YTSW-'V:", KSg ft,4'"""7' ""'' p?$wm& w as?. ... IM l'f vpr.' te T W-Mt 5 Wyw ZJ2Zi- 6f HUMATH FALLf itf?. - aA i.V.fti' ..- '.. -.IS.'iiii i KiAMAAH gUUNM'K; CIAL NEWSPAPKR OFFICIAL NEWlfAPat ,. r- t V-'r. ;r fs .j jtforr.uJJr 'y iMSBaui. "5". rrrTjnfrjtttT; iraeiv.jr;r ffi jrpT-r -, "TOfl'wwHf?-' " mzKmwmft feflsHflWfflKSHHBHHHHHl ,' v ..' -ia''-.rfwr-tfxst" it 'feaWT ''JhV h? ,? "SB m i . . vwtm ; i. i h i t-mr 'ALiJJgS5Sa22g3B3L'lL'giL'Jraag-5 !"?"'; j l-i j- "!' ' 'n"1 j ' iW-r.Xo. U.T47 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, SATURDAY,' JULY 31, 1915 arsaw Is Evacuated; if Germans o - . .. -i i$ f1" r ?'' EiHicr i I. LEADERS IE MEETING IN WASHINGTON Long Island Girl Admits Burglaries . 'i .-. " ' i ' " POLITICS ARE ROY WRIGHT :r? ' V . ..II4IIH i-oi!V-ll. 1IU mPA rivvr. ...-.. - WOHKKIIM MKCT Mty Tticr Urmil KWt Vnlrrv-TrlrTli Jitw i (or OwnrtiMlInn of llrfwrt ( Kff Owfffrm Willi I'rmlrtMil. Bmj ThMl (Jmtuiii .Irr KiMRrlNR MfHbiK ' I'ounril. l'ill(l I'rcM Strvlrv WA8IIIS0T0N'. I). C, Julr 31. ThtNitlonil l'acc Council of l.ator m tad othf r oriiftnUAtlon nrn In ion hff todny. Tim Ipiitlom hUIo tkalthfy rfpriK-m S,00ft,00ft votcrn.j ',1 MMlIng U considering rewlu- iImi for forty ronlral labor union, tarfMBlag the uhlproonlB of wunl-j daughter of n wealth)' iIbm to Mllgcrcntu, and. atUcklnKiCllff, lnng IhIhiiJ, ai 1 ffiifBwPx ANTIQUES N i SHELF, BUT- xi:vi:itTin:i.ivHH m:aikiih iiiio.xm htati:mkxth ilptiilillciiii ;linlrinnii Ik-llvtit I'tsiplc .lM) llNltllk-U With Ik'IIHH'MlIc .iilmliiUirMlloii I'lKht Will He .Miiilo on lliH(Htli' Question, n llii fdiinlry In KtiiinlltiK llrlilml l'it-.l-ih-lit mi I'oH-ittn QlintlliuiN. wia.ii OK i ' How the Germans "Squeezed" the Russians Out of Warsaw KNOWN yUMl.W, JM,X, HON w. a. wiuuiiT, i'OiiMi:iiiY IIIUVII.V IXTKIlKKTHl) ;.HKHK, V -i. IIIKS IX IIOHIITl mill Mrs. ii- i.owixi, MKihvrr (I'nltcil 1'ronn Htiiff ('nrri'MiiomlfiiO NKW VOHK. Jul)- 3l.."V have vet)- ixMMtatl(iu of winning. Tho rontitry U dUHjitlKllod with the demo crnili: ndniliiUiratlon. It In hocomlng Mi. llMlh Tii) lor l,.iill.i ,m)r m AM) B1M u rtn(y , roUim Mm. It tit It Taylor Cottlln. agvd 21, t tho rcpuhllcanH. Kvory report I ' r Itny Wright, aoii of ir William A. Wright, ntnvif Pnsadonn. hut formerl!)' of thla cltyi and ln.-uvllly I ut crest 'd hnro, died this morning at l:ir, r.t'tho Ittackhurn tipspltal. Hoy Wright wiih located in Northern Call foinln, whore hn had jtnrcliiiKod a. Iilnco of IiIk own. I While at home recciilly ho was nl tnrUrd with, appcndlcltla, and hoforo ho wim able to insko tho. trip hero and nliorlly hoforo ho reached thin city tho appendix hroko and plr.ted him In u Hcrloim condition. Ito hnn lncn at thi hospital for several daya lln In survlrod hy n wife and fa lu ll ly, a lKtcr, Mrs. J. D, Church, fath er and mother, and Jirothcr, Carl Wright, who has been employed near llugcno, and Dr. Uci, A. Wright of (IiIh city, who attended him. Tho er renldent of 8ca get from all partH of tho country Indl-, vices will he held at'lhe Preshyterlau and hello of tho irate thU. 8o doea every election." church tomorrow at ,12 o'clock. frNMeat WlbKW. little town and tho Hurroundlng cotin- Clinrle I). Illllln, chairman of the re- rJu Arfdam. tm. t.en tnlMrnohad Irjr, baa admitted that alio robbed a publican national committee. rafaeailraitlon of krnortthtakafHUmbcr of hniitan cloned for the win- "Union there l omo decided lrtlaciBCllwlthacomlalofroaa''r anl "Pf'K by aummer reident, rhango In the altuatlon, It will not be tWWMhwwiti, and that ihetol tho iB,M 4la m w"." 