4 Dfo Hrralft KLAMATH FALL!' . KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ' ' OFFICIAL NEWIPAPK u Ninth Vfar- ' KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. MONDAY, JULY 19, 1915 mm mt unthm Quick Capture of Warsaw, Striking Terror, Believed Plan of the Kaiser HINDENBURB IS TO BE PLACED IK CHAR6F THEN srtkned That This U (He Kaiser's Mm sad I WlMi M Meant When H Kald lleeeally, "OwnMMijf Will Hi. Won By OrtebW Thoaght WIU llae Germany la I1m to Make Proper Trrm Krmth are needy Areordlac W Officials and Not Worrying I'nlttU I'rpni Service PAItIR, July 19. A quick rapture of Wsrasw which will drive terror to the hsrt of the enemy and n tri umphant entry Into llaraa la 'believed to be the plan of war of the Kalter ind U what he meant when he Mid recently, "Germany will have won by October." II y ao maneuvering, It It believed that tuch successes will place (lermany In a' position to make term with the Alllea that will be to her benefit and credit without din honor. ; A high official In the Preach gov eromrnt here fated today, that Franca It ready and It aot worrying. Crowds ot people are watching the Warsaw iltuatloa closely. It It rumored that the Kalter haa promlted to put General llladenberg lo tupreno commaad of the western campaign If Waraaw I captured. KmmU Itesorts Caeek. United Press Service PCTROGHAD, July IS. It waa announced her today that Oeaeral Macebien wat defeated la at Mere battle south ot Lublin along the traekt of the Cholm railway and that the German Waraaw ndvance haa been tomporarlly checked. The enemy la gaining their troopa to aid Mackensen whoee center la In dancer. Deeperate lighting haa Iwea continuing for tba put 14 noun. The hardest lighting U around I'rtatnyai and on Germany's right. I OUT MEDFORD 1QBEK I'lTCHEH WONDERFUL UAMK GETTING ft STRIKE OUTH AND ALLOWING BUT in BKAii nrm. cavt, hoag AM NELSON UTAH AT BAT Hitting the little old pill jutt at right tl wbea hits, meeat ntnn and runa war aweet tlakllngs the eara ot the Klamath delega "on, the Kwauaa B FaeUry team il a H, cliy look Mad row big leaguers Into, earn to tha tune of four to 0, a big round-goose at Bedford Sunday. Tha fait cinched la the minds ot the Klnmatititea whan It waa dlseovered t the -hoaH aoya" of Medford l.'.?. Mclrl . little flaaactal h2Su? my ' r"'aua to Jock all over, the M due largely to cen working agalatt rata ikaad nlLV!rth,W' WM.i;?wi ,wm Hdsd to sew u, tee game, tka EWAUNAS SHU bnya enmo through awl clouted the cover off the aphem no hard tlmt they could nut hwi thnin. The first IiiiiIiik opened llku n German battery tint hkuIuu tho wall of Paris would wound mid before the ontertalnora got teltled down tlm old game wun won with two runt safely1 put awny oil Ire. Tlilt U how It Imp-, pened. Caster walked Mcaxlck who! went to second on llowdun' ttacrl i flee. Meetlck didn't ttop to whittle I nt second and rarod on to third onl the throw from second to first mak ing' the sack on a boniitlful awnn dlvo tilde, safe a mile. That started the ball a'rollln' nnd the Klamnthltes. would have drowned out that Paris attack. Illgbco then enmo up nnd re ceived one on the olbdw (hat shot a thrill down the spines ot his unck-j era for fear or n- bad Injury but It did not phate Mm nnd hn took his base, Captain "linn" Hong then stepped up and slammed ono nnd be fore Medford nwokn two tallies were made, Nelson scoring Hong on n long fly which lloag bent In. In the fifth Inning after two men wero down, "Hap" Jes Wlllnrd Nel son and llorhlg slipped through two more rutt by timely hitting, smash ing Caster soMtnrd that Inning that they could not see them. Oreen, third baseman for Medford, made n signed statement following the garao that ono of the balls passed between him and the base to fast that ho did not see II. After that there was no scoring and Medford got one man around to third. While n trlflo wild at first due largely to III fitting shoes, nig bee settled down after bo had changed and bad the "homo boys" swinging wildly, the old leaguers finding It Impossible to touch bim up often enough to make It worth while. Shorty Miles of Itogue river baseball fame for bis umpiring abil ities from second base, clalmod It waa pure bonehoadedness and bad coaching but It rather appeared to be a habit tho boys had of falling to touch up tho pellet, Dlgbeo securod lfi strikeouts, eight In three Innings. sis of which were In double, ono, two; three order. Ho simmered them down the lano so fast and furious and raized them up so completely that Medford might have been fighting a flock of aeroplanes. Greeted by the Medford sport dop lata who failed to nppear at the park for the gamo ns "cowboy" and "cowmen", tho Medford team was ahown up so badly that thoy will have to aturt nil over again. The; old bush gag of throwing tho ball oyer first base to the right fielder, caualng tho runner on first to dash for second, worked like n charm. He discovered his mistake and though vainly trying ho wns unable to na-rlgato In both directions nt tho same time nnd due to Mosslcks ntilck return, after a hard run, to Nelson and Nelson's planting tho ball safely on the runner, ho w(is out sev eral fact. Caster pitched n good gnmo but he waa unable to hold tho locale In tho plnohrt. Ho secured nine strlkoouts walked ono and hit two or three. Ile.nrnvai ne wns operaieo upon, imq ahowed an inclination to be wild butUottorH received up till a tow daya managed to hold hlnwlf through ih. nln Innlnn, Throo urroiB wore, chalked up against hla team mates assembled about tho diamond whllo tho Rwaunaa played errorless ball. question or poor juagmam nusm ba placed In tbe outfield but nvo hits ware given Medford, ' Lineups: Kwauaa: Meaalek . . , Bowden . . Blgbee .... Hoag Nelson . . . . Hcrbtg ..... Palmar ... Medford ,..ab Weekler . ...8b,., Green .....p........ Caster , ,,.ss Crawford ,.4..U, ...... Wllaop ,...rf., Coloman ,. -.cf, j... ...Kaimark ataUahenbacher . c ..,.,. Hiu Arnold .., If a tiiaatary: it II n Kwauaa- m, .,. .., fl Medford ...,.,,',,..,,0 ft ai iWarahlp Goea to Santo iKHntngu United Press Sarvlre WASIUNQTON, July l.--;,Tha Uslttd hHateawarshlp Naikyllla ata- lloued ut Hun .1 iKtii Imt been ordered to Kiinto DoiiiIiiko by the navy do IMtrtiiiftiil, some, worry bolng shown over the revolution tbero. The gun lout I'nducuh lint been ordered to Hnn Junn where several German thlps lire interned. BODY OF MAN ON ALTAR STEPS KITH Kit MUHItr'.IIKO OK A Hit!- am:, itunv iiklikvkd to hk I.. A MIIXKIt OF U)H AXOI-XKH t'OUMt IX NVDK COMHTION United Cress Hervlro 1.08 ANOKUCH, July 19. Tho; body of either a murdered man or a suicide, almost nude, was found yes-1 terdtiy on tho Altar steps of SI. Aug iittlno's steps nt, the Catholic chfrch near I'alnu. A coroner's jury this morning brought In n verdict thai ho1 prolinhly died from chloroform' but I did not decide whether It wns u mur--der or n suicide. i It Is believed to be I.., A. Miller! of 1.0 Angeles, found stuffed A handkerchief was In his mouth. Ills vntch and money wore missing and his clothing draped about on the attar railing. Ills head wn marked as If struck by a blunt Instrument and it Is be- llevcd that ho was slain In a corn field nearby after which tho body was carried Hnto the church. Laura Machaeo, caretaker at the church, found tho body. C. S, MOORE IS ILL IN PORTLAND! i TWO SONS, JOHN AND CHARLES, LEAVE THIS AFTERNOON IIY AVTOMOItlLE FOB MEDFORD IN IIESFONKE TO TELEC1GRAM, Charles and John Moore loft this afternoon by nuto for Medford where they will cntch the train .for Port land, In response to n telegram from their mother. Wlillo no Information wns given In tho message It la bollev-i-(l that their fnthor, Chns. S. Moore, who is under the doctor's care nt a hospital in Portland, must ha-vo tak- len a turn for the worse. 1 ('. S. Moore hits boon In poor health for somo tlmo and about threo weeks ngo, accompanied by Mrs. Mooro, bo, went to Portland to con sult specialist. Shortly after hla 'TS Mnteii mat ne was getting niong nireiy. I no ransom wci'iven wua summoned his sons to Portland at ouco would ludlcate that his con dition wan considered serious. Auto Turns Turtle on Road. A car driven by Thomas Jacob ot this city, taking three passengers to Medford Sunday to sea the brill game turned over otf tho Green Spring Mountain road when the brakesre fusud to hold. Tho wonum, in rtie unity wnt bdly cut nnd bruised1 as wero tho men and were brought back to this city nnd taken to the hospital for troitmont last night. Jacobs waa nlstv badly cut about tho ftce and bruised up. The car was badly de molished, Tluiy Leaves For PllUthurg. United preaa; Service ' ,;",, v PHiLADHWHiA, July tiB-S-Harry. K. Thaw left Atlantic City thla;ntoraT Ing for Pittsburg.' Thousands of persons cheered his departure. How '4trians Make New Men of Their Soldiers aaaysaaaaaaaaaaajsaaaaassal aTlM' fTmaJaaafor ' y4 MttFtfJaV RaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWjAaUaaaaaaaLBaT a1 '"vJ BBE'f M" YM iaaaV , The Austrlans, like tbe Germans, conserve human life. They repair men wounded Jn the war, and almost make new men of thom, If there la anything to make over. This soldier, .who has been given now legs and feet i and arras nnd hands. Isan lllustra- Uon 0, thPr wonderful work. H la curbing a ladder ttfthow that be can j,err0riu iX IcasC tone or the feats he wa8 canableot before ho had his arms 'and legs shot off. LOCAL PRODUCTS AT FAIR OPEN A NEW MARKET HERE KLAMATH LETTUCE TAKEN FOR CABBAGE ;' ' Ravelin, Chief of the Horltcul- ture Exhlbiu Deacribea Samptea Of Lettuce Seat By Comsterciial Club f.4 "Simply JPIieBomesuU" Want Mora For Gold Medal Exhi bition Ilat Aaytblag Sbowa From Around San Francisco Op en Possibility for New Klamath Market (Herald Special Service) 8AN FRANCISCO, July 19. C. N. Ravelin, chief of the Horticulture ex hibits for Oregon describes tho four lettuco heads, recently sent for the Klamath exhibit by the' Chamber of Commerce, four of them weighing four lBd aP'i'ce as "simply pho- nomonul" not ouly as to also but al ao as to solidity of the heads and ex cellence of structure. Tho lettuce was from the truck garden ot Fred Nitschelm near Klamath Falls. He la anxious to have mora ex- aaV' snasHflaEak -TjaaVRajajajntm' 3BBlfc al9aTaftaVaiflaaMJBBM !JhajkajajaAakaaasLk JLta, ajpst --T"77?Tpj"BtsaaBBi Cunard Liner Narrowly Misses Being MbySubmarineWiihoutWariuiig hlblls sent to be entered In tho Gold Oregon Humane Society as tbe first Mednl contest which Is held later, str.to humane officer, to serve with Many people mistake the lettuce out salary. Ills commission reads: heads for cabbage and their keeping qualities have proven wonderful. I'eoplc visiting tbe exhibition are amazed at tho vegetable display from Klamath county which Is far better than anything raised near San Fran cisco. Similar results are expected when tho Klamath sweet corn will bo put on display as Its quality beats anything shown here. Owing to Klamath's proximity to San Francisco, Klamath county will be In a position to open a splendid market for garden products here, catering to tho best class of. trade, which demands and is willing to pay for tho best vegetables obtainable. Iteallslng 'this. Chief Ravelin la anxious to have fresh vegetables dis plays furnished him from Klamath county for display and to be put Into competition with other product tn tho contests in tho Horticultural building where tbey will attract com mission men who visit this building with tho express purpose of looking over tho cxhlblte'to pick out the best samples of products and note their localities. FARM PRODUCTS ARE BR0U6HT IN PARMKK8 OF COUNTY ARE NOW BRINGING IN EXCELLENT SAMPLES OF KLAMATH PRO DUCTS FOR DISPLAY Quito, a display ot fresh farm pro j ducts Is being gathered at the Com Imerclal Club rooms, 115 Fourth i street, through the voluntary contri J buttons of public spirited citizens. In the collection are the following; A wonderful, branch of gooseber ries, contributed by G. D. Gristle, The fruit Is so thick upon the branches that It would be difficult to fjnd room for more. If one. were In clined to ndd to. tho quantity born upon them. Mr. Gristle haa fifteen bushes like this, which will average over Ave galloaa to the bush at his ranch ten miles ou.t on the valley road. ( 'Thomas McCormlck contributes a bunch of fine timothy hay, five feet tall, and having heada of large else, some over seven Inches long. A very large alfalfa plant Is dis played from the ranch of N. 8. Mer rill, ot Merrill. Tho plant makes a fair sited bundle ot hay, and some of the branches are five and a halt feet tall. t Mr. Merrill also sent in, to tho Commercial Club a stool ot oats over five feet tall, and some excellent red top. A large bundle of fine timothy and red top, mixed, la shown from the ranch ot George Doal, of the Upper Langell Valloy, who has 300 acres of this excellent hay crop. The Commercial Club Is very much pleased to have these exhibits on display, and will welcome other products of the soil, giving them promlnont positions In the Club rooms, tor tbe Inspection of visitors to this section of the state. - Noted Wonted in. History. United Preen Service 8ACRAMENTO, July 19. Women must have a great prominence la California' school.' history since the State Board ot Education accepted a bid for histories to be provided la schools" which have been revised to Include the biographies ot Fraaees Wlllard, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Julia Howe and others of proatla- eace. . ' V1 " Ftret'Volwateer Wiiaiaaw Oaaeer. Ool, B. Hofer haa' beea appolated by Pratldent Coaaarthwalt ot tka "You aio hereby appointed state officer of thn Oregon Humane So ciety, with full authority to investi gate and report on nil matters of violation of the state laws against cruelty to children and animala and prosecution of the. same," K.F. TURNS OUT BI6 IN MEDFORD ESTIMATED THAT NEARLY PEOPLE FROM THIS CITY JOURNEYED ACROSS MOUNT- e AINS TO BALL GAME What was one ot the largest dele gations to ever leave this city for any sort of a celebration Journeyed to Medford Sunday to see tbe ball gamp between Medford and the Ewauna Box Factory teams, won by the local boys 4 to 0, At one time Sunday 50 machines were coaated In Medford and nearly 200 people. Parties began leaving here Satur day morning and from thea until Sunday afternoon a continuous string of automobiles continued to pour Into tbe Rogue river valley city. One driver going over early Sunday morning reported that he passed 11 cars on the road and 'several Umea that, number had arrived there be fore." - -.-- Greeted ( with such salutations aa "cowboys" and cowmen" by the an onymous so-called sporting writers on the Medford papers, the ball team and supporters were directed to the Hotel Medford where the place was practically turned over to them, rates were cut for the accomodation of tbe guests and this magnificent hotel, almost equalling the White Pelican, was made the headquarters for Klamath people., Tbe crowd In attendance consider ing the character of the reads and the distance wsb astonishing bat It seemed to be the psychological mo ment for a short holiday and a visit to tho Rogue river valley, many of the parties making side trips to Cra ter Lake, Prospect, Ashland and many other points la the valley. The Klamath folk made up fully halt the attendance at she call game and such a demonstration ot "pep" and spirit was probably never seen before In that city. Tho band was sent over In a spe cial car 'and added Its music and dis play ot "pop" no the celebration. A tow cars got Into difficulties on the road going over, but ono serious ac cident was reported, that of tho Jac obs car. Frank's Condition Worse. United Press Service MILLEDQEVILLB, Ga., July 19; Tho condition ot Leo Frank who wns attacked and stabbed by a fel low convict at tbe state farm here where he had been moved for safety following demonstrations recently towards the prisoner, is worse today. hiB temperature rising (o 102. The wound (s swelling Indicating infec tion and is very painful to him. His wife Is at his bedside. Green, the assailant insists that he bad no ac complices. He Is believed to ba In sane. Auitwaoa Society to Meet. The local Audubon society which effected a temporary organisation recently wilt meet al the Domestic Science room at the Central acaaat building Tuesday night, July 'M.ft' 8 o'clock. At this time a permanent organisation will be formed.KAThe aabjaet; for discussion will beWthe Kagle?t- All Interested In tha miy' w uragoa oiras are coraiauy , tn Tlttd to attend. , s CARRIED 277 PASSENGERS, 22 DEING AMERICANS I . . Canard User Ordaaa, Llversnol to Near Yet Waa At tacked Wlaaoaa Wania By m Oer sua Sahasarlaa eat Jawg h - f -a, d Hew TaaVar oa Arrival jaaaji JaawMas DV( Graveyard, of Misaea Bag Scdn by Teat Fact NEW YORK, July 1. The Can ard liner Orduaa, .aoaad from User pool to New York with 377Baaeagr era, including 22 Amerteaae.waa'at tacked without waning, it. waa learned oa her arrival her todayby a German submarine oa ' the' aseta lngof July .8. ' ,'"'' Twenty miles, from the graveyard,' of tha Lusltaaia, eat OM 'Head'-.Klaf sale, the Orduaa, oaeaned 'tW'UnaV tanla'a fate by ona-nalf.ofa. of time or tea feet of, aaaee. tha. Oer man's torpedo, chapiag 'tha-' water, that dlsUaco behind the, llaeVs ,rad der. Then the. 'Ordana sped away: She , waa .followed ay' taa aaantariaa which .rose, to the sarfaee.Vauanad a gun on her deck, and' shelled 4 the fleeingsteamer. -. ...JL l. The attack" waa timed1 ai 10 nilni" utesto o'clock ta the morning; when all but a few of 'ta;paaaeagers lay sleeping In' their 'bertha. Aroused by stewards the passengers dressed hurriedly and went: to tha apar decka where they' put oa. Ufa feeKa and took their places la tha Ufa boats. They heard the screaaas of , the shells and aawthe ocean iplt up columns of wafer where,, tha aaells struck. Wbea -the" gre grew' bt they; were ordered' for their ownflSroi tectlon to the deck below. -f " For, halt an hoar & the- Orduaa showed, her heels to the" assailant: Through marine glasses the pas sengers watched the dark splotch on the water's surface aster They saw the low-lying German warship coming on with a bone in her teeth; but the. Orduna'a flight waa faster than the pursuit and after seven shots had been fired without effect, too submarine gave up the chase. A wireless, call for 'help was sent, out; by the Orduna when tha- torpedo was seen. She was 37 raUea south of Queenstown. The reply, Captain Taylor says In hla oaacia report; was that help would be given within , 'an hour. It was tour houra before, tthe first British vessel, an armored jyncht, the, Jeaaette, appeared. Protest will, be made to the Amer ican government by at least one citl sen of the United States and possibly others who .were, aboard. William, C; '-Thompson, counsel to tbe federal Industrial relations commission, who went abroad tn his .official capacity last1 March, and waa returning to complete his mission by mating a report, Is the passenger who said to day that he would make a vigorous protest to the Amerlcaa government. "It probably will be several days before I shall make my Report on' the attack and say!' pfotaet," Thompson said. "I eoaslder that'l.am la dutyf- bound to do so, As an Amerlcaa Clttsea employed In an offielal eaaais; By 'toy the government toaaraaitiLn ..v I ieei (obk i soouia sruagr iseBv -jjy ernment's attentlpn to tke attnk,";''5fv' ' l i &mm Sunday; far' Sail Fraaaiaw'to'.tlnv'f Fair ' ' ,iJ$&irMt&i .-. $ 1A t t ' H 7 k; tx, P,s