Iteralii itmmhm KLAMATH FALLS' KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER JCU3 UP J JWrt A"iJV J - .Ninth Vcar No. H,TilT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1915 Price, Fife Crate Minnehaha, Modern Freighter, Is Racing for Halifax, Fire in Hold fl CAUSED BY E HOLD OF SHIP lt,HMi W Nm (H wt ' T,,u MnrtiliiK lw l Arrive nt Halifax . t-'rMuy Afternoon Mlmaelwtia' Pier N'rnr Ttuit of PlillniWpltta Mil SntoiiU, mid W Hcliedulctl H-IkJ Innlly In Hull Halunlny -I Carry-' lug 9I,cmmi Pound of Amraual lion, Hue No I'wmnrw, t'ulinl I'reiu Service NKW YORK, July . Tim trans port Miain llnirllnnohhii of 18,000 tun, l raring to Halifax with a fire In her hold Hhlrlt U threatening 16, inn) uum rAro of ammunition. The dm mny have hrrn atarted by a bomb. Him ni noried lint night 570 mile rati of llallfnx. The report ald the blatu la not tcrluun The nftlrlaU withheld tho re port of tiic nro aboard the ship until Ihl morning. Humor that tho fire wan.raimed by lloll'a bomb placed on hoard before alio sailed I denied. Another theory la that a (lerman kpy on board haa fired her. The Min nehaha U one of the moat modern freighter). Hbn In carrying no paa. tntet. I'nltid Preaa Bervlro NKW YOHK, July . (Wlrnleaa from Mlnnrhnha) Captain Clark ban m'iii n wlreleaa mrasago which late Hi nn nu explosion canned the tire, which In now under control. Me did nm Hlnte the cnuae of the expln Ioq. Tho belief that the fin wa Blurted by one of Holt'i bomb becaime of the letter which hit wife received, Is made stronger through the fact that I lie Minnehaha's pier wna near that of the Philadelphia and Ha-xnnla, which wero feared would bo victim of hi bomb. He stated In the letter Hint a bomb had been plnced on board ft boat which was to mill Haturday. The Mlmielinha wax originally ached tiled to miiII Haturday, hut wna de layed In KeitliiK nwny. Clark ulrli'HHoil thul he Is duo to arrive tat llallfnx Friday afternoon lu hl flrat message. The lire In later re porlod to hnvo gained headway, nnd l bolleuMl to havo nlluckod other bnlda from tho ono In which It wna originally found. HORSE BUYER SHIPSJBARLQAD O.NK ('Alt SHIPPED TIIIH MORN- IX(J (HIIKHH U) T AHHKM Ill.lXtl IIAXCII IX WOOD ItlVKIl VA 1,1,1 :vFKV (IU Ttt KimOPK 1'. A. Huwnrt, horse buyer of Ban "ranpHio. left this morning, after traveling oVCr the county on one of his uhiiuI horse buying tripe. He "tilled hint night that ho la shipping miu ouo carload now, nnd haa taken (lie remainder of his purchase on this trip to tho Adam horse and rattle "fat Ion lu Wood JUver Valley. The farmer here should aell tholr Homes now If possible, aoordlng to "levvnrt, for tho buyer cannot buy ow In the Hast and Middle West, as tho animals there will be Headed for firming. Utar, what tkta la out of tB wy, they will buy there largely, XPLOSION Imii now lit dm Unix (or (ho rune tier hern to Ht'll, Ho Mute Hint lint ween 2, GOO nnd 3, nun hurncH lnivo been taken out of Hi n country IIiIh your, I In Hay tu l not buying fur foreign cnuutrloM nt priiionl In piirtleuliir, lull Ik tuklng tlifni n they come, mid may noil homo nf tlintii later Tlio horse urn being liiki'ii to lln WihiiI River Vnllay ta Unit pending ahlpmcnt mm Hi, COUNTRY OUGHT Tfl II A If I Ml AT I'D IU llflfL flnlLll REPRESENTATIVE HIXNOTT VIS-' ITS HWAN LAKH, VONNA VAI- LEV, LANGELL VAI.I.KV AMI TIIK HONAX.A DISTRICT. "You hnvo a wonderful country buck of ou line, nnd after vlaltlng nnd trnvelliiK over n great part of It I am Rreutly pleuKcd with what 1 hnte een, I have bean to Hwan l,ako Valley, Yonua nnd Uingell valleys, through tlui llonaiua and Merrill dl- trlciM, and I heartily belleva tluit the roiintry there ought