'a, &Vir' p. ' fCX ft l t4K, W mi $$ ' w'Mi s M. ? Vff 11 ji 'jaw; &?? ,i- ll m Herald - ., V KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER v Sir 35f. fMvA' swm!i rA JKkt Lw"? KLAMATH FALLS. OREQON, THURSDAY, JULY 1, 1915 -.i 'Nlnlli Year No. Il,7!ll rf;fis&i r "RO '$, ituntmn t 1 OF ' ' it A'" t.3i FOURTH Or JULY CELEBRATION TO START FRIDAY RUI.EH FOR ENTRIEH Ooiitpatantft nro advised to read tho following rule care fully, n ilirt will bo no ml undemtnndlng. All contestant muil abide by rule governing lit various ttVPItt. - Prlio money will bo lnl etch evening nt henduuitrtor, Sixth unit Main. All MmttMtniiU iiuikt bo ready (or the event which they nro on tored U'ti minute before time sot. Kvu'il lll bo called on xchedulo time, and do delay will lid ttlllTllltMl All rntiteMniil mum cuter their nniui'ii at headquarter In the race tlicy tiiiviiil to enter on or before , in., July I Miiku your entries a early iih pimlblo ii ml avoid tho null , Tomorrow morning nt :4G tho bis lelflbrulloii illicit Id (o Inst through mull Sunday night KtnrtN with n bl- Oil" nicu ou Main alrrol (rum Third nlreel to Hlxlh und return. From thuit on thi'ri! will be something dolus uv vry fifteen minute for three day, lading until I lie bull guiuc In the at ternoon nro uiucluded, und on Fri day tind.HuUirduy nlghu with lruct ilaucluit. (or whiih tlio Klaniuth lulu Military bund will fiirnUIt tlio mulc. Tlio big event tomorrow uflernoou will bo llio ball game at 2:15 nt Mo doc 1'ntk, between tho Klamath Full and tho Kwuuna llox factory team. Moth hno nddod nuw pltrhor to their ii ta II n and tlio lineup have boon shitt ed, mukliiK two li'iiuiM tliut ii r suro of Klvlnic a Kood exhibition. Illgbee and MoUclioiitmcliur will bo lu llio pwftii for tho Klamath Falln team. Tho box factory' now plirher arrive tonight. Tho km mo promise to bo a pitch er' buttle, mid ono of tho bout names m vu hero thin seiuou. . Tho looking of the meal for tho biK bnrbi'cuo will tako ptaco ou Sprlug strcol, Juxt off of Hlxth. Owln to tho dnmpuemi of tho ground In the rear of tho court liouno yard It was niWHHiiry lo moo tho furnncM. Ilow mr, tho meat will bo Hcrvod lu tho court Iioiiho nrd Hnturday lit noon. Tho Warm Spring Indiana hnvo al ready commenced to nrrlvo, and will ho on himd for their hlfi Mnnt tomor row nlKlil. At 8: no tho st root danr Iiik nud cnmlvnl boitlua, nd will con tinue k long au tho crowd Init. Tho Judge appointed for tho race nre: Will Hum, C. A. Hnydon, A. C, 1'rcntUn, Vernon Motuchouuncher, Kiirl Klllott, Jlmmlo UohortRnnd It. I Vnnco HutchliiN. Tho crowds, Hint nro oxpectod to bo hero nro beginning to nrrlvo, nnd by tomorrow night it ia nxpocteu nun ov ery hotel and rooming house In tho city will bo full. REPURTED.3UU DEAU J WRECK iiaii'):m:i tun days ago, ani hici'ort just rkacheh iiauk k accident occurred he tween tamimco, moxtehev JllulteO Press Horvlro ' LAREDO, July 1. Throo nun drod Carrnntlitas, with their wives and children, have been reported kill oil when a train plungod off a trostlo Into n canyon betweon Tatnptco and Monterey. Several hundred nro also reported Injured. The nccldont Is supposed to have oecuircd teiTdnys ngo, but tlio Infor mation just arrived today. It la un confirmed elsewhere. CHAMBERLAIN HERE TONIGHT! t UMTIIII HTATI.H Mi:.N.T)lt IH KX- l'i:CTi:i AT 7 O'CMMJK KKOM IiAKiivikw wii.i. iii:ci:ivk i'uiimu at wiiiti: itmca.v Henator lleorgo t! Uhuiuborlalu will arrlu tonight at 7 o'clock by utitomotdltt from l-akevlew, according lo advice rvcehed by W. A. DvUoll. local poHtiiiaiitvr, lakt ulglit. Ha will lop at tho White I'ollcan, nnd while no Hwcliil reception will ho gltcn, ho will reecho any peraom who may Haul to mo him. at tho hotel tonight iiml tomorrow. Senator Chamberlain left I'ortlatid uaiI thlx Hook, anil haa been trnvel- Iiik thrnugh Central and ICiHtern Ore- Kou in rompauy wiiu ox-uoernor Onnld Went, looking over condition lu tho nrlou m.