' ' '"A i V"? 4 J. j., f 3h iEuruhtn i ? fr 8-f ' tu V & -a a - 4 -f' 4$ 4faatf KLAMATH FALL!' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ,. KLAMATH COUNTV1 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER !' l ' tf ,jt KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON. SATURDAY, JULY 24, 1915 i urn M ... i- ....-, liii.i.iii.,,.,---. " NM Year No, aTi. Br tit 7 t t -r STCAMER IV 4 ESTIMATED ONE THOUSAND DROWN AT CHICAGO PIER ? BOTTOM AND SIS ARE CUT TO FREE PASSENGERS CimiX OK BOAT IN MOBBED WHKX ARRESTED Ohm of lloai Tarawa: Over la River thsrtJy After iMraf Pier Not ttrtela Hlame Placed est Cmnk H'osara aad Cfclldrea Tramplsd Ire llaadml Known later Estimated 1,0 AU Employer Wester Ktectrk Csaspsay Riot FoUews Ha Warehouse Tara4 lato Monptca '"sited Press Service CHICAGO. Julr 34. The ateamer Eaitland carrying 2,000 excursloa itlsand bound (or Michigan city, sud 4ml; turned turtle la tit river hero n JO foci of water, shortly after IdTlot the Clark street pier at o'clock thli morning. Th coroner estimated thU after woe that at taut Ave huadred are H4 and tho Indlcatloaa ar tbat er 1,000 perished. The excursion ists wire all employees of tka West ern Electric company accompaaled ay, (Mr wire, famine and sweethearts ho were off for a day's vscatloa aad Murtlon. cores are believed to have bean crushed Into the bottom of tka river r the weight of the boat wkea aba juratd oyer. Hours after the acd wt many were atlll Imprisoned la maroon on tho lower deeki, their being audible oa tko desks "C the water froat. The oMelals ffwred that the bottom aad aldaa of Boat ho cut open to free the Ira- mwBoa pattongori. An hour after- we the water wai thick with Soat wt bodies. Many of tii aa . .i. tS? v e w Theodora Reose K where an ImproTleed morgue ttUbliihed. Capuin Pcderson aad First Mate i ir?? wcro " aad stated bo cauto of the aeeldeat waa ua wln. captain Pederaoa aald:the ..'.' broke- '" 1 taa wat " Otheri blame tka .a H thtt tb0 cw' of the people - wo ran on oae ell eaaeed the . rr,B tho boat. A panta fol- ''ra2r,r.Pn,BOII,tor ' th My wm keetT jVh ,om' Aw J f the rlrer, prlyate keate aad Ji jner or Tehlelea war ealled -J MtteB. Maay kerele raanaa -eri en Uke Krte, it 0,. Pre- a-T S? T'itd oa Ue faet af owk awmatav . . - , - Mte Pafaraaa aad Mate KUcher wvre taken to jail ac companM by SO pollwmcu. Men In the crowd ilarted a riot, two atrlklng PHtereon. It being neceiuary for the police to club (hem off before they would dhiperec. It wna nn hour before tho rettcrveii who were called mil were able to preaervo onlor. line netting, paaaengcr on tho boat, fttatfa Hint the panic aboard tho ateamer wna Indfacrlbnblo, "Women carrying liable wero beaten and trampled," naya Qettlug. "Men and women were ncreamlng ami tearing at each other like act many nnlmala, women having their clothing torn off by men trying to reach tho ralla or porthole In their efforta to eicape. Terrible flghta took place about tho atancklona where men nnd women were Reeking to get hold to keep their beada above water." Beveral plate wero removed from the aldea of the boat whom helper removed the corpaae fait aa they could enter. The big Reld-Murdock uarehouae aaleerooma have been turned over Into a temporary morgue where the bodlea are piled along the men ni mo tona roam wnoro rom-j tlvea and frlenda are permitted to paaa to Identify thorn. Three drtwlgera and alx dtvora aro working on tho ahlp getting out tho bodice a faat aa poaalble. One of the vlctlma waafound half a mile nwny from the piaco in a dated condition with Jagged wounda In hla head. Plfty priest were ruah ed to the bank of the river nnd alated In administering to tho wound ed and last rites. ltrt Katlmatrw I BOO to IKOO Dead