-m St 8 Tfeh . a; &; flW '&'? 18&'AJ r 5 "kV t:J Ot? Herald R3w -WV1 vPfr - KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH COUNTY'S, i v?! Af i w OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER (t i 6. m ;m r ll v ij VTtaitwrnm.' Ninth Year No. 11,7111 KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1915 w& .S"' J Summing I . ! . Wx DIRECTORS OF CHAMBER FORM CLUB TONIGHT OVER (INK HUNDRED NAMES si:- t.THEB OV LIST V Merlin- f lltMtnl of Director nf tin ('liiiinlM'r of I'oiiuiiene Tonlutit Will Take InirwilW Mlr In Or. ganlfaflon f Cowmen Inl (lull, iiml (Hhrr Plan f ltiiMnnee Will lh DIm-usmhI al lliU lint)'. At u mevtlng of tliu board of it I r net ors of tliu Kliiinntli Chamber or Com merie, consisting of Dr. K, D. John-1 nou, president of Hid Chamber, W A Bennett. I I). Whlteniore, Will llnlil-l win, I. Jacobs, J E Hwanson anil ('linn. Huberts tonlnht, tlio llrst step I If I lu orKmiUntloii of n Commercliil Club will to taken. Tim proposition will be ihorniiKhl) i discussed, nnil plans for tlu fntnri will bo tali! It l probable Hint nil-1 other location for the rlnb will be hroiiKhl HI', which will provide more room for the various activities wlili It are to bo undertaken by the club. In (.'lulling meeting rooms for other or KttnltntloiiH thnl are expected to join forces with thn rlub. "Wo have uvor 100 name on the llm now In support of tbo club, and feel thnl wt nre Justified In taklnit thin stop," stated Dr. Johnson today. "We want l understood thnl the Com morclnl Club U not attempting to take over ami run any of thn othor organ isations In llm city, but that o nro mcroly attempting to organise them Into a unit nti nearly n oxslble with out taking their separate fuiicl Iouh j from them. "They nil have nn iimtorl Iiik func tion of working for tho beat and bol ter Interests of Klnmnlh Falls, mid on this basis we want thorn as new to Kethcr UK possible. Ily such an nr-i rnngoment, n haw been provca In all up-to-date cities, hotter results ran ho obtained In the work for n bettor, city." Your Check Wfll lie Hera Hooa DETROIT, June 28. The Ford Motor company Is mnklng arrange ment to attend to a little olllce detail In connection with tho 116,000,000 bun i K to ho distributed among Ford owners In August. Tho company Is it bout to write 30f.000 checks for I&0 each, to bo mailed to owners through out thn world, A staff of thirty sten ographers Is to bo employed In this task, requiring about six weeks for completion, Frjrn Nolo I IMIvcred BERLIN, Juno 28. Gerhard de livered today the American note re ngrdlng tho Frye Incident at tho for eign office. SENATOR AND EX.-60U0 VISIT rllAMIIKHLAlX AND WEST ARK TOUHINO CENTRAL ORKtJON IjOOKINQ OVER THE CONDI TIONS IN VAST EMPIRE PORTLAND, Juno 28. Accom panied ty Oswald Wont, United States Senator (I. E, Chamberlain left Sat urday night for n tour through Cen tral Oregon to Inspect various pro jects which are under way and In con templation. Tho first stop will bo at Bend, where the projects In that vlolnlty will bo examined. From Bnd they will proceed to Paisley, and thence to Lakevlow, From Lokovlow tho party will go 'to Klamath Falls. The trip Is 'ror tho purposo of familiarising Senator Chsmborloln with presont conditions on tho under takings and to refresh his memory and give blm first hand Information. Laugh and the Frown of Two Greatest Men in United States gmmmmmmmma-mm-7 h M nMn vi- vssssanmy m BaBvA ,t -mmmmmr m .LLHk'Hlvv d-mmmmmmL M bbbbbbbbbbbI'bbbbbUbI U rV . m bbbbbHbbbH f m. .1 .j IHHI ( W. UoctluUn BBBBBBBBLH U bBbbSbbbbLH r ftl BBBBB4LVM'4kBBBBH ST ivi u!l34VjiBaBW'i' t'l .SjauCsSSsriiS e,- -- it -'.