'uw. 'Puajn.BWVMrr for either party tb eitab- ITMHWt WW nedlatkHI CAHM MO,"wn u ,,,p '""" """ '"" "" -,iin iieauqunnem nc year, ine ro il fir. They date that the prert-160 I'rotmion ror uio winter Hult la a foregone conclualon an thlnga, at refuted to ronalder her pronoam. Month theao cot t a get had been glren.tRtid now.. Tho democratic part la Tit altoroeri for the roundl dnbld The young man got tho key a from hi Enjoying unexampled pre-emlnenco titytlu.tnerraanrapltnl lannanclng ' " N0W n '" lM m that la not likely to be lot for many, tN amtlag bere. .wa tho chief, plotter. Ho furnuned yenra." William P. McComb. chalr- SttreUry of Htate Unainar I eon. th" kr' but '','' ,rt'' ,,u' rouDln,f he "" of bs democratic national com- TWO I'AKTIKS KHO.U KAST, AFTKR luring demanding that a aneelal w- im n' men, miltee. lna of coDgrwi be called to take' "Huth did all thn atcallrig," ald no. These are tho first political prcdlc- trw of tho International ltuallon.l"flne too, ",0 ,0, "I'11'"1 ' " not.tlon for 1010. Tho chairman of the . tako a thing from the placea wo went republican and domocratlo nntlonnl .to. I had thn mean of enroling on1 committees did not Uauo statements, trance the key. but suffered thomselvea to be asked "Wo wanted to go to dance and for their vlowa of the political outlook , theater, and devised the burglary by the United Proas. It was not llko two parties from the Cast are ux acbeme to get money. I reallto I amithla one year ago preceding previous I1Cctod to nrrlvo here Monday from a much responsible n she. I have' campaign. As a matter of fact, each Crater Lake, one being n party of no resentment against her for gotttng wn rather startled at tho alght of n'twcntylx members of tho Columbia MANY T ARRIVE MONDAY VISIT TO CItATKH liAKK. WILL AltltlVK HKItK MONDAY TAK INO I.ONO JOURNEY SEQLOGIS T SEES CRATER LAKE ran Into thl scrape." (reporter. However, upon recovering, university Geographical Society of L gome months ago Mra. Conlln, then,they eaprosacd themselves a set downxcW York, and tho other a Raymond- ju.-. w Ruth Taylor, ran away from homo and above. 'whitman party, which Ha visiting' the miiiitlation HIMILAH TO DK. rarrled a" chauffour. 8ho quit him' Apparently polltlca la at "Impaaae" HCC0 Hpota of tho continent. a . . .a . a a. .t.. .u... I1I.& lk ntmnal?M In Vaanaii It n'AH (lOYKRVincvT aner mrco monwiH. uinpnninuoii-.o .,hi... . . .."., . .. ,n'iimun .. , . ... .......... ... .'.-.i.i.i i... k.iL .u.. it.., ...j.h lllona to her aroused ino nusoanu, wnoinnnimou uy mm o m w" united party, IHHIPTIO.V IX WMI'I,CT-WKU, WrrHTRICIIKRK riiKAHKDI followed tho pair whon they took a valle on n train to Now York city. (Thinking ho would got evldenco for a I divorce, ho followed, only to bo led to Dr R a n,i i i . . ' .. K 1 nrooklyn pawnshop. It was found aJa 'of' ,''.! ? f '"'" the county authorities, after ho re 5 ieT SlVh1 MV"rH UBh,!f POd to them, that the valise con way 'ST1 l '. '" ?VB hl talaed valuable stolen from the Sea ytio Ban Francisco and the fa r.'rui km.. r "king a visit to Crater Lake. ! "" "" .Tie Ve It rorlnlnli, . u.nJI..ll fW' d I found that lha tovara-j "inon is very accurate, and. io aavo covorod tho eaUre altu-l (Sid hr rinllu II, i.