... .. &.? ' A &' 'T v ' Hr J. 'jr. KLAMATH FALL!' -:zt KLAMATH COUNTY! ' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWiPAPER 'fcssl fr 7a SKLAMATH PALL1, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1913 - s . . . , ' t- ' - - .anmmmnnnnnna . anst mf jawmmm ''li mm9 - -A w itummtn -wram wjf ' '' LL.IL J 11.1,1. !.. . , , rTj . i iMaili Year Mo . tt. Gfte M U. 5. Note Goes to Germniiy Striker s Rush Oil Plants; Militia CaUed I ...III If ii "Illi ' ... -. WMWIWWW(IIIWWWIWWMIW(lwM wmmmmmm ANNOUNCEMENT OF SENDING OF U. S. NOTE IS A BIG SURPRISE 111 BE SECRET UNTIL BERLIN ! . BETS MESSAGE MtOBABLY HANDED TO FOREIGN OITICK FRIDAY WtM Mr lhllahl Warn TtMt RrptUUea of Lasltea In Dtiartrr WUI K Uafrfndijr Art ' Believed Kmphallonlly Worded - Mspe Vor ftacsfal Rotation' i Km la -Wssnlagtoa Cm aldtred Ailmmktrntion'e Final ' Want Retarding Habatartalag Wilted ITmi Service WASHINGTON, July 11. It waa Smowtti hero today that tha Amer- s ,.. . . . , v mm repiy- to Germaarn aoto was 3W aa to Berlin last Bight Tan aa fcacMscmcnt (truck here Ilka a than jjK tan? one. It Will bn kant wm! ttl It tan tlieteaed nerlln rla Copenhagen, & thfi it was traaalated. It to at M .Httofl to be handed to tka Foralga , Friday when It caa be pabllah ara. ' ;" It li Mid to bo Aamlca'a laat wort talM a waralai tkat a raa- i KWOa Of (h LlMlluk tal4aa -till ICl "' m uafrlaMly aM f pfwajny toward tka UaKad ttataa. i&$htiL7 ."r:,R" "".w" "-. tSi" .: j"." on empaauaauy wora iSjSii? aw. ... .T,. t. vifc-. "wivtui AVjBJtBiwar aHBFm.wawj ir It at mt " 'Mt nlikt aad ttlaead It r''Ia-a. . . "" " " " " WV? Bt 'ete fo m merauiag kera tkat a aac- Ta" on win ka raaekad. 'ir!2Jfc!,,OT tb BwMtaHt aaoka auMrltlTaly when ha told ItmUn r"1 t Germaar waald aisdirr !! "' tatt tkat It la aot iVOBWd to (ha V..j.i.'. .a -vi fM.' te " naiwai ! h aaHH. I-4' WIlKm la ataaatad in m. .v'iitjatAnM.i.1. r ' 721:"" 'Tie 2Tw. Mr U-AaUr4ia 2J! Wa tkat aea aaUAwarlawi S. Mania a u. " ' T "T" "''" i. toraeaata ac oar raair frMt. It U aa4 flawin la a to modify kor aubawrmlac A sTfcaii.iL.. n'm "" vraak Wai .a . . .. WM raaantl. . ..laT!!T!.--. i mrm mm iBiavBiAi aatatU) by Dr. vKaaaUtea., waa fOB tha ..- -T . -, 2jjafcar ao U7Vt Bd. "WWH BA "- am.a r "W MW,1 a oauar ! 'tka. n.u aaTJaaiaH a -. , WBaanwa-Bk awj aWaTaawjaaasai mm ' Must See Him to Get War Contracts ra-j-aBBJ HgMa aBBBBrjaaja. vQ Amorlcnn manufacturers who want futiira rnniracts for the SUPPiy OI war munitions to tho British govern meat must aeo the newly-nrrlved agont , David A, Thomas, wno n Just como to tnko charge' or sucn ssattera. Whllo J. P. Morgan ft Co. hav been anointed agents of the British government for the purchase of arms hero, It haa been mougni necessary to send over a British sub ject to work with them. How much of this la due to the outcry of Camaaiaa manufacturer that they have aot re ceived their sharo of tho work la sot kMwa. Mr. Thomas U n coal king of Wales; he known big business, ana he has come aa tke dfrect representa tive of David Lloyd George, min ister of munitions. After clearing away some of the oat preaslng questions wklck have been under consideration ky purchas ing agents here and the British gov erameat. wklck la straining every nerve to eulp ita new forces for tke log I promised offensive campaign la Flaaders, Mr. Thomas expects to go to Canada for a akort visit. Charges that Canadian irma had been over looked la tka awarding of big coa tracts for supbIIm will be Invest! Mted kr Mr, Thomas, and m report made to Jim, anperler. f )ir, Tkomaa wilt rsmala la this Mtiptry for aa indefinite period. Ilia aojoars my ooatlau aa loaf aa th war lasts. Wltk ktm. kotldaa kw .'wilt and alese, are a swetaey aad t BIG AMIS "BE 1 T06ETBEB" DINNER MONDAY OIIQA'lATION PLANS ARK BX. PLAINED