.,;.,-,-. f-rgn-' 8 y i. " ' .iJ. . .a" .tL v v. v. f-avA -'.'.. !&;,: iw&a?'- ; if.. .! Is- : '" -. i - KUMATH FALLS- OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER I.IJ! Year ' B,TIS Jl?5 burning , tfci?Kv?Jr& T . U KLAMATh XOUNTY'S Ut OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .,"' - ? ,V(I "4 -5 KLAMATH FALLS. ORflOON, MONDAY, JULY 26, 1915 IJl B ir. 1 ,1 ..r . . ii 4 f. i. hast Ni:ximi:n and TW.XTV KNOWN DEAD TO DATE tbl WT l I'U IUMMllilllly l t Take .ThouMnri of IKiMnrN Ik dm DoMirtl fur Survivor Work t( Raking HhII HrgNn Many BmHm JamuwM In Ballroom M. iwrrw (Vlllag mMt Floor. Eastland Figures Still Climbing; Four Hundred Fifty-six Missing MEN AND WOMEN Iff, STOPPING WORK IN FACTORY Great Inventor Greeting 9 Secretary of Navy Daniels i I'nlu! I'm rirrvlc CIIICAflO, July 2S. TUt. latest !v- siurvs on we nnimon niramer r-i-P nd dluiter, which occurred her t ': Saturday mornluc. when the boat I i7lMA4l AVM .. l. .! ftkjt ' ... .. ...- ... u. -u win ui iiir .umi mwr, sntfw that there are MO known dead. & ' It dImIbi and 1,304 saved. .Tee ticket Mid for the excursion suaktred J.40, and there ware 71 rwmbeniof ihscrew. The divers aad rif J ""'i a .1.1 . !. .... .. if i.m.n KIM miK UTnr inp HUH IIKTV v ilartfd raUInc II. under which II la Ukn4 Ihcre are 400 bodlea. The flrt ilfp to n the reaponalall ;,. Ily wu taken ihla aitcraoon, when '.Ckarlea Wcttcotl, federal auperrlaln ; laaaector, twtlded before the county I triad Jury. Tbo police, coroaer. fed tral dlatrlct attorney and auyor are raadactlog icparato laveallgatloaa. Tba Red Crota Society la dlatrlbut- a tioo.000 in fuada aad the Watt m RkKtrlc company, of which the tmruonuta on their aaaual alealc vtreeaiployra, haa contributed iee. MMor the aurrlrora. A aaaaiMoth - Maeit performance la to be gtfta oa Wy aliht for the aurrlTlat rmbi- wra of famlllea. Much dUtreaa In . taa faaiiie, ot tho victim to feared. Tba plant of the Weetera Blaetrte ywr at Cicero aad Hawtberae . !!!?u nti tnl ornla, the WtetDlalnlna; that they thua hoped to Ubalate and aocure the aaaea of "" yet mlMlni and ualdeaUled. r. ",n nJ women wept aa they wrked, occaalonally a atorm of weep. - woqia onrat out over the entire ww, slopping tho work. The plana .Ot coapaoy to care for the afllct f Md turt Ivora, wlvea without hue- i "He, and chlldrenswlthout nareate, 2" m maennlto. Peaeloaa will ."JWMr be granted thee Ineapaet. wH tot work. J! 1-,ver hve loeatad away .JJ"1 o atom of the ship jam "Htween the ballroom loor and 'aTZ..1 ,lht MUtly ttM tS fl?r" Mo niwrlng theaa. kJ .'. ct I,rl WM ' 'ICkerothla afternoon. IPreM Service VHlfllnn ... .. -w bodlaa have been recovered hy iiZL ?b0!r rPrt t Merea are talalalalalalalalalalalalHaSi LimnmnmnmnmnmnmnVVBimnmnmnmmntBimnm aalftnlftnlftnlftnlftnlftnlftnlftnlftnHIPli P atttttttttttttttttttll!rM:!Ma4Vli "1 iataalalalalalalalalalVJI WWetB BmaBBBHaamaBBBBBBBBNrali -W ? v "S fBBfefeS namanS? - ' I ' ll'. iP-P' ' BBBBBBBBBaLBlBBBBBBBBBBBBBi 'SFJT L 4 3LH tf tBaBaHnaBBaf HaaayflLlK. - , m W$Ml3!i3SSE$ ,iaaaaaW Ev ji Tl' jaaaaaaat ''X'V 'M eBBBBBBBV .i- is BkaaVBBl: ' '' f GERMAN EDITORS MEMO! LATEST NOTE I'KOI'Mi APTIIOVK KDlTORIAUt THAT CKNBimK - American Vessel Is Torpedoed, But Crew Was Taken Off and Surpriae la Mewa That Aaaerlca Haa Not OmapeO German ViewBefnt, H I Maya Hpecial Comaiioalent Acker- nwn DkMfpolBtPil at WoitUng. Generally Bellered that XegotU ' expected to take part la formulating tho pollclea