I tv r HraUi KLAMATH FALLS' OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER Ninth Y.wr No. U.7II KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1915 Price, Ptra Onto mp WF )) " J' h EARTHQUAKES IN Ml, LASSEN IS IMPERIAL VALLEY AGAIN ACTIVE DOING DAMAGti"mmrH nw m ,,i,in HT,:i .MANY INJURED LAhT XH1HT ,M THIN MOHXIXU ThrV Tmnlilor IU HiillitlMi nnil Injur Heme of People Circular Motion Scalier Dehr( Troop Kh(Mi IrfMrni, l IU-Mrt From Me. Irall Xoi Relieved In Ho Connect ed Willi Ml. I rit Eruption. CI, CKNTRO, Cnllf. Jillm 23. KnrthiVnke Mit night nud 1I1U morn IliK III the Imperial Vnlluy did dnuingo to llio extent of n quarter of a million dollars, No fntnlUlcii are, ruported In the valley. Inn brick hound iiml Meno fcirticlurcK were wrecked nnd neoro of peoplo Injured. It U not believed Hint the earth initio Itself killed anyone, lull It In reported from Meilmll by ponton rrtwlng llio border (lint troop have, killed n ii u m tie r of IooIith caught In tlm rulim. The greaton! duniliKo doim here wim to the linlldlnK of tlit' Imporlnl Valley Pre mid liiililrldec'ii droit store. Fallen nmnoiiry obstructed tlia streets mid ii force of rmn wort clearing the Mr! lhl morning. Throe quake wern dUtlnrtl)- foil. Ilit firnl iiboul S o'clock Initt tilffbt, which lind ii circular motion, spray In k lulckn mid debris In nil direction. I lilted I'rent Sorlte Iamtii I Qlilel lti:i)l)IN(l. Juno 23. Tlm eiirlh-' qunke In the Ituperlnl Vnllej In up-' pnrpiitl) not runnecied with tho r-l i en l erupt loin of Ml l.mieti, un thei volc.Mio U unlet Qunke mi Im Anueli- I.OH AN;i:i.i:s, Juno Ja.--Another ulinrii iiirthiiinki oecurred In the Imperial Valley nl noon lodny, ne. online, to luhlien reeehed fioin the California leeopmenl (ompan). Tlio;nml tlniuu CoimiiImIomt, wblvli In n.itiiage nn NiiKin 'dude tlio goernor, I. N. FleUchner, - - Frank Warren, Marlon Jnvk and C. K. IMI'KIIIAI.. Juno 23 -IrrlKallon ,,., ttl b a.r0i ,, addition iiOIi'InIh luixo loll to InilM'ti dltchim ouotiir,r fclnt. mcnlH arc eXected. in.. Yiiiim IrrlKiiilon i.rojr.t. It In .SvN,.n, llU,omi)blt1( w, loaVu ,lor .ollewil il.nl tho .IntmiKo to the .ro-Krl(y ,, rr ,.,, whcrt, lc. J.l-l I MIIIBll w (()li u bqHtl gUon by llu CAI.KXICO. Ciillf.. June 33. One i lilld wiih badly burl by fulling brick In lint iilRlit'n eurthiiiiako, Tlio many illd r u morn about looter being ithot at Mcxlcala nro uiiconflrmed, and nro not believed here. BAND AND BALL TEAM GIVE BALL TWO OIMSAXI.ATIOXH COMIIIXK FOIt 111(1 I'llllMC IUIJ, TO UK HIVF.N WKDXKSIIAY XKJIIT IX Till! I'AYIMOX Tho Klamnth Falls hall Lmuii and tho Klamnth Kails Military hand have comblnod forces, und will give n big municipal ball team nnd band benefit ball In (lie I'avlllon next Wednesday night. The bund will furnish tliu musla und tho members of tho hall team will furnish tho ladles nt lonBt that Is tho wny tho playors ball players Hlate It Tho band noeda tho money for oqulpnient, nnd so dooa tho ball team. If. 11. Howell of Mcdford, formerly with tho Andrews opera company, which visited this city recontly, and who also put on a cantata for the Rika horn two years ago, will arrive In the city Haturday night to take lihnrgo of (ho local hand, Ills Inten tions at present nro to remain here If tho situation Innka favorable, Tho band will glvo Its woekly con cert on the lawn of tho Central School building tonight at 7 o'clock. REPORTS I'ltO.M ItKMIIIXO STATE, THAT MT. LASHKN IS AMAIN) ACTIVE. IIKMIXXIXM AT NOOX.j i may hi:i: IT nto.M this CITY jl'nliod I'ri-iut rturv lt-. IIIIIMM.MI. I'llltl , J llll.. 23, Ml. Lansoli Ih'iikiiIii In eruption, the lastj l Mtitri m noon today. Monger ro-' ports Ntnto thut the eruption l vlo-' hint, i Tlio mrly report llml Hit earth quakes nnd l.nimen'K eruptions have no connection r.ru probably mistaken, hii tli Ik eruption I a coming Immedi ately nftnr tlio quake In Southern C'nllfornln. Much Inter! In lllny ed In the eruption here, im tlio glare of tire mid smoke muy lie seen from hero lifter nlghi fit 1 1 h lmiiirlc for lUnrli HcMirt Inquiries lme I um' ii received by Hid local Chnmhrr of Commerce re UUixitltiK Hint Infornintlon bo. supplied of n rnncli In lhl region where guest Mill bo recited noxt full nnd winter. Infornintlon In liooklet form and nth ernlmr In beliiK koukIiI GOVERNOR'S TRIP TO BE BUSY ONE iii.WQUKT wim, lit: ti:xiu:iii:i SATlTltHAY NKJIIT AT WIIITK i n'.MCAX, H)I.I)WKI IIY HL'SI. I XIWH AXII SCKXHJ THII'S (lowrunr Wlltiyrombu nud party I u 1 1 1 hn lniiitiTiil it lintiniirl ill tint Wtillo I'ellcun hotel Hnlurday ncn ht 7:30, by local llepubllcnns nnd liieinberi. of the Klanmth Sportumen't nKKtMlutloii. Tho entire board of Flub lliuhlein club of that city, and return Ihii follow liiif day with Hie govarnor and hlaparty. Suudfty morning the SporUmeu'ii iiHHoelatlon will take charge of llio oil tertaluiueiit of the party, nnd u trip of liiMpecllon will bo inado to tlio .Silencer Creek hatchery. Local sports men uro much Interested In the en ilnrgoiiuim of tho hatchery and In ar rangements for tlio placing of trout in all the witters of tho county. On the showing made on Suudny will de pend to u gient extent tlio plans for the future to bo determined by the board. It Is expected that between nfttou and twenty mnchlnos will make llio trip with the party to Hpencer Crook. Tlio governor's party will ba eu lei tallied Sunday evening by tho women. It Is planned to hold u geueral public roceptlon from 8:30 to 10:30 at tho White I 'el lean hotel. To this everyone, Irrespective, of party afllll utlons, both In tho city mid through out the comity, Is Invited. Monday the governor will bo taken up tho laku by Captain Hlemeus In tho now launch White I'ellcan, und will bo met at llaiiinuin l,odgo by aulosj und takeu to Crater l.uke. Tlilmhln Club lo MVt. t Tho W. U. W. Thimble Club will meet at tho homo of Mrs. Marlon Hanks tomorrow ufioriioou at 2:30, and tho niombers of tho Women of Woodcraft are requested to bo pres ent. Hiiri'lu Dlxuilshed. The caso against Juan Garcia for Mealing $370 from iv Spaniard of this city recontly, was dismissed In tho Justice of Poaoe'a office thla afternoon for lack of evidence. Hollo (l roes beck appeared for the defendant. MANY PEOPLE VISIT OREGON PAIR duilUINu KLAMATH HOOTH NEEDS OTIIKII EXHIBIT JDrrKoii llulldlnic Allracla More IVo pie TImii Af of (MImt HUU llulld lnu KImiiwiIiV lU-tH-nfalmtitc HuuKenlx Ailililiimal KahlblU U IKj Her Jnlli Many I'eople From Here VUlt Hie Ikiolli. lly I'HII, J. HIXNOTT I (SimvUI lit TImi Herald) HAN FUANCIKL'O, Juna 23. -Oro-koii'h big log and rustic building at the I'nnama-I'nclflc International ox ponltlou Is attracting much attention from fair litltors, not only on account of the departure In building material from Hie Italian travertine used In nearly every other structure, but on account of Hie variety and extent of products dlaplnyed within The at tendance at Hie Oregon building Is about the best of any of the state luilldliiKN, say (hope who are supiioned lo know Klutuitth county's display In at trading much attention, mainly through Its deer heads mid grain, which