"&F v ' ' v. 4 mM ;4iYf;rL JjUfx . " ' - t . t KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER " 3l V 5W h iSbX t .gW - .Sk "l " ' ' ' '"M' -r I KLAMATH FALLS 1 ltr-r -fL-m, .m .. L mf ' ' I fcv ! : L-L- 1 ., K.u,tAPKB -LJ I.I I I1 irr lTlTTftIIT M lrvt r.n ru in nil im mvw w www wanmmsKr aLmr mama smsm smsm bw smsm smsm mams smsm sassa smsst smsm. asms a assam smsst .- smsst .rv bsbbb sssmi bsbssi ssmm - ) aa- J- & JtM - A B OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER I KMk Year So. 1t KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1915 Prie Five Greatest Drive Since Alexander the Great . i Ills Say: Portland Will Co-operate With Klamath FaJls '"""" --- - ' "w"""' ' ' --i-ri-r-ii-.ii-r . wi mjiuuuu- GERMAN PLANS ARE STUPENDOUS t'nltfa I'rwn Service jOMH.V, July 110. The arvatot aad mtat stupendous rasntMiga awde since the lime of AtasaaaVr Hie Great sad lib niarrcloua aehleve ml, now thrtwlena Warsaw. Bulletins mw ported In Berlin anil IVi ragrsd ar for Ihe fin time revealing the nal extent of Germany' oper- Professor Has New Theoryof Gravitation Military etpert aro amasrtl nl ilw daring r the German In the ussHaaeoiM attempt In wplNrw twMli Wrmw unit Riga. Great ai-nilea air Mm rrtcaMM for 11 smaahing blow oa tlie wert. A peaftlmUtlc feel. ! It heglanlag (u pervade the HrilUti Ida. The probability of the Russian - taring to evacuate Warsaw, which U Sacramento Man llen threatened by Von lllndenberg In J W, F. Kopka, inauugcr of tho dry the north and Von Mackenaon In II10 K"d a dniwrtment of Wclnatock. otilb, l brim rloualy conildrrcd. For the prrcnt norlln la lh only ttjildl rolrbrntlnit, and aialn Ftold Mtnhal Von lllndnnborf, whoao auc mm In tbo Prtainyaa dUlrlct la Iho rauM of It. U bolnn lauded. With cnorruotu uumrHr of Orr-j A. I), Miller, local rommUnlou man tin trr being tued for (he ofnnd mcinbrr of tlio rouncll, nccomp- (fnilra In the Mil It la lh RrwtMt nnlod by Mra. Mlllor. rctnrnpd thin l.ubln rorapany of Hncrnmrnto. In aprndlng hi vncntlon horv. Thla th fourth or fifth yonr thol Mr. Ilopka hat made hla varatlon trip to., thin city. a-pf IJS-HKw E mMiKKm wmmm 1 T- ''MPKwH i KwHwHKwKwHl MkwKr-MS5bI-HI 1 Ml 1 'I IIK-Kw tf l . hBnKwKwKwKBKr CHAS. S. MOORE SUCCUMBS IN TODAY PORTLAND Great Inventors Will Save U. S. WAH STATK TKKAMUItKIt IIIH JIAX IN.HTATK ASH1 IH'atli Duo to IVrformnl Hour nofort xu. Operation Ihs-enlly , Hon Arrle On I He I'awwd Awiiy ). Itrfrtlier nml Two Hoiim lit! Ikiltilile Cnitip l Klnnuith Conn! ty In IH7I lletntel 10 llnve Ih-cn Worth U'IOO,noo to 10(,000. 'Ht.1 Prufcamir TIioiuum Jttltnrsan Jnck Chan. S. Moore, one of the tnnnchpfit and urtriAt ' knovn nlnn. i 1 cm of the Slate of Oregon and ono of Klamntli Falls' raot prominent jbiulnoni men, died ti)9 morning nt (Herald rtpeclal 8mrke) nADiunuTUN, juiy m. a new poney toward Moilco la one of hto widely advcrtlaed olferlaga of the Ad- InUtratloii, and It la belnar eiololtod l friendly ncwapanera aa vlgoroualy m mouth It were a mld-eummer mark down of white gooda la a department we. unllkn the latter, however, no dcuiii ro ,T0B Ma nobody Mow when tho new policy will bo pot into operation If ever, whether It ilmtllies a now form of "watchful wltlni", whether It meaaa that, with Bryan tone from the Cabinet, there la l Uit to bo a definite policy toward Meiico, delgnod really to holp the Mplen pooplo of that feud-rent land M to give vorae aunraneeof aafety lorernmental proteetlog to tbo on lea Americana whose capital " toll aro wrapped up In property MT nch"rlng republic. There In one point on which nil wo, namoly, that the "new policy", wovcr elao It rontalni ahotrid hve ? 0' the concealment which haa werto cloaked everything connected 'rt our Mexican reUtlona. ' r Initanco, if the "new policy" ntcrvnntlon, It should be ac panled by a compleU NelUl of 2'J!J' P'i. outrage aad rear- ' have tar . 1 .... fell-.