t?3M' "ft o . ' vs-ar S.f.Lf- ' j-a-sV. f!f . -t-ttj:'- . . THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH PALLS. OREGON THUHM1I.1Y, JUNK IM, twin " " k(!4'" l3XL . r 'I,!'' &&3'S J ,."& k- t yry m 46 1 HZ JTt, l& hi h M. rm linJf$OMleiliU,TheEveningHer?ld I'-. ", . MMHMMMM MMMMWWWINW FOR RENT SS FURNISHED APARTMENTS at tho JjCt t" Hio Hoaae. 10-tf "" POR PERMANENT RENTER Have ft email, cosy bouse, newly painted and papered; Modem convenience; ketone la; at reasonable rent. " UtVM. B. W. 4 -U FOR SALE POR SALE Six room house, with, or without furniture; line lawn and garden, l'.O. box 331 or phone 246Y. 10-tf POR BALE Cheap;neat four room baagalow; If you are looking fori a fceate. com aad see this; canst be seem to be appreciated; corner Delta" and Lookout streets. J. E. Lotgren. l-tt - TXJR SALE Almost new high grade player piano; very cheap; part Address box 1072, Klamath Falla, Ore. FOR 8ALE Cheap; Immediately; one library table, one desk and one kitchen table. John A. McLean, 12C Third street. 13-St FOR EXCHANGE TO EXCHANGE Modem Ashland I raaMeace; value 13,100, bo lncnm- when taken In ratio to the population braace, for residenca ia Klamath of Ashland we can confidently chal i FaRe. Address P. O. box 178 lg-6t;:enge any city to bring forth a like SITUATION WANTED WANTED Work by hour or day housework or ironing. Phone 158R SJ-Jt i MISCELLANEO US I WANTED A good dairyman wants to lease a ranch with 30 cows. In- luire at this offlce. 24-6t ""'""""' S?T Xew lot of ladies' "Aato" Caasi just received, 91 aad 91.93, at K. K. K Atot?. 10 Herald want ads get results. PROFESSIONAL CARDS ( CITY AND COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY ARMTRACTH INHCRANCT Ntmlwr Oresos Association Titls Maa We Do the Work Just Right Tank work of all kinds l-ADK, P1NGEL LORBKZ Cor th Klaniatb Phoae 816 W. D. MILLER Manufacturer of HOLLOW BUILDING. AND SILO BLOCKS AND FLUES ALL KINDS OK CONCRETE Sidewalks, Floors sad Retaining Walls ROOFING A SPECIALTY Sixth and Walnut I'llooo 2U Argraves Hotel Furnished rooms with bath Rate transclenU 50c to 31.00; by week, 12.50 and up. Kri-oad St., bet. Main aad Piae HAULING? ANYTHING AT ANY TTMB ' Dnttt Plicae, M7 O. K. TRANSFRR COMPANY Office on Sixth, between Main . and Klamath FRESH LIME In any Quantities. Kiln Just Burned C. D. WILLSON ;& WOOD! ptL-lSyvttM, load .'Rjpiisili oa4 . , . , W.70 dfcjr Ma, 4-foot , .MAe HT" K4Mly aanl Math Wood ' Coal iMd Fuel OH iKLAMATH FUEL CO i','5JS Main Street .M. O. HMITH . Editor I Published dally eiNt Suaday byi (The Herald Publishing Company of 'KlnuMth. Palls, at 115 Kourth Street.l Entered at the posloffice at Klam ath Palls. Oregon, for transmission through, the malls as second-class matter. Subscription terms by mall to any address In the United States: One year $5.00 One montl .50 KLAMATH FALLS, OHEOON THU1US1I.W, JUNK 21. 191. AND STOP AT KLAMATH FALLB WHAT ASHLAND IS DOING "A SHLAND MAY confidently claim a world's record In hav- inb the biggest, II vest and most effec tive Woman's Civic Improvement Club in the United States, it is doubtful If there are many women's cluba of this nature In the country of the site of the local organization, irrespective I of the population of the city, and rljb. In results obtained there can not possibly be a more effective or ganization anywhere. To enumerate Die many projects of the Ashland ladies is unnecessary, as everyone Is acquainted with the Immense amount of ork done and' the wonderful re- F" its accomplished sWIIllV Jlfauu kcu ,. u; uvnu lulu irUlllurum "There are now enrolled In the club thIs far and ,et.show. hJm tnnt wo 201 paid-up members, and every one Is a real booster. When the men of Ashland look upon the work which these ladies have fostered they look Upon results, and results which count. perfect co-operation and united ef fort have been the dominating fea tures of the club's