r -pfW rp$rvpTr $1 ' KLAMATH FALLS' OI-FICIAL NEWSPAPER r-.gsgcaganvmrTT.iiri''ttera.i Math Year ' "J RUMOR OF AN ENGLISH SPLIT IN THE CABINET M'i: m. mission held to ins. ll'HM CONFERENCE ilU l IhlH'Mtl Imminent In IIhi KnttlWi Cabinet Fallowing a Sh tint elM lit lllM'iiwt tttfiUllH of Owfrrcrov IktMim Frt'Nih and HiliMi War I wider QiH'irtliiM of Miiiilltoit llrouahl (hit. I Mi.il 'i-" Servho LONDON', July 10. Well fouiiili'il niimiiM are Mllonl here of niliiU irrliil rUU In I In- KiirIIpIi cabinet ullire n MM-clnl session win held to Olxiiin the results of a recent uiii ffrenre held bittwin Krrtirh nnd lirlilxli nr leaders itml n MtttiMneiit mMiIi tin') Untied ai Cnlnl, where Id.' rnnfi'tuiire mm lifld. Tin iiii'itlon of munition occupied their iiiirnllnn principally, anil It In ruiimmt Hint n spill In the en M net l tlirefth'lied WOOD RIVER IS PROSPEROUS; M.MIIIlll OF PIAN'OH AM I'l.AV Kits DISPOSED OF IN COUNTHV KtltltnUNDING FORT KUN AT1I IS THIRTY-TWO A kooiI criterion of the prosperity of the Wood Itlver Valley country, Htirroiiiidlug Kort Klamatb, la found in the number of pianos and ptiino !ln)irs disposed of by the K. T. KliKplierd piano house of this clt)-. Khepberd has Just returned from tho Fort country, and reports that the rrops are In excellent condition end that tho Fourth of July celebra tion there was a great success. Ho hus Just delivered a number of claims and players which were or dered, and Kate that his total sales In (Imt vicinity now numbers thirty two. LARGEST WHEAT CROP OF HISTORY iOVi:ilNMKT OHM' RKIORT HT.VTKS THKHK WILL BE tMW,. MlM.tXMl RUHHEIJ4 GREATER THAN IN HIM WAHIUNOTON, I). C July 10. lie greatest wheat crop In the his tory of tho United States Is now being nnrvesled, according to tho govern rani crop roport- Government offl ' stated that the total wheat yield to July amounted to 963,000,- '" bushels, avnlnst an estimated yiciu juno l of 050,000,000, and a oi uao.000,000 bushels July 1, I'roductlon of corn on July 1 was Htlmatod at 8,814,000,000 bushels. 0 yield was estimated at l.SM, oon.ooo busnali. Holt's Asttea Go lo Dallaa "ALLAB, Teg., July 10, Mrs. 'na Holt, wife of Frank Holt, at HHnt of J, p. Mown, yesterday or- li .? ,,er hMb, wnt to Dallas. The original plan waa that olt should be burled at Itbloa, N.Y., t tho new order seat to New York olow ng the daeltlon to hold services m Dallas Sunday. 1 Sty Belgian Training and Her , ' ir f3BwwPKTJw-'f jf svmT TBaSr i x r viJMIaJtMMvijK.fg sflssssL jfAtf V 5mEHBMnlftW if 'VHk iIa wBKJR fey- -slPy ' II Pill I . -13 j n-iJfevTr - r.W K-. TSilWlLLL i "- ZZr A2 I "--IwSrtrtlalsa rsr BHiv .- , C"lyrlKtit Aiiurlrnii I'ri'ss Association. Ilitforii the war broke out llulglum ucd I'Avonlr as a training ship for Jantcvrs of the niorcliniit marlno and kept her anchored at Antwerp. When makes now as a freighter will be turn tho Herman mine, turnover, the ship ed out (o the government. Of the was ordered to Havre and the Hoi- forty cadets formerly ou the ship tblr glum government decided to dlscon- ty-thrw r.re now fighting .iu the Uel- llnun 111 a merrbntit ttmrlnn lmlnln clnn urtnv. Tlin shin will load ulllii land she was sent lo New York, where W000 CHOPPER IS ARRESTED HERE SHERIFF AT SALEM WIRES THEiJUSTICF. HUGHES DKNIKH HECK-',,, SHERIFF HERE TO ARREST, MAN WIFE AND NINE CHIL-, DRKN HAVE NO SUPPORT Deputy Sheriff l.loyd Low arrested Franco von llottcn yesterday morn ing nt a wood camp three miles east of town on rocolpt of a telegram from Hherttf Ksch at Salem, stating (hat ha is