." AVV".' riXiji . rr-r 5?VV- rr '-vtw Wk'1, d - Jt'JV ?r- .--,1 fi't.t ," - rxL- vvw ,?. ,a .rW?-? TT R"-MlJ i.Jl.iIi yj Hw' C lu?mna ItteraUi m&m KLAMATH COINTYJl OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER :-r : Jii.'c vV ir'' 11 X,' ...s.' "-aawsw - re KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1915 flCtAMATH FALL!' I IT forFlClAL NBWIPAWK i ?f '.V. ' Witt -in i- i i t-ii.iLijjj!-..i . ..i- iTsy-m Year ye T4 TJIKES AFFAIRS ,-. - f t cm ok WHm nuNPK-vr r tmscn. makes 1 nWMVt SPEECH imfr- Acting MjiX'T for I1"! Two ' hfeeth. In Turning: Hrr Keys Jew, WW Xr Mayer iiwr. I Ky, garcr od HanBn4oai Term Who. the Council "I to ! dried." J -Mr. Mason. oti have lawn elected kr the PMPl ' ,hU c,"r t0 tfc '" .... f mat or. ReproMiitlnic th ataberi of llir council, nad acting mjyor, I wIpIi you prMperlty, utm ud hrmonloii( wrm with tlt Nuncll. I hereby turn or to you tfcr kr ot the city and lt tM.n," uld rrfWcnl Mnthewa t tho open log o( Ihe council mwiUnf lat night, flcnllemnn. I hardly expccUKt to end mfMli In thla ponltlon nomo tint io, but I am lad to lw her. Whlla I'Atk new thine for um bent, yet the Matatlon Is not altogether near for , btcauie I hnve occupies! a alasllar petllloa before I only trust that our awclttloa will be as pleasaat aa I thlak It will bo. I hare so axe to triad, aothlng at heart hut the whole lalenats ot the city of Klamath rails. Tkat l what we are all expected to work for, and I believe we will," said J. B. Mason, mayor elect, la accent Itf the kes and taking over the buslBtM Affairs of the city. The council chamber waa IllletlJ Ith rJtlaena who were preeeat to wh ims the Installation of th mayor. Contrary to the expectation ot many of thotfi present, no new appoint airata or change were made at the nesting In any ot the city positions. "I ham no announcement to make at this time." slated Mr. Mason lut night, previous to tho meeting. "It U better for one to get settled and onto the run of things, and know where you nre leaping before you Jump, f hnvo no changes to announce it this time whatever." As soon as tho preliminaries were over the regular buslaeas of the meet ing wsa taken up, aad owing to the ttt that it waa the-lnt meeting of the month, and regular pay night, a host of bills were disposed of, taking op aost of tho evening. ASTERN GO. BUYS PACIFIC BOATS IH-rORTKI) MIWCANT1I.. MX- -U a J I' RISE COMPANY IH BIT VIVO 1A- 1F10 MAIIi B)Mir CONFkClt. ;& kxckb ntrrwKKN ohckuk "Valted Press service a. . . " ,uk. Aug. a:- -H Is report- o lore on Wall htraM tkut ti.n in. .-.. . .. y-""""ai .Mercantile Marina com '"'toJ' m,k,n nrranHmenta for tho j.waae or pAeifle mall ehlpa, U Xnluv '"" nnfM Mv hM j!!;10" MeM otJha two con- y.'. Taa'InternBtlnt..v i. .?.bk.. f Pf 11,800,009., l I tft -' ""' H&hlZT. .w,, Wlnaama aad Mlea 1 Stt leB i wlWi jha Rrw Wrth.;watt. an) ai.j f ewa- mm re ajjamml ggtaran g-garngm VSV1 thml. - . ' TTW -" -s-wsrw- jrJ&v. kj:-, s.4BE.iia smK9fmmmuV ? taaaavyft'TFli- I .dgm !.' ft maamaav v; f.BBBl . aaaaaaaaaaaaliaaaaaaaaaaaaaal 4 immmmKmmmmmmaHl H gaBaaaaaaaaaaB si Itaammmmmr sammmmaaBBml & gSgggggggggg; .V " KHBPf Mrs. Clmrlen llctker, nlfo of the mini electrocute! nt Hlng Sing, posed for this photograph tho dny lloiirko Cockrnu nrgued for n now trial for her Itusbnnd. Tho cheerful expression she benrs Is duo to tho hopo that u now trial would ho grant ed tho ox-pollre lloutonant. CLEAN