to have water. The pOKKlbllltlea are great, and tho Mnplti nct'd the water." Yextertlny he and Fleet were taken by Dr. (,'iillny on a ion mllo drive In the country. Thlit l Mr. Hlnuott'a retitnd trip within throe weekn, and he ii In UK that ho expecta to be back later In the Hummer by nutoraobllo from Onlral Oregon, nnd will then vlalt imlntK north of this city, mak ing n trip to Crater l-nke and other points of Interem, Today bo confer red wllli Secretary Fred Fleet, who haa acnmpanled aoveral trip over the country, over tho general condi tion here, the railroad tiltuition In particular Thin afternoon Mr. Hln- nott nnd nevcrnt attorney mid other are conferring on the Ankeny canal mailer nnd It futuro dlHpoaltlou. KLAMATH IS WELL ADVERTISED IS AIVIHF.I XOT TO MISS Tllll' IIKIIK WAV FltOM MKATTI.B VIRITH IIIH I'AHF.XTH FIIOM MONTANA It. (1. Poland, Ireiihiirer of ono of tho rlchcHl countle lu tho state of Montnun, arrived In tho city Inst night for u vlalt of several days with hi parent. Mr. nnd Mr. Poland, who formerly lived In Lnngell vnttey, unu Mtuto that on tho trip from 8oattlo to (hi city ho was Informed thnt Klain- nth wnB a great country every ttmo ho mentioned It. "I mentioned to nvernl peoplo that I wn coming to Klamath Fall, nnd I found that with few exceptions they knew whom It U, and advised me not to mls a trip hero If possible. You certainly hnvo advortlsod this city and your surrounding country," bbiii Mr, Poland. Mr. Poland expect to bo hero ono time, and will make several trips to points of Interest about tho city, stop ping with his parent hero in tne city. If Unlit Out, Notify Company Mauagor Oeorgo J. Walton of tho California-Oregon Powor company has requostcd that tho residents of the city should notify thorn whenever any of the street lights uro out, so that they may bo replaced Immedi ately, This work haa recently been taken over by the manager of tho company from tho city. Walton la Out Again nurn J. Walton, manager of the California-Oregon Power company of I till rllv. Ik iilil,. In nvnlii tin nn ttim I ' ' - - " . - , .Mrert, after hcvcrol week of nlck- niMN, I In Mate tlmt thlM u tho first t time ho Imii hen n confined to his bed! aluce tin wan nix months old, and In vliul to Ik? nut attain. ' BW i,llKV,:U ,H VIHITINO IIIH ISO DEMONSTRATIONS AND EXPKR- IMKXTS OVER THE COUNTY. imo INCH RAINFALL I County Agricultural Itoluud (llals- Iyer Ik vlaltlng hln 1G0 experimental Million and demonatrntlon farms over the comity this week for the IpurpoKo of ki'oplng tub on their prog- rcnK nnd Kelecting need for the com ing )enr. Ho recently uiude u trip to tho ex perimental farm at HuriiH, and select ed need there which ho bclloves 1 hurdler and will bo better adapted to ibU country than other brands might. Although but 3-10 of an Inch fell 'flnrlaiir ttiA lltat rtilti ll hl lwAti nf .......... ......... -" " - " -, immense vunie to ini country, ac cordina to lllnlaver. and with a few day more of It thousand of dollar Mill bo aaved to the farmer through out the ronnty. -The rain nf July 3 u'im but .33 of an Inch, und wn not general. BI6 BEN TRIES TO TAKE STAIRS IIIO At'TO THICK OI'KIIATKU IIV O. K. THANHFKK COMPANY, AL MOST TAKKS HTAIIIH AIX)NG AH IT (iOKH IKIWX AI.I.KY HIr Hen, tho large auto truck oper ated by tho O. K. Transfer company of th U city, tried to carry off n stair way In tho rear of tho Hotel Hall this morning, while attempting to nnvt- gate down tho alley. Coming off of Fourth Htrect Into the alloy tho wldo truck proved al moin ton much for tho alley, and tho Htnlrway, which I juat around tho corner from tho Tabor saloon, waa moved several inches from It former poxltlon at