wanted for non-support of n wife and nine children, He Is in the city and allowed his freedom on his own recognisance Sheriff Ksch Is expected to leavo Salem tonight for this city to tako his man back, and will probably bo here tomorrow night. Von Hotten states that ho ha been away from home for flvo years, nnd that ho has boon sending monoy to his family until recently. Ho states that Ave of his children are married, and that when he loft ho gave hi' wlfo $350. As soon as he found n ptoco to locate she was to como, but Instead sho borrowed other money and purchased a house and lot lu Salem, and did not come. Ho has a homestead which he Is proving up on, nnd which he states 1. worth $1,600 as soon as he gots his final papers, He has been working for N. D. Gltisbauch on forty acres of timber whlM. h. I.. nf iha nllv Willi ' a crew of twelve men. He has made' a praotlre of hiring only pooplo who needed work badly, and a number of them havo found It a haven. One family stopped there which was prac tically destitute when they arrived In (be county. Bo ftr about 800 cords of wood havo been cut, and there are several hundred yet to be cut nnd split. Vanalro Haa New Bon. A son was born this morning to Mr. and Mrs. Prank Vannlce, who re side at Third and Jefferson streets. iEupuhtg IteraU. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. SATURDAY, Ship I'venir Youngest Cadet she luiu just arrived, to engage .commerce. The Uclglau flag still fllos ovnr her, and whatever profit alio nil and Hull for Australia. BECKER SEEMS DOOMED TO DIE ER'S APPLICATION TO REVIEW CASE' CASK TO RE ELECTROCUTED I NEXT WEEK HANG ELY, Me., July 10, Federal Jiistco HiigheN of the federal supremo court has denied Ueckcr's applica tion for u retow of his cuo on the ground that a substantial federal nnnotlrin Is not involved. This means that flecker will bo oxocuted next week unless tho governor of New York Intarrcnos. American IYcmi x, Germany I'ulled Press Sorvlce 8AN FRANCISCO, July 10. "The press of the United States Is preju diced against Ocrmany," declared Fruu Klgu Hollman of lierllu, who In Attonillfi? tlin In I Am it t Inn n 1 Pnn . fflronco of Women Workera 0 pro. mnto pcrmnnent peace, In session horo. "f linvn trlffri fn tin lll.it In inv rind. but n , he g rlded imtl-German. Whether it la because of British censorship or be- Hi r"WA .u" 0Vil"T!:UJ.l0."0!!ch.nrcd ' nm?: . " U not known know. Ocrmany is not being treated fairly Whole Ruill'll at HoiMO In honor of her daughter, Mrs, A I (I rod Denver, who Is hero on a vls It, Mrs. Nate Otterboln entertained Mr. nnd Mm, Levi McDonald and Mr. nnd Mrs. Robert Slouu, and their children ut noon today. Medical Association Meeta The Klamath Medical Association hold their regular meeting in the Dutch room at the White Pelican last night. A paper on "Nephritis" was read by Dr. Merryroan of this city. Lunch waa served following the pa- P. CRIME 11868 IS RECALLED! Vi:i,l. KNOWN M, IH.UtltKMTKO I'Oll MUltllKIt OMMIITi:i) IN i win jami:m ,a.; hlamku I'Oll MUltDKIt I 1'iilt.il I'lvi-tt MitiIh. a letter recelwtl lam night by J. KKKSNO, July lu ( I', lluntM- A. Clorrlon from Will l.co, who Is' iiiim, it pioinlncnt H'.il (.itr.io dtulcr working with a crew on the Lava of ililx clt). In an lutirvlew today re- H""! road, Htnwx that they have flvo' KiinlliiK tho murdvr of Kctcrnl rattle nillH of the road coiniilete, und ready nun In lown In 18CS, for which his 'or Milo travel. Thoy have been nude, BnlPH IhintNinnu, agpd 70 working three dnyi now, having f one' jearn, Iiiih been nrr"flPd. mated that down Thursday morning. i tho Jpkko JampB gftnc murdered the lce Ktiitt'H that with Home help) urn r.iid forced Union Huntsman to Sunday they can Onlflb tho road by bury thi! body and the $JiO,000 trcas- Sumliiy night through to Wear's Foot lire. IVitcH Huntsman Ik well known Oni. This will complete Klamath In the vicinity of Bedford, lown, and .rountj'ri agreement with Modoc coun ln of a prominent family. ty, which also has a crew working. I Huntsman atafed thnt ho nrm It Is planned for a number of ma-f .;.- ... uu- irime wnen no n iz sears out. his rather had never re- B, taking a lunch, and with a few ealcd to him tho hiding place of the, hours of work the road can be put money. Huntsman ban pono to lowajn shape. to nsslst in the search for the money.' J r Tho arrest of Huntsman and an-t other manlmpllcntrd is the result of OAIIIITI nnilflT .a suit filed by n rwl.lont or lown. for j I. IIIIM I f I.IIIIH I n portion of the fl0,000 for whlch'UUUIII I UUUIl I Iw was promised n shnro at one time I lo dig It up. He had neer dug It up, ho states, m ho rould never reach an agreement wjth tho other two par- ties. Another warrant remains to be. s served on a third party. CORONER'S JURY LOOKS INTO CASE WOMAN T.Ki:.V KICK MURING CKIiKIIHATIOX. TAKKN TO HOS I'lTAI., HKMOVKD TO COUNTRY, ' WHKRK SHK UIKD Mrs. Clarence Mitchell of Poo Val ley died Thrusday following several days of sickness after the Fourth of July celebration. Mrs. Mitchell wan taken sick here in the city, and Or. Wright was called a,tt,nd hcr. The next day Dr Trunx was called in when Dr. Wright could not be reached, nnd found the woman In a stato of comma. He or- dered her taken to the hospital, and sho was removed. i As soon as the mother of Mrs. J Mitchell found that she was ut the' hospital she ordered her removed to, Poe Valley to her home, where sho whs taken. It is understood that her mother is a Christian Scientist, and did not believe in the uso of med icine. Thursday Mrs. Mitchell died. A coroner's Jury ha been Impanelled nnd Is Investigating the case THE MINNEHAHA IS SAFE IN PORT AT HALIFAX United Press Servlco HALIFAX, July 10. The Minne haha reached port safely this morn- Inc nttei sho had extinguished her tiro and reported Into quarantine at fa8t bunch' and " good 11 o'clock, after a thrilling race to!pocted- this port following the fire in her hold, which carried 15,000 tons of ammunition. No persons were allowed aboard. Captain Claret lint wirelessed: "Fire Is nparenlly steamed out. Thluk It wIfo that some of tho cargo be dls- whether it was Holt's bomb which caused the Are." Leave for Crater Lake- 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Beckley, Mlss)A 0 YM,en of , m ha(, ,ucceM. Nina Noel. Miss Bratton. Mr. and lfn,y (e tal wnralnatlong ueld Mrs King Price and Mr. and Mrsvnl Balom 8evra, month, af0. m,h. D. H. ix-nnox and daughter Gladys, , th of tnogo ,nkJn tna Mr, and Mrs. Harry Goeller, Mian Whltomack .Abraham Lincoln, Bllllo Larson and Miss Beeley of this city left today for Crater Lake by auto mobile. Four cars mnko up the party. FJghr.Pouad' Boy Arrives An 8-pound eon was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Y, Johnson yesterday. Both mother and ofcUd are reported well. Dr. Treat attending. JULY 10, 1915 LAVA BEDS ROAO NEARLY FINISHED HKV HAK IIVK MU.KH COM- 'i,i;ti:d, ami with iikli kx-, rwrr to finish thiiouoh to TIIK C.1VKH HV HI'NIMl NIHIIT chnC(! to RO dnVn 8undBy morn. HOLDS OVER WILL I'ROIiAIII.Y TAKK