' ' 'V i r KLAMATH PALLS' "Am?mv!m OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ? -vV' '$r&Vfc&3.f: OFFICIAL NEWgAMmfe; 'At''jff; rW.l '.x:: m n hi ii i ii hi 1 1 wmmmsaamiHjmivqMUTaiBBSi Ntatti Year-iNo. TM KLAMATH FALL!, ORBQOW,7 FfalDAY, JULY 2, 1915 ' MvS. . r lv' e ? . fcl L M M M OFFICIAL Mrw.lVM I x MUr f m"pam" JiBm-"' f vmw - - --r- ir; -i"w-?i-: i st - - -- - 1- . to' 1 'afif;. ' .. v, ;i to ;r- jVili 'SS1 4 'S :? 31; FIVE BRITISH SHIPS SUNK IN ONE BI6 HAUL ISUAW THK LI'NIT.tM. WfMHtr wi'ikiiHnr Knk xr 'iMtk m 4.'MMIr4NH Carrtrit KMnr Aftrr ;i4liN( Wamhm MamirH falitOM I MiMe HoM, H(l Mcwfcm H'Nld..Nm- KMrh KrImmI. I'iiIimI l'rnH Kcrlr.( U)NIK)N. July vTli llrlllnh icauorM Cfturonlnn, Imlcmoor, Wcln- bury nnd the xchouitor WcUburr r rf iMirloJ hvn loilny xunk Init nlhl liiU In the IfcTgntt lngl hntil nIiico the kluklnt ot Hit) I.uliNnta. i n ncnoonrr weiabury, Hblch w r ixink off Cnmloion on Hie roitl !( nlRht, had been warned, ncrordlnx to member of tho crew who wer re eued Titer ilato Hint nhortlr ofter they left Cuba a warning tainted In large, letter on the Inside of the hold waa, dltcorered, which mid: "You linre a eargo of tngar for Railaad. You will' never get there." President Wilton and Colonel Home -?. ; - Hti.VATOH CIlAMHKKIiAIN' 1XK)KH INTO MATTKH OK AMKKNV CAVAIi IMIOHLKM HRHK WITH CAHI38KK8 PIKMROT VkAMMaaaVHaMawaMhtMnM BBBBBBBM BBBBBBr BBBW '" " 'LLLm ' ' BBBBBV A.' .BHLW .bbLbbbLbW .bbbLbbHHibbbbW. H I ' LbbbHbPbbL " .Bl bbbbbbIbbbb&'bbbbbbbbbbB aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB H BaBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBb' faVBBBBBBBBBBBBBBH bbbbbbkLLLLLLII t KBBBBBBBBBbV- - tBBBBBBBBBBBBl V' K.... taBBBBHl bkW!!bbbbbbbbbbKbi9bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI titpyrlgh). t'ltcerwood A. J. LYU OF RAGES ATTRACT THE HOSPITAL IS CJtOWOS TO SIDE THIRD CANDIDATE LINES ON STREET Wife of Hew Secretary of State Ii .11 I ,i. f ., frj.n 3ff JlfctS ;a iKfl: V?. i i4 "S Ol'tfJMCM MM PK4TKOHM VSriiii' v- KOK FOL'ltTH CKLKIIIIATtO.V IS OI-TI ' CIAI.I.V OVKSKV .rromlMi o CentValae for Kvery firrrrarkm and Totedee Aanowaro i IMUr Ktpended f'aroro Mala 3otliea Pollfe l';lty of TttU HU-. H'Mila a .Oavkilarle4 Heani of PnMle. 'orfca Oowmlaaloajew He Wnld TafcoOrer CejHrterr. That th (MerioMa Vfmrth U Hrre. Indtan lUee TonictM at Seren,' o'clock Uue CYowrt Exaected to Be Here TontoiTOtr Butldlaca Am Ileeorated Pic Will He Hhared. Underwood I'realdeut Wlltou itald u vUlt to irildiit- vUli .. f..r .h ..,..... C'uloael K. M. Moue, hi eloaa friend' of Inuring the eolonel'a report on con and unorflclal entoy to Kuroue, at the J Ultlon. there. The ltretldent waa In To the Citizen ot Klamath Fall; The big celebration started off this After due conUderatlont I hereby morning nearly on time, and from innounre my candidacy for the office lh . ,. ofmvorofthecltvcfKl..ihP.ll. ,hen Unt n00n ther0 W8 not an In dolnr o. I rMi ih,t I .m mmn. ,dIe moment. Much Interest was d la- lent to fill thai oMce, and, If