,i$5'Ji -s.w . -r i "f Wt V, . M' " , li " " , t ,,i u --"?,-il c 4 f Vflf i wt. lEurtttng Itirratf. '1- .'i 'g KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER t'; "4 8 .Ninth Year No. if.TM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JULY 7, 1915 Sip L'.J.I. .,. -. M ..,. Holt, Morgan's Assailant, Kills Himself by Jumping From Cell Tier IDENTITY MAY NEVER BE KNOWN FOR CERTAIN NOIpYAN UR6ES Mssltr Head im HUtar Flagging, ami It Will lie Impossible for Friends to Identify llliw. iii man Profes sor In Chicago Positively States Tlial Holt Was Marnier Wife In Notlfta! at Dallas Morgan Dr. Um1 Oat of Danger iioli'N Funeral Tomorrow. United Press Service MINKOLA, July ?. It U a ques tlon now whether the nun who shot J. P. Morgan will ever bo Identified as Enrich Muenter, since tho man called Holt committed suicide last night by leaping lweni d't to tho ittono flagging beneath hU cell tier, mutilating hla head so badly that It wilt be Impossible for Muenter' frlendi to ever Identify him. The coroner stated this morning that he died of cerebral hemorrhsKe froM a fractured skull. United Press Service NKW YORK. July T. It ns an nounced here today I hut J. 1'. Mor gan's excellent condition continues, and that ho has passed tho dangerous stage. Hulled Press Service CHICAGO, July 7. Chester Mould, assistant Herman professor In Chica go University, and an Intimate ac quaintance of Muenter, has declared positively that Holt Is Muenter. United Press Service DAM.A8, Tex.. July 7 Holt's wife was Informed this morning of th death of her husband, and la bearing up bravely under tho strain. The family has Informed the authorities that the funeral will be held at Ithlca tomorrow. United Press Service MINKOLA. July 7. Despite the verdict that Holt Imposed on himself, it Is stated that further Investigation will bo conducted to cleur up I ho un explained features of the case. The Evening Sun. characterises the permitting of Holt to commit suicide by the county officials as "disgraceful and hardly abort of criminal." Tho police are oonfldeat that Holt cheated them of revelations of other terrorist plott. WORKERS 60 IN THEJORNING NOT MANY' VOMJNTKHIUi, UUT liKE AND VliKKT OO OUT AVTKK TIIKM, AND ARK A8HURRD OK KNOUflH TO MAKH TRIP The party of Lara Bed workers leuvo In the morning at 8 o'clock, and will spend four days ou this end of tho road through the Lava Beds. Mo doo county has placed at gang and a surveyor at work on their end, and the work la progreaalni rapidly. crew is alio to be placed on thla end to do tho heavy work, and use dynamite where it la needed. Thla Wrljr will ttajr uatli Saaday, ratura- Unlit Huiuliiy ulaht. It In desired to send lit her inirtk'H afterwards, In or iter to luiio thin work done ul an III , tlo expense aw pwslble, mid to keep I fnltli with Modoc, count)'. everything .will tm funilMied tho workers but Uriclr bedding. RADICAL CHANGES HAVM XKWSPAPKIIS SHOULD UK COMPELLED T1 PUBLISH STATEMENTS Or OWNERSHIP AND EDITORS' INTKItKHTH United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, July 27 In ud- tlrcHnliiK tho International Press Con- KfChH now In session hero ox-8ecrc- tnry of Bute William J. Ilrjnn urges that n u w law should be drawn up and unforced which would compel newspapers to puhllitti statements of their ownership. Hi also stated that ho thought that editors should tto compelled to pub lish their, personal Interests, thus giving I lie public the opportunity of passing fair Judgment on their move ments and motives. WATER WILL DE RUN IN STREETS APPLICATION' HY MILLS AUDI TION' PEOPLE TO RUN IHHIGAT ING WATER THROUGH THE streets Upon uppllcatlou of Kluier Apple gate and (I. K. Thomas of Mills Addi tion last night, representing residents of Mills Addition, to bo permitted to run Irrigating water through the streets of that section, laterals to be provided, the council granted the re quest last night. The water nt present Is being car ried over prlvato property, nnd there Is some complaint, nnd trouble has beon caused over this right, accord ing to Applegntc. Porseelng that this right might he taken away from them in tho future, leaving them without wnier, they mado tho application, which wnH granted. Crossings nro to bo built at street Intersections, and the city street com mlHslonnr reserves the right to stop the iih of tho streets nt nny time should he water Impede the uso of the streets. COUNCIL CLEANS UP MANY DILLS Tho following bills were allowed by the city council last night: T. P. Nichols, 140.07; A. U. Lnav- Itt, 100; K. W. Wnkclleld, 905; Don J. Zumwnlt, 901.18; P. K. Stnhlmnn, 98G; J, S. Rabourn, $8G; J. W. Siem ens, 941.00; Roso