IPW'W1 jmwmvwmivmmm ""xt r t mi FrFF J-"' :&u& -'x it '. yw !&&, T - " "?"f V I & W!il wrsi ,-f " Herald irf i V v,f - jj- f fjJJIKtJ.i.. ''IW J; i, Tv'J. .uATUALLJ' TT j5 B I ' ' imai NKWIFAPBR KLAMATH COUNTY'S 'SSI Uf ) i OFFICIAL NEWfFAFIR M ji. ' KLAMATH FALL8, OREGON. MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1915 ri i tOre iEitintmn w Prissy, Mm OMi V i gaj :km am 'munnr WB F m m 'am wJ' I nnw and Rejects E v ery Am eric a n Contention 4 A U ,1 --'' 'X i ... "i w., .w. ..wmnwnnw wvwwwwwww WILSON PRES. WILL REG06NIZE GEN. CARRANZA AVtWXTIC KKPORT PVM4MIKD AT WASHINGTON Germany Losing an Empire in Africa Wwlrtnr"" XeWor IhtUMim Rf prl MeWran HMndllen (lew ' at) Ktserteil to KwOrcWr CKy ton ad CumiuM li Go Villa Urate All Countries and Order All ntern 1 Chihuahua CwNarali4. Cnlifd I'rwu rli WASHINGTON. t. C Aug. 8.- -The Wblntn Time nay: "Pre!- ittnt Wlltoo bun definitely decided 'oj rKotnlie (ieneral ('arrant, Record lag to an authentic report received tHU-atKrnooii. It l laid that ka will tik ihU action wllhln two week." I'nlted ITMi Service WASHINGTON, II. C, Auf, I. 1 It MpwtH bera that Clonaalsn will fMfdlittt)' orcupjr Mailto City; that Carrania will move tham toon. The fap&tlMn forrm bKtu already ar rivtd. Coorrn U Mm felt ovr the whtrtabouu of I'niil lludaon of the Mnlraa llcral.l itaff. Hi fate l nakaown. rnlted lriM Hrvk Kl, I'ABO. 7et., Aug. 3. (lenernl Villa ha ordered rnnnncatad all atorea la the city and atata or Chihuahua. bthw lliey belong to fortifier or Mtl realdenu of Maxleo. It la re ported that all foreign raarchMit km nd to Chllmahu city. When the foreigner refuted to oMtply with the Impotelble" deaaandt by Villa and thraatamad to ap- jjl to their retperllve govarnmanta, uia replied: "no ahead. leaanght mt goTernment alngly, and If tary can flght thaw) all. I "Hn Amerlrw an well a the other." Some believe that ha la laaane, m " tcit like an laaaae l'IU4 Preaa Servlca WA8IUNOTON, D. C. Aug. 2. rbarlet O'Connor, tpeclal Red Croaa ow from Mexico city, la urging t the ttate department alleviate e food condltlona In Meilco. Ha wi i that frequent death are oeeur- from plain atarratlea, and that wwtreme poor are eating laavet, 2 d dead anlmala In a aalaerable J kP alive until aid comet, WmiFsees 6ame at yreka WAIKD THAT 14M MAOK THK ? HUNDAY-M, .r"? S 41 TRlF-.NfM Mwitwrtt inL "fJfTH un soork h ffMS!rwl,a the taar.ii. .' t. " WHri?Wi""'-wl aaL!" '. wl roraiantad. at that MMmravajaf '3mW' ,t tv& ' 041 "Vill 1 agaBaBii'y ' $ut 1 A FT- ? l S Vpg BnaaaaaaaaaaaBapaavaTBBBaaMLJgrfl 'm 9 C JrTPa A "JagTV&gE Jm Mk l"HanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaljB4r I aam? "3 gggggggggUa.................... r aSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB V mmm" gfeJsC5SSrWWaaMatana g M'fct&'Aeft tf f aMiCitft'Baw7BCa ana'iBaaaaaaaaaawaV,X'" " mWmWmWm NiTISN dLw-My, 1 tMT . W A I Stf AmieA. fPBUwrcRtiAt ip vg-tffcsx XTAWBltCA. BtCCIUM aKSgggW 7 nV feJmm alaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlaBBBBBBBBBBBBBak. aW JW CONOO tggaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaT 1 Xanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal I ) J3"'a'ff3w I Canam M I " aJl laaaal alaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBB'47n kSS''i ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggH " ltJi I 9glllllllllHulgaBBBWak aaV V..aPlT'-?Bannaaaa&V LgggggggggggggggggggggggH ss wy&P i-T jggggggggggnm'NN ft gwaaBBBBBBBBBBBBaH If BjRTfSJggaaalai.n.naaal II alaBhdJ'VM k. BataBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaLa ' " ' kljW LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbP faJwagaiMgiBf hj i BULLETINS I riltfd 1'retg Service Hcrlln, Aug. 2. It w euil-offlclal y nnnounced here that' "contrary to j report, tho government I undecided whether to anawor the American Lul tenia note. t I'orU, Aug. 2, It li, officially an iioiincnd here that tbe, Oermant are utlng Incendiary bombs contalnlna j flaming; liquid In tbelr attack. The German forcet wero throe time de