elected. rIfted ' be track, and humorous will see that the bnatneM of ,lho city venu staged on the Main street and is wen looneo nrter. n,e city 1 beginning to All wlUi Tlslt- I will nee that the city of Khvmath ors. Several hundred people lined Knlla getM 100 centA value for every up nlong the sldevaifca-to-warclf'tlie dollar expended. I will sec, that the race. Plreerackeni and torpeope laws are strictly enforced; as. they were heard from all parta of the city should he, and will pledgeCmyself to which Is Young America's opening of the enforremcut ofwtrae to tho lettor. a Fourth of July celebration. I will nee that qoa1 ghtsto all and Due to the softness of the pave-. leclal privileges to none are given, nicnt It waa deemed necessary by the I- I u.1,1 k- -a .ft.--- 1 -& .a '...Iti -ft! . . win ve bi iuc nun ai rvnuiar luummivv ia caarne at eTenu lO latler'a home at Hoslyn, Ixwg island. a short time ago. Colonel House baa Just returned from abroad, and the lino spirits, and consented ' to pose with Colonel House tor the photog rapher. CHAMBERLAIN MS TONIGHT OMtGE II IHE AVIATOR SINKS hours for tho transaction of cltybusl- change tho roller' skating races to a neaa. 'f a boys' bicycle race and a boys' run The police department has been a ' race, which were held today and bone of contention for some time. I!wJ be held tomorrow;. The tngtf. win say that If elected, I will appoint ! postpoaed untU tomorrow . ii t . a.!L a m a tkAmtleis Al ttaA ai1iBikiji lk a.U , wMv VI OS IHIIUIV Vi MQ UUWVO I BmnmmmmmnmimmmiBimisii i mi ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmV S LmlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH ' iBamlllllHMm . IgammmmmmmmmVSafl ' fattttttttW'.Mt I mmmmmmmmmlSflH I ammmmmmmmmT.- '4 JHams C aammmmmmmW'b JMHbkI t Bammmmmm-vimmW 1 BmmmmmmWti 5w?aBm 9 ammmnWi v JjiJ& UKnEL ai m4m JSk LILH.'''a9 flBtraimLB 1 i.l.l.l.HjKH bP"-"" mLmlllH BaRSItTxTJrU y- 'fuaaBBammmmmmBBal aVaa9Ba1.frAnBmmmmmmmmmmHBmB ammmmmmmmmmmmmmBammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmml ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm BmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmVHiBliBlBmmmmVftiHBmmmmmmmml BmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsW&KlmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmf H ammmmmmmmmmmmflBmmmmm' Mm. Robert Isnalng . '1 - ' SUBMARINE WAR CAUSES FEARS FOR IHE MS . r I Cafe' ;.iiMll ft-.S'l&.4i fiiw.'&?i-ST'J iSHi 'U:V 'i'Tftt. TSf't9?, ADRIATIC HAILKD -'"""'i 'H;v: -... . - -V - " -" fe.J'W!1fc''', .s3i.WAiMi.os.iK7AIXaWls.5'S!:-'-; .,.. -'ir srv??-". $tP3?;S 5. PUi-fiSXiSLXTJ "i iV Tips 'to' Big VAmela .WWe?imimfl4, ;-! "v -SEiBK llrhaln Are RemHetf -ia porta of Hahasartalmi , eai Scale. fftsSSiS '.I .'?tL l - ki.rrcr.ir.' iw, - ..,4Jl?EfaafeVl Mrifce Terror tSlil.OvnMtnBwV Adriatic, Said to Be.PwteeteilV mm mn vhA Will .InA lllkf atlai fahArljamal , - a "ww iw rasw ww v and who will see that the. lawn are oama to arrive today, awd will be properly enforced, and I wlU kaowj'd tomorrow on schedule time. 