Reed, 930; Dr. L. I Truax, 9'2C; J. O. Smith, 940.67; S, li. Walker, 939.67; H. 8. Wilson, 939.07; M. M, Obencnatn, 939.67; Wm, Hall, 90; J. S. McCarter, 948; Karl Sharp, 951; W, O. Hunter, 99; J, M. Holraan, 99; J. It. Coloraan, 96; R. J. Sheets, 912; O. D. Matthews, 912; R. I. Struble, f 19; A. D. Miller, 912; M. R. Doty, 6r J. H. Hamilton, 93; Hen S. Owens, 93; '. J. Lock wood, 93; R, C. aroesbeok, 998.88; Kd Owens, 948.67; band, 976; Dr. O. O. Prentice, 910; O. K. atabla, 99.60; Herald (2 bills), 96.68, 928.60; O. K. blacksmith shop, 96.40; Big Basin Lumber Co, (8 bills), 913,66, 99.34, ir..7. V. l. Heehorn, 12.46; Win. Wohlfouii, $i;r,; AuKUnt Kfgbrctt, ln; (). IV) ton. $ li.no ; Otto Hchocn feldt, I0; (j, O. Power Company, ft04.ll; If. Ilolvln, 1.2r; Illsck hunt hospital, $2f,, GERMANS PLAN MI6HTYSTR0KE A III: PLANNING TO ATTACK AL- saci: preparing for new offensive expect order THOOl FROM GALICIA United Pi ess Scrvlco PAItIB, July 7. The Gvrtuan are planning a mighty stroko iu Alsace, and nro withdrawing tholr rolling stock from many railroads iu other sections prepnrlng for their new of fcnie. Small bodies of reinforcements have already arrived In the valley of tho Fecht, nnd it Is expected that the troops wilt bo withdrawn from Gnll-cln-. The latest Herman war program states that the Hallclan drhe will be completed with tho Isolation of the Russians In Hallcla from Poland, and a renewal of the offense on Warsaw, nnd the sweeping of Alsace clear of tho French. Then proposal of peace Is expected. Advices received hero state th&t the Hermans nre tiring, and are de termined to end tho war for a few months, at least. United Press Servlco PARIS, July 7. For the first time since tho Turkish licet has participat ed In the asault of tho Dardanelles their land forces bavo also been used. They attacked by tho sea and land on Monday, hut failed to defeat the allies. United Press Scrvlco ItOMH, July 7. An Italian occu pation of flodown is believed Immi nent, and It Is reported that the Aus trian have, abandoned their trenches, GERMANY HOPES FRAME NEW LAW IN ItUPLY TO WII.MOX NOTK TO PROVIDK FOR XKUTRAL8 AT SKA WITHOUT SUBMARINING ADVAN'TAOKH United Prosa Servlco WASHINGTON, D. C, July 7. It la understood and announced here thnt Germany hopes to frame a new rule In International law In the reply to Wilson's note, which Is expected tho end of this week. It relates to the safety of neutral ships and passengers nt sea without submarining advantages heretofore onjoyed by tho submarines, It Is believed thnt UiIh has caused tho do lay in the forwarding of tho note. Secrotary of State. I.nnslng is silent. President Wilson Is personally con ducting tho Amerlcnn end of tho dis cussion, and is In closest touch with the situation. Gone to Lakevlew Lou llonglnnd, who has been In the employ of the Southern Oregon Auto company, has gone to LakeVlew to tako n position there with the same firm. Needle Club to Meet The Needlework and Thimble Club will meet tomorrow at 2; 30 at the home of Mrs, John Hutchlna of thla city. COUNCIL TAKES UP IMPORTANT MATTERS OF CITY I.LKYKXTH STREET PAVING CAN not hi: done City Attorney Pusses Unfavorable Opinion a Building of Bridge. Mathews State Streets Are to He Cleaned Each Morning Heport on HUlli Street Received Fire Signal HHt-m l.ald tTHer. It will he ImpOHHlblc for the street imviiiK on Kleveath street to be done this summer on account of an un- fnronihle opinion brought In last ulKht y the city attorney In refer cure to the building of the bridge airoxM the canal. He held that new bids will have to be advertised, as the cli)- could not compel residents to piy for the bridge under tho present plan. President Muthewt stated that the strcctH will be washed and cleaned every morning as a result of the Ousl noHS Men's protest. City Engineer Zumwslt's report on Sixth street was read and accepted. He prolded for the work on Sixth street, and gave an estimate of 92,000 on the cost. No definite action was taken by the coun cil for the work -to be st&Tted. Councilman ,8beeU reported that tho Installation of aligning system us n police, signal would cost approx imately 940. After discussion the matter was laid over one week. He also stated thnt the Oregon-Callfor-tfa Powor Company, through Man ager Walton, has taken over the re placing of tho street lights, Mr. Wal ton taking the responsibility until he had heard from the company. The request that they be given one day for the replacement of any light which may be out, and that the peo ple report the lights when out, was aBkod In taking over tho work. Several crossings and lights In the city were brought to