vfwk.' ,& -s&V2.-, lEuttin Herald s CaSi S w u KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER & X . V - in - ' . A Ov '" a?&,, VV&fl wtMBttBKscasrre; Ninth Year -N. u,7un KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. TUESDAY, JULV6, 1915 Prlca, Vtvc Oetaia ' ::t vft&l ltt STATE HIGHWAY BOARD COMING TO KLAMATH will coxfiih with corvrv roriiT JII.V 1.1 .wit Ml IM-olli' In Hi- Infi'iHO'il nil Our Cniiill I Ion. Want I" U Otrr Count) unit Htt Howl Ought to Hi' Tnk' I'll Owr l-ntn llrl IIinmI Fieri Helirtl' Will H-llll In Omit I''"- ill In Kl.miiilli The iiu'iiiIh'ik of tlu aililmiry lmrl iuiikIhiIiik or B. IIiiiimiii (it rnrlliitul, J. II. Albert of Snl.'iu iiml Lenlln But ler of IIinuI Itlver. will uirlv.i In Klmtuith Fall Thursday of next week, niter iriiM'lllii! over llui I'm We highway from I'ol ttautl to tint Cull fnrulw lino to thin ell), the loiitn to HiU rlty to bo miIimii'iI yet, iiml will npt'iiil Thursday and Fildn) of next week wlili tin county coutt Imrn for tln purpiio of koIiik ii'r tln slum tlnn. I'ioiii here tin')' will go back oxer Ihu Central Oregon hlKhwn), ' i'iiiiIIiir to it It'lliT riiUiil toilay li) (lu roiiitiy iiniri from Jutui II. Lewis, Mali. I'liKlliri'r. rl.,. Unit ol this homil to KlnniailiL,,,.,, , ,',, lirw,,y dimrlrt. ami Kcti-'B,r"y,"n-iniiniy mi-niii. i Kreiu deal lo lil ' ,t,iiiy looking mer the Hlluntloti In louiitry at thU phtiiriiiiii nun', in rordlllK to Kr'U Fleet of the Com inrrrlnl Club, mint win. Iit.iu.'li.'.l on Ih.' vli.ll An iilti'iiipl will l' iimile to Like tlu bo.inl Into Hie Invu bed iniiiiiry to nbow thi'in tin. proKpirtli" to.iil Ihroiigh that roilliliy ami plurn befoio Ilium the poilhllltlvft of II, 1 1, run it I. road from Ciuler U.ke in the hmln .mil on to the highway lmj Callfornli., pr liltitit good hIiIh rniiilH fiom bulh the Pacific lilghwa) on "'" ,et mid tho Central OnK'm hlghwii) on the eaM. They will piob.ibl) lravn here "er the road to Central Oregon highway, ami will ha the opportun ity of seeing It for llieunti'lveii. Following Is a portion of llm l.ttei "lleglunlng Monday. Jul) IS. th.i advisory board of the idiito highway commission, consisting of Messrs H. Ili'tison, J. II. Albert and l.enlle Hill-' ler will make mi Inspection of tbu Pa cific highway from Portland to the California line, returning through Cenlral Oregon. It Is desired to have llm member of tho county courts ac lomp.-itiy the advisory board through their respedlM' cnimtl.'S, and such ad illlloimi illslance as Ihey may llnd time mi in du. It Is tho purpose on this trip lo discuss road matters In general, and lo rocelvo any sugges tion or Ideas that may assist the, ad visory board of tho highway depart ment In plnnnlng for the future, hav ing morn particularly lu view nt this time the 111! construction piOK'Jrmu "Will you kindly glvo thin proposed trip your careful consideration, nnd be prepared to submit to the advisory hoard your views and recomuiemlii lions. It would bo entirely In keep lug with Ihu spirit and purpose of llm trip if you would submit s.une lu writing, supplementing our recom mendations by M'llinl explanation, ele. It Is felt that IIiIh trip Is a v.ry Important one, ami wo bespeak your I lino tho i'.U'i ciinstruiilnn program, hi'iirly co-operation lu this matter. "Tho parly oxperla to reach Klam ath Falls Thursday, July ID, I am not familiar with tho routis (hut may bo lakon In reach Klamath Falls, but will ondetwor lo ndvlso you later. Will tho members of your court kind ly hold themselves In readiness to spend Thursday and Friday, (he K.ih mid tflth, wi the ndvliioiy board?" tiennan Heply UimI of Week Pnllud Press Bervlco IIKIIMN, July tl.H was an uniiiiccd hero today that tho (lermiiu icply In regnrd tn the l.tisllanlii mat ter Is expected by lho end of tho week. Laiisinu Invi'kllguli'H