded. Jesus Oarcla, a prominent roHdant of Brownsville, who tipped; author ties off to the raider' movement, died today from wouada raserrad in M - wi Soldiers, raugers. and civilian ..." clashed with' tha raider. . The Amor nkA . M. ! lean, being outnumbered, barrteaio themHlvas taut bona, wblen tba Mas leaas apKoaeaed from tnm dlr.jn wrmte, and taoyUbMu illy, oot KAISER DECLINES TO EXPRESS VIEWS ON FAIL WARSAW i STATES PRINCIPLE PREVENTS THUOrriH nMSTEIl United Pre Wire Kaler for Exprc ston on aUgnMoaaee of Fall of City. State la Adder, However, Tliat ThU Victory Enierlally, Me Hope, ? Will Kastoai KnA of War Says Oemaay la Fighting for Pbc. (Copyright. 198C by United Press) NEW YORK, Aug. K. On. the oc casion of the fill and capture of War aaw the United Press service wired Kaiser Wllhelm of Germany for an expression on the significance of the victory. Petheansnn Hollweg replied today thai the 'kaiser waa unable to comply, giving hi reasons as ssgalnat hi principle. The following anawer, however, la taken from an address made by the kalaer recently la Germany: "Germany eonnecta, with these vic tories especially, the hope that the end of tha war Is being hastened. Through them, Germany la fghtlag for peace wfclan will obtala for It and other power of the earth on tta aid, such absolute WurlUes a w need for tasting peace and a national future." LETTER HERE TELLS OF WAR FORMER RESIDENT OF KLAMATH COUNTY WITH ENGLISH ARMY WRITES OF EXPERIENCES IN WAR ZONE IN FRANCE I The following excerpts of a letter ' written by H. T. Woodward, formerly n resident or tuia county, wno u witn the English army In France, waa re ceived recently by Mrs. A. E. Gillette of Malln, tell or war conditions In the Mar sone in France. Woodward la a dispatch runner, and though uninjured so tar, he baa had some narrow escapee. Alleged atrocities practiced by the Germans are told or, and Germany Is fighting a war of "extermination by any means," ne state. The letter waa mailed In an "on actlvo duty" envelope with a "Note Correspondence la this enve lope need not be censored regimental ly. The contents are liable to exam ination at the base."' It was mailed In France. On tho back la printed, "I certify on my honor that tb content cf thla envelope refer to nothing but private and family matters." and la signed by tho sender. Following Ih the letter: j i '"You wijl be surprised to heat from 'roe. Thought 1 would write and let I you know where I am. I've been here VfAllla tor . ,OB dM0. Been aom very hot Urns, and bar es caped vlthout n aoratch, although I h. va me lVJUIUl lw lan-.w. mi h. " - - in Macrone. nnoaia very swtu to b back at your table aad get good feed again. These timed seem almost Ilk a dream to m now. " ''I am u dispatch runner to this bat- gallon v and am in and out, and all over IB ironi lino urars-me wi mvm at all times. IT bean sniped at a lotj aad the other.jday th Qermana turnea a macm g se had to boat It nte;a dltob and eigh teen Inch of ,walor and watt an op portunity to cmwCawnjr, Wo found twe ac our sirnaaWaeruelged to "a vi, -v. .i .. i . I . .. . . barn aor,nfter,Wdanttio w Tpres. lit ' II "!,. -"- .---- ftVAA fflH T jrj mm mmHmrvwfmm,- nuaa.banr tortnrot mm mntttftted; two hable, with tMr. aawte ont ol at Connecticut Off it BBBBBBBBBIHaBBH HaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBVnVSBBBBBBBBBBsBBBBSa kssBsBsBsl 'fa7' ' .BsBsBsBsBsBsBsBBBsBsBsBsBm BBBBBBJJBj BBJEgnw vBBBBBBBBBBBBJJJBBBBBBBBBBBBJmBBBBBBBBJg aBBBBBBBBBBraBBBBBBBBBal" aBBBBBBBBa iBBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBSJaaBjYBjYBjYBjYBjY 1i&9IKm!KSmKp$Ki TatMBKaBrBL DSBB?S9ui K aiMaBWOBW.. BBffBffBffBKBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBmi JaaTBBBmatQgBBOBBBMBrflBKSnw rBBBjBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB : SBffaTrBffBffBVBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBHMMMBBMBffBF.v?'