wM.?Mk $&$$ ""tit abmtttn m Herald KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH COUNTYSa OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER -JKMM stSBm-t-sK-7-c-u: Mnlli Yea . a,7ift jflfcAMXTHftFALLS, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1915 M. SM - '-" fS'W-V' mm i w 3te x n i mh mT. T V.T"2" , fcSM yiW ? y. 1 -K,J i f ) , Vtf'.-J .1 " I. J f : .. X WHAT IS NEXT MOVE OF TFUTON IN WEST ZONE? THIS IS PUZZLING WAR K. PERTH ,l OTHERS i 'nr uf Cntliiulumn Hit Swept 0ur Germany following Vltlory uf l,em. Im-ik -I'iiIiiii Futon. Abandon. iiirnl uf Gnllrbin 'niiinlgn Jrft' Effort to Cuttiiri I'HrU Dr-lml.l nnirlnl Am Silent, i Culled Pre Service RERUN, J ii no 34. Thu nuil movn uf the (JiTinmu In I In- western 'nr nine In tin big question (lint lu now puzzling I tin witr oxort, the Gorman puiple ilittiimt'hoii, mid very llkol) tlu ItllHUllUIH, A great wb n( I'litliUMlnmn Iiiih Hwept nviir tleriiiniiy duo to the (nil of I.emberK. Popular neiiUiuent In (UU ilty wins to fin or till' abandonment of Hut tlnllrltin rniiipilRii, nuil tluit n mlKlit) effort In- maito liy (tin !r nmn iiniilcH to iititiiri lnrl, OfllflnU nri kIIpiii ii lo tho mtxt move, hut It In i'XHtfUd Hint (In drive nil Illicit will he r'liniMl Tho knlni-r lit tli'ti'riiilni'il to ileu I Ctur NIcholiiN of . iiumio n wnnBrnim i.io. nnu " - Inwim in nutii im. ramiutiRU nmiii.rul1 JitBlleo wllo overruM tho domur """ "'" ''rriior, I'rlniui-uil lrMirix Dllfir I'tilKd Ptt'im Horlr PKTItO(IIIAI), .Jtinu 24 It Im" lii-pii iiiiiioiincod from tlmnr olllwn linfi' lodd) Hint Urn UikhIiiii forcen ii'llrifd from t.emhrri: In perfect order mid w tlioiit lumlu. mid tluit thin U Ihii it purl of their ntritoty. Thu report HtllteM tlllit three of the ini'iii)' roiupitnlett wttu aiinllillntoil In the Mtirlt on Irf'inliorir heforo thu mlreal itn lomineitcod It I nlvo iKniried tlutt thu mild lor In thu wirrl miii nliiiiKhtert'd lurKU iiiiiiiIhth of thu AiiHtrlun fniti'H lieforn uviioiiiiiIiik WnlU'i' Wins ill tjidniiiilu t l.A (IIIANDi:, Jiiiiii 2.1 Joe Wol im won the sun mile rniu Ittxi Tliurii iluj hem In 0 hnur :iii mlnutvti mid :1 iii'roitdH, ildliy: :i Hurley Otlo Wiilliur, ult i mi a IIiirlt)-l)avldHoii, .il lefiilid In .'! Iioilru IS m I li n leu .' iiitotidK. Woltur hud no Ilio trouhle, t Itllo Will I; it hud three tilow.ouU 'I ho loiirnu wiih 7.3 in I leu lo thu lup, nmt 2H Idp to thu ncttinl dlstnncu of 01.1 mlliiH. WalKer nipde the fiiKtOKi Inp In 0.4)1 inlnntuK. .nnouiicu4l .Nun-en ,tm Killed I'nlicd Prom) Service PAIUB. Juno 24 It wiiNfuinouncudMTHIN. .ST.IITI.I.N MAY IU.HI huru totiny timt noverul minion wer killed by (lorninn liell lu the Hulnti Hncrami'iil hoMpltnl lurlnu a hombard inoiil of Arm yeHterday liy Hip Our m mi fnrcoH. THAW'S ATTORNEY TO GIVE SURPPISE MI.NHATIO.VH TO Hi: HPHUNO IN HCOAKD TO 1'I.OT 'V KIDNAP THAW ACHOSH THK LINK KIIOM CANADA United Pro Hervlio NI5W YOUK, Juno 24. Attorney ritftnchflold, who I hnndlltiR thu Tlmw cuhu for tho plaintiff, Iiiih promised dovoral HoniatloiiH rogurdliiB tho al lo'god plot hatched by Now York otn vlalu, headed by formor DUtrlci At torney Joromo, In nn nltomptl to kid nup Thaw, when ho wiik k fiiKlllvo from Justice In Canada, Jimtlco Hendrlck bun permitted thU teitlmony to' bo brought bororo tho Jury. Ilobert y, Kwlug, a Cana dian aldurmnn, linn UaUflod that lie hoard I bono men, tho New York offl- olala, plottltiK to tnko Thaw aoroaa tho J lln. Mr. Wilder Applle for Dltorre I nltcd Promt Service OAKLAND, ii Jim 21 H wiiii loam eit hero toduy that Mr. Adule Wilder, wife or Dr. Chuiuieoy Wilder, surgeon fur tint Houtliiirn I'liclfle. ha sued for divorce Ii In n tu I oil Unit tho couple agreed in illmiKrce .Mint lie)' Airrtli'il foi' HmujcKlliiK Unliod