-.. . "" '"" T",w " r -xiuieni without remonatrane 2" th0 tte DepaHmeat. If It to?h. jK)',c,n ' rUI dletrieta. wlL"'1 U,B hm for K 'her ro nMl,the admin- SoZ 'tr,,M lHW hwto'W "Sit iS'fl1 "" tfitt ?t?t. ? mw ifWitit; , .w,w1theotlieroftlitWn the AdmlnlHtrntlou Hliould not heHl tain to any ho, and Ita good work to thla end ahould not bo cloaked be neath any nnnrtlmnnlotia pretence. Tljo fact In that the whole country la not only shocked by tho bloody deeda that liavo boon dono In Mealro, and Irritated beyond cxproaalon by tho illiturbiviiro which tho howling hordea hnvo been kicking up In our very door-ynrda, mo to say; but tho peoplo are lingered wj they linn nnnounrcd to tho Hoynl Society of 1 .011 ilon a new theory of the emme of gravltntlon. Tho norlety to which lTOfoHor Soo submitted bin theory 1 win tho Bnmo ono to which Sir leanc , Now ton madn hl first report after IdUcovorlng tho low of gravitation. I'rofewior Sec hnnounced In St. I.ouIk thnt next September, on (tho SfiOth nnnlversftTy of K'ewlon's dln coverlen, ho would mnko public many more details concerning his theory as' to the cnuso of gravitation nnd other phenomena he has had under observation. Professor Seo contends that gravi tation U nn electrical phenomenon which Is caused by elementary elec tric currents circulating about atoms of mnttor. This theory Is an exten sion nnd elaboration of phyolcnl laws first demonstrated by tho French physicist, Ampore, nlnety.flvo years rnroly nK- whlchf Anipero showed that two parallel have been by tho contempt the policy of "watchful waiting" has 1 currants of eloctrlclty, flowing In tho engendered for us throughout allsnmo direction, attract each other, Mexico, hut repel when flowing In opposite Tho Mexicans, fur the most part,1 directions. M ik rinh.llltt .rtt.nM. nArt.i.A lin. a. 11 tt mu. pi. .num.... (itoi'ivj iiii- nblo to read and believing whntovcr Is told to them by those possessing temporary authority. Tlliuti, when Vllla'a generals refined to admit to Mexican aoll a tralnload of Roil Cross supplies, the peoplo were told that tho United States had beim defied by VlllAr-and nil through tho Vlllalsta xonn of Influonco, ranehn Villa1 is belloved to bo a greater and 11 bet ter man than Woodrow Wilson. Again, when our troops were with drawn from tho costly and f utile oc cupation of Vorn Crux,; Cnrrnn.'. r,lr- culrvted tho word that io had g'.vcn (leneral Punston twenty-four hours In which to get out and thnt Funston "got." Tho peous of tho Carransa- lata tone believed this, they beltevo it today; and similar yarns, no doubt fire the Mexican heart in Zapatista; territory. Thus It happens that a humiliated Amorlcan spirit hopes against hope that a "new Mexlcon policy" la really forthcoming at last, Tho people of the United States believe that no pol icy could lie worae than the one that haa been pursued. For two yoara the President's mind haa boon closed and iockod against any suggestion regarding Mexico which ha.a emanat ed from those who know anything about Mexico; and It mar be that it la now too late for anything to bo done efeetlvely at any cost which tho country la willing to pay. I .much ui I nn uuiiiimciiiuu uionriciii mnchluory of tho present iday Is made potxlblo by tho adoption of this prin ciple. Profussor 8eo goes beyonii this hypothesis nnd asserts the entire universe Is governed by forces de pendent upon nloctrlclty in motion. "flnnltntlon," tho Professor snyst "is not nn Instnntly acting force, but Is transmitted through space at the mis city or winch Mr. Moore was vice president, lie was 58 years nnd stx months old. Mr. Moore had been ailing or sev eral years and but recently submit ted to nn operation for an ulcer of tho stomach. For several days fol lowing pho operation ho had felt much hotter and was belloved to bo on tho road to recovery. Favorable reports wcro received every day by Charles and John Moore, his two sons who reside in this city, until yesterday a telegram was received summoning thorn to Portland. They left In tlmo to catch the north bound train at Aabland reaching the bed side but ono hour before his death occurred. Tho telegram received by Mr. Rogers stated that tho funeral will bo held Thursday or Friday of thlH week. Interment to bo made In Portland. Mr. Moore's father, Wm. S. Moore, died there In 1899. Chas.'S. Mooro was born In Mar ion county, Oregon, January 8, 1857, his father and mother, coming to this state from Illinois. They were lo cated on nvfnrra in Marlon county when Charles was born. Wm. Moore was n millwright by trade, and was afterward