- f i)S-t .I, 1 . . i,' a. ..i ? . . i W !.'' &ht Mvtalb ciss; - " f? SSs KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH COUNTY!. , OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER 7 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. MONDAY, JULY 5, 1915 rriea, wtf t i EtnmnW Ninth Year No. 11,711 1 CELEBRATION IS DECLARED TO BE GENERALSUCCESS EVEIIVRODV Iri SATISFIED WITH PROGRAM lrtauraul, fiiufertloueni, Hotbi anil INImt llunliirmi Houe Report Tlial Fourth Wm lllg Murceae. Crowd Enjorml TtipmMUra All KtrnlN fur Wlilrli t'onloMMnU Kit IK'ril Pulled On n AiIvitIImiI. 't'lifi Fourth of Jul) n'lcbratlon whlclt olllclnlly came to u clono )e trrdny afternoon with the dull gniuo between Klamath Fall ami Itcddllig, in li)' ttio lornl loam, wn a pro nounced mures by lliu KPIUTIll pub lln of the city. TMu celebration this year was of a different nature, limn that usually Mngcd In this city, mid I ho verdict of the public was In favor of ilio change. Tim crowd In the illy win nearly u largo at In former years, donplto the fact (lint tho towns In the Itoguo Hlver Valley hold role hrnllont, while In former year they hnvi given way lo Klamath Foils. Ttio restaurants, -confectionery stores, hotels and other tuulnem Iiiiiu re xirt tliut limy wow unahle to handle the business. One restaurant man nald tliln morning tliut liu could hn-vo fed three time as many a ho did lind ho had tho room. Tho hotels were full, mid general luminous con dition nro reported oh being (iial lo former yenrs. One IiiuIihkh ui.ui laird that thin In tho rlrn year since ho ha boon ilenatlni: lo tho Fourth fund that ho lmn hud trade to oifrot It. Hut two event did not tomo off an advertised, and but one of I hem- wan advertised up until tho Feurth: that of tho np pea ran co of tho Warm Spring lldlaiiN, who failed lo ronio after ft man had boon paid his expenses to go up and wo them. Thry promlHotl him to bo hero. An aeroplane Might would liiivo laken mod of tho money subscribed had It been put on tho program, and was not advertised for n month preceding the eetobr-Mlon. Two bull tennis wero huro, and four game worn played In Hire days, I'rlnevlll nnd Itcddlng, und two game were played today between Invito two trams ami tho llnx Factory team nnd tho local team. Weed refuted to (III their contract after they lind idgned It. A committee of inotorcyclWU united on tho Fourth committee, and utated that they would not run on pnvement on account or danger. Following Ih n Hut of 'the prlic wlqnerH In Hnturdny'a nnd Sundny'H eventa: lllcyclo race Henry NltHchotm llrit, llermlo Foater second; KnrncHt Nltvchelm third. 100 ynrd dnih Jim Meaalck llrnt, WpiIo CrAwford Hocond, Chiib I'nicli u third. Hrck race Chuh I'jittlien llrnt, It. !:, C't.ok Hocond, To-n WIUou third. Trou for nil .w- Dirk Neiiion flrat, 0. Oden aerond, Tom Slnnott third. Iloya' blcyclo rnco llumiol Crnn dnll flmt, Cecil Clendennlng second, Frank Peyton third. Potato race Hill llnlloy flrnt, Frank Peyton ncond, , HiighOH third. Wheclbnrrow rnco Wnltor Pom eroy Ural, A, Condroy necond, 0. It. MoUanor third. Iloya' running race Chna, Yaden llrit, Jan. Megga aecond, 1)1)1 Uallcy third. Threo-legged rnco Montgomery nnd Konon flrtt, Wright nnd Kucorn second, Condrey nnd Wnrd third, Tug of war Klamath FnlU tonm defeated tho Pollcan nay Mill team. l.og rolling, flnala H, Harrli, flrat, Frank McDonald second , Jones third, Apricot Connerle Htnrt United Press Btrvlco ONTARIO, Calif., July 5. An ad vance guard army of 700 began work Ing on apricots today In Ontario's two big canneries. The payroll will reach 180,000 tbla aeaioo, 1'nlled Preis Hervlco ATIIIINH, July r,. Pornlntont minora are iillo.it hero that tho sulliiu U dead, fallowing n ro- cent operation for gall alonos. It U nlno reported that the Young Turku nro auppronliig dliordcm, mid n panic Is feared. BEER SOLD NEAR SHERIFF'S HOUSE c.UTimi: .h i:i-i-i:trrt:i ,h tiik TUANHACTION TOOK Pl.At.K I.V iiuxt of miikimit low's iiemi: Tln inittiin of Uatu Alnsaniler for Helling hrer to the Indliinn luat Sat urday look place In front of Hhcrll' l.ow'ii reHldenri hy l.lnyd Low and I'eto MtCluro Tho dent had boon re ported, nnd after n marathon Low cntif,ht him In tho art. Not having tlino to get n po'll.