BW-SHl -'.-' -A.-' S -.-t 5 P:.' ,,-i. i-)K t IrtSrfTf ' IttlMj'JS fwfcT Vr MB Ift" " Sfo B!h f S - 'tf- S&.t . f-- 3& SttK Ik' . -, 3r y. v - 1ST ?: ,i l' V . k 0$, ?' J ' r -' . b. . S, kh."'!"' ' " iivtll 'V.. v . P IS Tr.l. -: i, ,.J- ffvy.v.-i' r j ! &R me wwi ?;::( 'jA?a : &EW3MSP: : V. .I:JJ liV .r. $m$m wfr. m rrf''''flHr' . '.. " 'n'lwjfi'! Bi . :v. r V . ..i , (! tst svi i'"C'-Kf rnksssss -.' 'rftfflliira'. .ii.--. ..-vi-.i. .. r up lire ucu Oi? Hi liiu linn r .-".i,iyjrfc.w.fc. . HI DEATH AlmBftrCA IS WAITING TO BEE Kt7HOPK DIE WARNING GIVEN BY' GERMAN PROFESSOR IN By CARL W. ACKERMAN BERLIN (via The Hague), Ant. 6. "America standi as the waiting heir at the death bed of a rich testator," declared ProfeMor George Simmel, an anthority en international politics, in an article in the Tageblay, in which he naked whether Europe la to com mit emlcide to hasten "America's auc cesstoa to the world throne." Pointing to the rising American power, owing to the destruction of Europe, Professor Simmel declared there was plenty of room in the world lor both Great Britain and Germany, "if England would only giro np her short-alghtedness." He suggested that with Germany and Bngtaad working la' harmony they could maintain peace and retain for Europe "a place In the front of the growing powers of Amer ica and Bast Asia." "America stands as the waiting heir at the death bed 'of a rich testator. The sending of ammunition to Europe t Is the chief indication of this atti tude," , Professor Simmel said. "Eu rope, sends a fortune to America and receives its equivalent which it blows in the air, or rather uses it for bet ter, execution of its suicide to hasten America's succession to the world throne. "America places Its arms Into the 'hands of European nations, hoping they wlU kill themsetres for its ad vantage, and then takes huge profits. This weakens Europe in two ways. Is Europe so insane as to commit hari knrit" Peerless Orchestra and six mined program, Star tonight. (fester's V00m0wm0m0ww0wm0w00w HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE DARK V STAR THEATER PROGRAM EXTRAORDINARY "These lore Pangs," Featuring Charlie Chaplin "The Ksngs Mere to the City," Two Part Edison, Featuring Mare MeDermott "Omsw for TbaaksgMag," M Titagraph with Tect Johnson "AM oa Acceemt of Samae," Krtterloa Comedy BeUg News Pictorial." PEERLESS ORCHESTRA" 19 sec ''Matinees Kvery Saturday aad Sunday at S:S0 TEMPLE THEATER ."Man aad Hie Master" '., , Two Reel Blograph Drama .A Bay the Foree" BOlle Reeves Comedy isiT aad the Captive Maiden" h Vitagraph Comedy Adsslsoloa Always lee. MATINEE DAILY AT SiM ALL LICENSED PICTCRBfl jr. "- - , MERRILL OPERA HOUSE Marrlll, Ore. MOTION IMOTVBEH TUK8IMVk AND MTCRIIAVM ,. D. MILLER 4 Maaufaetnrer of (dOLLOW BUIUHNa. AND ULO BLOCKfl ANDFLVBS ALL KINM OF OON08ETK Floors snd. (J-mitmkmt Walls HOOFIWB A 0FHCIALTV .. U.l.. 'ikmiwiii tv vsaaanast i ij .5" i ?T dt Jf,f t f. L mmiit&im ' Tvi.TJfTr iae.aa I - - -.... .ii i I. ' BE0 ft tEflVHBsKKtmHK&$ B vi SsftmSHssMBmHoi j1 : IfmfdmPltlkiwIii kCW .B)wK$BMlVBJaVJ&BMmdML.SBaemv.B BmnasBBBBVmslL JBSsWIY?i'rv A.'waVBm sm Ml nlBBBBBBBBVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBattBWmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsH'BB BBmnlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVN . JlmnlBBBBBBBBBB ' BSBsl W 'imniBBBBBBBBBBBleKBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHKP SmBsWr 3wr S ;'Bli.........nKi.............HiMk7v !llW BmnlBmiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmnlBBBBBBBBIW';mnlBBBBBBBBBW ' BmnlsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBim JBmnHmni enBBBBHaaBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBnmrSNs HBBmnBBsnmnsl mnHHBmMHmnlBBBBBBBBBBBf'1 mn tJaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsVii : BmnmnmKmmSBsBBBBBslimna .?. JmsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsli BBSSsnmMBmnlBBBBBfsff tFIPKBBmnlBBBBBBBBBBBBBMi mnBBBBBHRBnBBmnBBBBBBBm ' v','c'H S1 mHW4HmnlBBBBBBV4 '' V A':fBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsi :'- ,-5MB4 'nHBMMlmnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB IS . air t ruinfui-M- -.