I"l - ' 1, ""v 'fr&l-tZL u'W" .- ,T. ..v 'S ", '? y ?' Vt- , -i 1 4 . '.- .-rtf i Mvv alb KLAMATH FALLS' KLAMATH COUNTY'S' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER .e '1 -: .Ninth Vkw SfW KLAMATH PALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 14, 1915 prtM, n hv vemxm nrwKm-iia.iLi.-Kiii.ji hlh.- . I, ... . , PARIS MURKS MIL OF BASTILE WITH CARNIVAL THOt'HANRM OVKHOOMK WITH EMOTION Arrest" HoImom Ten-tae Bombard meal by Germaaa Kean Up Brit bit Repulse From Thr PoslOons. Berlin Reports French, Drive Reek Front VmlHH tu Rales Only Klflil MIH Frosn Verdua. I'nlltd Press Service PAIII8, July H. Today U tbe an nlveriary of Ihn rail of lb basllle, and It It being celebrated with atrect ball and carnival, firework, the purine and tinging of the Marseille. Hundred of Invallda are being placed alone the atreet and In the window where they ran wltneaa the spectacle, Hundred of thouaanda of people are lined along tbe itreeta, watching the parade, and thouaand are overcome llh emotion. Uii It el Presa Service I'AIIIH, July H. It baa been an nounred from the war office here that the German are concentrating a ter rllla bombardment along the front from Arrai to Soleaoas, and are at tempting to level Soteeon to the round la what la belter to be n main attack directed toward Parla. It U mted that the British have reimlted the Germans In their attack on thn llritUh poiltlona. Routhweat of Pllken It la reported that the Oer- man crown prince haa ceaaed hla at lack on Verdun. United Press Service IIKKMN, July 14. The war otice hero announced that the French hare been driven back half n mile north- wen of Vlennele Chateau, and that Impetuous charge made by the ner mann have advanced the Herman line between Verdun and Rhlemt. The flrit rank are now reported only eight mllea from the track of the Vcrdun-Rbelma railway line. MANY PLAN 10 GO TO ME0F0RD IIAHKIIAI.L TKAM WILL GO IN KOUH MACH1NBS, AND MANY OTHERS ARRANGING TO MAKK TRIP TO ROGUE RIVBR CITY Many people of the city are plan nlng to journey to Medford next Bun day to wltneaa the baaeball game be tween Medford and the team from thin city. The baaeball team will go in four machlnei, and transportation l being arranged by Manager, Tlndall 'or any other who may care to nuke the trip. A large number hare already declared their Intention. Thin game will undoubtedly be one ( the beat exhibition tl)U aeaaon. Tho Medford team haa won ten and loit two game UU aeaaon. and they Halm It h a bearcat. They have beaten Weed, Yreka, areata Pan and prae "fally all the team they have played. Tho Box Factory team haa loat hut two gamea thla aeaaon, and won ten, "Wee, Cook, Moteaeasaehar and "tty will be taken along for the feat terlM, nnd the boya ear there la blood n their eye. The machine will leave Ittaday morning, returning that night wmviBM MlM Jean IUMk nt llllnnla l oxpeoted here thla evening on n wt to her kilter, Mr. Fred 0. Mar. Ik '.. to "MM fa through " West, vWttag the fair at Ian macUeo and ether boIbm, and will Pjrt about a meath hi Klamath THAW DECLARED SANE BY JURY IN NEW YORK: JURY RECOMMENDS RELEASE, court to approve Not KiH led to Free Thaw, However, a the Htate I Determined to Ap-' peel Hie INwaltik Tliat He Will II-' IteleiMed tm Rail Motion ' to ItrtaiiMi Immediately Overruled., Jury Out 411 Minute. United Preas Service NEW YOHK, July 14. The Jury sitting In tho Harry K. Thaw caao de clared Thaw aano thla afternoon, and recommended that thn court release Mm. Justlro llcndrlcka U expected ( announce liU decUlon tomorrow, and will prolinhly approve the finding of tho jury. Tho effect of thl verdict, however, will not free Thaw, n thn Mnte. I de termined to npjieal, It la potallile, however, that hf will he rclenacd on bull. A motion mndo by hi attorney, Huncbfleld, for lmmelliito relene, wi overruled by the court. The jury wan out Junt forty-eight minute, nnd tho verdict wn unnnl niou In favor of Thaw on the flrat ballot. Thaw ahook hand with the jurorn, thanking them after they were dlaralined. He waa excited, but ho howed no algna of hyaterla, HI mother and alater. who have remained an atendfaat during tho trial, wept when tho Jury' verdict waa read. Hlx policemen were required to ea rort Thaw to tho l.udlow atreet jail, aa he wa given a great ovation by n large crowd gathered outalde. A moving picture man waa on the apot and took n picture of the event, to which Thaw amlled nnd bowed. Thn varloua trial held In Thaw'a efforta to free hlmaelf for tho killing of Htanford While have cott tho fam ily nearly n million nnd a half dollnra. 