PrtHH Hortlcn I .OH ANOEI.EH, Jiiiu) 21,-Altor '",),J' Hlt-rinnn Wolf of Monterey was iirreiirii nere iiiun) unirgnii wim 'complicity In it Chine! smuggling ifniiK. Ho ilt'iid mil K'llliy, nnd was Ireleimcd on Imll, ARANT CASE STILL HANGING FIRE KOItMi:it PAKK HUI'KIII.VTK.NDKN'T ( SAYh MIMIHIItll TM)K AHVAX TAUi: OK HIM AND THAT CAHK m i-'au ruoM iu'.ino i:dkd VV P. Arnnt, froinor nupi'rlntclid cm of Cruii-r l.uKo National 1'nrk, utatm ttml tlio Mi'dfonl piir which printed a Btnry tonciTiiltiK IiIh ik'ft'&t In tint courlK In IiIh xirortu to U rain ntuiod itri park miprrlntvndvtil Hindu it hlK utory out of n'muull point In (liu rnn unit llml It In far. from tielnc I ,Ij0fj 1 Tim riilliiK., on hlcli thu paMr nindo Its ntory In- taton unit vlmply iHIV Mt-M IMII U4 tt UVIIIUIIUI MIIU Wltllr ,,, ,,. Utiu llformc4j ,,m tial .,. ,,, ol sUo , kal ,,ul , ,,, foplnlon on thu merit of tho caw It ,nlf. Tim ovorrulliii; of thu demurrer Armil Klutuit, now thrown the, cum on lu real merit nnd, hut whether that court which overruled the do mirror will now pan It or whether It will Co to thu Court of ApiKNila of thu Dlmrlct of Coltimhln ho doc not know :t IIiIh lime, which Is prnctlc iilly the mime iih thu Court of ApMnls if thu t'nlted Stilted. "I r.m HiillHfled (lint thu other wide will likn the cnne. to thu Hnpreme court of tho Hulled StntoK If I Hhnuld 'lie i;lveu n iIucImIoii," Hiild A runt to tiny, "mid I know (hut I nm going to tnku It to the Supromu court until ll Ih Hittlcd Mcdfonl would like to claim Critter l-nke If thy nhould he glvnn thu chiiuco, and they nre at tumptliiR to nettle tho iuctlon tlicm tve ll appourH." FORT COUNTRY LOOKING BETTER l)i:.TK. HUT COUNTHV IH GOING AHKAII HXPKCT TO CUT HAV HY .MIDDI.i: OK MINT MONTH Thu Kori Klanmtli and Wood Itlvor country I looking pronpoioiia, and u vi) thing I on the move, according to II. D, UuriiH nnd I.lndsey Slicmoro, who weru In tho city today on u busl itotm trip. Mm. SiRomoro nccoiupu' nlod Mr. BUunior. "Wo don't Hko to boost our country too hard In Klamath county," nay liolh Mr. Sldomnro and Mr. Iturun, "Wo save nil that for tho tlmo whou wo got away from homo, und tbon wo let thorn luno It. It doo iih little good here, wo think," When Informed that there weru many ttraugorH In thu city that per luiPH know lltllo n limit tholr country, lliey ndmlttod tho truth, but refused to dlftcloHo any now UiIiikh that aro being douo thoro tbla Hummer, "Thu oruainory U holding Its owu mid making good, we think," said Klnoinore, "We do not expect' to branch out uny fartbor this Hiinimer, but nro Wylng our irtllk supplier all wo can, and aim to mako It bioak oven, and that Is about all. Haying will probably begin about tho middle of next month, nnd wo aro looking fori u big crop." Tho handle factory at Newberg, Idle for years, I lu full operation. -1X7rf' bum HI y .a INDMSE CLUB tf if S 4f -"V, tii. .- mm . nr vs ifMfvm.ThVfirjWjm of oit- :SiTjS. M.iiMinmapiifiiiiiiiiii k ro "Thu IHiituirs Mn's Assoi Association of thin city Indorsed by a unanimous vote thu now Commercial Club which Ik under wny hero," said J. P. Ma gulre, president of the nnsoclstlon this morning. ""However we do not cato to combine, but think that a scparnto nnd dlKtlnct organization can accom plish more than a single body. In this way, when u problem comes up that ru'julres tho action of both, wo can work together on It. "Practically ev-ry member of the organization will be a member of Hie. Commercial Club, nnd we fuel that by such an arrangement we can accom plish the result wit desire," continued Mr, Mtigulre. "Tho attitude of the business men of the city In regard to the new Com mercial Club was lu favor of It," said J 8 Kent. secrcUvry of thu lluslneg Men's Ahsoclatlon. "Most of