sT --tiv-rs tcTwmwvr?KT'1s -1 j -i -i, ytf" " if.r5,. ',. js - . Ste HrraLft EK'- KLAMATH PALLS' vr. KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ..; h OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER X ! caggsTrjjiPr zjthuszL' Math Ycur No. 11,7110 KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1915 rrte ? iEiuuthtg y & i - ?? t Hundreds 'Are Recruited Francisco Agency Tickets Are , Sold Through to Liverpool -' AMERICAN CIT1.KN SAID UK WAM ENGLISH TJikrU Piirrluurd Through Haa Fraa rUra Agrory Nam of lUlph IMark Klgnnl i flirckn Aiiirriota ('Ultra Inairurlwl Co Inform It rrulllUK OflUvr Tlwt llu Had ScrvVd lu KtttfiUli lafaelry. Culled I'rCM Service. HA.V FRANCISCO, Juno 30 Thoso In charge fit tlio Investigation lu thlt city of tli alleged UrltUh recruiting tklloit supposed tu have been estab lished hero stated UiU morning that between 600 nnil TOO men wore ro rruliril lioro for the llrltlfb army, They were supplied wltU throuKh tickets lu l.lwrpool, which wero pur chimed through a local ticket agcucy, according to tho statement. The name of Ralph lllack km slgu oil 10 the vlioikn. Frank Cook ,oue of tho recruit Mho wan returned to thl city Sunday front New York, after being arrested there with seven others, admitted that he win nil Auirlcnn cltlxvn, anil said that lie had h)eu Instructed to toll tin1 recriiltlni: ottlcer at the ageu ry hero that hu had nerved In the Somerset Light Infantry. Tho Investigation Ix procccdlug, mid more disclosures are expected at any time. Mratmrnd tu Life United Press Sorvlco MAHVHVII.I.K. Juno SO Superior Judge McDnnlcl sentenced William Shannon to Ufa at Folsom prison to. day for tho murder of his wife. At torney Hlch for tho defenso stated that Shannon Is willing to acrvo his sentence, and will not appeal. LOCAL MAN TO WED IN EAST RECLAMATION service man and FORMER HIGH SCHOOL IN HTHUCTOR WILL UK MARRIED . IN WISCONSIN Albrochl Oohler, a prominent youug man of this city, aud connect ed with tho United Htatos reclama tion service ofllco hero, left tula morn ing for Monroe, Wla., where ho will wed Miss Ruth Saucerman, formerly Instructor of music In tho Klamath County High Heliool, MUs Saucer man returned to Monroe, her homo, following tho closing of tho school year horo. Tho wedding will occur at the homo of tho bride's parents' on July 8th. Tho romiuico was born last year, whllo Miss Baucerman was teaching In tho high school. Following the close of tho yqar sho returned to her homo to prepare for the wedding. Many frlonds of tho couple know of tho coming woddlng, as It was gener ally known thoy wero to bo married thin summer. Following tho wedding honey moon trip' through the Hast and South nnd back through Snn.Frnnclsco, with a Visit at the (air will be taken. They Mill then return to Klamath Falls, whero they will make their future hone, i i TWO SHIPS ARE SENT TO BOTTOM! I'.AHK "CAMIIUSKK.NKT" FROM lOHTLAM, ORE,. AND STEAM Kit "UIKSO" SUHMAIUNKD AF. 'I Kit CIIKWH AUK liAMIKIt I'nltiHi I'rt-jrt Service LONDON, Juno 30. Tho , bark Cnmbuitkni't from I'oriland, Ore., and tlm steamer UJvso wero stiinarlned off Hid const uf Kngland today after the irens lid been lauded, ClKlit UeriniuiK that worn aboard tho (IJemi wero lukcn aboard the (lor mini ubmerln U-3 before tho sblp wan torpedoed. MATERIAL IS . BEING HELD OP WOUK UN lU.KH' Ni:W IIUILUINU I'lKNatlvMHKM SI.UWI.V. UUK TO lAILUUK OK MATKItlAL TO Alt-tl!LbV,H.VXlL-J.