, '. v iEurtttnn ', '-. . Sty Iteraii KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIALNEWSPAPEK Xlnlh Yesir N. . KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. FRIDAY. JULY 9, 1915 fries, Plv LAVA BED ROAD IS UNDER WAY SIX FROM KLAMATH ARE WORK., I Ml A.M MOIXM) COUNTY HAM, TWELVE MEN AND COUNTY rilIIVi:VOII ON TIIK JOII Will l.oe ntiU his road crew '" yntcrdny morning fur the Uvt Bods, where tiny are starling the work on Hi,, uv lied road, which Is to con nect Crntor Lake nnil Oregon point with n through high wav to Califor nia Modoc raunlv ha a crew of (wiiltj men and county nurveyor on their end of tho work. " TIip men from this city will rtiualn until Sunday r Momlny night. It l ili Intention then to got report on tin. nriual work that will be nco mry to complete It, and then a move mi'iit wilt hu started here to curry It through Modoc county I ruhlng lliolr rk n fast as pmuibo, mid lll continue II through lo llenr's Koot raw, lo which Klamath I ex pected 10 Imlld hr road. The president of the (looil Itnod Aorlntliiii of Lookout In planning on a tic tingling when the rond In nnUh"l m Hu' rnv mi'l wants all tho "ittMitl old progn'nslve from Klamath Knll " to b there. MARRIED IN RENO I.VNN I'. lilOXEMILLKII AND MIMH IlitlHTIXE ORFORD FlrUrT MET MET AT O. A. C GROOM FOR. MEIll.Y OK KLAMATH I.AKKVIKW, Ore., July 8. Lynn V, (.'roiiemiller, editor of the Exam iner, mid MU Christine Orfnrd, of Iki Ijiinnr, Idnho, were married at Itrnii lam week In the KpUcopal church, iilthop Hunting of that city IHTfonnliiK the ceremony. The wedding Is the outrouio of it chIIcko romnnre, the young people ImvliiR mvt nt the Oiegon Agrlcul lure College while In nttendunro at tint limtltuilon, Tli lirlitc U the diiughier of Mr. nnd Mr, K, V. Orford, of De Umnr, Idaho. Mr Orford In a prominent mining inuii of that section of tho nm h try Tim groom I thn necoud on of Mr nnd Mra. K P. Cronemlll. Icr of thl town. He has made hh home hern for tho pant seven yenri, snd diirliiK thnt tlnu tins made u wide circle of fi lends, who wish him He best uf fverythlng In IiIh wedded nr. The rnuplo w he nt home to their frii'iiit In l.nkevlow after July Kith L)im C'ronemlller wn fiiiunrly employed mi tho Horuld. while his hther. Kreil p. Cronomlller, was the ner nnd resided In thl city. Kill Hoy at Yreka VKKKA. July o.Mra. Jehasoi f this city accidentally discharged a rifle horo today and the bullet struck r Hoy Doimhue, 8 years old, killing nun, I'lxli In Hlran Canyon Tlmd Mcllmtan and "Dad" Shlvo "-It this morning for tho Slcan Can yn n the reservation, where they M'et to Hpond n week fishing. Make lloconl Trip to Hie lMUr Uaptaln J. w. Siemens and Paul "imiion mnilo u record drive to Pel- liny Mit0 y,torday, making ' trip by nutomobllo In one hour ""I ten minutes, Hervlro Man Visile Hero Service Man Khrman for Ilia Chnl rs Antomobllo company, Is In tho "y lor n few dnys visiting locnl own- "f Clialmors' ears. Acklejr Mill Is Running the Aokloy saw mill on Lake fcwauna started this week, and Is em- Ploying twnntv.flv. ... mu . DUt ansa .- m ...... . AMINER EDITOR tui vklalty, 400 K 5L FOR KLAMATH MORE MAY UK HECUHED IK PROMPT ACTION IH TAKEN IX, APPLYING FOR THEM AXI WELFARE IH GUARANTEED Word hint Jiut been received from William I., Plulcy, statu gamo war 'don. Hint there nro three or four I hundred ilinniiiilH ready for libera- lion in Kinmatli county, nnd will be hIiIpimh Immediately upon receipt of proper application from those who nro lntoretod and will give the bird proMfr mention and protection. The hlank application are In the hand of l'otmntnr DeUell, who In president of the KUamMh Sport men' Aorintlou, nnd furmern who ulll care for nnd protect the bird should rnll nnd lgn the proper blnuk nnd the hint will hu shipped In nt