1 Tf'-ddJ ' A i'X o-'i-'i ,, . .1. 1 P, "c ' f'?;V ,j 0- Wpe' KLAMATH PALLS' KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ''tnth Year Xu. ,Tgt KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1915 Price, FiveOsale I0MN AUTEN OF ILAKEVIEW SHOOTS AND KILLS CURTIS i'MIKH IIVi: HIIOTM INTO MAX WHILE IX CHAIR 1 LriiK-r IIIiiim Man of TkU City Hlxrt ami Killed 4iy Cart la of Ijiknlcw lt XUht Fired Hw HulM Into Cortta White HfWn HIitloK In Clinlr Victim Xwr Mured Domestic Troabla Ohm. StUI utTtM Herald) UKKVICW, July U. John II. kutru. formerly or Kinrnain ran, ihoi ami killed Hoy Curtis, an eloe- rlclon for the telephone company of hi cliy, about T o'clock lint night, Oill- tm Htu sitting In t chair, pour nc the bullet Into hi hotly before In. run hi move. Il l unlit thnt the shooting I the rult tit domestic troubles caused by 'uril. AtitPit U under arrest hero. nut Judge II. I), dale of Klnmnth Fall wn telephoned (or laat night to ilcfrntl lilm. The shooting took place In tin resi lience of William Wallace of thin city, rliir CurlU roomed. CttriU nntl Mr. Auten wen In the room, nnd Aiiicii luul evidently followed I Item nr kww that they wc-ro toother. Am'nMrirt,0t '".r " lwl h, ....ppoil Into tho room ;uu Urew"4' flirM (""1 n ri-mlliw. imanl. hi r'ilr. HrliiK on Cnrtla alUlim"""""" In ilio iimlr, Mr. Aulcn urahbfil for I ho Kim In nu effort to wrem It from Mm, ami In mi doing wcurtd bad ikiwiIit Imriiit on ono arm mm the it.imo of tho ilUchargon. OurtlH did not inova from tho chair where iin was alllinc. several of lh tlmt bullet hitting vital ipota. Troublo between Mr. and Mm. Amen linn been rumored for aomo time, ami It In rntld that Auton ha nrcuieil OurtU of breaking up hla home Dlvorco proceeding by Auten aro Rtippodtil to bo landing In court here Allien Ih well known In Klamath Kail b- people who renlded hare a few jenrn ago. Auten wm Ib the city rrrently, Hixmdlng about two week here, it l Ntated by some that Mra. Auien, formerly MUi Ruby Craddock of thU city, was with him at' thl time. Mo returned to Ukevlew Bun day. At (mo ilmu Auten waa In buninemt Imrn with v. li, I Jar noit, and operated the American hotel and bar. They were tho owner of that property tip until n year or two ago. A report waa circulated here thin morning that Curtla wm, rocontly married In Ukovlow. It Ih mild that Auten told aevoral frlemiH while hero that he waa going to Mart illvorco proceeding! toon. J'I'Iko (lalo nnd Luke Walker left 'it 1 1 o'clock laat Bight for Ukevtow, Walker driving the car, 7,000 ACRES i MORE JRRI6ATED I'lllVATi: OW.NKIW AHK INHTAM- NO I'MNTO WHICH MKATfjdenlet) thnt he had beon rocrultlng I'lUWCKIUTV TO FARMKRH IN THK KKNO IHTHICT Klamath county' Irrigated Una area in to be Increased abet 7,000 "tch thin year a mult of MllfltlW in tho noighborhostf of ,-Keno .ana worilen, wlmrawmal prewreaalye 'nrme,8 a.o lurtaJUng, or have In walled pi.mplBg , ;nwr,( we project H fumleked r o Kern brother, eieet r I plan t at UoBtlaued m Pat 4) . COUNCIL BUYS FURNITURE AND POLICE SIGNAL 'PATROLMAN KKHIO.tH 1-OHITION AND ANOTHER CHOSEN i Willi JoIiiiMoiih Piirttlliir Mount Ha l,utvet lllil on New Furulluru nntl llnlilwln Hardware Ctiiiiny Get Rid on Steel Man Building Affair Mill Over Another Meeting. .No Hit! tin Anntiig or Screen. All lour bid for (tin now furnltimt for tho city hall wort within HO of each oih(r, ami tho contract to supply tho hull with furniture, lucludlug table, chnlr, typewriter dentin, IIIIuk cabinet ami othtr furniture, went to tiin VIIIU-Joliutont Furniture com 1'ituy of thin city on tho hhl of IH03.3O, iIik lowest tilo, according to ripeelflaitlonK, The llntdwlu Hani, ware company submitted the lowest old for tho ntcol work, cabinet for tin. vault nt f.'.SK,:.., there being hut two bidder. Tho bid hh submitted u trt: Willi Johnstone, 903,n0; vllalilwlii Hard ware Co.. (I) intH.G.I. (2) I09S.C3 (hlnhor KmiltO; Vlrell & Bon. (I) f!:8.l.'