CoinplalnlN I'nlti'il Prcsn Hervli'o WABIIINOTON, l. !.. Hncrelnry or Mate Lansing Ih Investigating com plulnlH from Now Kngliinileis that hoys between in nnd 17 yours old em ployed on cult lo ships freighting to KiiRlnml, nro being persuaded lo en list In tho lOngllsh army. SINNOTT VISITS LOCAL PROJECTS' I a I lS PIHI.IC .SCHOOLS IT HOLDS WILSON AMI I'ltAISLS amdiiicam.a'iio.v D.w Ht'iitrr IV ADDItLsK. Kl'plen.'lllllllVl. N. J. Hlllllllll, III lllil I'lilli'il Klutr mugles. In Npt'lidlllK Bi'Mriil tiny In ICImiuitli louiily, mid In tUltlug t tin nrlutnt projects omr iIm county, Including tin' Irrigation ptoject mill HIIIIIU of till) nieiile pllllltH. Hliiiinlt spnko highly of 111" Klniiiutli public m'lionlH, duo to llm exclleut jsh.mlug liy I In- two Klnmiitli )omhs win) Mttct HJtf till)' passed lixnmllinlliih for iiiinliilini'iiU to A tutu jioIIh, iiml tlirlr liter hih'iikhIiiI liiiirniico Into tln lumliuilnii lii hlii Foiiith of July iiiMm'mi hi tli' iniirt Ihiiiko hi ill Sun- il.l) ln Cat.' II splendid review of tilt'1 lnnKri'im oi tho I nlliil Htiile nine tin' kIkiiIiiK of tin- Declaration of In iliiiniilriKJ' iiml iinlii'lil I'ri'Hlili'iit WIUoii In his cy regarding tliol w"r "'' '" '" towards Lublin i:uroi.'.ni war KlttiiittiuiH. Ho nlso! Dnngorod. Tin' Auitro-Hermnn nil spoke hlghl) of tin' I'i'li'liriitloii of value Ih iiIho ln'ln iiIiik I" threaten Wilson ilny hvit the nation, iiml th'1' Wiirnaw. spirit ur A rlimiU'itloii Dny for July' t. to. ir nii'il l.y tin- ll-nil.l -hortly . " tt" ,",,'l ",at " ,,rl,lh1' "v- l...for.. llu. I'liiirlli. ,,MW """lilliiK f rfclU tin Corman Momlny .Mr Slitmitt vUlic.l llu Mn Ilt illhirlft iiml utlii'rs nenrby. Today! lo tin' Lower l.uki' mid tomorrow In- illiU routity llli. trip Is it IiiihIiu-km oni'. with ihojurepllou of Oils ad- iu:i(.IN, July H (leneral Mackin-ilri-ss. In which lie avoided politic ,. furr)1!1 Iiro m,,nK ,. tuslnn ntiliilv, mid Is hi't-nmlm. fmullliir with (or,.PH Hoiit)i of Lublin. Klmiiiiih riiunly's I'lilerprNiti ' Mr Hliiimtl can b.t found lit the Whllo IVllcali hotel .'VenliigK, whoto ho will be glad to meet any pi-mans , . , ftrnrtW tr f III II VMIUY III ylJ U I U I I Ul U MEN IN A BOAT IS SAIM.V llltOl'tiHT TO Till: AT-, ti:xtiox oc tiiiici: klamathI FALLS Mi:. WHO CAPSI.i: IX KLAMATH IHVKH SFXDAY I The lllle of Jerome K Jerome's famous slory, "Three Men In a limit," was forcibly brought lo the nttcntlou of three citizens of Klamath Falls while speeding down the Klamath Itlxer Sunday. Tho boat was turned over, one could not swim, and II took the oilier two almost an hour to tow tho boat anil the helpless man to the shorn. Then they had to walk live miles, halless, coatless and generally drip ped of outer garments, as the day was hoi, before Ihey could procure a con veyanco to comu to this city. They left hero nt 12 o'clock, noon, turned over aboul a o'clock, and returned at 10 o'clock, after u gruelling exper ience. Tho ai'ddont happened when the man nt llm holm attempted to turn lho boat about In the river while pro ceeding at full speed. A heavy top on (ho boat miulu It somewhat top hoavy, and It turned over, aided by lho current and uneven balance of the boat on tho turn. Tho river at tho point where they capsized Is lined with titles, mid there nro no inlinhl IiiiiIh near Ihoro. ' They were com pelled to stiuggln lu tho water for an hour to get tin) boat ashore, and the nno man who could tint hwIiu. who re mained on top of the. boat, despite all entreaties of his comrailos to get off and wnlk. Few .'ev l.'oi'Nii'iilioiH I'nlled Press Bervlco HACUAMKNTO. July . A bin ilecieHse lu the number of California companies filing articles or Incorpora tion dining tho month or June is shown by the ropoil or the secretary or state, During lho month there wen) only 1U2 Incorporations, with a total capital stock or 2 U, 29 U,C!!0, while In Juno Inst year there were, 2D" Incorponrntlons, with n total cap ital slock of $3ti,070,282. GERMAN ARMY KEEPS UP HER ADVANCE IN EAST HKI'OKT.s CltO.M IICHLIN IMI. ecu: ahva.vci: iiioci:i:is ll'illn IM-imlili Sii)n 'Iiml llu' llu "Inn l.iiii' Xi'iir Kniaiilk U Itiokrn, Oiii' I'liH lU'iiiK lllltrn ljiluiinl. iiml Ollirr 'loiwiiil l.ulillii Auolro' tiriiiiiiu AiIiiiiiii- .Von Tliii'iiti'iilnc Win iiu AuhIii. 