onre, n doxen to thn crate, nnd will lie delivered under the direction of Deputy Game Warden Stout nnd the association. t From experience acitln.it from punt liberation of thene bird In Klamath roiinty, It I found thnt ome part of tho valley are better ndapted for1 the bird tlit.n other, Thn farm nloug lost Itlver are enpoclally ult nble for them, a well n the country earn of Merrill and the foothill grain land between Klamath Fnlln nnd the Olene Onp, where water U nvnllable. I'rompt action I deilred on the part of thone taking the bird, a they are now ready to bo ihlpped, nnd It I poMlbte that Klamath county may get even more than thn 400 offered If, wo act at once. i SINNOTT MAKIN6 MANY F tteprenentallve N. J. Slnnott of Knnlern Oregon left this morning for hi home at The Dalles, called away by reclamation matters at his homo uliich necessitated hi leaving nt thl line Mr. Hinuott' visit hero dur-1 Ing thl week has been a profitable i on to him nnd the resident of the couuty, for he has been making him-, volf famlllnr with our conditions and getting acquainted with the people. Expressions ore heard on every side of Xlr. Slnnott' ability, and it seem1 to be generally believed that he Is a man thnt Is competent uud will do this section of the state much good. Mr Slnnott' Fourth of July ad dress was excellent, nnd ho nptly uud patriotically expressed tho sentiment of the American people In this time ot litre. nr und danger. Ho proved himself u man of depth, and one who an forsoe tho future. He stated be foro leaving that he would rolurn here Inter In the summer, as he Is In terested In tho country and Its wel fare. Thl will make hi third trip horn this summer, and ho. will oo the northern part of the couuty. Message In GemnlV Hniul I tilled Pres Service IIKHI.IN, July . The German reply was handed to Gerard iohi ! night. It will bo sent to Washington, the time of arrival doing problemat ical. hulled Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, July 9.--Gerard has cabled that Lnnslng will recolvo tho note tomorrow night or Sunday. Probnbly will bo nvnllnhle for publication Monday morning. , Split In Emtllsli Cabinet United Press service munnio tnlv n A naw slillt In tho English cabinet Is forecasted since the Chronicle has Intimated that Lloyd Gcorgo nnd Kitchener havo resinned. It Is hinted I but George demanded the resignation of1 General von Donoh, ono of Kitchen er's mnstors of ordnance, Is ConllHiHl to Ills Home Harry Eaaan. employed at tho I, P. aa. s. ....... Am Idas ItAtVta Tanor saioon, is oonimi " j for a few days, owing to sickness, REND Reclamation ... $238,000.00 Fund Is Reduced IIII:F OK CONHTIIUCTION AT DKNVKIt INKOitMH I'ROJKCT MANAUKII J. O. CAMK THAT FUND HAH UKKX CUT, AND THAT IlKQUKKT FOR $7S,eO FOR KXTKNHIONH IH DIHAl'PROVED THE AN NOUNCEMENT FAMJi 1,1 KE A IIOMMHIIELIi, FOI.UIWINO RECE XT VISIT OK CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE AND ItlXXAMATlON OFF1CIAM. WHO EXPRESSED OPINION THAT WORK SHOULD HE COMPLETED AS SOON AH I'OHHIIILE NO INTIMATION RECEIVED HERETOFORE OF PRO CUT IN FUND ALREADY APPROPRIATED. I.lkn a bombhell lit a neutral in nip, word li been received by Pro Jict Mn linger J. O. Camp of the Klnmntli Irrigation nroleri. il.m il..!""" " ". "' -"'" "' "- ' appropriation for the project of $238,000, which had been conldorcd , nfe for iim here hux been cut down. III 1IC. A 7IUI 1,1 ii li.Mnr fn.ni O II w T... ... ,, ...... , ..u, u. ,,, Williamson, chief of construction at Denver, AUo thnt the Project Man- neor'H rcuuet for 170. COO to be ex- .l .. - l ... aJ I'vnutru uu inn i-Aiuiiniuun m ounu inn worn in aenerni, ana ine sinie- do mnuo 10 nave ine mauer reconsia Hollow or Horcf1y dUtrlct hn been ments of the members of the commit- ered. Mr. Camp states that St Is aa disapproved, itee In their belief of the urgent need order for him, and that he Is unable ,..,.,..., ' Mr Comp I ut n Ioh to under- Maud the situation, and cannot ac- FISH TAKEN TO DIAMOND LAKF TWO AUTO LOADS LEFT THIS w.o,v.v t.