Ft r I A 1 'IP i i (' Jimi SKf Herald N Klamath palls official newspaper KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER i.xtutsaar; KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 1915 Price, Ufa NanttiYi No. 0,7111 m r ? 'lei y m jWs i k 0 CITY COUNCIL PASSES SPECIAL ELECTION BILL ehdixa.nm: through first AM SKMtN'D It KAMI. NO Jul) U7ili l Ital Hft In Onllniuiee Culling Kr Special IHfirml Elec tion in Kill (r of JUynr llllm Allowed PrrmtU lit Erect Slgna. Chief of Pollrc Not Clio-n Far. nllMt lo II Purrtawwl. Aii ordinance calling (or a special Ktierul election fur Ilia purpose or tllllug the office of mayor, for which unit candidate has niuiounreil hlmielf, pned Km llrsl tin J second reading at List night's meeting of (Iik council. Ii will come u again next Monday lilRhl, and U expelled will bo pasted without nny trouble. July 27th, life i iirllenl possible date (or such an Hec tlon. was (tie ilute derided upon. Ten days mum be ullnwed for Mlnic of iiumlnntltiti petition und polling of notice, The clmrler provide tttnt lection shall not ho held In less tlmn 1 1: n da) alter the ordinance becomes effcctlw, nor over llilrty d)H. Coun cilman HIiooIm lulroduced (tie ordi nance, nnd Councilman Miller second l i ho motion to Mlopt. Illllt allowed were Hubert Hanks. ImriUnre, $17; liny for city IKiuml. $27.70; John A. Mclen, 121 .: J II. Ciirimliati, nlliiK pa pern. $T, Permit worn granted (or the erection of n riettl sign on Main street, near Hoienth, ti (runt of the Con. K Whlto building, Mllei Sign rompntfy, galvanised lsn nt lto Sixth street, nnd (or the remodollug of mi Ire houi In rear of Hank Kxrhiinite saloon Into ii garage. Resolutions wvrn Introducud hy the IlKhtliiii cumiulltie to the effect thai ll.e city hnd relinquished nil cure of nml the replm-lug of globe In itreet I ulitt, nnd turned them over to thii CiilKornln'Ori'Koii Power company, v, Mcli wnn ndopled. AIo that the telephone company lie requeued to (nrnldli to mlilltlnnul phonen to bo placed In the city ImlL The luulter of lulllg the hlilewnlk on KitpiiinniiK ktrooi umier tho rait iriiBNliiK nnd ni'rn'n the dllcb wuh iim yidered. I'niperty ownem tlicro nro to ho notified mid nldewulk Ik to he torn up to proven! iin-lilciita follow liu: i' recent one, which might -n t iikIc tho city In damaia nulla. A had cronnlnit nt Tenth itreet was' brought up, an well na othera. ' A proteat agnlnat tho cloalng off (Contlnuod on Fag 4) CRATER LAKE TOURISTS KICK!' MAY (XttlrTO KKK LAKK, HUT AUK ADVISKII HKHK TIIKY CAN XOT 1KT THItOUOH WOULD IIK WON'DKItFUli THU Hvporta huvo comu to thia city thut many peoplo uro being aont lioro from Han Kranclaco nnd other point a nlong tho way, expecting to bo auto to drlvo nil tho wuy to Crater Kuke. Owing to tho heavy truffle thin year, which huu already aurpnaacd nil pre vi dua recorda for thla tlmo of year, and bldt fair to break al) former recorda, It haa been auggogtcd that thono In charge of' Crater Lake uw ovory meant possible to dear the road to tho lake or furnish some rasans of transportation as soon aa possible, so that the visitors can go up. flnow along 'the routo would nako tho trip much more Inviting, and would bo n novo) experience to rldo up from hero In the middle of sum mer nnd pmh through lnuea of mow1, or over it, to tho rim, and Is said to be at the present time one of the meat beautiful trlpa Imaginable, BIDS RECEIVED FOR BRI06E WORK county coniT considers hum FOR WILSON IHIIIMJi: ACROSS LOST IIIVMt IC. W. SMITH AND WIIUUHJKITI HAVE LOWEST The louiit) louri iih called III en nIoii hy Couiily Jiulm- Marlon Itunkn thU morning (or thn purpoHu of cou aldorlng' IiIiIm on the WlWou bridge ncroM Umt HUer, near the dltemlon dam, Mhlch Ik to huve n U.'