1 nlli'l hi'M KiTtlro IIIIItl.lN. July 0.-- A illKpiitrh licri'l Htill lit lliiil I lie ItUhnllili .1111' lir.'ir. Knuml Iwih lii'i'ii hroki'ii In two, mill I Inn iiiki illvUlou Ih Iii'Iiik urlvi'ii I'i.Mt .Norm nun wiih r ihu oh Mummy inc !irnilnti(. vn nrromi:inlvil liy motor IioiiIk, crulitors 71 rial toriicilo liirit ili'- I'ultnl Press Servko RAIN IS DOING WORLDS OF GOOD sti:aiy patti.h which staht i:ii last xitiHT is a ;oisi:m TO THIS Cor.VTHV, AfCOKIHXC TO tJLAISYF.lt This light hut steady patter of tain, which Marled early this morn ing, Is a Oodscnd to this country," stated Itolaud tllaUyer, county agrl iiilturlKt, this morning, ".specially In the dry laud farmers It is a benefit, for many of their crops have been making a poor showing up until this time, on account of the cold weather Mhlch followed tho rainy season this spring. "Many of the crops were stunted, nnd much wheat can be found on tho dry land that Is around a font high, and already headed out. Whllo I have not been over the county in the If,i,t few weeks, from tho reports that have been brought me. It scorns that It lias co mo too Into for somo of the dry land farmers to do much good. Borne of them will get no moro than half a crop, hut It Is undoubtedly worth thousands of dollars to the (oiiuty lu general. "It Is will keep It up for two or llu en days now It will be the saving of what a few days ago looked like on.) of the poorest hnriests that have been lu this county, 1 understand," The rain came up from tho south. ac-ordlng to passeugeis on last night's train. It first began lo rain at lii'.nsmulr. and It mined until after they left Weed. Ily the time they had reached this city the rain had censed, Hut this morning they tvwoko to llnd tho same stonily drlzrlo hero, it evidently having overtaken thorn. Farmers lu the city this morning are looking Jubilant, and expressing great holies now for their crops, where before In ninny soctlona it looked as If they would be almost a total loss. This rain, If It should keep up, Is the right kind, because It hi fairly steady, and owing to lho con dition of tho ground It mid thoroughly wet It. July it was not genonil, and accom panied by (ho largo hall stones, It did llttlo good. It served to pack tho ground and enku It. Hut this steady patter, patter will loosen It up In good shape, Says the Germans Crucified Canadians B -Li- K9ml i tii'orgi' t.onlou Mikiii' (leorgo tionlou Moore, just arrived ...a.. viui. . i,i. old r..... I ....... in ii. i fi lull In lllfl Old i .. .'. n,.i. ,n.in n.U Ktniement'.ian.r nt lu ut 11,1. mnrnlne . .' ' ... .... u.,;.-" . , Young Caiia.llau oltlceru hale been' crucified y.the. Hermans. They hat ej been nailed to tho village crosses. The. . cruelties the C.erman army has Heed since the outbreak of tlio war would makeUiny of our Indian wars of bygone da) a look like a condition of I'loplan peace. (ienernl French nnd I were alone bating dinner when word was brought of the first use of gas by the Hermans nt the battle of Ypres. Our people, ought to see the victims, lturnlug at! the stake Is humane In comparison. I It only shows what this country would have to face If there were war.i It is a signal to get ready. , . ,, . "The valor of tho Canadian troops has won for them a place lu the his-' tory of Hreal Itrltaln. They arc among the worlds greatest lighters. I