14,000 HORSES SOLD TO ALLIES MAJORITY COME FROM OREGON ANIt WAHHINGTON REPRK HKNT AN INVKHTMKNT OF !, AOO,000 IN CA8H PORTLAND, July H. Since the demand for horses for use In the European war became atrong, a total of about TOO rare of animal from Oregon and Southeastern Wnahlngton have been shipped to aaaembllng yarda at Omaha and Kansas City. A larce nart of tho bone haa already crossed the ocean to tho war lone, but becaiiRo of I he difficulty In obtaining transports many of tho artillery horso recruit and cavalry mounts have not been moved beyond tho feeding yards. Since each car carries an average of mora than twenty horaea. the vuo cara shipped represent a total of more than 14,000 hone, and the total paid for them runa In excel of $1,500,000. About half of thla numbor represent tho horses aold In Western Oregon. It Went Oil United Press Service LOH ANGHCES. July 14. Albert Shore ahook hi finger In the face of a mysterious passenger with whom he waa arguing, and the stranger crunch ed It between hla teeth. Ifo escaped In the excltemont. A New Decoration Dulled Pre Service AN FERNANDO. July, 14. Mile Brooch, an Austrian, uf ered merely when Peter Rronaa, Italian, began carving Victor Kmmanual'a Initial on hla enemy's cheet with a aafaty raior. Holt, Muenter and Handwriting tamajajpawwaajnBjBa gjjgJiBMfc!yv mmn miE&tM ,iilmmm WmmmWammftS'mmm BS'lamaiiRi ammmmmmmm'nmnT VKlffKlffKlffKlffKllHffKlffKf mjjijijijijijijijijijimmir ImmmmmmmmvanV ammmmw.ganV ft -L9 JfB-ZZnLamLammgammwr . is, Jr VaftmmmmnF . i i out tMA. 1L iH V r j j uA yy' jfUrVuA, Frnnk Holt and Specimen or Hand writiiiK July 4, I01B HnndwrltluK and llertlllon experts Itud marks of similarity between this photograph of Frnnk Holt, the man Mho blew up a room In tho Capitol at Wanhliigton and who shot J. P. Morgan, and that of Erich Muenter. thn Harvard teacher of Gernisn. who Is wanted on a chnrgo of wife murder, and their handwritings. The photo graph of Holt haa Just beou secured. It waa taken of him while an instruc aw- T .Bimr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF' tor In Oerman In Cornell University. I are now trying to solve the question The picture of Muentor la that enl an to whether or not Holt and Muen bropdeast by the Police of Cambrldgotor aro one and the same. VEGETABLES GO TO S. F. FAIR, . i HIGH SPECIMENS OK KLAMATH COUNTY WERE SENT OUT THIs' MORNING FOR EXHIIHT-ARK NEEDED FOR DISPLAY ' Kour ImadH of lottueo grown In Klamath county weighing over four pounds apiece, were omo of tho best spoclmens of Klamath county pro- rinetH whhlch left this morning lor tho county exhibit at the fair which (s In chargo of Phil J. Slnnott. Carrots, onions, turnips and other MKclmenn of our products wero alao Included In the shipment. Advices fr'nni slnnott havo stated that these exhibit attract considerable more at tention than many oner exhibit. nenorta from other part of the state also show that such exhibits a well a other of an Industrial nature are bringing result. Tho Klamath Commorclal Club I receiving return from the exposition nearly every day from people who como here to see the country after liAarlu about it at the exDoaltloa. Tli. i shipment wa furnished by Percy Evans and Fred Nlliobalm, Baldwin Chss. Baldwin of Lnkevlew drove In last night from that city on a short trip. He expect to leave this after noon on hie retara. ftA.c -r-" r "tiv-y-.' . " 9 XjCUW fis 'uU'HrCU 1ZZ2S( ftfy ?7tAAJtAtsi Erich Muenter and Specimen of Hand writing .March SO, 10O4 after Ills ullo (Ilea oi poisonm iu 1 006. Tho Hpeclmens of Holt's hand wrltlnK wore photographed from n let ter he sent July 4 to Rev. Sensabnugb, his fnthcr-ln-law. In Dallas, Texas. Muenter wroto n lotter from Law rence. Kans.. where he was a teacherj of German In tho Kansas University, which was forwarded to Mlneola, whero Holt Is In Jail, by Cambridge nolle. Police all over tho country ARMY OFFICER'S WIFE OPERATED ON WIFE OF FIRST LIEUTENANT F. K. KPLEY OF TROOP M, FIRST UNITED STATES INFANTRY IB HERB FOR OPERATION Mr. V. E. Hplcy of Sail Diego was operated on at the Dlaekburn hospital yesterday by Dr. Hamilton, assisted iy Dr. Hunt of this city for appendi citis and other complications, tbe op ciullon hcluK of a very sorlous na ture. Mrs. Kple) In tEe wife of Lluuten nni F. E. Epley of Troop M, First United States Infantry, stationed at Snu Diego. She