'ilwKtteiart eil .erth-taw-MUTJieJndlAJ4csjcAed forthta ! uUr woman. Mach. of ahjia$ja4 miaII mm Um mmmmAi tm m.mmimm1 i J f 11,1 1 1l"l til I "I I t IIIIIIWll n ,.' l lt L-ftX. CliftirV ,Vfr-tJ! '?, -h, -V "M? :j' Senator Chamberlain and Judge Kramer of Portland, a law partner of tho senator, were token over the Klamath Irrigation project this mora' Inlg, accompanied by J. a. Camp, pro ject manager, V. A. Detaell, local poatmuter, aad Will Baldwin of the Daldwln Hardware company. The parly left thla morning, and ware, taken through the Tula Lake country, Sand Hollow district to the l.ost' River dam and back to the beadgatea at the Upter Klamath lake. The Ankeny canal waa also viewed. Senator Chamberlain is making aa extended tour over the state, especial ly of the Interior sections, and Is vlewlag the various Irrigation; pro Jecta In the elate. He Is Investigating the Ankeny raanal matter with a great, deal of care with Project Man ager Camp, aad, It la possible some prevision will be mado for the settle meat of this trouble between the city and the government, it ease now pending ta the circuit court over the canal) Senator Chamberlain was much Im pressed with his trip over the project, and at the progress (hat has been made here; aa waa also .Judge Kramor. who was surprised at the maghltudo of the project. They will remain In. the elty to night, leaving for Crater lake tomor row, being accompanied by a party from thla city, Tonight at 8 o'clock Senator Chamberlain wilt apeak In the court House park, Persona desir ing to meet htm will And him at the White Pelican hotel. STREET-HURRAH! SUBMARINE U-11 CAN YOt-IMAfllNK IT? THKHK1B FIBOT 1N8TANCK OP AN AIRMAN CLASH HTUPP ONLY HPIIXKD UNKl.VU HUUMARINK BY BOM- IX MUTOIOPOMHK8-.WHKX? BAItDMKNT TONIGHT IlKCORDKD. PROM ABOVE IB '!i T' Oaa Mnndred KoHf 4Mc at U, of u. KUOBNK, July 1. The attendance ut the Ualveraltf of Oregoav anmmer will, largely axeeedtaat oflnat L '4 ? ' the eataiea of A. R. TWawr. reaiatrar. i. .?.. --. . .. -....'..:.. 7i .. k. if ' ,it ' . ,' .V Is A" v .frag. . ;., am ,1 ,i ,08 At the emae of ths first day last yr 71 tf eWraglatered, aa Mataat tlllaat Ttteaday; orore than; the total of irfllaityaar, fvs?- k jt Those attoadlag thla year are'laraa, y advancedBtudeais, taeludlacmaay oellefe graduates ana . teas aen,r , F- , fraiesaer yuaeny, aeaa.ei Mf ea. atlea, dapartateat ef aHmford Ual, wrelty.HBm'TiMNiriv ' V - " it 'm -f - t - well as the eastnd.lja. properly po-' morning will be held tonight, starting Heed. I am In favor ot the plain as 7 o'clock and. preceding the other I clothes man to that of the. uniformed events on the program., The failure officer. The uniform ot a policeman, of the train to arrive thla morning gives iv crook or criminal who might, before noon from kirk prevented the be In town a chanoe to "spot" him. Indians from being here on time. and that handicaps the uniformed . However, they arrived this afternoon 1 roan In doing good work. In a town and