. .BffBffBffSffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBffBl' t vnBrnaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjBBBrBWSf ' :y : .aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBml BnBBTLKnBBBBSrBsBns7'?' SBBBBBBBBjaBBjaBBBBBBBBBB; YBBsB&3sBBBSBBa"V 4fr vavSBnYBBBBSBYBBBBSt. ftVBJamsBBBBBBBBBnj iV'iciFJsTBaBBaBsaBBaBsaBBES' WsaniLBslBiyWaaBHP: BsBmHKkP'IIAIlWlBBKi !rBBBBSBBBBBBBsEJJsBflflB f VBBBaVBJjBBBBJjBBBBBJ7 -&BlBBBBLxs, BBBBJL llfBJBMjjj if .M';sBsBsBs4W' IICHsaEII . 3SStMME!SHH.BsBH 1 ' 'V --BaBJaiJT-JTMBBrr Copyright, Underwood A Underwood. The battleaulD.ConnecUcat haa ed from Philadelphia for Haytl to re- stora order after the assassination of tho president there. The Connecticut had nearly 500 marlneaon board, and' she picked up 200 more off the Vlr- ginia Capes. The na-vy department also ordered tho hospital ship Solace from the lines. I've seen them do It, and It waa Impossible to go out and fetch tho fellows In. "The Germans are fighting a war or extermination by any and every means In their power. "I'm hoping to see you again some time in tho future. Tho girls and wo men over here are an awfully tough looking crowd, and spies are around IIUIO UlUIUSb cut IU1V cut WUBUIIVCB. The weather haa been fairly good for tho laat two months, but we get lot, of, rain, and this Is a flat country. Rather pretty, though, but I've seen aa much of It aa I want to. Shall be glnd to get back to the American con tinent" ASSURANCE OF PORTLAND HELP INTERESTING LETTER RECEIVED BY LOCAL COMMERCIAL CLUB FROM PRESIDENT MILLS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF The following letter has been cetved by Dr. E, D, Johnson, former ly president of the Klamath Commer cial Club: "Mr. Colt, president ot our new Chamber of Commerce, tells me that they aro working vigorously to aid the Klamath Falla people la their en deavor to get railroad communication with Portland, "I cannot say that anything la as sured, but certainly the prospects look good for, the consummation of, your desire. In a few days I .hlak you will bear from the committee of the Chamber of Commerce havlngr thl matter In band, with suggestion aa to how your bogy and our can co-operate for th, desired end. ..Should yon hear nothing from them In tho conroa of 'a week or ten days., kindly 1st mo know, and will age!; ta .the mat ter'up with Mr. Celt,1 who Is not only Hympatkywith the movement, bat, is sincerity Interested In tno awtonVo to connect, up "our two'seslen';by ' ' t . to Fight in Hayti i 3 sall-.Kewpart, R..L.-to Port-au-Prlaee.. In view of the possibility of farther nght- Ing and because or conditions of ser- vice for the men ashore at the Hayttea capital, it was thought advisable that tho hospital ship should be on hand to provide every necessary attention In any contingency. KLAMATH DAS A JITNEY WAR sxiWXG OBJECTIONS ARE VOICED BY AUTOMOBILE OWNERS AGAINST LICENSING WITH FES BY CITY COUNCIL Klamath Falls Is now undergoing the throes of an auto war, or, per haps It might be called a "Jitney" .war. At the last meeting of the city council that body was petitioned by a numoer or owners or auios tn ue city to provide an ordinance regulating 'the driving and providing for a yearly license, transfer fee and other trim mings. Since then a number ot owners of machine who make It a business of carrying passengers la the city