;&. ' . t v:i''' fx:-& wt t Wr 11, iw IMS. esflawX r-riiM. iMwfcf -, BBBBBV I"-- jSrgf " "' " Mf WBl Jat fc-ll aa MM tor tat Hll. --- pavilion w2K,SSS- tt!MM THE EVENING HtCHALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OJtIOON PAMtt TM Girl Swimmer of Eleven in Some ot Her Feats BAGGAGE yictat Traaeferr.! Jail lue nflr od Blitb, bstwees Mala aBd Klamath ft K. tMKWKKB OOMPAWV GLADDENS 1" ft TIRED FEET beralag. tired feet ealfes lag, Awi Ida Ml Bkk tor, aJrir tor .wig m. awbj be aad Mint, In rami, tMtft u buBlooi. II A awn out to aeMa and llioat thai ff up your feet. No , waller how Itaril Ci work, ho g you ilnr, bow far joti walk, or ho lmr )ou rl oit' your feet, TIJ5 lr I Mir realfii' foot comfort TIJ5" U won itrfiil (or llfl iea)tf,wlln, tmartltiff feri. Your (- Jut Han ir Ml hur ""' "" ' OHlM wit to of "TIZ" now frm M eVtajbt or ilrirlrnrnt (torr. I'.n Imt lortarr lofr-wrar mallr 'irf iw your (mI frt!, wrt at.l liiiv 1 r" P ' ttfr?5 aa jaV iTaL . j'X'w ' ass. ffftw jtnS x ito' t gVn. H ESiBaaBfeikalBllaaaaaaH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW. .BaaaaaaaaL JLiHBB aaaaaaaaVvX 19BH aeeeeeeeaay l GTaIR vn "jaiaaaaaPiaVw TOlKHIiBiLfctmHH iKr ." -MKLaaaaEFntaW Jif' i'' Baaaaaaaaaawa i-J BaavJP"T I- I jRwtf. '"sr?rtfaaaL-,:(9 I .Ml Y TaaaVm -'. laaattaaaaPaaaf fflrV )raaaaaaaaaaV i V-aaaaLaaaaaf aft WaVM aaaaA T LaaaaaVaaV'aaaaaaWBLalyi V"TaT'-''laaMaaaV tS3BBaoaaBES YESTERDAY'S COAST LEAGUE SCORES LAUNCHES For Rent WnJi or without iIHnvw, fe trtft lnwrr or l'frr Telford & Son Corarr Conrr a4 Mala Harrison & Matt HTOVKN, HAVE J'ltOCKKRV, YOU :mthixo. HH0K8, TOOIJt, Or JUythlaa i sp? Ow Mora ti oa Klaaatk U Rliia atrwat Av. wr cRAwrono kooma Kwly FurnUbad wlr KurnUliril RooaM Orr PaUce Meat Mark bl Hm to Harry t-t en of Uiom NEW FORDS wlow. has arrive. WW B1EHN. Amu -a w-apwj f YOU require sses Jj M Um ow.T Hat. ftHolaal.. ar BMuiBjti 61a 1 IMttBjtUu T!?'a Da to aaaaf jFW ' A " , mi: I Uf i ',. ' fTinivs H"" !?j ., At Naa fMriaeo, Lo Angelei ......... I 6 t Ban Franetoeo ........ 8 1 Ityan and Botea; Fanning ai4 Schmidt.- At Lea Aacelea, Oakland 7 IS 4 Varnon .10 20 I Kemncaa, Baar and Kubn, Elliott; Henley and MlUa, Spencer. At Halt Lake. Portland C 13 1 Halt Lake 1 4 .0 Covalcakl and Plibrr; Sebmutc nnd Flttery and Hannah. At Loa Aagvlea. Oakland ...4 8 0 Veraon 0 c S Ablaa and Kuba; .Decannler, Pier ear, white and Baeaeer. At flaM Lake. Portland 8 U t Salt Uke 7 II 6 Hlgglnbotbaaa, Kaaler and CarUb; C. Wllllaau, QrMory and Hannah, Robrer. At Haa tTraawinro. l-o Angelea 3 10 2 Baa rraaeiaoo ....... 0 12 a Parrltt and Brooks; Brown and Schmidt TkRQvmio hhJ tVTTV.. 7H TAL.ATTA CK Little Florence Mclaughlin ol Phlla4lphla, not rt eleven year of ago, and iwrhan (ho moat wonaerrui calld awlmmor In the United Statei, la aow preparing to raco aome of the boat women awlmmem In tho world over the claMlc courao ot 16 SB aallM from Cheater to Philadelphia. TIimo iihotograplw ahow aome of her training atunta in preparation for thU remarkablo effort. She la ahown practising Jlu Jltau with Po). Ice Mergeant Rodman, her trainer. He believe ahe will gain atrength for the effort In thU kind ot work. The