n js.x-r- i"-s ""Vi.A -t' "i VJ n I 5 KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 28, 1915 Fries, Five OHrti OfflClAt NKW8PAPEK JI pXft"-"' -maneM"": ,. " i j -1 hh-hiv lERICAN MAN. IS ARRESTED 6ERMANY.REP0RT J- pMMinKT WIMKlN ,0 WNm f Portland, O " .Wrlftn t'onu t Hwlln, Arrest rf Pear lW Ironllrr ", 1Wh 1 idvi tltarge rwlwlw"! AHownl r .(hhim l l'M nM American. Knwrl liirimrtl nr Ktpellwl. I'ailrs HiHrlu wamiis'iiton. i , Jiy 2K. A nport ha been received hero Ihiil lUrrr WlUon of Portland, clerk to lb American roimul general nt Iltr Ua, was arreted near the Danish frontier on a technical rlmrgp Hint he tit attcmjitliii; t lni the country wllkoot ft passport Ttt government lum been advised iMltbe real offense Ik Hint of hutting t purport to nn englishman who patsi as an American A report that btvsa feeing enabled t' flee lum not bsm mlled. Widen reports tlmt tin In n relative of Prtslant Wilson. The offenso ts cetsttortd of (ho grates! nature, nno If lay leniency It shown It will be out of courtesy to the United Htale. A Cermsn committing n Nlmllnr offenso toM b guilty of treason. If the tterit li proven it la probablo (tint U lll b Imprisoned or expelled fro the country. IS ; ON (250 BAH Y rARTICIPAST l FIGHT AT DODD HOLLOW TO APIT.AK AUGUST OCT OX W.W HAIL AFTER WARRANT IKSUKH Mills Todd of l)odd Hollow, for a warrant of arrest waa Issued rtstirtay on complaint of H. A. Uw rwtt, alao of Dodd Hollow, following llnculty, words and shooting, tan Uwrenro wna shot through ono r from a (im In tlio hand of Todd, rtteftMd on bull this morning wt. M60 buhiK the bull. Ray and I erl Merrill are his bond'sraen. Tho bearing, which waa started at wwll yeiicrdny, but moved here, t for August 9th In the Justice Ui peace court, nt 11 o'clock. Uwreace, accompanied by hl attor tn, (lab and llcnner, rnme here to out tho coinplnint yeatorday a- Todj WM tho city last "W.aad tho bull mih arranged for WBlng. Utrtnce believed to be the mw nun namod ns defendant In a l l which lm been filed with iiih u cm,rt c,crk over UBd HulinifiHl.i.. uiui... n . ,, .m,i ninu iwaia "MPrMa8crvicn ATHBN8, July 28 A Urltlsh aub "" n sunk tho Turkish trans- W Nar&inr .i . n..r.T ' lwo gunDoaia ana Wnop,0 Mmrycg A Bhot Ufm Toswn e dnnoa the wharf t JJ" "r (ho nricnal n, bM. HWi! tho 8ohr PacIIc vnt'j9u' m rtt w ' Hei 7 0m h0 WM utebl. Hi pollco nro for 1 vitiu u : , m Ball of New York atatt I. h.r. wio.wj .;.. 1; W,,h hta "' ID OUT . mAdun unudcn TO BE MAYOR OF THE CITY Wl.N'H HV KIKTV VHTKM ttVIIlt t'. II. rillHMIIt i J. II. Miii (,'Iiommi at HMrlnl t'Arr- lion to Kill Out Vrwaiilrctl Term "f , MrliitlttN, lloxluiu'tl WIiih hy CIim i X'tHr Hrnllliiciit of Cll) 1itrly ' DIvIiKnI, IteiiMmoirnHiiK ltulttrl of Hm Cnntllibitro. J, II. MllMlll Of tllU I'll)' UII4 i'lfltcil muor to till out tin unexpired icnn of pX'Mnyor Nliliolnn ni )i'Mlri1n'H xclr.l gi'iicnil oleollmi lii'ld In ill In city, hy forl)-vlglit much out bin licnrt'ot roiniii'tltor, C. It, OrUlor. who MdH ncciiuil, with 310 ii'. Mimon (Irnwlng 3fi otfn in ilm H v wiirilw. Mr, Miikoii uimo to Oregon n nnni bcr of )nnni ngo from KnnKnn, mnl Nlnro tlion linn hvon 'iiKttK('l bore In nrloiin liiinlnrxt i')tilol(N, Inrgnly ronl ntnte. The official count of Hid bnllota will bo mrtdr- tonight, but the returns ns given In Inat night from tho vnrlnu vtartta It nt follewt: Will W. Ilnld- win 90S, C. II. Crlnler 3I. A J l.ylo !'i. J. II. Maton 304. Any officer ilected nt n mxcliil gen- ernl otcllon hold In tho city mutt qualify within ten day attor hit elec tion, nrcordlng to