-cIIoiih mid Innpoctlng tunny of tho projertn In all linen along the route H I underxtood that Went wan compelled to return, and will not he hern at thla time Au attempt will bo mudo to hnvo Chomlmrlnln remain hero tomorrow and go oxer tho reclamation project with Project Manager J. 0. Camp. A committee from tho Chamber of Commerce Ih to bo appointed nUo to wait on Senator Chamberlain nud to proncnl to him tho need of u federal building lu thl city. Chnmhorlnln will go from hero to Crater I.ako. JORDAN VALLEY LAND WITHDRAWN Ul.lKiO AfltlX IX KAHTKHX OIUC tiox to in: iti:'iai.MKi uv m- ' IIIOATIOX H.MIA.Y IX TIIK r.n riiTUiu: SAI,HM, Jul) 1. Advlcu woro ro cuUed Monday by State Kuglnoor l.eul from the Interior department that It ha aprotcd au application for the withdraw! of 31,000 acre of land lu tho Jordan valley. With a view to reclaiming thU laud the Jordan Vnllcy iirlgnilou company ling at- lomly lotiHtructed a dam, and few niuiil will bo required. Contract iiiiiKl now ho entered Into between tho government and the company. It Ih tho only company in tho state tint hn expended It money on con Htiuctlnn work without hnvlng a much n a-Hcratch of a pen from either Nti.tu or government In tho wny of contract. NEW STERILIZER AT NEW EQUIPMENT . IN ADDED WHICH WILL IN) FIVE TIMES i THE WORK IN FOUTV MINUTES OR ONE TENTH OK TIME A now tblrty-pouud pressure stor- lllxor uuppllod by tho Northwestern Steel nud iron Works ot Wisconsin, him, been lustallod nt tho Ulackburn hospltul, according to A. J. Lyle, tho nmiiugor. "Tho now Btorlllxer," Htutes Lyle, "will 'do live times tho work that tho old steriliser did In forty minutes, vvhoro beforo It took nearly live hours "Tho secrot ot tho now luuchluo la (hut It la u dry storlllsor, whllo the forinor wits a vuuor. Wo hnvo never had an lufocted cuso lu tho hospital duo to poor atorllltutlon," stated Lyle this morning, "but this inachlno will do so muoh more work In such loss time that wo could not afford to be without It. It now places us In n po sition where wo can bundle, any num ber ot operations without trouble Another ntirso has beon added to the stuff, and the hospital Is rapidly be coming tho trost up-to-date hospital In Southern Oregon, BLACKBURN HUERTA HEARING IS POSTPONED UNTIL JULY 12 nit; Vina victohy ih cxaimj:d AT WAHHINGTOX Condition in Mexico Are IWowiac Worn Dally at etl Kacour KglnK Violence and ItlUgc Hlliu I Ion 1 I'recariou, and No Hope la Ililil Out for Improienteat Unit CarrnuM Kiiould Take City. Fnluil l'le Hvrvliu i:i. I'ASO, Tex., July 1 Tho hear ing for lluertii and Oroxco, urreated here for alleged conspiracy to keep up the revolution In Mexico, tins been pOHtponeil ujntll July 12 nt the request of the Koormnent prosecutor. Thoro wa no teBtlmouy taken to iUy. Iluerta wan precnt, nnd the room was Jammed to overflowing with a curious and Interested crowd ot Hpi-ctntorti at the unique occasion of a foreign general being In tustody of tho United Hlnti-s government In time of Mnco. I mud l're Service WASHINGTON, U. C. July t.