the' mem ber will bo member of the club, nnd I believe, iih was shown Inst night, will give It Its support, "While ilio momlters of tne asso ciation In general did not favor turn- lug over to tbu Commercial Club tholr business affairs, nnd allowing the Commercial Club to take charge of them, yet they will glu them their support," WAR IS CAUSE OF CRY FOR PAPERS .MANY NATIVKS OF OTIIKH COU.V. TltllX HAYi: APPI.IKD I'OH AND AHK TAKING OUT FINAL CIT. li:.NSHIP I'APKHK ' Ail unusual demand for naturaliza tion papers has been continually had lu tho nfllce of clerk of tho circuit court during tbu past winter and spring months. It Is believed thnt the war In Europe and entanglement of all tho groat nation has had consid erable to do with many applications being sent in. Without doubt ninny of these peo ple lu thl country, both those who nru sottlod horo and other who are common laborers, are havlug pressure brought to bear on them to return to Mielr homes and fight for their unthe land. At tho beginning or the war many tlrcoks left for tholr homes, but now that Greeccilras taken active part, or appears to bo about to, sn)a George Cbustaln, fewer aro returning. PrcWurw from tholr relatives mid f i lends lu tho old country Is bolltnod to bo the cause of the paper being taken out. One or two have express ed thouisehes us afraid to remain hero without their papers, and it is possible thai other Inlluenco is being brought to bear on them to return, as thiinigh lodge and social organiza tions to which they belongod before coining to thl country. It entirely possible, also, as ha been reported from cortaln parts of thu country, that secret agents of for eign iiAtlouu nru working In this country In nn effort to get nil natives possible of other countries to itiirn. Thoro Is no legal way of forclug a man to return, whether ho la n citizen of this country or not. Thu following foreigners have boon granted their naturalization Paper during tbo past week by the circuit ceurt: Tonls Kallna. Austria: Jim Krojco, Austria; Christian Lehman. Gorman; John Wuletlch, Austria, ha nppllod; James M. Stephen, Scotlaud; Aiiulhale Confortl, Italy; and Stovo Sabo Jr., Austria, Stove Sabo 8r ha also applied for his papers. A crab cannery at Kmplro nnd" a llsh cannory on tho Rogue River per sist in running, In splto of came code, tl-tt wardens aud labor lawa. t l'ltATJCAi,LV4fcWfJJ.I!K I.V T RESERVISTS ARE LOOKING SERIOOS MAN HTATING II K HKI'IIKHHNTKD MltlTAIN ItKNTH HOLHK 'ronilmil Owner of Dooming House TMenty-FJvi Me Wrck -I'rpfHir- r l for Tlirm l,nlT Uiirncl Tluit 'lliey Were DrltWt IU-wrvll anil ltefiiM.tl lo fleet Doom for I1tylc i:ittnlnatloBs. Uriiliil 1'ies Service HAN PHANpiSCO, June 24. Mr. C. H. U-c, ovner and proprietor of a rooming lioum hero, has informed a reporter that, a man by the name of lane, purporting to represent the Urltlsb consul, engaged ber house, promising to have twenty-five men here1 each week. These facts have been brought Ho light In tho Investi gation of tbej charges that England had a recruUIng station In this cltjf. Mrs. Ix-e slates that hho bought ex tra beds and made ready for the men, which she later learned were English reservists. She asserts thayijine re quested her to rent him a room where doctor could cxaralno recruits, which she refused. She further stated that when she refused to get rid of a Ger man roomer that Lane withdrew with his reservists. WAR IS ON IN GUAYMAS REGION OUTI.AWS, INDIANS, MEXICAN SOLDIERS ALL FIGHTING AND CHARGES 6AN MLLAGING ATTACK THAIN IN'iand porus for miles. It Is believed DUNNING FIGHT Culled ProMj Service NOUALKS. Ariz., Juno 24. Re port to this city today state that out Inns, Indians and Mexican soldier am fighting nnd pillaging In Sonom today. Tbo