$tr- Hrralfr KLAMATH PALLS' KLAMATH COUNTY'S OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER fM OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ... .&a i Wh u No. U.7IU KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. MONDAY, JUNE 21. 1915 i ZfTfYi - SSSf W W' 2l p 1 ATTEMPT MADE ! TO DYNAMITE CANADA ARMORY j(rtf CANADIAN TIUMIPH HI.UEPING I.V IIUILDING AlK'MIlM AImi Iii llliin Up PiyiImmI) i I Owmll PIiiiiI Airlilenlnlly l'r- uittttt hy Guiirtl KtirmlilliiK on Dy- uttiiltt' IVahmly I'lmit nl Witlkr- villi' Ihi.troywl German Hplr Arvl Minimi!. Pulled Prv Karvlvu DETROIT, Jiiiiu 2I.--Anuitcinpl In IiIiim' up the armory nl Windsor, Ontario, nrriMii llii' river from thin illy, where Sun (.'nnnillun troops wore lii-plliK. wns dlncovoied when a guard kiuiiililcil onto Iwi-iuy-iilx snick nl dynamite tilttiilipil ki which wns n t.irily burned fue Also till lilli'lill'l wim mnde to wreck llto IViihody Overall plain located lln-re, llcriunu spies tire blamed, mill August Frank, ng 2. (iirmwii-Anior. Iran, U hold n n Htispert. Il denies J hit rtntrge. I iiitftil Pre Hervice WINDSOR. On!.. June 21 Two men mill i! woin.in nlc Niixpii'lril of ilio nltt'itipi lo blow up tlii' iirmory lien- Tit Pmhody plant nl Walkers vlll win. blown up. A clmk-witrk iitliicliiiint wan discovered on I tin bomb net to go off ut 3;t.i. Oii'uom Siiiiilur ,'iMfi'r CI.IINDAI.K. June 21. Senator l.niie, I't-dovornor Weil iirnl Con nmnmiiii MrArtliur discussed Ore jimii'k reclamation need with tin' house appropriation Ntiti-romiiillli'v at Ornut Pass today. Kl.iinittli Itltil lt'-M'i-i Kituillor WASHINGTON, l (J.. Juno 21 Prcslilnnt Wilson has Just Issued nil order whlrli provides that the Klam uili I.hKk ru'cnntlou In California r nil Oregon, which U lined lor tho pro tection of unlive lilriln. bo reduced In urea hy eliminating i'insldnriblo land on the n:iM nnil won i boundaries. P. S. Ttixip. Mny lnnd I'll 1(0(1 PltlSH HlTVll'll WASHINGTON. I. ('.. Jiiiiu 21. A report has renchud hero that I he Vii'iuls killed John Jnnilnton, n Ilrlt lull subject, In n light here. This mny eiiuso Ailmlrnl Howard, who Is off the i-oiut with Hie tlnllod fllntps rrulsor Colorado, to In nil his marines. The llrst troop train of the Maytorenas was destrnyed, killing forty. FORD PICNIC BIGjUCCESS i:htimatkd nkahly hkvknty kivkiachinfj madk trip to HPUIXU CUKKK HKVrJttAL MA CIIINKN IH HTUNTH KlliiiK out f tliu city lu a con tinuous string for hourw, II seemed, I ho FordH cnniu Into their own yester day, nnil It Ih estimated that nearly hovonty-tlvo machines made tlio trip to Spring Creek, Tliu day was n gain nno for both Old Man Ford und his Rons, nnil the trip was u most enjoy nblo ono, Going up the long hill west of the illy some trouble was oncountorcd when one machine rammed another nnil tlio one behind that commenced iiitlng up, climbed n bank mid nearly foil on Its back, However, matters woro Btrnlghtened out by tho supply man, who brought up tho roar, nnil tho parties proceeded on their way as If nothing had' hnpponod, Tho steer- luggear on ono of tho machines had beoomo damaged In tho "ram," but waa soon fixed. N New Head of Department of State " "sa&'iasKiiS.v: v-rr. ltOlli:ilT Itobi'M I.iiiihIiik. rouiiM'llitr of lint tli'piirtnit'lil of ninl, lum Hiiccrulcil Sicri'tary William J, Monti In chiirftn cit illplemnlli: nffulm of tlm lliillcil StntvH ilurliiK tliu crlalH whlrli limy mt'iin mmi In Iih lilniory. Mr. I.nn "Iiik. ho for oun ypnrs prirtlci'l law In WimlilnKlon, whh bom In WnU'rtowii, N. Y In 1S01 lie In not uiifninlllnr with Interna tloniil law, bocauir he tins ncteil for thu Unltcif. 