-liLNTMKJfT Tho work uu the Klks' nuw bulld Iiik U priii;rcltiK slowly bcaui of the fullure of the railroad company to put tin' shipments of material throuRli, Muted "Jim ml o" Roberts, HiiMrlntt'iidcnt of the rnnittructlon, this inorulng. The iiintvrlat In shipped from the city nil rlKhl, stated Hoberts, but it KoIh side-tracked along tho route Home plaie. We huo had several lililpmentu that wero started, did not nIiow up here, and when tracers were pint after them, nfter savoral days It would bu found on n sldo-trnck nt I'uiiituitilr, or somo other point. The terra eottu for tho lower work unit flimlly secured nnd this has been ioinpletod. The workmen are now on (he walls, which arc going up rapidly. Roberts stated that If ho could get tlm material tho building would bo completed up to tho roof In fodr weeks, but now it U indefinite Just when ho will get thnt Xar along, 7 Home Krom (ten Frnnclscu. Mrs. A. (1. Horner and son Jack Jr., huvo rot u mod from San Francisco, whero they have, been visiting with Mrs. Horner's paronts for several weeks. They aro residing In tho liousu formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs, Phil J. Blnnott. SHIPS COLLIDE NEAR ENGLAND IIOLLAMKAMKKICAN ItOAT, CAR. UVIN'd UOO AMERICANS, RAM MK1S1N COLLISION WITH UN KNOWN HHItf ALL HAVKD United I'lt'Hb BorvltKi LONDON, Juno 30. Tho Holland Amerlcnu llnor Now Amsttrdam, hound for Rotterdam, collided early this morning with un unknown steam er off Deal, Her port quarter was dnmngod, tho other ship's damage not being knowu, Tho Now Amsterdam varrlcd 200 Americans, most of them being doc tors aud nurses en route for tho war rone. The ship anchored when ram med. All except fifty were landed at Falmouth, and the ship proceeded. at San for England RUSSIA IS NOT PEACE INCLINED ioi iiki.i' huhhia until k.vk mii:h auk chuhhkii" aym mik.mikk komxjwino conkkr k.x'i: with c7.ah am) othkr8 UlilUU I'retiH Svrilco I'KTUOOUAU, June 30 "Ood help Itukftlu to continue the light until her enemies aro crushed. Until thon pence U Impossible." Hucli was the text of n nlutenifiit by I'remler CoeJ-, toroinyk, following n conferenco with Czr.r Nlcholus this niornlug. Thu lulnlstcTK of thu Koermncnt wor nlbo pri'Miilat the confsrenco, which wn held behind the (inllclnu front. The sUititiiciii Is cotisiriiM to be nn answer from Ituiula following sug Kustlons which lmo iippeniod In the Oerinau prenn Hint KuhhIu Is ready for peace. meiii: Aititrvis IN (..HIIRA(JV I lilted Pre Service l.'l. PASO, Tux., Juuo 3o. Ikt and Prank Aldvrto, two Americans, and llouornl Murcello Carat o, ono of Hu erta's military leaders, were arrested today, churged with conspiracy In vio lation of tho neutrality of the United HIM, Thu Alderlo brothers wero released on ball, while Ucneral Caravo Is be liiK held under IS.000 ball. l.tti fur Dunmnulr. Mr mid Mrs. II. U. Dale of Duns iiulr, who hae been hero visiting the Unlo brothors of this city, left this morning for their home. HOERTA PLANS TO ESCAPE THE CL0TCHES0F0.S': WILL FORCK INDICTMENT OR HIS HCI.IUSK Will Waive Kuiiiination Tomorrow and Forer lt-NiHiiient of Justice to Hi lug mi ludictnK'ui Agwuaat Him or Olio Him His Release. FMk'iitl OltlcUli.Vi-e Uuesut) It la FmiixhI TlMt Dlnx, Who Had Bees Under Surveillance, lias tioue. United Press Sen lee i:L PASO. Tex.. June 'ao. It be came known hero today that Huerta-, the Mexican revolutionary lender, ar retted this week by United States fed eral officials, and placed lu custody under $15,000 bonds, will waive an examlnntlou tomorrow and force tho department of Justice to bring an In dictment ngalUBt him, or ho will de mand his release. The federal officials mo uneasy over tho situation. It Is felt that Dlas, who "was to attend tho meeting of leaders, and who has been under sur- volllauco, has eluded the secret ser vice officers and has crossed the bor der. It Is possible