-,.i. mu .v vuu MtHIMNG FOR LAKE I.N THE MOUNTAINS BETWEEN 20,000 AND :tO,OO0 TAKEN UP j i Two autus loft this morning for Diamond Lake, ono of tho most pop- fff sai ass gtrr ular and boat Ashing points In thejUQlf ill UIV Vt county, nearly 100 miles from this1 J JJ fl OCC ciy. joe usciion is ariving ono ma chine and Frank Ankeny tbe other, and they are accompanied by two helpers. This butch Is part of tho dlstrlbu i tlou or tho 600,000 fingorllngs hatch ed t tho Spencer Creek hatchery thlshNVITED BY MEDFORD COMMEH- yenr. and which are Doing distrmut od throughout the county In the vari ous famous fishing mountain streams and lakes. Diamond lake I slightly north west of Crater Lake, tins is ono of the hardest lakes In tho country to reach. It Is near tho base of Mt. Thlelson. Tho party expects n hnrd trip iiuvn ir,ui iiio mil well, nnd iinmi to.thrlco nominee for Bet most of tho fish through alive. COURT DECISION OF INTEREST IN KLAMATH A decision imule by tho supremo court of this state and filed July wllh the clerk of the court, which uphoIdH a verdict given by Judge "Lincoln, Neb., June 30 Commer-j Benson while he wan on the bcnchlclnl Club. Medford, Ore. Your pro-l hero In tho case of T.' A. Barton, nigrum pleases us. May accept. Plans' school teacher In the Bonanxa schools I against 8chool District No. 2 of this' county Is of Interest to local teachers and school boards. The case was one where Bivrtoni hnd been hired by tho school board for tho following year, without the Nlgnlng of the contract at tho meet ing or tho board. letter the school clerk secured the signatures of the Hchool board to a contract. At an olectlon held before tho school year began another another moniber wan olocted to the school board, with tho result that Burton was notified that ho was not hired. Ho then brought suit to recover for alleged breach of conrtict, Tho principal points In the decision handed down by tho supremo court nro that whoro n power Is giv en to a corporation to do an act aud tho particular method by which the power slinll be exercised Is pointed nut by tho statute, the mode Is the measure Of Ibo power. rno siaie mutiito provides thnt teachers shall' bo hired nnd the contracts signed a a inirulnr or Dueliil meeting or tho nchool bonrds. uud that the action hlmll be made n mattor of record. J -" Tho decision states In regard to this point, "this duty thoy attemptod lo perform and finish outside of a rAnir or snectsl meeting, and their -" - .. -i - . . I ors signing." ; nrtlon was void, and amouniea oniy.urnna uauge oi me o. r. u. jyiss, to to a personal contract ot the direct-J bo held In that city during the week Fund Cut Unexpectedly ... ... J charge of the big barbeiue ntuged by u,"ue ,,n lne J". T count for the cutting of the appro-, with the aervlce here cannot under-'tho Business Men's committee. Many tordar Identified t. Enrich Muenter, prlatlons. N. J. Slnnott took the stand tho cut. 'compliments were heard on the ex- ",0 Hani'r'1 Instructor, who dlsap- matter up last night by telegraph Congress orlulnully appropriated nti.M of ih mi nmn.-,rBrt .mi lrel after bolng Indicted as the lull I. A Uf livan an.llinr r.r ,.- .. .lamatlon service, and will endeavor lo dM0VCr th reai,ouK for the cut-'of tliiK. nnd e If It cannot be remedied. Following the recent visit of the ............... !.... I ........ I.,, I ..!. iiiiiKit-nniuiiHi ,i u,i luiiui. vuuiuiii' lee. accompanied by both Mr. Wll- llamiton and Mr. Rynn nnd their ap- . jm. ...iu iL.,r - of the extensions and nnrenl nnnrnvnl of llu ixtenilnna nnil ... .. . . . ... . . . "' lUK" ,nr"? "' ",v ur"'1 "rvu that Is present here for the comple- Hon of the work, those connected LOCAL SINGER MAY JOIN METROPOLITAN COMPANY Mr. Mat Smith, n well known local tngor, Is considering tho acceptance! of an offer of a six months engage-, ment with the Metropolitan Opera ' company of New York city. . i This work is not new to Mrs. Smith who possesses a fine lyric soprano' olc- 8h rled several small p.m wh m Mofe hpr marriage, and also with the "Red, i Feather" company, which proved laueh a urra BhoMld ah arMint her children will accompany her dur- ma ner eagagemeai, i 00R CRATER LAKE CIAL CLUB TO SEE LAKE AND THE KLAMATH. COUNTRY OX HIS RETURN MEDFORD, July 9. William Jcn- but'uliigs Uryan, ex-secretnry of state and the presidency. Mnny visit Crater I.nke next month onjheforo the explosion, and was found nv tutinii nf tho Mpdfnrd Commitr. Iclnl Club. Mr. Uryan was Fourth of J'ly orator at the San Francisco cx - position, and will pass through Med ford soon. The club received the fol- lowing wire In answer to its lnvlta-,n "on. , not yet completed." i A petition was filed this morning Tne following Is the Invltatlou sent'" tn county clerk's office for the Uy (no cUi,: jpolntment of J. W. Siemens of this ..wini-m i lirvnn Unnnin M-h.lcl,'p 8 d?lnUtrator of tne estate or ......... -. - .... -..-..., . The Medford Commercial Club cor-' ....... ,..,. , , ... . . '" ' . ,UUT" "UV ? ,u had been appointed, but owing to the engines In the wreck which oc 7S. rTl &Zlll7tZ :UoLeslLln this state it is neces- curred In the Ashland railroad yards oVnrlrl. The estate this week, is wel, . known here In ern trln-a slx-hour automobile jour-'(g and conggt8 of raUroaa clrcle8. Taylor.8 ,nJure. nej over goou iohuh, iutuuku a steuiu wonderland, returning via Klamath Lakes. Figure on spending two days from the ttmo you leave train until you retake It, and we guarantee them among the most profitable you ever spent." Former Pitcher Here John Welch of Portland, who pitched ball for Klamath Falls last , rourin oi Juiy a year ago, winning two games In two days, and captain of the Oregon baseball team last sea son, Is In the city for a few days. I flTAlnlt nl.Allb.l tf Vnll. Kla Pnil.ll, ""'. "'"." '' " - - - -- - '-; ": V . 1 " SL V.. i.nnsTn nw inn it i. 11 iciirBi " ' Leaven for los Ange J. J, Parker, Past Exalted Ruler of the local Elks' !o4ge, left for Los 'Angeler. Thursday to attend the . - m m w .- -m ...- n n Ml. 1 .1. beginning Juiy u. to $164,000.00 Ilimnn l. ik. l..i n.lui t.lh . ij., was cut down to f 238,000 on account deficiencies In the propable repay- !ments to the service here. It was thought then that this sum ,..! . 1.. .... J. J U lum in iw vaiivuucu uvtv. The land owners and others are In- dlgnant over the letter received from uibuoui , u.e .ener rw.i iruia Williamson, and a strong effort Is tot Wllllnmuin and n strnnr ffnrt la ml It j .- . .t .. "r"KT ",r .' """ """ "" " u""u"5 to do anything on account of his offl- clnl position 6ERMAN SPIES WORK ON COAST FRED KUNE ARRESTED AT ERETT ON SUSPICION OF EX- I PLODING FIFTEEN TONS DYNAMITE AT SEATTLE OF EVERETT. Wash, July 9. Score of German spies are stationed at points along the entire Pacific coast,' keeping tab on war contraband ship- At a meeting of the directors of the ped from this coast, according to baseball association ot this city held Fred Kune. a German, arrested neren'a1 nlht. Practically all the bills In- under suspicion of being the man who caused the explosion of fifteen tone of dynamite in Seattle harbor last! May. Kune. posing as a truck gardener., Is declared by officials to be an expert I wireless operator, and an escaped' ...i . . - ..i. ,,, pi IOUUVI IIWIU ViHUtlUiHH )ltsVH) enmp. His brother. Harry