- ill '. ' i am icnN-i 2Jrft.k "l invention ta Oak-i ,.. mere i, one point (a coa- RODEO IS NOW THING OE PAST AMUHKMKXT AHKOCIATION VoTH TO DIHIIAXD CHAMPION' tJtlal. at. . . t , L?.Z "" "" eruption of Mount; WtL T cnnot m8Bt,on mti l?ia.WWn.' t'k k th THK HTtXJKHOLIIKRH OF LOCAL jr"'"B argument n ilia . I MMcrlptlon.. - '"" m aly gpoko n eBthuslaatlo WmISS Wd ,nto th,, country- k"",r. of trlii from the! HJWifc Dr., Dai, . Mra. Katharine W of Boston and KHMhtth r.f lll'CKt'.HM TO UK HOLD At a meeting of n majority of the) stockholders of tho Rodeo Amusement Association held last evening at the klka Club room, It waa voted to dls baad the Incorporation and divide the fundi among the stockholders. Twen ty per cent dividend waa paid .on the rancher, who, waa ; of the third annual Rodec, "wpw la PrlaeaK B, ldthn T..I.. ..- i. 'kldMM. " 9h-9,lir per oent dividend waa paiu.on me astt6! ot Rnwrt y.iatoek Istt fall, following the holding -. .:!" '"Aha rancher, wkavu" iu i;ir .nnn.i nv. in addi- ..".by a posse Ofenwlukva 1'Ui n ... t i..m1!. !.. nnr. '!, after hviB4fau i,i.!.k.. ....... ,i. .,.!, , i,. i,i ,uoo ranson. ku kuiml " a....... n..i nt..ui. Pin r.n . v . f1. . oucaera, are to oe aoia, awn tae eai f la'tbetreaaury after the dlspeaal of all property of the association will 1. ., -T"' mea o iih. :..? : J.- -.. : . l&Xtt2X- ft&tim.-: -: be divided among the itockholeeri. rest In tho belief of a Chairman HUlea oxpecta Colonel Roosovolt to 'be regular; Chairman McComb expects Dryan to bo reg ular. Rut both lire not sure. "The fight will bo on domestic ques tions," said Chairman Hides. "The country Is standing behind tho presi dent on foreign questions." Chairman McComba said: "No domestic Issues to which tho people will llHten can possibly be raised by tho republicans. - The foreign ques tion's, the things the people are con stantly thinking about cannot be dis regarded. If Dlngley were recalled from thn grnvo he could not write a tariff protective enough to make a particle or difference to American business," Hllles named Maine, New York, Now Jersey, West Virginia, Ohio, In diana, Nobraska and Nevada na the Htray sheep expected back In the re publican fold next year. A switch from 12,000 domocratlo majority In Bt.'T;ouls to 29,000 republican major- ity'W-alHo looked to by Hllles as a li'opq'of carrying Missouri also. ' ''Tile only possibility at the repub (leans being a contender is the restor ation of tho entente with Roosevelt," unld McComba. "Nobody knowa what Toddy will do.' Dangerous Play United Press Service BVBRRTT, Wash., July 81,Ina playful mood; Cheater Thompson, 10 yeara old, tied around hla neck one end of a rope which held a young calf, In thla manner he took the calf but oothe grass. The animal become frightened and ran away. The boy waa dragged to death. They arc spending several day at tho lake, and will nrrlvo at tho White Pelican Monday. Tho membors of the Geographical society are: Professor D, W. Johnson of Colum bia' University, director of excursion; Mrs. D. W. Johnson, K. C. Atwood; P. niKcom, professor ot geology In Bryn Muwr Collogo; K. R. Dlaln, principal McKlnley school, Trenton, N. J.; A. C. Iloylo, professor or goology and min ing, University or Wyoming; C. W. Ijrown, professor of geology la Drown University; J. K. Brown, assistant In geology; Williams College, Mass.; M. M. Fisher, teacher, New York city public schools; C. A. a ay nor, J. J. Griffin, teacher In vocational schools, Hoboken, N. J,; P. Holswaaaer; J. Z. Howell, student In Tome School, Maryland; B. J. Jacobs, professor ot chemistry and mlnoralogy, University ot Vermont; D. Keen, P. K. Kemp, Major, P. R. Lang, A, K. Lobek, 0. B. Lyonf teacher of mathematics, Cen tral High