the bae, nnd almost part ed company from tho brick wall up the nlde of which It run. Several occupnntn of (ho building began In think of earthquakes and other catastrophe at the tlmo, but upon investigation found thnt Dig lien bad Jut tnado n mistake In try ing to climb the Htair. The dnmngo wiih sllghf. Move to Hot Spring Addition Dr. nnd Mr. (I. H. Merrymnn of this city are moving today from tholr former reldenco on Pine street to their beautiful now bungalow In the Hot Spring Addition, which was re cently completed, They oxpect to bo settled In n few day to rccolvo their friend. Hlnnott leaven Tomorrow Hoprosontatlvo N. J. Slnnott, who bn been visiting horo for several day, leave In tho morning ou his re turn to Tho Unll. his home. He statea that ho I compelled to go, ow ing to some Irrlsatlou troubles there. rlpetul Wrt on Farm. Miss Poarl Dow aud tho Misses Ruth and Mary Ball are spending the week at the S. P. Nelson ranch near Keao. AGRICULTURIST INSPIRED' BY HOLT, MAN FIRES HOUSE, SHOOTS DIES FROM POISON AH AUTO HEACHKH JAIL i : i CllpiiiRt Found In HI Pocket Give IMall of Holt' Movement, and) Relieved He W Inwine Servant. Fire IIoum, PoUon Dog, Cow,' Honx-, Damage Automobile amli Cut Off Water Supply. Pulled Pre Sorvlco HKDWOOD, Calif., July 8. In Hplred, It I believed, by Holt's action Carl Ancrawald of this city fired the home of C. K. Cumberson, poisoned a dog, u cow, and horses, tAot the own er n he wan fighting ftio fire, and killed himself a ho was being taken to Jail. Clippings showing the de tailed movement of Holt found In hi pocket lead to the belief that llolt'H career Inspired him to the acta. At 3 o'clock this morning tho Are wn discovered at the Cumberson home. While the owner was fighting the lire, Anerswald shot him twice, alng, "If useless for you to fight the fire, as you are going to die. The man had been hiding in the chicken house, and when Cumberson made hi appearance ho shot him. Besides the animals be poisoned, threo automobiles wero put out of commission, tho water was let out of tho tank on tho place, and tbe lire plug removed. Anerswald was caught and placed In an automobile, but stiffened out and died as they reached the Jail. It I believed that ho took strychnine whon he was discovered. He was a former servant In the Cumberson home, and was discharged lu April. It Is believed that he was Insane. An autopsy Is being held this nfternoon. U. S. TAKES OVER WIRELESSSTATION FOLLOWING 1IKLIRF THAT A GKH- MAN HAH IIF.EN VIOLATING NFX'TIIALITY, GOVF.RXMKNT TAKKS OVF.R HAYVILLK United Pros Service WASHINGTON, U. C, July 8 Sec retary of Navy Daniels announced to day that ho has sent Captain Bullard, head of tho radio sorvlco, to take pos session of the Sayvlllo wireless sta tion In tho name of tho United States government. This follows the report of a few rfava ago that a German In this coun try ban boen violating neutrality laws by sending messages by a secret code out of this country. He has acted under government orders, and Is to remain In charge until August Sth, or Indefinitely. 3,000 SHEEP 60 TO MOUNTAINS I. I), AJM'LEGATE, THE VETERAN SHEEP MAN, TAKES SHEEP FROM LAVA REDS TO SPENCER CHEEK AND MOUNTAINS Ruuulug them In two bands, I. D. Applegate, veteran sheep nan of this country, haa spent the past wk or so In taking 3,000 sheep from the Cincinnati Is Visited by Greatest Disaster; 40 Die; Tornado Last Night I.ava Beds to the mountain regions for nu miner pasture. He states that tho past winter was a hnrd one on sheep, and that tbe re cent hot weather has dried and burn ed up nil the feed In the beds. The. snecp nrre uiki'ii uiturh iiiu rviuiiiuiu River nt the Kcno Bridge, and