United Press Service CHICAGO. July 24. After tour ing the morgues, Chief of Pollco Schuottler aald this afternoon, "there Is ao doubt In my mind but that the dead lis) will reach 1500, possibly JUtOn," Dr. Thomas Carter, of the board of health, believes that at least 1800 perllshed. General Manaajnr Greenbauni of the Indiana Transportation company estimates that there woro 2500 people aboard the boat. There aro 3S0 iload In tho Held Murdock morgue alono. Bodies nre still bolng recovered from the submerged boat, aovon dead chil dren bolng found In one corner. Two of tho Eastland engineers aro being held as witnesses and two Fed oral expert have boenn asalgnod to the ease for an Investigation. MOORE FUNERAL HELD YESTERDAY PORTLAND, Ore., July 24. Fun eral services for Charles Sumner Moore, of Klematu Falls, who dlod la Portland Tuesday morning, wero held yesterday morning at 10 o'clock from the home of Mrs. J. N. Toal, 179 St. Clair street, with the Rev. A. A. Morrison oflolattag. From Mrs. Teal's home the body was taken to Oregon Otty for Interment, where the services ware held under the direc tion of he lodge of Masons. Besides Mrs, Moore, Mr, Mooro leave two sons, John M, and Charles I, Meere; his mother, Mrs. h, o, Moere: brother, Rwfus Moore, and two slaters, Dr. Henrietta Moore, of Moscow, Idaho, and Mum Bertha Moore, of Klamath Falls, Ore, Mr, Mooro waa formerly state treasurer and' waa promlaaat la tho devalop meat of tho Klamath Lake district. CAPSIZES; 1,-UUUT.T . i.,.. . y, , WWWWMOWWWawni DISASTER CASTS SORROW AT FAIR II.M.VOIH DAY AT HAN FRANCISCO I'Allt SORROWING OVER ACCI-' lUI.NT AT CHIOAFO MAYOR THOMPSON- TO RETURN I'nlii.l I'reM .Service ' 8AN FUA.N-CI8CO. July Zt. Tne! new of tho disaster to the Eastland In the river at Chicago cast a damper over tho Illinois day celebration at ihu exposition today. Thousands of, llllnolslnna arn sorrowing. Mayor Thompson of Chicago baa' cancelled nil engagement and an-1 iioiincoi that ho would return to Chl-j raito this afternoon. Doth Mayor' Thompson nnd Governor Dunne ulnul tholr sympathies to Chicago. OKLAHOMA Oil MEN ARE HERE MAKK IX)NO 2000 MILK AUTO TRIP IN 14 DAYS ON REPAIR AND OAH MM. OK B7.-.MAYlcconon)y not ,n haVmony with the be-! MtnATF here tion. The professor had been warned N,rom time ago that he would get Into ,. . , J .... T!'troublo with hla writings, but he When G. It. Jackson and "Doc"). , . v ,, ,. -,..- ., , , . . ... .. . . I chose to go on. Now It is cnargea Fnhlo of Tulsa, Oklahoma, rolled In-1,,.., ,. " . wlwl tnnlr fhl. Mtlon to Klamath Kails, Oregon, Friday af-' ternoon In their Ford car they com pleted ono of tho most remarkable ntito trips over performed. They loft the famous oil town of Dlghoart.j Okla., July C. and In Just fourteen ( days running tlmo with four daya of. Inyovcm they completed tho long 2S00 rollo run. ' They came through Kansas vla"''"'! P"8 Service Wlnneld, Wellington, Wichita, Lar nod nnd Hutchison then to Colorado 8prlnga and on up to Cheyenne. Wyo thence west to Ogdon, down to Wluncmucca and Into Oregon via Denlo and Lnkevlow to Klaamth Fnlls, Dut here la the remarkable part of this car's performance the total ropatr bill for the entire trip was Just f 1.0R, and the total gaa and oil bill 126.00 and It ranged In prlco from Oc In Oklahoma to 65c at some of tho Interior mountnln points. Tho car Is oqulppod with Lee Punc ture, Proof Tires which wero placed on over ono year ago and the front ones never taken off, aro atlll carry ing the original air and look good enough to carry them back home by war of Snu Francisco. Jackson es timates that they bavo mado 10,000 miles. Messrs. Jsxkson and Fable aro oil men of long experience In Oklahoma fields aa well as West Vir ginia and