-cimui or ether ortlccr, Low dcpullicil .Ve Cliile, ilesplto hU prutentti, nnd look him nlong. Mrs, McCluro wna wait ing for her htmbntid In n hotel hore. 'Hio capture took r.ver mi hour, na tint lirat pall had been disponed of, anil tho deputies hr.il to wn'r for an other lly the tlino Mtt.'liiro returned hU wlfu wbh toiulJeiubl vornea, a4 ihu had exiected him back Imtne dlntel) when he had left her All milder nnd thu tun other boot lec.ers wero rtmhed to Medford. One of the other capture was mudo by PolUemnn McC'nrter mil Hide Turpln ei'illet In the week. NEWLYWEDS ARE HERE FOR SUMMER Mil. AM MUM. KlltK WHITE Alt IIIVEIt IN CITY SATURDAY, ANI WILL REMAIN HERE THIS SUM MEII SON OF U. W. WHITE Mr. and Mih. Kirk White arrived lu the city early Saturday morning from Ran Frnnrlsco and nro residing at thu homo of Mr. mid MrH. (5. W. White of this city, parents of the groom. Thoy wero married recently in l.os Angeles, Visited the fair at San Fran cisco, and expect to Hpend the sum mer hero. Tho wedding followm! tho close of the school of tho University of South ern California, of which Kirk gradu ated thin spring, Mrs. While also attended tho school, studying livw. It la posslblo that they will make Klnmnth Falls tholr permanent homo. Numerous excursions nnd trips will be taken by tho pair to tho various bcenlc points lu this country during tho Mummer. CONSTANTINOPLE PEACEFUL NOW Ry HENRY WOOD (United PiosR Staff Correspondent) CONSTANTINOPLE, Juno 30 Vln llerlln Despite efforts of the allies to create the Impression that u des perate Hlluntlon oxlsts hero, tho fnct Ih Hint Constantinople Is lending nn nbsoliitoly normnt I might sny, oven n gny llfo, Whllo tho allied lleot nnd land forces pound the Dardanelles nnd tho Russians occasionally shell tho llos phoriiH forts, twonty miles nwny, tho goodly pnrt of tho population of Con stantinople gathorH In tho afternoons In the municipal gardens olLoa Petlto Chumps, or has tea In the Cnfo A hi Turquo, nnd listens to tho magnificent orcheatra tho same as In tlmos of peace, The contrast of today and when I GERMAN PLANS ARE SUDDENLY CHANGED ON NOTE I lll'ltl.l.V OFFICK DKXIKH SINhINO OF HUH' I'lnna for IMhery of fJrnium Not lo Aineilen Cliangnl, nnd Are Not K plnlnel Von Jagotv Nnld IMalla Alio Indrlltiili Not liilimnlnl Wli) tiernnl Admllfiit Tlint lie Had Hen ISplanatnry Note lien-. I oiled I'rcjs Kervlco lli:itl.lN, July 5. Sudden chatigeii In tho delivery of the Oerimin reply toj Prcttltlotit WlUon'a note nro unex plained. Von Jagow has stated that the dotullx are indefinite. Tho reason for Ocrard's aendlng an! explanatory nolo to Washington !&' not been Intimated. It has boon olllclally deulod hero that tho Itusslan statement that the battleship of the UculKchlnml cluis) wax sunk In tho llaltlc Sen Friday.. The admiralty has made no comment.! Stockholm inserts that tho stern of a J Russian warship was shot awny, und. that the vcnel was sinking when It' disappeared In tho fog. ' Pulled Press Service I'KTItOCItAI). July .'..It 1 bo-' Moved that Mnckenxen's full strength1 lias been exerted, and that the battle lino w be changed. ; T LIBERTY BELL STARTS JOURNEY , ,umi HLUE JACKETS. GUARDED RY HELL LEFT FOR SAN FRANCIS- C() ON SPECIAL GONDOLA CAR AT MHIX FIVE OTHER CARS' CMPOSE SPECIAL 'lilted Press Scrvlco PHILADELPHIA, July S. Guard ed by n- battalion of Illuo Jackets, the Liberty Hell started for San Francis co at noon today, after being moved to Independence Square, whero thou sands of assembled patriotic people gathored for exercises. After tho open nlr demonstration It was taken to the station and placod aboard n hugo gondola car, which, with live others composo Iho spccinl. Special guards and every safety Is being taken with tho boll. It will pass through Oregon about tho mid dle of this month. Auiuihil Walt. I'rlie. Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy Walters wero awarded tho prlio for tho best want ing couple ut tho Pavilion danco Sat urday night. vlflted the city In November, a month after Turkey's entrance Into tho war, Is nmnstng. The city was then living In torror. Shops and stores wero closed nt nightfall nnd tho darkened xtrcotH woro deserted, After 6 o'clock not n soul ventured out of doors. Today llfo has not yet begun nt C. Shops remain open until !;30, and then Iho cnfo llfo begins. One gets tho Impression that the war hns so long been a pnrt of tho Turk's business thnt It no longor In terferes with tho routlno. Coming from the flulgnrlan frontier, I was especially struck by the extent of agricultural operations, Tho only evidence, of tho military to bo seen lu Constantinople nro re cruits lu their ragged, picturesque district costumes. Occasionally at night, too, wagon trains, transports nnd compares of artillery and cavalry pais through, but tho public aeea llttto of them. Very Latest Photo i ' ttztt-- yfr K ' H ifc it-" m Mk W$J2 WsssssssssssKbLW BBBBBHJL4 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl IISBBV BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsl BsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssV BLssssssssT .BLssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss BsssssssssssssssssssssssHiflnr yirlLLLLLLLLH BsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBBHFBbS -J " f .Ul jK&m&jAhtettamamBm sPMBtjV-9.1 V- i V "fy VaBBssssssftBsV'BKBssssssssssssKt Copyprlght Ittl.!, by Pnderwood & L nderwood This photograph of General lluortn was taken at bU homo at Forest Hills, Long Ihlimil,' a few days beforo ho waa arrested at El Paso. LAMONT SPEEDS TO NEW YORK i- i IIS TRAVELING AS FAST AS KAIL CAN CARRY HIM TRAVELS SOO MILES RYjAL'TO TO CATCH THE SHASTA '.LIMITED ... . SALEM, July 5. Governor W'lthy- T' W ,n'UOn, flrat."arluer of J- H-!combo has made It plain that he is Morgan, who was seriously shot last;aBaln8t thc stat0 buvlnK tne landfl ln. """1""' Z""" ,, , m volved in the Oregon and California Glencoic. -New lork. by Holt, former-' ultf ga.,ng that no bellove(1 the un. b" a German profesor nt Cornell. ls'rfr,nb,nn. ln on,n,,va n,, ,,,. l.v a Oermnn profe-sor nt Cornell. ladortak,nB too speculntlve nnd rcqui .speeding to Now ork ns fast as auto- lnB COU8mutlonal amendment. H mo,,0 aml ,raln M carry blm. nc-' cording to a statement mado here' when ho Passed through tho city in'a nn automobile Saturday nleht for Weed to catch ,l,e,Shasta Limited ,.here Saturday morning. Paul John- .son of the Klamath Development .i.uicui company drove the car nnd the party !n,..i i.- i ... . . . . ' stopped here but fifteen minutes. mom stated that he would catch thoT " " ' '' "Z . ."" . .1 fast express urday night out of Sacramento for New York. Sat-t In an Interview gheu to tho Herald representatlvo whllo here ho said ho would mako no stntoraont In regard io sir. .Morgan's condition or the situation. His partners, ho said, had telegraphed hlin Immediately after the shooting, nnd In a- second tele gram received late thut afternoon had given him tho dotnlled views of the surgeons nnd oxprcsscd great confi dence In Mr, Morgan's recovery. it was only on Monday tlint l.nmont nnd his family, accompanied by Dr nuiiuieston nnu inintiy or now York arrived at Pelican Hay for tho sum- mer. When tho news of Mr. Mor - Ban's shooting wns telephoned to tho Lodge, Mr. Lamont was out riding. Ho hurried back and began Immedi ate pinparatlous to start for New York. AV. P. Johnson drove to the Lodge and return In threo hours Saturday over slippery mountain ronda In his Peerless Six. Hero U. J. Desmond of the Klamath Meat company