an p-f Tl . J Wf J! ! " r""l M p .4 tV She IteraUi KLAMATHFALLsV KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NlWtFAPtl Mirth Year Na. KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 16, 1915 Price. FrreOeate 't' i lunmum COMMERCEjBODY RE-ORGANIZATION ARRANGED FOR CITV IIHVKMM'MKNT lll'HEAU TO XHT CAMPAIGN I I'Um for llulldleg a Greater CoMMtcr rial Club Phases Director, Wh Hum! llratly lo Promota Work for Ifrvrloptneat of Klamath Full and Klamath rovatr KvfMrftloa Irl Moaey Paid. The directors of Ik Klamath Com mcrclsl Club, at a meetlag last alibi, dsnntlelr decided to engage la a vlg orous campaign of reorganisation aaV membership getting. They had with them Henry T. Itoag and Wri Stove Devol of the City Development Bureau, Han Francisco, who gave an outline of the method being employ d by that organisation to get the commercial bod lea working plan of operation and build up a membership on a permanent oasis. The first thing la to provide a plan of organisation baaed upon moat mod era approved buslaea operatloas In which are combined the Interest of a number of ladlvlduala, and which deaalte objects art sought to bo ac complished by means of method known to be effective In such organ Isatloas. The plan provide for the greatest efficiency In operation of the organisation, and la economy In a ministration of It affair. The directors are expecting to en list the interest and service of n larg er number of the cltlsen of Klamath Falls snd Klamath county than have heretofore been Identified wlthv the work of the commercial body. It Is the desire of the directors to renter all the commercial and civic matters of a public nature la the activities of the Commercial Club, and make It the busy center or the city's Ufa In doing soothe attention and Interest of all the live clttseaa Is focused upon the club. In this way unity of purpose and cooperation In action are secured. With r large membership, closely united In Interest nnd agreed to abide by the will of the majority in what ever may bo undertaken by the organ listlon. the club will have a power for good which cannot be well over estimated. Ruck an organisation can let about what ft wants if properly none after. The directors also expressed their (Continues) sa page 4) BEND DELEGATION HEETSBOARDHERE i'aiity arrived last night and Will accompany mkm bern ov advmkmy board TO REND H. li. uoutd, stoat. W. Sawyer, ed itor of the Sand Bulletin, U. 1 Mer . D, u. Davie aadiX; B. Houston, of Dend, arrived la tho elty Uat ant to meat the advisory board of ne stats highway commission Here od accompany the tf Bead. The board, headed by B. Beasoa, one of tho state's, beat read boosters, ware scheduled to arrlva hara at noon way, coming daws) the Pastas hlgh way from Pertlaad, sad M by way f Hhaath Hot Sarlaaa, ts mst with county eourt Their irat pwaa "re to rsmala la tes etty and county r two days, hut besag behind one y on the they may leave orrow alght ' , Whlla here they will amt'wlth the w'wty eourt and be tahea over some ' li i T ta - WM4r. wgawMtaf 1 .Hte by way of Bead teawrsw or Ue neat day. '"' " LOOKOUT MAN SAYS ROAD DONE HUl'EIII.VrENHKNT (IF THE LAVA HKDH ROAD FROM LOOKOUT lit HERE AMI MAYS THAT END OK IIOAII IK IN GOOD SHAPE ( F. II. Andrew of Lookout, suuorlu- teiidem of the Modou county end of the Lava lied road wn In the city last night, and Mate that their end of the road la finished to tho extent of eleven miles, They have from ten to fifteen men working on 'the road for the past twelve days, and It la now in good shape, be says. Their end of tho road panne by the Mammoth Cave, one of tho larg net cave known, and come up to the Siskiyou county line, passing over a natural bridge over a huge crack In Urn l.ava Beds known a the Qreat Divide. Other point near the road are nar Foot Cave, the only water In tho bed, alas Mountain nnd Canby' Cross. A movement ha been Mnrted Its Lookout for tho erection of a suitable monument to by placed at the spot where Canby and hit small band of soldiers were Hiiawacrcd by the Mo dor while encamped for dlnne'r. STAGE DRIVER A G000 BOOSTER KENO