When gas was used by tho Hermans I the i.llles' front lino wavered and fell, I tho southern troops beating a hasty I ret rent and leaving the Canadians all) but surrounded. They bad to turn) nnd fiio the other way. They fought fus Iwiiifti (iitil ftmiht en cniirn fTtintl&l v until . enforcements camo that tlicybwn written by the chief of police of saved tho day." LAST ROLL CALL! HOIIIX HOOD, WF.LL KXOW.V .MO HOD I.MHAX, LIKUTKXAXT OF POI.ICF. OX THK HKSKHVATIOX YF.AKS AHO, Dies Itobin Hood, one of the best Luowu Indians on the leservatlon for relia bility and steadfastness, being a lieu tenant of police years ago under Captain O, C. Applegate on the res ervation, pushed away in this city on Sunday. Itoblu was a brother of Chas, Hood, one of (ho best educated Modoca In this country, who was educated nt Carlisle Unlvorslty in tho F.ust. Itobin and Charles lyive both been promi nent lu tho tribal councils, mid have been suggested n number of times for n 1 1 lii to Washington, D. 0., to meet with tho (Ireat White Father. Itoblu was about 10 years old when tho Modocs were taken fiom this country tu Oklahoma, and returned MODOC NWS will soak ltilllc'0 uiioui hixieen yeuis ami. n.'iience, tuieo pi ineiii in iwn huiiuk:.. Tho rain of ,""1 ''eon III hein for some tlmo, and' Peterson had excellent control, and was about fi2 yen is old wiien lie uieu. Diiniiiii Siciui'N Miuiiime Limine, A mni-1'lage Ucenie litis been Issued to Miss Frances U. FerrU and Wil liam A. Duncan nt this rlty. HOLT ATTEMPTS TO KILL SELF IN CELL LAST NIGHT i U.WMIKS WHISTS WITH 'fix I.K.II) . I'K.vciii itei.UKi: : ,. Mm h IIIoimI, lint Xo in IhuiKcr. Tlioimlii Sluiiilliuiit Slin ArriiM'il of Iti'lnx Mlli'llll miii-s mi Holt m Ilciiil Slinlliir tit Siiiiilur In Sens on W'iik for lli'iirlin: Toiiiorrtrtv, t lllli'il Pices Srrvloo MIN'i:oi.A. July . OashliiK rUU ltli a tin im-iicII hoMor whlchlont of the work was In thecity last' ho had n-movi'd from a pcmll and mashed to a line edge with his teeth ! Holt, who is In jail here for'tho M tempt on J. P. .Morgan's life at his home last Saturday, attempted to commit suicide In his cell Inst night. .. I Turnkey LercnersirlKor saw moou, Lercherstrlkcr saw IjIoou,""' "":" '" "" -" e"" "c" """ , trickling down over Holt's clothes. I aml Immediately summoned a l,n's1-; clan, who sewed up the wounds after, the tin knife had been taken awai from ,,,,. ncsi,if.8 losing consider- ,., ,.i.i .. . .i.i,.i in nl.lrt lilnn.l llnl la rnnslilnro.l In Tin' " I Thp altcml)l to take his life is con- sijpred significant since ho has been suspected and accused of being Krlch Mucnler, a Herman professor of Chl- prac-.Cago, who mysteriously disappeared following the suspicious death of his I wife, while he was an Instructor In anj r-asicrn university, mo recent-.. , T,)e arger .,ortlon of thls work u message from bis supposed wife atjg,)t am, u b Decved by FIeet of Dallas today, urging hlni to "rest.;,,,,, rnmmerrii cn.h hni them am don't bo afraid." Holt has retained Martin I.lttletoi ns COunFel. . ' "ueu "TOS "'LO, "'"'A' "" "' J '' !''''" rc- t-'legliorn. sabl at noon to- 'day that the scars on Holt's bead nra ' ,.... . i .a on,., iu tmt .p.iim Mint nra Known , to have been on Muester's head. Two alienists will examine Holt as to bis sanity. Clegborn stated that he Is too weak to have his preliminary hearing, which bad been set for to morrow. A pretty girl visited the jail this inornlng"a"nt,JrIcmnHHl-lo.eoa.HolLL She had U letter supposed to have Dallas, which asked that "every cour- tesy" bo shown to her at tho Jail. A message from Dallas following a re quest for Information concerning the .letter stated that it Is a forgery. When she was refused admittance sho would not glvo her name. Holt stated, when questioned, that be did not know the girl. 13 WAS SURE