and directing the eaer kIch of the organization. No man or group of men may aide-track the or ganisation or divert lta energiee from tho linos aelected by the majority of the member. Labor Man for Peace 1 tlona Will atinue. MAYOR TO BE TUESDAY CHOSEN II) CAftL ACKERMAN AT WORK WILL BE DONE TO- (niaii i-oreeapnacm unuea frea i night and tomorrow vot i:rh will be allowed to cart vote at polls UKItLIN, July 20. The people Iicro nro approving printed editorials which condemn tho American note. J They are ahowing aurprlao that America haa not graaped the German' 'viewpoint, and nro dlaappolnted at Tho candidates for the mayoralty tho wording o the note. . (0mco wilt finish up their, work to- ' In aome plaees Indignation la being .night and tomorrow the special gen 'nhown, but Hfls gonerally belJerad I oral election for the fulflllmcnt of the that negotiations will continue. office of mayor mado vacant by tbo l ' , resignation of ex-Mayor Nicholas over a month ago. The candidate in tho running ato Will Baldwin, C. B. Crla ler, A. 3. !,y!e and J. B. Mason. Tho campaign baa become warmer during the past several days, and no opportunities have been lost by the candidates In promoting their causes. All the candidates are standing for business and economical platforms, while some are promising certain re forms and others other reforms aad Improvement. , The polls open at 9 o'clock a. m. at the designated polling places in tho various wards, and will continue open until 8 o'clock at night, accord. Ing to Police Judge Letorltt, In order to vote one must have been a resident of the state six months, and In the ward in which he votes sixty days. The last date for registration was April 15th, but a voter may be sworn in on the word of six freeholders. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, July . Officiate here:are not encouraged over tho press reports of the unfavorable ncfpllou In' Germany of America's note. The White House is being del iixcd with notes and letters of ap proval of the president's action and plktform. , ' BmBBBBBBBBBrBBBBBBsl aBBBWaBBV'. ''BBBBBH sseeeeeewvmnmnmiK, 'eeeeeeeeeeesl m Sneeeneeeeesmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees BELIEVED THAT THE LAWS WERE PE0PLE1SKED TO STUDY PLAN THOMAH A. EDISON Joaephua Daniels, the socretary ot the navy, made a (lying trip to Or ange, N. J., tho other night to talk with Thomaa A. Kdlsou at his homo on tlte proposed Nnval Advisory Board, and tho two wore photo graphed together. Mr. Edison will head the new board. "Mr. Kdlaon thought," uald tho aecrotary, "that the plan offered possibilities of getting tho foremost engineers of tbo country to aid us. He Is Impressed with tho Idea that methods of warfare are undergoing radical changes; that what has been ay not be In the future, It Is bis JOSKPHUS DANIELS Men that tho board should bo purely advUory, and that navy officers skill ed by practice In their work should eontlntiv development of Ideas, et tltiR f no board's ulvlco where II could aid them. Mr Edison thought thnt t sorvo on this bonrd would be regaiiiod as crown' n l-onor for m American engineer; I in equal of dce oi.ttions given by foreign govern ments for scientific niincvomouts. ' Mr. Daniels believed there, would bo llttlo difficulty gottlog appropria tion, from congreu fir the work Sovornl Senators .and Representatives ho mid, already w upprovej) the plan NEW COMMERCIAL CLUB BASED ON BUSINESS METHODS