'$?& ifV "Jikt '" J "Ms - ' AoJ : "Wtfr Iteratf KLAMATH COUNTY'S. OPPICIAL NEWSPAPER r(ll tt" .J. i".:- IU"l li $ " " - - - ' I I LI I Ninth Yr-",Nt Ifc"'1 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 23, 1915 DIE CONSIDERED CAST AS FAR AS GERMAN RELATIONS CONCERNED WD WILL REPORT NOTE'S RECEPTION THERE sen: riu3tK.TKi w vo.v jagow TIIIH AFTERNOON frwMnii WIImmb Especied lo Hetara Te CoraUh Wlltila ai Sm Nlgae of imatfMlat Break aeeiaet Mrfiiag IMiiiImI Leasing Con frr Willi Cl. Honao . KHiw Monday XcHr Translated In Hcvev Sections Two Arrived Iat Night sad rive ThU Moraiag Gerard PeBfers Willi row Jagow i4i5 Pan iVta; War on Germany PLOT EXPOSED TO HOLD SMITH FOR A RANSOM . SO PREVIOUS INTIMATION OFJ PETROGRAD BELIEVES WARSAW UNCAPTURABLE AND BERLIN BELIEVES FALL IS IMMINENT PLOT AT HALT LAKE United I'rm Service WASHINGTON, July SI, The note wu presented to Herman;' foreign alautsr, ton Jagow, at I: IS thla af teraoon. It was transmitted In sav sescctloBs, two of which arrived last sight and the other rive at Ave o'clock tab uwrnlng. (Irrd was closeted tia von Jsgow for half an hour this noralng. alSSaC.Jv fTsn n HTT lease a sf i iiTar cr ysr hvi r uu , raYmnaMMTTTf ""' i jifrT aTCJf'"''ut Ea1llllll111 2V J'. v' ci 32S!SiaVKar MaY-r-' ?J I tt-iv All K I .Momton OMcJala AtouaOd Djr An VtGNtUUC mmmtm 'liollcltntlou. Tho merchant tolas mom subject to fako solicitors for .clinrltlcs real and Im&tlned and imuBceHMM IHncr Oflclala or'n,, Bonn of f' coaxing the ' .Jollarn from the tills of the business I'lot to KMaaji frl(ttBt HmJUi houses. Pake advertising also wilt! u, .. u. u. . 'j .t ' curbed by this department, which Hon Hn Meal HiuriJInx ! Uait . . , ;. . . ., .. ) . nlso has in Its schedule such matters ' necteo! Tiling Ifmrtl of In Years trnde extension, buyers' week, and' S all matters relating to mercantile ac-' To Hare Beeal Held Kor 91 00,000. urn.. im.rii ' A " ! i Raasom. Becker's Execution Believed Stayed i 1 Hlnitfd 1'rvss Serylca j , HALT LAKB.t July 25. Mormon offlclalg hero ware astounded today' I "VT. by tho announcement of Denver of 'llclaU that they had discovered a plot tr bMnah PAalfl NQUIRY CALLS GERMAN VISION to kidnap President Smith of Mormon colony Mid hold htm j fioo.ooo ransom. the f0r MALONK'H lllshop David 8mltb, bis son, said,! "It Is tho most, startling and unex-' pected thing I have heard of In years, j J Wo had no latllmatlon of the plot j previous to the aaouncement of tho "police." REPOBT SHOWS VE8- SEIi FIRED ON WITHOUT WARN- IXO AND U1LL COMPRT. AD. MIXISTRATIOX TO CALL FOR GERMANY'S VERSION SBBBBBBBflaBaBBBBBBBBBBBB aBHaBrcSBBBBBBBsfl liSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm, ! .LiaBamalaMl SslsBlllllKJBBViBBBBBBBBB I i&lEflaV1 BATTLE IS NOW AT A DECISIVE STA6E OF FIGHT HERMANS HOLD ROADS IN WEST KEPOaTflED 5 K.W.ODi I'alttd l'res Servlea WASHINGTON, July 13. The do limy of the note at Berlin casta the i u far as the relations between the United Htnici and OeraiaBy are toaetrnsd. dcrard haa been Instruct' i to report ronOdentlally the rccep tloa of the nolo In Germany. It was announced here that Preat tat Wilton will probably return to Cornlih within a day or two after Mag absent a week or tea days. He ciacelled today's cabinet meeting as Jhera wu no business to coat up or pwaseeu of an Immediate bra. fecretary Lansing want to Maa ? this afternoon to vWt with Col. House expecting to return Moa r. lit stated that It woaM U aav ral days before tho Dritlsav not would be complete. Tim ulllc' lw- planned u move, (Whtrh, If carried out," will, In their opinion. hrliiK (lrinnny to time They propoto to ilotro' the fifteen hrldgea of tlio Ithlnn over which supplies go to llio army of tho west which Is hold ing Frnnci'. This map shows tho fif teen cromliiM of tlm