will he ready tonight. or this also; I favor plain clothes A 11 can of M. J; B. coffee was put! men for police duty. ,up thla morning for the first manf I will state that I am In favor of a. making a home run In the baseball' non-salaried board of public works gamo this afternoon by A. A. Mitchell .'commissioners, which will have super- of tho M. J. B. Company, who la Jo Mm. Lansing; wife of Ueaewltee-' -1 tilted Presa Service l mivh i LO.VW)N-.JulyojiwMhfr4 ioe renewal or subsurlaa :--. k-i.-M-'A''.; .,' the Oernn.WrgVjBriaa1 vessels' leaving America. iM&SSSlZAi ij . J.-' A . I?.. -?'iCitev.',, .-.. - w --nawiBaeaae-jv'. rines similar to 'tWvaWikaVM-2it-&ftS?-?S' .wr ,; ... ..:--.. s 3'ji',' 'a " .uuii-i iwesajMaTwsaiaw-dvi'-f-v, . iro r.i, rm. .. -... -i. .i- ''p-". jPtS5 ..v,,.-.v .-i xum -winy ofiaa;im)erc''.,j--I Adriatic, which-, aalled: WfiSmlS$&&$&; - ,". "t. ""Sy.'iV!.-. r jnf-M shertly. t..,i ... r" J "-3BThi,TiJ.'-' . , The admtralty harnbt' wawitaFF5'' ""." t protect una warnings Unued before ahwaasMdi&''t !recalithVw'.nUnVitdehertlyl&M 'fni-A thm r.-u.i. i.. a- , , "jsrtftwaa; ---' -bb-u -"----- - aa.a.a. . sauri- - -w itvft1 i-v, i ' 'r."Jp J'IT-''ftlliJi-i,'t lll vtae --"r-rniTaa asare Wn:.". aaa ..- ct - "- - -"' : . .ill. -,."i,.'im .,, a - .a-a- l i I . ' r XOaie. ---- - - -.- iigt ' "" ' the lea-denhtp of the" caWneVareto. th!r.T-J'-SfeS,f ,."" In social affairs. The social duties are stltuted by the ema. la eae ef jwi? not -new to-her. .far. her father, jatalTWoBVMa MriU -tetar W.taeq W. Foster, waa secretary of'atate dur-"m or ? ! "1S5 aasaa uy saawi smwaa aam Mrs. Lansing to a suctH-ss u an ness and' rare tact. M M-WMl ; iJ.iW-M.'ir.g,. I i ,- . . . "jatl,g."','.i3-Sh,,-'V4.' V . IT-" . SH ' m. I ..- i W '. IJ JA .. I m. t. V .,'..- T,-'.i5-ni:.b! . -.lfcJs.tijt.T, - i- TZlZ--'Z.'mcr . CKW3i'-VVWJ-ffl'KfMil M-a-ftaiai-ak ---------------------,--. - J-, ..---. -irr -. s - -j. . ------ j. ..;!--"('.. - JJ-l- ' j; 3 ;.,-J -f . -.. - - -. . v.. - JT i ' J --- - .-ww-r;,- r-m- CRATER EA 1-WM.t.atat j-. -' - !..--.: v 5SBfitsfeXStJaJfA6rid .- 'ii'--'2..-Jfc.----.'3:J wfLWi mJT; i1Vl 5t-jr f3 rfft?jssi i -y. ., -"LV ?. '-1Ej5--:-fr--i P yri2hB.t -l'"s?j Listen, to that band, Hear It a-playlng right there on Main street. Look here, John; what they doln' theret 1 really believe that that more couple Is going to Slag a few Culled Press Service HOME, July J. The first Instance or an aviator sinking a submarine from his aeroplane waa announced right out In the street In front of the hwro iwU whwi " Po- whole crowd. What la this, anyway? Belgium fancy daacera or what? Look a' there! There goes another couple, and an other (lee whli, I gueaa this la some regular celebration. Kverybody doln It. Aad right In the street, too. Hear that music? Ain't It great? 