activities. The men of the city may well take lessons from the spirit ot the Ashland women. It ,1s the spirit that builds cities. With all that has been done the ladles proclaim themselves to be at the very beginning, and havo inaugu rated a campaign for 500 members, and hae already planned work which covers the entire coming year." Ashland Tidings. HOME MEKCHANTS AND ORDER HOUSES MAIL THE following story is taken from the Chebalis, Wash., Advocate, and is applicable to almost every 'tewn: Every now and then there cornea to the office ot every country news paper a merchant ot the town in which tho paper is published, the merchant bearing borne article, sometimes short, but more often long, setting forth ar euiuents in favor of patronizing the homo merchants rather thau mail or der bouses. The quest of the home merchant for arguments in bis favor U a legitimate one and, so far as resources permit. It is the office of the home newspaper to print acb ar ticles. LSut does the merchant stop to think that every time a piper prints an urticlc such as that that it oosU the newspaper something? Very ofigu, much more often than bhould be, the merchant who brings such ar titles to the newspaper office is one ot those who, when approached by the advertising man, says "No, nothing this Urns." The merchant does not want to advertise because "buslnes Is bad," or be "Is so well known that he does not have to ad vertise," or one ot the hundred other reasons that the Ad man gets on bis round of the business bouses. The merchant does not stop to think that the home newspaper gives Its sup port without remuneration to every move that Is for the better Interests of the city, county and state, that It gives columns of bpace'to every cele bration that is held, that it writes up the home talent play before hand, and does u hundred and ono other things of a public nature, all of which costs tho puper money. , The fact of the matter is that borne i merchants do not realize the value of advertising when it replies particular ly to their own stoics, but DO realize that tho mall order houses, by ad vertising, are cutting into the bust- iuess of the home town merchants. 'in their dcelro to head off, they do not consider that by advertising their own business in a straight forward manner through their home papers they can counteract the advertising done by the mailorder houses, and the only way they see to keep busi ness at home is to play upon the charity of the home paper for freo space to knock the mall order bouses. If the home merchants, by adver- NOTICE Klamath Falls Baseball Club will soil conceaaion privilege (or games at Modoc, Park July 2. 3 nd 4. to highest bidder. Amount nt bid payable after bid Is awarded, Kilo bids before 3 o'clock p. m.. Juno 26, 1915, with W. II. Uennett, treasurer at Klrst Stato and Savings Bank. HOARD OP DIRECTORS 23-3t jtlsliiK patronage, do not help to sup i port the local newspaper, they can ' not blame the newspaper for cater ing to the advertising of the mall order houses and running It whenever they can get It. Scattered Shuts AUTOMOBILES have been the rauto of many a downfill. Perhaps t ls.not the machine, but the "asso ciation." "A). BELIEVE the buiinet nin, of the city will give their support to the Commercial Club, but, ot course. are expected to keep their separate organization. J PUNQLE UP that dollar or two. whatever It is, for the new Commer cial Club, (let in the game, and let's all play. THEY STUCK the Herald because we could not get out of It vory well, and we want to see you In the same fix. That Is as It should be. IT'S SELDOM the (Jovernor of Ore gon gets way down Into California appreciate it. commission. 