attract Kasternors and sports men, but Klamath county people vis iting the booth all ay that the dis play does not do the county Justice. What Is shown Is admittedly good, but mure variety, say Klamath peo ple, should be provided 'lo properly exploit the county. There Is not a live Huh In the Ore gon building, nnd many Klamathlle suggest the Installation of a tank In the center of Klamath's display with a couple of the big Klamnth rainbows disporting themselves to the delight of all boliolders. When the expense of such an Installation la mentioned, ninny contend (hat If not live trout, Klamath should at least have some mounted trophies of the rod nnd fly to show sportsmen seeking an angler's paradise while In tho West. Klam ath people are not alouo In endorsing a tlsh display, for X. C. Ilrlggs of Hoi lister. Calif., II. C. llolablrd of Ixs Angeles, and others who have fished In Klanmth make the kmuo sugges tions. Whllo Klamath county is noted as a potato raising section and San Francisco Is eternally complaining about the poor quality of tubers on the market hero there Is not a sin gle "spud" In, the Klamath booth. It Is claimed thai Klamath county Irri gated lands grow from four to six tons of alfalfa to tho acre but there Is no display of alfalfa. A couplo of shoaves roots and all of tho present crop Just before cutting, would help out greatly. One big thing In Klamath county's favor In Its bid for new people Is tlio fact that It layu no claim to being a fruit producing section. Fruit land owners all reallto now that they pld (Continued on nag Ii ELKS INITIATE ANOTHER CLASS SKCOXII IIIO IXHTAlXMrCNT OK XICW MKMHKIIK WILL UK TAK KX INTO liOIHIK TOMOHHOW XK1IIT Tho spoclal committee of Klamath Lodge No. 1247, II. I'. O. KIks, which has In chargo the arraugemonts for tho proper reception of now mombera, nnuounce.H that plans ivro all complet ed for tomorrow night's mooting. whou tho second class of now candi dates will bo Initiated, In addition to tho regular work, It Ih understood thut tho committee hoa some speolal entertainment arranged for the new members, Cvr-ryouo doilrlnic to uttend tlm Iitmquli8turday ovcnlnn In honor of (loiot'jOT Wlttiyconibo und imrly itfi requontcd to it curo ticket Thurmlny, olther from tlio xocrclary of tho Chiun ber of C'ominfrco, or nomo mom. bir of (tits Kportmncn'M Annocla,) Hon. Kveryono U Invited lo at- tend, but It will be ncccHRary lo limit the time for Mlllnx tickets. In order that proper arrnnK'"- mem ran be made for tlio ban- quel by tho hotel management. Do not wait to bi asked to buy a ticket, but notify the Chamber of ConuncriN) before Thumdoy , ovenlnic LOCAL BOY IS FUGITIVE OF LAW "" KTKAI.IXO IIATTKItlKS UXCOYKHH AXOTIIF.K CHIMK I'AYS HIS FIXK AMI IIKAIS KOK Tilt? STATi: MXK Lester lllehn, nrrt-sted und lined $25 by Justice of the I'eaco Gowcn for stealing two batteries from a gar age, paid his tine and rokand, and is now a fugitive from justice on an other wiirrnnt for stealing an auto mobile. The last heard of him was that he was headed, for the California line on a motorcycle, and passed through Merrill last night at 6 o'clock. lllehn was caught with the batter ies In tils posesslon shortly after theyPpcted to bo mado at Busk, near the uau ocen sioien, ami was given ujciui- utnn:u iuc uug uuu sijr rivi-ni. Urates! line possible for petty larceny viatic- on llio stand It wo brought I mvaao uens.iraum. out that he with another young man of this city wore the parties who took; This victory means that the Kus aii nutomobilo from n gurage somei"ian