8tatOH In novornl Interim- K. E. COMES BACK WITH VENGEANCE: WHOI.i: Ti:.M PI.AVrt HALL AXII, HAS NO DIFFICULTY IN WALK IXG AWAY WITH IT IIIU1IKK AND XIXSOX HTARS OF tiAMH ( Yesterday's hall game between tho Klamath Falls team nnil thu Kwnuna Hox Factory team was n come-back for the K. F. nluo with a vengeanco. Tho score was 1 1 to I, Securing lite runs lu the Urol Inn ing, the factory boys were put out of danger for the Imlanre of the gnme. Coolc'x best offerings were taken with out a murmnr, nnil ho was slammed over the lot In great Btylo. However, It mny bo said In his favor that nttor tho llrst Inning tho support be receiv ed was putrlilln spots. Illghen In tho box for K. F. proved a winner, and nau the game in his nip pocki't nil the tlmo.' Ho should havo litul I', shut-out, niut would have, hut Ilr.iim dropped a lly ball In left Held ift r nu easy run, Hut two lilt', wave gocured off Illgbeo, Nelson on flint, Amhrnso In "renter field, llnydou on third. Illgbeo In Holding his position mid Mntschnnbnchcr batting wero the Individual luminaries. Zum pot n good hit, hut mussed up a coup'.e of throws utter hn hnd tluldcd them. Stelgor, In right flold, tins the mak ings of n good ball player; Noel at' Kocoml will soon work Into Uini posi tion, niiil Hnydeii proved n gi.m' tr.nn n' third, Motsi'lionbiulior was tho stnr at bat. gi'tljng it Hlngle. a two-lmggor and a thren-hagger. Cook walked live nnil lllgln a nno, next lo tho last tnnn up. Cook in nil e two wild pltrhes, Illgbeo struck out Hoven; Conk Ovo. Slelgcr and Dlgbee also got two-hai;i;i rx ArrnngementH hnve houii mmle for ii Katun with DorrlH next Sunday. TIm Game hy Inning" First II. F. Wlmlers dikes llrst on nn error by Nool; Hong drives through Noel's position; Wlndors out trying to steal third; Horblg grounds out. K, F, Motule grounds out; Nool hits to right coutor; nautn drives hit down third Case line; Zum, walks; I .rss,i-U-Pi--p..gy' I.AXHI.Vli (loiinl roiiiplUutloiu. Probably tliu tiioft notable nn for thu UcbruiK 8ci. VotnnilsHloii In 18B2-3, and In 180(1-7. Iff niiR couimel In I In- North Atlantic 'itithcrlcK aixputo In 1909 at The HnKUt'. Ho wim tounnollor for the Unllitl StatPM lu the llrltlsli Claims Arbitration In 1912 and 19H. Mr. UinnliiK I n writer of somo au thority. AinoiiR llio workH of his cn 'arc "tlovernment, Itt Orleln'. Orowth and Form in the United States." lA'iiiU'rK About to Fall United Press Service IIKItl.lN. June 21 It was an nounced today that tho Austro Germans nro within eight miles of l.embprg. Hnydeiigrounils to necond; error on llorblg's throw home scores Noel and I la u in; Nelson drives one through the middle or the diamond, scoring Zum mid llnyden; Ambrose walked; nig- iueu hits to left scores Nelson; Am brose caught between third and heme: Stelger fans. Second II. F. Palmer fouls out to iNoImiii on a good catch; O. Arnold jsafo on error by Noel; 8tevenson grounded out; C. Arnold fouled out to Illgbi'u. I K. F. Mottdu reaches llrst on error by Winders In retrieving a fast ground bull; Noel fnus; tlnum forced