has been suffering for soveral month, and came here Inst week to ho operated on by Dr. Hnmlltoifof this city. Sho Is reported as resting eaiy to lu. i.tid an early recovery la ex pected, Leave for Heme In Roaebarg Mr. Gladys Lenox, who haa been here visiting her father, D. H. Lennox of thla city, proprietor ef the Shasta, left ihls morning on her return to Roseburg, where aha live. To Bprfasgdekl Teweiraw Mr. Aldred Beaver, who "ha been valuing her mother, Mr. Nate Otter heln, will leave lathe rooming for her home la Spring! M. STATE HIGHWAY BOARD LEAVES WILL. JOUft.VKY OVKIt THK HTATK HIUIIWAYH, COMING TO KLAM ATH, AM) RKTURMNO BY CRN THAI. OREGON PORTLAND, July 14. Simon Ben- hou with a party Monday morning started over the Pacific highway. He will follow the highway to the Caltfor- inln line, then awing back to Lakevlew nnd Crater Lake, cut through Central Oregon and come out again over the Columbia River highway. HI object la to learn tbe exact condition of tbe Pacific highway and to do what he can to ee that tho Pacific highway I placed In tbe beat possible shape for travel. The trip will consume at least a week. KLAMATH CHICKS GET THE GOLD flL'Y WALTON IIRINGS YOUNG NUIifiKT TO CITY DISCOVERS IT IS DRASft AN ACCOCTKR MKNT OP A REGULAR CHICKEN A remark heard on the btreet yesterday that Klamath "chickens" have a habit of getting tho gold, when .traced .donnJirought out the facuthat Quy Walton, a farmer residing along tho river had driven Into town this I morning wiui a young; dubkci oi aup posed gold. He showed it to several of his friends, and they all agreed that It wng gold, and that perhaps he bad a mine of It some place on tho ranch, If he would just look nround a bit Komething along the line of, If you would havo diamonds, first dig In our own back yard. The nugget was taken to a Jeweler, nnd ho pronounced it to be pure and unadulterated brass. It had evident ly been picked up by a chicken on the ranch, and Walton had discovered It In Its craw which only goes to show that Klamath "chickens" also have the art of gathering the brass, & necessary component of a chicken, anyway, so they aay. LAMONT WILL RETURN TO BAY IS WA1TNG IN NEW YORK FOR RETURN OF PARTNER FROM ElltOPE IIEFORE STATING FOR KLAMATH AND PELICAN BAY Word has been recehed lu thla city I Hint J. W. Lamont, Urtt partner of J. P. Morgau, who returned to Now Vork us" boon as possible following the shooting of Morgan at hla homo at Glen Cove, Long Island, will return to Pelican Buy to spend tbe summer. Lnmonl Is watting la New York for jthe return of one of the other part ners from Europe, who will re main tlioio. Thu quick recovery of Morgan and the evidence that the work was largely one of n crank, les sened the danger of the situation, Tho I da to for hla leaving will depend on tho date of the arrival of tho other purtnor, Mr. Umont'a family and Dr. Hud dlestone and family have remained at the Bay. Mr. Lamont stated while here on hi way to Weed by auto when he mad such a hurried trip to ratrb the Bhatta Limited, that he planned on remaining here all turn-mar,-. , At Cornucopia the mine seat out amalgam bar worth ll.0o ja tare day. PICTURES OF PROJECT WOULD GET RESULTS SINNOTT TELLS OF INTEREST IV MOYIES AT FAIR Mortag Pictures of Crater Lake Will ll Taken This Month and Picture of Irrigation Project Could Be Se cured nt Small Cost Expert to Handle Machine la Now te Thla Neighborhood. By PB2LD? J. SINNOTT (Klamath Representative at the Ex position) OREGON BUILDINO, Exposition Grounds, July 14 If Klamath county people could see the Intense Interest motion pictures are receiving at this great world's fair, they would make haste to accept the offer of tbe recla mation service for the filming of Cra ter Lake, Klamath Falls and Merrill, tho sawmllllng, stockraislng and farming, and other industries of the county. Motion pictures attract as much attention from homeseekera a exhibits of products In some' cases more for In this way the people know- they ore actually seeing the activities of the section portrayed. In all of the Urge exhibit palaces motion picture ahows are maintained by the nation's leading manufactur ers, In which the process of raanufac- tu ring .their particular products are shown, and these are explained by lecturers. Every theater is crowded the greater part of the time, and in terest manifested causes people to look up the various booths to obtain Information as to where the partlcu lar product might be