Joined tho party and they left nt 6:45 for Weed via Topny Grade. Johnson drove, from heie, nnd Louis Honglnnd was taken along ns extra driver, driving back."''8 reports of Mr. Morgan's shoot- burd. With this Mr. and Mrs. Brophy from Weed Sunday. Tho parly ex-'ll'C did not Indlcato the seriousness wcio wished the happiest and longest pectod to .irrlvo at Weed at 12 o'clock ,,r bis condition bo did not answer, of married life. but did not get there until 3 a. m. .but appeared worried. It Is bolleved, on account of Iho slippery roads and tbnl tho general situation ln the Eustji'nlted Press Service bavhm to stop and put ou chains, Tho Jlo Jmd something to do with his QUEENSTOWN, July 5 The Brlt- trlp way mudo through lu safety und Mr, Lumout and Mr, Desmond took. tho Shasta ut Weed, whero it wnajtlio party will temalu until further stopped for theui. .developments. Mr. Lnmoat express- Mr. Lamont'n attltudo Indicated that the situation In New York waa of General Huerta LEGISLATURE MAY CONVENE AT CALL 'GOVERNOR DOES NOT STATE PURCHASE OF LANDS I.Vrn,led Pres8 Serv,Ce THE OREGON AND CALIFORNIA SUIT His plan Is to recommend that tho lands be classed as to value nnd sold within rMsonablo time, and that all over - ..' .-..,., - ...- .... LuhUle-mong the Vr ga Z SbwaAuoo funds ., . . .!. .. . i . ...ji . ,.. , ,, , , .7 , . . . . ,? ito nil members of tho legislature, tell- La-'..,., ... ,. ...... ..., ,,, .',.... approval aud suggestions. Ho also asks tho legislators If thev think a snprlll Kpsalon fldvfanhlA At hn iirae. ont time he does not consider ono ad visable, but if a m&Jorlty of tho legis lators want one, he will take the mat- ,Pr up for consideration. Fat Men Hau n Day i'niud Presb Set vico EMERYVILLE. Calif.. July 5. Among the features of tho uovel and ipoctacuHr celebration at Emeryville lacetrnek Saturday afternoon was n citizen's automobile race in'whlch all contestants weignea any pounds or ' voi. They were compelled to run a foot rnco for 100 yards, start their owu tnr, and race for three miles. Police Slop Petty Graft United Press Service SACIIAMKNTO. July :.. Sacra mento policeiueu have beeu "mooch lu'g" too many cigars and drlnkB, says Dr, (i, C. itlmmous, new head of the police department, who laid down n act of sllfk lulcs todu. very serious and when asked if the departure. It Jh understood that the rest of ed regret that he had to leave for the East. TTHAT HOLT BELONGS TO ANARCHISTS MOVKMEXTH AUK BEING THACKD FOB MONTHS PAST (JoTernmrnt Leariog PuUshmeat to New Vnrk Afraid Aswrrhlsta May Demand Iteprlal May lie Chi rag fJermnti Htatcmentu Tliens Dlfler Holt nan In Washington, and Ik-nlen Itelng Chicagnan. Pulled Prciss Surlco WASHINGTON, D. C, July 5. The United States government Is leav-l ing the punishment of Holt, tho man who shot J. P. Morgan Saturday, to the New York authorities, as It Is be lieved they would have a better case. An investigation Is being conduct ed to ascertain whether he bad any (accomplices, and it Is feared that he may have belonged to an anarchistic society, which may demand reprisal jof the Morgan interests. I Holt's movements for the past six ' months are being traced, and are be ing found to hare been mysterious. He has said little of his past actions Jr whereabouts. ( United Press Service MINNEOL.A, July 5. Holt is be ing sweaiea nere, wnere he is con fined, but as yet the prosecutor Is un satisfied. When charged with being Enrich Muenstor, a former professor in Harvard he denied the charge. ( Muenstor disappeared mysteriously jhtiet his wife had died of poisoning THOUGH FAVORIadiiitnlstercd In a suspicious manner. CHICAGO, July 5. A brother of Enrfch's and Mrs. Mnx Gnnlach, a 3lstei, differ over a picture of Holt, the brother believing that It Is En rich United Press Service WASHINGTON. D. C. July 5. The police have found a room where Holt stayed while In the city, and utanio ror tne bomb which was ex ploded in the capltol Is placed on him. United Press Service M1NEOLA. July 5.