Motslc on second; Zum riled out to left. Third II. F. Stevenson grounded out to pitcher; llowdon grounded out; 'Winders How out to Stelgcr. ' K. F. Haydon grounded out; I Nelson fanned; Ambrose v walked; tlllplioc. bit to pitcher too hot, wild thiow to .first; Stelgcr walked, tilling bases; Motslo fanned; No hits, no runs. Fourth II. F. Hoag flics out to Noel; Ilerblg grounded out; Palmer gotH to first on Zumbrum's error; O. Arnold foulojHtut to Iloydon. K. F. Noel hit to third, safo on on or; llnum lllcs out to center; Zum hit to loft, forcing Noel at second; Zum snfo on second, wild throw over llrst; Zum scores on error at third; llnyden grounded out. One run, no hits. Fifth II. F. Stevenson files out to Ambrose on good catch; C. Arnold fanned; Cook grounded out. K. F. Nelson hit through second; Ambrose drove through third; catcher drops one, advancing both runners; Illgbeo IHcb out to loft; Nelson out on siiuecze play; Stelger puts oue' ovor tho fence, scoring Ambrose two bagger; Motsle hits for two bases to left router, scoring Stelger; Noel tiles out to center. Three hits, two runs. Sixth II. F. Uowden fans; Win ders grounds to Zuin, bad throw to llrst; Hong hits to center; Herblg grounds to Zum, forcing Winders at third; Palmer funs. One hit. (Contluued on page 4) GERMANS CHARGE ENGLAND WITH ABUSE OF FLAG COMIX HACK WITH liKVIKW OK .11.1.1 KH IH1MCV CIutk.- Alllr. Wllh VMng H-g of Xttilrnl XnliotM for Puhmmv of (Pr.namn-Paelflc ezpoiltion, iUt tht( , tlio Klamath county exhibit is better CoiiiIiIiik Kii.f..r Kubnirl-i..Jmn he expected uftcr hearing re- Whlch M-ki- It Imi-lbl.. for Hull-t"orl1'' bul thBl ll nfxC mc chancg. , t which he U working on. At present iiuiriix'M in OIimttv I'oiml I'ri'ruu-' he wants some good specimens of the lion Iii War Z"tw. I nlii'l Piv-ii Serili-w WARIHNtlTON, U. C, June 21.- Ccriunn fllvtl with the state depart ment today n note charging the' allies with illuming the American flag, tak- I. ... t. ... 1..tt.i. ulv InulnnM. t&'llliln the last six month. They k lhatt the American embassy un.ler'6' report on this. A( It has been Irarned'nuthorltatlvely that Germany asserted that the Ilrlt lnh bus imoil other noutral flags in her flue-tooth combing i') the seas for mibtiiarliKK. ' it Ik expected that Germany will lllo her answer lo the American note till nl onto In the near future. They ure taking position that such meth- 1t tt wnrtnm nn m la mnlflnir It lm. sSble to obwve o.dln.ry precau- . . tions. FRANK SAVED FROM 6ALL0WSISENAT0RS VISIT C.'OVKRXOIt SI.ATOX FINALLY' i COMMUTES SKXTKXCK TO LIFK' IMPIUSONMKNT AT IS O'CLOCK jHG.: ,.utTV TAKEX OVEU THE LAST NIGHT United l're.s Service ATLANTA. June 51. The sen-, touce of Leo M. Frank, office employe in n factory here, convicted for the murder of a girl tn the basement of the factory, and sentenced to bo bung on the gallows tomorrow, and for whom one of the greatest fights history has been waged, was commut ed to life Imprisonment by Governor Slutou last night at 12 o'clock. The govomor said In explaining his notion. "All I ask' of the people Is to read my statement, which will bo is sued Inter, and which will consider In n calm manner thu reasons given for commuting Frank's sentence. I am satisfied that I did right." Frank was taken secretely to a Mil li'dgcvllle farm at midnight, arriving nt -1 o'clock