TO BE. CURE EFFICIENCY, ECONOMY AND DEFINITE RESULTS Representative Frank BnrMa Frank Buchanan, representative in congress from Illinois and former president ot the International, Asso ciation of Bridge and Structural Iran Workers, has taken the lead la labor circles to end the war in Europe. That Is, be haV cdaahifled with WBlmaa 3. Bryan, to .create sentiment among labor union men throughbnt the coun try to bring pressure to bear on Pres ident Wilson to offer his servlcea as a peace maker to the, warring nations. It was Mr. Buchanan who arranged the labor meeting In Carnegie Hall, New York, at which Mr. Bryan spoke. He also planned the meeting of fifty labor representatives jto be led before the president by Mr. Bryan. i complmihI HL'AMARINK DSCLAMCD FLAX WAS CON-TKABANaV ' i Shin Owned, fa New Yersc aad Wm ..-a Flytnc iAaaerleaa ' Flag OerniiTed Yesterday Mnrnang Mt.awrligiit, - w Ordered Into Beats aad msla Was Torpedoed --Ta Net BsslsTsd MM ' CSftHM Cfiito. United Prew 8ervic ; t. i NEW YORK, July . A ref3t was received here tedar-'that-tiM Amerlcam steamer' Xeetaaaw, ,;from " Saa Fraadeeo, was torpedoed "byf a, submariae off tbo nisi 'irf "aTngmiil ' The-, boat 'is owaed by tho Harby "', Steamship ebmpaay of NYerlb-aaid was under Aaaerieaa reawtry.: UfMrd has Captain Lyera Bated aasagtala. aad last report was that :aW; was :n route to Belfast wXh a sargo :oC,aax. The Harby eomaaay; a waors.'.,'aV ttJ&t'Be&msm3!&i' I'awa.''''''-;-. ., fill . .! "H 3 .3? .l i. i v i 'Cll Ameries.iig wbeai i i.T' '" ' (heir atatarnam. Wi.,.2. VRftS. H,r..d,r4" " removlag tVuu ::"" "O'cu imarlSMed Iftv la .." HI.MIU. ---t -. I. Pj room. - F,v 1-. . " erruama wgaaaaaagaaal. J J Mrs. Nate OMafMta re- W.XZZnmM ?w i Cltaa.:"v" "W.fiinai may m&zzx s ta nUM aXlTaa) u sawamaig we they visited frleads. &J I- .,:'. ii'', rsT-iTT "ffww mm.. COMES FROM PARIS TO MARRY WOMAN TRAVELS ALL THE WAY FROM HOME IN FRANCE TO WED KLAMATH COUNTY MAN , filKTHR MAY FOLLOW HER Traveling all the way from her homo in Paris, France, to marry the man of her choice, the vows consum mated yesterday morning at 6 o'clock at aWred Heart shurch ot this city when Rev. Wm. McMillan soUmnlHd tho marrlats csremoiy of Augusta Loon Andrteu of Klamath eounty ana Mile; Maria Clara Ores ot.Paria. . Mil, area arrived In the city oa Thursday night ot last week, aad stopped at the Hotel Hall. In wu uaaMe1 to sasak KaglUh, aad some dlmealtr was easesatarad la iadlag an Interpreter In tho city to supply her wants and direct her. At last she made It known that she had come to meot and marry Auguste Andrleu, who rosldes on ranch a few miles south of this city, He was notified and came to the city Immediately, making arrange- roonta for tho ceremony performed yettordny morning. After several at tempts to find an Interpreter H. flolvln of this city was seoured. Wm. Motschenbaohor of this city signed tho marriage llosase. It Is stated that Mile. Ores has a slater in France who Is waiting for her verdict on this country, and Inci dentally on another young man ot tho county with whom she has been In communication, before starting on her long Journey here. Rebeknhs Practice Tonight Officers and members of Prosperity Robekah Lodge will meet tonight at 8 o'clook at the, hall for praotles, Work at moating Thursday night, Work oa Warrenton'a new flMr 000 gravity water system haa eomjof organise tloal vary meaeed. that mrr 'member' A fow days ago a letter was mailed