-foot tin gle Mpnu, will Ink ii J8f yards or con crete work, nml M.li'Jn yunlx of dirt (or nn emhunkmeut. The low ml IiIiIh Hvte madii by Am brogettl on the concrete, hl being t2,4!i3.7r: i:. W, Hmllh (or embank ment rill, $3,040; J. II. Urltnili for tearing down old bridge, ISO, und V. J. NlrholHon (or hnulliiK nuay, $90. The contrneta were to bo let thin ndernoou If the bidder could fiiriilih the bondii The bridge will be con Rtructeit of lonrrete und oleel, nnd In to Ih (lulHhed nn noon an poMlblr. Other blddorM went V II. Maon, U. I). Wlllitdn, Jut. Yielding, J. A. Mnddox, Klamath Iron Workt, K. J. Kharp, A, J. Mnniilug, Karl Hharp, W, 0 Miller ami J. II. (larret. The hlda tnrled widely In ainaunU. WILL ESTABLISH BRANCH OFFICE HKI'ltr.HKXTATIVKH OV WKKTKU.V lAi.XX AMI Hf II.IHX(S CUMPANV Wll.l. IIAVH IIH.NCII OKMCK IV TIIIH CITV SK) CoruelliiH II. Iteck. geiieral agent (or the Wettern l-on and Uulldlng company, mid 8. V. Day, alio con nected with the company, nro In the city with thu Intention of opening up hete n brunch ofllcu of thla company. The company haa n largo number of IntcroiU here, and the main office la In Rait l-ake City. In order to handle their" bUHlni'HH In uu economical and biiMncmi like maimer, mid nt the name time give their cllenia the beat of service, It haa been decided to open an office here. Thu location hn not been delected yet, iiud the two men are looking tho i Hy over for office room. BUSINESS MEN PLAN SESSION 'OUIITII OK JULY PLANK AND KlllOUT OK N'KW OOMMKB- ClAli CI.UII AH WKLIi AH OTHER MATTKHH TO UK DI8CUHSKD The Business Men's Association will meet Wednesday night at eight o'clock p. m, nt tho city hall. This will be tho last meeting beforo the Ith of July nnd tlnnl arrangements will ho made mid the committee wunta nil tho moinbers to bo there nnd help this along. lu addition to this routine, It Is tumored thut u very lively session may develop, A number of the mem bers are Inclined to thltik thut tho business men do not take enough In terest lu locnl polltlcH nnd tho or ganisation may take a1 hand as a body In Mi-AlghteiilUK out the mudde Into which conditions huvo been tin own, Thn question of support of thu pro pofiotl Commercial club will also bo taken up, Hero again there Is said lu be rumors of decided opinions both for nnd against such n club and there may be Home Interesting talk. Tho president announces thut nil members may bo sttro that thoy can talk freely, for he haa barred any visitors or reporter from thla meet ing, which will he for member only. FOREIGN OFFICE NOT. DESK INTERFERENCE ! Sit CVI'I, A. NATION OKKKItKD KOIl KUHPK.N'HION llelieiiil That Anll-Aiuerkaa Kll lUpreMnl l KuUlcailoti on litaal tniiU luciilent la IUmwob Aiimt lean Colony ,'oBliler Hunprnaloai Hlguillcasit-Von Tlrplti KormnUt Ing (Sermnny'N Reply. I, nliiil rrett Her lto IIKIII.IN, June 22 (Ackcnnan) riio foreign afflce here desires to uvolil anything