Yaquls attacked a train at Muytorcnn station, north of Em palmo. Thu troops aboard fired on tho attackers, and a running fight en sued as the traiu pulled out of tho station, finally outdistancing tho at tacking force. It is also reported that the Culllstas have looted n village between this city nnd Magdalena', tiring the rail road station as they left. Disorders and uprisings throughout Sonora are also reported. Return From Oclell lke. Dr. It, W. Boyd, a local dentist has retuniodtfrotn ft two weeks' fishing trip totJHell Lake In the northern part of tbp country. He reports lots of flah mid a line trip. ON TRIAL FOR MURDER OF WIFE ' thuilasm vyhtch Is spreading over tbo (entire United Stnbjs, has designated ATTORNEY TOR DKFEN8K TRIES July t M wl90n Day lor San Fran- TO SHOW THAT STAU WITNESS 01SCO, Extenslvo cercmoiilos aro be ing planned for at the fair grounds. P0II THK PROSECUTION KNEW plowing l the wako of the vmii-THivri nv chimk '' movement for a safe and sane Fourth Uultcd Press Service MARYSVILLE. Juno 24. In the trial of William Shannon for tho murder uf Emtio Plcard and bla wife. Attorney Rich for tho defense attemp ted to show today that William Mc Naughton, tho prosecution's star wit ness, knew something of tho crime i McNnughton dented theaccusatIon, A section of tho roadway In front of Plcard' hotel showjng the mur derer's footprints waa Introduced as evidence. CREW AT WORK , AT ME LAKE ItlX'LAMATIO.V HKHVICi; HKNDS CltKtV Ol' SIK.V TO TIJLi: liKK lti:GIONK TO TAKK SAMI'I.I-M OF NOIL AND HOCK FOHMATIOXS A crow of pcvcn or eight men from the reclamation service loft yesterday for TuU Luke, where they will in tcstlgate conditions near the Lava IScds. It has been officially announc ed that they will do some boring and excavating around the lake for the purpose of investigating to determine tho feasibility of reclaiming land In that district. Several attempts and plan have been made lo discover nn under ground passage or drain for the pur pose of draining the lake, which means the reclamation of thousands of acres- of tillable land. Since the construction of the Lost Diver diver sion dam there is practically no Inlet to the lake. There hag never been discovered any outlet of any conse quence, and as a result this lake was filling up and becoming larger every year until a few years ago the old rmid around the edge of the mountain In that region which many of the pio neers into this country first traveled was covered up. Since thfv completion of the diver sion dam, turning the waters of Lost River Into the Klamath River, how ever, the lake has been receding, Evaporation, also, hai played its part. but this method Is so slow that there Is no hope for material results for years to come, ll it should be allowed to stand at this time. Last )car an opening was perfected In the bottom of the lake uear one of the shores through which the water would '-flow and russ away under ground. But now since the diverting of the Inlet and the evaporation this has been left above the water line, and is of no use for drainage. Owing to the nature of the lava beds Just south of the lake, which arc undermined 'that If an opening could be effected some place In the lake which would drain off all of the water, that the problem of reclaiming tbo land would 'be solved. Tho country for miles south of the lake Is uninhabited, and no damage would result from the dra ting of the lake. Mr J. G. Camp, at the head of the reclanntlon service here, states that tho party going down now Is simply for tho purpose of Investigating the conditions about the lake and to bring back samples of the rock formations from there, which will give them soemthlug to work on. WILSON DAY IS MAYOR HOLI'H SETS JULY I AS WILSON