famous river over which tho Gorman troops In tho field In Franco receive their ammuni tion and food. If they can bo smash ed so supply nutos and wagons can- RESERVATIONS OIL MEN) FILE ON HOMESTEAD not cross readily tho German nrmy will be In a dsngerous situation. Ily sending a largo number of nero- planes with bombs against these bridges tho task may bo accomplish-1 rd. That Is their plan. The map also shows Esson, thoj Krcnt supply depot of the Germans. , Aeroplanes will attack this point, ti they can reach it. Should they suc ceed they wilt destroy tho baso from which' the army of the west gets n In r no part of Its supplies. IHOMKHTKADKR IN CITY i iT1"' YESTER DAY STATES THAT MEN FILING ON OIL PROSPECTS TACK NO- TICES ON HIS HOMESTEAD la United Press Service WASHINGTON, July 28. It stated here atithoritively that tho In quiry mad by New York Collector Malone shows that the jaubmariae which, presumably, a German boat, attacked ttra steamship Orduna car rying American passengers recently, bound for this country, without warn ing bar. The steamer managed tof elude the submarine and after a tor pedo had missed her by 10 feet. j United Press Service NEW YORK, July 28 (3:80 p. at) SupremeJustlce Phllbln lust or dered the prosecution to show cause why Charles Backer should not ba given a new trial. Affidavits alleglag that new evidence has been dlseoT ered have been filed by the attorneys for the defense. This order of the Justice probably stays Becker's exe cution. Petrognul Reports Say Detacaei Ger. mail Wtente 10 MBea of Ofctj Be Were Slaagfcterea Berlin : Average Line Is Witate IS of City Belief an rcUugiM City as raoiptaraMe saat Fightlac Wka Ksflsss Asw A e- PAIR SNEAK OP ON TRAFFICKERS DEPUTY V. H. MARSHALL AND DEPUTY SHERIFF SLIP ON THE SOFT PEDAL AND NAR WHIS KEY PEDDLERS IN STARLE FOR BIG DINNER 1KWH VOH THE OTfllKNaV "OW TOGETHER" DINNER AT UTE PEUOAN BEING BK m0 AT CLUB . Wtlons for the cltlsens' "Ost jr dinner at the White Pell 2" Wsl next Monday evening are nwag t tho office of the Oemaer- ClUb snil B...... . . """ area rwei wishes all exiwctlng to attend to mako their reservations eaTly. It will bo necessary for the hotel to know In advance the number thero will bo at tho dinner In order to mnko arrange ments to properly servo such a targe number of guests as will he there on, this occasion. Mr. Fleet omhnslio tho request made by tho commltteo that reserva tions be made at onco, and that those expecting to be present secure their tlcketa at tho Commercial Club at tholr very enrllost convenience. Admission to tho dinner will bo by ticket. It will coand! Deputy United SUte. Marshall Hol osaary to ..cure th.m In advanco d i J Uf be sooner It Is ano tho 1 JJlwJJr L,,ppea on tholr gum ,hoe. last night ,?e.fc -!L 7L rnnrinaaar 2" ot " "' tor flBi with the name of the purchaser or( .,... , nAM-r guest expecting to bo there, so ,oJto PoorU. make a record of thoso who are In-j Knowing tholr haunts Holman U terested In advancing Klamath Falls., a Pretty good Judge of the paychot and will get together on an occasion oglcal moment when to nab some of such as this fV that purpose. j trafficker, that aro "" purchasing whiskey for Indians. Yes- 'torday afternoon he had this nun Attorney Is Confined. Spotted and kept hla eye on hlra unUl Arthur D. Hay, law partuor of urt n.h. Along toward 9 o'clock Harold Merryman of thla city with of Will l'attriou, a homesteader eaat of this city, was hero Thursday and reported that persons In his section of tho country who were Interested lit oil had tacked notices of oil claims on his homestead. He had become Incensed over the procodue and though he had not Becured hla final papers on his home stead, though he has lived on the land for somo time. He appealed to County Clerk DeLap