- Au anuounremeul glveu out thla I'lornlng from tho Villa headquarter hero claim a big Villa victory over Ohrcgon south of Aguus Callcnte. The llraxlllnn minister nt Moxlco City hn wired the ntnto department that tho ltuatlon In tho city I grave. !)o state that a mob has left from tho sou for tho Inland, led by General l'a Utu and hi ftidc, and they huvecut telegr.iph and telephone wires, and aro looting and outraging men, wo men and children along tho lino of march. Consul Canadu, s tut toned ut Vera Crux, has reported that cable con nections with Mexico City are becom ing worao dally, and that soon they will not bo able to got Into commun ication with the city at all. Ho also states that the Zapatistas aro encour aging violence and pillage, though he believes that no foreigners havo suf fered so fnr. However, ho liblds that tho situa tion 1 precnrloiiM, nnd that no liopo of Improvement can be held out un less. Cnrranxu should enter tho city and tako charge. . Old Mine lo Ro Opened United Press Service NOC1A1.KS. At Jr., July 1. Tho old Mo wry mine, v hkh produced tons oi lend-sllver rrc, fiom which Confeder ate bullets vveic iitmM In 1861, will shortly bo re-opened, according to Judge O. 11. I'lielpx. owner. It Is Bit tinted lu the mlddk of the Apache country, und hn frequently been raid - ed by Indians. The mine wrni closed UurlnB the panic of 1907. Program Start Mh ou Main to 3rd and return to 6th and Main. 1st Prize fr..iifi; '.'nd $3.00; 3rd $1 CO 1t:Oll FOOT RAFF, UM YARD DASH. Start 7th on Mnlu to 0th. 1st PrUo H.00; 2nd IS.fio; 3rd $1.50. I:l.l SACK RACE. Start rtli ou MiUir to 4th. 1st Prlxe sa.oo; ml $8.00; 3rd $1.00. Iltitll FAT MEN'S RACK Start Ith und Mnlu to Klamath Ave. 1st PrUo $4.00; 2nd $3.50; 3rd $1.50. Hi IB -GIRLS' ROLLER SKATING RACE Start at 4th ou Mnlu to 5th St. 1st PrUo $U.H0; 2nd $3.00; 3rd $1.00. HI j (Ml POTATO RACK. Start 5th ou Mnln to tith Ht. 1st l'rlto $3.00; 'J ml $:!.00; 3rd $1.00. lOtlA WHEKLRAHHOW RACK Start tith on Main to Tth St. 1st Prise $3.00; 2nd $2.00; 3rd $1.00. 1 0 till! HOYS' ROLLER HKATING RACE. Start 8th on Main to 6th St. iBt PrUo $-3.00; and $3.00; 3rd $1,00 I tl i 15THKRE LEGGED RACE. Start nth on Mnln to 6th St. 1st PrUo $4.00; 2ud $2.50; 3rd $1.60, It I oo TUG OF WAR. (In 3 Divisions.) ltd 4th to nth: 2nd 5th to 6th; 3rd 6tb to 7th. Winning tenm to pull finals on July 3. Purse $7M0. IIKCKKR W SKI'RIKVED ' United l'r Service i . . . ..... . . . . i v amianv, juiy. i. uoornor w Whitman of New York re- ' prlevod Chnrle Becker, ex-lleu- Unant of police 'of New York, ' convicted and enionced to death e ror the murder or Herman no- y nentbal. a New York gambler, , today until July 2. ,. , LOW AFTEK MEAL GETS BOOTLEGGER VKI'UTY MIIKIIIFF AXI) OFKICKIl McCARTKR KFFKCT CAITUUKi AJTF.lt TRAXSACTIOX RRHTAURAXT IX Wheu Lloyd Low went Into tho ilex cure last night to gef his supper the farthest thing front his mind was bootlegging, but he-bad hardly step ped Inside before he saw something which caused several revolutions to tako placo In thnt gray matter re served for bootleggers. As he stepped Inside he spied a young man who later gave the name of Aaron Schueler sitting beside Cain BchonMn. and a bottle laid on the ta ble In front of them. Low picked It up, asking them what It was, smelled1, of It. and pronounced it whiskey. ', t., ....rln lrd not en olaee yet, so ho wenVthVough the restau rant. Coming around to the front ..i .. .iii ihi,im.. trr-rtr and they watched tho pair. Schueler -.i ,,.... .. ..