AOVIS- ORY HOARD OVER OOUXTY, STATES THE COUNTY JUDGE. ADJOURN FIRST OF WEEK The" county" courfTeision which has been held during tho past week will hold over until Monday or Tuesday of next week, according to County Judge Hankf. He stated today that plans would lie made Monday for the entertainment of the advisory board of the State Highways Asociatlon. which nrrives here Thursday for a two days' sta In tho city. Tho court lias had two months' work to do at this session, Including tho bills of the circuit court and oth er expenses. They are expected to be cleaned up Monday or Tuesday. FACTORY PLAYS H0RNBR00K HERE EWAUNAS WILL TACKLE NORTH- ERN CAUFORNIANS AT MODOC 1 PARK COOK WILL PITCH FOR liOCALS Tho Ewauna Box Factory team, strengthened by BIgbee and Nelson of the Klamath Falls team, will cross bats with the Hornbrook team to morrow afternoon at Modoc Park. The visitors are reported to have a gamo Is ex- Thv factory team as thoy lined up or n Fourth of July games. la one nr t,n strongest aggregations In the lMe - Several games have been scheduled for the remaining months during tho summer, and It Is expect ed that the team will make a trip through the Rogue River Valley later. Klamath Roy Passe Bar Examination word was reeAtvod ii niht th were successful. Prove Up on Homestead I W, H. Wampler was In th elty to I ittiy nnd proved up on his homestead on Upper Klamath Lake. Hie wit nesses wero Mrs. Rose Torrey sad K. P. Hamilton. Hamilton also proved up on his homestead on Bear Island. His witnesses were J. Y, Johnson and A, W, Waketeld. Man Who Keeps War Going Takes a Bride lssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssbssss09ssssssssssssssssH M. afllsiWjflBSSSSSsV l M sEilliltWzlf JSSSSSSSsI m alllHaBssr? iBsssssssssssH I bsB bsssssssssssssKssssssssssssW.bssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssH 5B Pierre S. du Pont Pierre S. du Pont, head of what Is known as the powder trust, the E. I. du Pont de Nemours Powder com pany all of his 43 years, Is about to take a bride. His engagement to Miss Alice Delia of Scranton has Just been announced. Miss Belin's family Is one of the leading families In Scranton. Some member of it for years haa been in charge of the du Pont powder inter ests in the Lackawanna section. Mr. du Pont Is a- son of Lamont du Pont, who was killed several years ago in a dynamite explosion at Glbbstown, N. J He has a magnificent country place near Kennett Square, Penn. While a sanitary engineer by profession, he Is also a practical powder maker. He Is the designer of all the sanitary ar rangement at the du Pont company's powder plants. For several years he vns In charge of the plant at Car ney's Point, N. J. Then he was elect ed treasurer of the company, and later p vice president. When General T. LColeman du Pont retired as president last Februry, Mr. du Pont headed a syndicate which purchased his cous in's Interest In the company for about $14,000,000. He was then chosen as president. REPORT OF THE CORONER'S JURY IIXI THAT MOTHER OF THE DE. CEASED IS GUILTY OF CULPA BLE NEGLIGENCE AFTER BE ING WARNED "We, tho Jury, empannelled and sworn by Coroner Earl Whitloek to Inquire Into tho death of one said Mrs. Clarence Mitchell, And ns fol-j lews: "First That the name of the de ceased was Mrs. Clarence Mitchell; "Second Thnt she same to her death at trie home of her mother. Mrs. Hiram Roberts, In Poe Valley, Klam ath county, Oregon, on the 8th day of July, 1915; that, the cause of her death was a hemorrhage of the ppleen