THEIR HOODOO J HAT OLD UM.LCKY NC.MIIF.lt pitovi.D to hi: Tin-: cxllck- IF.ST 1'OIt PltlXKVILLK U'HF.X KLAMATH WOX Hi TO II Ami not only that tha Klamath learn secured i:t hits off Slim Auders, It was the 13th game for Prlnevlllo this season, and Peterson, Klamath's pitcher, sociired 13 strikeouts. Beat It ir you can. The Prlnevlllo team fulled to conio back tn their second game, though they made a noble attempt. Offerings i were not kindly lecelved, mid there , wen. four balls that went over the ,was in no danger nt any tlmo, except through u few minor baubles behind him. The Klamath Falls team Is one of the strongest in the state us it played during the celebration, and, as iv matter of fact, did not have a VOLUNTEERS ARE WANTED TO WORK i - i W.tlt IS IIKCiaitCI) OX I..W.A HKI ItOAD WII.Ij l.V.V. TO ftJHXISH .UTlf-.1.1. YOU WANT IS IIKIl- IHXC I.KAVK TlllltSllAV ' A mil for volnntct-rs linn been In- aiu-il through tho Commercial Club of ,,!,! cty lo Hlart ,he work on thei liyKlcLunt 8ayJ,iva 1,p(ls ro:,(l Thursday of tills; week. Will .i- at this cltv la tn fur. 1 insn an atiiomomio 10 naui tuo voiun .MiinitorV Hcml TiMi'tcera to tho road, and will work him- (Aclf, and all the volunteers will need! to take will be their bedding. I .,.uUt .u, .,.. u .. Ul "'c" at work on their end of the road, and j ,.ire pu-shlng It through to completion Af.lnA ..t. t.A .... .. . night, and states that there Is no 'question of their end of the work ing finished and of the feasibility of tho project. Merrill hai put a crew to work on . . . . , , . .. , ...... tdopt any honorable means to pre- thls end of the road, and It s desired). . . . , . ., . ,. , 1, .. , . ' . . , (vent misunderstanding and discord." hv tho frnmmerrlnl fTIiili Ihnt flirnA nr Z. . ,.. , .1.1.. ........ ........ . I ' " " - - ---.-- ,...- .... . v . - ' ."- -' ... , .. ' , , ing three or four days there the latter part nf this week. The commencement of this work at, I this time is of the utmost importance.) "" l,,ue ,s , '"" "'"""' iruw. !rttie to the visit of the advisory board l0f lho H,at0 highway commission to this city next week. The completion of this road means thnt with the co operation of Portland boosters, the Columbia highway boosters. Crater l.nko boosters, Klamath boosters and Lava Beds boosters, that the greatest scenic highway on the Pacific Coast wl bo opened up for tourist travel, f . enough men in this city who are will 'ing to devote a small portion of their tlmo to go down and do this light work without having to hire men to do it all. Somo subscriptions have been secured for ve small crew to do tho heavy work. The light can be dono largely with a rake. . INHUMAN MAN IS PLACED IN JAIL CHAItlih:i WITH CHUK1.TY fJTXJPi IMAI.S, MAX IS HIIOI'UHT FKOM FOHT KiaMATH AXI PLACF.D IX JAIL HF.HK A charge of cruelty to animals has been placed against Tom Smith, a traveler through tho country, filed by Wood Hlver .Valley people, and will be heard In tho Justice of tho peace court tomorrow morning. Smith was arretted by Joe Vose, deputy sheriff at Fort Klamath, and brought to this city today. It is claimed that Smith has been generally neglecting his team by not properly feeding them, and that when he drives the team he carries a sharp pointed stick with which he prods the half-starved anlmnls. It Is stated that the stick has been procured as evidence against hlni, and that the end of U Is covered with blood, where he has cut the skin of the horses. It Is understood thnt ho Is a "float er" tluough this country, and has been on the reservation for somo time. Kxcurslou Train Wrecked I'nlted Press Servlco ASHLAND. July 6. -Eight passen gers and six trainmen wero injured this morning when an excursion train loaded with Medford peoplo return ing from a Fourth of July colebratlon nt Yreka, collided near hero with three light engines. game whou they wero compelled to really work. R. H. K. Klamath Falls 13 13 3 Prlnevlllo 0 4 7 DESIRES OF THE GERMAN PEOPLE TO GOVERN REPLY ,:llMA.v OFFICIAL MVKtt KXCI.U. IVK W.ITKMKXT" ltcini Arc at (JimmI Will ana to Adopt Any Honorable Mmm to Prvvent MUniMlemtnflliiK ami Diif ronl," S.iyi Oni- of the lndlnK (Serman Diplomatic N FIxhtlBK llnlf thp World With Hack to Wall. liy CAHI. W. ACKEliMAX (United Press Staff Correspondent) v pn Copyr,Kht In Ureal Britain IIKULl-v Ju,y 5- Via The Hague. 1 n -.... ...in ..i..n 1 u f.. "cl ""u' "'" ""' '" u, t"m,u' bc-",,m' auu '" a" "n exCuBB to Interpret fully the desire of the 1 German people, which is one of entiro ' vnml will ntir! utilfli la nlranHv in !. E.B.nnMa. aM.a Da 1. . a hm. .. a I 'i numiu .mi u..iinil, ,now attached to the German foreign loftlce, and one of the leading dlplo- I mats of Herman)-, made this state Iment in an exclusive interview crant- ,. .,, irn..od p. .,. m. . presslon Is particularly significant be cause of his Intimate relations with tho kaiser. Tho baron at one time was the German ambassador to Toklo, during the Blaine administration lie was a special attache to Washington, and be possesses a full understand ing of tho relations between the Her man and the American people. His statement was further evidence of German officialdom's apparent de termination to clear away the feeling In America that Germany has been In different to American public opinion. The baron emphasized the point that both countries had been led Into a misunderstanding because of news that reached each through English channels. I am glad to see the effort on both sides to clear up many of the primary causes of the misunderstanding be tween the two great countries bear ing fruit," continued the baron. "I have learned It was believed in many American quarters that Ger many was only Indifferent to the pos sibilities of a conflict with America, but that she was deliberately seeking to involve America. We regret that thero are any Americans who believe it. Germany could not reconcile such nnTntentloirtortnr,Mii-otLi pie. You cannot Indict a whole peo ple. Our two countries should never have lodged charges of bad faith against each other. Germany does not want her sincerity any longer to be questioned in the new continent. Quito naturally, she resented the In dictment for responsibility for this war, without Judge, jury or witnesses, but on the wholesale evidence sup plied by her enemies as soon as the war broke out. Our people feel they have the right to expect at least a suspension of judgment until the proper means of communication an again established. Tho cutting of the cable was a wanton act which all neutrals disap proved. I hope America will soon find the way clear to re-establish this communication, tho suspension of which has been of ns much injury to her as to us. "Germany Is fighting half the world, with her back agMnst tho wall. and almost completely Isolated from the rest of tho world. Because wa were well prepared for this conflict. becauso wo kept our soli clear of the foe, we have been charged with Na polcnlc alms. Germany wants noth ing but an honorable and peaceful po. sltlon among the nations of tha world,' It will not take the world loaf to nnu HUB QUI. Kngiana tried to cut ok our iiiunlcatton with neutrals by wlra"aad"--fe through neutral vessels,, she ttHK'Trf,. en to inuici ami starve us miBeiM-r ly before the outside world eould t dorstand or judge. I bellevatfcat eventually the neutral powars 'WttT'" help right this wrong. MMJiwMt -Amcrlcc and Germany must Mhwl "' understand each other aa watt M M' Bible with at hand." tha poor oommwrnttimm W.-: 3 -i m ri VjI vj5 M V , is-'. I . -ll l 'W r 4 ml $ As J&H V 4 2S J& irzi ,'tKfl &- il3i .SMfl-f ""te-sfc J- .!