UP OF CITY FORECASTED I'KTsTION Tt COUNCTL DI8- CIHKH OIUKCTION TO COUN t'lliMAN'H l'HKMI8K OKNEK A I. CliKAX-UP TO PROCKKD, A gonerol clean-up campalgu In the city, with especial emphasis on tne files nnd fiy brooding spots waa fore casted at last nlght'a meeting of tho council. A petition was received pro testing againat the use ot refute and manure in the nuing or iwo iois in the First Addition to Klamath Fallal. The petition proteatlng to tho con dition of (the lots waa signed by nearly doien persons, Including City Health Ofdcer Dr. L. L. Trunx. Dr. Truax waa present last night, and explained that manure Is a great breeder of flies,' and that the com plaint against thla lot waa justifiable. Councilman Doty moved that the petition be referred to th council aa a committee of the whole. It la hit lot. A general discussion waa held, and It developed that a more vigorous campaign than, ever Is to be waged aga1st livery atablea and other sta bles la the city which are providing tne breeding placet for files. Mayor Maeon read a abort piece, which elted that about 90 per cent ot gll flea eome from raak plaees Councilman Doty explained that ha Is willing to eleaa up tho lot, provid lag all aush plaeee wero attended to la like manner. .-, . AN CMWW IWWvlWi Aill offers received by tho school board for District No. 1 for w new school site woro rejected at a regular mooting of tho board hold mat nJgtt. U.JS.TR00PS AND MEXICANS ARE FIGHTING ON LINE O.Vi: H4Ml.lt IH KH.I.KM I.V KII.IVIOKI'ICKItH I'llIvHUXT TIIKIIt IlKS WITH CAIIHANZIHT.tH I IGXAl'lONH I'lttlil Token IMiiu. Near Hon ILnHo Thin Morning Ilellevert lUldrre Wen Mteollng llore for Artny. Mr lb Hame Who Fired on Anto- iiHlill Vestertlay--Machine Gun Is llrlng ltuliel to Scene. y I J'nlled I'redA Servlco imOWNSVII.LK. Tcx Aug, .1. One Moldler was killed nnd saveral In jured In a fight with Mexican raiders. twenty-two miles northeast of hero till morning. A portion of Troop A of the Twelfth' United States cavalry purronnded tho raiders at tho Bcrlv- fncr.rsneh, when thoshootlng bognn. Trooper McCluIro was killer, Troop er Curtis hnd nn oar shot off and Dep uty Sheriff Monahan was wounded, as were two rangers In the skirmish. The fighting Is proceeding In tho un- derbrush. A machine gun Is being rushed to the scene with iv company of soldiers. It la believed that the raiders are Ctrranslstas who woro ateatlng horres for their army, aad are thought to be the samo which shot nt nn nukomoblto carrying American yesterday near the line. United I'rets Service WASHINGTON. D. 0., Au 3. oniclni reports from Browanville con firm tho fight of this mornlnK. though no inference to tho Americans bolng hilled have been received. Heavy rones are Doing concentrated, pre paratory to repelling InvadcM tndl- cntlim In tho reports th&t further fiKhtlng Is expocted. Cuptsln nyan has captured twenty--lght Mexican flllbustereni west of Foil Hancock, Including Oolonel Iticnrdo Agullar. a formor lluortn fellow or. It Is believed that porhupa MU may bo connected "with the llu- oria plot. PHIL SINNOTT IS THE RI6HT MAN I'Olt JOIt AT FAIR, HUT IS HANOI CAPPED, HAYS WHITMORE OF THIS CITY MOVIES ARK RIG THING FOR ADVERTISING "Phil Slnnott la tho right man for the place, and Is doing great work for Klamath county," stated I. D. Whltmore of Roberts Whltmore of this elty thla morning, who recent ly returned from a trip to the