tho Charter, nnd'lt Is expected Hint Mr, Mnton will do so without ilelsy. Tht next regular council meeting It to ho held next Monday night. As it glance over tho ballot results of the election shows Mr. Mason Is tho rholro of the people of tho city for this office, nnd In his platform he has promised law enforcement, n busi ness ndmlnltlrntlon, nnd as good n rule ns ho Is nblo to give. INVESTtOATION OF (LEASTLAND IS ON IIOI'IKH XltMIIKIII.Ml Hill ItKOOV F.ltKI A07 MIHNIXH HKlllKIt VV OFFICIAI IH IIKMRVKI) WIM. HK I1'X1HIIK1 I ultri" Press Hervlco CHICAGO. July 28. The Intest figures of tho Knstlnnd disaster show that 831 bodies havo boon recovered, 820 of which havo been Identified, with fi07 still missing. It Is believed that at least one higher up official will bo prosecuted. Rintn'a Attorney Hovno predicts that nt least nix manslaughter Indictments will bo roturnod bofore tonight. Tho Investigators nre now working to gether, having agreed on wltneasos, and returned tho Inquest. Tho dredg er has boaun to raise the goat. The city Is In mourning, with flogs at half mast nnd bells tolling. Nearly 600 funerals wore hold today, many of the processions being led by Ico, coal and express vans draped with crepe and used as hcarsos. one nay rack carried twolvo coffins to a Polish cemetery. Thousands gatherod at the cemo- terles. nnd the cravo diggers havo been busy steady since Sunday. Thero are Insufficient ministers and priesin to officiate, To Water tlM Lnwn lira. Levi McDonald cane In this moral.. from Laniell Vallley where the McDonald family la spending tho summer. The principal object or tne trip was to Irrigate the lawn at the McDonald home nt tho top of Hixm street, flaunt Mm Girls to Meet The lrls of the Winema Woholo Camp Pir re requested to meet at tit home of Mrs Harrison, on tho West ilde, Thursday afternoon at 8 'leek. Scene in Warsaw, From Which Russians Are Likely to BelDriven tr2 isHjj9wsnKjsKHSjtfGaT jiaww sK.HAAd&naaaKgssaaBsBBjBBBjsBssjSfi n LSf 12 aassMSs&'faflHtsaaaraassBjflSjflgsBBBBaasjs Hirmnii troop, iictoritlim to illt- putrlKt from Poland, uro about to tiiho Wnrsnw, one of tho greatest cltloK of Kurope, vlilcli tho IUihsIiiiis Results of Yesterday's Special Election VOTi: 11' WAIHKS IM 2nd .till till .1tli Total It! WII.I. W. IIAI.UWI.V !Mi .10 lit .1" SM 20 lit C. II. CIHKI.KIt 14 lUll H7 IKi SI .till II A. J. I.YI.H II J t Hit 1.1 J. II. MAKOX !! l - w atu TOTAIJ4 :.I17' 'Ml IIIH l.Ttl O BRYAN HERE ON TONIuHTS TRAIN WII.I. AltltlVi: FHOM KOfTII AXH .M.IKK THIP TO CIIATHK I.AKF. -lOMOHHOW AI-TER CHANGE IX PLANK SHE I'ELICAX HAY iTho climax of two days' revolutionary ! warfare camo today when tho rebels Former secrolury of state under Tho members of tho city council ,ragged lho boAy of president Oult Pretldent Wllaon. Vllllam Jennings lmvo been troubled during : tho P Ittume from tho Pronch ,egatIon, llrysn, will arrlvo hero tonight on few days, In fact, most of this week, j tho night train from the south, on, by tho frequent nppenranco of ono,'ie'o bo hnd tnken refuge. He was his way to Crater Ijke. Ho will slop Snltzlor, who has been on tho lookout then shot and tho corpso lay In tho at tho Whlto Pelican hotel, and la ex - .. ( s pncteil to leavo in me murnuiK iur mo uuuy iur uiuu mug, (reDois naraaea. Pelican Hay nnd Crator Lake. i Recently tho city authorized the A sudden chnngo In his plans do.