DAY FOR SAX FRAN CISCO OTHER CITIES JDOI.NG THE SAME I United Press Servlot, I SAN PRANClSCO.Juno 24 Mayor Rolph, following suit In a- wavo of en- of July and tha setting aside of this dey th!i year by denoting it aa Amer icanization iay. many cuies in me United States are now setting aside July I as Wilson Day. ... ., The moyomont Is for tbo purpose of .bowing the president and tho world M t'n"! , h,SththM ""ntrr '? I'""' and that It Is behind tho president. Coutiiicth haw boon signed lu. Poitland for haid surfacing 00 mile.J or highway: ten mile of concrete and brick and CO miles of Warrenlte bi- ttilllhlp. . . POPULAR .Special Itnie to Atlantic Coast I nlted Press Servlco WASHINGTON, D. C, Juno 24. . IU in.vi.tuic vuuiwviw tuuimivtfiuil has authorized today tho Southern' Pacific and connecting lines to estab-t llsh a 60 per cent 100 weight rat on' boxed fruit, or eighty cents per hun-f ilred weight on bags of fruits In car load lots from Oakland, San .Pedro '( and Han Francisco to tho Atlantic sea board. OLD RECLUSE IS BACK TO HAUNTS I "ALEXANDER THK GRKAT," 'VA JIOUS IX KLAJLTH COUNTRY FOR HIS PAST HISTORY', TURNS UP AKTEl: THOUGHT DEAD "Alexander the Great," as be Is familiarly known, famous in the dark - or side of Klamath county's history. has returned lo hi old homo after most of his former acquaintances had thought blm.tJeadj And what's more, ho returned looking healthier and jounger than In bis palmier days, Not only thai, but he drove into. town jesterday with a complete outfit for traveling, including a mule and two wagons, after having been on the road for some time, bo states. He claims to have come from the direc tion of Nevada. Alexander's history Is one that would make an ordinary story book look sick and would back many of the modern melodramas off the bards. For many years his head quarters were In Klamath Falls. How be made bis living Is as much of a mystery to himself, almost, as to anybody else at least that was his former talo. About four years, after tho violent death of his son, during a hard winter, he was committed to the state insane asylum. Reports from mere frequently bare stated that he had escaped, and the suspicion was expressed once or twice that ho bad returned to Klamath Falls. And now he is back, looking none the worse for the wear, but actu ally looking 75 per cent better than four years ago. Today he was seek ing work for a couple of friends of his, and Is hot on tho trail. Club to Have Guest Night- The Woman's Library Club will bold a guest night tomorrow night In their rooms at the Public Library building. Each member is expected to be present and bring a guest. SIX ARE KILLED E LATEST ESTIMATE OF DAMAGE p: ACES IT AT $230,000 TO 300,. 000 DEIIRIS IIEING CLEARED AWAY TODAY' 1 1 ted I "i ess Sen tee UALEXICO, Calif., June 24 Frank Smith, a Iollnlst, died at a hospital net? this morning following Injuries received In yesterdny's earthquake, m: king a total of Ux deaths, all of which wero Mexicans. Another may iltn while. -.IcttSt -itliOei nm en rTtln tr ... - ....u .e- .v. taec euuvnuni from Injuries more or leas severe. Severnl wero killed attempting to re ,uo people caught in the ruins, and tbo bodies of three Mexicans or Chi-1 ue-io wero taken from' tho ruins herei today. Tho latest estimates of the damage nere is piacea at oetweem 25O,0Q0 and 1300.000. A large force of men is at work clearing away ;---- - - - -' ,ho dobrU- ,' uiiieu iiosa ooium CALESICO, June 24.