-TIS Z"ii Ks-au, xruSiXErwsrsiTii Tliooui A. Killnon YOUNG COUPLE MARRIED HERE TOM ELLIOTT AND MIHH JEK.4IE, MILLS OP THIS CITY MARRIED YESTERDAY LEFT IN MA- CHINE ON WEDDINO TRIP Tom Elliott, son of W. T. Elliott of this city, and Miss. Jessie Mills, daughter of J. F. Mills, a prominent Klnmath county farmer, wore mar ried yestorday morning at the bride's home by Ilev. E. M, Richards or the Methodist church. But the relatives i of tho two families and a few close t friends woro presont at tho ceromony. The couple loft Immediately by automobile on a honoymoon trip to Medford and Crater Luke. Tboy will return hero and reside. In this clt. Mr. Elliott Is employed at the Pel ican Hy mill, Baseball llnme; SMI to O. Initio difficulty was had by the Klamath Falls team In vanquishing thn Dorrls team Sunday. Blgboo pitched a uo-hit gnme, and tho only Dorrls player to get by first did do on nn error. It Is reported that tho reg- ulnr Dorrls battory fnlled to npponr, Committer Meeting Tonight. Tho July banquet committee ot Prosperity Robeknh Ixidgo will moot at the roBldjCiico or Bsh -an. '-fit at the homo of Mrs. Nate Ottorbclu, chairman of the commltteo, tonight to complete nrrnngouionta. Tho other members of tho committee are Mnysol Hundorson, Cora Sanderson, Ruth Avery, Jasophtno Van Riper, Carrie Clendennlng, O. II, Clendonnlng, Mrvdge Kxell, W. E. Ksoll, Grotn Mc Millan, Nancy Donurt, Chas. Donort, Fannie Virgil, Chas, Roberts, P, L. Fountain, W. Presley Johnson. Thomu. A. i:dloii not only smiled, hiii ho riKircd with laugbter, while .iiiei M (U-oruo W, tloetbala not only fitlliil to mull.!, but woro hU usual down, JumI uu the) nteUwl Jcgrcc from I'rlnwtou UnUersIt) at. the lOMh (oininciiceiuuut of the uulvur hiD 'I hu iiliotogrnphor hero cuuglil tho iineiitor. who l knowu the eanli luoiuid, mid tho vngliieir wIiom; work on the I'liliuinu caiml him mudc blm ptrhupB the bout knowu In his pro ftsHluu lit iho world. In the same pic lure. .Mr Edison was no tickled by the honor that he could not repress his fifllng luto a mere smile. He laughed outright, despite the dlgnlt) thai Princeton thinks ought to go with tho degroe of doctor ot science which Imu Juttt been conferred on Mm (Icucral iloothals. whoso photo uriiphit heldoui show him with a smile, mimed to be wrapped In his prores Htonul gloom us ho was made a doctor or laws ARTESIAN WATER AT THE: MARSH HACK RRUiSHY STRIKES ARTE- KIAN WATER AFTER DAY AND A HALF'S RORINO ON HIS RIG STOCK RANCH Word was received In this cltj jes lei dny by Mrs. II. 3. flrlgsby from Mr. drlgsby, who Is at his stock ranch nt tho Klamath marsh, that they had struck artesian water on the ranch lifter n day nnd n hnlf's boring. The water Is good, and a two-Inch flow has been secured. (Irlgsb) Is heavily interested In slock In the county, and has a large run eh at tho marsh whero he feeds his stock for market. So far as is known this Ih practically the first urtoslon water round at the marsh. Hereto fore Mr. Orlgsby has used Sand Creek for wutorlng, but as an experiment de cided to boro and see what would come or it. Tho flow or water Is ex ceptionally good, states tho report. Orlgsby has 400 cnttlo on his ranch this ear. It Is understood that an Indian with property there is also preparing to I bore for water. I let urn From San Francisco Ed Margin and daughter roturned Inst night from San Francisco and a visit nt the fair. Mrs. Martin and other dnughtor remained for a longer visit, Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Rogers also roturned last night, i Autolats Act hn Itciscuei-N A carload of autolsts to Merrill yesterilny brought in a number of pas sengers fiom another machine, which had become stalled. The rescuers wore Mrs, F. Miller, Mr. McPharrlan, Mr, Schubert and Floyd Fuller. WILL BALDWIN CONIES OUT FOR MAYORS OFFICE Hl'CCKHHFUI. YOl'MJ llfSI.SKSS . MAX TO tlVS Krk-nU Induce Him to Itua for Oanci-. ' Hum lUv-n Urmaldrrlnic IMatisw liuj Nunie IWfoir the People tor Stt em I IMy1 Kull) ltallzm Hllua-' lion uud IVomikc Economic Ad uiLnUlraltoav. I To the Voter of Klamath Falls. i wish 10 announce tnat i am a candidate for mayor, and If elected pledge myself to administer the af fairs or the city as economically as possf bio consistent with good business management. WILL W. BALDWIN. V-f- "I am not making any promises be foil election time that I cannot fulfill after election If I should be chosen by the people," stated Baldwin this morning. "The next year will be a critical period for the city, due to the general condition of the country and our own local conditions. "I hae been considering placing my name on the ballot for several dn)s. since a number of my friends hae been urging me to run for the office, and I think that I do so, fully realltlng the situation aad knowing the needt of the city." Baldwin ha been the successful manager ot the Baldwin Hardware company for iho past six years. He Is a native or Klamath Falls, born and raised here, and connected with the hardware company for a number or ears. He Is a member or the younger set of the cltr, and a member or the board or directors or the Chamber of Commerce, which has been doing some great things for tho city In the past few months, and which is plan ning greater things ror the ruture. t War Beginning Obeerred United Press Service Vienna, June 2S. The assassina tion or Archduke Frans Ferdinand Scrajeur, which occurred ono year ago today, and is given as the Imme diate causo or the great European conflict, was observed throughout Austi l:i-Hungary today. Tho news papers printed many eulogies and Emperor Fmni Joscr drove to the c thedral to observe the day. llaw-ltatl-IUnd Benefit. Tho baseball-band benefit will be held in the Pailllon Wednesday night of this week. Tho band will furnish tho music until 12 o'clock, when a seven-piece orchestra will officiate. RECRUITS HELD ON. HEAVY BAIL YORK TO BROUGHT FROM NEW TESTIFY BEFORE JURY IT IS THOUGHT LANE WILL GO ON THE WITNESS STAND United Press Scrvlou SAN FRANCISCO, Juue 38. Nine men alleged to have been recruited .day from New York, where they were arrested, und taken to the federal building, where u special session ofJto,d ,, Mf MorgJm ..wore our two tho grund Jury Is being hold this af ternoon. Indlctmonts are expected. It is believed that Harry Lane, the alleged go-between In the case, will testify. United 1'te.w BtrWco SAN FRANCISCO, June 28.-3 p m. Judge Van Fleet held eight ot thrf alleged iVwlto tVftOO ball each, 0,rKnWltted that he SPENCER CREEK HATCHERY TO BE COMMIKHIO.V Is KAVOKAIII.V ! IltKS.SKI WITH LOCATION If. IMPROVED Kpm MunrU at Work of Hatctv'that aeroplanes bombarded CaUaro'ValMsl ttsMs'lM fry TliU Ymr t'mler Ita Present Condition- -Dam Acrow Klaauth Hirer for ltunnln Kl-Ji Up Creek Finite Kai or -Party Com to Crater I jike Thl Mornlnn. j no prospects ior tue improve ment or the Spencer Creek hatchery ror next year are bright, since the .. . visit over Sunday or Governor Withy- combo and the members or, the state fish and game commission. Every member or the commission showed a deep Interest in the hatch ery, and were surprised at the show ing made this year In the turning out or oter a hair million flsh under the conditions existing there. The trip thtough Central Oregon has Includ ed a number or hatcheries, and the extent or the Improvement will be announced following a meeting or the commission. Tbo Spencer Creek hatchery is con sidered by the commission to be the best egg taking station In the state ror mountain trout, and through this ractor the location finds favor with.. the commission Eggs rrom this sta- tlon have been sent all over the state this year, and It Is predicted by mem bers of the commission that with add ed Improvements. Including a dam in the Klamath River, that 5,000,000 eggs can be secured each year, which are worth between $2 and $3 per 1,000. The members of the commission were taken to tbe mouth of Spencer Creek, where 1i empties (Into tbei Klamath River, following an inspec-j tlon ol tbe hatchery Itself, and thoi pools and streams surrounding the (Continued on Pag 4) i LAMONT COMES IN HONORED CAR PARTY ARRIVES SUNDAY NIGHT AND GO TO HARRIMAN LODGE THIS MORNING CAR TO MAKE UP LIBERTY BELL SPECIAL iho Lanioiit party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lamont and family and Dr. and Mrs. Huddleston nnd family, arrhed In Klamath Falls Sunday night In the largest Pullman piltute car lu the United States, and went to Harrlman Lodge this morn ing where they will spend two months. The car "Philadelphia" was started back this morning to Philadelphia I where it will make up the special ,traln whlih Is to carry the Liberty l.rtii ... cln Eh.,n,,i,ra '1 he Lamont party 'has leased the lodge und the summer home of S. O. Johnson nnd the Flelsobackers at .Point Comfort for the summer. They icamu here by wuy ot Portland and I following tbelr vacation will go to San Prnuclsco to lslt the fair. Mr. I.amout Is oue or the group or yeuiu: men advanced to fame' through nfocl.it ion with tho late J., P. Morgan, and reputed to be worth (BELIEVED ATTEMPT TO BR MADE 8250,000,000. He Is one ot the late financiers last set of partners. It is QAta nt ruirinarc In hla hitav llf-ttlmtv nnd that the third set was carefully) selected for their youth and vigor, . ns well as for their ability. Natural ly they survived the dynamic Morgan United Press Service iittnaAff t tr aeva ntilv ft IrlA ....., mw .... .., ..., .- welcht of his sesrs. i. Mr. I-amont was a reporter on the Now- York Tribune when his qualifi cations for finance attracted the at tention of leading New York bankers. ( Continued oa page 4) War Bulletin United Press Srv!c BERLIN, Juna 28. AnnouBcadi 'here that tho Auitro-Oermaiu bare I I stormed and capturod Halclx and I crowed the Dnelstcr Hirer, which la I considered the greatest victory since1 the fall of Lcmberg. They threaten 'to cut off part of the Russian army'. from the Toree, operating north of lumbers;. tt'nlte'1 I'ress Service ROME, June 28. ScuUrl writes Sunday. The fortlflcaUou sad docks (Were considerably daauced. 6RAND JURY . BRINGS FOUR JURY IN CIRCUIT COURT DISMISS- ED, SUBJECT TO RECALL THE CASE OF BROWN VS. WYLAND DECIDED FOR DEFENDANT Four true bills were brought la by the grand jury Saturday, two of them being John Dee warrants. Two war rants were issued against Miss Mamie Jones and H. F. Chapman ot Worden for cohabitation and lasctriclous Ur- lag. The couple were brought to this city and placed under 1500 apiece, which were furnished. Their attor neys plead not guilty to the charge in the circuit court this morning. The case at Brows agaiast Wylaad for a " r " decided la rarer or tne defendant by the Jury and they were dismissed subject to recall. EVELYN WILL NOT TESTIFY (REPORTED ON WAY TO CANADA TO ESCAPE TESTIFYING IN THE THAW TRIAL STATES THAT HE IS CRAZY 'United Press Service , NEW YORK. June 28. Thaw scored heavily this morninlg when General Frank Streeter of Concord, appointed chairman ot the commis sion by Judge Hendricks to ascertain Into Thaw's sanity, reported that the commission is convinced ot his san ity. It was learned today that Eve lyn Nesblt Thaw Is determined not to testify, and she Is reported to be on the way to Canada. She stated. It Is reported, that If Thaw is released, those responsible for it will bear a tremendous burden. He harbors me ill, and my existence will be hell on earth If he Is declared sane." Want American Aviator