fair. "The Oregon building la a wonder, and the Klamath oxhtblt, what there U of It, la good. Slnnott la on tho Job all Itbe time, and Klamath coun ty people can congratulate themselves on securing him for the position at advertising man for this locality. "He Is doing great work with what he has there, but is handicapped 'by the extent ot tho exhibit. Ho has the plaoe neatly arranged, and la receiv ing lota of Inquiries. Tho people ot this county are overlooking a big thing when they do not take tho mov ing picture method of advertlelag up. Some districts there have two ma chines going all tho time, ahowtag view, of their sections, and they ajre exceptionally good. ''We have land and scenery that compares wall with any of Callforiila. and auoh a method of adverUotag would bring groat results to thla county, I believe. If Myoao'haa ay products to tend down, sow laiho tlmo to send thorn," aaid Whttmoro, NEW MEMBERS , ARE ELECTED TO COMMERCE BODY I : !) Member of the Ito-Orgitabrri Commercial Clnli to Voi fur Netr Onirera l Serve L'nHI Next Jann-i nry .Election to lh by Postcard lUllot to be Mailed to Member for1 Return by Sett Friday Evening, i i Tlie board of directors of the Com j morclal Club met ast night at the office of the club fbr the purpose of re lowing the work of the member ship committee to date nnd the elec tion to membership ot applicants, as provided under the new form of or ganization. The list of the members to dnto -appears In this paper. Tho ill roc torn, ore greatly pleased over the result of the reorganisation and membership campaign. Tho membership ts already largo for a city of tho also of Klamath Falls, and It Is expected that the list will be greatly extended, especially through tho addition of nuay memberships from other points In the county. Tho directors are very desirous that the policy of the organisation to work for tho good of tho whole coun ty may bo clearly understood, and that membership In tho dob may be widely distributed .throughout tho county In this way the Interests of every section mj$thj more certainly be considered in the development work for the county. Already a number of widely distributed mem berships have been taken by residents of the different sections of the county. Tho directors are very desirous thnt the policy of the organization to work for tho good of the whole county may be clearly understood, and that membership in tho club may be widely distributed throughout tho county. In this way the Interests of overy section may the moro certainly lx. considered In the development work for tho county. Already a number or widely distributed mem berships hnvo been taken by resi dents of the different sections of the county. Tho matter of the choosing of heads of departments, to he chair men of the work to be conducted by the respective divisions, aa provided under the new form of organization,! was discussed at some length. Sev ern! of the important matters which tho club Is already working on. par ticularly those bearing upon the transportation linos ot development, was considered, and i Important reaiures. orougnt out for the con sideration ot tbo committees yet to be appointed, when the re-amnls. tlon Is completed. The officers of the club, submitted their resignations In order that all the members ot tho present enlarged organisation may have a voice ta the eloctlon of officers to serve for tho