located at Salem and Ore gon City. In 1874 ho came, to Klnmath county where he erected a sawmill for tho United Statos gov ernment at the Klamath agencyr In 1887 ho returned to Portland where he died. While hero he waa appoint- movement of the kind ever undcrtak- morning from n vacation trip of wL 8(M, who . , .,.. . ,,, ,1' ",fl ' Portland according to a sixths history of war. oral weeks. , obwrva lory nt Mnw I dan! c-l l,Cr"m rCC,Vt'd by Lci,, RgCr8' , - . "wnn,or1 "l !nrV"lana' t"1' cashier of tbo First National Hank of New Mexican Policy Is Hoped for by Americans (rnntlautd on Page 4) -X-X-X-X-HHf& Pa-is-x-x-xewxewxewx-x-l-x-x J-xSaSmBeaBaBaa--, BBBBBBBBBBBBBBwXwXewXr BjmwXF' fc VwXwXwXwXwXwV L. V&SBzi VffVsPamBBBBBBBBwXwL VBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbK 't7 Jj OtBwXwXwXwxf .wieBBBBBBBUBB-XwXwXwXwXwXa .SajLHH-y lnL-xwXwXwKa9a-B OiaiaiViMiaiaiLBaaaaaaaawr PS)BBwjiESB kmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaB ff BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBwXwXwk wX01iBBBBBwXwmaBBB wBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr ff mmmSmSwBsmlsmmm, OJ'wXwXwXwxMwS aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBwm wXwXwXwXwXwXwXwXwXwXwXwS MFMMr PRES. VOL REVfALS PLANS AT i ViR y LUNCHEON i ":- - THIRTY WORIUBM THEIR SERVICES fc it VOLUNTEER. jUEXAMBUCa. 0GLL. , Thesu are no mo of tho great In- Wright us his authority qu the aero- ventors. who. after consultation wlth'P'nno and of Henry FordiM hxt ad- Ti.omn a R.tiam. SArm.nrv nt .i.iv,sor ln practical application of . , , . , , fall Borts of inventions and, Incident Navy Daniels has called to save th. lly ft geueral ..efficiency doctor, I'nltcd States should she go to waT,ior the navy. wiui n loroign nation. ;rno secretary None ot thoso named wm be limit has published a lotter to tho wizard La to any particular field, according of East Orange. N. J., in which ho to olllcers In touch with the navy cons on Amoricau inventors to organ-secretary's plans, but it was acknowl lzo and offer suggestions which mayedged thnt Secretary Daniels regards bo used to better the navy. 'th0 submarine and tho aeroplane as Of tho various persons the secre- tho most important part In the sea tnry has considered for tho work in 1 warfare of the future and Is espec hand, it was understood that he wns tally desirous that they receive the most anxious to secure tho services of I most thorough attention by the new Edison as a submarlno expert, of board. Method of Re-organlaaUe of Kuan ath Oomercul " dab UHUKked at at SaweeeafMIr Xooavwsjr Oathertec V Ji - tJ wtiite PeHcaa Hotel A t neae OqniKfatatleai ebe BM ea BawbaeM tec HaKr Owdam of Ooaam M : Mora. than flftv nt Ikaiu, uicui. ku oi,iuo uu,wn in. ui- Whfte.-PeIlcafefcAHOtenat -tj como from tho sun to the enrth olght minutes." In! COUNCIL LETS TWO CONTRACTS Two eontrrcts were lot by the City council last night for the plaolug of screpus and awnings nn tho city ball whore specified, tho Oregon Harneaa Company getting tbo contract for live awnings for 42i60 and J; F, Qoeller Son, screens, i104.70, Otiier bids were, Cofer Bros, screens, 1130.60, awnlnga 45.70j Raldwln. awnings, 139.50; J, H. Iiugligroen, screens, 1100,60, A permit to put u glaaa front i the building at Sixth and Mala wm refused until specifications should be submitted the council along' with. tho plana, PARTY MAKES TRIP TO BEDS WMwawawx. REPORT ROAD IN GOOD CONDI. TION CONSIDERING COUNTRY HUT WILL BR IMPROVED YRT WANT Ii:ST ROAD POSSIBLE ' (By Capt. O. 0. Applegate.) Tho party consisting of Capt, O, O, Apptegaie," W, A, Delioil. W. F, Ar-, ant nnil 0. 