and was told that bo was probably aate, If be took steps to Mo on it himself. This seems to be an Indication of tho oil fever that Is running through tho entire country between this city and Oonsnsa, and recently all the Innd In tho neighborhood of the oil drilling machine has been filed on as well as much land In many other sections. United Press Service NEW YORK, July 28. Malone's report Is such that the admlalstra-j tlon will be compelled to demand: that Germany's version of the Or-, duna Incident be given. PYIHIANS rur ON CRATER TRIP flees In the Worden building at tho corner of Fifth and Main streets, Is confined at his homo with an attack ot pleartsy. last night. Along toward lie saw mo iwo sian auwn mo street. Rioters Keep Up and ) Threaten to Dynamite f1 . a i i i WOKnSn.fl0,rv!1' Il sympathisers we pacing on the SMlita""' ' u,r ".nors .01 He secured Walker and they fol lowed them. Around the O, K. stable they went and the sleuths after them. Tho watched ones got behind a wagon and the two officers crawled up on , their hands and knees behind the wagon, raised up Just In time to see , Horry haul the bottle from his vast and hand It to the Indian. The pair were arrested and Berry Is waiting for telegraphic word from Portland. He was placed In the city Jail oyer night. Jr7onTh"? " beta. !" "M" Ml v MO HtroUlafl $H&r '"' Tfswstrikofi epposlU side. The guards are warned ot to nre unless to save lives. The mediators hare arrived and are hold ing a eonfereace. Bavtral shoU were Ire thla afternoon In riot and sev eral deputies wore felled by tying sTleaa. Big Banquet Monday. The Cltlsens' Get-together dinner at the White Pelican on Monday eve ning will be the event ot the season. There will be good addresses, music and a One banquet. Let's all attend and boost Klamath Falls and Klam ath county. Oet your ticket at the Commercial Club. Aayone .can take a guest If It Is desired. DIRECT BENEFIT TO MERCHANTS CREDIT RATING, FAKE ADVER TISING AND SOLICITING FOR UNWORTHY OBJECTS TO BE INCLUDED IN WORK Tho plan of organisation of the Clreuter Klamath Commercial Club provides tor a special line of work under whnt is termed the mercantile department. Among the activities to Uo can led ou la this division la that of credit rating, wherein thla featar is handled more effectively and eco nomically than under the old plan of having such matters left to a merchanta association. It la found from experience In handling this matter In a department ot tho larger organisation, that better satisfaction Is g&eji the members than wee ever secured under the separate Qrjaalsa tlon. For this reason It la Included In the plaas for the Klamath Com mercial Club. The mercantile department also handles such matters aa unworthy LYMAN INTO LIGHT AGAIN GRANT LYMAN, ARRESTED IN LAKEVIEW AND WAS BROUGHT HACK HERE WANTED IN NEW ENGLAND NOW LOS ANGELES, July 88. Post-office officials here received word from Boston today that Dr. John Grant Ly man, a promoter whose exploits In finance and as a fugitive made him notable on the Pacific Coast several years ago, waa wanted In that city on United Press 8ervlce PETROGRAD, July 28; The bot tle of Warsaw la now at Ha StAM Tha MHNuihi away to audible In Warsaw. tacked troop ot Parses an jwtihTlie saOes ef Ike aty bit BiauBaierea. ine eeiiec that the dty will aoM eaatared ayr the Germans. In south Vistula, the Kuaasane withdrew to the outer defeaeea and checked the enemy. On the north 'they are holding Hlndenberg aud'are; t heavily damaging his attacking foree. i It is anoaaeed that ten ataeeka ED TO ATTEND INITIATION AND southeast ot Lublin were repulsed fey the Russians with heavy la TWENTY FIVE AT LEAST EXPECT. JOLLIFICATION LAKE 'AT CRATER Counter attacks are driving LEAVE SEPTEMBER 17 Bn'" ris1 ek. Fierce Ightlng