T?i -r -w "&?! 4, r i i AMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ffilj? ISunfng literal. l KLAMATH COUNTY'S J OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER flugUi Vir-No, aT& . r KLAMATH PALLS, OREOON, WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 4, 1915 Prise Five ATLANTIC COAST SWEPT BY STORM Cotton Grower Says GrowersWill Gear Way to Cotton Ports .XKIMHWWWWOW, , r. WyWWv,W,vrWW,WM.MWM. . . .. , , .. . ., , jjl mm coast WIPED BY STORM JUL LAST NIGHT KMF. MTFKIW MOST FROM TtlKt HTOHM AND FLOODS j Itaasge KMlmaled Nt Million Fifty Report! Deed Proa .New York. Moral Strikes Prow Maine to CJeor tU muinnlctloa Cat, Heats ftmuaprd ai Wrecked. Dnmaia Mm; Twml jM'lr Train Stalled. railed I'riMii Service NBW YORK. Aug. 4, Upward of fifty dead and damage lo tke extant ol Million of dollars resulted from tb worst storm lu years, wMeh tweet the Atlantic Coast cities taut night, frost which tlu cities are recovering tossy. Msnjr sro rut off froia rommuales tlon. Krle, Pa., was bit the hardest. MBtrlnr from floods. The itorin raged until diybrwik from Malmt in (leorgta, during which busy iiimll hunt were wrecked. The tamer citato foundered, Captain Tultlo mm! Henmnn Martin being drowned. Tub boats, fishing craft ind hundred of motor boats have been wttuhed itHhoro and thrown tip mongt dio wrecked house and tmlldlnx for miles. Numerous death tr illrlbuto.l to tho atom hare. ','nlled Prow Service ERIK, I'a., Auk. 4. Twaaty-seven bodied had hocu recovered at uoon to ssy from the flood which awapt the flir lt nlKlit. Coroner Ilaadley estl atss thut nt lenit forty, and possibly 'lily, died In the flood., Seventeen ve been Iclonllllod. , Kewucr nro finding the corpses In the wrwknao which, U blocking the trwts, following the subsiding of water. Mayor Stern has aent out a appeal for aid. In ome places the wektao m piiod thirty feet In tho tlt- Tbounands of dollars of damsse u done, Including the destruction' " WTIfi mnrxiintlla uiui.vui. WWWWWAMWWWWWWWWWW Victim and the Admiral in Charge gaY '-tmSk&k '!r$wBr ?k BBaAaw'iSE ii4ittWi.v3IB 'M ui BBbWWiKL OiXrxtiilJS iJ JmWBBmwS&$fttti'iiWi ''i BBtSaBSBi? 5 AiA, 3 vi BBBBBTiOBF J V E m'vf UJ V ' LlgLVgLVgLVgVi BALLOTS 00T OFFICIALS STATE FOR ELECTION i THATWARSAWHAS NEW OFFICERS! BEEN tVACUATED Pres. Vilbrun Guillaume Murdered t.itTAIX .SII:MKNH ASI It. K.(.ACK OF AMMUMTION IS OIVKX I. N.MITII VOll HltKHIDKNT AH THE CACHK I'ofttrnnl Itnlrot Klrctlon Hi CIomi Kri- iter Krcnlnx at HI Direct org to Mtct That Night to Count tlw UnU i lol lrtliUnl, Vlro I'rraldetit awl Trwwmrrr to lie Cliowa .for Short Trrm of (MHce. ' CYlMMHKCIAIi CLUB BALLOT . For Prenldent Captain J. !,. Siemens, .R. E. Hmlth. w, For Vlco l'rceldenl Omit Xaiwor, former irlilewt, liot Pr pygnu Vannlce, In pri"fi aan IbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLbbbbbb I biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiibibiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiI 3gaH liiHIwH g'gg7?lgLhBBBB Leslie Rog- For Treasurer R. II. Dunbar, I. I), Whltraore. l)ctnirfon of llriitxr Onlcred Aa wrtcrt Tliat Teuton Hare fttormed Kljtht Outer Fort at Ivanxorod. I'etrogmd AilmltN Ixxam Hare Been. Heavy Annoumvd llie Gen vral von Clallwlt Drive Checked. Unlluil Press Service BERLIN', Aug;. 