that ho Is taking Htierta's placo at tho meeting that may lead to tho revolution. Sleuths In the omnlov of villi. claim to Imvo proof that Huerta had entered Into tlto conspiracy for a new involution. Through his representa tives ho has sont his thanks to Presi dent Wilson for the arrest ot Huerta nnd Oroico. "They aro dangerous men," stated the message? mkm Is AGROOND IN FOGl RKVKNUK CUTTKR 1H UNAULK TO LOCATK HUUMARINK IN FOG. IIKLIKVKO VK88KL NOT OA3I AOED, WILL FLOAT WITH TIDK United Press Service VALLKJO, June 30. A wlrelew to Mare Island navy yard this morning said that a dense fog Is presenting the revenue cutter McCulloch from locat ing the Submarine 11-3, which went (ground south of Point Sur lost night Attempts are being mado to locate the submarine by submarine signals. It Ik thought the vessel Is not dam aged to any great extent. Lieutenant Newton, commander of the McCul loch has wirelessed that the stranded boat would undoubtedly be afloat with high tide. United I'rexK Servlro MONTEREY. 'June 30. Small boats from the lighthouse here havo reached the submarine H 3, and found tho crew out of danger. The United States cruiser Cheyenne, which Is standing by, expects to take the crow off tonight. HOERTA'S ARREST MEANS TR008LE i ItKPRKSENTATIVKS OF THE FRO- !OSKI ALKOKO REVOLUTION MKCLAHK8 THAT LEADER HAD MAUK UK.L wmrvtixA UOUOI.A8, Ariz.. June 30. Local rcprefeontatlves of the proposed alleg ed Huertn revolution, supposedly quushed by the arrest of Vlctorlano lluerta at Kl Paso, stated today that the detention of tho former dictator (would result in, American Intervention In Mexico, i They declared that Huerta had formed nn nlllauco with Villa which eventually would have embraced all factions for the purpose of eliminat ing Carranza, nnd that the taking over of Jnurez was to hae been the first step. Generals Trias and Quiros havo been In Kl Paso for the last two weeks representing Huerta, It was as serted. Huerta was to havo headed the clerical party. Inturbldo and Ca lero were to lend the other faction ot tho clentlficos, to be known as the Na tionalist party. After' Joining Villa tho clerical party anticipated a Junc tion with tho nationalists, It was nTorred. COUNTY JAIL HAS A LIGHT MONTH FOUR FKDKRAL PRISONERS AND SIX COUNTV PRISONERS MAKE UP TOTAL HOARDERS FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE Tho month of Juno has been one of tho lightest of the year for the Klam ath county Jail, according to a report being mado out by the sheriff's office. Ton prisoners havo been In at various times during June, and sixty during tho year from June 30, 1915 to the same dato this year. At present there are two men In the bastllo, ono being a federal prisoner charged with bootlegging, James Mc- Cann. Chaa. Kuoera Is serving a nine months' sentence for non-support, and bus four months to serve yet. - Four federal prisoners wcro placed In tho Jail during June, and have been removed to Portland, whlla the other six wero county charges. Arlington has entered upon an economy, progress. Mammoth Liner Next to Lusitania Sunk; Is DANCE PROMISES TO BE BIG TIME KVKKV INDICATION POINTS TO LAHOEST CROWD AT BENEFIT BALL IN MONTHS EVERY THING IN READINESS Promptly at 9 o'clock tonight the strains of a dreamy waits will .be heard as the opening number of the big band-baseball team benefit dance, which will be held In the Pavilion to night. Every member of the ball team and band has been selling tickets for the pavt week, and most of them, rather then dig up a fine for not getting rid of them, have sold their entire supply. The Klamath Falls Military band will furnish music up until 12 o'clock for the rolltckers, after which a seven- pit ce orchestra will hold forth. The cool evenings here make dancing a pliasure, and the length of tonight's paity Is unlimited, so say the pro moters. Return From Medico CoareaUoa. Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Wblto returned lan nlgbt from San Francisco, where they attended the big convention of the American Medical Association sad tho fair. Rack From Raaineas ad Pleaawe. rThad McHst,-locsJK jeweler, has returned from a combined" busi ness and pleasure trip to San Fran cisco. While there he visited the ex position and also selected a new line of Jewelry goods. Return From Fair. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. I. Wright ot this city returned last night from Saa Francisco, where they attended the fair. SOCIALISTS IN 6ERMANY WANT ' PEACEMOVEMENT BOARD GOVERNING SOCIALIST PARTY ISSUES ,NIFE8TO Asks That Peace Negotiations Be Started "in the Name of Humanity and for tho Sake of Culture." BUaie la Placed oa the French aad aud Belgian Socialists for Failare of KurUer Peace Movenieau. Uuited Press Service BERLIN, June 30. The governing board of the German socialist party has Issued a manifesto which passed the censor and which calls oa the Ger man government to begin peace nego tiations as soon as possible "In the name of humanity and for the sake of culture." i Blame Is placed on the failure of earlier peace efforts' started to bring results onto the French aad' Belgian soclallfts. - This manifesto is In strango con trast to the wave ot sentiment and feeling of hatred and absolute erad ication of the English people thst has been shown In an odd manner throughout the country during the war. In tho theaters, places of amuse ment nnd everywhere else, placards, songs, poetry nnd proso has been ded icated to nn undying spirit of hatred of the English as n common foe. The other notions have been forgoyj ten, almost, ana ine anacas aavo nee almost wholly on the English. WILSON ESCAPES BAD ACCIDENT HAS NOT GIVEN CP TRIP TO SAN I FRANCISCO WILL PL'.SH BUT TON OPENING WILSON DAY) CEREMONIES Untied Press Service WINDSOR, V., June 30. The ma chlno in w hlch President Wilson was riding this mornlngsnear this place, only escaped a serious accident when turning a sharp bend a collision .with two heavy lumber wagons waa nar rowly averted. President Wilson stated tint he has not abandoned his visit to Saa Fran cisco, and still considers the Butter open A report was given out at the White House yesterday that owlmg to the condition of international affairs it would be impossible for hitn to visit the Pacific Coast. The president is expected to push the button tomorrow which will an furl the flags at the exposition. oSci ally hnnounclng that the Wilson Day ceremonies at the fair has started. WANT BUNTING , .DISPLAYED $001 BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION t COMMITTEE IX CHARGE OF FOURTH OF JULY DECORATION WANT CITY DECORATED At a meeting ot tho Business Men's Association held lost night, It waa de cided to ask all the merchants aad business houses to decorate their store fronts and buildings for the Fourth of July celebration as soon as possible this week. A number of the stores have already started therr decorations, some of which are complete. Many ot the windows contain' Fourth ot July w&tcs, and Mala street is begin ning to take on a celebrating air. The committee in charge have the arrangements practically completed, with the exception of the entries tor the events, which can be made at any time. "The earlier the better," says J. J. Keller, as he Intends to have the races and events staged right on the dot