IN' LETTER I'miMfBt JohaMMi of the OfmiRMrrlal Club Head (Krone CirraUr to Thoae Who Khoulil Be UlerMted la Mattrr IteUtlac to Klamath toll and KUunaUi County Why Tltrre Httoulit IW m Htrona Com itHTrial llody Hem 'You nd I ore aroatly Intcreated ,ln tho development of Klamath FalU ftnd Klamath County," says Preai- dent K. v. jonason or ine vommcr-.or 'clal Club, In u letter mailed last night to n number of the citlicns, accomp anying an Invitation to a big "Get Together" dinner. The Invitation reads as follews: Tho Hoard of Directors and He-or-Ktwltation committee of tho Klamath Commercial Club Invltea you to a Cltlioim' Get Together Dinner at the White Pelican Hotel, Monday eve ning. July twentyslxlh, nineteen hundred and fifteen nt six-thirty o'clock The favor of a reply Is requested before July twenty-third. No financial support will be asksd Tickets one dollar. Pregram: Capt. J. W. Slemenx, president of the Firai Steto and Sav lugs Hank, Klamath Falls; H. Van P.eutselaer Chase, President City De velopment Bureau, San Francisco. Muilc. Duuer Iaformal. The dinner la to be entirely In formal, the guests being expected to attend In business dress. The In vitation waa sent to nil that can be accomodated at a dinner at the White Pellcnn hotel and lt Is expected that each who Is to be present will mall nl nnco the acceptance ctvrd accomp anying the Invitation, ro aa to mar proper arrangements for tka accom odation of all who attend. Tho dinner la tor the purpose of the cltlsens of Klamath Falla show ing tlK.tr "Get Togethei" spirit, for the good of Klamatk Falla aad Klam ath launty, and bo one will ha asked to contribute aay money, beyond tha cost ef the dinner ticket, nor give any pledge of inanclal support to tho club or any other cause. Two Speakers The speakers fer-tho occasion are Cut. J W. Siemens, or t.ua city, and 11. Van RenaseUw Chase, of San Fijncltco, president of the City De velopment bureau, the orgaaisatioa of city bultdera MsUthv the direct or in tha creation of the Greater Kliimath Commercial Club, Captain Slower Is one of .h old resident of Klamatk Falla aad U tkorougkly familiar with coadltwaa td needs here, so will be oa whom all will (Ceatlausd oa Page ) a clerk. At present bis keadHartere are at tka Plana la New York city. Mr, .Tkomaa waa rescued from tka Lusltaala wkaa ake waa terpedeed. Hie It Uta, wklek brought asas from Liverpool, waa eeavoyeg aar tkree hundred mttoa by two BrHlah aestroyera. NEW SCHOOL SUE: DESIRED SEVERAL READY OFFERS AVE AL- BEEN , RECEIVED BY 8CHOOL BOARD FOR NEW LO CATION OP BUILDING Tiio printing of a notice that the achool board of Dlitrlct No. X will 'accept offera on a now acnool alte U a result of the belief that the pres ent alio of the Central School build ing Is not a proper location for a building duo to the heavy traffic on Main street. Several alte offers have been made Uo tho board of education and they aro considering them and others are wanted for the purpose of having as; much of k choice as possible. U'h.n ha nraunt bulldlnx was ' tsructoj lt WM nearir 0ut of the Lty imiu, hut the sudden expansion toe city naa piacea It la aa un desirable location. August 2 la tke dato set for the receiving of the of fers which will be viewed by board after which they will leave the final selection of a site to the voters of the district. EUREKA WONDERS AT MUCH WORK A BIG JOB IS UXDKB WAY NEAR EUREKA BUT UTMOST SEC RECY MYHTIPIK9 PEOPLTj OF THAT CITY HOPE FOR RAIL ROAD The peoplo of Itureka, California, aro mystified, according to Rolls C. Groesbeck, city attorney, who re turned the first of the week from a long automobile trip accompanied by Mrs. Groesbeck. by soma large con struction work that l& going, on near Eureka. " He states that he taiked with tke Secretary of