-t,it ,t, n.4r ohtiirinlgbt when the vi toon left tho restaurant, went into a saloon nearby, and purchased a hot tto of beer and returned. Uw entered also, and placed hltu-i oaK hnhlnH ttm nartltlon between thelCnllwl PreiS S" c.nnier nnd dlulur room and watched! through the curtains, not over three f.w. from hrmlr. McCarter washout- ..,m ,.ninB- behind n inrife nlant with . hmtUin leaves, niso with his cvwi8 Immediately sentenced to death on tho pair. They both saw tho beer transferred from Schuolcr's posses-' slon to Schonchln's. but decided to watt and see if thc whiskey was passed, too, to make their ruse the Htrongcr. However, Schueler left the restau rant shortly, and they decided that beer was as good as whiskey In that particular ease, and so nabbed him.' !.... ... . ..... tn VI. r. l.ifllnn Dnu lhA nrrfwt. threw. the arrest, threw down 50 cents on the counter, and started on a long Journey, but he was also arrested. Schueler put up a bravo front last night, but was considerably crest-fall en wheu taken before United States Commissioner Haroaker, who happen ed to be In the city. He was bound over under $500 bond, and will prob ably bo taken to Portland by federal authorities. , The Southern PaclBc company has i put on the Exposition special, leav- Ing Portland dally at H:0, noon, of Events for Friday. July 2 11:4.1 CATCHING ith on Main to oth. , Prlxe Pig. RACES FOR INDIANS ONLY 1:00 P. M. INDIAN DICYCLE RACE. Tth on Main to 4th nnd return. 1st PrUo $5.00; 2nd $3.00; 3rd $1.50. IMS INDIAN FOOT RACK, IOO YARD DASH. 6th ou Malu to 5th, 1st Prise $4.00; 3jid $2.50; 3rd $1.50. I ttlO INDIAN THREE LEGGED RACE. - 5th on Main to 4th St. Vst Prise $4.00; 2nd $3.60; 3rd $1.60. 1 : 15 INDIAN WHKELIURROW RACE. Cth on Main to 6th. at PrUe $3.00; 2nd $3.00; 3rd $1.00. 2:00 IXDIAN HACK RACK. 6th on Main to 7th. , 1st PrUe $3.00; 2nd $2.00; 3rd $1.00. titlS RASEDALL. Weed vs. Klamath Falls A; 1.1 LOG R0LUNG CONTEST. Lake Kvvauoa. , Winners to roll final on July 3. 1st PrUo $25; ud $10; 3rd i. 7 tOO P. M WARM SPRING INDIANS PARADE, WAR DANCE AND 8HAM RATTLE. KLAMATH JSDIAN FIRE-EATING tUUGADK .will give a free show both days. Hs 80 STREET DANCING AND CARNIVAL. 6th to 8th streets on Main street, TORNADO AND CYCLONE KILL FIVE LAST NIGHTi llUO KII.I.KO IV COM)ltAlM AND' THRKK IN OKLAHOMA Two ChildiTM Killed .Stmr Colo., Wbra Hotue CotUpeed, ami Tenly-lwo Are Injured --Three Killed in Ottawa County, Okie-, and Crop Suffered Severe Damage. Report nre Meagre. A United I'res Service LAMAIt, Colo., July 1. Two chll s drcn were killed near here last night when a house was torn up and col lapsed during a- cyclone. 'Twenty-two persons were Injured In various parte of the district. ., United Press Service KANSAS CITY. July 1 Three per sons were killed in Ottawa county, Okta., during a tornado last night. Tint growing ropa were, badly dam ag d by the storm. Full reports ot tho extent of the damage have not been received. UO.000 Gallons Win Lost ""1 '' '''ess Sen Ice, y SANTA ROSA. .July 1. Thirty thousand gallons of wine and a dam- .ago of $15,000 was done here Uat P101 r'ictor Durand winery I burned. It is believed that the Ore was of Incendiary origin. lirido's Rath Murderer Sentenced '-OKDON. July 1. George Smith, convicted of murder In the famous ur,uo B unlu laae' wn,cu uaa Deeu v tractlng attention for several weeks t00 following tho rendering ot the vernici. i no prisoner oenouncea jus- "vu ov,uuu" "D " "s- " u- manuy." smun, it was aiscoverea. had been