4. Dispatches re ceived hero state that the Russian legation offlclala at The Hague have J officially nnaounced tho evacuation of Warsaw. -The me&roge quotes the an-, nouncoment ns stating that the city woa ovacuated because of lack of. am-' munition. The destruction of tho j Vistula- brldscs hait been ordered. It1 In nlso asserted that tho Teuton fortes have stormed eight of the outer forts nt Ivangorod. Tho above ballot win mailed lasti livening to ench of the mombora of t t'nittMt Press Servlco the ro-orgnnlxcd Klamath Commor-, PUTROnRAI), Aug. 4. An au clnl Club. In nrrordanco with the' nouncoment from tho war office here ngmment made by the mcers thnt "J" ' under Oenernl 'nil mombeis of tho organlMtlon shalloon Oallwli has been checked, and he given equal opportunity for cx.Hht tho reslstnuco has been stiffened, pressing their choice of men for offl- 7" 8v 8 are fi'dn',,ted t0 hnve rrrn of Iho oricnnUntlnn ror m re- al t . alld .artiBana of Zamor took posses- ii mo aubsitiiiii uuii uuiu um iwu up ukuiu, wuu iub vstuiv . v - - 'TBaaHaaiaH8GiB f gBggHagV '".l''r'''"'ggggBMM : (((VBt&zr ,Jf'fe. 5 -gaBBBaaaVBBaP bHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHki Wv-b jjPjwMF Caimr Bi' ?Jgt. Rfr JWagr vJ HPVy1?'' JusaBBBBBBBam lfff' yJaBBBBlBBBm BBBvW'.BBlBBBBHBBBBCBfTBlBfBBirBBBftBBBBBw t C!9VHBBaBBBBBBBHiBaBBBBBBkr JBIBBBbV w WMBBBbW LbbIbbbbbbVIPBbbbbbB' AbB'B''BbHbbbbBbbW- flNHjHDflHP "'4BBBllVCiJ(iBBBBBB K?EaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBWK-W'BBBfl4( ENGLAND'S REPLY IS CALLED A BIG BLUFF BY GROWER 8AYH OCOHT TO 8B.VD WAKSBP WITH EVERY VESSEL Kx-Senaior Bartler aad Cottev Orewer CnlU British Reply "PeBay-Oeck and Moaaimatal Btajr Orawen WiU 8e That Way la Cleawai, U States Decksrea Extaa ! Will Ba Called. CHAKLBS P. STKWABK (Staff Correspoadeat Vaited PUKSIOKXT VILBRUN GUILLAUMK, SHOT Tt DEATH The government of Hayti has blown president. Relatives of the prisoners ..mlnilAd tt hn vmr rlnln nflYt jAn "'""" " days yet the main armies will have ,ire.Ment has been lynched after an "OT ,V .h 3i li-T l"nf. , .i..a ,i.i. j, M.iti. ..!. 1. 11 Went to tho French legation home, The aunual meeting of the organ- ""v""u """", '7' TT.T . ' . ex-prcsldont hnd been killed on nia nd then entcred that over the pro test of the French minister. Gutl laume's body was riddled with bul lets and then dragged through, the atreets. Un.lon will be held In January, when ' b' ," '" L! LfiW. President Guillaume. Just be- Adwtlral William II. Certoii Admiral William 11. Caporlon, on Irtnrmnn units havo been annihilated! end, - " W Z fflS, the "" " N " Schykn. . fro hla enemies became all-powerful, opportunity to select the officer.. rTlM"aormBM are u-8lng re,force-' ordered 160 prlsonera killed. Among next tlmo for a year. 'menta from France them was Oresto Zamor, the former Attached to the ballot was a state-m1 "om r,inco- ,,,.,, ment for the reason for the voting at thlH tlmo, as follews: "Dear Sir On account of the re organisation of tho Commercial CluT), It will bo necessary to elect a ' president, vlco president and treas urer, to hold offlco until the next 1 nnnunl meeting. " On the attached J card aro the names of the nomi nees. Put a cross oeroro we brld,ea woro dMtroyeVhw Tfce lho UnUwl 8,fttM crulMr w,h,nf !on; u... "wroyesi . .... . . ,... lh north coast of totXtttorFJnZS. iwti to the acen. to protect outskirts of the city. . jAmerlcan life and property, amines Whole are mbMiag, a ROBBER LOCKS UP CASHIER; ESCAPES WMnlcatlon with the surrounding "atry Is severed, a wmm h. JW nillliia i, .wing tht'pollee I' "'Ming the rulas. I'nlled Pr,, Berle. tJ5' "", - rchem In' ruin, hore ihl. Rftr are Ind-1 irom am . il. . . i "aroworklni wTtksuli mw MNR BANDIT QKTH W,OQO AND! The return