feated In nu attack on tho Mouto Heights lnt night. Several attack around Souche were repulsed, the French countering and demolishing Ihr-lr entanglement. London, Aug 2 The tlrlllnh ntoam lor Ilcmolklfli ha been submarined nnd yuventeen member of the crew , hm n Inndod. Captain Smith and oth er In a second boat have not been , located. Cleren of tho crew were (drowned when the Cllftonln sunk. ,Tho llrltlhh steamer Pulgeiu wa ub- mnrlned and the crew landed safely. NEED OF MOVIES IS MORE URGENT NOW THAN EVER FILM SHOULD HK PROVIDE!) FOR' ADVERTISEMENT 1 Itorlltii Aug. 2. It Ih announced thiro that Genera on Buelow ha oc cupied Mltnu, twenty-five mile south west of Illga. Tho Germans have rro(.sel the Narew at many point, and are advancing toward tho Bug 'River. Haider Koenlgwlwrg Jinenil Ilotliu ifn thn llrltlth monitor opened . . 1 flru on tho Herman raider, tne Koonlgnherg, In tbn ItuflJI Itlvor In Herman Kat Alil'fl tho other day, nnd r.i(ei 11 romni'iable battlo tore her tubltt, almost the liisl dofento of (he nermann against Hiitlih capture of tin gre.it African tcirUory fell, .ltitt a few day uciore inni uenerai uuum. leading the forces of tho Union of South Africa, had defeated tho Ger man, who had been trying to hold German Southwest Africa for tho fatherland. Ho had won territory larger by half again than tho German empire In Europe, and he had nddod much to the British crown. The da feat of the Koenlgaborg will quickly be followed, It la believed, by the con quest of German Eaat Africa, which la nearly twice tho site of tho German empire In Europe. Already Togoland, juat weat of Kamerun (but not ahown Indiana, Jms fallen. Kamerun, which la much larger than tho German' em pire In Europe, U about lost. Thus Gcriunuy bus practically loBt an empire In Africa as largo as the whole area of the United States east of tho Mlstlsolppl River, and one fourth a large a tho vholo territory of the Union, Including Alaska'. What oor may be tho settlement of tbe war there Is no likelihood that Great Britain will give up uny territory tak en from the German in Africa. Thus with tho Union of South Africa, Been uanaland, Rhodesia, (lermun South west Africa, Oerraan East Africa and British East Africa, she will bavo n contiguous emplro ns large a the United Stales. Th'e whole German dreuin of colonial empire which Kais er Wllhelm has carefully built up for twenty years will have been dissipated MAYOR TO TAKE KEYS TONIGHT J. II. MASOX, ELECTED MAYOR, WILL HE DULY QUALIFIED AM) TAKE FORMAL CHARGE TO NlfillT AT COUNCIL MKETIXG J. B. Mason, newly elected mayor of this city last week, to fulfill Nich olas' unexpired term, will be qualified tonight, and will have the keys of the city formally turned over to him by Acting Mayor Mathews. The council will 'meet at usual, cillod to order by President Mathews, who linn been acting 11s mayor for t'ie ii:rft six weeks, nftei vhlch the plan are that Police Judge A. L. Leivltt will ndrolnlstcr the 0.1 1 h to Mr. Ma fon, Mr. Mntthews v ill then present tli kijt of the city to Mr. Mnson, nml his term of otllco will begin. Mr. Mason was choen by the veS lla of tho city on a conservative plat- Klamath Has Two Opportunities to Cei Film a Cheap a. Possible, und In Oierlooklng Hlg Things at Fnlr Culifornlu. People Wish to' Come Mruy Kaarmth People at the Fair British Note Holds American Points Are All Untenable 4 3 vst President of Electric Co. on to Chicago form, with economy and law enforce-pe used In tho East, Middle West and ment strong factors amongst his pint- abroad by tbe reclamation service. ," form planks, tlo deled a mayor of the city of Eurei.r., Kansas, a number if years ago, and r.s the choice of thn rioplo of this city, Mr. Maeon Is . I.ocled to have -i jucccrsful term. acore waa not reversed. Many and wlerd talea were brought back from the southland a to "how it hap pened." and other alibi, but a feel ing of good tporttmaaehlp waa ahown by t)M leaal people1 who attended. Tha ly favor that the local fans bow aak ta