. (2) 1734.7 ( lower r,rml): MiMIIIiiii Kiirnltun Iiouho. It in. 70. Ktc-i'l, Ital.lwln. $:.KK. '!.'.: Vlrrll A Son., $7nn, An orilliunrc A pet Hilar stni or nffnlr wim ill- covered when Jutlgo liivltt ntntcd that no hid had been received for the mipplylng of the hall with awn IngH and nrreen. Tho limtnllntlon of n lgna light and the providing of n ltch at tho lire chief headquarter and one nt tho tolophonu officii waa favorably nctod upon by tho council, nnd ono light will bo Initialled a an experi ment at one of tho corner on Main itt reel. Thl will Klvo practically ov cry portion of the city pollco protec tion. When it pollccmnu In wautod ts telephone cull la turned Into tho tele phone olltce, the operator turn on tho Hwltch, which tlauhe the light, and tho flrtt pollccmnu weeing tho light will naceriuln whero ho Ih wanted irom the operator, nnd will anvwer tho coll. Tho pqwer company Iim agreed to fitrnUh tho power free of charge. Tho following bill wuro nllewed: li. Hbarp. -2C.&0; J. C. Rutenlc, lit. 9tf; Wlllla-JohiiNtono Furnlturo company, balance, $70.70. J, If. ('oilman teixlorod hi resig nation n a patrolman, and John I'ugh wn ftvpolntetl by 1'rcildout Mnthew In hi place. Permlwlnn for the Im provement or Iho Mra, W. II. Mason building on Mala atroot wnn laid over ono meeting for further confedera tion, K. M. Chllcote'a request for poaaeealon of hi 1014 I1G.000 city depository bond waa refused. Hid for tho awnlnga nnd screens will be called for ono more week. The advertisement for n horso will ulo bo continued, and a horse from 8 to 18 yearn old, and weighing be tween 1,400 nnd 1,000 pounds Is wanted by tho council. Hay llritUli Pay for Recruits United Press Service I.OB ANaELES, July 13. Ken neth Croft arrested hore today, tho alleged Ilrltlsh recrultor, ndmltted thnt rich Britisher are paying for tho transportation nf compatriot, He Just Heard of War United Press Service ' EUREKA, July 18, Hero la a man who did not know up to n day or two ago that thero was war in Europe, In Angus Olafson, a homesteader of southern Humboldt, 0. R. Hill, a local real estate man, claims to have discovered a man who was unaware of the great "world war, On at rscont trip Hll encountered Olafaoa, who had just wended hla way out of a lonely mountain home, frhre due to hi wolatlon, ha receive no new BHr. He appeared rather itartled by taVnew, Man Who Shot -VaaEHHHHHHHHHHHMiMHHgBHHHHHKjHHHHJ WW JPHgBH'gi ''MfcLalL' jgagaBgHgH 5 l55gaMj" ' QgKgHi jUkVBlgggF LBHLgQBgl L HtidMaHVglgH' aHgPQaV1gVHgrHgHgHgHgHHI K SaialHrgHJH'' gsfHalBr'VBfL jBfBfBfBfBfBHHH uggffM'jiBBK -HTrKwHUm 9tVgBir . r KV' ligH HgirjgiMA J 'liy'-aHBal tlaasW JHHJDf-. . , . A:.jMfegMMCT tKMXe ' S ' , ' Ilia 'JPgBtJ wm nHMr r TMHHgS i r ZtVBI tfyt ' .r-L "" r -. duaml I -ltrM'5' E-?t . J41igggBBRi 1 4ibBSB,tVi Bm & -rraBBBSr EiiHgaHaML v,iOTPC t,s..4:HHHHHHI(d Vigsi rw V 'MO t'-gaaaWLy MTtf'AF ' i 'f-''JvviTKlJ BBBn f 4 M T 4.jiBBBJMiik gfJHgHaHHHa l ImF i m i v!jgggggHgw gggggBfiMAlHf- igss2n gnilil'H-i ? 4,ri c9gWPH HHHHHHHHHGHHbf?i?''T .n'V5"? mPHHHHHHkV HBHHHHHHSvB'llFfiJi? xifi iK'J7HgHHHH4''l lgK74M iif W' & gV i guv2rMf 4nSlgK7'' nPHjVji.' -t?5 'v IBjBHJB HHHHHKyin vffljt Sb9BHbv4 iZ97rvjltW'.( k v!aw2 BUHalBWt W iM1'! IF 'JV t ggggggg9KLag9J gMMww! t'A;J i'vsg!! KKSfiBBtffr?1' "rf- sfWHHE'i '4ttH7li gJ2Bgm 1 f-' i! ?nJggggl aHgaHgHg l Copy right, I HI 5, !' Amerluin l'rui AH'othtloii) TI;Ik pliotoKraplf.of the assailant of J. 1'. Morgan was taken within a few I, ours or the time he wns locked up In the (!lenroo Jail. The band age was pjiiccd on his head to stop tho Mow of blood caused by tho blow the Morgan butler struck him after h had ilred two shots. 