-Uuslnes Is t . st)mtlgtm hew 08 ft u of terday's shocks. There is plenty of ',,, ,, wn, ,,llt . mV,l , ' iuuu uuu wiiior, uuc a numoer oi ism lllos were compelled to sleep out of doors last ulght. The earthquake moved several buildings hero and at El Centra, the general lne of shift heing from east ,dn -j n thai to " . , EARTHQUAK pnuucDPin n.iimnii ni.im I UUIIIIIILIt UlllL miRmiiNfi ...:,. wZZSm rnubti oumiKi iSIANY NOT INTERVIEWED AH VKTtt ON QUESTION U o-crrwry riect i weii rieaaea WsfM the llutfam Men's Atkm-fr Mj&MVf r .jiuj., isiaii Sight la jrwm airum tfeetr g-fMtttV i Ji v5SS4l??aR CommHIee Has Berk WorJ;Tw&' . " it.Ii.'y ' J9m Hours Day, sad Are Gettf-C wriptions Many Signed . The committee from tha Ckin'-wT of Commerce which Is out, w --.. working' - r.tax.t .,:im for subscriptions and working up sap- &, J u,g ctlv- , gettIng good Teauit. M( '- j liti. iui iuu ucw uuuiuirciWL UII19 lOr ,hv r .kA . v.. ,- r- a " expect to accomplish their alms with- i fttll fllffiritltv htt nrlth m- wmI, ". Comparatively few people havTMf U'cn en yet. but they will kettMii, the work until the town has been. eaa-m' vassea irom one end to the oter:;vw.V?" ' . - . . .-" ,..vl.W The members of the committee s.M press themselves as being well liiiiHT ' sedMV with the results of their canvass, utt'tfMi that they are receiving .excellent ,aihjgf' port. If present Indications coant'forstft any thing they expect to go a&eadad Tug" anticipate little trouble In gaining tlwtML: desired ends. , -& ,? "We are well pleased, with'tW neAjs tlnn nf 'Ik. rtiiolne.. U-'. ' nl''x; Itri -.-. . . .,...... ...-,M--.1 Hon," stated Fleet today. "Their, In-SSj teresU are somewhat Afferent In-theiA main from nun and t, Iwit iL:fe not be combined, 'but wo' are gladV.toiJ' get their support, and feel that they; .. . ...,,. . .. .!.." ?. will work with us. "I notice where Ashland baa i dse ,',;:. I some zreat work alonr thl line. "jm,'Ks''iI v - ,, igs now records a membership of o?er""f 200 on their list. Why Klamath Falls cannot come lip. tVthUT"nornfg" pear to me. it is a matter or every-. irauj uoosclde ana geuing uusy. ine,' -, is committee so tar has been putting bat , ' two hours a day on the work, and v have made, good headway. ."J , "If we are to keep up with, our vft neighboring cities wo must keep,up;Ct- with them, and get ahead of tMasf As soon as the men, of the city florid",'' ganlxed to a certain extent aMAi;i, have reached a good basts if . mtrni ' uursuiti, ne uin.-ci to u tuier iBB.WIHy;',,! men, una get mem to wonting atso.J.i.ji Following is a list of those w'hoW, - - . ... j ' ..tift-1 have signed up at this time: $f rit oiuw uuu ouDiuBS Dans, ' n.f'y Sugarman, L. Jacobs, Loomls Broth-" - crs. Star Drug Co., K. K. K. Store. A. J. Wiggings, A. C. Henllne, Frank,M TJpp, Shlvo Grocery, G. H., Lawrenoe ,t Hales Meat Market. E. M. Chllcote. ,.. C, D. Chorpenlng, Hay & Merrymaa.V" Shepherd. J. H. Carnahan, Q. H. Jes-; tor, Ella M. McMillan. H. Jt Winter. 1 9. West. JJI.-i L. W. Mehaffey, if. 8. Motschcnbacher, Western' Transfers" Co., Klamath Fuel Co., Arthtir'K. Wilson, W. Chambers, James Malone; E. P. Blttlnger, W, M. Monteljtu, rjC" G. Ross, Fred B. Dunbar, O. B, WU- toy, E. A. WMaon, Rollo C. Groesbeelti ' C. M. McCauley, O. H. Electric and Cycle Co.. V. T. Motschenbacher. i & I BRYAN MAY RUN -j FOR THE SENATE m iW c, , 4J " t HAS AXXOUNCKU TlUT HK WIUiJ' RETAIN VKIIUAHKA CITnUN.' ,, , .'J ib SHU UUT I.NTK.VUS STAYIKQ IN r .'. WASHINGTON ; tim jw. I 'jW.?M tv e -rxr - ASHINQTON )N, d, q.t iMii'iny gs Oryan. (hn'ti-fk'M In the nation's 'poWa William Jennings - - ' 'r rr.THfc tt varied career In the nation's poJWa. )nna ttaU tot tb ,Mt 'entf t. (or more, iius unnouncea maiBntwui, retain bis NebrnakK cltl.oueWfSl I J - .J$FE4 there. , 1?mr ..,.. J . r$lZ.rjJ Polltlviap here ".. . .Tjrr noiiucement slgnlflcant," hstaat'.j uuiug couBiauiiy riiBioreeuHmiwaqp oppose Henaiar. Hiioacoes ( ; KB ior IM w eletli,VrHli it'- . ,-A 1 I 7B ! j.i . J?A wm r'l fr M T tX ;7Ti& 1 ! ' t ' &i y mk , ;frwd