this morning. His de meanor wns calm, and hardly showed relief nt tho change of fate. Large crowds gathered nbout the Atlanta jail oarly this morning, many threats were heard and some trouble devel oped, congesting down town streets. Tho city ball and postofflco are filled with policemen ready for emergen cies. Mounted officers tried to keep the crowds moving. Ono police cap tain said: "It Is not Frank they arc talking nbout, it Is Slaton." Slaton's home Is but three miles from this city. Police Chief lleavoru has closed 220 Hnlnmi nii.l Iwontv clubs, fenrine thnl drinking would Intensify tho situation' '" ' committee, headed hero and cause violence. "" delegation and wns acccompauled by tho follewing: William P. Borland United Press Service ATLANTA. June 21. 2 P. m pollco nro on tho lookout for a largo mob of men, who are reported ap proaching Atlanta from Cobb, deter mined to wreck vengeance on Gover nor Slaton. TiMluy Irfingeiit Day of the Year From sun up to sun down the tlmo U IS hours nnd 46 minutes, tho long est day of tho year. From tomorrow on tho day 8 will begin to get shorter, and twilight of tho Indian summer, as It can bo known only in Klamath, will become one of (be scenic attrac tions of this country, KLAMATH COUNTY EXHIBIT IS GOOD HAVH lti:iOUT Ol- PHIL J. SIX XIKIT, COUNTY IIKI'flKSKNTA TIVK .T KAIH COULD UK IM ntOVKI). IIOU'KVKIt Hcportg from I'bll J. Slanott, Klam- 1,,, ,.. ' ,he j I lonKi-si annua in iiic county, ana aisn ,rnough potatoes for u good exhibit. TIip Chamber of Commerce 1 band ling then- things, and shipped out - crato of rhubaTb Saturday. Slnnott finds many inquiries con- cernlng this county, and has already hont rovcrai men nero. lie ib aimosi dally sending llsu of men whom be Interested In the county, and who,0reOI1( v,ued t c Bt ,. i,rp l""",uut ur m,,,B u nurc,llon dollars, granted'to the Oregon 4 Ins a result. One man arrived here. lasi wecK. ana spoae very lavorauiy Slnnott, using the words "the right' man in wie r.g... pmce. igouthern Pacific company, failed. It Is Slnnott Is working on several j alleged, to dispose of lands as pro changes In the booth which will add'vidcd in the grants. The court, how greatly lo its attractiveness. One Isjcvcr, granted an injunction against the replacing of some furniture used 'future violations of land under db there by a display of Indian baskets. j posal contracts, and enjoined from i which will be seen as soon as one ters from one of the entrances to the: "ulldlng. and will attract many people 'to the booth, ho states. The place is . . . . . . Fuppoeen o db used oy useo oy some nlrtiirf nf IhA Vflmi Pluh nt Pnrt. land, and 'Slnnott Is trying to obtain It for Klamath county. WATER PROJECTS KLAMATH PROJECT WITH THE VIEW OF APPROPHUTIOX FOR. ' FURTHER EXTEXSIOX WORK i ti... ..pini .-.n.. n,..ri. ,i, m ..v, A-vHa . .uaaaaas . wa- mltlfvt on nnnrnnrlfltlnns of tho honaA of renrosentativM arrived ln ih dtvl orlnri.. a...i,.. m,i j ...,- ..v. I ,n!n nvnr n,A nmi hv 'th xvr ... association in automobiles, a total ofln,b,,c on anr "," f'0"8 nlnety-threo miles being covered. Tbe,r,1nncr or el- a,waJr8 vlng route covered Included part of the,8o0d "tertalnment. Ilonanu country, part of Po. Valley., T1,e "bo- amateur' U his stage Sand Hollow, lunch being taken atit tie. and his program consists of mu the Adams ranch. From