0. A. C. FACULTY SHIPPERS MUST WILL VISIT HERE1 REGISTER STOCK I COMMITTEE OF BOARD OF HE-iCATTI.E AND HORSES GOING OUT GENTS TO TOUR EXPERIMENT! stations in klamath july im from; lakkview A committee of tho Board of Ro gents of tho Oregon Agricultural Col lege Is making a tour of tho state, visiting tho branch experiment sta tions and county agriculturists, nnd wlll arrive In Klamath Falls Wodncs- day night, July 22,comlng from Lakovlow, according to n letter re ceived by County Agriculturist H. R. nialsycr from President W. J. Kerr. They will remain over Thursday, of tho now laws, which went Into ef Btid will go over the county with II. feet May 22. While each animal R, (llalsyer, Visiting tno experiments under wny, nnd looking tho situation over generally. In a letter from Pres- Ident Kerr of tho college, ho oxpress-jclen description must bo given for od a desire to moot tho people and Identification so that If later develop ofllclnU of tho county nnd city. There ment should require a record of that aro six or aevon In the party, Thoy expect to lenvo horo Friday morning, nnd may go north by way of Fort Klamath, Crater Lake andjto register each animal, but the ln- Medford. Tho trip Is for the pur - poso of acquainting the regent with conditions In tho Mitto, statu and progress of tho work that Is being done In the various sections, accord ing to Olalsyer. Installation Tonight District Deputy Grand Patriarch O, If, Urennoninn will Innstall the re cently elected offlcora of Ewauna En campment No. 40 In their respective office at ihe meeting tonight All Patriarch aro requested to attend. WHhycomba Meet Hell nt Raster United Pre Bervlca BAKER, Ore., July 13, Govern Wlthycombo welcomed the Liberty Bell hore today. Twenty thousand people taw the ball at Bolae, Idaho, where It toppd oa hour." J. P. Morgan I I OF STATE MUST BE REGISTER ED FOR IDENTIFICATION, AC CORDING TO A. L. MARSHAL Shippers of cattle nnd horses and other stock out of the county muit see thnt they nro properly registered boforo shipping them, according to A. L. Marshall, newly appointed In- spector ror this county by Governor Wlthycombo. Blanks for this pur pose have been provided, according to Marshall, at the depot. Marshall has Just received a copy noea not. necessarily ua uom-rtueu uuu registered, according to Marshall, when k bunch is snipped out, um- shipment, the animals could be traced, In shipping from ono county In tho state to another, is Is not necessary POoior snouto oonounea onae.nip ment, says Marshall. A heavy One Is provided for violation of the law, nnd owing to rablea, and other dis eases, It I Important thnt shipper take heed. Argument for College Unltod Pres Service LOS ANQELEB, July 13. Luc! Basura, aged 8, aspiring to be a lady barber, lathered the head of her little brother Nlok. aged' 4, and tried to have htm with her father' raior. The child waa scalped, , Neutrality Witt Released United Pre Service - ban Francisco; July ti. John Pelrlt Indicted In cooneetlei wKthe Steamer BacramentQ' neutrality viola tlon cue wa released today on $1, 0.9 bail. ESPEE TO PAY TAXES COMING TO KLAMATH CO. i SI'I'lttiMK COURT UI'HOMM VKR- i ' IIICT IIP CIRCUIT COURT .1 iJuilgti liemwin's Verdict Here la Favor i of KoutlR-rn Pacific In Permitting Tfiem to Puy Takcm With Conaty WnrrnntM Previously iMued, Bat In Holt I'phdd by Supreme Court. lkcinlon Handed Down Today (Special to The Herald) BAI.EM, July 13. The supreme court handed down a decision today holding thut warrants totaling $17,- 4G4.99, Issued by Klamath county a i number nf yearn ago and tendered by the Southern Pacific Railroad com pany In payment of their taxes, aro valid, nnd thnt the county treasurer enn reecho thn warrants In payment or their taxes. The court held that they rrt nlld, nnd do not represent tho character of Indebtedness which Is prohibited by the state constitution. J. W. Siemens, as county treasurer, reruscd to eccept these warrants when they wero tendered by tho railroad .cpmpany. a they were in suit. The railroad company took the case to the circuit court, where they were given . ui'o.r ........ .m u,.- ueui mo ..eomon given oy ouoge en - r ... .wnion oue nmai on tne Hf, 1 , , ", lira iwuuicill llltiut lumimil, lll .now be obliged to pay a tax bill to Klamath county amounting to about $23,000, which have not been paid since this case has been In court. About $13,000 of this will be In cash and the remainder In connty warrants. TWO ANSWERS BEING PREPARED PRESIDENT AND LANSING TO COMPARE REPLIES TO GER MANY WHEN COSIPLETED. WILSON BACK AT WEEK END United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. July 13. Secretary Tumulty stated today that Pr stdent Wilson was expected to re turn to this city by the end of this week. Secretary of State Lanstng Is reticent regarding his answer to Ger many. Tho Indications aro that when the president returns the two messages will be prepared, one by himself nnd tho other by Lansing. They will then be compared and discussed previous to the drawing of a final note, which will then be presented to the cabinet for consultation. has been authoritatively learned tint Secretary Lansing has had moro to de with the previous notes than hns been generally known. Leave on Caiuing Trip Mr. nnd Mrs. Oscar Shlve, Mrs. Will Immel, Miss Joele Low, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. White and Mr. and Mrs. Kirk White left this morning in automo biles for a two week camping trip In tho mountalnn. They expect to stay At Spring Creek and may go to Crater Lake later. Freer la la City Superintendent Freer of tho Klam ath' Indian reservation la In the city today on buslne. He expects to re turn tonight or In the morning. Dynamite on Railroad Track United Preae Service hundred sticks of dynamite were found today featured on the tracks of the Reading railroad at Flat Rock dam, a suburb of thla city. No clue ha been found yet. EDISON AND WRIGHT TO WORK FOR UNCLE SAM .KW INVENTIONS FOR USE IN DEFE.V8K Secretary of Navy Daalels Secures Aid j of Edison and Orvllle Wright oa New- Bureau Edlsoa Haa Accept ed, an Has Wright Will Handle Submarines and Aeroplanes. The Greatest Comblaation ia World. United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C July 13. Secretary of Navy Daniels recently wroto to Thomas Edison, the world famous genius and Inventor, asking him to serve on a proposed bureau to devote its efforts to new Inventions for the defense of the United States In the future, should It be necessary. Edison has accepted. It was also suggested that the gov ernment should establish a bureau of experimentation, where new Inven tions can be tried out. It Is also understood that Orvllle Wright, greatest aeroplane expert In tho world, will Join with Edison and other members of the Navy Invention . bureau Edl80n wU, derote hU Bttentlon 8UDraarlne8 and Wr,Kht t0 aer0pianes d neIther w, be llmltedt0 any par. UcuIar fle,d Wrlght and Edison are cong,dered the gre&te3t comblnatlonn n the world. Other names have been '.suggested for membership on the bu .... nrt .em -. Honr Ford, Nikola Tesla, Cooper Hewlt and Professor Lemos Johnson. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C. July 13.- Secretary Daniels has predicted that the activity of Edison and Wright would result in a revolution of naval methods as Important as the invention of the Monitor. Admirals Griffin, j Straus and Taylor have endorsed the I invitation to Edison. M. R. Hutchinson in presenting Ed ison's acceptance, said that he con sidered It as his "sacred duty." $15,000 WORTH WARRANTSCALLED COUNTY TREASURER MAKES THE LARGEST CALL IN YEARS, AND ONLY ONE FOR PAST TWO YEARS GOOD INDICATION County Treasurer Geo. A. Haydon tias issued a call tor protested county warrants amounting to $15,000 which is the largest amount In protested