'Also the llsh and game JUSTICE OP THE PEACE Gowen has withdrawn that "Want Ad." PROM THE condition ot the court house yard we do not blame the city band for playing at the Central School lawn. I THERE ARE enough prisoners In the Jail to put in into condition and make it a beautiful park. THERE IS some good work to bo done there by a bright, hustling Wo men's Civic League. ' . , ALSO, OTHER places In the city that might be mentioned. WHEN TO CUT HAYV FOR BEST PRODUCT (Herald Special Service) OREGON AGRICULTURAL COL LEGE, Corvallls, June 24. "Cutting the crop at the proper stage for hay is Important. If cut too soon, a light washy hay will result, and If delayed paet the proper time, a coarse, unpal atable and indigestible product is the result. Cut clover when In full bloom and with one-tenth to one third of the blossoms turning brown. For cov.-g It may be cut slightly earlier than this. Cut alfalfa when coming into blossom, but better still, watch tho basal shoots at the crown of the plant and cut when one to one and a half inches long. This Is your second rep coming on. Don't watt to cut until these are long enough to be clipped off. Vetch should be cut for hay v:hcn first seeds appear In pods. If growing with grain, the grain should be in the milk or soft dough stage." These are the views of J. E. Lar son, Agronomy Extension specialist of the Oregon Agricultural College, on Hi best time to cut hay. Mr. Lar son continues as follews: "Grasses are cut usually at or Just lir fcro blooming time; the rye grasses should be cut before blooming as they become woody; timothy for matket hay nt blooming time It does not de teriorate so rapidly and may be al lowed to pass bfoom before cutting; re I top bIbo can stand slightly longer In field than rye or oat grasses. "Grain hay (oats, wheat, etc.) should be rut JirV between milk and i bort dough stage for best quality. Many try to get grain and hay both. What Is gained In grain Is more than offset by what Is lost In the bay or forage. The nutriment Is In the stalk and forming grains at tho soft dough Rlago, and passes rapidly Into the grain as It nears ripening. It will pay to cut grain hay at the proper stage." Ooosberrles, fine hand picked, fresh every day. In 30.b. boxes, 4 cents per pound, f. o. b. Ashland. Cash with orner, Hatisiaction guaranteed, J F. WEM.8, Ashland, Oregon. ii.t ' ..... . Auto Clothing aad Olores. Vou "auto" see the lis at K. K K. More. Oregon's Grand Old Men and Women Meet Forty-Third Reunion of Oregon Pioneer Association Is Held Today in Portland i (JUTLAND, JuuoJ4. Today will be the big day ot the ywr to nil of Oiegon's grands old men :iud woniou, the pioneers whose couragotueys from eastern civilisation to wont In their younger days resulted In the ern frontier, of tlio determination mid foundation of the rlvllUattou whlchjjo of accomplishment ami of eurly has made Oregon what It Is. Thurs- Oregon days wlldlu glveu ut the day Is the day of tho forty-third an- rump tiro by men and women whose nun) reunion of the Oregon Pioneer' lit v Me Interwoven with the toundn association. tlon ot Oregon1 civilisation and gov- A program tor the day has been pi era roil which will make the lay i no long to bo remembered. Literary ex - erclscs. for pioneers exclusively, "Will be held nt the Masonic Tomple, West Park and Yamhill streets, at 3:30 o'tlock. "Hi-you Muck-a-Muck," or delicious refreshments, will be served dint ministers. Mayor II. It. Albee Ik to the members ot the association at ' to welcome rtie pioneers uml Presl 4:30 o'clock In tho Armory by thojdent (leer will respond. Judge J. C. women's auxiliary ot the association,! Pi'llerlon of Hosehurg wllldellvor the and following that will be a social i annual address, hour. "Ahn-kut-tt Tll-ll-kums Klonhe-j The Indian 'War Vcleruua held wa-wa." J their annual business mooting Wed- The annual business mooting, with inesday, June 33. election of omrers, will begin nt 7:30' All who canto to Oregou In 1S69, at tho Masonic Temple, and nt s'lriliuho. without regard to their o'clock the annual "camptlre." the most