attack on the west has been a time ago. and run It all over the (failure. That the Russians have been county driven out and back onto their own il. was followed, bin nut caught by Kround. Ono of rho chief reasons the officer al tho time It is known iB,vcn bj' war ew" 'or tuc'r defeat that ho told an untruth on the stand lls ,llP lack of ammunition and power about that affair last night, and a'to concentrate their big guns with warrant was luued for his arrest Ueaill" cffect at Important points and aisaln. Immediately after paying his-1" lhc uK Attics. The Germans, fine he went to tho Arant ranch south 'through their organization, have been of town, where ho had been worklmr.,nuIe to do tu's. "id are credited with Jumped onto his motorcycle there, and was lecu passing through Merrill at fi a clock last night, headed for tho California line. . . . ., , , , It Is believed that tho grund Jury , , ,,, . , . .... rwiKUUKAW, jiiiiu S3. it was now in session will bring a true bill ,.,. . . . , , . . . . . , . ,i .i . .otftclally announced hero today that against him for stealing the automo- , , , . . .. ,,, ., , . , i . , 'the Russians have been evacuating bile. Tho Jury Is expected to report. . . , , . . ,. . , . .. ' slnco last Sunday, and that only 4,000 ton ght or tomorrow on several cases ... , .. . , , j ., ., , , , , ., soldiers were, left to defend the west- whlch are undor Investigation. , , . .. , . rt . , em approaches yesterday. Officials APPOINTMENT OF LANSING NEAR IIKMKVKH IMIKSIDKXT Wl I.SOX WIM. AXXOUXCK IT TOXIGHT AS I'KBMAXKXT SECRETARY OF STATU United I'ress Servlm WASHINGTON, I). C, Junu 23. Rumors here today stato that Presl dent Wilson Is expected to announce slj,lK ox STAXIl Lansing's permanent appointment as1' tocretnryof state tonight. Uinsing on tho Job ' United I'ress Service WASHINGTON. 1), C, Juno 23. Elaborate preparations have been' completed for tho keeping of Presl- dont Wilson Informed on the. Inter- national situation whllo ho is (nKingrl,1)0(ii 8UbJect to recall his vacation at Cornish Lansing Is to "sit on tho lid" in re gard to New York Importers who have f&,000,000 of gooilB tied up In Hol land, and who are pressing tho admin istration to relievo tho sltuntlon re sulting from tho British embargo act, Return from the Kulr. G. P. Van Riper of tho local II nu of i Van Riper Bros, has returned from Ban Francisco, where he attended tho fair. Ho wan accompanied by Mrs. Van Riper, and reports a fine trip. : LEMBERG FALLS, MARKING DEFEAT OF SLAV ON WEST IHHSIA.Vh .NOW HACK OX OWX miou.Mi Moral F.fTrct of Victory Expected lo Hate Greater Effect Than Military Value Second Army lleporled lo Have Conquered the City Xo De tail of liattle itccclred. Says He port From Vicuna. United I'rct Service VIENNA, June 23. It has been omclally announced from the war office" hero that tamborg has fallen, and the following statement issued: "Our second army conquered Lem burg after a violent fight." No details arc given, and it is not believed that the booty Is largo, as the Russians withdrew- their heavy guns and supplies several days ago. Tho main body of Russian troops moved to Urody this week. The final charges were made on the western gates, and It is probable that a small body of defenders was annihilated or captured. Tho moral effect is expected to far exceed the military value of the posi tion. The Austrians are enthusiastic. The next stand of the Russians Is ex- jTho Austro-Gerraans are expected to v,c,or ,or thls reason more than "rougn tbe stragetlc ability of her Knprals. I'liiled