have i made up a petition which -they clal haa a much larger number ot signa tures than the other, aad which they propose to present to the council to night, objecting to the ordinance. The city attorney haa been Instruct ed to draw up aa ordinance In" com pliance with the request ot tho former petition, which ta to be consid ered by the council tonight, Tho op posing forcea contend that the pas senger business la thl city for Jitneys Is not heavy enough to warrant an or dinance, and. It toaUted thht In Urn of a big celebration, as a county vfair, that the number of 'maehlas that would be llcenesd would not be lane enough to handle t' crowds a, for Instance, between this, elty aad tho ralr'grouads. . Tba matter Is exneeted to. b taken up tonight at th oouaoll ung. " -- , yJJBsMyywmaVanH y,Mai Fm Heagtend, who ha boon vhU-ltndvat y far, tlw naat twOi woon, v oturnon vealag. A.. ,tae -.waa enmvgl;,af Miasiiethn Pteseau, w.ho;wui afoi dan wMtvhar. i,r V 6ERMANS ARE C0TTIN6 OFF SLAVS' ESCAPE HAVE ALL BUT TWO AVENUBS OF ESCAPE CUT OFF Derila Aaaoaacea That flermaa ntav CroMietl the VkrtaU anal Cantnied Prags -The Bwsshin Osm aVIeneed There Slav Ham Retarei lis deavor to Eaeape Capcaw kf CI lag of Angle at Bag ad Vhrtaaa United Press Service BERLIN, Aug. 9, -It I announced that General too OeJlwfta with his 300,000 Germans nam reach ed 'within tea miles of tb Petregrad railway, one cf the teat two avenaes of esoape that the Russian bar loft In the Warsaw district. United Press Service ' PETROGRAD, Aug. 9. It tc I dally stated here that the R have repulsed the Germane at Conr land, aad have recaptured Mttan. Tho war oUe have not pubUebed tho tn formatloa a yet. - OREGON WEEK OPENS AIM 4iM-ii . rr a BEGINS AT EXPOSITION TODAY. ADDRESSES AND RsXWTJONS HELD SOUTHERN "OKBOOK DAY TOMORROW .T '' Uuited Press Service SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 9 Oregon week opened here today at the Panama-Pacific brternattoaal exposition. Justice of th Oregoa'Sapreme Court George Burnett. State Senator Lan-, guth. Oregon Commissioner Logan and President Kerr of th Oregon Ag ricultural College, asade addresses. which were followed by a reception. Southern Oregon Dan wtn be cele brated tomorrow with special ser vice, speeches, and "dkstaylng of hlbtts tn the Oregon bnlldlng. AN EXODUS OF WOMEN OCCURS MORNING TRAIN FOR OAK RESHHCNTfl r Of STREET FROM CITY IN OOMPU: ANCE WITH FOLIC In compliance with the orders .Is sued last week by .Chief of. Polio ' ,, Baldwin to the' termer resident el Oak street of thl elty, a general onsvi , dm took place oa the mernlngjrain today. " , Th order to move altowod them until today, with tho andrt ending f , that th morning train waa se no nut- ' i Ued for trirtekmi for ohe' part. - -r fr,V5 It is believed that. eoatraryj't tor- .u mer times,, an attemH.wW''Baao,v'-. thU dletrlct vatedr athM-tno'-r-r';!! .J 111 Vl --- .-' -1- AWii'V.-S Aw rMHS temporary, uKlmatnm.. ell a tbr owav.l rut Itjml ,SfnrtlMT-i-Sltl ZZZTZZl a r&wZMZlX&TV-im Wt' ""iS-. i -varffs. --. :4vU SM2iSl'KJlSR mnfli uny'ak'U a--'-.'.-i'--.:r ,i -. "" i'," 2(!fiiiL"V Albert-Low.a th Leew teBof-yjJ lag firm of tbU sMyi boa left tag. Mleh. ssU Cblsom wbor h m--. "' ." --,. . jj v S"a w w .rvRwVMJF SBW WW S.ST W"flBBBL mPBS", i. ... - - n ,iyy sriJ fl'!W.l .- A i.'iiiiVA riVfv' i ' X. " fe - ' -ii ' ?( iiJ.'Wr'j m -"St T .- -XiWY- vrvc ". '"iSji; fi. " 'W.'.flJi .WfV.. - "-a m h . - vy A? !4i -7?. -s m t A v'J?: , "... "t ;t' ,J? ' u, mmmmmmmmgmmmlmm who had them atorac .bora, tloaa, f riot anon tnom. isa tbad ana Maat between )jKMhsl 17Mbbb7sI :M.X3i,. i.4wSMm .' -"-- rm -, jci-yaaiL