that the town that have been vWted come back, fulfill their datea, and bring a big crowd with them. Klamath haa tent out the big gest baseball crowd, to ever leave thia elty for game this ummr. and It la hoped that the enemy moblll n Ilka manner, and bring all their kawltsara. TetiMe Heat ta New York United Praaa lervle N1W YORK, Aug. I. Wght dead, alx of .whe'm drowned taemaolvaa In attempt to gat relief aiaafltmday, tta total death rata hare aeaount of tho great heat wava, Fifty taou. a4 aoopl apeat laH tight at Coaey IJaer la Submarined United Press Service LONDON, Aug. 2. A liner plying from this city la reported sunk, pre sumably by a submarine, according to dispatcher received here. She was carrying fifty passengers and a crew, which are reported saved. rj Leave on Auto Tripe Mr. and Mras D. K. McDonald and Mlaa Carolyn Vohs left yesterday morning In their car for n two months trip through Oregon and California. They will ylalt both fairs before they return. HUlp Ashore Near UMoago f United Press Service CHICAGO, Aug, l.-r-Th ateamer. Manltou, bound , for" Chicago, wait ashore this morning at Wilton Beach In a dense fog. The boat baeked oft and prafeededtoa It oeuwe. Thee were.lee Mteagr en board, SPEEDER'S MOTOR TAKEN; STEALS IT CHIEF TAKER MACHINE TO IN. KUitK APPEARANCE IN COURT, AND IN NIGHT OWNER TAKES IT FROM THE CITY HALL While pnsaiug through Klamath Falls In the neighborhood of SO to 50 miles an hour, n transit motorcyclist was followed to the bridge Friday of last week by Chief of Polle Baldwin, where he waa arrested when be bal stopped. He waa brought back under arrest, and to Insure hi appoaraaee ae-t morning before Police Judge Lea'vlU, hi motorcycle was stored In the" city hnll, and he was lot toaga, w ' That night Mr, Motorcyclist aerrod hla machine f row j the hall, and lost no time in making tracks. Ka was gone, that's1 all, and tho ahief is re ceiving caldorato. Jollying as a?'r- n, - - - .- (HcimM Hcetial KLi'tUe) .SAN TRANCISCO. Auk. 2. If Kin ninth county does not (ak up the offer of the reolnmutlon service for motion picture--, or have the film made in some other manner in time for display at tho Ponttna-Paclfle ex position, the (ounty will overlook 1 troinendousl) effective advertising feature of n permanent nature, which will still be. of' value years after Its purchase cost Is forgotten. The rush of visitor at the fair ts toward Its height now. and Klamath, to attract ns much attention a other sections. needs must uso modern method in overy way possible. ('. J.Blan.chard, statistician for the reclamation service, who I In charge of the U. S. R. S. display in the Lib eral Arts building, says that If the people of Klamath county will raise $2f0, the reclamation service will supply whatever more money may be necessary to have 1,000 feet of film taken In Klamath county, showing Crater Lake. Upper Klamath Lake, Eagle Ridge. Harriman Lodge and other scenle spots, tbe lumber Indus try from the primeval forest to the finished product? tbe farming, stock raising and dairying industries, and vlow of Klamath's towns, roads and other attraction and possession. Such a aim would be made In dup licate, one reel to belong to Klamath county, to be used In the Oregon building or wherever an opportunity presented Itself. 'The other would be used In the Liberal Arts building by Mr. Blanchard In lectures on Klam ath, and after the exposition, would I jsmmBmBmBmmmmmsmmmmBmmBsi IIBBBBaPiPlRSLmHBBBBBBBBB!1'' REFUSE RECOemZE U. S. RIGHT FOR LATER REFERENCE v T" HAN FIIANCHC MAN WASAaV SENGER IX 1 England Rejects, all CoatentloiM eare WHb Aasweteaai " Sig. Unttasi i .t .'" K rXe SsJSrf oleOrlaui Settlement. H. U. Tliayer ' President H. B. Thayer of United Press Service WASHINGTON, D.. C. Ang. . England reject as untenable every American contention made regarding "' tthe Interference with American com- ' ,h.imerce, is the conclusion reached fol- Western Electric company, hundreds llow,n8 tho receiving of the last of of hose employes and their