the Chamber of com- raerco there who had Investigated aa to the nature of the work and he found that extensive work is belag done a short distance from the city which resembles a hydro-electrio plant as sear as could be determined. No Information can be obtained to the actual nature of the work. The people there are Inclined to believe that this mar be the fore-runner of tke electric line up the Klam ath river to this city" according to Groesbeck and are very curious to know Just what the plant is to be used for ualesa that' Is Its purpose. Due to heavy Guggeahelmer Interests and others In that country in copper mlaes they feel that something big la going to take plaoa aad are kofJag that an outlet from tkla eeaatry will ka made to that clty,,whlek would serve la placing tkla eRjr practically oa the coast, A large erew ia' work lag aad the work Is to preeeed. ," - Mr. Groesbeck made aa aiiaaarra trip from this city ta( tka YWt; aad e- in at r number a turalag by way-ot arareka aad tmt dug. ,f.'J; .. l- Ha X Uaves Fer Two w Tlbree Wealm. 3, A. QoMamHh, a lee4 ttarvkaa gVV eNJwJr 0JaawB"w7aBaWA jvamajaaaami aaaaama waBaaaawajav to be a treat tw teUkmwaami: WARSAW TO BE RAZED IE CITY IS CAPTURED GRAND DUKE RBPORTED WILL BURN CITY Men Are Stationed Ready to Set Fare if Evacaatloa of City Starts De feated Rnssiaas Nordt aad West of City Devaatatlag by Dyamltlng Bridge, Ooagscetang aad Destroy- lag Cropa Many Fires Are Report ed Alrady Started With the Wtad and Sweepiag CoaaiUy t'nlted PreBs Service Berlin, July St. Information haa reached hero that the Grasd'Dalnf Nicholas Is determined that the Ger mans shall not capture Warsaw with the government buildings aad churches unscathed. It Is reported that he has men stationed ready to set Are to the city at all points If It is evacuated. Retreating Russians north and west of the city are devastating by dynamiting bridges in' the Riga re gion, confiscating and destroying crops. Word has been received from Cop enhagen by, wire that Urea are burn ing in the Riga district. It haa tees confirmed that the Russians are burning everything ia this district. Uatted Press Service WASHINGTON, July . Ameri ca's ambassador Marye, to Rnssia, has-cabled American Consul Desoto that he baa taken over Belglum'a and Servla'a Interests at Warsaw. He In timates that the capture of Warsaw Is Imminent. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS CHOSEN LIST OF 10 TEACHERS IS NOW COMPLETE PRINCIPAL BOW MAN EXPECTED TO BE MERE BY AUGUST 1. Tho new faculty tor the Klamath county high achool la now complete and 10 Instructors, eight of wklck will be new here, have been chosen to fill the vacancies made this spring by the resignation of a number of the old tacalty. .. v The two old members who have bben retained are Vernon T. Motach enbacaer, a graduate or tae univers ity of Oregon aad achool of educa tion, who -was Instructor laat la hlatoo aad Bagllah. Ka awo handled athletics. Mint Haul A. North, taatractor of mathematics. waa also retained. ' Th new Instructors are Principal CM Bowman at Meitord. aadnato ot.liHnoN atate aerate) aad iHactpa. at Midtotdl Mies LueHle Marohall lagHeh. greMuatoet1Orcn, kaj ancnt tkrea Mart at nnlvnralvynf h (Oanvlaaed aa Fngo ) STRIKERS BUILDINGS AND TERRORIZE A -r Helping Henry Ford Cwte Drug Rends 4j.Sr.'f' Henry rf .Ford, the Michigan, auto manufacturer, haa obtained tho co operation of Charles B. Towns la hie efforts to establish ia Detroit a hos pital where alcoholic aad drag leads may be cured. Already ive vtethsu have been .sent from tha automobile factory "to Mr. Tovrna' establlahmaat In New York In charge of phyatetaaa and observers, who will dee the knowledge "they gather for the hos pital in Detroit Mr. Towns has a verr successful In caring victims of all drugs- Mr. Ford believes that no man is so far down la the human scale that he cannot be pulled back to useful ness. Out of the expected cure of the five men and tke method of treat- meat applied to each paUeat is plan ned to grow a ward ia Mr. Ford's Detroit hospital to combat-the asa of liquor and drags among the 10.