that will likely Inter fere with the peace tltuatlon In the United Slates. Thla Is the Interpre tation placed on tho suspension of to duy'a M'sslon of the Dcutxcbo Zcltuug. No explanations are offered, but It U believed that the publication of Count Itevenllow a mill - American vIowh on the l.iiHltanln Incident In re gard to fJ.'rmnn-Aniprlc.ni relations Is tho reason. Thu American colony here consid ers that the huspenslon of any action Is most significant. Von Tirpltx Is formulating suggestloua (or Gerina n' reply to tho American note. Von Jagow U analyzing Ucrhard's data as he gathered It In the United State. FORMER LOCAL BOY MARRIED CKIIKMOXV TAKKS I'UXCK TODAY IV I.OS AXCJKI.KH Wll.l, USIT KAIH AXD COMK TO KLAMATH KOIt IIOXKYMOOX Kirk White, sou of O. W. White, a well known local banker ind capital ist, wiia married today to Miss Genc vlevo Moore, a prominent young wo iii an lu 1oh Angelet. society, and the dnughter or a prominent public official In that city. Whlto luis Just finished k course In thn law school at tho Unlvorslty or Southern California, graduating last woek. They will spend their honey moon In San Francisco nnd Klamath . Falls, expecting to arrive hero July 3 White may locate In Klamath Falls. Mr. nnd Mrs. White attended tho wedding from thla city. Miss Moore was also a student In tho law school last year. GREEK BURNS PART OF HOUSEIWOMAN ELECTED 1 (il.TS INTO LEGAL MUDDLE OVER) HOARD BILL ATTACHMENT ANI ORDERED TO MOVE, LOSES HIM TEMPER, GETS IX WORSE Owing to n writ of attachment placed ou his house und aoverul other buildings In tho neighborhood near Hhipplugton by Cnptulu Parker re-i ccntly for a board bill, a subsequent order iioni ttio Klamath Development company to move (ho ho,use, which wax prevented by attachment, Tom Argovla lost his temper, tore out ono end or the house and burned t up. Argrevls was brought to this city mid wnR ulvoii to understand by offi cials Hint such conduct was unbeeom lug u resldont of this city or neigh- iioruuuu, iiiiu lie iuihuu iuvw, u moniHiicu not to iiiriner my nimsei lllillii. u " A. .J m Clias, M. Miller will manutact fruit evaporators at Albany. IIHK HKt.lV! TO KIXO Tho (Ire bell wllf be tested out tonight by the members of the city council,- between the hour of 7 and '.'30," so that If anyone should hear It there will bo "nothing In It" to hook to a curt and drag It up the street. BI6 RECEPTION FOR GOVERNOR CHIKK KXKCUTIVK OK HTATK Wll.l, IIK (JUI-XT OP HONOU AT WHITK I'KMCAX HOTKL HUX DAY XinitT, U:M TO 10:80 Oovenior Wlthycombe will be the g..et of honor of thla city and county next Sunday night, and n huge recep tion In doing planned by the Women's l.lbiary Club, which hts the arrange ment In charge. Tho, reception will he held at the White 1'ellcan hotel from 8:30 until 10:30, giving every body the opportunity of meeting and hhnkliiK hands with tbe governor. A (eutuie of the reception will bo mu sical numbers by Mrs. Don J. Zum- nit. Mm. Ilort C. Thopaa, Mrs. Voye and Ijiwrence Mchaffey, as baa been announced by Mrs. Wattcnberg, presi dent. Governor Wlthycombe and party. consisting of a numbtf.