(Prchnso of n liorso to mate the one elded this, nud tho word was receive! loft to mourn the loss of a departed I'nltod Press Service i. m,iv hv utnaior Hort Hall of ono. Several nttempts wore ramie by. WASHINGTON, D. C. July 28. tho While Pelican hotel. It Is sup-'tbo council, but too many Angers nl-jThe stnto department announced to poted that ho will meet many old j ways spoiled tho plo until Snltxlerjdny that tho United States cruiser friends or others who may doslro to cno nlong nnd mndo tho trade. He Washington, Admiral Cnperton com uni, htm tonlBbt nt tho liotol. bnd a team which ho gave for tho ro-'mandlng. would rench Port-au-Prince llrynn has bocn visiting tho fairs. nt Sau Diego and Sun Frnnclsco, and Ih on his wny north, returning east. Ho Is In big domrml for spoech mak ing, especially at this time, duo to his ardent support of "pence," In con IIIH Ul Ill-Ill Blll'l.uii . ,.v-, ....... tradlctlon to Roosevelt, at.ltudo of , "U'nr III nnV COM." 'wnr nt any cost Hian Is considered to bu the most urdent supporter of penio in tno ptcsont time. Ills resignation of the secretaryship Is concodod to lmvo boon because, of his belief that ono of Wilson's notos would precipitate this country Into a wivr. It Is thought that ho will spond but ono day nt the lake, going to Medford In time to speak Thursday night in tho publlo squaro thero. Arrives From Medford II. Roland Glnlsyer, county agricul turist, has returned from Medford, whero ho accompanied President Kerr of tho Agricultural College; Addison nennott of tho Orcgonlrvn. and Mr. and Mrs. Myors of Portlnud, Thoy wont from thero to Pcjlcnn Hay, to Crater Lake and to Medford. liimgell Vallley Rancher Here George Doal, the well known Lan gell Valley rancher, Is In the county seat on nusinow. limo been (lofriulliifj JuBprrati.'ly for ......1,1... I. .. a ........, it.t ,.....! ,"' " """ "-'""' "-"-" d:i lit') tliv Crrinnn nrinkvt had gono nH ,.i,r a n)cuteeii iiiIIch. nnd It hh fiild the Hussions were preparing, 7 OIS MAKES TRADE; NOW HE BALKS M.IV TIIAWKS THA.M TO CITY FOIt IIOHMKS AXI) "HOOT" HOHSi: WILL XOT LAY DOWN NIGHTS. HOES XOT WANT HIM I ifor any members of tho city leglsln- 1... .. 1 ... u ... ,t. mmning norso nuu soino ooot. Tho first night ho discovered that the city horso would not lay down nights for his rest. The next morn- Ing bnck ho enme, and demanded s refund in tho shape of his team from ..,- ,l. .- ..l - - ---' . . .. i nights Iss no goot; get no rest; can't work. Take him back. If you don't. I got my team anyway," says the angry Snltsler. Ho was present nt council meeting, Monday night, but by diplomacy Pres-; war between Haiti and San Do lilent Matthews started the meeting lngo Is feared as a result of tho off, nnd after Hint Snltsler had no Haitian rebels storming the Domlnlc chance. ,nn legation, killing General Oscar Hikm'IhI Council Meeting Tonight The members of the city council nro requested by President Matthews to meet nt 0:30 at the city hall to - night, rvs some Important business Is to be trunsactod. Tho appointed offi cers and now mayor, J. B. Mason, aro' niso requested to ue present. Urltlsh Steamer Sunk ' LONDON, July 28. The British steamer Grangewood was submarined Sunday off the Shetland Islands, The crew was landed at leerwkk. It 1,1 believed that the same 'submarine which sunk; the LeeJaaaw sunk 'tilt !.. I J, !", n xtrecl nnd a large building In the city nnd proo It to lie community as uell advanced as ninny other large Kuropenu cities. IS IN PROGRESS IN ISLAND OF HAYTI I'HKSIDKNT IH DRAGGED OUT AXD KILLED IX STREET I IdinrilnK of Ainericaii Troon Seems (Viinln President Guillanse Drag gl From French LegnUon Ex ited France l( Atk for Explana tion Obligatory on Americo to Gh