- jmiBM ? i i iBsEmaEESK ' W' aMMHMHslmnV MmsEf . -fete SsssssssssRB'; SEP ?& nSff'ft 3Bsffi - VvC" Or C 1BBMSBff & - VmaflsW. . '" ' VTlMBJglJMsJMffl "" ' 'WsBmnlBBBBBBBBBBttcCZ; ! RBmnassVmnnanteTWiJen1mnnBBBBBBBBBBBm I III I li I MimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMiSiii ATH rnola W)mmBBJSBSBBBSJSSSSSSJBSaBBBmBmBBBBBB 1 I rs,vvm iiTraBmmiislnsBSBWBanmnnBMBmiJW i-- --- ' Lifting Woman SPECIAL SCHOOL ELECTION AUG. 13 VOTERS OF DISTRICT NO. 1 WILL HAVE OPPORTUNITY TO EX PRESS OPINION ON WHETHER CHILDREN SHALL BE HAULED ' A special school election will be held in District No. 1, .August 13th, for the purpose of deciding whether or not the school board of this dis trict shall haul students living outside the two mile limit to the schools dur ing the winter months. According to the state law, students living outside a two-mile limit from the schools shall not be'nauled at the expense of the district unless the mat ter be put before the people and voted favorably upon by them. These children live within the school district, but the board is not compelled to haul nor permitted to haul them by law, unless the voters of the district grant it. The election was provided for at the last regular meeting of the board. KENO KEVNOTES , B. E. Kerns of the electric power plant has returned from the world's fair. He reports the fair much better than he expected. Mrs, Kerns will return later, Mrs. Brlsts of Oakland, a slster-ln- law to Mrs. Matton, who has been vis iting her for some time, has returned to her home in Oakland. ' The work on the new school build ing Is progressing rapidly. The paint ers and plasterers are at work this week. Littler ft Bhrlner, the contractors, are doing an excellent Job of work on the new school building. One evening recently a number of young people went into the river to bathe, and while there three of them nearly drowned. R. W. Tower is trying out his nsw ear. Sam Padgett has gone to the Falls j Brlce McCormlck is looking for the eeyote that killed Are of his yonag ee.CaarliaCaaBlla. Star toaiaht. THE EVENING From Mala Deck Moving Pictures The Star theater program for to night Is of such a nature that It should please all moving picture fans. The program Is varied, consisting of comedies, dramas, educational, top ical and current events. Charlie Chaplin will make his first appearance at the Star tonight. In one of his famous comedies. Marc Me Dermott is featured in a two part Ed ison somedy. The Hearst Selig Week ly, a Vitagraph and a Krlterlon com edy .complete the picture end of the program. The Peerless Orchestra will give their usual Thursday night concert, many new numbers, both standard and popular, will be Introduced. Tfifmanagement states that this is the best mixed program that has been billed at-the Star in many months. WILSON BRIDGE WORK PROGRESSES ONE SIDE OF FILL IS NEARLY COMPLETE, AND CONCRETE WORK HAS BEEN COMMENCED. MAY BE FINISHED IN 80 DAYS The work on the Wilson bridge, across Lost River, Is progressing sat isfactorily, according to County Judge Hanks, who made a trip to the bridge recently. One side of the fill is practically complete now, and the crew is work ing on. the other side. B. W. Smith lias this contract, and also the con tract for the bridge construction vork. Ambrogetti has the contract for the concrete work, and has a crew at jra