while stating tbat they are only making a pleasuro trip and look' over the country, tbelr arrival Just aa tho woll In Poe Valley Is nearlng Interesting developments may mean big doings In tba Klamath country. Tho gentlemen were being shown nround town yesterday by Postmaster DoUell who always baa a latch string out for Oklanomaai. Iwllan Stabs Another. Dr. II. H. Hamilton left this after noon for Old Fort Klamath where he Is called to operate on Eugene Isaacs, Klamath Indian. A report was brought to the city last sight of the stabbing of Isaacs by Joe Brows, an other Indian, They were haviag trouble over a fence on their plaeea. Isaacs was severely stabbed aboat the stomach and Is la a dangsrous oondltloB. y Carload of Overieada Arrive, A carload of 1916 Overlaads ar rived last Bight aad woro uale4ed today by tho local agent, Will Loo. Tho shipment Is direct from the fac tory and aro bow mi's, model M. lWMwWWw.v ..WWMW I Professor Dimmed From Pennsylvania Vrk JfKMA'fr AseUUnt Profcswor Scott Neartag Tho trustees of tbo Pennsylvania University have created a sensation by the removal of Assistant Professor iNcarlng, of the Wharton Sehool of ' Finance. This baa been done because he preached doetrlaea of political Kefs of those who control the Institu woro supporters of the regime of boss es who havo attempted more or less to control Pennsylvania politics. BULLETINS BERLIN, July 24. The German attacks on Warsaw continue. The Russian line la holding. DAYONNE, July 24, The situa tion here is tense. Sheriff Klnkead says he has reached the limit of his resources. LONDON, July 24. A Newa agency hero has received a dispatch from Milan which states that the Italians havo captured Gorltia. WASHINGTON, July 24. The in-ter-atate commerce commission baa authorized tho Southern aad Central Pacific railroads to continue operat ing their Sacramento transportation lines. HARTFORD, Conn., July 24 President Wilson slept eleven hours last night, being exhausted. Ho ap peared careworn this morning but expressed gratification at the unan imity of tho editorial support. Return From Crater Lake. Mr. and Mrs. F. U. Patrick, Miss Elsinore Steinman, Miss lone Steln man and Harry Shepherd, who is vis iting here, roturnsd last Bight from a trip to Crater Lake. e HAVE YOU 8BCURED TICKETS FOR BIG. FRKDT i- 4 The Commercial Club re- e porta a good sale of tickets for e) the citizens' dlaaer. .You should not miss It, aa the White Pell- can will provide' a very f bo banquet; there will bo some e) Interesting addrsasoa aad food t must. Oet your Ueket early Monday, as tho hotel meet kaow e) how many will attend." ' e e rgaaJBBBBBBBBBBBB i ib crV jk, ,,,-, BBB&t-n' L " IVaBBBBBBWM 4 PV4( r A "'fafafafafA I aaaaaaaaaV h ' amH U mBBBBBBBBBBaVVSl taBBBml 1 y LbbbbbbbbbbbbVV . 'JaBBBBail I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBm '-'1 mBBBBBBBBBBBBaaV ' mBBBBBfl m HUNDREDS DIE MrWWWWwWWwwwWMWWj OPINIONS ON NOTE OIEFER 1IEL1EVED UliTDIATVM IN SPIRIT BUT NOT IN FORM BXUEVRD SITUATION NOW UP TO GER MANY I Unite; Press Service WASHINGTON, July 21. Accord ' Ing to general oplalon In high circles jhere the American Bote to Geneaay ,la believed to be aa ultimatum la 4 spirit though not In form. Opiatoa differs aa to what Germany will do, some thinking tbat she will concili ate. Others do not care whether America show a hostile attitude or not ir Is generally believed that It la now up to Germany to choose the path for future negotiation. PAVIN6 MONEY TO BE COLLECTED STEPS ARE TO BE TAKEN SOON TO COLLECT MONEY DUE FOR MAIN BTRRBT PAVING CITY ATTORNEY WORKING ON MAT TER Drastic proceedings are to be tak en In the near future by the city to collect about TS.000 which la dee on .delinquent assessments on Main street