One if Heiiietl ( l' lilted Pi ess Service POTIT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti. July 28. street for threo hours, while mobs of . . a- a ut noon, with too marines ana too bluejackets. It necessary they will lend. Tho cruiser Eagle Is off Cape Haytlen. ..,?.. ,., vl'v .iu...vv WASHINGTON. D Tl.n In.wll.iir nf tlin A C, July 28. T1, Ending of tho American marines "'"' "iJi '" '. t,eemc1 certain hero now. No official ndvlces of tho situation have been re- ol'oa' Doorway, Franco Is expected to demand an explanation of the invasion of the French legation, and it Is deemed .obligatory here that America give It. Of) HAND CONCERT TONIGHT The regular weekly band con- cert will be given In the court e) house park tonight by the Klam- ath Falls Military Band, under ) the leadership of Prof, Howell. to (vncute. This picture shows REVOLUTION SEVENTY-THREE ARE SECURED FOR KLAMATH CLUB ! 1 VKTV-KOt;it MK.V WOIIK KIHST lAV IX CAMJ'AIOX lU-Kulnr roiiimiltco Xo. (t ItriBgs in Mht Memben. Xo OUnks In Re- IMJris ut HendquarterH, ond Work to I'raxrcsN In Future Few Dof Xot Iteport or n1 ubtltutet. Ilolit Work Hack. I The result of the first morning's campaign for memberships for the new Commercial Club resulted In seventj-threo memberships being se cured by the committees out this fore noon, showing that there nro In Klam ath Falls enough people to give this city n tine, strong organization, if I they nro only .asked to become mem- . . .- ners, it is a line snowing tor me cuy, and Is encouraging to the reorganlza-,und .D . ..o-o o .una nt , Hon committee who have given to Hojstr,ndlng plans nnd the needs of the city so lib-' , . erally of their time and services. I Chamberlain plans to return to There were twenty-four committee-' Washington a month ahead of the men out today on the campaign, tbejtime for congress to convene for the men being divided into sub-commit-jpiirposc of. conferring with Garrison tees, each with a district in which to j ir, regard to recommendations to be work. A special committee had jmr.d to congress later, charge of some of the large business! Interests, turning In thirty-five mem-j. bersblps. The regular committee bringing in the largest list of .memberships waa Committee No. 6, consisting of Oscar Peyton chairman. Rt E. Smith .and Chas. W. Eberlein, reporting nine memberships secured. Each of the committees reported having secured some members, no blanks being found iu uiu reiuiiH. I Mnnv nf Ihnan nnnrilnpliArf tnr mam bersblps asked for some further time In which to consider the matter. The matter has been so fully set forth at tho meetings and through the Herald reports tiiat there should no longer bo any misunderstanding of the char-f octcr of the organization, or of the !. 11- la IntAtiflnrl rlntnv 111 if At rha' " " ""- -" -. ,. ".- plans which have been prepared. The committees will be out again tomorrow morning to see others who n.'.t eligible and have not been seen. In fact, It will take several days to complete the canvass of the city. However, none shoultd wait to be called upon, but call at the Commer cial Club and sign a membership blank. Many are not at their places of business when the committees call, so they are missed for the time. It Is the hope of tho committeemen to see nil the ncttve men and give them' n chance to become identified with) the Commercial Club, and assist, in) tho great work of promoting tne in terests of Klamath Falls and the re-l gion round about. COUNTY The chairman of several of the committees were greatly handicapped today