iiuiiiua in me lonnaauons for the bridge. Mr, Hanks stated that the fills ought to be completed with the concrete work In thirty days, waen bridge construction ean be started. Six reel program, including Charlie j Chaplin, Star tonight. Visit Home la Mrs. Marshall Taylor left this morning for a three ontbs' visit at her old borne near Terra; Kan te, lad. "The Peerless .Orchestra.'' Mar to night. , HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Mftlnx Woamn From "ol" ' HuU Dead women by the hundred wore lifted from the main deck to the hull of the Eastland when she was wreck ed In the Chicago Klr. Others woro lii-uled up from holes cut lu Ihf 1 lutes of the vehsuln. Pew of them showed signs of life. The two in those photographs taken u tow hours atti- the wreck, wcro ilrad. hut had not died of drowning. Thcl- clothing wa? 'ry, sliowlng that they lied oeen smi PORTLAND BANK HEAD IS TO HELP PRESIDENT OF FIRST NATIONAL RANK WILL TAKE UP KLAM SITUATION WITH PRESI DENT OF PORTLAND CHAMBER A letter received this morning by (President E. D. Johnson of the Com jmerclal Club of this city from A. L. Mills, president of the First National Bank of Portland, utates that Mr. Mills is going to take up the Klam ath situation with the president oft the Portland chamber of commerce' In an effort to have a special com mittee assist In the work that Is be ing done here. I President Mills was in the city on the day of the first banquet held at the White Pelican Hotel in the inter ests of tho reorganization of the local Commercial Club. He was informed of the railroad and general situation here, was an ardent booster for a good, solid Commercial Club such as has been formed here, and stated that he would heartily assist in aiding' Klamath Falls. The following Is the letter re ceived: "On my return this morning from my trip to San Francisco I And ont my desk you favor of the 2 2d ultimo. I am glad that I was of assistance In tho good work of organising the, business men of Klamath Falls, and! "Tho Bh,p ,n wn,ch tho monks assure you I have not forgotten what ""N6"1 WM wrecked near whero Mon was said at that time. Itorey now stands," said he. "The "Just the first moment I have to a " Monterey cypress, tho origin spare I will take up the subject with,0' wn,ch ha" always pusiled sclen- Mr. C. C. uou, president of onri cnamoer of commerce, to see If he cannot appoint a committee or dele gate ono of our standing committees to co-operate with your organization in Klamath Falls. "As soon as I nave had a confer ence with Mr. Colt I will advise you of the result. "With best wishes for the pros perity of your committee, and thanks for your kindly words, I am, yours sincerely, (Signed) "A. L. MILLS." AMERICA FOUND BEFORE COLUMBUS DISCOVERED IN 480 A. D., 1,078 YEARS BEFORE CHRISTOPHER LAN-JED ON OUR SHORES, SAYS BUDDHIST ABBOT United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 6. Amer ica was discovered la 410 A. D., 1.071 years before the time of Christopher Columbus, by Ave Buddhist monks from Ooblna, Chins, declares Rt. Rev Comedies, dramas; topical, current events and educational features, Star tonight. rNsnl iafjEfc. MMX l""-a,"'BnlB rt m 1 PHBk M IGassBBnr n BmailllBmKvtrVPV'VmmfBmBmaBkw y 1 V U j m t.tnVBr m if XL I w ill Atul A 1 4n J Mwv' V Bsi aPSM I mm I ' mm Bj II I BR I Bj ' I II I ' " I 'ml I I i 111 J '' li M in J ii g i l . t J L l 'M Bn V jm Mi LaBmn If aLsiiW, JmW We figured out just what you would need on that trip and bought it. Come in and get yours. a S 8 LEADING CLOTHIERS Dr. Mazilnlanda, swaml and lord ab- ( bot of the Jain sect of Buddhists. He J la attending the Buddhist convention In session here, and In an Interview today declared that the spot whero man other than Indians first set foot " ,A.mor,can