remainder of (the fiscal year, ending January, 1916, Tha directors voted to accept the resignations, to become effective on tho election and anal! flcatlon of their successors. In order to facilitate the election return postcard ballots will he mail ed to each member, upon which the selection of men for each ot the three offices ot president, vice president and treasurer may be made by the members. Aa many business and professional men hold their time ta to takes up by their dfltles that they eannot pos sibility give the naasssary time to serve as oftoers, and therefor will not accept offices, ai aomlnatlag com mittee was appeinted: to. iatervle a number of men an4 gad a number who will agree to- asm ,u Th board shea adjoarnod to moot' again Friday evening to count the ballots, all of whteh;ara oapoeted to o.in ay that tlmo, A ,' ' foHowtng a a Itstthe members of the now CkmorotatpUb rooolYod Oats4 e Pa t) ' Master of Ship Sunk by Germans and Hi$Vfife tf .gmmmflgaW' .JmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW sssmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkl mmmmw smmmmv smmmmmV ismmmmmmmmmmmml .smW .smr'JnmmmmmmmmKaHaSnmmmmmmmmmV ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV .ammmmmmmJgmfi?rSgammm5lmmmmmmmmmmmmV ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. ' ' sHHimmml smmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml !-M;glflmmmr smmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmt 1 mWmmKSmm gmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi ilU'lMlrBmmmPlllmmmmi gammmmmmmmmmmmmmml K W'mMmWmflMBm Lmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi ;! fflLsmmmmmr smmmmmTumLfi3sm,ssl mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmw nammmmwlsmmmmmlPi ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml swSgmmmS'lgmlammmmWfwfl gsTsmmmmmmmmmmmmml mJmSmUMlS smmmmmmmmmmmmmmmf vgSggmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV'' gammmmmmmmmmmmmml isSmgammmmmmmmmmmmmmv 1 ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm PigmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV ammmmmmmmmmmmmmm "''-iammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV smmmmmmmmmmmmmmml" V-':1ggggggsggB ' gggggsggS Jv2;Ilmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml gammmmmmmmmmmmml 'Itimmmmmmmmmmmmmmi immmmmmmmmmmmmmml - TgggggggH gmmmmmmmmmmH ' Plsmmmmmml amtsmfl 'k, JsmmmmmmmmmmWommml smmmWiT.gmmmmY9 .smmmmmmmmmKZSsmV ,gammmmmmmmmmw. 4immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi mmmmmmmmmmmmf 'sf '$:Jmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi 'gmmmmmmmKf This is the last photograph taken of CaptaJnE. B. Dejk, master of thejo Lcelanaw, the American iteamshlp .It - - .. sunk by the Germans off Scotland. His home Is in Philadelphia, where his wife now Is. t Only vt tost-minute,. decUloa, byj Cnptaln Delk before sailing for Eu-j rope prevented Mrs. Delk from being, on the steamship. Having maaeears. ne was wrecsea some yean many sea voyages alnce her maxrlagejugo In a storm off Colon, aad the six years ago, Mrs, Delk went to Gal-;soamshlp company abandoned her to ... .1 veston last April, hoping to salt with her husband. The vessel had taken on a cargo of cotton for Russia. On BULLETINS United Press Service PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 3. One was killed and three injured In an explosion which occurred In the proof