there the 8lcal numbers, impersonations and trip was made to tho Lower Klamath I march and back over the project. Itlng the various points. The committee bad telegraphed ahead that no banquets dr demonstra tions wore desired, as this trip Is a business trip alone. Many expres sions of favorable comment were mado by tho members of the commit tee, and they will take the data gath ered, using It for reference when the appropriations arc made later in con gress. The party returned "to the White Pelican early, and the special train left last night for North Yakima where they make their next stop. Itopresentntlvo Slnnott yas here and made the trip with the party, as did two representatives of tho Portland Chamber of Commerce. They left with the party. John J. F. Fitzgerald of New York, of Missouri, Josopr W. Byrne of Ten .Tne ' nessee, Charles R. Davis of Minne sota, Frederick H. unlet or Hassa- (Continued on Page 4) Help Wanted! Forty meu for box factory work July 1; two band resawyers; 3 'cut-oft men, edgerman, cleat machine man, shingle sawyer, printer man, several tie-up saw. and other skilled help, OREGON COURTS REVERSED BY . SUPREME COURT. I MM) (JIUXT CAHK IX KAVOB OF RAILROAD COMPANY ' Kuperwe Cort Rntr", Oir Dte - irirt CoorM, DewpitHrlwowldit! iwnt of Fall-re of HaUroad Com- pony lo Lire Up to Lawn Regard-1 lax IH-poul of Land Graat Made Half a CVatury Ago. Sieclal to Herald by UaJted Preaa WASHINGTON, D. C. June 21.- Tbe supreme court reversed the Ore- dgtr,ct courtg tn,g afternoon ln !the forfeituro to the rovernme&t of ,nn . ., ,.hr innrf i wtrn -,.,, ,,, n-n,j nmn.-,. h.ir -aaeaaa wsaa vvuinu aa aaaaaa , century ag0 The railroad and Its successor, the en-'sale of timber on unsold lands until congress can conserve federal Inter- (ests , STUDENT WORKS FOR EDUCATION UXIVKItMTY OK OREGON STUD KNT GI1NG ENTERTAINMENTS 4 OYER STATE TO PAY HIS WAY THROUGH COLLEGE I Ear! K. Fleiscbman, a student in ,he Unlver8lty of 0regon, traveling - er the state giving entertainments iP aid him in securing a- college adO' cation, and will appear ln Klamath Falls tomorrow night at the ChrUUan urcn. Fleiscbman was a freshman tn the University last year, and made a big bla ability to appear before the "'"""" . "-- - ls-!vclce, of ""pttonal quality, and sang .regularly In the Christian church at Kugene. The entertainment begins at S o'clock, Harvester Trust Case la Fall WASHINGTON, D. C, June 21. The supreme court today ordered that the Harvester Trust suit bo re-argued In the fall. The supreme court also revised Its ruling refusing to review the Cam mlnettl conviction. They agreed to take action also on the Dlggs case. The court adjourned today and left undecided the aHrveeter dissolution ease and the constitutionality of the Oregon women's wage law. MexifAU Reported la Bonanza, Juan Garcia, the Mexican wanted for tho stealing of $270 from a Span lard in this city one night last week, was reported to the sheriff's office to be In Bonanta. His arrest has not been reported yet. McHattan Goes to Han Francisco. T. G. McHattan left Sunday morn ing for San Francisco, where he will purchase new stock for his Jewelry store on Main street He will also visit the P. P. I. exposition whlle'ln the city. lioller Passe Examination, Word has been received In this city that Leon Boiler baa successfully passed his entrance examinations at Annapolis, and has entered, Roller Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Rol ler, formerly of this city. LAVA BED ROAD PROJECT- NOW ASSURED FACT COUNCIL OK KBOMOTKIW HELD AT CAVK :Drf - Uo. Kh U, Mm-M Five Mllee Froaa Cave awl WMfc the Dtotaare Modor Co-erfy la Ready to (to lo Work July 4 Loral Conimltiee Reaily to Take Up 8a- criptloB Uife Opralag Plaaard f , Met-tlng at Bear's Paw Cave yes terday at noon the delegations from Klamath and Modoc counties complet ed final arrangements for the com mencement of work on the Lava Beds road project, which, when completed. 1j to give Klamath county. In conjunc tion, with the Crater Lake trip, the most scenic highway In the state, vic ing with the Columbia River high way. This Is of especial importance now that a great deal of the coast auto mobile travel Is being directed up the Columbia and down the Central Oregon highway. The representatives from this city were Captain O. C. Applegate, Chas. ' H. Merrill of Merrill. John A. McCall. O. C. Applegate Jr. and Richard Olfc son. Modoc county sent C. J. fBleher. secretary of the Modoc County Good . ; Roads Association; Lester Woods, a stockholder; Geo. Courtwrlgbt sad Geo. Krezge, who are also stockhold ers. The local party left this city at C o'clock, drove the machines about five miles beyond Sam Fleeners,. walked the remaining five miles, held the consultation, visited the ice cave below Bear's Paw cave, and made the return trip to this city by o'clock, which Is almost a record trip. "Modoc county is prepared to start the work immediately following Jaly 4th, nnd this leaves It up to Klamath county," stated Captain Applegate this morning. ''We must now take up our subset Iptions an& make plans for the work. To lessen the expense we are going to-bold a big Good Roads Day. and take 100 men from this city down and work on that road, throwing out the small rokes. One day's work will practically clean thar up. Of course, other men will be put to work to take out the big rocks and loosen them up. All kinds 'Of tools will be provided for the work, and Klamath county's sixteen miles of road, much of which needs but a rako to clean it up, can be finished Modoc county expects to have .their end completed by August 1st. ' SAXTON CASE UP THIS WEEK GRAND JURY IH DRAWN AND NATURALIZATION MATTERS TAKEN UP THIS AFTERNOON. HAXTON CASE TOMORROW A grand jury was drawn this morn ing, mid will go into session immedi ately. A number of naturalisations MJJ (tapers were to be considered this af-, f ternoon In the circuit court, and the Saaton damage case Is scheduled wnn .. . ..-. ,v? .j'JMB! vxpecieii io curat? ueiure me vw,ww:y-rsx .hjr ' ;i-&rfy'is ". - " r e.jf The members of the grand JfW&j&y are R. W. Tower foreman, MrttatsV$! Spencer, Richard Breltenstela, Albert ffiT'jHi Burgdorf, rred Coleman, J, A. Qfyk';n don, C. P. Stewart. J. h, Taeem ', I appointed balllf. ,, 'AtfW u. Whiskey TreJtekeni RommI Otmrivtr- -M J. A, Cann was bouasl, cvrr5sf ,-? federal grand jury oft ll.Vff united states commwetoaer Saturday.aftemoim, aad.ta the eouaty jell.f1 J, ; ed osj the mtUMidk fiafa m - - - "; WwHRiRJ jRRJM JWea' , R rk?:3 -rsvir jtJ-H n? f ' 4 JBml aas ?1 .mi ",2V, M iiSOl m safe -M Of Ji"iS a ?$ i ftjr i ? Af, MM i. i co. VTJ r KZ I .1 ?'&. 1-1 1-.; I'-flJ ji-n'l W WSSssiiZi M-UJil