paving. ' Attorney J. S. Kent aDDeared.be 'fore the city council Monday night and requested that the city make some effort to collect the money doe. Ho represented the Warren Construc tion company. He cited instances where certain of the delinquents will pay when they are compelled to aad are simply holdtag off on the city aa long as possible. Kent and Groesbeck have conferred on the matter and Mr. Groesbeck states that there seems to be otaing to prohibit collection of the money This money goes into-ai fund for the benefit of the bond holders. The bond holders are supposed to look first to tho property owners for thslr money I and then to the city if they are un- umo iu coiieci. Aiioruey uroesoeca states that ho believes title difficulty will be had in securing the money but Immediate steps will be, taken to get it, and if drastic action Is necas- sarr it will be taken. This applies according to Kent toPP01" th DMt We those delinquent who did aot take ad vantage of the 10 year Installment plan, for paying up and whose meats are now dsllaqueat. Kidnapper la Arrested. United Press Service v IDAHO FALLS , July 24. Lon Dean, a sheep herder, was brought here this morning for the kidnapping of Ernest Empey, rich cattleman, who was held for 16,000 ransom. Dean said he needed funds aad "thought this easiest way to get them. Wanted to start la business." Empey said hla captor chained 'klm to a tree nights. Feeling hero to high agaiaat Does. A. T. Hawes, 0. 1. Nicholson aad F. T. Hortoa of Marshleld aro ia, the city for a few daya seeiag the eoB try, .They drove over la a maeatee aad report a iao trlp.aad aro aettwed wttk this eoaatry. Mr, Mortem k. a arotker-ta-law of I, C, KlmaaR ef ami W. O. smith Prlatlag Co. of thle Jty They oBfoot of rwala orer fwaaar.' 1 ' u ' , MarlOB eoaaty la laytaf about Ui 06 yerde of hard sajrlaoo patssismt, VALUE OF PLURAL MEMBERSHIPS IN COMMERCE BODY GREATER INTERSflT AMD POTEN TIAL TORCES INtVRRD By Taking a Naasaer Ufa Those WHJi Larg la the Coeasty are Faahled to Have Refweeaatatiesi ia, aad Ohm Active Service to Several Tire the! G e new form or organisation oi Greater Commercial Club pro vides for plural memberships by which means a firm, corporation, or individual may take more than oae membership In the organisation. Thai will enable each to secure represent ation In direct ratio of iaveetmeat. It means lnncreased ealeJeacy ia the orgaalsatloB. The measure of ralae to man who become members aad aetire pertkt pants la orgaalaatloaa that promote civic growth and commercial expan sion Is la proportion to their lareat- meat Mob aswtaclaraa heMJsaw ieJfeo.seyJareaa tea formed .at the business mtereets aro moat steeply concerned In tbo develepmeaat'of tho community,' aad' should naturally re gard a properly organised Commer cial Club as the best means of se curing for them the beat results ia the way of civic activity. If the manufacturer, whose sided interests are bound to briag him Into n wide and varied field of activities. Is the holder of but oae membershp In an organisation of this kind, his views In Its operation, aad hla share la Its adminlstratioa, are very limited. Likewise his inTeet- ment is too limited to carry with It his personal Interest If, however, through plural memberships he la able to distribute among hla associ ates a number of these memberships, giving him a number of representa tives, he ia enabled to participate, through these units, ia the various departments of the organisation and to safeguard his interests In many directions. It may be that his firm finds par ticular value In publicity for hla bus iness and for the city. It so, one of his representatives becomes aflllated with the department or bureau In which such