la 'taking place north of Krasaotaf. We fall Pwontv.fiva hmw. t hj lani i United Press Service .J.. . -... .imi.i.. t ' BBRUN, July IS. Wa L,u r".,:"Xr:rT.Jr:l appears from here to be BUSS tuo trip w crater umm.m oot-l .... .. . . tember 17 to attend the big Initiation o"c" ditap' r" 9rm and JollficaUon "which will be held."" "- f"1 l" 'VZTZZ there at that time. i.?,?!,!?W , t. . , ... .ItheOermanaahd that the dty Is half Knights from all over the state .urroanded at an average dlatanee of a number of the highest officers ln15 BM i- ! T PIaS?,B i.!!J th,r There are rumor, that the main The Medford and Klaath losa are of RwiMU ryetne- the main contrlbutora but delegates te4 d qm the Oermana aro fro wlll be present from practically OTery',,, tQ occupy e,ty , lodge in the state. discredited at .oScea here. War The present plans are to leave here critics are expectlngla desperate aat September 17, the main services to tie. be held on the 18, the -visitors being unless General Hlndenberg snsTera conveyed from these two points toUBexpecte4nTeraM it 1 believed the v the lake by machines. capture of the city la Inevitable. It la The ceremonies are to be held on predicted that the Ruasuna will erae- a charge of having defrauded a cltl sen ot Maine out of $8700. Wizard Island in Crater Lake and uate, leaving suflclent soldiers la the Lyman, who waa convicted here, 'will be perhaps the most unique cere- garrison to prevent rapid pursuit. lias been at liberty under 80,000 bond, pending appeal from a aentenco to the Federal Prison at McNeill's Island and was supposed to be with the British army In Northern France. According to the information re ceived hero today, he appeared In Boston not lone aco and established !k brokerage firm under the name ot Brown, Lorlmer k. Co. One of his partners alleges that he hypothecated a check tor $8700 Intrusted to the Arm by a Maine client to buy stocks, and went to Canada, Lyman's career here began with the selling of Panama Canal Zone lands, which the government alleged ho did not own. He lied, was cap tured, escaped with the eolluaton ot an officer, was recaptured and con victed, and then appealed. Petition far Natarallsatlon PafOM The following hare Died their see ond papers with the Circuit eomrt clerk In their petitions for natural satlon papers: J. Vlktorlan of lfo Un, born In 'Bohemia and a subject of Frans Josef ; Otto 1 leys of Bt, horn In Germany;1 and John lfeMU- lancet this elty, bora la, tho Brtttaa mony ever performed and the drat oft Us kind at one of the wonders of the Salt Filed world. v A, suit haa been lied fey the P. A. Installation ot officers was held.Starek company, piano laat night at the hall followed by re freshments served by the Pythian Sla ters. District Deputy Wortmaa ot the Medford lodge against Sam Brana of thla elty. Blumauer-Frank Drug company ot was present and Portland haa started at move to ee assisted In making the arrangements tabltsh drug fanes for raising dlffer- for the trip to Crater lake. eat drug plants. Officials Notify Auto Co. Plot to Dynamite 4 I JA ti -J-a i Vnltad Pfess Service CLBYBIiAND, July IS.-By order from Wasblagtea, local Inderal ! nelala have notlaed tho White Anfeai aiealle eompany and the AnMfftotai s)tejel Wire company of aa attasmaond alot dynamite taetr.plaate.. Th aeaaas aro ImadUag al ' . hu ... . . " -. . v T " ! iTHiilsVK iatigsauwvftjfeBjW-V wjP1,b,";,o oaaaaam Inee tsm , Federal batMhag 5fc . Tt . T- j. I . t " neaaeed that he aeM a sestet wa) Mat. . After a esniatanss tao eaamma-v-'i'v- la nMBKiiaW Hk'mMai.-'S'il-Vrt rr.rJET.wagQ J- -,"-''- "TT -v i L .HI T' ' 'MSli,L eaammi BvreaBBaaaaBfSBfaap saaaaaBBBSBar aavaaanA WaW aanaaaaaaaVv l. WW .sPBBJJK f ti I i .-;."" .sr .T.:.. v '' iLir iSPK Sffii' mm 'PT tfw - 'U ? A '