by members of the committee, fallllng to report for duty and neg lecting to send a substitute to take their places on the committee. The work was theroby disorganized, and the efficiency of the day's campaign reduced. Tho reorganisation committee wishes It understood that nil those who signed, xards agreeing to assist In tho membership campaign should not fall to report at the Commercial Club for duty at 9:45 o'clock each day of the campaign. In case one cannot give the time during the tore noon ns outlined, he should send a substitute, that all committees may bo filled and all be at work. Failing In this, notice should be sent the sec retary, Fred Fleet, before 9 o'clock of the day he cannot be present. , Tho success In securing the neces sary membership to make of thla the strong organisation which Klamath Falls Is large enough to have, and should nave, depends upon the seal and earnestness and efficiency of this membership committee In presenting the plans and needs and obligations to those who should be members. i n , . i i ' Return From Ashland, Mrs, Mmund Gowen of this city has returned ffrem a week's vWt In Ashland; her former .koese. CHAMBERLAIN TO FAVOR MORE NAVAL EFFICIENCY HfCIOt'HTH 8TAXD1XO AKMV OF ia,O0O MEX Scnntor ChamherUla. Cbalrtnaai of Hio Mesuite Military CotnnlUee. Says He Would Hwpport Any PU for an Increase of Our Military Xnval EWclenry PJarw DhcnaakMi With Swrrtary of War Garrison. (Special to The UeraM) PORTLAND, July 28. Senator Chamberlain, chairman of the senate military committee, made a statement today that be would support any plan to Increase the military and naval elQiloncy of the United States. llo said that he and Secretary Oar- rj.iun itau uiHtuoscu ius iuuuiuu Bur for,. n,ntlrt,m.. nt ih latt onnrroaa ht gugge8teei that we hare a army of 125,000 men. and ftlsn a reserve army. WARSAW FIGHT CONTINUES (ft CERMAXS CLAJMsTO BE CLOSING RAPIDLY AIJOLT PE CITY, HAVING IT TWO-THIRDS StTR- ROUNDED i rUei PreH service BERLIN, July 28. The Oermans nro doslns rapidly about Warsaw. - . ... ana tne cny ls now two-imras sur- rounded. General von Gawite's right wing has reached the Blue River. The Russians checked the Germans both at Asands and Narew, but event ually retired. It is stated that Mar thai von Macftensen's forces are "pro gressing in a satisfactory manner to the southwest of Lublin." KLAMATH PROVES NOT A COLD PLACE REPRESENTATIVE IS SHOWING THAT WE CAN GROW FRUIT AND GARDEN THUCK AS WELL AS OTHER THINGS (Ht-rulU Special Service) P. P. I. EXPOSITION, San Fran cisco, July 28. Klamath county has started out to prove that, while a tre- -' mendous timber, cattle 'and wild game country, it can produce as fine farm and gaTden truck as any of them. Representative Phil SInnott now gloats over a showing of fine lottuce, turnips, rhubarb and kindred garden stuff ns there ls on the fair grounds. ' The inquiry about the Klamath country ls very great, but the average person thinks ofthat taction as being too cold for produeUen of the sort. They are now learning better. If the rest of tke state understood Just kow many are the Inquiries abentthe ea-, slbllltles for hunting game .of any kind, they would emphasise' ike, op- , portunltles In their particular see- ,: tlons. Many people about to ennnge . their locations seem to be as mk; interested UhUMrn4. ieWn M.AW tkeWTe HS maklag a llvlag.an;UM. AIM patter of bagging a deer ur.lmJtSfJ more important than any condition. v A- K1 Ll I n - zi j i dl rsit-'Til A k. r-".(fl 111 - r -v. arr j-1 tie " wi j . . Trji f. '.At rtJ. , ' I