by Dr. E. D. Johnson, president of the Commercial Club, to a large aura bor of tbo cltliens whom the commit tee thought might be interested In the re-organlsatlon ot the elnb, a ahort atatoment ot the form of. organisation which la being worked out, and the method of Its operation. The com mittee lV very desirous that every one receiving that letter aad the atate ments o'jout the new organisation make a earof ul study of the plana. One of the reasons why careful study ot the plans Is asked Is that It Is necessary that aome thoughtful consideration bo given them if they aro to be understood, and the com mlttee wants them nnderatood in or der that their value as a working basis for tho local organisation may be scon. Only by this means may one rocognlte what a long aad Important atep In advance la being made in sub stituting tho new form of organisa tion for that heretofore followed here and In most commercial bodies. Those who have been active In formulating the new torm of organ Isatlon bellove that every one atudy- Ing the plans, and that more particu larly those who aro familiar with the methods of livrge buslaeaa concerns, and of their manner of co-ordinating their forces, will see la them a com prohenslve, workable; plan for secur ing efficiency aad for attaining In an economical and definite manner the things which It la expected will be undertaken. . Aa this la to be Us basis upon which the cltleens of Klamath Fails are to stand together for the better ment of conditions la this region, and thereby enhance their taterests la this city aad county, an understand ing of the methods by everroae mast necessarily be helpful to everyoae. It forms the platform asoa waleh U Is hoped 'that all mayj ataad anltedly tor 'tns eommoa, good of tie Muuatty. ' It .will be seen on UrestlgatHta ot the plaas as osrls4d tha ta form YREKA IS NEXT COUNTY EXHIBIT BASEBALL STOP LOCAL BOYS STRENGTHENING UP FOR GAME IN CALIFORNIA CITY NEXT SUNDAY MAN! ALREADY PLAN TO GO ' : vary, demoeratle, jr, Yreka, the city noted tor its good baseball teams, is the next stop for the Ewauna Box Factory baseball team ot this city, and the local boys nro not losing any opportunities to sond as strong or a stronger aggrega tion to that place than Journeyed to Medford a week ago Sunday. IS BEST EVER p. B. CAMPBELL SAYS KLAMATH EXHIBIT IS GOOD AND WELL ARRANGED HE RECOMMENDS BINNOTT AS MAN FOR THE JOB D. B. Campbell returned Saturday evening from a visit to the San Fran cisco exposition. This ts the secoad visit Mr. Campbell has. made to tho fair, having spent week In Saa Francisco early In the season. I. wasn't ashamed to tell the peo- LONDON, Jaly If.r-Kteata re ports that the Ielaaaw was; torpe doed off, the northwest eoeste toot- land and the crew "was take to Kirkwall. Captain DeUc (correct aagsa) was la charge, with many' AaMrteaas aa board. The anbmarlao ate ed the vessel, declared her eargo of flax contraband, ordered the crow late the boats, after which the vessel .was tor pedoed. ' " The iadlcattoas are that the later- national law resalreaMats ware Plied with la regard toyWt search, aad that Uo taeWoat wffl jet cause a .crisis betweea Amsrlea aad Cemaar. iJ'' "1f WASHTNOTON; D. C, JaW $$- Secretary Laastng aaaoaaeed that the Ieelanaw incident is similar to the Frye case. The American eeasal at Dundee has coaBrmed the istaUag. -; wasaiagtoa waa asteuaaed at the first news of the siaklag, a aeaslmis tic feeling towards