- -Holt declares ,,hat be neW heaTd f Muenst0r' bUt jZlT '"TlZ sUr btates ,hat ho wln probabljr be Khon a preliminary hearing tomor row . TWINS "PROVE" A GREATJAKE-OFF MR. AND MRS. RROPHY ARE WISHED MUCH JOY RY HOUSE FULL OF PEOPLE WHO SEE FIRST PUBLIC WEDDING A pair of twins, healthy and happy, I sent the crowd at the theater Into jconvulslous of laughter last night at the Star. Immediately following the first public wedding In this city, when jDulton Drophy and Mrs. Bertha Sar- 'gent of Fort Klamath were mado mini and wife, bolemnixed by Rev. S. D. Harlan of this city. immediately following the cere mony the lights were switched off, the curtain rose and the spotlight was turned on a double baby carriage which held tho twin babies, tho vehl- clo being propelled by Jobnnlo Hub- isU steamer Anglo-California has been .shelled by u submarine and seven of the crew killed, many being injured. The steamer escaped the submarine'! torpedo. Captain Light of tb stMav er waa killed In tho attack. MORGAN'S LIFE WILL BE SAVED, IT IS BELIEVED CROWDS FILL ALL HOTELS AT GLEXOOVK Iteported This Morning That He tU Heotfal Sleep Last Night Temper ntnrc anil Pulse Normal and Gen rnl Condition Farorablc Hixlit Kera nnd Carlosltjr-Hockers Fill the Hotels, Which KooU Rate. Tnlttt' Press Service Gl.EXCOVE. July ;. A statement U.tied this morning at iho Morgan resldtcce by phyjlciuns in charge say thnt Morgan passed a restful nlsht. His temperaturu and pniie ar-- rormal, and the general condi tion of the patient U favorable. He may be considered practically out of danger. 1 bv town Is tilled toJ&y with sight seers and curiosity hunters, who hare filled the hotels. Ratei have been booted, and hotel men and reotau i ants are reaping u han't. At least 100 men havo been secur ed to guard the Morgai estate to pre ent further demonstrations. 8 .me reports state that one oullet wnj removed from nea,' tho spine, af ter passing through tbo abdomen. while others state gais were injured. that no vital or- TEACHERS TAKE STATE EXAMS THIRTV-ONK TAKE EXAMINA TIONS LAST WEEK FOR ONE YEAH, FIVE YEARS AND UFE CERTIFICATES TO TEACH Thirty-one men and women of the county took tbo examination held In tho high school building last week under charge of Fred Peterson, coun ty school superintendent, for certifi cates to teach ln this state. Those who took the examinations for one year certificates were: LUxle Ooosen, Harriet Fink, Ethel Hawx hurst, Ethel Stubbletleld. Jessie Tel ford, C. D. Chorpenlng, Emma Mur ray, E. Vordy, Winifred Spencer, Ruth Bell, Mollte S. Nelson, Georgia Porter, Mary E. Stewart, Bessie Mul key, Mrs. Clara Beach, Lloyd W. Shaffner. Edna Harrison, Lena Stoecker, Ruby Demorest, Ethel L. Clopton. Five year, Chas E. Mulkey, Goldle Whltcmach, Mrs. Maude Ooel ler, Bcola Walker, Laura A. Bice, Helen I. Paxon. Exemption. Marian B. Ford, B. P. Alexander, Anita Kes ter. Life, Alice D. Hadley. Robbery on San Francisco Street United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, July 5. Three bandits held up three employes of the Anglo-Cnllfornla bank Saturday morning on the street, and secured $3,000. Shots were exchanged, but tho robbers secured an automobile nnd started towards 8s n Rafael with a poese in pursuit. Tho money was in sacks, and con stituted the payroll of the Paotle Coast Glass Works. The robbery had evidently been carefully planaed. i IVaco for Mexico United Presa Service -ua; k ' WASHINGTON. D. O.. Jalr .1 It has been teamed gthwHsl v :. ' .JTft tivelv taat aaaaltaf aaaa; aa.1 ii . -- - -;-,';"- j ' r. aaw w end of the week hetweas. TiialM and Carraasa. " "5-"t';tfS a A "A S t.TK.iftJLf ' w , ,' H 1 t t J 4S trf; . t vvl 'm S' - - '51 71 111 l I l ft a jm ffl1 & - m ,M $ 13,' ffl 45S.5 '4 S"i h.V.3 ?v-i SJSSB?J a. a Kii VSJITStll P&& fc..". Irtl' t.Slj-' "f v 4 Aik'A S7 "1" 'it?: 7" ,Ai "A. , &:. J, ft 1,1. i . . ... .v