1 Juot can't keep my feet atlll, even If I ed stating that a, French nvlator had bombarded and aunk the Austrian aubmariao U-ll In tho Adriatic aea. The submarine carried a crew of 15, which waa aaved through a newly in vented submarine lifeboat Usee Cltewlng dam Pastel LOS ANQEiaJS. Jrily 1. Already ou suspicion ox being a Jitney bua Paul Jefferson surrendered nra goltln'o.d, Ooslt, thla Is Juat bandit IlkO Old Umea. .1 Wlsht rwaa-yOUBg'Bl. revolver to iha noliea wltl . -rt-ln again, and could do that there htgh-1 -y-y found u to be loaded only anu aiai uae we naier aowa on tne .with wads of ch-twlna- aiim , ... .. w w. Thn uu farm. u .tnim ui-,v .- !- -i. Member the old barn, where wo mltted holdtna- un two nta. hnu IIMlAr tl AL 'm tltAMS -knAti aAM Ia' .... . . .. - . ,w -w ... ...... .w mv-i-, w--i nu enewinn sum niitoi I. --!-- m i . I - - -- tie racu oi new mown nay, tne low ing of, the herds and the bleat-bleat of tho sheep. Say, these here dances don't look much like the old ones, but by golly, the action Is .there alright. Almoat at goo aa a circus; Say, John, let's get out. aad try IM Just once, t,know they'll laugh, but so are wo; so' what's the dlffereaee. They ain't got aothln' on us'. Just onco, and then wo'U go home. It p. m, Well, John, I declare, I am gettln' Just a wee bit tired, aad If wo'ro going to get up and see them races In the morning I guana we had t vision over and make reeommenda llon to the city council for nil Im prevements: t am also In favor of tbo city, If possible, taking over the cemetery, and that same be put under the super vision of a board ot park and ceme tery commissioners. Something should certainly be done regarding our cemetery. I am also In favor of Immedlato action tn regard to the Ankeny canal. I believe there la a method which can bo followed which wilt eliminate this nuisance. I am' In favor of a proper system ot sanitation, and will aee that 'the sew ers and drains are properly looked af ter, and that other lmprbvementa for the benefit of health. conditions here are made. " I am In favor of a road which win ii (Continued en Page 4) . tho city. A pound of their best tea was also placed for the flrst three- bagger secured. ' K Everything Is tn readlneaa but the final touches on the cooking, of the meat for the big barbecue, and the committee is prepared to feed be tween 1,000 and 3,000 people at the court house park tomorrow at' noon. Hundreds of .pounds ot M. J. B. eetfee have been donated by this' company for the barbecue, which has arrived and. is being prepared for the crowds. Joe Howard arrived last night from Redmond, and la assisting George Watt In tho preparation ot the meat. which is an Interesting sight In Itself, The furnaces have been located on Spring' atreet, Just off Sixth street, It Is necessary to cook the meat forty. eight .hours or longer to properly pre- f (Coa tinned on page better bo goln' home. And thoy say It'agoln' to be done agin tomorrow night, We'll be here. 1 Bandit Kaocked.From Machine United Press Service , LOS ANQBLKI. July I.A bandit' jumped on tho running board of Rd yard Bennett's automobile today and yelled, "hands up!" Bennett, ateer lag 'with one hand, slugged (he high wayman" wit