. . 1j r "" Jd ' E85. l l. ,-.Xi , ,-ffiS? "--K V t, Ik lisjrr .rtkW'.i . t... - -M, ! iPS THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THVMNMV, JULY M, Itls. 53We K-J leWs&mttAfn. -""-Ml VJ- SALE- .:;;v'iTOE'--ir-ifK tea QtUowvr 0" V,irwav$SII.. Two ac three eecoad sW fci':rw t fcwiatM. Ford Oar- fel-!, xL IO;AL 60 feat on Mala street ;W?Sl ' twswneniia aaa sia, at a Barnaul !r 1 : I IT The Evening Herald W. O. SMITH Editor Published dally except vaaeay by The HeraM Pablkktag Company of Klaauth Veils, et 11B Foarta Street, atoaee. Georte Blehn.lS-lt Eatered at 'the postoHee at Klam ath Falls. Oregoa, for traasmlttloa through the mails as second-class natter. BORAH MUSTS 'MISCELLANEOUS iDKBSSHAKWQ aad Plata aewlac. 4 Mrs. J, I. Crawford, over Palace Market. . v T-t K r, ' W - It" I ?i? i'Ueal swwe appears iret la; The HeraM, I6e a meata - JT V Subecrlptloa terms by mall te any address In the Oalted Btates: One year 15.00 One month .SO KLAMATH FALLS, ORBGON THTJRSDAT, JULY ma, IBIS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS . .!" HMMNIMIMNXIMMMI WWWWWWWW ; CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY aMlUOH - If embers Oram , Title Maa AND STOP AT KLAMATH FALL! :r- -d TnHlsHHE flHHSH We De the Work Jaet Eight Taak work of all klade PAMC,2PDMUK. LORBNS Oar Sth Wssssth Phone MS WRONG METHODS FOR MOTITHS RIGHT B BilfcTraasfaC. SIS We have the ad will roocaiag hoaee wwn o'clock train. We are alee Lake. conveyance in to to any hotel, or reaideace la for the 10 for thecal? the Upper from) the PHONH vWl w lns 1- ISw - lif :e I:--' Kgflot likes ilM - " BM CUBAN BLOCKS ... i. 5t tf vf" " (Orer US en. ft.) ..); (Ore rfaVTS :mum GremSlaS.-per cord Dry SUh, per cord ... Jwlwwift(jiieryFielCw, OStoe with Klamath Transfer. Co. L W.D. MILLER v afaaafactarer of HOLLOW BVILDOra. AND SILO. BLOCKS AND FLUBS , ALL KINDS OF CONCRETE Sidewalk, Floors aad Retalatag Walla 4 ROOFING A 8PBCIALTT Sixth and Walnut ik l, 4 BLOCK WOOD Will never be cheaper tfaaa aow. Voa eboald profit by the low price. Single load $2.50 Double load $3.75 to stock ap for the winter KLAMATH FUEL CO. O.FBTTOJC, 5! 5 Main Street , . 9. I r ' ; vS. 'V. $? ..ic I JT j O, IC Livery and "P J ea.-i.i j;. TBCU OUlPies Jterijr t Hilyard, Prop.. M. Cer. Sth aad Oak Preuitt4adelcieat aerrlce, Good ' bones vaad arst class rhm ECAUSE tho commercial organl xatlons ot this commaalty baa tailed to accompllah what was ex pected of it, shonld not be anHclent cause for Indictment of all commer cial bodies and the community or ganisation idea, any more than the failure of a maa la business is suffl- dtnt reason for condemning all busi ness. A Tory large proportion ot the business undertakings result la ab solute failures. Tet no one will haTO the. hardihood to declare there should be no mora business. The general cause ot failure In ordinary "business operations are pre cisely the same as those bringing failure to tho commercial organisa tion. Among the causes leading to business failures are the personality of the one engaged in business and his manner of conducting It, lack of capital and absence ot personal sup port ot trade. The same will apply to the destiny of a commercial or ganisation. In fact, a properly ar ranged commercial or community building organisation Is a business a big business and the principles ot business are just as essential to suc cess In' it as in any business under taking. The essentials for success In com' merclai organisations are: METHOD, MANAGEMENT, MONET and MEN. The method, or plan of organisa tion is a matter for first considera tion, as it calls for recognition at the start that the organisation Is to be run on business principles. The plan should be such as to call for a form of management to meet the requirements of the community and the peculiar problems with which it will have most to deal. The plan must be such as to pro vide adequate capital for conducting the business. Lack of funds will cripple commercial organisation work just as quickly and as surely aa any other business. The most important of the things mentioned Is the last named men. By this Is meant not simply mem bership, although this Is part of it: but the term "men" in this relation calls for the rendering of personal service by the members to the or ganization, in carrying out Its plans lor furthering the interests of the community. The desire to do something for the beneflt of the city is a right motive. But to Insure success In the commun ity building organization, right meta ode should be employed. Rev. H. J. Van Ueesea preached aere Sunday eveatet to a' toad con gregation. Monday atoraiag ha held the fourth quarterly coafereace at the church when the aceoaats aad records for the church year were audited aad approved. Repreaeata tlves were preeeat from Lorella, Poo Valley, Dairy aad Boaaasa. The Superintendent expressed his pleas ure at the attendance which was the largest la the history ot the church. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walker were present ed for baptism previous to the coa fereace and received Into fall mem bership. This circuit shown a good increase la numbers ovea when the losses, from death and removal are filled. A hearty and unanimous la vltatlon was extended to the pastor Rev. S. W. Hall to return for a third year. Her. Van Hossea leaves oa Wed' nesday for Beatty, Lakevlew, Pais ley and Summer Lake. Rev. Hall preached to a tall house at Langell Valley Sunday aad christ ened the infant son, William Paul, ot Mr. and Mrs. Kus Keller. The baby being presented for baptism" by Mrs. Keller's mother, who Is vkttlag here from Portland. Mrs. Warren 3, Yahe left Moaday for her parents' home la Olyapia, Wash., accompanied by her two chil dren. Miss Ethel Hawxhurat, a grand daughter of Mr. Bertholf, Is keeping house for him while his wife and daughter aro at the exposition. Mrs. Corpening ot Olene was vis iting her sister Mrs. Hlekman, last week. George Gillette suffered a fractur ed shoulder when a colt slipped and fell on him last Saturday. Bess Kilgore who was operated on for acute peritonitis Is doing nice ly now and seems to be on a fair road to recovery. Boston Americans' Grea.0utMd Mr. Daniel went to the Falls Mon day. Monroe Lyttle has bought a new Adriance self binder from the Sedge store. ProL Burke and Will Chassmla drove to Merrill Tuesday to Bee about some horses. James At Nail, who was injured recently in an automobile accident in Oakland, is recovering. Fred Schrelter, who herds sheep for Mr. Paddock, had the base ot his skull fractured while driving from Bonanza recently. He was taken back to Bonanza where Dr. Johnson attended his wound. He is well on the road to recovery. I HOOPErV JHF 1 aKviLJsv vvm ss ismm5?38st,?v. t ""ew. k. . swwa i Mmiis-tiBV ,sw s M AiA; wfttsf ,akV?w i .iskBtmmaV;' ,:'5vX ISiMi,i il w fr:"53amT!.,.5n WV- aw - mm 1 5sw"sHwa.Wyo ) fK it WLTj i H.V mmW iaak wVJaU; VS,VV:W V.K.'m3BiV?s1 lgmmmmmmmn,a. 