the attention of the council, and the proper officers Instructed to look after them. Bids for screens and awnings for the new city hall will be received at the police judge's olllce In the near future. The following appointments were made by President Matthews and con firmed by the council, Robert Bald win, chief of police with poundmaater power; Jamea McCivrter, first patrol man; John Coleman, second patrol man; W. R. lioyd. electrical Inspect or, nnd Dr. L. h, Truax, health officer. PETITIONS FOR MAYOR ALL IN CANDIDATES HAD TO HAVE PE TITIONS FOR MAYORALTY OF FICE IN HANDS OF POLICE Jl'DGE YESTERDAY' Tuesday was the last day for aspir ants for the mayor's office to ale their petitions to place their names on the special election ballot for the election of a new mayor July 27, as provided In an ordinance passed by the city council ut Its third rending sorao time ago. All the petitions of candidates who had announced thereunder wero who had announced themselves were flled. Four cltUens have announced their candidacy. They nre C, B. Crlsier, Will Baldwin, J. L. Lyle and J, B. Mason. Their petitions have been filed with A, I,. Lenvltt at tho city hall, and this will constitute the tick et at the polls on the date provided for the election. Persistent rumor had It during the Fear Expressed for Ships Which Holt Wrote He Had Placed Bombs In I I past few days of the coming out of i Mrs. Mary Jackson for the office, but 'she stated this afternoon that she bad I no Intentions of running, though she had been broached by a number of 'friends to announce herself. COUNCIL ADOPTS A NEW POLICY ItKMODKI.KHM OF RUILDINGH MUST HUIIMIT HI'KCIKICATIOXS COVERING K.XTKNT OF WORK TO UK DONK A new policy, or a more strict pol Icy In regard to the remoddeling or reconstruction of buildings damaged by Ore was voiced at the city council last night, and at the same Ume a favorable sentiment was expressed by the members for the Improvement of the W. H. Mason building at the cor ner of Seventh street and Main. Mr. Mason produced a contract whereby he could have the building rebuilt for less thsn the amount speci fied in the city charter, which wonld condemn It, and It Is expected that at the next meeting the matter, which bag been tied up by councils for the past several years, leaving In the meantime an eyesore aad disreputa ble building standing on Mala street, will be settled. The council is demanding a definite (statement of Mr. Mason, which will cover the entire reconstruction along the original lines of the building. and the sentiment of the council was expressed In demanding thla from all who desire to remodel or reconstruct buildings in the future within the Are limits. President Mathews stated that It was to prevent the council from being Imposed upon by build ers who did more work that they stat ed to the council as their Intentions. I Such statements will give them a chance to see that the permit Is fol lowed. COUNTY COURT IS IN SESSION IS PASSING ON LARGE Xl'MRKR OF BILLS WILL TAKE UP THE VISIT OF HIGHWAY BOARD LATER The County court convened this morning at the court house, and ex pects to bo lu session for several days. A laTge number of bills are being ground nut by the court, which will take them a day or two to finish. Uofore adjourning at this time It is expected thnt definite arrangements will be completed by the court for the entertainment of the advisory board of the state highway commis sion, which will bo In the city Thurs day and Friday of next week. The board has requested that they be tak en over the county It possible, aad that the needs and conditions In the county be placed before them. Returns From Yancoaver R. R, Brewbaker returned last ulght from Vancouver, Wash., where he attended the funeral of his moth er, who was killed there In an anto accident several days ago. Her home was In Eugene, and aha waa on the way to Vancouver to visit relatives when the machine became unmanag ubln nnd ran oft a grade., Futeet Fire llireateaa Oeaervatney United Press Service SAN JOBS, July 7. Astronomers and members of the colony on mens Hamilton are desperately fighting a Are this morning In Santa Ysabel can' yon, which is threatening to sweep the observatory reservation aad all before It. It Is believed that the flames are confined to the vicinity of Camp Moody. COFER BROTHERS BUY BIG CRUSHER REPRESENTATTVK OF OWNER AND FORMER MEMBER OF HE ATTLE COUNCIL HERE FOR EX CHANGH Cofer Brothers of this city have purchased the big rock crusher locat ed at the bead of Link River from Dr. J. E. Stautef of Everett, Wash., through bis representative, John O. Pierce of Seattle, who haa been In the