room of the government arsenal at Frankfort today. It Is understood that experiments with high power J .; shells nre being made. LONDON, Aug. S. The British J steamer Ransea was submarined and thirteen of her crew are missing. Contain Rttchfe and eleven ot the crew landed. PETROGRAD, Aug. 3 Three hun dred fresh Germans havo been, with drawn from the west under General von Gallats and are driving fiercely forward In an attempt to cut the rail road between Warsaw and Petrograd by crossing Bulatvyskof, northeast ot Warsaw. They aim to seise the rail road. Officially it Is declared the Russians are strongest along the Bug River. PARIS. Aug. 3. Announced that tho GermanB have been repeatedly re- pulsed at Souches and Vosges. Gar- man artillery la active along the Atane. " WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 8. President Wilson haa ordered the gunboat Osceola, at Guantanamo, to n.A ... n., '. I run-au-rnucs. mv., . . TOKIO, Aug. 3, The cabinet may reconsider wRhdrawing their reeig- nations. The ministers may be asked ' 10 remain. r WASHINGTON.-D. C, Aug.NS.- A virtual protoctoral government ex Ista at Haiti, It la admitted hero. It Is predicted that tho troops will bo (Continued on Page 4) i ,',p,,vW"a 9H emfOmvwamsl Dr. C, . Plsher, Dr. R. R."Kagtil ton and Dr. G. H..Merrymaa operoAsd on tho son of Mrs. Ed, Kbits far tonaUg aad adeaelde yesterday at tho hospHal., ,-T ;"19 .the tny up the coaat from Galfoatoa ft Nw York, Captain Delk camttsr ca no, r"" . 3"!T; ? Sffi jmuch to the dlssppolntment ot Mrs. L ,n(llted that ,Be i,4i-t 'hnm Th Letanaw ,Mder"'vt 'name'ot W Eamwell, waa the plo- neer ship the EaraUa, Steamship company of Philadelphia, aad waa la the West Indian service about v . . - n the insurance underwriters. , They brought her to Norfolk, where she was rebuilt and sold. CRATER DIFFERENT SAYS NEW YORKER J j THINKS ROADS , HERE UNDER ' CONDITIONS ARE GOOD AJ TRAVELED 6.000 MILES FROM HOME IN NEW YORK STATE Mr, and Mrs. C. S. Sweet ot Troy, K. Y.. arrived in the city last night, and left this morning for San Fran cisco, after stopping at the White Pelican hotel, on an extended trip through tbo country. They have traveled 6,000 miles so far, having slgxagged back aad forth from tho United 8tates to Canada', on the way here. i Mr. Sweet Is a wool man In the (East, and states that they formerly .secured some wool from this section, the Rogue River and other Oregon pomt8- "The Toad ,n tnU owitry. "J1 of cour,0 different from what we et ,n the Et8t- Dut tB4Jr "re Tery good under tan condltlona. t "Crater Lake ia different from any- ithlng else I have ever seen.' and ire thoroughly enjoyed tho, trip there, after going through Yellowstone aid Glacier national parka and visiting -...- . .. i. many omer spots..' Theyare traveling In aa eight cyl- inder Cadillac roadster, imd ! . countered lltUe or no trouble so tar. s ' Pastor Leaves tar FtoJre . ,r- Rev. and Mrs. B. O. Richards toft this morning for tho fair at law Fraa ctsco aad other potato la swwtfcora California, expecting toretara about August Iftth.. Rev. Robt. Hutehla- aoa ot Merrill will til tho MethodbK pulpH atboth aorvleoa nwrt.BViaday, August tth, aad Rev. H. J, Taa fog. sea, dlatrlet suporiateadoat, wUl haU toe aervjeea Augaat llto. Prafor meeitog U dismissed uaUl Rev. Moh arda.roturas. TheywiU vmHLao Aagetos,: Paaadeaa. j Aaaaalm,' ,Loa dmPma WlPaaBW9 Bsjeml dmsipPi EXPORTERS' PLA r Jsj . FORCE WILSON'S w it HAND ON SEAS 'i. F I MtKIMM OF SEAS I ft DffNttK OT IIIO iM-ErWSTS , I -1 -w J- J ?.. M" 'Want Pn-Mlrieat to Mewl ur Strong ta f ... J'5 j so xeeesSjjraaavp nritala's RefaMl ' "t,t.iri, 4a HageWHI H',I j. " . th -14 .