the tatare s Vailing. Later advices that tao saa- marine gave the erew ample tlmo to get off relieved the M Tho Ewauna's are claiming the pio I waa from Klamath county oa championship title ot Southern Ore. this trip." said Mr. Campbell today. gon and Northern California, and no, "I waa proud ot the Improvement stones aro being left unturned to be that haa been made In the Klamath ai re that their hopes aro not dashed I exhibit. While the exhibit is not on the rocks df defeat tensive, the. products are all good and Since the reorganisation ot the well arranged. team, the Medford game waa prao-' ., iMOtt OB lhm ,v -TM tlcally the first real test of tho mettle mint ,i ,, k.i. .a . At., v j .- .t. .. I - "- -, m u iub nuys, Mia to say iubv ii rang tiue Is simply supplementing the score, four to nothing. The Indications are that a large crowd of supporters will be on hand to see the "home boys" win. aa the trip to Yreka Is considered a much easier drive, owing to the condition of the roads, than the Medford trip. Following this game at Yreka, Klam ath Falls wllf have the opporUalty of witnessing a strlag ot games with ths best teams la these perts. iadadias Weed, Medford aad Yreka, wHa a probable chance of seeing Stssea aad some ofthe others. -, A law prohlWtksg walkiag aad tres- passlag oa railroad bright t way jla Orcgoa would be' along c the Has of "safety trst" aid weald aaW haa dredsaf lives of taoaghUess peoalo aad' woald sot take, aaow commla stoa te'eaforee It v J -" crowd around the Klamath booth, whereas, on my first visit, .It took a detective to evea gad the exhibit from this county. Visitors are tar too busy to read about a. country la booklets, but they will apead hoars talking aad ftsklag cueetlons. KUm ath county.eonld 'not have picked a better maataaa.SIaaott to latorsst prospective settlers. Ho, act oaly works oirertime himself; bat he got tho rsat of c. boosting for Klamath." 'fc '".W.' Ai Aylesworth arrlred SaaaaV evealag from Saa Jess, Calif,, te)' ao cent 'a position) as Maerlateadoat al the .Klamath Falla Steam Lasadry. Mr. -Aylesworth was lormerly maa afstii the St, James Uuadry ot Saa Joseaad is woU versed la the haad Ug of all deaartmeaU of tao mod. croi(laisaira '4"W7"'VV' '"', i-'t SETTLERS ARE BILKED, SAYS LEE 2'. & . a J)i Tl vTn -f -i : sM r . v A large number. of homesteaVUra la the nerthera part at tao mitr have heeahUked by reel estato deal ers who; have located thorn oa gov- -ernmeat land la that seetlea wamh Is worthless for agrieuHaral . aarfcses. statea Assessor J. 'P.",Lee,''wao',aasl, Juat returned from a trip to that aori' tlon ot the county'. ' "These people woro loeatad oa this land for about !, apleee," atatol, , Capuu iee, "aad aro now ap asmlaot . It. Thay are uaabU U get water, aad find taat.tao.laad. a.samiee renaa-' :., s worthleea. The attRado ta ? ,1MU.VI- ..-.- .. .- i.v .- '.' "' .' mtmmm ,f- .. .laaanwi Falls, aad What Utile aralnamdTno ..-.- .i . ,. ' - " TJT-- :7 T . .-- X fi.-S UNos ',wro. alaated hawa - 'UmJr$3 burned out by frosts, a4 dtoagat ;.fe :Mi JttuirMwmtiMZjmm;wmm$0& "' ownaja-wf j aamwam.-avgwfWBamsa) .' maaaaayms aaaaar , , tpiese.pejrajtih4upd cash law " taolrv leeammjs. , Taor have ao Mas ody aaddo;;,aot tevayamy :.raasmaB,; Taors aaiaaeacal'.larsOi.Bspasat Hi that sttloa. bat they the groaad, aad aro SoToral attcoajca kaw V : ., s. y -.. M -v K warns' hvhaaauei. ". "li.'WP ,S IF tUmmmTi LhmtmlBBgp areprcmlmWr l l t.jr.'-K