pbotographa ahow that she la an adept at wrestling as well aw awlm-lag. The top picture ahowa the llttlo girl after aho baa drawn the 180 pound policeman over her bead and la kicking him aver to a fall. Tho lower right hand picture ahowa her struggling for a hold by which ahe can throw him over her head, while la the other ahe la abown with a bone breaking hold on hla arm which will compel him to turn over on hla back. Last summer ahe awam a ahade under tea mile In fast time without turning a hair, and aho haa grown stronger and speed ler since. The plucky little miss, however, is de termined that there shall be no ques tion of her having accompllahed the gruelling task. Steps have already ea taken to secure the entry of soma or the crack gin exponents or acquatlo enduranco, and It looks as It the coming event would be among the most interesting ot the present outdoor season. Tho chubby Florence Is by no In-full meatiM n novice at competition, deed, abe haa defeated many a grown rival at distance ranging between 880 yards and (Ire mllca In open event. Lnat aummer the tiny mermaid placed fourth-out or a representative field ot twelve In a 6 1-2 miles race for women in tho Delaware river, and she covered 9 1-1 miles In one continuous swim, a performance that several powerful and experienced mon failed to equal In tbo champion ship race at Sandy Hook. in ii i STOP CATARRH! OPEN NOSTRILS AND HEAD Says Cream Applied la Noetrila t icciievea iisaa-iou at uace. MMII'MI lllli MI'lllllll II If your uoatrtla are clogged and your head In stuffed and you can'.t breathe freely because of. a cold or catarrh. Just get a small bottle of Kly's Cream Balm at any drug atore, Annly a little ot this fragrant, anti septic cream Into your nostrils and let It penetrato through every air pas sage of your head, soothing and heal Ina the Inflamed, swollen mucous membrane nnd you got Instant relief. Ah! how good It feels! Tour nos trils are open, your head Is clear, no more hawking, snuffling, blowing; no moro headache, dryness or struggling for breath. Ely's Cream Balm Is just what sufferers from head colds and catarrh need. It's a delight. (Paid Advertisement) Herald want results, Half tht fun It taking your own tent and living Mt in tht oDtn. Buy Tent that you know I gtwrantoed. ill eTTr - WlfcLAMETTC NTS tilt, product of 81 ? xri.nw ft m lantTiW Any Ttmt murt stond hard !?55?Ti- -ft wtrS. waathar. Why not get nit at .wv Tanfe-one that will U ready for 1V -- - ,.... Ul Rt yr aou , jw gSEs e year tfiarajwee--;w om " ' rename ea ship ii ii ? Hlrwh-Wtta ItoaAiiHtvtRff " an Masmai aaaa Baaaaaawaai VtaaaaaUrtaaaawkk. X W.HW Algoma Lumber Co.'s New Brand Yard At Savidge Bros. Mill on Sixth Street FULL LINE OF lasuraare that aaya. See Chileete. The Herald, delivered your door, oflcw, or home, a month. Rough and Finished Lumber Shingles, Mouldings, Doors and. Windows BEST QUALITY AND LOWEST PRICES . - T ' . X Algoma Lumber Gjs Branch Yard O. E. WILLEY,Manager I- Late Market Quotations UtC'AL I'ltlCKS FOR PRODUOK, POULTRV, MEATS AND LIVE STOCKPORTLAND AND SAN' FRANCISCO I.IVKSTOCK QCOTA-TtONS (The followlat Sajarea' are thaae paid for the coweeJUea eaamer ater. by local merrhaau and mar krta.) Veceublea Potatoe. per cwt. aood whites, 12.00 cnh; other grades from 11.85 down. Onions, per cwt, $2.50. Oreen onions. 