- of state offl- rers and members of the state fish (.ml game commission, will arrive here Saturday night. Sunday they will be taken In automobiles to the Spencer Crtfek ftsh liatUiJry to In spect It, with the Idea of further lm proWng and enlarging It. Sunday night the reception will be held, and Monday the party will be taken to Crater I.nkc committee here. It Is expected thaL.tho anow will be off sufficiently to make the trip i (practically all the way by machine at I that time. Other arrangements will ' probably be made In case It la not. At the take he wilt be tbe guest of President Parkhurst of the Crater Lake company and Superintendent StMl,v Hi. will bn met thnrn hr h commltlo.. from tho CommerdICIuh!l,8stDle undcr )eUt "aweny. with a- of Medrord. and escorted to that city. The commit too In charge or tho ar- rniiKcmouts for the governor's visit! here Is composed of Mrs. R. E. Wat-i tonbor. Mrs. L. Jacobs. Mrs. C. V. Fisher, Mrs. H. R. Harrison and Mrs., iWllbur Jones. Thefollowlng women' '' Low. uuJ th0' overtook Blehn . . . '.t.llnH .. IntA ilin AAiinlnH tilfHta will net as honorary hostesses, and will be In the recelvlnlg line: Mrs. C. K Xfnnra XI ro U f Qmllh Mn II DunbaT. Mrs. W. E. Faught, Mrs. Geo. Noland, Mrs. Fred Peterson, Mrs. G. H, Mcrrymffn, Mrs. J. O.i Camp, Mrs. Marlon Hanks, Mra. J. F. Goeller. Mrs. E. R. Rcames, Mra. Geo. T. Baldwin. Mrs. W. A. Deliell, Mrs. C. F. Stone and Mrs. h. Gerber. TO SCHOOL BOARD MEETS WITH HOARD FIRST TIME D I It E O T O RS CONSIDERING PURCHASE OF NEW SITE AND DISPOSAL OF CENTRAL SITE Mrs. it, b wuttenueri wofeofif meaibor of tho I Jortyjaierdvr. In i Mrs. R, E. W'uttenberg, the tlreti local school, strong ma- school elec- lAfi. tlie board last i.Jram. the regular rou- (.B)UsMM(tlie, board of director MP (vMlou of a now school V luifidt It ou a ballot JtyV iDkjio express tneir optn- vsni li g; w u grauuaie ot la n liro certlflcato to 'aw,ls president of the rcn oi page 1) wm m TyP-'fWS Si iVJLsaaaU mm WflaViM 'itj ,rvTai ' rrir)M. ANNOUNCEMENT OF LEMBERG'S ! FALLjXPECTED; MAY AMIKADY ItK (K'CUI'IKD HY AUBTIMMJKBMAXH f Tfirev Armli Are Withla Few Hours' March When ibe Lt Diafwtch From Pra-mytl Waa Filed, d nouncemeat of Ita Fall Is Expect ed at Any Moment. Thought slblo Ituwlau Have Withdrawn United Press Service 2 o m The m-TMi .... v ,. m Th ........., . ... r. .. . announcement of Lemberg's fall ,s'n-c"b tne Kiamatfis, Moaoca and auton motored to the aUte honae to- , . . j '.a band of Snako Indians, his industry I day unguarded and no hostility was awaited here momentarily, and ox-'and natUe ,nteUlgenco MOn bronghtahown, despite the demoutrattoM pected soon. Three armies were 'Within a few hours march of tho city when the last dispatch was filed at Pnemysl. J It Is possible that the Russians hae already withdrawn and that the, Austro-uerman forces are In the city, by .German,0' Unltid Pri-ss Service COPENHAGEN, June 22 newspapers print of Lemberg. rumors of the fair."-ntlal favor from him. He will also be missed by many white men. ho have done business with him for BOY STEALS TWO BATTERIES; JAIL FOK TAKING TWO BATTERIES WORTH 80 CENTS, YOUNG MAN IX JAIL PENDING PAYMENT OP 23 FINE lleca-use he took two batteries worth 40 cents apiece from a Reo au- y mobllo in the Dunham garage, Les- niebn of this, city was arrested Inst night as be was going out the county road, and taken before Justice of the Peace Gowen. He plead guilty ,and was given the lightest sentence Revcro "nraanu. ... one or miny t,a'8 ,n Jal1, The batteries hnd been