enjoyable part of the program,, will open. Colonel Robert A. Miller, 1S54. will preside at the latter meet- ing. Motorcyclists in Relay Race Across Continent i Across the continent in less time bent rldorn can make. And Chairman than has ever been accomplished by.Do0Mi believes that this will land ... (ftl .....U....I... I- tin.. L-. I.. I...... any vehicle other than the fastesti""1 """' " "'"' '." m . , i transcontinental steam trains! ' s, Jhat'H tho ambition of the motor-, cyclists who will participate in tho coast to coast relay race which Is to be held In July under the direction ot John L. Donovan, chairman ot tho competition committee of tho Federn tlon of American Motorcyclists. Ho has full charge ot the arrangements for the relay, and from his study of conditions believes that the riders should be able to cover tho 3436. K miles between Now York and Han Francisco In about 102 hours. . The run will actually start from Washington, whero a dispatch from President Wilson to the command ant of tho Presldlb at San Francisco will be delivered Into the hands of the first relay rider. However, tho actual running time Is to be judged from tbo time the dispatch bearer from New York city jumps into tho saddle and starts on his westward journey. And from the moment not an Instant is to be Ipst night and day tho dispatch will be hurried across the country at the best speed the sturdiest two-wheelers and the NOTICE , I All accounts against Klamath Falls ) Raseball, Club, incurred either 1914 ) or 1910, should bo filed with W. !!., Uennett, treasurerat First State and' Savings Bank, before July 1st. BOARD OP DIRECTORS , 23-3t ! Wulk-Over nuke life's pathway, easy K. K. K. Mom ' FOR ACHING, i SORE, TIRED FEET ' Good-bye"sore feet, burning test, swol- !en feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired fest Goodbye corns, callouses, bttaJoM and ( raw spots, no more shoe tight ness, ao more Ihap ing with pala 6r drawing up your face in agony. "TIZ" is magical, acts rlfbt off. "TIZ" draws out all the poisonous v-"JTC3jf) exudatioaa wmca TTEr fEJStrillEl . out our took (misery. Ahl how comfortable jrour fan I ' Oet a 2o cant box of "HZ" low at , I any ilrugRlst or departoaak atort. Don't I I ...IT,. Il.,. (U -1.4 . Imk , .... " . r - . pu..i,. ,. kuuu ,, BW " " tliat never swell, nrrsr hart, serar get , tired. A year's foot contort guaraatatd , or moasy rtfuadaa. Recollection of the days ot prlva- tlon and hardships, at the odd uml corolcnl lucldents ot the long Jour- i eminent. " ExUovernor T. T. (leer, 1 SO I , presl- . dent of the association, jlll call the ..... .. . . afternoon meeting to order. The In vocation and benediction will bo pro nounced by "Pathcr" John Pllnn. 1850, ono of Oregon's earliest Mctho- present residence, aro eligible to mem- bnrshlp in tho association. All who came to the Pacific Const before the tame limit and who now reside In Oregon are eligible. I ioz hours after It leave th P4.) iuz no coast. t This Ik tho first trnimroiitifiontul This raotorcyclo relay ever staged, so that there are no previous recordti to he broken. Automobiles in relays nt ono timo crossed In nbout ten das and nlny hours. This means 219 hours on tho trip, which time the motor cyclists expect to lower by more than hair. E. G. linker mado the quickest mo torcyclo trip across the continent, when, two years ago, ho flashed from coast to coast In II days, 11 hours and 10 minutes. However, this was a one-man trip and Included stop for sleep and food. The fast est transcontinental train rcqulro 88 i hours actual running tlmo from New York to San Francisco, which makes' an average of 40 miles an hour. And the great question now among mo torcycle enthusiasts Is how near can thorclay riders follow this pace. The dispatch will bo started from Now York about July 19, In order that It may arrive In Sacramento dur ing tho time of tho