60c per doten' bunches. Rnrilihfti nor rtniAn hunchaa. EOp -""-""wi '" -- , ""- (0c. Lettuce, per dozen buaehes, Spinach, per lb., c. String beans, 7c per lb. Peas, 7a per lb. , Grains. Etc Oats, per cwt $1.40 Wheat, per cwt 1.40$1.60 Barley, per cwt $1.80 Batter aad Egajs Butter Ranch, 25c cash; cream ery 17 H. Eggs Per doten, 80c cash: 88 He trade. Poultry i Hens, per doten $5.00 Fryers, per doten $6.00 Rooster, old, per pound So. 1 stic ... 6 heifers . -calf 22 cows . . 82 cows . . 44 cows . 18 cowa . . 196 hogs . 483 hogs . 164 hogs . 188 hoga . 262 lambs 49 lamba 24 lambs .1180 . 956 . 410 . 940 .1058 .1060 .1091 . 200 . 194 . 192 . 188 . 72 . 64 . 60 $5.60 $6.60 $7.00 $6.10 $5.60 $5.86 $5.15 $7;s r$7.45 $7.40 $7.85 $6.76 $6.00 $5.76 Pork, per lb Veal, per lb 11 Lamba, per lb 18 Mutton, per lb 11 Livestock Hoga, per lb Stock hoga, per lb ... Steer, per lb Cowa, per lb Veal, per lb Mutton, per lb Cared Shoulder, per lb Bacon, per lb . . . Breakfast Bacon, per lb 86 Ham, per lb , 17 10 IS 16 IS 6 ! 7 e CHc 6K5ttc 4ttttc e 6H ttc PORTLAND LIVESTOCK MARKET CATTLD. Steers Choice . . Good Medium Cows Choice . . . Good Medium Heifers Choice . Good Bulla Choice . . . Stags Choice . . . Good . t HOGS. Prime light. 175-225 lbs 7.85O7.50 Choice medium. 140-175 7.00 7.85 Pigs, 90-140 lbs Rough, 276 Iba ap SHEEP. Choice spring lamba . . Common spring lambs . Choice yearlings Good yearling Old wether Choice light ewea Good ewea Common heavy ewea . . .18 16 17 15 IS PORTLAND Cattle Leaa than a thousand head came over the unioaaiac aoexa tor Moadaar'a market. All, lines skow an Increased activity la trading, the tone aolna- up 15 to iso, cow stunr claiming a top price ot $I;75, ateers $6,00 to $6.60; a nice aaaea of Southern' arrase-fed steers anlag at $7.00. Hog. Hoi receipts compare, fav orahly la number with UaVMaaulajr'a recuttratloa, 1700 coauaff, tartrara. Increased quality ant a top 87.lt o several load ot hogs of neauaat aa lab. Bulk at eaten aroiiad' $7,46' to 7,4i. - . , . - . : . . Ikeev Sheep auralealsur,- y slicktly native;, a aomlaal aaaaker at ! h4a-ere. No ot arleea aat4 cm aoeaaat at ,taa f raeetpts all Maaa;afa . - . - .. r quoiei ateae. . ..$6.6007.00 .. 6.26 6.60 . 6.00O6.15 . . 5.85 O 5.50 . . 5.00 05.25 .. 4.50 O5.00 .. 6.00 06.50 .. 5.75 6.00 .. 4.5096.00 , . 6.0096.16 .. 5.50 06.00 5.0096.00 6.15 7.00 6.2696.60 6.0096.50 5.00V6.85 4.75 6.00 4.76 S.at 4.15 4.60 4.09 4.15 3.0991.60 Herald want ada gat result. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OP gMEBtVrS SALE. By virtue of an execution duly Is sued by the Clerk ot the Clremtt Court of the County ot Lake, 8tate of Oregon, dated the 19th day of July, 1915, In a certain antt la the Circuit Court for aald county aad state wherein M. B. Braat-Laae aa plalatiC recovered jndgmeat agaiaet B. r. Lane for the mm ot Two Hun dred aad Fifty Dollar ($150.90) oa the Hth day of November, 1911. Notice la hereby glvea that I will, on the 17th day ot Anguat, 1915, at the main entrance aad front door of the Court House la Klamath. Fall, Klamath County. Oregon, at 19 o'clock la the forenoon of aaid 'day. sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the followlar de scribed real property, tewtt: , . t Lot four; the southeast quarter ot the southwest quarter, aad the, sent halt of tbe southeast quarter ot Sec- tin eighteen, township tweatyelght, south, range eleven, East ot Willam ette Meridian. In Klamath County. Taken aad levied upon aa the prop erty ot the aald, B. F. Lane, or so much thereof aa may be necessary to satisfy the said Judgment la favor of M. E. Braat-Laae against said B. F. Lane, with interest thereon; to gether with all coats and disburse ments that have or may accare.' Dated at Klamath Falls, Oregon. July 11, 1916. C. C. LOW, w Sheriff ot Klamath County,' Oregon By Geo. C. TJlrlch, Deputy W. Lair Thompson, Stone A Gale, Attorneys tor Judgment creditor. 82-29-5-12-19-26. SAN FRANCISCO MAKKKT The following quotations are fur nished by the Western Meat company aad based on grots weight ot live stock, weighed aad delivered la Baa Francisco; Cattle On foot, grosa weight No. 1 ateers, weighing 900 to nee toe, alive, SttOBttc; 1100 to 1800 lbs,, 606Kc; second quality, 6HOSMe; thin, undesirable ateers, cv&c; no. 1 cowa and heifers, 6H05c; sec ond quality, 5K5Hc; common thin, SO 4 He; bulls and stags, good. 406c; fair SO 4c, thin. IVsOIc Calves Light weight, per lb.. s 09c; medium, 7HOo; heavy, 60 7c. Sheen Per lb., areas weight: De sirable wethers, 66c; awes, 5H 6o 6Ue; shaft aheap, file teas. Hogs Hard grata fed, weighing 160-8I9. 7 He: IMto 199 las. 7H. undesirable hogs, (So. Notice ot Sheriro Sale (Eqluty No. 669) In the Circuit Court for the State ot Oregon. In and for Klamath County. B. F.. Shepherd, Plaintiff, TS. L, M. Baumaa, Sam Wodard aad Wm. Kelly, Defendants. Under nnd by virtue ot .an execu tion In foreclosure Issued out ot the clrcutt court ot Klamath county aad aUte or Oregon; datedthe'Sth day of July, 1915. In the above entitled action la the clrcutt. court for 'said county and state, wherein. B. F. Shep herd as plaintiff recovered Jusmeat against Wm. Kelley la the aaOt $175.00, with Interest thereoa.at Jae rate ot 10 per cent per annum ;ftam the third day ot March, 1914, tor the sum of $59 attorney's fees, aad for the sum of $11.00 costs aad dis bursement ot this salt, aadrSer -a further, order. Judgment aad dears foreclosing the mortgage aetata, aad barring, the right, claims, lleae aad clsiav-of equity ot redsmpUoa of the aald Was. Kelley aad all petsoaa claiming by, through or uader htm. Wherefore, I am commsaded te sell all those pieces aad pareehi at land described la the said mart gage herein, and situated iav thai eoaaty of Klamath aad atata ot, Or oa, aad bouaded aad described, as follows. to-'wttr 'Lot 12, In block, 68,- la Seeead Hot Springs Addition to the elty of - Klamath Fall,' Oregon. And notice la hereby glvea that aa the 5th day ot August, at 16 o'ewekw forenoon, at the front door ot the court house, la Klamath Falle, Klam ath County and atate .ot Oregon, I will, in obedience to aald order of sale sad execution la foreclosure, sell the, above described property, or so much thereof as may he, necessary to satisfy the plaintiff Judgment, at torneys, fees and costs ot suit aad sale, to the highest bidder for cash j C. O. LOW, Sheriff ot Klamath County, Oregon. GEO. c: TJLRICH, Deputy. 