in the ReoTrarpath machine for some time, and Biebn "cn tnklng them out Dunham camo to town and got Deputy 8herirt riding out Into tho country, holding the batteries In his lap. They brought him back and he was taken before Gowen. DORRIS PLAYS HERE SUNDAY WILL BRING COTERIE OK STARS FROM NORTHERN CALIFORNIA AXD SOUTHERN' OREGON BOX FACTORIES AND MILLS DorrU has been sitting back taking i lu the baseball situation in Klamath ii Falls, and after looking It over havo( decided that they .want a taste of the' big stuff which has been pulled here in tho last few weeks. Roy Tabor,, manager, has looked over the sltun- 'Ion, nnd scheduled a game to be played here Sunday, After listening to tbe dope on the game last Sunday he, ha promised to get togetner a strong team rrora an clBo international exposition, Ore over the valley In that region, and ., bulldlna and products have been ,wiii oe here tooKtng tor diooq. tho local team win nave pnciicauy the same line-up so far. as is known now with the except!onof Dale on recond and Noel In tho, lleld. This combination will be tried out, aad It necessary further changes, will be made later to make a strong team. ntgbee will pitch again. INDIAN GOES TO HUNTING 6R0UND IIKXHY JACKHOX, I'ITT INDIAN, KOHMKIt KliASfATH 8LAVK, SAID TO BK KICHC8T IXDIAX,' 1)1 KS AT BONANZA MONDAY Henry Pitt Jackson, a prominent ireserratlon Indian, a Pitt River by; bIrth( an(J reputed to be the wealth - An-jlet Ifadlan on the Klamath resenra- ( tlon, died at Bonanza at 10 p. m. Monday, June 21, 1915, after an ill Poa-iness of two or three year duration. Henry Jackson was a man well known and respected by all, bothi whites and Indians. He was former ly held as a slave by the Klamath, 'but when he became free through the requirements of the treaty of 1864,' requirements oi me ireaiy oi ise. - - ... him Into prominence. jn, nto prominence. He became an employe at Yalnax sub agency, served as a scout with Captain O. C. Apple- gate's company during the Modoc war ?'"- afterwards became a leader of 'be reservation people and their wealthiest cattle man. Henry Jackson will be sadly missed tbe Indians of several tribes, many whom have been recipients of sub- many years. Tbe funeral will occur fat Yalnax Wednesday, June 23 at 2 'p. m. YAQUI UPRISING BETS CRITICAL .PROTECTION HAH BEEN ASKED OP UNITED STATES GOVERN MENT FOR AMERICANS AN OTHER SHIP SENT SOUTH United Press Service NOQALES, June 22. Officers of tho United Surar rornomtlnn have ,e,egrapb,d Washington, asking pro tection for 200 Americans in Los MocnU They cla!ln th0 8ltuatlon is desperate, as the Yaquls are on the au iiuvuuuiwru rutuvr suiitra luaii Alner,can marlnes ba,e d , An unconfirmed ruracr states that Guaylniu)i and tnere la excite-1 ment on the border. United rPess Service , WASHINGTON, D. C. June 23. Tbe government la anxious regarding Admiral Howard off the coast of Mex ico. The last reports state that the officer is ashore, prepared to signal i ' warships If old Is needed. Tbe cruls-. .er Washington, 7,000 marines and 200 bluejackets on board, has been) , ordered to Haiti, and will probably land. i OREGON TAKING PRIZES GALORE HORTICULTURE, CATTLE, . HOGS AND LIVESTOCK GRAND PRI7.ES WON SCORES OF OTH V:il MEDALS (Special to The Herald) SAN FRANCISCO, June 22. Ever L,nce tho oponlng ot tha pan,ma.pa ,0 