A few outsiders have arrived in the city already, and for the next two days large crowds are expected to come. The Redding ball team will ar rive Friday night for their two games. Saturday and Sunday, and Is the beat ball clubyln Northern California, say local people who have seen the team play this season. These two games aro expected to bo Class A ball. The first game oa Friday will be played between the Box Factory team and tho Klamath Falls team. Both have been strengthened for the game, and as has been seen in tho past, are able to put on a good exhibition of our a tional pastime. Congressman Sliinot is expected to arrive Friday or Saturday night, aad will give the Fourth of July address In the court house park Sunday after noon. The wood is ou the ground for the barbecue, and preparations for this feature are fast being completed. The tires will bo started tomorrow alght, in order to secure a proper bed of coals for the cooking of the meat. Joe Howard ot Redmond, who has hand led several of the largest barbecues la the state, will assist George Watt of this city la preparing the neat. Baker will use two million tellcM of water per day this suaater, the Submarined I Reports of Sinking Are Conflicting SHIPS' -wiBELBM moca AWAT Anacataa, Largest Lias Neat t ato Say ae orS KiBed Waa Oatiy lac Horses List of Caraeater Browa, J. E. Vise asst K. H. United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C Jaae .- A bulletin was posted hero today stat i. ing1 that a cablegram front Coaeal Armstrong at Bristol retorted the submarining ' of the Leylaad Hat steamer Armenian oS Cornwall. Sao was loaded with horse tratm Ncwaert News to Eaglaad. Tweaty-alae men are beBevad lost, most ot them being negro hots tend ers. Tea are reported ujarea. -ra details of the slaking are i t "'-l?! (Specs 'WWSStgTt&td sv'sr WASHINGTON. D. C., Jaae 3. The advices regarding the sinking of the Armenian are coanlctiag. Oae report states that twenty are dead aad another twenty-nine. Tea injured persons have Men landed at Bristol. According to Consul Armstrong, the ship's wireless house was shot away, which raises a question as to whether or not the captain attempted to escape from the submarine. With the exception ot the Lasitaala the Armenian is the largest liner sub marined so far during the war. Armstrong's report states that xeost f of the American dead were negroes. ' The list Includes Carpenter Brows, Ship Physician J. E. Viae aad R. H. Brooks. Lloyd's registry lists the Araealan as one of the largest Leylaad uaera afloat. She waa built at Belfast la 1895. and is under British registry from Liverpool. The captala hi listed at J. A. Jacobsoa. POPE MAY MOVE -TO MONASTERY WAR DEVELOPMENT CAUMM PREPARATIONS TO BR MAM FOR ACCOMMODATION Of MBS HEAD OF CATHOUp CaTUBCaT GENEVA, via Paris., June . h During tne last tew weeas ia awaas- ,.av, tery at Elnsledela, Canton of sMwMavfe,! has been carefully repaired aad awd. '&a eroiirai iu mrnrn, iv iwmmj, n. m wmm$ tha eventuality of the aaasV- asBaS', ?5 there to reside teorartly. "'Tae'J -;'Y! German and Austrian lk-tfV?'iJ the Vatican, who aaw have UUmurSvP .", .".. . .-. -:'-'? i ters at taigaao. awKaenaaa. araAwru vnrln hv nrAnairftn4& tfcta'akASUB' v? yj Body Faaad With BadtMhi Maad I' ill tea Pre. Service , UW' ' SACRAMENTO, -JBe; Mi-TIaf' ' body ot A. Portella WM.ctosjg4'tl)Bi morning oa a boot raaaa aaatv land, lying under a im.mtB ft I ia bis aeaa. ,u a waa murdered awl tl Uga.BMtalM, Isl laaaaaaaVaaaaal aaaaS AaaaaaaaaV WUKr "-4Mi-y tf.3 ST i,l X $&. '& m - Si m : ?K? i'1 &V is: u Tl x m Jv-. '"1 58 i'J M" . i e-f 1 Hfai ", .' HJ Wt wn i ,v "-1 I ) Kr- 'V ? "- - V3