families lost their lives In the Eastland wreck tbe British note today. Great Britain even refuses to recoc- i at Chicago, was at his home In New nUe America's right to resolve ear- . Canncn, Conn., when he heard of thealn complaints for future settlement, accident. He took a train for Chicago t The administration' hopes for a ' nt once. ,Tho Eastland was one of the (modification of tho order in council fle steamers that were to carry the were summarily upset in the receipt of employes on their annual excursion' England's promised supplement to the ' on Lake Michigan. original British reply today. It waa 'lion of shipments on American afr- Ural ships. This 'note claimed tbe v right to seize all cargoes suspected 'of .being of German origin. The note regarding the eteamahlp j Natchez, which vessel Is being held WILSON HAS BEEN RELEASED 1.8 "The Klamath project is receiving! n good deal of attention from the homeseekera who are attending the PanamK-Pnclflc exposition." say Mr. Blanchnrd. ".At the government ex hibit In the Palace of Liberal Art, photographs of Klamath crop and Klamath scenes are on display, and 'Klamath Fact Books' are being dis tributed, both helping to Interest the people. "In the lecture room, where Dim of ei dozen projects are shown and explained, the Klamath project, how ever, by no mean receive the con sideration from homeseeker that it deserves. The whole reason for thl la the fact that there are no motion pictures available for display. "If a reel of good, snappy film could be taken right now, it would 119, presented to the public several days each week In the government lecture room, and from experience, I can say that It would prove moat ef fective In forcibly calling attention to the advantages of the great Klam ath country. "California la full of people who are looking for land Investment. There are many who are considering stock raising nnd want Information about locations suitable for thl line of endeavor. "In California the land apparently are bald at too high prices to bo at tractive, Klamath county, wit Ks vast area of tne stock iMd a Jow . z T7 ' " V?J (Continued on Pag 4) AMK'UCAN AND FORMER RESI- DENT OF PORTLAND IS RE LEASED IN GERMANY BY EFFORTS OF GERARD tin detention, has also bees re- I1 cetved. The first section of the Ger man note regarding tbe sinking of the Frye has also been received. 1 United Press Service BERLIN, Rug. 2. Through the ef- forts of Ambassador Qerrard, Harry Wilson of Portland, arrested in Ger many for forging passports to En glishmen as Americans out of Ger many) has been released on condi tion that ho return to America Imme diately. STREETS PACKED AT BECKER HOME Wllhon founerly lived In Portland, and is understood to have secured the position In Germany in the con suls office In order, to give a specially talented daughter the benefit of Oar man culture and musical education. She created a sensation in Portland a number of yewra ago a a youthful pianist. f TEX THOUSAND PEOPLE DK&AY FUNERAL AND POLICE KAYK ' TO USE CLUBS TO ALLOW FBXK " .1 WU1 VIbM Mere AwMte ' Carl Wright who has been employ ed on the construct! work of tit Wtllametto-Paclflb 'railroad' betweeii Eugea aad'th ooaat arrirad ,'bof last night ad expects to.rimihi erardays. Mr. Wright formerly re sides in tea OMi-. CESSION TO PASS mcup vrtDir A T Ik...... : and people packed' the streets today, f delaying tbe Becker funeral until the 5' police dispersed the crowd, uaiag J their (ticks, , ; Many scuCles and Ichta teekotaee nearjhe hearse in the straggle t as hM" the conn containing the aw atcnlsQAnt O'S .. f -, - -V f-i 'TlWfli'O. OTBOIMO. Jin,, iatgm fPlower were heaped o-taVfohi;i; ctes preceding the beano. Two tkm';) aad peopW H4ed ttokdgamjjgJ; " -. : i-2 : i-M-wiHir-.v'..- j 1 rvi. - vrSiT?:' -?3i ."".'C.'a KUMtaa dastrofar battJaiialawd adl' ' i Yooken, oast of Ohtlo. t tko osttjus 1' ) 'm m s.1 i M si r i in t 1 -iii : r ( Wi It i "9 Raw. i T e' -. tr it W- Vfw-, iysji,J stances aro aot lwifi.ft sa f ' - y -j 1 ii-j -.