P, A. M. natlonnl convention, which begins on July 21. TODAY'S ODDEST HTOItV I United Press Sen Ire. SAN FRANCISCO, Jumf 24. "B natural" Is a sure cur6 and certain to tone you up, according to Miss Ethol Johnson of San Francisco, who Is planning a sci tea of musical cures for her ailing friends. They aro to bo , used on the modern girl, disobe dient youngsters, or whoever shows cause for treatment. Alio also advocates the euro of spirit ual Ills by music. She ought to know, hruuiKo she snyB sho has "trljgl It on her piano." I If her euro In a hiiocosh, small hi other will never again balk when callod on to wipe tho dishes, because the new "cure" H ono tnnt n0V0J. ra( wnoro t0 v in naa neon diagnosed as plain,' common laziness, if "there Is 0 trouble in tho house, turn on 0 Phonograph. If tho servant kIvch notice and quits, just play "How Can I Mvo Without YouT" 0 Ifnvo your ailments diagnosed and set to mimic, Hiiys Miss Johnson, 4 ' ' Kon't Imv Hoys' Sulta until you see .... . . .. .. .. CPr ni-11 MlOtK.IX. H. K. MDH. m Todays usws li Tbs llsrald. Will ou let us deliver you one of our lllg Loads ot Big Blocks? Rouble load ,...,..,..., ,an,7A SIiikIc IiniiI lal.no Olllio t till Kliiiunlli Transfer Ot. Johnson & Corkery Fuel Co. Pluun, UIMU Spink's Camp on Spring Creek. Wiliiamson River IS NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON, 1915 I'lur-t Tiout PUIiIng III Oregon. The niiMt ttenntlriil spot for ramping In Kluiii.flli t'oiml). Vn mii m ibi). It' always root ami hreviy. No iiiiiMiiliii H'tM lo bother you, A lieu ilmire Imll for IImmc ileolrinu In lille ny the evrnlngk III till iimmirr, (iiM.il lx,W nml UrM rlas meal mrrl. U'TOMOIULi: MEETS TRAIN AT CIIILogitlX FOR THE CAMP. Rates per Day $2.00 STOCKMEN! We ar prt'pnml to rwlv, Inline, niulm or illli, either lor pn-lure or for win on commlulnn nl llm big Wl Itaacll. Mr Kurt Klnmalli. We also buy ami wll lutrora unit mule. We haw. KYurrd Hip Wrl Ibiurli of ISI.AOO sere, aad will lue il ii it VMM tiwmbllug place for nil kind of Mock, vthcre It will bo xmxnlrnt for buyer to inaki-inMM-tion. Ilorve broken lo worst or rltle. Clutrgn tor uulure: Hun. 7.V rr uionlti; Cattle, .TOc r mouth. Kur further particular wrlln J.F. ADAMS &SQNS I'ORT KEAMATII. OREGON MlUlW Underwoods Phirw W lvT KLAMATH FALLS OREGON rn!?w r7 WMCRC PAHTtCUlAH ptOI'LK V , ll T .'.. , , i BUY TH"ir ORUr.rt r JV1--! v-' Ul' -I IltU jiiiiHiumi-irt'iit dirrlt'N Hi m(Mftvn in jou ilmi Western Transfer Co. llimlliiK I'ttUkciiKfr. Ilaggage and Praight In Mall Hoala for U Calkins & Hamilton I'liolie IM", or leave orders utftO. Main ulrrrt. WE LAID THE Wm. C. Hum MAKE THIS FOURTH OF JULY it ilouiHiut i'inciiiliralk'e by do. iliiiliitt your fri'wloni from nox li'ss kN'iidlng of money and your iiiti'iillon of saving a Utile money i-wi-y c'k at this bank, thereby liiMirlnit )our liiuV'pcniliiirc froin lliiiiiiilnl worry uhen your cam. IliK MHl'r In not so grout us It Is foiliy, FIRST STATE 6JLD SAVINGS BANK KJ.AMA'JH FALLS, OREGON Klamath Transfer Co. MU Mala tMrwrt Wo have- tlm brat coavejraare In tuMii, nml llt go lo any hotel, t-ooniliiK Ikum or rrakleace la tow for pawgtm for the 10 iiMiK-k trnliis. We utv ulwi ngeitta for the oaly INiwieiiuyr IkuiIm on tlio Upprr Lake, lluuKrtK" IiiiikIIihI from (ho ileHit iwitliotit any I'vlra charge. t PIIO.NH UM-J Per Week $12.50 Premoette, Jr. A compact little camera of great efficiency. Suit able for man, woman or child. , Takes picture 2 14x3 14, and ia the atnallest camera made taking pho tos of that size. Price Five Dollars V I V liW U" ' CORNER STONE Of our IiuhIuckh many years ago hy mlopiliiK the policy of froodoiu from (llMlioncHt tuotliods In hoIIIiik hardware. Wo havo novur waYor oil from this policy, mid today you cnu buy from us the besi bard Minn and tools ut tho lowest pos hIIiIh price, Hardware Co. If R&& A " i 7 t 4 I ;k' , 'A' is' u , ' i.r ' ,JV v-