- 000 employeea la the Ford plant aad among others that Mr. Ford desires to reach out aad save. Joe Itnghea Not Gaflty. The case of Jack Hughes against Joe Hughes tor larceny at a saddle waa decided by a Jury in favor of tha defendant last alght Vietta WMh Cap Mr. aad Mrs. August Wageabaeh and son, Teddy, ot St. Louie, are here visiting with Capt J. W. Mcatcaa et this city, Mrs, Wsgeabaah aalaffva sister ot tha Captain. They aro mak- BmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmB r ' .ILininininininH l smtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml-' L I aammmmmmmmaammmT BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBjaaaaaaWar mmmmmmmmmmmmmsmV ymmmmmmmmmmmry awammmmmmmmmmmmssmH- ' AWmmmmmmmmmmmT ''' arammmmmmamfammmmmmmte mmmmmmmmmammmsBmsmar 7r .Hr.t rMHlag a two meath'a trip of tha watt Visiting Yellowstone park, Seattle,, Portland, the two fairs aad win re turn home through tha acuta. Thf aro now at Harrtman Lodge as Out; tomen's gneata." m It Laavea - Asssrolag to a loiter rcvod'hr tJ-. O. T, Octver of thlaattr. Kav. S,D. family, have teft: thetr liintnr haaan la Wt , v tti'-I'VitiK." EIRE ? "'' s? -4 "ii OIL 'CAR 'i&fetef Tin ties to fir iJ . aJjfe or BUBwTS INTO aAMM' , ., TMBI AFTBWNOOJT ' I W 1 Attempt to," Baum fatsasancdT OB - fUmtrfmmlK mm7' Md aBaaaaa1. mura aa Osvart ataaisa--a?aF ' sTJawi amd Foaw Weaaaaaf m AC " . r 3 tesjiaBm Oovetsmr otdaaa Ja,i i -. $ S5" Jfe!?'; ' ?-ii ' t - 't?.'Tjj, 5a5 UiUtarf-Preaaarviaas.' ? , BAYONNB. Jaly SS.Thi.atrtk era went proWbly' fatally ahot-here. laat 'klght aad aereral were woaaded whea aa attempfwaa to scale tho walla of the Oil plant. HMdom. behind tha watte of church, 160 strikers ranked tho plant.- Aa they reaeaed the top- Urn guards from wHhht trad. Two guards were reported woaaded. Sheriff Kiakead haa sworn fat I M deputlee and has theaa ssssstsd ia the court htfaae. Tba striatera are coagregatlag on tho atreeta wfth the entire pbllee foree on the aseaa at tempting to paetfy them. " tl ' ' Last alght the atrikera tsrrarmsd the dty by Srtaff bnHdlage Tho loss ia placed art UM.oat, ? - r . -- - United Preaa Servle- WASHINGTON, July Sis The) do partsaent of Labor haa attainted Jean .Meat aad James Smith aaen eUUtors.to laUrTenehi tho atru at Bayoaae.' They aro gaaiatsd'to ar rive there tonight - & United Jjreee 9er???.2 ; -3- SPRINaFIBLD, Jnly II. TICC-' president Jennings of the : union haa appealed to that .tho orgealacra of tan. shall eenocntrato that Mew campaign on shertor hansa and Usa pay. ' Skrlkea aro tareatened ta away. etttsn. .. v UaltadTreas Scrviee " BATONNE, July It. Tan strikera this, afternoon attempted to man the gates, of tho Tide Water plant ansa- , pelllag tha depatiea to Iro kBttng. two strikers, wounding two cntMien aad four others.,, Tke atritmw.ra treated under heavy Ira.? The gatee warn rnsbed (strikers tkreatealng to a '.waste 'on tka oil wasla. M UtM Sheriff Xlakead ncked far traana. u ." ' riff- - rnrted-paa servtea - , JJtRBBTT CITY, fMf, JT m'i eaty, Ommm Tlillar srlaril taof ; twe , t W ag'am .' "3..',, ... ,L- lS- -j.. ,...7U. J1 '..,- V BAtOWNB. July H; (It eg i. tfcl -A,I:M BMBrgnr Wefal tfin-l Jef) WfHi 4l1-iB. WaUttiora Itod aa ''.Thara ana lt lka,aBMatal asm fa HfcMkiaika. sJWienYspww Baanaamj ganrnjo to f, " Ualafg4t r j ,5. v," ' ! c i i-"! ' I VI 'i 'l S - ii ' P : K" i n ' '1 $. . M "jv;.a -? ?" I fX.i t,: . 71 V ' rm ? A .,'Vi.i,vJi .4...ri if5'! .( -. . r f KC IM