warrants called for In four or five years, and tho only call that hat been Issued for the past two or three years. The dispensing of this amount of money in the county at this time in dicates prosperity, according to Hay don, and will aid local people who hold warrants protested up until May 6, 1911 by turning the money loose. County Court Adjourns The county court, which was In session Inst week and Monday pf this weok, haa adjourned until a latter date, after passing on a grist of bills. Preparations will be made for the vis It of the advisory board of the state highway commission as soon a word Is received from them a to the route and time of their arrival. They are expected to be. here Thunday of thl week, Have Leaied Former Merrymaa Home 'Mr. and Mra. A. H. Conner of thla cliy have leased the former Merryman hon on Pine street of thl olty.-'nnd wtlli reclde there.''' Conner la a en gineer on the Southern PaoHje raU road, nnd wa recently plaetdon'tht run from tho Ashland terminal, BATTLE PROCEEOS TOWARDS CAPITAL CITY OF FRANCE HAND TO HAND STRUGGLES IN UNDERGROUND PASSAGES Frightful Fire and Heavy Explosives Did NoC Drive French From Lab ryntli Districts Around Paris, Say Report Asphyxiating Bosab Used Before Onslaught French Aero plane Bomb German Camps. United Press Service PARIS. July 13. A frightful and horrible attack was made on the forts out from this city last night, heavy explosives being used by the Germans, but they were unable to drive the French from the labryntb districts where they are entrenched, but the Germans were decimated, says the an nouncement. Hand to hand struggles took place in the .underground passageways, which are being used by tho French for protection. Cannon and guns of all classes have been placed in these historic undergrounnd tunnels, and they are proving, valuable for pro tection. Thirty-flvo French aeroplanes raid ed a German station last night at Los -Hatonhatel. bad dropped 111 bombs. Many Ores were started, and huge' quantities of munitions were de stroyed by the French. BOOTLEGGER IS TAKEN AT FORT CAUGHT IN ACT OF TRANSFERR ING YVHISKEY TO INDIAN HE WAS BROUGHT HERE TO AWAIT V. S. COMMISSIONER Dan Connor, roustabout and floater over the county; was arrested lat night by Joe Vose. deputy sheriff at" Fort Klamath after two residents of Fort Klamath had watched him trans fer two quarts of whiskey to Josenh Wilson, a Klamath Indian. Connor-was seen going down -the street wih the whiskey, closely fol lowed by two Indians. D. H. Wlmer and Bob Fleminr noticed them, and followed the pair. After turning a corner and crossing a lot near the ball field and when the' followers were not more than eight feet behind them, the transfer of the whiskey took plat;e, They notified Vose. and he mndo the arrest. J. H. Hesslg, accompanied by the witnesses and the prisoner, drove them down this morning. Superin tendent Freer Issued- a statement protecting the sheriff' office. In which he stated that much bootlegging had been taking place a( the Fort; and Connor was Jailed to await the ar rival of U, S, Commissioner Hamaker of Bonanza, and a U. S, marshal from Portland. The whiskey haa been re tained as evidence. Loomls Suffer Fire Loss United Press Service. SACRAMENTO, July 13. The business section of Loorais wa burn ed today with a loss 'of $100,000. In the conflagration nineteen build ings were destroyed. The postofflce officials haebeen notified that the postofflce and rodeo were burned laat night, wuh a $;500 loss, t , " Constantinople Report Piter unttea Pre service i CONSTAjITINOULB, It-was announced hero td:,iife- ton and Ktam,VP S.lll.l. .I.I.J ..J"j u.i- S,iVJV had beeeftheHed and forced to wRh'-' -v drawjfMvoral shell exploding on tho deck.of the Teasels. A week ago'H' two ahlpo ,.:& had boon destroyed. v ' ' i v e-S mm y' v ' 4': m frVCS A-et'fl" a-Vrtft'. v