School, Springfield, Mass.; D, Merrill, J. B, Mohle, K, A. Moon, ngBlstant In goology, Hunter College, Now York city; I. H, Ogllvle, profess or of geology, Barnard College, New York city; M. C, Plerrepont, teaoher In public achoolla, Trenton, N. J,; H. Stem, graduate student In Cplumbia University; R. A. Steele, .teacher in Horace Mann School, New York city; M. ,L, Taylor, physiography 'teacher, Wadlelgh High School,' New York cty; ,B. E, Van Raaltae, O.'H, White, geography teaoher, public schools, Trenton, N. J. amummdki. MaaaWX ; "SVMrBiBaWiasV gssmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVaV'X. P A ! WgaammmuV '' lBhAmmmmVgagsaWr gsammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml'-- -y.. - llfPTaBmmW H I vfflmTaaV Tga' gssmmmmmmmmmmmmmmr af Cj wW09Wmf Sj lL k ,gaBBjsiijjajHiaBiaaaalj: ' ask sgssW 'J m AlaaEssmmmmmmmm 'VaaJae4 XV3ObW jBfe ' ajajk., 1 asKi:;;!. V 3JmMiP,Wl a. JWk;k. M . St. t 9AmALLflfiw- . v-rBMBBBigsBBW ' x. i tt frriw r m dkgaamV M J V. .gssmmWErammmmmm- J 1m 4y V0N MACfEMSBN .. J I 'VI . A J i MAIN RUSSIAH .. ., . -. .. ARMIES ARE wn I mmmm i'.- 3 4M; FJ( '9?l I . Efei ' f.f . SS. yire,l4evkOi;;aialjC'Jf . J tJ i jfr.. i .w't f&jrit r. i-T f . v BUKOWINAf -Vy This map shows how the Germans, commanded on the north by General von Hlndenberg and on the south by General Mackensen squeesed theRus Blans out of Warsaw and gained one of the largest and richest cities of Russia. v Incldentallly they havo succeeded in taking most of Russia Poland. The German Austrian line, according to re ports, reached from Ltbau on the Bal tic Sea, south through Russia to Su- walkl, then southwest to Loda, or Just east ot It, for It has been reported that Lodx baa been taken by the Ger-, mans. It then follows a course south east down as tar aa Bukowiaa. The boundary llnea between East Prussia and Russia- ond Germany and Poland aa well aa Austria and Ruaala are shown In the line made up of dots and daahee In the map. Russian aol diers havo been driven from Eaat Prussia, and much of Poland has been taken from them. However, they hare not been driven from Austrian soil, and at this time there ta little Indication they will be. Von Hlnden berg marched aonth and Mackensen north to squeeae the Jtusslans accord ing to their plana. for practice. There will be work at , Ah. Expensive Pertonage the next-regular meeting, August 5th, j United Press Service and a full turn-out Is expected, regular officers are Mra. Rs A. Em inett. Miss Laura- Bice, Mrs, Charles Gnrcclon, Mra. Robert Sloan. Mra. Ivy North, Mrs. Charm Johnson, Mra. R. 3. Sheets, Mrs. R. A. Wattenburg, Miss Greta" McMillan and Mrs. Ida Pink. In addition to these.the follow ing members of tho degree team are urged to be present; Mra.Lydia Houston, Mrs. Lliilo Ramsby, Mra. l.lntv Mathews, Mrs, Addle Walker, bannor bearers; Mtsa Louise Humph rey, Mrs. Auna uean, Mrs. ueue vyiiua Mra. Wui. Hall, Mra. Lynn Martin, Miss Waldron, Mra. Nell Brimmer, Mrs. Adeline Cofer, Mrs. J. N. Garrett, supporters to banner bearerra; Miss Jennie Hum and Miss Bee Summer, scene supporters. The , QiMipR a vr.iaco. J uv-Sl United Degree Team to Prietlfe " . . -)4'. On 'Monday evening the.) degree team of Prosperity ReWekah lodge will meet at I o'clock Ma -IrOr.O.rr,' hall VaaMl CkN ta Yreka Avraugement were completed .to- day for the taking ot the local band to Yreka for the baseball gam to morrow, and the tndloatlona are that a large crowd Is gblag. .Word from there. atatea that Yreka I sure of win