purchased for home use. Tbe same Is tbe case where pictures of a section are shown. Immediately after tho exhibition there Is a rush of people to tho booth of that section, to ask the representative about tbe coun- try, opportunities In this or that line, and to secure booklets. This I have' found to be tbe case not only In the! Oregon building, but in every build- Ing where such pictures are shown. Interest in sections included In rec- lamatlon projects Is greater than Klamath people Imagine, and the rec- Iamatlon service section in the Liberal'. "We reported to the oflclals at Arts building Is one that I visited (Washington last year that thla was by thousands dally. There la a mo- the cost, and our office U boosting for tion picture theater In connection federal building for Klamath Fall. where films depicting a dosen or so, projects are shown. These pictures'. are explained by Statistician C. J. BlanchoTd, and after a reel Is finished, he Is beselged with requests for in-1 formation regarding the project) shown in movies. ' Mr. Blanchard today volunteered to distribute Klamath "Fact Books" from his booth, and he has a plentiful supply which he will give to those in quiring about Klamath. He is Inte'r- ( Continued on page 4) wrighTwOT accept positioh SAYH HE IS GLAD TO ACT ON BU REAU, AND URGES FLEET OF 9,000 AEROPLANES "CHANCE OF A LIFETIME," HE SAYS United Press Service NEW YORK, July 14, Orvllle Wright', famou aviator, ha notlled the federal authorities that he will ha glad to act on a naval advisory board, aad urges that America should have K feet of 1,000 aeroplane. He added: "We have the chanoe of a life time now to build taa great est fleet of aeroplanes la taa world. We ean profit by the mtotake,of the European countries, and i beVeve thateeacres is at fault It they do not take advantage ofla'o altaatloa." UNSIGNED NOTE SAYS BOMBS IN TWO BUILDINGS ItOHTON LETTER SAYS HOLT WAS GERMAN SPY Note Sent to Beaton. Paper Sajre TJa Bomb Will Go Off Friday to Kail Governor, and That PoUee Are Be ing Followed Clipping Rncleeed Showing German Oflkere lavag Germany for Aaaerlcn. United Press Service BOSTON. July 14. The Boston! Telegram la In receipt of an unsigned note which stated that "two bomb' bavo been placed in the state house and one In tbe customs house." "Holt was a German spy. So ana I. Three interned ships are aolaa to leave, then the bombs will go off. The governor will be killed. The bombs will explode about Friday, and we are watcbiag the police." Tbe note included clipping show-, ing German officers leaving on Ger man liner for America. 4 The police and district attorney have been nqjtlfled. It 1 thought to bo tbe work of a crank. MARSHAL SAYS 9 MMSM" M WEED BIDING UNITED STATES MARSHAL FRANK T. BERRY ALSO SAYS A BILE WILL BE INTRODUCED TO TRY CASES HERE The average cost of each bootlegger j case that goes to Portland Is about $1,500, according to United States Marshal Berry, who Is in the city in connection with the bootlegging case brought to this city from Fort Khun-, ath. Another case is being brought" from Lakevlew. and will be given af hearing here. Of course the coat of the canes where the accused plead guilty I lessened, but when they are tried la Portland making it necessary for wltaessea to appear, they average about S1.508 to 'he case," said the marshal. . "A law Is going to bev introduced In tn t session of congress making it powio ror me trying or. tnese eases here, aad this means that you people should have a federal bulldlag, aad gives you a better chance to seeure one," m -' Berry came In connection with the' Connor case from Fart Klamath. It' Is understood that Connor will plead ' guilty before V: S. Commlisloaer J. ? O. Hamaker. He is also waithsafar ' a man coming from Lakevlew, where he was arrested on the saaMteaarge. They will be given their hearlag a ' soon as Hamaker arrives, aad taey 1 were expected this afternoon. -. BAND CONCERT IS TONIGHT! ? The bi-weekly concert will be glvea .f by the Klamath FalUMHtUry batr toalght at 7:45 la tho eourt hoaaaiMs, park. Director H. Howe ass retarded aad Is fast perfectlagaa aeeleat ganlsatloa. Followuur.tls tha:aew-res ssrafe gram B"1 dJlaxaau ( VletnrUiu Pkalanx" H. .8 J nwwiwwfwt, -i-;y '. ' f v'Wc4J.MaaMJaj- ti WaUa aJnatop'! '". ..-, .T. VI f Chilian Dane, "Maafa: ,; ueaiey, aeieetioa, "aoataaraiaasm " ,.M.',Tartar of mjmrft? ' V ?.Vi .! 'I - .rt3i'v,ti fTi, ."I -"1 ,l s "A V '" ?fj -u-? !' 33' itmv - is-1 . f .r.