married four Imes, and In the Investigation which fallowed bis lr.st wife's death under peculiar cir cumstances, It was discovered that In laeh case the wives bad died while It. llin tin, It f, la aintA that 1.A littfl . , " ... , . . , mania for getting rich, and had used this meauB of collecting Insur ance i.ud getting control of large es tates. Most ot the marriages were. for short periods only, death follow ing soon after tho weddings. Force Rattle With Italians United Press Service LONDON, July 1. Amsterdam dis patches state that the entire Austrian fleet la preparing to force a decisive battlo with the Italians. General Hamilton wires that three lines ot Turkish trenches have been captured In the Dardanelles. GREASED PIO. ELECTRIC LINE TALK OF EUREKA! - i ATI! IHVF.lt KOUTB PROM THIS, - CITY TO KCRF.KA PEOFI.J3 L THAT HKCTIOX OPmilOTIC The proposed electric line be twees fills' city and Eureka, Calif., situated on the coast, which is to follow the! canyon of the Klamath Jllver from this city to the coast and then down to Kureka, and which has been rum-i ored to be under consideration by J the Guggenhclmers and the Hill la- terests, is the talk of the people lnj the vicinity of Eureka, according to Charles Myers of this city, who re cently returned, from there. Mr. Myers Is a resident of this city, and is heavily interested In property here. Ho states that surveyors aro ont on the line working tuts way, ana the people in that section are becom ing certain that active work ia about to begin on the line. All they talk of Is the electric to Klamath Falls, be states. There is a railroad up the coast now nearly to the mouth of the Klam ath River, and It la supposed that the electric line will connect with that. The Guggenbeimers are heavily In terested In copper mines in that sec tion, and-It Is known that the road has been under consideration for some time. The route up the Klamath River ia practically the only inland routo t&at Is afforded out that country, owing to the difficult grades and rock for mations. Tbe Klamath River flows for many miles through a canyon, aad affords a comparatively easygrade Lout. Such a road would make Klam ath Falls practically a seacoast town. Kureka is so located that It baa the shortest time between tbe United States and the Orient .and great hopes are expressed by tbe people ot Eureka that active work will be start ed In" the near future. Shinott Will Arrive Saturday. Congressman N. J. 8lnnott, who ia to make the Fourth of July add: in the court house park here Sunday afternoon at 2:30, will arrive In this city Saturday night, according to a letter received here today. Sinnott Is well known in this part of the coun try, having made several trips here, and having proven a valuable repre sentative for this section of Oregon In J congress. ITALIAN OFFICER REPORTED HERE RELIEVED AMONG ITALIANS THAT AN ITALIAN RECRUITING v OFFICER RECENTLY VISITED THIS CITY A number of Italians In thU city believe than an Italian recruiting oft-; cor was here n short time ago, and secured a number of recruits for Italy's armies. ; He is described as a short, dark,. light -weight, typical Italian. It is' stated that ho secured a number of! Italians from the Pelican Bay Lumber company's crew to return to their na-. tlve land and tight for their country. Some evidence has been found re-. cently hero In the city that would point to such a vUlt. when several Italians In tbe city exhibited unaeces sary baste to secure natumllnUon