I'ress Service .... . stato that the retirement is part of Russia's stragetlc plans, and is not a defeat UKHLIN, Juue 23. It has been (Continued on Page 4) THAW'S TRIAL IS ON IN NEW YORK j Home concern Is expressed at the THAW THLLS OF KSCAI'K FROMhouil reclamation headquarters lu ro- MATTKAWAX ASYLUM IS XER.isal'a to tue blB Yuma -oa project, nnd tho big dam, which is a VOUS, HUT IIF.GAIXK COMPO-Sra lo long and cost the government Culled Press Service NEW YORK, June 23. Harry K Thaw was called lo tho stand today by his attorney Stanchtleld, and given tweuty-llvo minutes of direct exami nation. Tho state was unprepared for crogg examination, and he was ex- Thaw appeared nervous at first, but regained his composure In a short time. IIf related his escape from Mat tea wan in a short statement. Stanchtlold denounced Dr. Austin Flint, the alienist, who declared Thaw Insane, In no uncertain terms. Ho also read Jeromo's second address at tho second Thaw trial. up to the timo or trim niaw 1ms been confident that he will be re leased, and has gone os far as plan ning a trip to the Panama-Pacific ex position at Ran Francisco, BOX FACTORY TO RUN TWO SHIFTS1 OIIIIKH.H HAVi: COXTHACTKH. KOK aO.IMMI.IKMI FKKT OF MJM-' IIKH OltlrKlt-S WAY AHKAII The placing of forty or fifty now men on the pay roll of the Ewaunat box factory oV this city means that' (his product is becoming a more val-j uable. and thriving Industry in thM: city than ever before. The new crewj will be put on July 1, or after the. Fourth., and from then on a day and night shift wilt be maintained through' out the balance of tbe season, as the, mill lias orders ahead for the next three months that will keep both The committee of business men shifts running. jwbo are In charge of the Fourth of A majority of these hands will be Jul' lcbratlo have now completed experienced men, while perhaps tcn'lho Ingram, and arc ready to an or twelve will be common laborers nounce - Some other attraction for tho rougher work. The mill Is I'111 Probably be added to this pro now employing sixty-thrco men. theram' aml wl,l'be arranged for later. ,.-- -oil nvr-i- s tk in h .- i ,- .W. b.H0...B -H..H W MW ...U... which means a monthly payroll of over 115,000, which will be nearly doubled when the new shift is put on. This mill was constructed in 1912, and started actual work in 1913. Ev ery season .since then the force and output has been practically doubled, until this year contracts have been made for 20,000,000 feet of lumber. Manager McGowan recently returned from California, and finds that all their contracts and options previously! made are to be used to the limit; that instead of many purchasers taking the minimum, they are taking tbe maximum. Also ho made a number of new contracts. The mill is fur nished with lumber from Mt. Hebron. Pelican Ray Lumber company. Ed munds Lumber company and other mills in this section. Their output Is sent to California, which gets 90 per cent of all of it. Oregon, Colorado and ! Washington the remainder. The larg est stock holders of the firm are C. B. Crlsler. Fred Schallock, C. H. Dag gett and Manager Gowen. 