0. Applegate, , Jr that went to the Uva.Usds on Saturday to iRfpect the road work being done there andto complete the location of tho road (to thb Modoc cou,nty line, returned Sunday night, The locat ed the road definitely to tho point on the lino whero the people of Modoc county have completed their part of tbo road, and have established a monument. As now located the, route is a good .one and when the road Is completed in win oe a gooa pracucanto roau, Uiilto direct, and rpmarknbly good, I considering tho character of the country through which it passes. It will open up a land unsurpassed for scenic attractions and historic Inter est Our party of road workers was yesterday moving four miles from tho Modoo county line nnd by tbo end of tho week expect to reach tho mon umont on tho line whero Old Glory will bo planted with appropriate cer emonies. The direction of work will then be reversed and the party will work thla way In putting a smooth finish on the rougher places. The first car to pass the Bear Paw Ice cavo was driven Sundnr morning to n point three miles through the mazes ot tho, lava field by Captain W. Frank Aran, convoying our exploration committao to the point where (ho men are work ing under the management of Chas. H; Merrill and Henry Parrlsh. The following letter waa received by Captain Applegate from Ira S. Camion, supervisor ot roads ot the Fifth district of Modoc county and Geo. R. Walker, president of the Good Roads association of Loekout: "Wo hnvo Just returned from a trip mndo today ovor this end of the now Lava Reds road and, sto pleased to report tho road practically com pleted to' the Siskiyou line last Wod nofday night. "Our men will spend a few more days in detail work on the new road after which wo expect to do consider able work on this side getting tho old road in first class condition. "Wo nro anxious to know how the woii, progressing on your end of tlui road nnd hopo to be able to vUlt .vim at an early date over the new road. While the old road is in bet ter condition this year than ever be as lnncbeonk guests ot ''President atf D. Johnson.! of Ue Commercial Cla; for tho Pu'rposcof'coHsldering piaas j for securing for Klamath falla , a large and Influential' commercial body"trf advance the Interests of 'thla city and Klamath' county. . After partaking of the. excellent luncheon which B. B. Hall, proprie tor ,of the White Pelican. hada ranged for the delectation of the In ner man. President Johnson took up the matter in hand, and before the proceedings had gone far it waa evl dent that the plans which the com- mlttee on re-orgaalsalon had evolved for the making of a greater Com mercial blub met with 'the approval! of tho substantial 'business aad i pro fessional men i present: v This was shown by the eathaslaam manfested In "the course' of thedts- ciission of the plans.1 in the number of volunteers from among' theee yres? ent offering o assist J& the buRilag of the new Commercial 'Club, aad ,U , the acceptance of the' general Splen ot organisation called for under the reorganization scheme v presented by , those In charge of 'the movement To Meet Modeni 'Need Dr. Johnson -spoke ot the work of the Commercial Club;Katatiaf that It had been getting along well, consid ering condllons, but not smeh w this community merited,, and was not ' equipped to do the work It might he 4 doing under a system designed to meet modern needs. The directors alf reatued this, aad looked about tocthe heat means to get such an 'organisation. , After f making an iavestlMtlon ther had ae- lected the City Development Bureau , oi San Francisco; to modernise the Commercial Club and install meth ods adequate to handle the problems which Klamath Falls and vicinity will have before them, and bo a fac tor in developing thla county. Dr. Johnson stated ' that he not only has faith ,ln the creation here ot a great city and prosperous county, but also in the .enterprise and pub lic spirit of the men now here to unite t and worb;;ladustirIoualy' and harmoniously to this end, The plan or re-organisatlon which the com- flirA H7A Ai Tn nvnnasa a a inn ll.lfi THE BEST ROAD IN TUB."-1 h T0lYe4 WOHld. h it CT- NOnTH. ulf ? ttli h PPW? ?V ... ! ,. ,1 I II. I ., . , . . ,.. f Ixcal People la Cracet- - J, II. Cartor, tho embryo tooth' puller, Ralph Carter, the pill roWer, and Frank. Olds who sella paints, oils glass and other things, including ak tures of "September' Morn," wsroa the 'city this week frpm Klamath Falls. -Crescent CltrNevra. !' ery one looking Into them Aj - w . M. ' jm wSwasswr issiav s xanmaeimiaaamainswM i . , k v.-mmm iii.i m, ... ..,'" iWB, Stowo Devol. of the City'Dft.S.)!.-! Tale'nmnWt Bureau of lu Fnuluii' , V . . 1 iirii.- - 'zzstzzz: t. a, ""j "tttt ;". mfmimmm'wr i u wmnnw twwm J rWOTW, '-ji a 5 fWAMl mc casnges wawa-naTSmwen viasf,. (Costiased on