D. Kune, who lived here several months, also a trunk aMirilfinftr la ajiM lo h ft military engineer, who was on the famous German raider Emden before' that vessel was destroyed. Kune wns seen In Seattle the day ..... . ... - - c..i i.i"i i" ciaiioa is on a uuuuu ils asserted, the night after the explo-1 '.ionfl A iiuaiinnr nrennnt nf the pt Plosion, heavily marked, was found his belongings, also letters telling. nf dangerous work he was perform Ing in the Northwest. Petition for Administrator (Mrs. Annie M. Rlcbardsou. Mrs. ... Al- ft. DII...JnA,, Sma , ., . . , Jessie P. Gibson of Evanston, Ills., .. , . . , . ,tho 'c"son residence on Conger U.CIIIIfl, UUUHUUIII uimi UU IVM shares In the First State and Savings bank of this city. Camp Fire Girls to Meet A meeting ot the Wlnema Wohelo Camp Fire Girls will be held at the home of Mrs. Harrison on the West Side tomorrow at 3 p. ro. All girls ,nter,8t,d Bre Mkt4 t0 bo prM,nt to ,. for ..hlk... t0 taken Baseball Snaday The 10 wii n m Rov Factory team . . will play the Hornhrook team at Mo- - Park Sunday afternoon, accord ing 10 wnnager Mcuowan A combi nation of the Falls and factory teams will play, and It promises to be a good game. Anglin Decree Given X decree granting a divorce was given mi mornins m ih oirvuu 'court In the case of Anglin against aL. .., ,. .L. .,..,& Anciw. - OLD STOCKMAN STILL HAS ART! JOE HOWARD. FORMER KLAM - ATH COUNTY STOCK MAN VIS- ITS HERB, FOLLOWING 4TH OF JULY BARBECUE Joe Howard, old time cattle man of tbla county, has been vialtlng In tb city since July 4, when be bad . . . . . . . ... .. joe is acxnowieagea me Desi nanaier of a barbecue In the state , .u. . ' ..... ...- ..-.. t. .. . than tbe usual method, but serves In preparing tbe meat in better shape. n .l. bottom of thii nit th rniils are piaced a iayer of rth ja tnen ,..., '.fc .,. . j place, Qn them ,he meat wn,p,)ed H .,,, ,,,, -. m4,v ,,, ... .' . .. " """.- .-". .w. w. meat is placed another layer of earth and above that more coals. The meat is left here the required num- ber of ,our8 untj. ,jone to Mtlgfy the most exquisite taste. Howard la now located in the Red- mond country, but stUl claims Klam- ath as his home, and Is well known among wie oia siocsmen ana rancn- crs of this country. The many com- 'pllments beard on the barbecue of I the Fourth serve to show that Joe has not lost tbe art since the days when I barbecues were more familiar to the KV-,awa,a PrM than they are today. DALL MAGNATES TO PAY BILLS ""red T the association during the! D8t two " wer ordered paid, j "" moner lo P "e " lne 'bank. The association has managed through the games during the July 4 celebration thls year to clean up ..most of the Indebtedness, ecnrdlns-, - - to Will Bennett, treasurer. He said i today that a statement of the finances j of the games will be made up and. published, so that the people of the ? ma' their money I. be- ' w The plans are to make arrange ments for future games here this isummer' according to Bennett, now ba8,s- Th """P'8 of h" ame dur lug the Fourth celebration have en-' nbled them to clean up the bills con- ,rtt:,ed b0,h year and ,a8t- InstalUtioa of Officers I At the meeting of Klamath Lodge No. 137. 1. O. O. F., held tonight, In stallation of officers for the ensuing term will take place, ap-)are invlted to attend, All brothers Injured Fireman Kaowu Here , L. F. Taylor, fireman on one of wero very severe, and he has been taken to the Southern Pacific hospital at San Francisco. He was formerly a hostler In the yards here. Pants Afire; Building Threatened A pair of pants were found on tire and a building in the rear of the Sunset grocery was threatened today at 1 o'clock. The building Is occu pied by laborers, and they left for the mill, leaving the building locked