hHhe' other until he turn bled'from the mwhine and rolled In the dtuk on the North Main atreet bridge, ti When the noltea arrived all iafjNMtj&irjwl'av. number, of' the Uugy teethe lyUg whaee he had salt WtSrsw&W?!r 'jv r . Tl v Program of Events for Saturday, July 3 HUft A. M. BICYCLE RACE. Start' 6th on Main' to 3rd aad return to 6th and Mln. ., - v ' Ist.Prlse B,(0; Snd 13.00; 3rd 11.60, tl0 FOOT RACK, tM YARD, DAtel. StnrtTUton Maiu to th. ui Prise l'I.Q.0; Snd 11.50; 3rd fl.fio. Hitn tLiCKRACK. Start 8th on Main to .4th. 1st I'rlio $8.00; Snd $3.00; 3rd $1.00, lliao PAT MK.V8 RACK. Start 4th aud Main to Klamath Ave . UVPrUe $1.00; 2nd,$3.60; 3rd tLSO. fMlSHOYg' RK7YCL1S RACK.. Hlartat'tth oaMaln to5th. ; .. ' 1st Prise, $3.00; Snd 3,00!A3rd $;l,0d, lOtePOTATO RACB. '-i ',.,; '' tanltk-M-liMitt'.ltlk' A,. .. . . let rrtea $$;; Sad.$t.00; 3rd U.00, 10; tSWMKRUURIlOW RACK. Start tth on Mala ta Tthr - .- 1st PrUe,$S.00rSa SS.OOrSrd $1,00, lOthWBQYSV MMtiWm mAC, Start 8th on Mala to (thi '.-",?,, , 1st Prise $S,8; Ia4.tl.t; 3K 11,00. ID.) 15 THKHH LBOOaW RACK,; V '" Start th oa'MBtaU'luW ' ' t' 1st Prise $.00i:8ad $S.0; 3rd $l.'80, I J'.OO Tta OP WAR. . . .. iA t ' . .' t tin i utvutM.)v 5 i un in uui h; Snd-TBtb teUt;,trd th.t7th. Puraa Tg'aafVi'' -- w t rurse fTa.agA v&, & 11:45 CATCHING GRKABHO PKJ. rth on Main to' tth. , - . Prise Pig. I si : BIG PRKK BARBECUE. Vacant Lot 6th and Pine Sts. , 1 1 00 INDIAN RACES. For Indiana Only, INDIAN BICYCLE RACE. Start Tth on Mnln to 4th and return. Ist.Prlso $5,00; Snd $3.00; 3rd $1:60. IHA INDIAN FOOT RACK, 100 YARD. DAW. th on Main to 5th. v . " lit Prlie 14.00; Ind 3t.B3; 3rd 11.50. 1 19 INDIAN THRBK LBGOBDJrACE: 5th on Main to 4th. . "'.'. 1st Prise $1.00; Snd ft,59;?lrd $1.?0. 1 145 INDIAN WMRRUIARROW MACK. 5th on Maln-to lth?'; , ,.. v 1st Prise $S.0; Snd $3.09; 3rd $1,00. 9:00 P. aL4NMAK SACK RACK, tith on Mala to; Tth. i - T , , 1st Prise $3.8; Sad W.Mj 3rd $1.00, alaBAaaUia;'r-vV, . ' Reddlag v. Klamaih FalU nilK lOarVHXINGClirTaWT. - - " . -, , A Utoatwwmf!. ' kVlaae of tae'Sad t reU taaL- . . - : llMaa IIBj't llisjrd M.k . Tt P. MJM ansUM IKBdJUW PARADE, v .wst avarrvai ajvd mjuua tuarim, , " ANCUrB AXB PAJaNiYAV , hi t 4tk;.ta sirens oa Mala street. ,v " W$lZUWJu - I. ' - . -r----- J J'JlJ -- r:t-"!.'ni:jtrv ' -. . . . ..' . Ar.."Jti3?5K BBMKakva m.mm-mnm.m.mm. It fa dnnlpd hf ib -i nl' srWJiI',tei HtliMHrHHIi ' iOermanr would havs no raaaan for- l-Gwii. -.t. - .-i- .. - -W!M?I inn,uw. t-reauer-ooraeB w m'rf74is;ci jid U aboard' the shlp'aVeaeaiaafewgy ' I . . . .. .. . ..... .- Wit. mtWmt lturf -.-Lrf- '4J.-,..rV- O :,4i,uuw rctvr ut nuau Aivas-" , v"" . .VJ.w.'S'a-iVMt" iciuoinrF'.