city for the past few days. "This Is the best town, I have sees In a long time." said Pierce last night after council meeting, at which he was an amused visitor, "and I am coming back August 1. I was a mem ber of the Seattle council for some time myself, aad I see that they are keeping the wheels greased in the same old way. The prospects of thla city look good, and I latend to re turn." MANY CHILDREN ARE DEFECTIVE SHOULD ALL BE GIVEN EQUAL CHANCE WITS EACH OTHER BY PROPER ATTENTION, SAYS DOCTOR United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, July 7. "Sev enty per cent of the American school children are defective in some way," says Dr. Sherman Rlngsley, Chicago physician, who today addressed a gathering of mothers at the child welfare meeting at the exposition. "Some are afflicted with adenoids, others have defective teeth, and still others are weak lunged," the doctor told the mothers.. "But all wonld have an even chance with their com panions 1 tteachera would pay more attention to the ventilation of the school room. The average school In winter is so defectively ventilated the pupils are half asphyxiated." Operated oat at Hospital Claude Maxwell of the K. K. K. Store of thla city was operated on at the hospital yesterday by Dr. F. M. White. Claude broke his shoulder at Corvallis last spring, while playing ball, and due to a bad set it was necessary to break the shoulder aad reset It. Here Visiting Relatives Mrs. C. M. Trisler of Lincoln, Neb., Is here visiting her sisters, the Stilts Sisters and brothers Phil and Harry Stilts. Liberty Belt at Chicago CHICAGO. July 7. The liberty Bell and special train arrived in this city yesterday, aa per 'schedule. A great ovation waa given the historic relic, and a tremendous parade with school children marching aad carry lag lags waa a feature of the eele- bratton. a nmi'mattf INDIANAPOLW, Jnly ?. Sis men indicted with Tom Taggart of thla city with other nolKlelaae, pleaded guilty this morning to corrupting elec tion returns daring tto 1114 prl awry election koM ta thin emr, t !,. DOATS WARNED; ONE IS SUPPOSED TO DE DOOMED Navy OaUe mas Admitted That Tawe Have Wirelessed Ve phJa aa4 Saxeaia Last : Wrote Wife Tfsu Placed la Sales Which Saewi Jaty S for Lleerpeol Wise Netated Urn Federal A mhortiies Vessels Ware Warned. United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C, July 7. k The navy oSce has admitted that the liners Philadelphia aad 8axoala were wirelessed last night waning them of a letter written to his wife by Holt, the man who attempted to ktti J. P. Morgan, stating that he had placed a bomb aboard seme llaer which sailed July 8 from New Terk to Liverpool, which waa timed to ex plode and destroy the vessel today. A portion of.tte letter.atateat-c, tuUp steamer leaving New York keener " for Liverpool on Jnly 3 saeeJd sank' on July 7, God willing. I think it la the Philadelphia er Saxeaia, hat as uncertain. Tear this o natu R hap pens." Mrs. Holt immediately aett fled the authorities on receipt of the letter. As soon as the contents of HoK'a letter waa received by Police Saper Intendent SpUlman he urged that all vessels sailing be Informed. He. also urged that the ship companies ascer tain whether Holt had aa opportunity, to plant a bomb la either of the two ships before they saild. All ships sailing from New York eav Saturday, July 3, have ackaowledged; receipt or warning, aad it to be-Ueved . that all were searched at the Ume. United Press Service NEW YORK, July 7. -The Sax- onla has seat a wireless stettag that a "search was made. Nothing found." United Press Service NEW YORK. July 7. The extot ence of a plot to destroy the allies' munition carriers bar been reported uncovered. Secret service cJaean are Investigating unexploded bomha which were found aboard their shine on arrival at Havre la May, which' were planted in American ports. RAIN SAVIN6 MUCH TIMBER RECENT DOWNFALL WILL OUR. TAIL DANGEROUS SEASON FOR AT LEAST TWO WEEKS, SAYS JACK KIMBALL V v nS? h duHMUi uua l tk. Mmii '!?'.' - - - w - -W,!--,., her for at least two weeks, assertion; to Jack Kimball of this etty. It mayk? be longer, aad U we sheald haver';''-. more of It It means taoaoaada of. m?J ; ' lira saved to (hla country, said JadkiB A amal brush fro waahnrnaag' a Mount Mnkel early thla week,, Kimball renorta that IMUe 4ssafo was dene.,, Jack to got4iB:to'ahrdgf : with tho sampata aafr'twrlotb hf m. dllng a amaM'aeoaaiileenVwInniV. warns aajaieet ligsntnynWaht. oi lajsyr '" reverse aide la "" wans a asssssaTA.t Utile; etoaeaac iiaii nsgft; flBl i si -' if ., .. . , '! "--I pI cl A ;i J i 1 ami :'.- , Jwl T V "Jr. -,-V j!jt '. . IS ')-"