matters are handled. Possibly most benefit could be de rived from aiding In the manufac ture bureau. If so, with plural memberships at his disposal, he can for these lateresta to urge activity la this department. - So with trac problems, freight aad traBsportatloa, aad so oa. Rep resentation con be had for work la each of the departmeata of the or ganisation's activities, to aid la pro moting the geaeral welfare of the commercial body aa well aa the special interest la hla coacera. -., In fact, coaslderatlOB ahowa that the greatest field of usefulness eta bo found In a commercial' oriaalaa- tlon embraclag varioua deaartmeats and deallag with all questions of conunereialand civic advancement, wnen proTiate m made for plural membershtpa aad tall advaatag of such Is Ukea by taooo kaTiaff targa) intereetav Therbecoau-puUculesiy Talaabw to.aotk tho eommualty aad to.thooo awktag use of them, when their ea Ivltles are farthered by have some ieCalto ancle oesttn view by so detag.' This, does aot; rob the ladlvidual of say atreacih, bat.:ea tka trary, aeaoelatea with aim ta tko vo NMdepartmeate of tho oraaalaa M0B,reaaerU wko have Uteroataat esf aWB'WS'elW B vBW m of tko iiamain tkor repee-lm. WILSON WILL MAP OUT A NEW DEFENSE wax WORK OUT United Press Serrlea f) WASHINGTON, Jaly 24. It waa announced at the White Hems today thatPrestdeat WBsoa, oa hla return from hla YaeaUon at Cora laky wttt map out a "fair, n'tsiBahls aai praepeaT program ef vBeasafal,'' do feise'Jl for the eoatry. "f? TheBiaa Is to ao based o eaces which wlllbe hew wttk taries of war aad navy Oawlaoav aaA Dsaleia. probably with the alrlee of nweator saw sssiaW or too aasm fcrt be apfotated. ,'l The'aaaoaaeemeat la regarded aa slgaiieant, ateaalag saaea to eoaatry. ORCHESTRA WILL PLAY MONDAY SIX PIECE PROFBfiSOR" aWtaU WIIX FUKOSal .I4TSKJ ORATH OK 7 MONDAY NKatT ' Through the kladaes of Mr. J. B. Hubbard, the Peerless oreheetrtt aa der the leadership of Prof. HowolL has agreed to furnish muoto gratia for the bis dinner at the WkRo Peli can on Monday night. The orchestra will ber composed of alx pisses aad. during tho eveatag will reader 'sev eral popular selection. ' The members of tko, orchestra aro Miss Florence Clark, vtoUa, who dees solo work aad ia 'a reseat arrival here. She made her first appsaraass at the 8tar theatre measly aai waa wellrecelvd. The other members aro Professor Howell, ptaao, Harry Boo el.'vlollB.'R. A. MtteheU, starnot, J. B. Hubbard, comets aad 'A,r'L Wlsbard. drama. , " r, Leave For Oehlsad, v "' Martta Golberg aad Fraak tyooa- aor of Oaklaad wko kaT,aeoa kore this week vislUag at tko kosao of Mie Shlvea of Ula city,' leftUi auralng on their retura home. " Oe t OfeAer Lake, Mr. and Mn. trill Bsaatsaitr. AaaseeaMeasema Beetle a Whata aassasa That a Mue, aVaaaasaHosaai JFaasv esMeaWkti Sesretary at War 4ar risea asm Betiwasqr ef sue Katy aaBBBBBtemat. lal BfteaaBBBUUBBaBtl tmia dfJgBBaBBBBBaBBBBBBat ekaBBBB?a'Vla b vnaBtBTVBBJa sbbbj bbRbwbbHbWbbbV uJ1hi rihM Wi4t' Ink ISaatla ''J M . -,-w --" ! ' . -T ' , and Mies Basel Beraes leavo ta'tjke ":'' 1 meralac for Crater wko." , Tkor yimiki retara fasway alikt v ,rlWr ivi iii Jin -,u&i r?"3 eaip'VRaVRWB'aw J'MI oSeT E taiac t tko parpiesa etttliil1l eakr dstmrtmsat or kojeJwtksmaai seattereau waWsreoeea CJ 1 ,p,.t-.',t 5. . . k. - t A. Ze VCl of ,eee,ttrm. or iadtvUaei ,w4s tho tafil ,. eo0aaMsaaakn OtLfMlal 4djBma ftasBBBBBBB MsV eaBTvaamaBiasaesBBBFSFmtjaB eBwsaaBBar bbbf ubbbbbbbbbbbbj bbb taosUtfafeam.-rs;f t n aswvswes aw.ai' nvaaaaa ea, aBssar . aawai tko wsaikifai as the ligirtaimH kf aa i jj; BkaaMgamJ iBaaBjMaBBBa WbbTsbbbbbb obSsmBBS1 I BaaaBBBBBBBBaaBj esTBmBBjBUBja OR i & .t 5 W ii m '! ' ' l j wr yI 'V I T. A -.. AZbfr VM V, " AL