- ztkJ riMM latwCMfw. na iktaMbi' jt " " t -e yZ7i X$ ia NewtMl-WamcKsmar &JP !? T f ' vy& &", s CHAMJW P. WfWaW nai woTTespiniaeai uaicea rrwmt WASHINGTON, D. C.Aag. An ultimatum or strong ertli amount to an ultlmatam" la the, desire of large exporters hi than eeon-, try, tbat.PneMmrWUtm ebatt to England ia answer to Great Brit ain's refusal to modify her order; la council. Eaglaad refaeed torroeoc nlze every American eoatestfloa hi W, gard to oar shlMiesI'ta am tho' Uaw'' .j. 'wj)."'' ,i2..ivv By UBltlagthetr eCorta the verpert-r ''' era expect tor fere tho' hand and aecompllah too the aeaa. Tho ,1. ,M.A !.'.. M'tAA ,. ... " ww jf-r'xvfz.r- Hfsst meat, with tho paehwra mTtmX,tt- are conaaenioi,iorca;!s mrmnrmsa t v-&-- . aa -m m mL- . k r - 3. j mromga, , j MH-m l"J' PJ M i.lHlnlH' Z&S, aiiiea saau .cease -taestv -. Y..- .'. "-' ' T''vL..'la of shipmeaU to, aoatram. an ejftra aasolom ot,eoaMaa to an embargo ,o s Amerleaa to the alHes.-Ther eo tmrnv the pmideat ehall a4aea?tiaM MaseH In his ge for them to eomply with. If they fall to get an eatrsr they will await the regular i I of congress, aad will nght bard for ! their measnre. " ! T - fc " Arrangemeata have 'already boea made for a publicity committee. Dip lomats say that the note to Bnglaad wit) be the most important snoe'tae war began. On It depends fatare re- lattona betweeathls conntry aad Eng land and Germany, ' BI6 TIME AT"r -& S: LAVA BEDS SOON tfi; - 5 WILL1 MODOC COUNTY MEKT KTiAMATH AT MUR.'WOOT CAVE SUNBAT TMP TAKEX TO OTHER SIDE , A , The people of Klamath cWaty willf have aa opportaaltr neat Saadayof i. making a trip by aajtomobUo toBoar v Foot Cave la tho lAVaatola IstVtfce , first time. Prom there tho trl irOl he made throBKh' ta Made where the people there aavo'aomo caves aad sighta that thoy elalsa are " equal to our side ot tho bedal ' , ' Tho road ia now "praetleally eom-J plete. or 'Will be by Svaday. for'aato, travel throagh tho bed. Utoreot la1 being showa la, thla dtatrietaU'over the state, aad the latter pari otMilsH MAMlk JU BAY lMAAll- m UV A i Porttaad newspaper moa aad aato-'ir'k' mobile men are going to make taatl f trtn A VUnalh ta tlu UwiBai,! V for the purpose of Uumeetlac It? '$ TneoeieoraMoaauaaaywHl tohoi ' ,vr; place at .BearTotmvo,.WBWO"Maf?V doe eonatr will maaa KlassaAsiaaais:! & ty.tdlnaer wlMbo haiAaai oa to.Ue ther sMe aad rotora the old road. Several parties have tho trtnV-.' . imF-iaLK mad tho arte - a thakU ssmdSKa' K- im. i -. "" - '" tloal U n .Jft' : suaaawa "wsw. warn report kb sjesm smBsaja ' wwiauj am tamr.roaaBwoMomaaa ',.. aad'k le new tho ttmo to mianslil oaa tho read for travot; AM that tn wSI'uka IkA Ma mM', " rT 5 ; r' Vt T?7"t "". "WT" wrth amsshms U artmd to 4o St. aa r.uesisd to raaort to Prog Ismat, jsoeratory.iof.ftho V -&!& ff-. i.L7rui jLfi?b.ii sveasjaam &&& fmambar af Oma--.k l C H M i A j- j vS " .12 At fel M3 "it $& ! 1 J m Z.&1 "mil - I 'rtji at 7" K mm & ;5 f t&7 frl i VI Vil m 4 li I m 'T! CT!! HT. ,v-L,' ' aB vSSa ' -am .Mfmmaaaml ft . i f : . fc-.Rfn, - lr7Jl ' . V S. ' l.7. rri 'JJ!vif .V 1A r, kfc"l; ff nn , 4tsm1mmwBmBaaaaaml err rj ..juinL ,-?aafaammmaaaal . j mi ,