up. A dtshpan' and a pall ot water were used to quench the blase, and little damage resulted. Four Round Over to Grand Judy Four local merchants, J. B, Cham' hers. Horace Shldler and C. B. Coon, and A, C. Qlenger, are bound over to the grand Jury on complaint ot tbe district sealer of weights and meas ures. The first three were operating gasoline stations which fell short, wMle Oeinger's stales were found THREE IDENTIFY HOLT AT E , THREE MEN WHO HAII WORKKI O.V HIM CASE BEFORE RECOG- MXE HIM ASSOCIATE HAD RECOGNIZED HIM BEFORE fSl.ENCOVE. L. I.. July . Frank Holt, who attempted to take the life of J. P. Morgiiu, and who committed murderer of bla wlf Ijvini In rTam. ,. ., . ;-. amine, mass., in iue. T'" Identlflcatloa waa made by 8. I'. Smith, state detective of the dla- trict attorney's ofllce of Middlesex county, Mass., Theodore Hillyer. aa , m ""'omoblle man of Cambridge, and A- T- Brwn, u- Boston newspaper man. The Identification of Holt aa Muen- iter came after the time men. Smith, Hillyer nnd Brown, had made a care- ,. n ".T" "'" .. r " examination of Holt s body ntBrt1ira flfnffh hfmicrti favlk til ma tffom Bottm the Bertu0Il meumr. ,ent3 ()f Muenter. and It was fovad that they j,,, wth HoUg BeMBr ments. CHICAGO. July 9. Positive Iden tification of Frank Holt as Professor; Enrich Muenter, the missing Harvard professor, who was alleged to have murdered his wife. Is made here by Professor Chester N. Gould of the University of Chicago. Professor Gould, in a statement '.made public today, admitted that he had identified Muenter while at Cor nell last November. He said be de elddfcyeeveral reasons nofttVe" pose the man. as "he seemed to be getting along nicely." RAILROAD DOWN COAST IS RUMOR cOMPLETION OF COAST LINK MAY HAVE BEARING ON THE KLAMATH-EUGEXE ROUTE, IF PROJECT GOES THItOITftH EUGENE. July 9. Extension of the Southern Pacific line, now under construction between Eugene and Marsbfield, to connect with the coast line running from San Francisco to Eureka, is forecasted by the Coos Bay Times, after Interviewing H. P. Hoey, engineer in charge of construction on the Willamette Pacific. Hail connection between San Fran- cisco and Eureka was completed only recently. According to the Times, En gineer Hoey stated that construction ot tbe rail line down the coast from Coos Bay would not be undertaken t' until financial conditions became nor mal usratn, but ho expressed tbe con viction that the two points. 260 miles ,,nrt, would be connected by rail be fore other railroad projects were de veloped. Clvlug color to the report that the Southern Pacific is contemplating the construction of tbls Una In the near future, was the visit ot William Hood. chief engineer ot the comoanv. to Marsbfield and the country south of. there several weeks ago. Tbe chief engineer, after a trip to Portland, same to Eugene one morning, and bad his private car sidetracked on tbe "Y" just outside the city at the Junc tion of the Willamette Pacific and the main line of the Southern Pacific. The car was picked up by the regular W, P. train later that mornlnsr and tbe engineer was taken to Mapleton,' From there Mr. Hood proceeded to Marshfield, and persons there who know him by sight say that he took a j trip some distance over the proposed ' line down the coast toward Eureka.? His car was at Mapleton for about a week. Upon his return to Eugene he MORGU iu iuici .icnvu,' uui wiin ma usual, , reticence he did not divulge tbe osCi & Jct of his trio. , J&r .& i City Attorney Leaves Mr. and Mrs. Rollo 0. areeSbecki-w.V ., . t -f ii. ,f.1. ,'- 3 leave tomorrow for a trl at '" tea''lgVs-W ,! Tl.ov mill vl.ll o nnaaka. Atthm.'miL'Jj- cities, including Kurekn (ttS ? i ' '' City, sad eerning bask by 111 II m V-; and Mt. Lassen in' "'w '- '" '-'" 7 .7- 3 w,