-Hi.nge uwrMKWtJWriJf TKSED FOR SALE FOR NOT LBSB! Praclse, THAN PES TMOCHAND FEET FOR THE BEST , ,ii.tv " feM- il 4P&5iSaTK" -; . icrT (Herald MpcVial 8tlc PORTLAND. July 2. The forest; service is aaveritainc jor sate ,,-' ..a-.a- 000 feet, board measure, of timber,' " fr about 90 per cent of which Is western yellow pine and the rest to sugar UIRIGATIO.V SYSTEM WILL LAKE COUNTY: PROJECT DME vmmMii -. m-i' 5C --liv-str;. Sla-ilfmSi'sSwL - s - f. ?' r'-- tyT.i: pine, Douglas fir and white Br, all; located, upon the Crater National for est In Southern Oregon. v The tract, which to called the Ma lone Springs area, la more particular ly described as ia Section 10 aad 11,4 Township 35 south. Range 6 east. Willamette ' 'Meridian, near Upper Klamath Lake. .Nat bM leas than $3.36 per thousand teetffor weetera yellow; ptoe aad augar. Uae. aad; so eanta pep taoaaaadleat fw Deaglaa Lir and white ---""-' "1-'-'- . N1SH WATER FOR hlFl'Y llaOV- SAND CALIFORNIA ACRBB KXTENBS IITTO "--f-fffAi yv" .wy-w" FTitfJf"t. v VtAiwwtMsST'ii.dj'C. SSg,,iW ' Ci -.jr-s A ' Ju y-f. . J .: According, to the terms at ante, the timber must be eat, conservatively, so that the foreet may he' perpetuated, and ao that the roadsides will 'not he made unattractive to the many va cationists who summer ta the region. It to the expectation that "the logs from this area will be hauled on horse trucks to CrysUl Creek aad then tow- ed across Klamath Lake to the mill. s. - sv yi.j-Mftt to --"-. 2vWu3S3rt? ' - T-. 1''iLSM'I m s Mni,"yrtiKi.? i .,i t.-tjjMm!?rx "f - 1 VI-rJ ' - aaoamaaamaal .oi'u mz- &fi : if" " ' -X WeaM Raaher Waak'VJ" y ultods presa Service M.--, !S-i fit' "elrtafeie?lV f-i ." . f i '... .. '. LOB ANaBLBS; ;Jnly: isjuarw!wrH than be bored with PuUmaneara. ror iwo;yara Nicholas Hoffmaaalarwlfeand sea, Uhed;;,fla started on a stroll ta.Saa rraaslaao. urawa inreep, carrying .their betwagtafa la a psh r 'J ": '' cart. United' Praaa iervlee -LOB' ANanHJaWuArJ,frn.1 aBm) uaaper mam. rontea g eargtarearijr day'by dashlag a;b4Mae ef eelhW waterta his faee. ,. jaat eUaatv ni: lu thraaaA; Um wai4a- wm hae Mlfti steaUa..w aM-ham: '-s,:W -;..,-;, ehtf. : si - t " ii.iiTk." . ,.w. J!!'" T'-i.r.s. a. t h54 1.AKEVIEW, July asrtflAaa an? ate fnw mJv TTmm-rai'i' g-ta-an vauww r.aa v btm. an-BTf e $ i mt . I - -ft, a - - .-J' . ' j iatirMoy- fJtTyyyyf;; ?j. jm j. at -. a" .raV '.'. .1- a.V.!..- a '?! ?' fucrittflfJK ds rw - IT ! '" lar.d.wer''i.VaW--aaasaa:JVa.:.: acres ei; waa mimi sad Modeeeennty. i .-'- ,"u, ''-?-.', .. rrtgatMa aaaj ; Are making. agarden oat, afth ' ley, which la partly In two asatj project coven; .aw jrveawsarviv bout, tenmllMeJar jlaa:.. ii exteatw atong tae;.wan .snsta aw .-,- Goose Lake. ,whleh la. aboat tm l wide, and esas.iaar;, rnran iiaa1 .tLKLWKiVJ!?w. . 7".i"a.-i''iiO Tae feaarvetr, PJBat- 2ft k-BBjfP ' HHPaV . "T ? is.1'. KtmmlSPfl ft!' d.;saew.::V-.ThvUay Ma xm&i HraettNi.af. . l -' .;.s-3 J i? vyv ;-; -- -r.i'?, -Aa BfiiMm Rehadf . .. JfJ, f. fea!n3S!BRHi'.'' A ."HT .aJ :jiri ,. ',, -i. '-,-."- ,4T .j.Jal WB" tfT"9 'i -. ?:4.isii-BP-m.!fa: anaBm :'4kt; PffggTa k..1( " J. ' p?-,r.T 1W SUS'J .LS -,S.t. f.t 'k S Jf Vi ". v" Jt &. HQ T. y ., 5y . . Tl'l i- : ,. . Tt? H 1 '..v ' ' A fit- Mlrm'- (W'.J si .,; ri i?jK y X'Vr..-iti. r -v., ,.., r: '"., z ,y t. ,Tr:-':; -y f Wi t" V.t"S; frX t iJWtf '- ' V'iV .: