iatnthuj Itoal KLAMATH PALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OFFICIAL NEWAPH w&wzrJiteL'! ' ft" "' . .OJSi f ctta5ffMfflfntsMjw-Mui ' '-m'-cg-ana jf--4-i?jffiL r . i .. Jtij '."! ..7m, NbHiY No, JIM KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1915 W- mh klauath rhiiwvHri Jift -. . . t V GERMANY WILL ACCEPT WILSON AS- MEDIATOR citKi.iMiN.iitr im.UT rumour t he khii.ndlv sniHV Tlutl (Jrrnmii) Wi MUltift tl Ovrr l.unllanb Affair ami linn On-many U Willing lo .'kUni HgmllHK lr Aii of Huhitutriitlng, Hat Mut Protect Grrnian Mubma rim- Heat Mho May, failed I'm Hervko s HKHLIN. Juno ir( (Avkvriuan) Tim preliminary draft of (icrmnny'i reply in the United Slates In finished, IL has been learned MUlhorltntlvoly iliat It expnmnes friendship fur Amor l(n, and that (lerinnny accepts 'Wil son's suggestion to mediate vrltli Kiik- t Innd and tlcnnnny. It Indicate that (Icrmuny who nils Informed regarding tho Lusllanla af fair, and In willing In negotiate ro KardlnK the art of submarining the ship. Tho nolo state that any rompro mUu will ta made, but that they mum secure the safely of (lertnnn subma riner, Vule Winn Hcomd Varsity Itam NEW LONDON. Conn., Juno 36. Yale won the second varolty eight this morning by half n length. Time: Ynln 10:40, Harvard 10M3. Tho vtTslty and freshman eights race nro being held tli Ik afternoon. Pan Ttiroiiuli on Way Norili. Mr .and Mm. A. 1.. Martin of Dalian nnd Mr. and Mm. Earned Miller of CorvallU, paiuied through tho city to day on their way homo from tho fair. Mr. Miller wan Inquiring for a Cor- tattl paper, ati ho stated that he had heard ho had been elected to tho rly council durlni: IiIh absence. Ho also mated that a troo which they backed Into white allowing another machine to pasa wan all that saved them from crashing to tho bottom of tho Sacra mento canyon. MANY TOURISTS FROM CRESCENT AIITOMOIIILKK COMK IN SCOUKS TO CIIATKH I.AKK VIA CRN" THAI OKKfJOX IIIOHWAV, HAYS SPIXK OK SI'ItlXtJ CHKKK. Many automobiles uro now coming ovor the road from Crescent to Klam ath Agency to Crator Lake, und then down through this city, according to It: C. Spink, proprietor of tho "Idlo roat" rcaort on Spring Creek. Tho traffic Is becoming hoa-yler all tho tine, ho states, nnd many of them nro stopping off nt his placo to try tho llshlng. Thla road Is In oxcollont condition for tho major portion of tho trip, ox cept for ono bad placo In tho marsh, which could bo placod In condition with n woek'a work. Ho statos, how ovci, that owing lo tho driving of shoop and cattlo ovor tho Fort Klam ath road nnd particularly around Mo doc Point, tho road la In frightful shapo, dun to numerous small rocks which tbo animals roll down Into tiro road from tho hills above. Tho road his sunk In some places, also, but ho states that with some work It could bo placed In good condition, The Increase In tourist travol from this direction Is undoubtedly duo tol Portland headauarters.V which aro sending a many tourists aa possible over tho Central Oregon highway In preference to the Pacific highway, first (raveling up the Columbia River over the Mtcajlmt loenlo and wonder fur eai'lBeerlai project of tho Colum bla River highway, MOUNT LASSEN IS STILL ACTIVE! IIIH'I'IIO.N 'I IMS .MOUMMl CO.V. IIMTH I'ltOM NiilO UNTIL II O'CLOCK SMOKE SHOOTS il,(MMI ii:i:t into nt I'ultiit I'lisn Kervlrn ItKDDINU, Jiiiio 2r.,-Ml, Umoii lit, Mill hIiowIiik hIkiih or llfo. and HiIk, mornliiK In cotitlnuoiiK action i from K:UU until 11 o'clock, IncroaH-l lug In Intuiiiill)' all tho time. Hmoko niKo :i,00(i foot Into tho ulr.j and piiHeiiKer on train butwoon Chlco and IteddliiK had a line view of the Nportncliv Mountain Spuria Worw Than Ktt I'nlted I'refl Hervico KKDDINO, June 23. At noon to day llm eruption of Ml. Lamum waa rentliiului: with Incroaidng Intonilty, It Ik the largo! oruptlon bo far, MEYER-GERHARD MYSTERY SOLVED IMKKCIA.V CITIK.V ADMITS HK l'OSi:i ,H "Dlt. MKYKU" TO THAI1 UXITi:D HTATKS OFFI CIALS IN SVSI'KCTKD flRAFT NKW YORK, Juno 20 Sensational charge published hero last week de claring that Dr. Anton Meyer-Qor- luidr. Ocriuaii Hed Crow lecturer, was teolly Dr. Mejcr, a (lerman army off! rer, who was In this country to buy ammunition and to gather secrotly military Information, were explained by tho publication In tbo Now York Suii of tho statement of an American cltloii who HHs ho Is the "Dr. Meyer' who nan confused with Meyer-dor-hard. The pM'iulo Dr. Meor ) ho had rt'iiRon to bollovo certain United States ortlclals wero ready to accept graft to aid In tho Illegal sale of war muni tions. Prom a patriotic desire to lcary If his suspicions wcro correct, ho says, ho posed as a Herman army nlllcer on a secret mission. Ho ad mitted tlmt lie had railed to substan tiate his suspicions of graft on the imrt of tho United States ofllclals. When tho charges against Dr. An ton Meyer-Ccrhurd wcro published Count von llernstorff, Oormn nmbas- sudor, was attacked aa having wil fully decched President Wilson as to Mr. Meyer-Oerhnrd's truo Identity. Dr. Moyor-Oerhard sailed for Ger many under tho protection of tho United Slates at tho request of Count on Ileinstorff. "LIZ" AND JOE WERE STUMPED FOR FIRST TIME SINCE UK AND "SNORTINCI LIZ" HAVE BEEN ON THE JOB, JOE SKKLTON WAS HUNO UP t For tho first tlmo sinco 400 mkoiioii nnd "Snorting Lis," as no nns ancc tlonately tormed tho Ford delivery with which ho Is engaged In distrib uting over 1100,000 rainbow trout nnd Alaska salmon In tho various streams and lakes In tho county, Joe was forced by tho condition of tho roads to stop short yesterday. Ho was hoaded for tho'Lako ot tho Woods, and was o ho mot by n man wlUi a wagon to tnko tho fish over tho last part ot tuo Journey. This nvuii failed to avpear, and Joe nnd T. It. Pollock, superintendent of tho hatchery, startod to make tho trip In tho machlno. They reachod tho top of tho mountain, and wero com (Continued oa page 4) NOT INTERFERE UNTIL EUROPEAN TROUBLE CLEARS J C.tltltA.VXA AXD THOOCS DltlVKX KltOM MKXICX) CITY licoiiliiiK l AdvlwH Itocolvi'd at liie sc niury of Htato'a OBlce Under. (.mmI Tlwt President Wllonn Han .No Idea of Interfering Until Kuro hhii Tnngle In Clew red Up, Despite Crltlral Situation la Mexico. t liiteil I'reuH Horvlvo WAHIIINQTON, II. C. Juno 2fi. TI:o Htato department hero lias boon advlKod that (lonzalle and Carranza troopH huve been driven from Moxlco City. It Is nut believed that I'ronldont Wilson will Interfere or press mattcra In Moxlco until tho present Kuropoan neRotlatlonx nro tlearod up, desplto the erlulK In Mexican nffalrs. I'realdeiil Keep Out of War I'nlted Press Service IWINDBOll, VL. Juno 2C I'reil dent Wilson arrived this afternoon on the way to Cornish, whero he Is to take his vacation, and told tho people at tho depot gathered to greet him that he would, keep this country out of unr If he could. Oermniiy Has Slight Reversvs UKULIK, June 2o. It has been of llclatly admitted hero that slight re crsr have boon suffered In southeast (lament. It la Insisted, bowovor, that (ioneral von Llnsingcn is advancing isnuthwest of Lomberg. TOURISTS CAMP ON WAY SOUTH CAIIHV OWN OUTFITS TO LESSEN EXPENSE- IDAHO, WASHING ION AND OREGON CARS MOST NUMEROUS NOW Fift per cent of tho automobile tourists going through tho state now aro carrying their camping outfits and pitch their camps along tho road, ac cording to J. A. Gordon of the Whlto Pelican garago. Practically all tho (ars going through now aro from Idaho, Washington -ind Oregon, he states, showing that the travel la Just starting, nnd only people In tho Im mediate Northwest are on tho road. Ho estimates that thero have boon fifteen or twenty tars going through per day, but many of them only stop long enough to get gasoline and oil, while others stop only to ask the way and tho condition of tho road. How ever, n great many spend tho night hero. Mr. (Jordan does not expect the main travol to the fair until fall, when avorybody expects to get off and take their vacation. The road ovor the mountains from Arnnt Camp to Medford, he states, is In oxcollont condition, m ono of his men made the trip Inst woek. It is entirely froe from snow, and 13 In flno condition at tho prosont time. i Much of tho California traffic this t , I ... . A..nH ,I.A On,-1 yrnr ih uspevicu iu u u win v.v- tral Oregon highway, Portland tourcos aro attempting to swing a grout deal of the travel that way in order to got them over tho Columbia Itlvor highway, which was recently awarded tho prlzo at tho Panama-Pacific exposition for tho best piece of road onglnooriug. An nddod attrac tion In this direction Is tho fact that tho Central Orogon highway Is open for traffic tho ontlro summer, while In tho Willamette Valley up until n few wooks ago tho road thoro waa Im passable inplacoB, and Is also liable to becorao muddy during the summer rains, FIRST TO CRATER "LAKE IN VEHICLE .MAKK WAV OVBIl I'lVK KBOT OF SXOW OX CIIUST IX KAItLV MOHXIXO MAt i iixi:s cax no WITHIN TWO MILKS OF HIM r Chas.W. Thomas and K. II. Thomp son of this city claim to be tho first to reach the rim of Crater I'.nkc this sea'- ii in a tohlcle. i They state they made tho trip lastlTuesday with two horses and a buggy, over snow' five feet deep in placet. They say that they hud no trouble, and that machines could go to the rim early In the morning If properly equipped with chains, before the sun melts tbo crust. At any time now ma chines can go within two miles of the rim, nnd from that point walking is good. They made the trip from bead- quurtcru in about an hour. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and daughter Hazel made tho trip last Sunday with tho uld of an automobile, a team and sleigh. Kcports state that the scenic beauty of tho lake cannot be de scribed at this time. . THHt:i: TIUBKS EAT AXI MAKK MKRRY To bo tbo queen of a festival gath ering whcnrModoca, Pitts and Klam aths gathered about the festive board and smoked the pipe of peacg? to be the fir t Indian, man or woman, to own an automobile In -11 the northern part of the" reservation, and to have captured aa her swain member of ono of the best Indian families on the icscrvation, was Uio accomplishment or r.ipme I'm, wno was marrie. yes terday to-WHUam Hanry, atthe home of her father, Pitt River Johnnie. For the first tlmo in the history of the Klamath Indian reservation, a wedding ceremony when Kiamaths, Modocs and Pitt River Indians ate at the samo table and smoked the pipe of peace In tho true American style, took placo thero all day yesterday,! when Klplrie Pitt and William Henry, I son and daughter of two of the best.i wealthiest and most responsible In-' dlan families on the, reservation, were I - ...i ...i. l,,"", ",uu ",,u "'"' To cap the climax, John Pitt, father of tho bride, bought and paid for on tho spot, in cold ensb, an automobile for tho bride, and turned it over to Iter. Tbo machlno was Luke Walker's. John said, "I'll take it. How much Is it?" He dug up the money in Uncle Sam's greenbacks and paid him on tho spot. Ed Dunham of tne Reo garago, Is teaching theV bridegroom the "which and how" of the machine, and soon Mn and Mrs. Henry will bo driving tho only machine owned on tho northern part of thereervayon. At least two hundred Indians were present at tho wedding ceremony at Pitt River Johnnie's on Spring Creek. Kiamaths, Modocs and Pitta filled a table threo times in succession, and such a feast, Luke says, ho has never seen, and he has been In this country a long time. Ho quit counting thorn, but ho estimates that there were at least 200 prosont, JIMGEORUE SHEDS TEARS FUTURE IN PRISON DOM NOT AV PEAL TO AOED INDIAN HAS BEEN IN JAIL OVER A YEAR ALREADY PORTLAND, Juno 25 Jim Qoorge, the Klamath Indian who was convict ed of murder at Klamath 'Falls last week, left Portland guarded by Unit ed States Marshal Montag for McNeil's Island to begin a" life sentence, Just prior to George's departure from Klamath Falls the Indians gath ered nnd bade hlra good-bye. There wore tears streaming down tho old redskin's face as ho was ltd Into the train that carried him to Seattle. E TRIESTE BEING NOW MADE nUAHDIAX FOKT OF MALBORGKT, DBHTROVED tho itiuiurcu inousaau AHSsruuw Are Concentrating on Trieste Di- rlglblc Hoes Great Damage to Am- ADVAN munltlon Factory Wlthhi the CIty',nK the BrIt,h consul,, lad ( . " Limits lUttle Aloag Isobzo Near .. n - Gorlt Has Dee. Reewed I Unltod Press Service , ' ROME, June 25. General Cadorna. has announced that Fort Hensel, one of the principal defenses of the Aus-!- trlan fortress Malborget, has been destroyed' and the advance on Trieste' is being made with appreciable no-, tlee The Italians have captured Qlorna.l north of Plava, "Two hundred thousand Austrlans,' it is said, are concentrating on the' city of Trieste. A dirigible recently, did great damage to an ammunition factory In tho city. Cadorna also re-' ports that the battle at Goritx, along, tne isonxo tuver, is icrei- "HUNTER COULD MAKE SMA-L tenslty, The Italians are fighting on ' r , a Plateau on the east bank of the Isonio, PANTHER RUNS t BESIDE AUTO , . j H. BECKLEY HAS NOVEL EX-, PERIENCE WHILE DRIVING ..n,w,r.tr - iu uinBit 'coyotes are aa thick aa filet around THROUGH KLAMATH MARSH., BMkIe-Ia'B,-Bt.4 SHOOTS BUT DID NOT KILL V vvhiir. drivine his machine to his, stock ranch in Unoer Klamath Marsh, j. H. Becklev. a prominent stockman ot Klamatli county, who Is running a number of stock ranches In the coun- u- nne dnv last week looked down besldo his machine at what he had! driven out of tho more pop-tons duv .-i.- .- k ,tn ,, riiu-ovAtwd anltrlcta In the county, and stem to he almost full grown panther trotting it. -IJa At.-- nAtittl ur immAiHfitAlv nnr nn the hrjfckfl-' thft sound of which frightened the. animal, and ho took to the brush. Part of hla body, however, remained In sight, and Beckley shot him with a' .22 special. The panther reared up! and fell over backward, according to' Beckley, who arrived In tho city last' night, but got up and disappeared. He followed him for Some distance, but did not find him again, though he ihini.. kA lioo AlnA hv thla tlma from l II., 1 no ug u-o -. , - tho wound, as he shot him through tho ribs, Beckley said last night that he first noticed tho animal near an old camp ing ground as he was driving along tbo road, and took It to be a) large dog. He was looking around for the campers when he noticed that the an imal was running along by the ma chine, and stilt supposed It waa a dog, following the machine. On a second look he discovered that It was not a dog. "He did not appear to be frighten ed," said Beckley. "and waa running along in about tho fashion that a dog follows n machine or vehicle of any kind. He was about three-fourths grown, and I certainly woud like to 'have secured hla hide." w Beckley has a number ot atoca ranches throughout tbe'epunty, but his beat are In the Klamath Marsh, on the banks ot tho Williamson Riv er, Here he pasturea cattle through tho summer, and taarketa about aeo each tall. t Auto Btta Go on. The Western Transfer company placea an auto but on tonight to meet the trains and will uraner car ry pasM-gera to the hotels aat any part of the city. LANE HELD IN , RESERVIST CASE MAX ALLEGED ACTIVE l. KNGAG- IXO KOOM1XG HOUSE, FOB THE I PURPOSE OF RUXMXO BRITISH . nECRUITIXO STATION IS HELD. i Aa Uultod Press Service aAX DOivmlrn r... r "' . Hiia-wi result of Mrs. Lee'a lnfonsUom,Uhe woman who stated yesterday-that Harry Lane, supposed to be rsr-t- 'i.ur uuuuiug uuuie lur recriuuBs sUtion, he Is belB held M iMMH, Dtatrict Attorney Prestoa adtted to-ay M icretly (fast night by a federal grami ijury. Lane has been re-a.de. to' . Anrel Inland nndrt- leoO nnnd. whteh has been furnished. , The reservists detained at, New York are expected to arrive tomorrow or Sunday, when they will.be exam - ined before the grand Jury, Lane served In the Boer war, it has en ascertained. f MANY COYOTES AT THE MARSH FORTUNE SHOOTING THE AM- MAL8 IV THAT NEIGHBORHOOD SAYS CATTLEMAN J ', A good shot with a trusty rile and plenty.ot shells woaWbe'aAie'to asake I -null fnriuna -h-nthur MYOtM"at KlaraathHi9Br1i!eTlu Beckley, cattle man of this eoanty, wn0 hM heaT Inttreito to Kku ath Marsh country.1- t "I have-anumber of dead cattle on m- pUkCM up in the marsh, satd the roads are literally covered with their tracks, and the country la aiiTe witn them, "Since the bounty has been raised to 3, a man with a gun could make away wlih enough coyotes to keep him the rest of the summer and next winter," stated Beckley. "Owing to the raise In bounty, they are being making for the Klamath Marsh," ' ' i" -! a WIRELESS IS 1 i ' CONFERENCE OF 'OFFICIALS TO- t DAY HINT THAT GERMANS ARE NOT REGARDING STRICT XEU TItALITY NO EXPLANATIONS " - United Press Service , WASHINGTON, D. C. Juno 85. Lieutenant McCorraack from tne Brooklyn navy yard, haa hoenln- structed to Join tho ceaaore at Bay vllle Immediately, as a result of a cos fcronce between secretary m oiw Lansing, Daniels and RedieW in the office of Navigation uomnuamoner Chamberlaln last night, la regard to enforcing the neutrality law" at wire less stations. Explanations have been refused, but it Is understood that- complaints have been made that Germany-is not observing strict neutrality In,, regard to the use ot tne wireless. --, Saxtoa Loaea Salt. - The Jury In, (the caseot; Saxtoa agalpat the Hrat,8Ute' andtSavlng Bank.' John Siemens Jr., deleadaat, brought ln4 a verdict ot not gnttty; Judge Noland'a lastructloa-aajwell as the evidence, ahowoitaat 'John Siemens Jr, aa not the oauae at Sax ton's Incarceration of 17t l4aya,and t he should not ho aW liaMa. 'No notice of appeal Jias be-'M4.i , CAUSIN6 TRQUBli WMp2 -( ' -r 'v -? i i jfjgl ll?7flj & "Aft AHlill -t.i. r'ti H; rnn nnurniinD-,-i'4;r. a iM mJ ass. riir hiirrviit-r r v TOMORRflWlil - f !f ! fcV"'VtjSKfl w " w " "jr t ?;ji rsF$m a c&3mmmm A . "V- 'n-. 1 ''M ficr- rrt Mam nMdinHV, imsiSl. :. ""i: " Z-"l Y?f Vi T -T. '' t"A f-i.J MORROW ASntmSOOHJtMi, 1. tW'JTV K' B m Hall WS1 Act m XtKK . . . t s. rs2wSii of State FUhmOeC nit ;i -" -f r 'K,', f ,wnt ioa Are EximsMd Mffmi'BmmiJ . -, w, Ki KwfCr'iHn?. oi jiMg .flHU mm mmimm tm 'r cThe.Dartr of a here last ni.ht'for Baaut ta "V - "" - . . T convey OmreflMr WIUsvobbW 'imi. kdt" party to tn eityf a;aim g-,ti rive hreuaHmiw idWo.t 4rtt:::: TomorroV itCmliitwfwVif KlTr ir the WhPelfewfiMflA I H4- -onor oi ua,-OTnnor,'Mr.WB Chamber of cWsMree is fcaad- wmm i". 1M" tlcketa. .'BHallTwOraitJaj master. 'sad ktTtati taWo 4 M ... ..t. i ..). ji?rtl jtf,i Qoveraor WHhyoee'Will gM am-', aMnw at iia !'- a -. f'A' ntnfti"r.f ,4K'fU4J-lltV!.Kv i ." . .". -5- . rt,77 ."Jjnrf called upon to speak.i.YA -Mat m jaf-5f ihlo aWatr ar.U '.'an"la-hV' tat-"fl futaro deTeai'-'-iaqedto '''- gained front aigMs4sM$2ti& Sunday .the parWMlidtiigI state llah and'tganleonSfiiliialBy Ml ' visit the 8peoer;Cr;awwatf,K turalaglw HW Mg; a-lte siijUn. wUek-wfli hranrait M tit) hoMt Mr . .Vt i&r t W lt ... Artyj; .? i t-i"- rvr. .. asi inaMininis who HK' am - -, i- guaaay jtigfla mmmzMrm Tho 'narty. Ia.m.a:ad-t chUsand appe-itlvo 'ogaeaen,'- Mat a- lent ThaT-aw.en.a'trii ot tWf sb byi-luU and;a tfca. 4M nsO fcr atoobaei(iMrlBW;j1ir Wajr g. I norf-lSTftTTf Jawi Isi kaan Oan- SS -W-ltt'SH mmmon..Qf,tmm-mMraimm.Tmm-mmmm weW aVuTynpr.l nnramiv WI bireo-W.k tnr 'of BtatQlet'?lalAyiltcraA!' i Ofa-fclil ' Brbwa." 'MebeV?o"f$hel dMfft 'Jtei '; DOar, -!... j mnaair,iapa..ak aireu, a. - ,y- f ' mem-era lOi.ine j,m mission; Haryefyell,Uura; cuuiuiiasiuuci , vartv -;in.. ber of the Industrial' Meldesit''eoii missien: John' Dubois .eir aftary of State Eaglnw,tw and (ijj PtaiecreUrr to bwk w.. - aat tra -aratft nw uvr f " ,- f5."i" VKI t m 'i meat. ,j xW U 5Hi VWU Old Hoaae wm&ii&m - t l ii-A-r"VJ2Zr ".7, or.tfSW . MlsaMahel'WIAefaoC'tornMrtr.of,. tws visiting for a-moth.il jL MiMmMt :S , a ".y5flLn ate V. CROSSES DIVID- I ' 'l GUANDMA;PADOrTT Jacob "Graadnuv'KdgettiUed'T-l of her- ),rilefPagtLc Buttes 'Cjeek VallyjlVjtAVf v2Tb of .hr,h-sand, Jaeoh KlF of a-eVaad hMiha. an t -w 'J i '"oia-a "-v'-3TT-i-y- HwnasiVM'.ssr, snannp ti --i.-.-- (.- aa.f -aJlri-. ---.-. 1 J gIH mwv-gftwaig in i m V-She,)ev.tw , aadnasajr, ?VK . 'A.fl ' Bend, t&JMlVt!$W$ Kent. LnetwafaE4Jif?-l iJV SF 3 city,' nut now oi vaww.. sw?,, an , m . w ' .v . . .. -... u.v . -. (iafi"-. JS net reIatlm7;the,ABlafata,,JB-ir,,,! T , , .... i7i .MlJi .CXvyCM IfL-. Tt MOTHER PttlfEB : v ' .1i-n .f 5 :,-xtv--i-.'2i irfr v-tiivkj tf,.- saiwnD'IM J y Ht H, tftS V '8f :-Kft J .. .j. . . -"ak.!"!.-- U J,) , KEN03Jne Jf-J?!!.! L. Padiett.v known it an a:JKtft: a mmmr ft1 SB ft mm mk "4V K sa iX'J p,v ti WJil .- ut-i rf. m. ;m M'J i i)T " tfsr , ". J- ,Ar 3 ,r& & s KTJ glfi- m w.fe .: ifoi- wr- mm vMl -TtLV -Tt " V ', tv:.. .ffigew'P