papers. No reasons were given oy them particularly, except that tney did not want to return to their eoun- try and Join the army. j One ot the applicants was inform ed by Judge Nolasd that he oould not be compelled to return, but this did not seem to allay hU haste for his papers. It U also stated by Italians here I that the omcer la expected to return .during the Fourth ot July eeltbratleu I In the hopes of securing mere re I emits. r ARMENIAN SUNK BY A MONSTER SUBMARINLU-38 TIAIK G1VKX FOR TUB L1XKR TO IV.VCM BOATS i Haid m Be th Ever Seen, Bets SM meet With large Guaa Moemled en Dark. Armenia Attempted to Eoease, aad Wm Fired on Fonr KJBed by a Hbell Maer on Adaalralcjr 1 t'r.iled 1'ress Service AVENMOUTH, England, July 1. Survivors of the sinking ot the Ar menia, the largest ship submarined yet, with the exception of the Lusl tanla, who arrived here today sly that tbe 17-38, which sank ,tke Ame nta, Is tbe largest ever seen, being 300 feet long. She was equipped with a large deck, on which were mounted guns. H. Benten, one of the rescsed, said that "when the submarine was ant seen coming toward tbe ship the cap tain ordered the vessel on n slgsag course, in an effort to elude tbe under water boat. Tbe submarine, how ever, overtook the liner aad Bred. Tbe shell struck sear the wheel house where a crowd was gathered,, strik ing among them asd'kllllng four; A storm was blowing uv. and some of the bodies were carried over! board, It not being known whether all were recovered. The captain ot the submarine gave them time to launch the boats," stated Benton. WASHINGTON, D. C. July 1. United SUtes Ambassador Page at London has cabled the admiralty, and states that the Armenian was engaged in "admiralty business." which It is believed places the vessel in the trans port class. ThU would eliminate any possible controversy between America' and Germany over tbe sinking of the ship. It is understood at tbe admiralty that twenty-one members of the erew of the Armenia, were lost, most oL. them being Americans. It Is stated that it la doubtful whether Indemnity can be claimed. , LONDON, July 1 Dispatches from the admiralty state that thirty per ished In the sinking ot the Armenia. Eleven American survivors have reached Cardiff, aad are on, their wny to Liverpool. i ' WASHINGTON D. C, July 1, (2:30 p. m.) It U tbe general opin ion here that the mule cargo carried by tbe Armenia was contraband ot war, and that Germany can Justify tho sinking of the ship. The govern ment Is Investigating tbe sinking, and Ambassador Page has bees Instructed nd a n to the scene te tnter- view the survivors and gather such data M no ,. OIL STRIKE IS EXPECTED SOON: PRESIDENT OF COMPANY WOMC. ING ON MKACHAM'S PLACH M CONFIDENT COULD HAVE OIL SPOUTING BY JULY J. T. Roberts, president of the pany that Is boring for nil online jieecham pUoe ia po YaUey Is fa) ttoS&SfflU city today. Mr. Roberta states. thM they have one well drlHed te w ummVfytJM of 190 feet, aad are new eurWag the,j''X: 1 sides. itiy - -. .. ui -ft.-r.L' ft1 n rv itvw am mw i straU," utd Mr. ReherU teeay,:,sst;oi- :, If we did not have te top ta'aJw $', wJ curb, I ant coafeent thnt celebrate the Feureh witsi There are several esperi on the gfeund watehhsg and they, art .JtmiitM flagaVM tat yi'MpMI Mf 4VI w 4&rWt ' K t; 8 M '' ,-M . pi A v-iv l ?2? ml , .;$ T . t Jruytfl v&"JXJ I i "iS V SwVf !S33t m "ym HfM .t'i'H-i?,- ,?v;j; " a inl ,. . r,Tfti,' ii' X Mi!laJ ' ntsiy-;. j&S&'m 3 X'&iMiJzt.'A 1 ' VV,,v