MAN IIOOHTH KliAMATH ON HONEYMOON BRINGS A FAMILY IIKRK FROM OAKLAND i WHEN IIK RETURNS According to letter received from Philip J. Slnnotl, who I In charge of the Klamath county exhibit In the Oregon building at the Panama-Pa cific exposition, one of the most con sistent booster for Klamath county is If. J. Mattoon, who drive stage from Keno to Worden. Ho I largely re sponsible for tho addition of a desir able new family to Kcno's population. A short time ago Mr. Mattoon mar ried Mrs. Bmlth of Keno, and the two came to the exposition for their hon eymoon. Though be was out on a pleasure trip, Mattoon overlooked no opportunity to tell of Klamath, and a a result, when he came home from Han Francisco last week he waa ac companied by Otis C. lirlstow, who has been a mainstay In tho recorder's See at Oakland for many years, and s. Brlstow and children, who uavo decided that farm life In Klamnth beats city life In every way. lor quite a while Mr, Mattoon ha been preaching Klamath to the Bria jows, and they mado a trip of Inspec tion there last year, which convinced them that Mattoon spoko with con viction. After coming to the exposi tion Mr. Mattoon made aeveral trips to the Klamath booth with tho Brls tows, to look at tho display, and to talk Klamath. Beside this, he did a groat deal of booster work for Klamath, both at tho booth and all over the grounds, nnd his convincing manner baa Interested many In our county, , Report AmbsMMdor Resigned United Press Sorylce WABHINQTON, D. C, July !.-- Secretary Leasing and Secretary Tumulty to the president denied yes terday that Ambassador Marye to Russia had resigned hla position. An under official first stated that ho had, (ater admitting he had erred. The flAnNfof la naualntr mutilation. It Is believed that Mayre wished to resign, though Lansing stated that he likes i -Dnsc Bialeatea Injures Five United Press Service WHHAWKRN. N. J.. July 16. A dust explosion in on of the huge Hew York Central's' grain elevators here yesterday injured ve men when falling walla struck employes, ino aasalhlllty of thsr being a plot be hind the sxplosion It discredited. TRI-STATE GOOD ROAD DIRECTORS MEET HERE TODAY THREE IHItrCTOIIH l. CITY HOLD . MEETING UcorK" K. Homi, i:eculitt Meri-etnr) or TrlMIto Oood Uoftd AmkU lion, 3. H. Albert m Will WortKn, Treasurer, Hold Meeting of Dim-t or Hero lloo in llooatlag itoacW I'taii for Convention at Pair Three niomber of thtt board of dl rector or the Trl-8tato (lood Iload AsHoclntlon, composing Oregon, tho nlderit state, California nnd Washing ton, itro to bold n meeting In Klamath Pall tonight, according to George K. Hoo, executive secretary of the iimo elation, who la In tho city. Mr, lloo arrived last night from tho sou ill, and I making nn extensive trip through thene three ntntes, work Iuk up Intrroxt mid organising for tho big convention, tit which 45,000 mem ber of tint iiKHOclutlon lire i-xpected to be present at Bun Frnnclco,-Scp- tember in to 17. tho dale of the con ventlon being changed to Junt one month later than previously an nounced. Will Worden of this city U treas urer of tho association, and In com pany with J. II. Albert or Salem, also n member of tho ivdlory board of tho slate highway commission, who arrived In the city ut noon today, In company with the other members of tho board, and Mr. Iloos will hold a meeting tonight. A tremendoiiH effort Is now being made to Interest tho government In building roads throughout their dls rtliin in these three ntnlcs wherever they havo rorest reserves or land of tiny kind, and especially whoro rural mail postal delivery exist. Tbeso rondR are being advocatod to give out lets to the various communities and Rcctlon to nnd from all government points. This I tho largost organisa tion or Ur kind West of tho MUhIh- slppl River nnd Klamath county has between forty nnd fifty member In tho association, , Mr. lloo Is famed tor hi good roailK boosting, nnd "lets get out of tho mud" I hi slogan. Wherever you inoet Mr. lioo you are sure to hear good road boforo you get away. Realising the Importance of good road to any community, and espe cially now that tho motor vehicles nro taking such n prominent part In tho business world, Mr. Doos Is becoming more of an enthusiastic, booster every dny. The organisation he represent has a membership of 60,000 men and wo men In thoso three states, and Mr. lloo Is such an nrdeut booster that he line prevailed on tho railroad com- punle or tho West uud tho tslr offi cial at San Francisco and San Diego to Ikhuo him passes, giving him a tree rein lu preaching tho gospel of good roads. Ho expect to leave in tho niornlug for northern poluts, and will cover tho territory of,Oregon and Washing ton, boosting for tho convention at San Francisco and good roads at the samo time. Tho convention naa agreed to meet with tho directors of thu Pan-Amerlcau Road congress, congress, constituting the American Road Ilulldera Association and the Amorlcnn Highway Association, cor relating tho meeting with tho Inter national Knglneerlng congress and t lie, 'American Society of Civil En glneera. Mmiler Case la IMmled United Press Service I1RDFORD, Iowa, July 10 Upon motion of County Attorney Burrell asking for dismissal of the ease against Dktea and Huntsman of 'ttila pjace, accused of murdering .two (Oat, tlrmon ia 1868, and robbing them, of $90,000, waa dismissed. ,y ' At 'Portland the ctly let eontracta during the past week for $80,000 for Girl Sergeant and Heroine of Regiment I WetM .mmmmmamS55S i mmmmK4 '; 1A ammmM! tMmMi mmmmmmmri'iBmn? ' H-M&ffiAmam ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmeama F BRwaawaawaawaaH amBwwwBHi mmsja9jimnr-i- Hergt'ont liugwir Tbl I t'.ie latest photograph of Miss IJognar (Sergeant Bognar) who Is declared in Huda Pesth to be a bona fide sergennt In a Hungarian regiment. THc story that come with the photbgralfti I thnt tho girl en tered tho army a a private, and quickly rose by heroism until she has becomo a sergeant. She haa received an a gift from Emperor Franx Joaef a brooch which contain his photo graph. DESPONDENT MAN APTKlt TltAVKLING FOR SIX YKAKS FROM STATK TO STATE IN 'SEARCH OF HKALTH, MAN FINALLY TAKES HIS LIFE After traveling from state to state for the past six years In company with his brother and wife und sister, Benjamin P. Holmes committed sui cide at 9 o'clock last night near tho Algonm logging camps, shooting him self through the heart with u ,22-call- bro Hlnglu shot rifle. Holmes had becomo more despond- out than timmi in the last row aays, following tils Inability to assist the others In dumpling wood at the camp, where they arrived recently. Last night he picked up the rlflo near tho tont and started off in the hills with out saying onth)ug to tho rest or the partly. Ill sinter, becoming suspicious, fol lowed him, and asked him what ho was going to do, She couldn't get htm to aUBwer, except that he was just going for a walk. Ho had told her earlier In the day that ho did not fco how ho vns going to stand It any longer. She lierame suspicious, nnd called hor brother's wife, returning to tho camp to get her, nd In the meantime, In view ol those In, tho camp. Holmes placed the gun near his heart and puUod the trigger, the bullet piercing tho heart. The party had oorao to vMedford from, 0 rants Pass, and from Medford here. Thoy bad been at Aigoma tor the paat two weeks, and were engaged In otiopplng wood threv Holmes hnd been sufferjng from tuberculosis for the past six yeare, and It had attacked the bones vof i his .'body. Coroner Whltloek ,vlsltd, the aoeae and the body i being eared' for here. I ii ' " L. 0. Reynolds shipped 100,000 feet of cedar from North Bead to San Francisco. , COMMITS SUICIDE BERNSTORFF AND LANSING CONFER Al ISKItNHTOItPP UNDEItMTOOD TO Ho MKDIAT1NO ll U lU-por-U'd iltai llerastorn Ha Agreed That (icntuiny Will Cease ll Hubmjtrine Warfare Except tho Hlnking tif Warship, if EngUad Will Stop Her "Starvation Mock ado" Situation I Sertoli. United F'rcsa Service WASIHNOOTO.V, July 16. Secre tary Lansing and Count Bernstorff nro In conferencc'hero, and II Is un derstood that Dcrnstorff Is wilting to mediate. It I reported that he has promised that Germany will atop the Blnklng ot ships by submarines with the exception of warships if England will stop her "Marvatlon blockade." ll Is expected that Lansing will submit hi proposition to President Wilson, who. It I believed, will In sist on th respect of the right of neutral,, regardless oft ltcrnstorff's proposals. Lansing has Indicated that the sit uation Is serious, and Is remaining very reticent regarding the confer ence. 1 1 is reported that the mem bers of the cabinet differ at to the proper course to follow. SONS OF WAR CONVENE TODAY HOLD FIRST MEETING IN PORT LAND, AND WILL THEN VISIT VARIOUS POINTS IN WEST AND NORTHWEST, INCLUDING FAIR The annual congress of the Nation al Society of the Sons of tho Amer ican Revolution will bo held this year In Portland, the registration to begin today, according to Captain O. C. Ap- plegate of this city, who is a member himself. This will bo the first time tho an nual congress of this body has been held on this coast, and elaborate prep arations are being made to entertain tho visitors, among whom are many or the most eminent men In the na tion. On Monday, July 20, the ad dress or welcome will be delivered in the Grand Lodge room of the Masonic Templo by Governor Wlthycombo, and ho will be followed by General Thomas M. Andorson, the founder ot the Oregon city, after which the busi ness session will proceed, and bo con cluded on Tuesday. An evening banquet will be held at the Portland hotel on Tuesday, on which occasion President . General Newell B. Woodward ot New York and other prominent speakers will bo heard. Lator an adjourned session will be held on tho fair grounds at San Francisco, after the delegates have had an opportunity to visit vari ous points of Interest on the coast, In cluding Crater Lake and the Yosemlto Park. Carmen Get Big Victory United Press Service CHICAGO, July 1C. A sweeping victory for the car 'men has resulted here, following the arbitration after the recent car strike, which tied op Chicago. The award will be an nouned today. Higher pay will he re ceived and shorter hours will prevail, the car men, getting practically every thing they, asked. ," Germany Offer Oempetuatieti United Press Service WASHINGTON, D, C, July !. U has neen annouacea nere tnai ur many haa notified Gerard ot their re grets over the sinking of the Nebras- kan, and offered oompeneaUoa. WASHINGTON BOARD ARRIVES AND TAKES DRIVE ADVISORY HOARD OF THE STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION ARRIVE HERE AT NOON AND GO ON A Tltll' RECEITION TONIGHT The members of the advisory board of the state highway commission. composed of Messrs. S. Benson of Portland, Leslie Butler, Hood River; Clark Williams. Portland; A. A. Ros enthal!, Portland; J. H. Albert, Sa lem, and E. T. Cantlne,' Salem, arriv ed in the city about noon today, and left this afternoon for a trip down the valley over the roada with County Judge Marlon Hanks, Paul Johnson of tho Klamath Development compa ny and John Hagelstein and F. H. McCornack, county commlssloaera. They are expected back tonight. and an Informal reception will bo held at the White Pelican hotel, to which the people of the city are in vited to atend and meet the members of the board. , it is planned to take them over the valley, showing them the principal roads leading out of the city, the con struction work being done on Upper Klamath Lake and perhaps the Lava Beds road. They expect to remain over tomorrow. i ONE IS GUILTY; OTHER GOES FREE 1 -a--a-awtaj TWO CHARGED WITH BOOTLBOO INC BROUGHT BEFORE HAM. AKER LAST NIGHT BERRY LEAVES WITH CONNOR Two coses of alleged bootlegging were brought before United 8tatea Commissioner Hamaker last night at the court house. Connor, the case from Fort Klamath, plead guilty, and U. S. Marshal Frank Berry left this morning with him tor Portland. The case of Ned Berry of Lakeview was dismissed tor lack ot evidence. Attorney Carnahan of this city waa employed in the case. The defend ant was, released first on a faulty com plaint Issued by the federal once in Portland, due to absence of a seal. Another complaint waa made out here and signed by Lakeview officials and he was re-arrestod and brought back a tew minutes after bis release. Tho main witnesses tor the prosecu tion, three Indians, were unable to identity the accused nor say who waa the guilty man, and the case was again dismissed. Thou as Removed From Hmtpita! I.'. C. Thomas .who was Injured yestcritay when he stepped from an automobile, receiving a bad scalp wound, wtMi removed from the Black bum hospital this morning, and is reported as recovering. Mrs. Thomas had left shortly before the accident on the train, and returned yesterday In a machine after reaching Midland. RepubUoaa Leader Dies United Press Service PORTLAND, July 16. Walter P. Matthes, once a power in republican politics In the state, and a federal marshal, died here yesterday. Post Advertise Crater Lake An extensive article appeared in tho last Issue ot the Saturday Evening Poet, explaining In detail a trip to Crater Lake and side trips. The arti cle w well Illustrated with excellent views. Operated em at Hospital i v Mrs. C. Arnold of this city wa. op erated on at the Blackburnhjasfltal inia morning oy ur, jeb: V c-if M- . V I1 i," v !.. ln. rLA.ll VV' Vl.- IP"" !-- V Ralph Carter' and P. R,-Hds of this elty returned yesterday from a Asking, trip to OdeU Lake. THAW RELEASED ON HEAVY BONDS AND STARTS WEST JUSTICE MAYS PROOF OF ALIEN. ISTS WORTHLESS Hcadricka Ajwouaced That Thaw Is Maae and Revoked Rnliagr CetamUt tia Hien to Xatteavwi Con-male Fanstsh ia the Sam of aag,000-lDooi of Coart Room Locked to Ke OCmrde United Frees Service ; nun lunr,, J BIT IS. Justice that FUrrv' Hendricks announced i - 7TT ' Thaw Is sane, and revoked the ruliag of Justice Dowllng, commlttiag Thaw to Matteawan. He was released oa $35,000, bail, surety companion fur nishing the bonds. Justice Headrieks declared that, the testimony ot the alienist on-both sides U' worthless. , The corridors of the court house were packed, and twenty minute af ter' the decision was made 'the doors were'stlU locked and. the poliee com pelled to bar the approack-arto;keep the crowds back. When a! reverter asked Thaw It ke was golagoa the ,,-'' water wagoa.he replied: "It'a of, your business," Justice Hem dricka declared jthattaeXiroef or Thaw's sanity was bverwhelssJag. . United. Press Service. W- ALBANY, July 16. Attorney Oea oral Woodbury? hew Oaetrielsmi ate deputies to appeal; the Thaw United Press Service NEW YORK, Julys 16, Thaw ffaal ly managed to-leave' the court room., and left the court houseTuaderu great' demonstration, holding the baads of court attaches and reporters. He ap peared excited, like a child might have been. Sheriff Grlffenhagen was Instructed to accompany him through the city to protect blm from Inquisitive persona Thaw waited In the basement of the court house until the sheriff's au tomobile arrived, thea jumped Into the, tonneau, waved his hat and grin ned at the crowd., At 1:10 this after noon he bid farewell to the sheriff at the ferry, and proceeded to Jersey City and left by machine for Phila delphia, where he will (spend the night. Tomorrow he will take the train to Pittsburg, where he expects to buy an automobile and start for the ex position at San Francisco. SIXTEEN WOMEN MAKE LONG TRIP RAYMOND WHITMAN TOURIST COMPANY OF EAST SENDS A PARTY OF SIXTEEN WOMEN HEME TICKETS COST Sett A party of sixteen women front the Eastern states leh this morning after visiting Crater Lake and Pelican Bay here, spending two days in the county, Wednesday went to Cra ter Lake and ,speat" the day viewing the wonderful soeaery there. They returned to 'this city, and yesterday? made the trip up the lake to Pelican" Bay and yolata along the lake. The party Is making aa extended' trip through the West, visiting thai prtaclpal national parks and poiatar ot Interest, and also the. fairs at Sa,J Francisco and San Dieao. The rsaak-ri! trip tieketa cost the 'members et'h,v party 1400 apiece, and laetudat aMSffrA U trlna In tho --"- jiiVv. TT- "1 - 7 "rT?7 -TTT-TTTI riiijrk m By taking over the Wattsn PatMeJ I tho Hill avatua haa ' - - T Into 0. fauku "SI W - w--- -" .f-.. - ... -jt , ml t '' '!,' h ..