alag the game. . '" States secret service men spent 13,874 in protecting the Maharajah of Kar- nurthala. an Eaat Indian prince, on hla recent trip to thla country. The expense accounts of the government agents who were detailed to protect the prince were filed here today, 01! cers trailed the Maharajah all over, the United States. a Hear GraHl of- AranyCfcetfcli, a -H , 2 i'.iJ2Ui .X!3 it.uira tuni w "" ?Vk ' '. SK. ' night ot ToeuuMim Wg.Cslshea Hon to He HHd ea.AaalriT eat Hk''f W " "-""' S '-. " , " $w sa ihe'War. ' ... .1, K United, Press Service R-- 8 ,3I.-Waiw. iit j. wv $&. Mi PETHOnHAn jHlr" .-i- ' nan been evacuated. wall aec.: -, . j. . .wV.Ji.-2'itAJ' dally announced. It te admitted ; that - the Industrie of the .city smva'awaakL, ; dismantled and that practlaaMly ail . X of the? KmJmimmpSnmg:-i g Tke city u a aaere aeii orjta iWMtT - f. -JF 4?,",m,.,. .,- . J-i' nrtiiiniii fcn a in t iMitnl tt ' ..-...' w.r, - .M4W-.9- Muir... Ijl, '.MXlttf.,. -.J.J. r. . i - 1 -' 'kl 1 ' -1 -' i i i-' 5J. troy taetr crosa, ,ue iibb,- slan devastating thereat 'otta;ai-:! - . -trv. . try. ,The-;aaeta;'iW pries ana reiaaw ago. mmm !TSjf?lfi tty"K'ift,S(Ai'. '3rL .utfTJ? 'T-rx JKf ri,'1'. dtp V t United Pre Service LONDON, July gl.Tlie' ladiea- tlon are that, the eraeuatieia' of War saw and Poland has praeUeeltly lieea. completed. The mala Ruaalaa aramlee have been entrenching for weeks on Brest Utovsk. The rear guard ha been hampering the Teuton advance. Only Jew and. German oympathleera are remaining la the country. 4 3' '1'" United Press Service . BERLIN, July 31. PieldMaraaal . von Mackensen reports that Waraaw will, be captured by alght. Berikala anxloua to celebrate tomorrow, the anniversary; of the, openlaV ef tho ; war. Kaiser Wllhelm, the kalaeria , and crown prlnceaa are nreeariag to1 enter the city together,, ? ' . ' By ED L. KEEN (Staff Correspondent United Pre) LONDON, July 31. :Theuaa here believe that Germany will aaake a desperate attempt to eater Warsaw by tomorrow to celebrate tb aaaual raising of tbe German flag by a eerie of desperate ruahe. It la net ,,he- k, '".'vSJ!'1 A Iloved that unleaa von r Inforcea von Hlndenburg. he wlllbe able to enter by tomorrow, ,. . , V'V if;, hi "."jtYJi'i.V BRYAN NOT TO - , wmm-M FORWAHB Rents Hair Taraa WMte United Press Service SAN QUENTIN, July 30. Abe Reuf's hair la taming white, guard at the atate'a. prison said today. M though heoomea. up for parole aext month, Ruet eeastaatly 'worrtea, .and Is aging rapidly. The guard say he la a model prlaoaer, " I---. United Pre Service ' BAN DIEGO, July II. The battle hjpa Mhwourl, Wlaoeaala, aad Ohio lett" art;"tedy for -jretaee'; Th'eaa'larf'tka Irtt iaea-ef-war itnm the AtUatla feet to vMt t Paetaaj coaat alaoa the memorable vlatt of Ad aalreJ B4 kaM' great tet la !. NOT LOOKING HOLDING ANY OFFICE EVER "NEVER CIRCUNSTANCK BE CANaHDATE 90- WHAiy; UNDER., ANY: tkB JX . A.'Jf m ra.s V'4- l'ntlfJ Preaa'Rarvlea PORTLAND, July ;I."I havaai, political ioap.u a watarer. aa',: no' plane toektag forward to 'h'i I ding M anveaVe4athe''ratur."...:wM?theM! j-, --1 3 w v-VJ rwi- 'iMJ-ar i- -.- !i. n . .- r. r ." "' i 7i. !..l." uKijlAf.iv alaaaiRryaa' rW'" -jip.-wuc itapra'ptaps.," my,'rm4alag yara"dia'ia msM.?r-" 4 oBy.g 4 aay tHi-B4) HHHJe '.'tt""."' HHy tHHJH (MrnHJl' it ' aaaMaairv'.'taL' Voaaa aL - start'' '-- aaiwonii:-aeor ' , : ...-,tT"'.W, rffrSriW-fi.;aMmM ?2 '"-mSi f- 'V 4 it jO s 4V ' i . ' ' r- ,. v4.y . ,; & w' $-,. -Mt '$5;t JMK.. 'Wi ' '' '"l A-TjT.