the new bridge a short dlstanco below the mouth of Spencer Creek. Ho has between 1,200 and 1,400 owes, and 1,700 and 1,800 lambs in the two bands, which will feed In the mountains, where tho grass Is now In excellent shape, until fall. 6AS FOUNTAINS HAVE TROUBLES INHI'KCTION OF JOY FOUNTAIN'S IX CITY CAL'SKS TF.AKS AND I1F.AKT ItKNDF.IUNGH GASO LINK FOUNTAINS INSPF.CTK1 Tbe visit of a gasoline Inspector In the city has been the cause of a number of joy fountains, from which nrc dispensed the liquid that brings tho fishing, hunting and picnics al most to the city limits, being dis mantled and reconstructed, at least In one particular. Duo to the lncraased-numbor of tourists here this summer, a number of additional street gasoline stations have been installed for the benefit of iho tourist travel and speed artists who like to tako their nourishment on the run. On inspection the official of weights and measures found that sev eral of the fountains were not provid ed with vents to allow tbe replacing of the gas In tho tanks with air when used. As a result a vaccuum entered. or at lenst was present, when some of tho gas was drawn out, and the next man thnt came along In his autocar took part of bis measure of gas in shape of vacuum. Tho plants are being inspected nnd remedied and officially sealed to prove It. GERMANY BUILDS TWO SUBS A WEEK RING A1IOUT KXGLAM) IS TIGHT- KNING NOT HALF OF VKHSELS SUNK AUK I1F.ING REPORTED, SAYH ACKERMAN lly CARL W. ACKEFMAN (United Press Staff Correspondent) UERL1N July 8 (Via The Hague) Germany's submarine ring about Great Drltatn Is rapidly tightening. Kach woek the admiralty is launching two monster "U" boats which are nble to cross the Atlantic under their own power. Reliable reports to Grand Admiral von Tirpltx declare that the toll of the past fortnight has struck terror lu the hearts of English ship owners. Not more than halt of the vessels sunk by submarines are reported by the English press. Careful estimates made here show that the loss during the last two months averaged f 1,000, 000 weekly. The German newspapers nrlnt longer lists of the submarine victims each weak, heading thus: "Tho Toll of Our Tireless U Boats" Tho public realises that many are only small Itshlug vessels ot no value. Hut by wiping them out gradually Uncland'a best defense against the submarine attack! la being removed. Not only do the fishing vessels give wanting of the presence of tho tub- marines, hut at least In on cat that of the b'-H rammed a sub mersiblo. The success of tho submarine war fare Is proven, according to naval cuthorltlcH, by the rise In'the price of foodstuffs In tbe all'td nations. The only question, they declare. Is "how long can the ship owners stand tho strain." THAW IS CALLED TO THE STAND HIS API'KARAXCK IS NERVOUS AT FIRST NOT RELIEVED DID HIM GOOD DARED PROSECUT OR TO RELIEVE STORIES United Press Service NEW YORK, July 8. The state called Harry K. Thaw, to the stand to day. He was nervous at first, but soon regained his composure and was smiling. A report that Jerome is hounding him as stated by his at torneys. Is disbelieved now. At times his answers were vague and almost Inaudible. He admitted that he hired Alfred Lewis as a press agent. He was grilled while on tbe stand, and his nervousness returned. It is not believed that be proved a pood witness for himself. He dared 'Prosecutor Cook this af ternoon to say that he believed the stories of Thaw whipping nude girls in his apartments. FIVE HOURS FIGHT SEEN IN MEXICO AMERICAN SOLDIERS WITNESS A RATTLE ACROSS THE RORDER. CAHRANZAISTS DRIVEN TO. WARD AMERICAN LINE United Press Service' DOUGLAS. Arix.. July S. In a five hour battle this afternoon a short dis tance across the border, American army officers were Interested specta tors. General Calles of the Carran zlstas was driven toward the border by General Trujlllos of the Vtlltstas, though tho latter was outnumbered two to one. Many of the wounded uro being taken to Agua Prieta-. Calles has called for reinforce ment. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, July 8. Gontales ot the Cnrranxlstas Is within ten miles of Mexico City, the state de partment Is ndvised. United Press Service BROWNSVILLE, July 8. Twelve shots were tired from ambush at American cavalrymen on patrol neaT here though none wero hit. Mexican bandits are blamed. The situation Is growing worse hourly. Feared Bomb lu Cako Untied Press Service NEW YORK, July 8. John D Rockefeller is celebrating his birth' day at Pocantlco today, and Is care fully guarded on account of the at tack on Morgan last week. Anton Vonmlngo was taken Into custody by tbe police when ho brought & huge birthday cake, the police fearing that It contained a bomb, , Industrial Club to Meet Tho Central School Industrial Club will meet Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock In the domestic science rooms at. the Caatn.1 school building. DEATH LIST IS INCREASING AS SEARCH IS MADE Police KMimutc Lomh of Life at 40. Fiftcrn of Dcnil Are Known Many Wounded Alive iu Wreckage Which Ih lleing Searched Four Railroad Cart Hloiru Off Track- Two Boats Wrcckeil Thirteen Member of Crew of TowlxmtH Missing Last etl Hut Ten Minutes. United Press Service CINCINNATI, July 8. The death list of last night's tornado Is swelling ah the police are searching the ruins . and dragging the Ohio River. It is estimated now that forty perished. Fifteen of the dead have been identi fied. .Many wounded are being found caught in wreckage ot their homes and buildings. Eleven members of the Tennebaum and Coren families perished during the storm. Tho tornado lasted-.buttea. aalan utes, and during that time Cincinnati suffered the greatest disaster of its history. Two boats were sunk in the river, houses were wrecked and four Penn sylvania railroad coaches were blown from tbe tracks. Thirteen members of the crews of towboats are missing. Hundreds of plate glass windows were destroyed, signs demolished and trees uprooted. United Press Service CINCINNATI, July 8. The lateat figures show 21 dead, 30 missing and 30 Injured. It is estimated that the damage will be $"1.000, 000,000. Two are reported dead in Indiana, one in Illinois nnd seven in Missouri. United Press Service LOUISVILLE. July 8. Four peo ple are roported killed In n cyclone nt Carrollton, Ky. FARMERS GLAD OF THE HEAVY RAIN. DOWNPOUR WASHES OUT ROADS, OVERFLOWS DITCHES IN LAN-, GELL VALLEY AND HOLDS UP' CYCLIST FARMERS HAPPY A heavy ralu In tbe northern end ot Lnngell Valley, almost amounting to a cloudburst, took place the fore part of the week, according to Horace Shtdler ot this city, who returned from that section last night. He made tho trip to deliver a motorcycle to Cecil Deal, who has purchased a Itarloy-Davldson. The ralu filled Irrigation ditches, causing washouts in the road, and, flooding them. On account ot the slippery condition os the roads, Hor- ace waa forced to remain three days before he could get back. He statea, however, that the farmers are pleased wiih the rain, and that the crops are' looking better. Many ot the farmers in mat uisiriti iiuvd muricu iuoir - j Intf Ml "- i -i a.1 Here From Portland Mr J. H. Heckley of Portias :fr$5 ; rived In tbe city lait sight il-iWifj I the summer here wUh her fcuttt);$! j. a prominent stock isanot the etift&fiy , &m VV v.1 K , .mn . .