voatcarde conUtalng H WMndlng sheltsr Im thTiTgw - WOUID HAVE SECURED B,eoo for any member falling to caaVhla Ki -?. - -' v;n i ' (. On Uuataaa, && promptly, Election will ewee rri day, August 6th. at 6 o'clock p. m." Tho Btatement of the hour of clo- Ing means that all ballota will kare to be In the hands of the dtreetora of the Commercial Club by 6 o'clock Friday afternoon In order to be count ed. To Insure this, 'ea,cb .member should mark hta ballot and mall It y Thursday evening. The aooner the better, aa late mailing may .result ta some delay In the distribution of the mall, and the ballota not Aid their way Into the Commercial Club mall box before 6 p. m. ENGLISH OBSERVE BONANZA BOOSTS WAR ANNIVERSARY MOVING PICTURES Real liettace Brought la A head of lettuce from the garden of Wm. Moran. Hillside addition, was "contributed to tho display at the Commercial Club, which la an attract ive exhibit. The head la seventeen (inches across, and weighs a little over '2 pounds. yH Vote for 7reTrn the ballot u MA.NV MEETINGS IN K1NG."ECA" WIRE FROM HAMAKKRJ JJMH the week tM tretawrM, la u. . - " at t&arKiaasatfe 2J a businate trip, He m la ," llveatoek tkJ. ?j.A i A ' 'MS 0. TH aZTSSV, Aj'V..?li1. - TfiKft Mrl United Praaa Service CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa, Aug. 4. A log baadlt leaked Cashier Leo Ferris Is the vault f the Cedar Rapids Na tional balik this morning , gathered up AAA ila .uafc 'mmd uJi hUl Aa iwtt i'(u. t y i rr-.T' 'v'v. ni " i mir.""'. 9mnim&Uflm Wre he eeuld be saptared Vernle SivSjC " !' MORE Each of those wboee names appear .upon the ballot baa agreed to tarre .for the unexpired term. It elected. A majority of the votea east will eleet The dlreetora wlfl meet oa Friday evening at o'clock for the purpose of counting the ballota. ' ''' t- WM See BhrfKatRlo Mrs, 0. H U4Terfoo4lt Mra. R. (iw H H; Vm. He became frightened by paaaeraby, Hamlltes M daughter "' s .. . . . i . ,: 'm.? u er he woma sgre aecuren fs,uvimorniBg ror bsmi stbboww. i- wi mere. A eUrk arrlvlag nt the bank aBsg4l tkm Nbe south vlslltlag rej nIibm. PertB beif bear arter. atfrea and the Mr. ' ' 1K1M REAFFIRM DETERMIN.V TION TO FIGHT TO THE BIT TER END I Leave to Vlak Fair o.q itudv uil.l, ntTSP rtVR. i, nun an. owre uu, wi. u. v. Low and Joale Low left this morning TENTH OF THE NEEDED SUM. for San Francisco. They will apend MUST TAKE IT UP ten day, or two weeks seeing the fair. ED. L. KEEN (Staff Correspondent United Press) LONDON. Aug. 4. Thousands oft nici'tlnga are being held' throughout lCngland today observing the annlver-, aary of the declaration of war on Germany, made one year ago today. Humility and a recognition of their veaknesses haa replaced the blind confidence of last yesr, and the entire empire la unreservedly reafJrmlng a determination to continue, the war until the bitter end. ' 4 Kind Edward, .Premier AsquUti and other are participating with the schools, at St. Paul'achnreh here, In the front rowa tit leng Usee ef the rounded, legless, armleas. hltod and ttheh(. who are Jolnrag'ln the ier,-vlcee. ! OwWay to Ctater tsUce c Mr and; Mrs. , IT, CHerk Ml son Rb, accemaaaled by Mrs Ing leld wta Ukerlew, trrtred hs. the eRy lags sight, ts4 sre.tw their wasr far 1 ,.i'. . . . 