ro WB near Monterey, " ' ' m"ibu. inocyprcvs is a sacrea tree to tho Buddhists, nnd we havo record that tho monks plant ed the Monterey cypress. "Two of the monks returned to China, where they rolated their exper iences to Emperor Ming Tl of the Huan dynasty. He ordered their ad ventures written and filed In the royal nremves, wnero they may bo found to- day In Pekln. "The other monks moved south--ward Into Mexico. Only recently wo have Identified vases with Buddhist Rymbojs upon them In monasteries In Mexico and Central America." The Buddhist prelate is 00 vi.r oio. nis rather was a Parses of Isp ahan, Persia. His mother Is a full blooded Bengslese girl. At the , Of 7 he went to the mnnnotn, nt III ... ' "ni inioet, where be studied under the Delso Lema. Ho hcesn preaching when only 23 years old. Ho nas oeen In California teaching Bud dhlsm for twelve years, Best mixed program of the season. Star tonight, Are Located at Diamond Lake The Esell brothers, accompanied by B. F. Esell, are snendlnt in weeks at Diamond Lake on a vaca tion. The Peerless Orchestra. nh..n Chaplin, Ave other feature ...v. .- night. Hubscrlbe for Us Herald. m nm. the best. KKK Store DIAMOND DUST When nn echo or nolsn U hoard among the local ball players, Jess Wlllanl Nelson Is Invarlahlo tho first man to hit tho nearest obstacle with Ills (1st three times. Wonder why? Next Sunday Klamath Falls will crow bats with Grants Pass. Tho dia mond Is bolnc renovated thoroughly. Tho local "wnr horses" of tho national sport nro doing much practice thoso ovonlnRs. Of courwi wo know Lyle Btgbee will bo In tho box next Sunday with bells. i.yio uceuiK," and do your part In keeping tho bacon at homo. Wintor will soon be hero. Now comoB Chef Cook, Cap Iloog, Lengthy Mosslck, Manager "Fat" Tlndall nnd two or threo others who aro discussing tho question, "Who will nfilclato as 'ump' noxt Sunday?" Pork docs not keep well In warm wonthor so Porky probably will havo to be placed on Ice or In the shad on tho 8th. The writer would siiKRest any follow with a gloss yo or wooden log, nnd some knowledge; i npniiiing-i basolmll rules. Bay Watts Is busy those ovenlngsi gathorlng tho baseball suits, if you i wnnt in una ! ...... -. . .... I j """ "" niigni nno mm down under Link Rlvor bridge any time, ducking tho suits In the water and scoring tho fishes. In addition to regular traffic, the Southorn Paclflo sent thirty extra trains of Shrlnora over tho line In twonty-sevon hours. Charlie CbanHn. Mare UeTWmntt Tofft Johnson, Star theater tonight. HELP WANTED-Capablo woman to cook for small faniw -...u Knqulre Herald office. 6-4t Salem has pool, built a free swimming THUIWDAV, Allium g, ,, Good Old Vacation Time Is Now Here If you want to enjoy that trip come in and let us dress you up in the right kind of Clothing. Khaki Suits and Shirts of all kinds and prices. Duxbak and Campit Suits for those who want something better. Hunting and Outing Shoes of Wear one of our Red Caps and don't get shot. We have a large assortment of those new Sport Shirts to keep you coot LEADING CLOTIIIl'HS HOUSTON HOTEL Light lfouMkrtliiK Handy to uoatofllce. Just Ml street. Prices very reiw Also furnished rooms for slonts. Msln St., corner EFFECTIVE AUOUHTt AntoSUieBetweeni aBil Klamath Falls THREE TIMES PER VVB5; lvivv KInmatli FaHs Thursday nnd fcilurdar KUhmIIi Fall iMwihiuarMn FORD AUTO AOENCY A Hard Nat to of keeping ' p r I c o s keeping P " Itles. TUl tntlon W values l J trans. Bl yield a" tain dn1 tlan "" II mi delHM vunOB AKD' Ws your much iW ablo tbU profit to BfJ on any That's f. itles srs skimp matter do with liiLsHLv lrlT BmikV "JsT aBmV l-sjKrJ WW M'Wl rV'Ta'u' Tsftl :JrVi JWftMl rsmfSBaBsflimiiMI ijmBH Seeisri M H BmuBaEuau. rT mmmnsHBH. -,.a .VA1 n5?. ' - y v Kl u (Pi ?