LONDON. Juno 38. The London Dally Mall In an editorial today sug gested that England employ Orvllle Wright for the purpose of directing Great Britain's air fleet. MEXICO STILL BROILING ABOUT TO OVERTHROW VILLA AND Bfi TAUMSH THE OLD REGIME DISPATCH POINTS THAT WAY WASHINGTON, June 38. It has ...... been reported here that a number of Mexican leaders are gathering at Kl Paso with tbe view of overthrowing Villa and reestablish the old rafts-. The dlspseth from Aaarlllo ld color to tbe report. l"fWM'&mf?i W HUERTA AND 0R0ZC0 TAKEN V7W IN hkuEVED AMRRICANH BACKINO HUERTA IX CONSPIRACY K, Km 3 L'nlted Press Service EL PASO. Tex., June 38 Mara arrests are expected here at any tlma. Including a number of AsMrteaas. a m v snv sl ii . r I "" mixiBffi A-ra asV-Bawrte mm Orsam ilrv, rested, aad Met Kssnisd Mss Rmmored New York p-g-'TU "fti Backlaa- Haerta. Clifford Becksnaa. special asMtt. Mi arrested Hoerta aad Oreaao last sJkjiH j ' aad sutad today that atftara vnmH ''. probably fattew. "lrf& ThUtaa direct result ot la raavr- M ed gathering of Mexkaa Kadars r4-'gn& ported to be held at Kl Paso. TJaaOB- ,0 uruiiru reporui iross new TOTK WUUMJti that New York flaaaeiers who tarwVarf been backing Huerta are to ba ais !?Mr r-4 . .' t'Z -w - . . .; Bcckman and hla -'- . vr A.Z'!' , t-J A- . . f JfijA ; nuruui hbw Apni aa a vuxtw local conspiracy, aad it waa adsnKted ., JK- that detectives bars k-ea lvSa.i Huerta aad Oroaco to aroTMst tMr'i'M crossing the aordar. i&dW. Cnitl P 8-rlr T.t! WASHINGTON. D. C. J SB. 35 $ The federal government plana to fraa-'. ,Mf ecute.the Huerta revoIuUoaists. That && evidence which haa bos- bmi-- U to be presented to a Texas grand Jary t - . . r u immediately. , ,fv. President Wilson U in cosartaaU -i-K w ..- .. . ,.., . , C V iuuui mm iu Biiiuutem at woT-sia, i whero he is taking- a vaeatled. Tho t rfy la little prospect that the troops iltst.' f.S tbe border will he stremgths-ed. . m An early telegram today froat aa -?-fj ambiguous sender stated that Oera;; $&& uonsuea bad defeated tae Zanatk--- 'ii.l and had entered .Mexice: Tbe asaUl'fl departasent' has withdrawn tho ns4M nouacemeat. ana state taat aaoar- uJ ently tbo victory was la favor of ta f- Zapatistas, ----- as ' k,l Lasaea SOU Bhewtac Evidessee , Av?l United Press Service REDDING, June 38.-2 p. Steam Is still pouring from tho erous apertures on Mt. Laaaea'a aid as tm. this morning, but tho big eruptkw of lv g' last night is over. TbeeruBtlon. iua-- day is considered tho second wrsjeatv yet. U. S. DECISION IS AtflAfa AAI IITIAII -wWF KIMIMMMIIimi SAYS GOVERNOR WTlYCt)MBsiYfM tfffl REFERRING TO OREGON mj?m CALIFORNIA LAND CASE, JUST HANDED DOWN ' . M: "The decision of the Ualtad ',? A , , .. ----. . supreme court in me uregoa aaa i irnm iaa grant sun i a iocxuna,'V' ,- solution of the problem." said Oov?t-tJ ernor James Withyeombe, whbJati;-f '' ' yesterday to KlamaU Falto. s"R.wMi;S: '' promote settlement upas. Uss'lajT;';, ' and If properly, guarded, ao llifi(st4 '" be placed' In the haaaa of sWMall' settlers, It is aa exce!Wat'tsmtssv the decision has been mad M'st'lstsV f it if sold la tracts for settlessWn ::? be very helpful toward, the aovoiif- ment of the state, aad at taaiaaojia-,, time bring Into tha vrloMattt in which tbe lands are sltaatad 'mk nuoa from taxattaa. .t.1'.. . '( "This declsioa Is really.' sVsMsjfe - .--,--. r -k:iij . mattoa ot the aetkm Uks by pk BM- legisigtura, whwh aasaed ft aaklai that taa laadt at lar to the flsYorasaant, aad tksM sshuI aa sjaa-BB-a aa aaa itsi l ssSFmSMi " afpaBpaarBBSj BBBF) im"Sas SBapapaasa T m: mm AV7SPi: iwf. ,.,!. &' .?.' WiWMS I . r.jr... avCaa m Vfyi ri. ? t , ?aL A ?&'. ii.t'-ji H-m TP t'UfW'ir m - UA4 V8 HW- 'AiiV wfifU iW'r X . istrcfsairM Aawicaa tray, ffiwwfo ,,,00' mm mm t&WWP&&