'Matt wn 'J; mv ,vH'ew atBvX1r. Tststsl rLisamB-faV MshI ; :;--.mBBt i i m$M agmaa LslWIS Sl&ffl MmV mM W SPEAKHV I Jlg s7 a I e5P3mmSaiPPHSB mmmmmmmmmammmmmmasiisiii i. . in i i i i iiii mH The Boston Americans, who did not show well in the beginning of tho season, are now getting Into their stride, and have gone to second placo in the American league. At the dls- with the Tigers of Detroit, and tho White Sox- of Chicago for the pen nant. Their advance Is due largely to the awakening ot their outfield, made' up ot Speaker, who Is believed to draw the highest salary in baseball, and Lewis and Hooper, who had not shown In ttielr real form during the earlier part of the season. In ono gamo with tho New York Americans tance It seems they will fight it outjtho other day Speaker mado no fewer than five hits in five times at bat. In the opinion ot biuieua.ll men this Is tho greatest outfield In any club, and that goes despite tho fact that Ty Cobb is a member ot nnothor club. . Scattered Shots .'. e s KLAMATH CAN boast ot one beat prostration yesterday. utawiSEN THE Kaiser and the strikers, Old Mexico has almost been forgotten. it- this ESPEE company would figure up at the end of each week the time that the so-called daily choo choo lost on each trip ANNOUNCEMENT. I wish to announce that I have moved from the Golden Rule Store to the Hotel Hall lobby. Hours from 1 to 6 p. m. Massage, shampolng, hair dressing, scalp treatment aad manicuring done at your home be tween' the hours of 8 and IS a. m. Scalp j treatments 12 for $5.00. I guarantee to cure dandruff. Switch es dyed and repaired. Will make you a switch out of the camblags or match your shade In new hair. 29-4t HELEN M. TURNER. '- vrm'Ai.' . S lim 4,WW m .w 'i:- h,' W. .a . 'm - ! u&is.iF rrenbee rt-w?.wt!'iJ,r v-.. ' - j. WkVft0? VeBwBasBwmmHBV MH (WB tX ' - f r ' asHIUBaUM mtm m&!Hm$m -''.- i. mwxrm mom r saaa.-aaeaasfc Wmmm0i, . .- - ' . " ' T-V-.-. .. I T THE END ot each week they would save time by taking the train off. IT IS RUMORED that a big crowd Is going to Trek. What for? The ball game a weak from Suaday, NOW THATtWB have the weeklr baad coaeerts. the city Is aet as a whole appreciating them. The crowds are THE MUSIC IS' good. But there Is an excuse la there beiag bo place to sit after oae.gats tkera, IT IS EITHBR stand oa'tae aide waUsv.alt oa the curb or taka'a ehaace em twlac eaUe mjnt whlefc u PffwaaWy daasp freaswatahag, ' j maioifti n n's sfccp-,. mmw What's the matter with having the Aakeny Ditch given Immediate atten, tioa? Vote for A. J. Lyle for mayor. Jast try me. 16 adv. Herald want ads get results, RECIPE TO CLEAR A PIMPLY SKIN PIMPLES ARE IMPURITIES SEEK ING AN OUTLET THROUGH THE SKIN PORES Pimples, sores and bolls usually re sult from tozlnB, poisons and Impur ities which are generated in the bow els and then absorbed iatd the blood through the very ducts which should absorb only nourishment to sustain the body. It is the function of the kidneys to filter impurities from the blood urine, but in many instances the bowels create more toxins and Impur ities than the kidneys can eliminate, then the blood uses the akin pores as the next best means of getting rid of these Impurities which often break out all over tho skin In the form of pimples. Tho surest way to clear tho skin ot theno eruptions, says a noted author ity, Is to get from any pharmacy about four ounces of Jad Salts and take a tablespoonful In a glass of hot water each morning beforo break fast for one week. This will prevent the formation of toxins in tho bow els. It also stimulates the kidneys to normal activity, thus coaxing them to filter the blood of Impurities and clearing the skin of pimples. Jad Salts Is Inexpensive, harmless and Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with llthla. Here you have a pleasant, ef fervescent drink which usually makes pimples disappear; cleanses the blood and la excellent for the kldneva nn well. ( I'sld Advertisement) What's the matter of linvlmr the city take over the cemetery? Vote for A. J. Lvln for iiifivn. .I.ia Atlri nnaf thorn sin In .1. fowm mI .. ' " mvm ui. u. uv vM vim,ll. nfltf Yes, Madam ,we sell nothing but the Highest Grade of Para Food Groceries, at very reason, able prices, too. Let as nuke aa everlaetlaf castomer of yoa by pleasing you with. BETTER grocesiee for LBSS money with aa nne. celled, delivery service. Let aa coaviaee yoa by giv ing a a trial order. Tnwie a tfca Fan Food Geac ry that aaalsflaa, , Phone ordera receive tha same arefm VAN RIPER BROS. "Get the Habit" Phone II ffth aad Mala AsHnwfmsHnwfmsHnwfmsHnwfmsHnwfmsHnwfmsHnwa . vsmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm msBmsBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnH ' Bnlnlnlnlnlnlni snasBwHl ViimimimHwgsBnisBmsF LKS 'gmaBniBBniBBniBBniBnw LsBnisBnisBnisBn--.. .i-.S'asBnwBwB"" What's the timttcr " ha"NI ;nouio action. Vote for A. I. Llla for iiiaynr. Jut try me. Is adr ir jvm arc waaaaa for a he. . Hie rKT et raamtry, see Chllfoi. Z I Mala aM4. m Mala HOWABOUTACHISEL? Vim en n have ono tiny slio for any ptiri'imi nml t niiy lrlce. AH linvi' keen edges nml nre remly for imo Tliexo tools, together with tnw. plnuo. Immmcr, etc.. eonstl tme nhiiiit nil you'll need nt home mid every innn lini tm lor them (reiitiently. wa I Wm. C. Hurn Hardware Co. gfl MR. FISHERMAN Com lo Spink's Fishing and Camping Resort ON SPRING CREEK Rate per Day $2.00 Ptar WmIc $12.50 STOCKMEN! We are prepared to receive liiirr( mule or rattle, either fur pnliire or for wile oa contatlMloii nt I ho big Weed Kaarh, near Fun KtaniAlli. We also buy anil mll liore sail males. Wo lum aecured Uir Weeil lUnrli of UI.OM arrm, aad will u Il u n vnt awtembllag place for all klmb of stork, where k will b eonrrnlent fr buyers lo makr lnpertlH. Horses broken to work or rlile. Cluirgr for iwulure Hore, 7.V xr iniiath; Calllr, AeV per mk'iiiIi, For further itartlcaUr write J. F.ADAMS & SONS PORT KliAMATII, ORHGON 1M nimiiiinremrni rsrrles the mrsaage to yon thai y Western Transfer Co. Ilaiilluu l'Nieni;erii, Unggsge sad Frahilil lo Mall lioala for Calkins & Hamilton 1'lntnv IH7, nr leare orders at MM Mala street. A NEST EGG Si il rd nwny with us and constant ly iiehiK added to nnd piling up lutorcwt which keeps compounding will Miirnly put you In a position when you will be Independent Inter on, Wo ask you to open your Initial savings account with us. Wo pay four per cent, com HHindrd semi-annually. FIRST STATE MB SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON Hjxsj0Hl Uhde WVr .v.uISU3 BEST RESULTS If you load your camera with the genuine Eastman N. C. Film. We are the only drug store in Klamath Falls having it for sale. Let us do your developing and printing. PRICES RIGHT KLAMATH FALLS OREGON i -i- WHERtPAirriClH.AH PSOPI.I but i ntirf DnucJB PrWBrYY JSZ OsVasffgd Hose! Hose! Hose! NOT LADIES' HOSE GARDEN HOSE FOR SALE...at the cheapest pkee in Hm eky. H. Boivin's Pluml on Fifth Street between Main and i i t" i .. !'.;') '. fmol, nHimT (ani -"na afiL ,j5' 'WI '4 m i Ltsa . u