1 . , i i ' - a trip to crater (Herulil Special Serrlce) BONANZA. Aug. 4 Here From Crescent E. d. Rourke, prominent merchant of Crescent, and George Allen of Bononza will Portland aTe In the city on auto trip raise $35 here, or one-tenth of the from Crescent to this city and return Deeded sum to take the moving pic-j by Crater Lake. They were com tures of this county for display at pelted to come here on account of the Panama-Pacific fair, according to needed repair. SalU Filed WRh Clerk A suit for the recovery, of money J, O. Hamaker of thts city. The sentiment here Is that such a ti...n.M nivinialtlAn atimilri nnt hA Blighted, and that the matter should (was filed with the circuit court clerk be (nken up and pushed through with-1 by Frank Belsumegul, et al. aga4nat out delay." atated Hamaker. "We.H. W. Curta. Stone ft Gale are the will raise our money Immediately, and cannot understand why it haa sot been taken up by Klamath Falls be-j filed by. Harry W. Eagle against John fore this, it it haa not been deae." He suggested that pictures be tak en at the 'Shook ranch, of inland farms .throughout the county, of the crops above and below the dltehes, Crater Lake, Anae Creek Caayoa, and all the Important points ta the coun ty, "Such an opportunity la of the greatest value' to the couaty, and a treat" desire to'preeeat la the Boaaasa dstrlct to toe It-carried through aa attoraeya .for tho plalatlf. A ault on a tax foreclosure haa also been c. Hill, et al. Stoae Gale represent. ing the ptalatlf. ) WASHINGTON, D. C. Aug. 4. Marlon Butler, ex-senator and eettea grower, called the British replyfto America'. eonteSUons today "aH peK py-cock and a monumeatal blaS." "Unless. President Wltaon clears the way to our. foreign cotton mar kets, Germany Included, the growers will Bee that' the way la cleared," said Butler. "The president ought to send a battleship alongside of every cotton ship or carrier of food and clothing. They would reach the ports, then, and you may depend upon it. If Eng land maintains this bullying attitude an extra session of congress will he called and an embargo declared on all British ports." 3& A contract has been let tor the erec tion of the sew Keadatl Bros, aew-" mill, aad forty serioads-of maehlaery pP, I rwpvVvraBMe i i " " . . . , .' A bow-facing oarloek baa been la- veated by F. T. Uvtagetoae et Melt which he.aayawtH.retolatlaalBa row. LAVA BEDS FOR AN IDEAL PICNIC OXE OF THE MOST SCENIC SPOTS OX COAST, WITH CROICE OF ABOVE GROUND OR UNDER GROUND TABLES FOR LUNCal The Lava Beds, the scene of the big opening picnic to be held Sunday to celebrate the opening of the Lava Beda road, furnish exesftloaal ad vantages tor pieales. The road has been completed so that machines can now run to the caves oa thla 'aide without trouble. Plenty of water of tho oddest la se cured from Bear's Foot Cave, oae of the most' beautiful spots la the. Beds; where It haa accumulated from lee frosea under grouad. .Many of the caves allow ample room for large parties to coagregato about a festive board, with bat little trouble In getting Into them, away opening onto the level ground, prae tlcally. Or, it variety U desired, parties may take thok Junoa basheta and lights aad go 'dowa any, auatbor of feet aad eat. luaeh oa the 'lea. , .. ?Aftr dlaaer the Modoe people will h V aeeettpaaur the deleaatlea from thla .-'' A aide to. their aide of the Beds, where -, ' g they promise to reveal aeeaes 'aad V'fW: woadoira praeUeally untoewa. ; iMbecoiae a faTlU-ea;''-Maoh-;0 f '" ' It, 1s unexplored, W. BBJlMI&&i ,J? J ...,... -..". ' . .-" hJ - ipa n curn uB-asMiwjamani art fouad wheaevor vlssts arti'ag4eriit' by oapiorias itstiH.r r;".is -ii.a fii, .. SK" .?&i iv$ "C '.'J 'S"!f L J'- txx ? ". r . . .n . .' -.ft .! -. s. . X.r.il,i., V-- 4" ' i X 'i'?iH