1 LOCAL PEOPLE NEAR QUAKE ZONE i r i.. . uuuur, wr sm his XKAIt QLAKK ZOXK RECLAMA- TIOX OFFICIALS FEAR 1'ROJECT von A telegram received from C. K. lloguc, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. llogue of this city, who ts located at Globe, Ariz., editor and manager of the Arizona Record, state that though the earthquake which shook up the' Imperial Valley last night and this morning was severe, they are out of the danger zone. He intimates, how over, that tho quake was a very se vere, one. Hague was connected with tlti' Northwestern at ono time. 17,000,000 In construction. It Is tho taigest reclamation dam lu tbe world. It directs waters on both sides from tho Colorado River, and at present there nro about 00,000 acres of laud Inlgated under It In the Imperial Valley, and tbcic are 270 miles of canals. Tho dam is called the Lagula dam, and is located about fourteen miles above Yuma. It Is not feared that the dam Is broken, as It is well constructed and reinforced by a heavy till. W extern Pacific Train Wrecked I United Press Service OROV1LLE, Calif., Juno 23 West- urn Pacific Train No. 3 was wrecked J near this place this morning when tho engine struck a- boulder which nan I'oueu uown a mountain siae. t ne engiuoer ana nreiann escaped ny Jumping. The baggageman was slight ly hurt, but no other Injured are reported BIG BARBECUE AND SPORTS PLANS READY JULY FOUUTII PIIOOUAM IS AX- XOUXCKD AS COMPLETE Thousands to IW- Fed at Barbecue I Han of Committee la Chaige V.m trem for Event Caa Hlg Up .Vow. Interest lleing Shown la Tag of War und lxg Rotliag, With Several Tram Fractlciag. ne oiucers oi me associailOB cum- en. Mid who will have the manag nent of this celebration are: J. F. Magulre. president; Fred Houston, vice president; R. I. Ham mond, treasurer; J. S. Kent, secre tary; J. J. Keller, manager; E. Van nice, L. G. Van Bellcn, K. Sugarman, Fred Houston, R. 1. Hammond and J P. Magulre, directors. General Bales Contestants are advised to read the following rules carefully, so there will be no misunderstanding. All contestants must abide by tbe ruls governing tho various events. Prize money will be paid each even ing at headquarters. All contestants must be ready for the event In which they are entered ton minutes before timo set. Events v. Hi be called on schedule time, and no delays will be tolerated. All contestants must enter their names at headquarters In tbe races they Intend to enter on or before 9 p. m., July 1st. Make your entries as early as pos sible and avoid the rush. Saxtoa Case Proceed The caso of Saxton against tbe , First State and Savings bonk tor dam ages Is proceeding In the circuit court. (The plaintiff is making considerable of tho papers supplied for his arrest, and has mado a demand for the de scriptive communication on which he was arrestr-d in Idaho, claiming that .hp ,j ot t the descrIpt,on. French Continue Alsace Advuuce United Press Service PARIS, June 23. It was announc ed here today that the French are continuing the advance on Into Alsace and have occupied Sendernoch. two miles southeast of Metzeral. Italian Cruisers to Dardanelles COUENHAGEN. Juno 23. It was, announced here today that advices had been received thqt several Italian cruisor3 havo left Tenedos to Join In the attack on the Dardanelles. H0RNBR00K HAS MASKED HOLD-UP HOLDS l'l STORE KEEPER AND WIFE. COMPELS THEM TO OPEN SAFE, T.VKKS 700 IX COIN AND GLOD DUST AND FLED United Press Service iinnvnnnnK .iun as , many. d robW Md up Gordon Jacobs, the manager of tho JoneB store, here last night, marched htm and Mrs. Jacobs to tho storo. where he forced them to open the safe. He secured 1700 In coin and gold dust, and then marched tho couple back to the bouse. Here be forced tho woman tq gpt him a sack for the ioui, ana men ne, '0' Officers have wired la all dlrtliM.;tj for suspicious c)Miraetw,!";a4:i'i searching toe eouatry bk'M a clue to tke rokker. u V "-! 4 4 l V J , L 5, rdP,'. .. a vTf-' r? $'V! t . '- .. tt,i .