s0Urce of muen interest, but alnce the awarding of prises baa started the Beaver Btato la more than ever to tbe front. It will gain ruoro publicity from Its displays bere than any other Mute, with the possible exception of California, whose product, tndu- (Contlnutd. on Page 4) SLATON GOES UNHARMED TO STAT HOUSE DKSPITK DKMOXBTRATIONS LAST XIOItTIX ATLANTA Says He WoeJd Do Saane TUac Tinea Called Militia Oat La Xifbt fen a. Protectioa No Hoetility 8tmwB. Frank Unable to Work MllMla HUU Hoard Cosatry United Press Service Atlanta. June zz. Governor June - Us night, when crowd gathered oat side big country place and the trooaa wero called out. Stacks of telegrams congratulating him oc bis action have: been received, Frank's -condition makes It lxapoaUhle r - 'for him to labor for several days. Three battalions of Infantry and a troop of cavalry are atlll guarding tbe country home of Governor Slaton, six miles from here. Shaken by the hostile demonstra tion last night, the governor stated this morning that he "did right," and , "woulo. do the same thing a thousand ; timet over." He admitted that he had called out the militia himself, ana urged oorre-) spondents to read hi statement, which outlines hi reason for com muting the sentence. RritMi Recruiting Oalce Probe United- Press Service , NEW YORK. June 22. Seven meet alleged aa enlisted as British reserv ists In San Francisco, are detained as witnesses here in the San Francisco case, where it was charged recently that the British have been maintain ing a recruiting office. Aoto Ban Accident at S. F. United Press Service SAN FRANCISCO, June 22. Sev en were Injured, one fatally, when a hotel motor bus collided with a taxi here on the Embarcadero at the foot or Market street. Many of the In jured were.vIsltors to the Exposition. Geo Vixon, the taxi driver, t expect ed to die. Mexico City Cut OK From tlie World United Press Service WASHINGTON, D. C, June 22. i ( Pilllman has reported from Vera Cm that tho telegraph line Into. Mexico City has been cut at Otutnba, twenty- five miles east of the capital. Zapa tista's men are supposedly responsi ble LIKE KLAMATH COUNTRY; RETURN LOS ANGELES PEOPLE VISIT HERE, AND LIKE COUNTRY SO, WELL TREY WILL RETURN FOR PROLONGED STAY Owe m . 3mf. mi- .,A TlLj r a n. ! t Tm . . hi r. iiiiti ; n. . ji. rniiu ua Mjjm j- i i j", ,.w Aneelea returned recently from a trlD t"' ('?'?. - ' . . 7 . . I '.'-.,$ iK2Hi to ia pine, nnd haye heea touring V5ttfI county In general since their arrival bMfi anmn limn nan Up Wrvffl la nnjfeAf m, .v. ... -, .. ....- . , -' ,!' UJ--JSAI Hhe proprietor of the Fifth' Street .;fcffJ Store, one of the large department ,WiWfr .Inn,. In T.na Innln ' " ''.. iv!T.W '"" " """ ..ov-. .,'-"nl. , ..&n"V W rorlnlnlv hnvo hn tilauuJtV'i'KMtfA - - . ww7-t Jft,' lV ...HY. .kt ..,,.1 -.M U. Wmmmta il"'k.7ifd rocontly. on hi return, from La, Ptoest m "ThU Is an Ideal place to speed .tBej'TTAaw summer, and It Is our Intention t T'i,'it'Mi'j'i turn later mis summer ana spena vi- ,;,, a number of scenic plaee fa'j'W- of Interest whleh we wM.to.ae, tkf. .Vsfi will mage anotner tna,;y ... . . "'! xr.T , . . k m ,; y-v Mr. ana Hrt..rfmrsMMjH "Mi m ?)dM tK4wmg- ft ',zn m -?.;nrj. mi WJAWj & v4 ltAt -Mm irtffe Lr-$Sjfe m f M i lim ifj rsc ?4 mm i & .ti,U 3&1&W A" -y . XJ&H ' TZ .'.," I i. ,ftw