7-14-11- 18-4 'Xotie'vof Asateeawat Calif oials "Ofsgssi Power Ceeapaay Location ot Principal Plaaa. ot Baal nesar ' San Francisco, California. Notice la hereby? glvea. that it meeting or the directors held oa the 29th day of June,, 191aa assess ment (No. i$ of thirty cents per share was .levied upon the capital stock ot the corporation, payable Immediately to the secretary at the oBeo at the -corporation. No. 1S1 LaldssdarC street. San; Francisco, Calif orala. Aay stock upon which this aawassmeat shall remain unpaid. oa Saturday, the 7th day' ot August. 1916, will ha de linquent and advertised for sale at public auction, aad, ualess payaseat Is' made '.before, will be seJd. oa Satur day, the $8th day of August, 1916. at th,eour ot 11 m'.. to aay the de linquent assessment, together ..with costs" of advertising taad espeaee ot eale.. " Dated Juaa 19th. 1916. -.. ALEX. J. ROSBOROUQH. Secretary CaUterala-Oregon " ;; Power Company. ence: 1S1 LeUesdorff street, San Frsadseo, Calltorata. 6-l6t ? II I N ' I IT . !-. '...., i. t.,iur Mil ItH till 'as"i it i Lara Fiaaay Far Fairs. Mrs., J.'A. MaeMar, af Chicago was haa aaaa TtstUag frleads,. Mrs. .Sella Irsaaa, Mis Loa Bssser and Mrs. R. Wj Beaeh et thta oUy leaves Friday aiaraiag rer aaa inaieasu, Dlago U Lee Angelas aad easeots W'MMad ssur weJHtaArthas!a4ms. mtlm- "-- ' aaoiMaur.aafaiiBaatmd Dr'' . ''S"1! 25"1 -saaaaaSflW ' ' gttwaasiJswaiaaf Oagt :Byd 'k Jfkara T vt iaam'staaiaaaaass. '9aaaaaaaaaaaViiL' w .A'- v-v. I- " l.-Lsaa.a.KgsslashWSX. i'-.j ..-:- - iuu J-jL .taaaaaaaaaaW BBBaaaal aaafc OWa1 : . 7vveffaeasBaji epamiag . -? saaaaaaasaaasal aaaaaassl asaanii;l .. .i.. ... .., ....- -. AraiHi aaasaaaam Baaaaaa-aaaaaw...Y..it.7ri.. npaai mm Jin j ii-. ,m c'niBBBBi lBBBBBBBamAL;::; .a Bssawaaa.at Be. Jssssr.isswflasaeiMsr WBTaaaaaaVwaaaaaaVf aaaameaV a - la aaaaai .a' mk MJivwJ ' 'jBaaTiaaaaaamaaaaaaav sT wave . iNiv ea w j -m fan ,,n.-'h 'BanaBBeeeeeekaBeeeeeeeMm ur&A iav 4& :- -ai.v'L.- aaaa aaaaaaaraaaaaaaaaB; . m, 'UKVk .aw mmm !m , Ki'tvT. t hik ssVaasasC hsafish Tenet la ae"wtate' gaVWaaaaaal aaaaaV aaaaaaW m aml.7r.lBM"aiKatl amaeve .aVs ' aaaV-.7aaaal aaaaaal'aaaaaVAaa 'asasyaad amtrem aewl - Tea. eta,' "llaawamdal aaaaaV tawaaaaaml' W?-.. Jt-a. aad waamohaea Ujaaaaaaajs,-- -,,-saaaaaaaj asaaci'awm.iaaaaBaaa aaa vasaraaaav .-aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaavs & l 4? ?v!' .... 13: "itrr, 4 : ? tr.ly-Kc . a-7WT !,. . , -fix .. 7,m: iT-l,. Z li i? orAirt,,-' n ersrlr WUIswsas Tettj'" ,imi mk Msaaaf a iVi i "''a, J WWfJ' V , 9 fajavajsw eBBssjwM afiwwwwe 1aswj . , -, - f ? -j tji WI. tih,.) fMtaWaf '' F.jsSSctrenRKfo.. NafUMa 4 halts IWiteUlias; ;afv ( ?& far, y , tyt t t t . ttw$jw'v8fm vz .!, rw-iL."-L - ,Msrr:3mL . ar ,.? . 1l . -, !V "ftf" iJawawaama Bawaaavaaavrmaaw'saBBi tK-.'saaaaaavrTT-BamBBBsmaai , ' ." "3 "T"-, r r- ! ' r .. , j - fci."E - r j 4J !" f ", a". .y ' ' - .?