and that the hemorrhage waa due to an Injury received in a runaway acci dent on the 4th day of June, 1915; "Third We. the Jury, find Mrs. Hiram Roberts, mother of the de ceased, to have been guilty of culpa ble negligence In removing Mrs. Clar ence Mitchell, the deceased, from the Blackburn hospital after having been warned by both Dr, Truax and Nurse Rogers that the patient waa in a crit ical condition, and It would be dan- gerous to move her." Signed -O. W. Robertson (fore man), H. B. Wakefield, J. W. McCoy, J, H. Garrett, R. A. Alford, A. Kershner. Suing for WvrsW- . A suit for divorce haa been fled by Mrs. Marguerite Hall agatait John Hall of thta city. KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Price, Fit. RELATIONS WITH GERMANY ARE AT DANGER POINT 'OFFICIALS DO NOT CONCEAL OPINIONS OF REPLY l.ntwli,;; Will Go to Cornish When Ofllclul 'JVl f German Reply Is Herriteil, Willi :, According to llrlef Itetelvr.t U Unsatisfactory, Itclictecl President Will Reiterate Pirvlous Demands. L'niluJ Press Service t WASHINGTON. D. C, July 10. ?c .rctary or State Lansing haa tele jgr&phed President Wlhon at his sum mcr home at Cornish that he 'will i leave for that place as soon as the ) German reply is received here. It is , not believed that the message will be lecelved before Monday. Afterwards Langlng wU, return t W(Whlngt0Il The German reply is understood to be unsatisfactory, and the present sit uation Is dangerous. It Is believed that the President will reiterate bis previous demands on Germany. . Whether or not diplomatic rela- Gemany are ukeljP lo broken off Is not speculated on here. It Is understood through the brief of the reply that reparation .for the slnkTng of the I.usltanla Is not favor' able to the demands of the United States, and do not concede more than wag given out on the day the-veesel, wasunk. ft is believed that the reply will attempt to annunciate a new principle of international law. united Press Service WINDSOR, July 10. President Wilson has been Informed of the text of the German reply, the papers of which ho is expecting to receive Monday morning. He made no com ment on the text received. DELIVERY CAR 6ETS ACROBATIC. IV ATTEMPTING TO TURN ON ROAD ACROSS RIVER, DRIVER FOR KLAMATH DEPARTMENT STORE RUNS CAR OFF GRADE In attempting to turn his delivery wir around on a narrow road on the ,Vc.t Side josterday. F. Zlnk, driver 'tor the Kir math Department store Iruu too close to the edge, with the icsult that the car turned three, onieifcaults, end over end, before It stopped. "I made that turn 500 times la the last year without any trouble," stated ZlnU yesterday, "but I guees I did it once too often." In turning at that particular spot U vvus necessary to run the car up a Bteep bank alongside of the road, and on the comeback Zlnk went over the grade. A spectator who witnessed the ac cident said that Zink stayed with the car when It went over the first time, J but fell clear before It went any ' further. The car Is badly damaged, and Zlnk Is limping around with a twisted ankle, FIVE ARE INDICTED FOR RECRUITING ITnltcsr? PAma QaevlAa ui" haw rPAMprnrriTiiivin vv, 'u"Jt """ wvwwst( .v ere vww "vx. the seventeen men held here tor aJ- leged violation of neutrality f thiV unite niaies were maictea ey w '-, ( federal grand Jur vnjglrt,WlsiiX' f steamer 8Mramentoand the Bsnjsjahi If' recruiting; station case. Dr. P.lAil-" ' dls waa surrendered this morntaf.fM ' !;' being the physician who examlsis4',.''4 the recruits at the station, x?; 1 V 4Wl-